Countdown Clock to Trumps impeachment " STARTS"

UPDATED: Tuesday, March 11, 2025 14:01
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Tuesday, February 14, 2017 12:49 PM


Did Trump sanction Flynns discussions with Russia at the very time Putin was hacking us and trying to have an influence on our election? Just this morning Flynn tweeted "scapegoat"


Tuesday, February 14, 2017 12:57 PM


Hey. If you're right, enjoy President Pence. Maybe the church will be indistinguishable from the state 4 years from now. lol

Do Right, Be Right. :)

EDITED TO ADD (10/28/2019):

Figured I should add T's new "Countdown Clock to Trump Going to Jail" thread here for hilarious posterity.

It will be quite funny looking at both clocks still ticking away the seconds another 3 years from now.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017 1:46 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Hey. If you're right, enjoy President Pence. Maybe the church will be indistinguishable from the state 4 years from now. lol

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That's assuming Pence is clean. That said, while his policies are a problem I have at this point no reason to question his patriotism.



Tuesday, February 14, 2017 2:33 PM


You won't have to worry about it. Impeachment isn't going to happen.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 14, 2017 3:05 PM



Originally posted by G:
My only question is: how much bigger will the crowds be at his impeachment than at his inauguration?



Tuesday, February 21, 2017 11:21 PM


Ukraine Lawmaker Who Aided Trump Associates Faces Treason

Prosecutors in Ukraine are investigating whether a member of Parliament committed treason by working with two associates of President Trump’s to promote a plan for settling Ukraine’s conflicts with Russia.

In a court filing on Tuesday, prosecutors accused the lawmaker, Andrii V. Artemenko, of conspiring with Russia to commit “subversive acts against Ukraine,” in particular by advancing a proposal that could “legitimize the temporary occupation” of the Crimean peninsula. Russia forcibly annexed the peninsula in 2014, a step that Ukraine, the United States and other governments have refused to recognize; Mr. Artemenko said his proposal would allow Ukraine to formally cede control of the territory to Russia, at least temporarily.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 12:45 AM



Mr. Artemenko, a little-known politician who has tried to brand himself as a Trump-style populist, has not been arrested or formally charged with a crime.

Get back to me when there is some actual news.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:50 AM


rezident owtsidr


Originally posted by G:
My only question is: how much bigger will the crowds be at his impeachment than at his inauguration?

BIGGEST. AUDIENS. EVAR. Let me tell you, you wont believe it incredible believe me terrrific ratingz.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 7:39 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Get back to me when there is some actual news.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

How about this old news? Trump’s tragic mistake was choosing a competent Vice President. The contrast between Pence and Trump is Trump's biggest problem.

Congressional Republicans can get everything they want from V.P. Mike Pence without any of the incompetence that comes with Trump. Bill Clinton came close to be removed from the White House over the Monica Lewinsky affair, but was only saved by Republicans being a minority: The perjury charge was defeated with 55 "not guilty" votes and 45 "guilty" votes. On the obstruction-of-justice article, the chamber was evenly split, 50-50. Well, Republicans aren't in the minority any more. And Pence is really appealing compared to Trump.

It does not matter what the trivial criminal charge is against Trump, every Democratic Senator would vote against him. Most Republican Senators would vote to remove Trump, too, if he screws up to the level of the Monica Lewinsky affair.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 10:19 AM


Great point SECOND. I am completely confident that the house and senate republicans would much rather have Pence at the top. Given enough cover ( depending on what Trump does ), I think they would impeach him in a heart beat. Furthermore, I believe if they see a disaster coming, like a war or Trump being blackmailed by Putin, they themselves will be desperate to find a way to do it.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Get back to me when there is some actual news.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

How about this old news? Trump’s tragic mistake was choosing a competent Vice President. The contrast between Pence and Trump is Trump's biggest problem.

Congressional Republicans can get everything they want from V.P. Mike Pence without any of the incompetence that comes with Trump. Bill Clinton came close to be removed from the White House over the Monica Lewinsky affair, but was only saved by Republicans being a minority: The perjury charge was defeated with 55 "not guilty" votes and 45 "guilty" votes. On the obstruction-of-justice article, the chamber was evenly split, 50-50. Well, Republicans aren't in the minority any more. And Pence is really appealing compared to Trump.

It does not matter what the trivial criminal charge is against Trump, every Democratic Senator would vote against him. Most Republican Senators would vote to remove Trump, too, if he screws up to the level of the Monica Lewinsky affair.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:03 AM


THGRRI posts yet another Commie Crazy editorial hit piece on Trump trying to link him with "Ukraine Lawmaker Who Aided Trump Associates Faces Treason "...

I point out that the story, half-way down, says that he has not been arrested or charged with anything and ask for him to get back to me when there is actual, yanno, news.....

Second comes in and says "how's my opinion for news"?

THGRRI likes that "news".

Yep. It must be Wednesday morning in the RWED.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Second comes in and says "how's my opinion for news"?

THGRRI likes that "news".

Yep. It must be Wednesday morning in the RWED.

Trump should have picked his V.P. from the people he has fired from the White House. If Congressional Republicans had to choose between either keeping Trump or elevating to the Presidency the Vice-President Michael T. Flynn, a famous doofus, Trump would be perfectly safe from being tossed out by Congress. But Trump goofed and picked a competent V.P. Mike Pence who would be dignified, unlike Trump, yet very able, unlike Trump, to perform the duties of a President. And as a bonus, unlike Trump, Mike Pence made his tax returns available. No skeletons in Pence's IRS closet. Trump can't say that about his closet.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:13 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
THGRRI posts yet another Commie Crazy editorial hit piece on Trump trying to link him with "Ukraine Lawmaker Who Aided Trump Associates Faces Treason "...

I point out that the story, half-way down, says that he has not been arrested or charged with anything and ask for him to get back to me when there is actual, yanno, news.....

Second comes in and says "how's my opinion for news"?

THGRRI likes that "news".

Yep. It must be Wednesday morning in the RWED.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Excuse me Jack but the story starts stating " Prosecutors in Ukraine are investigating whether a member of Parliament committed treason." Key word, investigating Jack.

I posted it because Trumps lawyer is being investigated for the same thing. He supposedly was the Ukrainian's contact here. Key word, supposedly Jack.

Key word as to why they are being investigated? Russia Jack

When you read articles Jack, try and understand what they are saying and why. As for whether or not this news pleased me you couldn't be more wrong. My president having these type contacts with Russia is very troubling to me. This has nothing to do with Trump except that he is my president.

And lets face it Jack, unless you like who is the president, you don't consider them your president.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:30 AM


The title of your article says he's facing treason. Doesn't say "treason charges". It says facing treason, as if he's already guilty.

Sure, the very first sentence says some prosecutors are investigating, but the title of the article from a biased source is another headline meant to rile more anti-Trump people like you.

The words investigating as well as accused are used. It goes on, as I pointed out to say that no criminal charges have been filed and he has not been arrested. So no, he is not facing treason. He is not even facing treason charges.

He also said that this investigation is politically motivated. He also is not afraid of it and said he's not going anywhere and will meet with the investigators to explain his position.

At the very base of the story is the fact that this isn't a land grab, or at least an outright land grab. Since you obviously have a great deal of faith in Russia's ability to compromise other countries elections, I can see how you think that it is even though his proposal was to put this to a vote. Even then, this is a vote to lease the peninsula to Russia for 50-100 years. Lease being the key word.

This story was taking the art of making Russian ties to Trump to the extreme, and is based off of nothing when you actually read it. Read it again. There's nothing there. You can do better.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:43 AM



Mmm. so tasty.

No, be a good little sockpuppet.

But it's so fun... we wants it... Must troll...


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Second comes in and says "how's my opinion for news"?

THGRRI likes that "news".

Yep. It must be Wednesday morning in the RWED.

Sumptin' else.

Come 'on, that was genuinely funny. Should be greeted with a touché

Not saying you're wrong, 'cause yer not. But why so serious all the time?


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 11:48 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

This story was taking the art of making Russian ties to Trump to the extreme, and is based off of nothing when you actually read it. Read it again. There's nothing there. You can do better.

All these Trump/Russia stories could be put to rest if only Trump would cooperate, but he won't. There are so many questions Trump won't answer, so if he won't help with the answers this will drag on for years.

The questions center on three big, but fundamentally unproven, allegations: that Trump is on the take from Russia, that he is somehow exposed to Russian blackmail material, that his campaign actively collaborated with the Russian government during the 2016 campaign, or some combination of the above.

The evidence for those explosive charges is thin.

What we have instead are a lot of small, unanswered questions. Questions about Flynn’s behavior and the circumstances of his firing. Questions about the behavior of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort and the circumstances of his firing. Questions about enigmatic remarks made by longtime Trump associate and veteran political operative Roger Stone. Questions about an obscure American businessman named Carter Page who maybe — or maybe not — worked for some time with the Trump campaign.

But there are also longstanding questions about the opaque financing of the Trump Organization, and about why its founder and owner has been so reluctant to engage in normal levels of financial disclosure. And most of all, there are questions about Trump’s highly unorthodox attitudes toward Russia, its government, and its leader, Vladimir Putin.

Here, in convenient list form, are the 30 small questions and three big ones about Donald Trump and Russia:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 2:23 PM



No, they won't. Trump's enemies aren't attacking him because of Russia or because they have a point. They're doing it because they're not in power.

There's nothing wrong with being pro-Russia. US presidents have been absurdly pro-Germany and insanely pro-China, and pro-israel, pro-saudi. I don't have an issue with pro-russia. I worry about anti-mexico


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 2:38 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

No, they won't. Trump's enemies aren't attacking him because of Russia or because they have a point. They're doing it because they're not in power.

It is not about them; it's about Trump.

Trump held a press conference to lash the media for its coverage of his presidency. It is worth establishing a basic fact about Trump: He has received mostly negative media coverage because he is running a chaotic, leaky, and ineffective administration. The press corps would breathe a great sigh of relief if they felt able to cover Trump more normally — an impulse you can see in the overwhelmingly positive coverage that Trump gets when he reads a clear speech off a teleprompter or names a qualified candidate like Gen. Jim Mattis to his Cabinet or Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster his new national security adviser.

Trump is a fuck-up and he needs to get more control of himself and his loud mouth. When he does, most of his problems go away. When he acts like a jack-ass, his problems multiply.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:48 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
The title of your article says he's facing treason. Doesn't say "treason charges". It says facing treason, as if he's already guilty.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Shit Jack, they lay out good reasons as to why. Besides, the tile is meant to draw the reader in. It's not outrageous. I've watched you place your stamp of approval on outright lies here Jack. Over and over again. If its from the far right you accept it at face value; always Jack always. Don't bother me with stupid shit.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 3:53 PM


Read what SECOND posts again DREAMTROVE. It's right on the money. Too many here see only a far left conspiracy. Therefore they see nothing as being legit when it comes to criticisms of Trump. They can only be described as drones, not as free thinkers. Are you a drone DREAMTROVE?


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

No, they won't. Trump's enemies aren't attacking him because of Russia or because they have a point. They're doing it because they're not in power.

It is not about them; it's about Trump.

Trump held a press conference to lash the media for its coverage of his presidency. It is worth establishing a basic fact about Trump: He has received mostly negative media coverage because he is running a chaotic, leaky, and ineffective administration. The press corps would breathe a great sigh of relief if they felt able to cover Trump more normally — an impulse you can see in the overwhelmingly positive coverage that Trump gets when he reads a clear speech off a teleprompter or names a qualified candidate like Gen. Jim Mattis to his Cabinet or Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster his new national security adviser.

Trump is a fuck-up and he needs to get more control of himself and his loud mouth. When he does, most of his problems go away. When he acts like a jack-ass, his problems multiply.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:00 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Don't bother me with stupid shit.

lol... That's exactly what I was already telling you. I was just using my Big Words.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:01 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Don't bother me with stupid shit.

lol... That's exactly what I was already telling you. I was just using my Big Words.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Your opinion of yourself far exceeds your actual talents.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:04 PM



Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 4:04 PM



Originally posted by second:

Trump: He has received mostly negative media coverage because he is running a chaotic, leaky, and ineffective administration.

Not drinking that. They were already the most negative they had been before he was even elected.

Enough operative. I'm not a Trump supporter, but no way am I going to dwell on this. Election over. Moving on. Go ahead, impeach him, let's have a civil war. Install the unaccountable deep state coup and have Chuck Schumer create an intelligence panel to control CIA, NSA and JSOC, and go to war, and watch him put Hillary in charge of this new shadow govt. Sure, let's have a military police state. These are great ideas. They work well for Kim Jong Un. They're doing okay for ISIS. Make it happen. Just let me move first.

My plan? run a better candidate in four years. Maybe start some sort of media group before then that doesn't insult the president so that it has some influence. But enough with the crazy and the Clintonista.


Second. I've only been back a week and already I'm not reading THGRRI's posts, like, at all. This is what is happening to the left protests, it's what's happening to the left media. It's what will happen to everyone who keeps on in this vain. Complaining does not lead to a solution. It leads to you silencing yourself. Sure, there are complaints to be made, and will be, but who will ever hear those complaints in this din of negativity? Not Trump. Not me. No one, that's who. No one will hear it, because they will have tuned it out long ago, much like you, I and everyone not on the far right tuned out Rush Limbaugh, and everyone not on the far left tuned out Bill Maher.

People who have an audience only of people who agree with them have no advantage outside of the ability to sell corporate products, and that's what they do, whether it's koolaid or candidates.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:12 PM


Big problem with your post DREAMTROVE. While I'll admit the press mostly dislikes Trump, reporting the truth is not considered a negative by those seeking the truth. And that's when those who are not start freaking out.

NO worries here if you don't respond to what I post. Everyone here gets to read what I post and make a determination of who's wrong. That satisfies me.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by second:

Trump: He has received mostly negative media coverage because he is running a chaotic, leaky, and ineffective administration.

Not drinking that. They were already the most negative they had been before he was even elected.

Enough operative. I'm not a Trump supporter, but no way am I going to dwell on this. Election over. Moving on. Go ahead, impeach him, let's have a civil war. Install the unaccountable deep state coup and have Chuck Schumer create an intelligence panel to control CIA, NSA and JSOC, and go to war, and watch him put Hillary in charge of this new shadow govt. Sure, let's have a military police state. These are great ideas. They work well for Kim Jong Un. They're doing okay for ISIS. Make it happen. Just let me move first.

My plan? run a better candidate in four years. Maybe start some sort of media group before then that doesn't insult the president so that it has some influence. But enough with the crazy and the Clintonista.


Second. I've only been back a week and already I'm not reading THGRRI's posts, like, at all. This is what is happening to the left protests, it's what's happening to the left media. It's what will happen to everyone who keeps on in this vain. Complaining does not lead to a solution. It leads to you silencing yourself. Sure, there are complaints to be made, and will be, but who will ever hear those complaints in this din of negativity? Not Trump. Not me. No one, that's who. No one will hear it, because they will have tuned it out long ago, much like you, I and everyone not on the far right tuned out Rush Limbaugh, and everyone not on the far left tuned out Bill Maher.

People who have an audience only of people who agree with them have no advantage outside of the ability to sell corporate products, and that's what they do, whether it's koolaid or candidates.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:28 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Big problem with your post DREAMTROVE.

Yeah, I read stuff that is addressed to me. I don't read people talking to hear themselves or collect followers who sound like campaign posters.

MSM already dishes out tons of it, and I don't read that either.

There's three positions THGRRI. Left, Right and Open-minded.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:31 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Ever heard the phrase “When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout”? I’m seeing more people all the time running in circles. They can’t move in a straight line toward a goal. It is as if they’ve got one shoe nailed to the ground. Life for those circling the drain is one frustration after another and they’re unaware of how silly they look, with only one leg propelling them. I see similar behavior from Trump. People close to him are aware of it, but not Trump. He feels frustration and anger that he is not getting what he wants. He expresses that on twitter and in unscripted speeches:

The key to keeping Trump’s Twitter habit under control, according to six former campaign officials, is to ensure that his personal media consumption includes a steady stream of praise. And when no such praise was to be found, staff would turn to friendly outlets to drum some up — and make sure it made its way to Trump’s desk....A former senior campaign official said Nunberg and his successor, former communications director Jason Miller, were particularly skilled at using alternative media like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Fox News, Infowars and the Daily Caller to show Trump positive coverage.

The people who run in circles want Trump to guide them straight. I don’t think he can do it, even from the White House. The argument that government competence is necessary for Trump to make things better is an argument made by people who have tried do good things in government without destroying institutions. Those people are deeply impressed by how difficult it is to improve the world through government. But they haven’t had the experience of just trying to destroy things or ratchet up tension. Their lived experience may not apply to the things Trump wants to do. Trump’s wants do not really require competence. Lucky for Trump. Next terror incident (we’re only into day 32 of Trump) he’ll do a Trump Smash. It’s like a Hulk Smash, but not as carefully planned as the Hulk’s. On that day I do hope Mike Pence is around to talk sense into Trump.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I'm not a Trump supporter, but no way am I going to dwell on this. Election over. Moving on. Go ahead, impeach him, let's have a civil war. Install the unaccountable deep state coup and have Chuck Schumer create an intelligence panel to control CIA, NSA and JSOC, and go to war, and watch him put Hillary in charge of this new shadow govt. Sure, let's have a military police state. These are great ideas. They work well for Kim Jong Un. They're doing okay for ISIS. Make it happen. Just let me move first.

My plan? run a better candidate in four years. Maybe start some sort of media group before then that doesn't insult the president so that it has some influence. But enough with the crazy and the Clintonista.


Second. I've only been back a week and already I'm not reading THGRRI's posts, like, at all. This is what is happening to the left protests, it's what's happening to the left media. It's what will happen to everyone who keeps on in this vain. Complaining does not lead to a solution. It leads to you silencing yourself. Sure, there are complaints to be made, and will be, but who will ever hear those complaints in this din of negativity? Not Trump. Not me. No one, that's who. No one will hear it, because they will have tuned it out long ago, much like you, I and everyone not on the far right tuned out Rush Limbaugh, and everyone not on the far left tuned out Bill Maher.

People who have an audience only of people who agree with them have no advantage outside of the ability to sell corporate products, and that's what they do, whether it's koolaid or candidates.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 5:38 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Big problem with your post DREAMTROVE.

Yeah, I read stuff that is addressed to me. I don't read people talking to hear themselves or collect followers who sound like campaign posters.

MSM already dishes out tons of it, and I don't read that either.

There's three positions THGRRI. Left, Right and Open-minded.

And those who post honestly get a free ride from me. Those who don't, don't. Anyone who disregards all the crap that comes out of Trumps mouth along with his complete lack of understanding of what's going on in the world, i.e., who or our allies are who works against our interests, is not as you say, open-minded. I don't go tit for tat with Ideologies. Only with facts. Deal in facts and I will discuss your posts, not just point out that they are closed minded. Trump gets all the negative press he gets because he confused and thrives on Chaos. It's a self-inflicted wound.

SECOND nailed it and you missed it by a mile.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 6:10 PM


lol. See what I mean DT.

THGRRI has already told us how he is completely non-partisan and he simply holds a monopoly on the truth.

I think I'm going to take back my defense of his character when Sigs called him a troll and start ignoring him like you do.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 22, 2017 6:13 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
lol. See what I mean DT.

THGRRI has already told us how he is completely non-partisan and he simply holds a monopoly on the truth.

I think I'm going to take back my defense of his character when Sigs called him a troll and start ignoring him like you do.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Nope Jack wrong again. What I said was you are not. Big difference and that's what's wrong with you; tunnel vision.



Wednesday, February 22, 2017 6:20 PM



Originally posted by second:
Ever heard the phrase “When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout”? I’m seeing more people all the time running in circles. They can’t move in a straight line toward a goal. It is as if they’ve got one shoe nailed to the ground. Life for those circling the drain is one frustration after another and they’re unaware of how silly they look, with only one leg propelling them. I see similar behavior from Trump. People close to him are aware of it, but not Trump. He feels frustration and anger that he is not getting what he wants. He expresses that on twitter and in unscripted speeches:

The key to keeping Trump’s Twitter habit under control, according to six former campaign officials, is to ensure that his personal media consumption includes a steady stream of praise. And when no such praise was to be found, staff would turn to friendly outlets to drum some up — and make sure it made its way to Trump’s desk....A former senior campaign official said Nunberg and his successor, former communications director Jason Miller, were particularly skilled at using alternative media like Breitbart, Washington Examiner, Fox News, Infowars and the Daily Caller to show Trump positive coverage.

The people who run in circles want Trump to guide them straight. I don’t think he can do it, even from the White House. The argument that government competence is necessary for Trump to make things better is an argument made by people who have tried do good things in government without destroying institutions. Those people are deeply impressed by how difficult it is to improve the world through government. But they haven’t had the experience of just trying to destroy things or ratchet up tension. Their lived experience may not apply to the things Trump wants to do. Trump’s wants do not really require competence. Lucky for Trump. Next terror incident (we’re only into day 32 of Trump) he’ll do a Trump Smash. It’s like a Hulk Smash, but not as carefully planned as the Hulk’s. On that day I do hope Mike Pence is around to talk sense into Trump.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

I'm not a Trump supporter, but no way am I going to dwell on this. Election over. Moving on. Go ahead, impeach him, let's have a civil war. Install the unaccountable deep state coup and have Chuck Schumer create an intelligence panel to control CIA, NSA and JSOC, and go to war, and watch him put Hillary in charge of this new shadow govt. Sure, let's have a military police state. These are great ideas. They work well for Kim Jong Un. They're doing okay for ISIS. Make it happen. Just let me move first.

My plan? run a better candidate in four years. Maybe start some sort of media group before then that doesn't insult the president so that it has some influence. But enough with the crazy and the Clintonista.


Second. I've only been back a week and already I'm not reading THGRRI's posts, like, at all. This is what is happening to the left protests, it's what's happening to the left media. It's what will happen to everyone who keeps on in this vain. Complaining does not lead to a solution. It leads to you silencing yourself. Sure, there are complaints to be made, and will be, but who will ever hear those complaints in this din of negativity? Not Trump. Not me. No one, that's who. No one will hear it, because they will have tuned it out long ago, much like you, I and everyone not on the far right tuned out Rush Limbaugh, and everyone not on the far left tuned out Bill Maher.

People who have an audience only of people who agree with them have no advantage outside of the ability to sell corporate products, and that's what they do, whether it's koolaid or candidates.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Okay, I'll bite. Trump is watching TV and all a-twitter. If so, then who's in the drivers seat?


Thursday, February 23, 2017 11:06 AM




Okay, I'll bite. Trump is watching TV and all a-twitter. If so, then who's in the drivers seat?




Thursday, February 23, 2017 11:43 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SOCKPUPPET:


Okay, I'll bite. Trump is watching TV and all a-twitter. If so, then who's in the drivers seat?

Trump, obviously. The best analogy about Trump being in the driver's seat would be Trump is driving an 18 wheeler and he keeps running his big rig over the curb when he turns a corner. And don't ask Trump to drive his truck backwards. He does not understand that the steering wheel is turned right to get the trailer to go left. Trump is completely confused with how to steer the government, as he would be confused driving an 18 wheeler. Straight ahead is the only thing he can do.

And please don't ask Trump to read a highway map printed on paper. It would be incomprehensible to him. Hopefully the police will arrest him for speed violations.

The thing Trump would be really good at as a Trucker? Talking on citizen band radio!

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Thursday, February 23, 2017 3:24 PM


The conventional wisdom here is that it's a tug of war between Pence, Bannon, and Ivanka, unless you want the antisemitic redux, and then it's Israel, Breitbart and Kushner.

I think if Breitbart had that much power, Milo wouldn't have just gotten the ax. Ivanka has his ear, and Pence has everyone else's. Still, I suspect he trusts his daughter more. I think Bannon will get the propaganda end, to pull the strings and make the Donald say unimaginably stupid drivel, and Pence will make all the energy deals for industry at the expense of everyone, and Ivanka will end up in charge of everything else.

Unless there's a deep state coup.

Here's what to look for:

If control over JSOC, et al., is transferred away from Trump & Mattis, that's a coup.


Thursday, February 23, 2017 4:38 PM



Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:
The conventional wisdom here is that it's a tug of war between Pence, Bannon, and Ivanka, unless you want the antisemitic redux, and then it's Israel, Breitbart and Kushner.

I think if Breitbart had that much power, Milo wouldn't have just gotten the ax. Ivanka has his ear, and Pence has everyone else's. Still, I suspect he trusts his daughter more. I think Bannon will get the propaganda end, to pull the strings and make the Donald say unimaginably stupid drivel, and Pence will make all the energy deals for industry at the expense of everyone, and Ivanka will end up in charge of everything else.

Unless there's a deep state coup.

Here's what to look for:

If control over JSOC, et al., is transferred away from Trump & Mattis, that's a coup.

There's no way to survive supporting a pedophile. It's the bad news story that keeps on giving. I don't think Milo's going reflects on Brannon's place of authority in the White House.

A deep state coup doesn't happen in America. They tried that with Clinton and his ratings amongst the populist went up. The American people don't like others unfairly taking down someone they voted for. If Trump goes he will have had to do something even the Republicans cannot defend him against. If power shifts amongst his advisors it will be because the structure as it is isn't working.



Thursday, February 23, 2017 4:43 PM


Funny thing is, They seeem up for it


Thursday, February 23, 2017 10:25 PM


rezident owtsidr

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Friday, February 24, 2017 9:56 AM


Lol. And if you can't trust Wolf Blitzer, who can you trust?

Okay, bring back the Pirate News. I feel the credibility gap widening.


Friday, February 24, 2017 10:24 AM


If someone thinks a picture of a few hundred or even a thousand protesters implies a good chance Milo will be redeemed in the eyes of the public, someone is kidding themselves. Every time he has an event where he speaks his detractors are going to chant pedophile. Besides, there's no story of who is protesting and why. Are you sure that's not a crowd at an anti Trump rally?

Cites please...

Also, Bill Maher is guilty of saying the same thing as Milo and is having to answer for that now. The difference is that it is very conceivable that Milo acted out himself with minors.



Friday, February 24, 2017 11:36 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
If someone thinks a picture of a few hundred or even a thousand protesters implies a good chance Milo will be redeemed in the eyes of the public, someone is kidding themselves. Every time he has an event where he speaks his detractors are going to chant pedophile. Besides, there's no story of who is protesting and why. Are you sure that's not a crowd at an anti Trump rally?

Cites please...

Also, Bill Maher is guilty of saying the same thing as Milo and is having to answer for that now. The difference is that it is very conceivable that Milo acted out himself with minors.


It's actually the anti-Milo protest. I meant, look, millions of people want to overthrow democracy just because Trump won. Oh well, so much for the "they would never do that theory."

CPAC dug up the Maher footage to doom Milo, that's openly known, as is the Milo-Pence feud. That it splashes back and hit's Maher, that's life. Will it doom Milo? I doubt it.

Look back at my rant threads against Milo to see where I stand on that.


Friday, February 24, 2017 12:27 PM


No way to derive any of what you say here from the picture. As for Milo, you won’t find were I criticized you for defending him. Only that I think his career is in more trouble than your post suggested. In the current news was the first I heard of Maher’s indiscretions. I have never liked him. His views are too extreme and he’s so smug about it.

As for Trump and people wanting him impeached. There are always those in both parties that make false claims about Presidents right out of the gate. That will never change. About Trump, I have always complained about too much outsourcing. The destruction of our rule of law with all the illegals. Not just by coming here but in ways never discussed. What it did and does to lower wages in this country. There are also other things Trump touched on I liked hearing. That’s the problem with a presidential candidate and now President spreading a populist message. But in this country especially it means trouble again for our rule of law. As well as the erosion of our moral base. Then there is the fact that the guy is classless.

Trump has been shown to be a corrupt business man who demeans all of our democrat institutions. The media, judicial, house and senate, you name it. Along with that, he picked senseless fights with our allies and undermined NATO. All of which is what, Putin’s agenda.

Trump has shown himself to be clueless when it comes to the current structure of the world order. Or how to play in it to our advantage. Now, when you add that to the fact that many including myself believe he will break the law sooner rather than later, impeachment seems plausible to us.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
If someone thinks a picture of a few hundred or even a thousand protesters implies a good chance Milo will be redeemed in the eyes of the public, someone is kidding themselves. Every time he has an event where he speaks his detractors are going to chant pedophile. Besides, there's no story of who is protesting and why. Are you sure that's not a crowd at an anti Trump rally?

Cites please...

Also, Bill Maher is guilty of saying the same thing as Milo and is having to answer for that now. The difference is that it is very conceivable that Milo acted out himself with minors.


It's actually the anti-Milo protest. I meant, look, millions of people want to overthrow democracy just because Trump won. Oh well, so much for the "they would never do that theory."

CPAC dug up the Maher footage to doom Milo, that's openly known, as is the Milo-Pence feud. That it splashes back and hit's Maher, that's life. Will it doom Milo? I doubt it.

Look back at my rant threads against Milo to see where I stand on that.



Friday, February 24, 2017 1:39 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Today, Trump gave a speech to the Conservative Political Action Conference that only deepened the questions around Trump and Russia.

He denounced the Washington Post reporting that led to National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s firing, for example, as having been based on fake sources. But if the sources were fake, then why did he fire Flynn?

Then he specifically denounced the whole idea of stories based on anonymous sources. But just hours ago, the Trump White House held an anonymous briefing with senior White House officials to deny reports that Chief of Staff Reince Priebus had made improper contact with the FBI regarding the investigation of Trump and Russia.

Questions about what exactly is going on here won’t stop until the White House allows a thorough and independent investigation.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 25, 2017 4:20 AM


Nope... Vox isn't News either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 25, 2017 7:49 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Nope... Vox isn't News either.

One way to stop Trump from rewriting his true personal history would be to get it on paper as it happens and then lock the paper in a place where Trump can't get to it. That is why Trump is against newspapers. Or the news in general. Instead of news, Trump loves propaganda he can rewrite on a daily basis. He really hates his actual past, doesn't he? He can't stop talking about it because the way it was written down on paper by the news is different than the way he claims it to be now and in the future. Typical super salesmen continuously alters history until they have a version that will help them close the sale. It is a trick that only works on people that are below average in memory -- which is half the people you know, including yourself, 6ix. Salesmen who want to get rich don't waste time trying to sell to every person in the country, just the easiest half.

Because newspapers are in the memory business, expect newsstands to be stocked with some grim and melancholy covers. Because Trump is selling amnestia, expect him to attack the newspapers.

Here’s a selection:

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 25, 2017 8:10 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by G:

It's not unreasonable to think if he continues on this path it will get even worse. It's early - but I believe he will hang himself eventually. I think it's up to how much the traditional conservatives hate him.

53% of Americans agreed Congress should investigate contact between Russia and President Donald Trump's inner circle believed to have happened before the election.

The Republican Congressional majority does NOT want to investigate. They think that if they stall long enough Americans will forget about Trump. But Trump keeps unwisely reminding Americans why they should not forget.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 25, 2017 8:23 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

Trump would not be US president without the votes of many, including Obamacare enrollees and immigrants, who are likely to find themselves worse off because of his policies. To some Democrat supporters, this widespread voting against self-interests can seem impossible to understand. It makes perfect sense to Molly Crockett, a neuroscientist and experimental psychologist at Oxford University.

Crockett studies the psychology and has found that, rather than accept what they see as an unfair deal, people will often choose to punish others—even at a personal cost to themselves. This desire to punish, she believes, can motivate those who feel they’re getting a bad deal to vote against the political establishment, regardless of whether the alternative is truly a better option.

A classic way of studying the human desire to punish is through lab variations of the “ultimatum game.” In this set-up, one player is given money and has the option of splitting it with a second player. That second player can accept the portion of money offered or reject it. If they reject it, neither player gets a penny.

This experiment has been studied for close to 40 years and researchers have found that if the first player offers the second less than 30% of the total sum, most second players will see that as an unfair deal and reject it. They’ll forgo all money themselves in order to punish the first player.

Crockett sees the popular support for Trump and Brexit as real-world examples of the punishing behavior she observes in the lab.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Saturday, February 25, 2017 9:12 AM



Originally posted by G:

Millions of people don't want to overthrow democracy. They want Trump impeached. I believe that is part of democracy. He was not a popular vote election winner.

Unfortunately for them, he is. Because Wikileaks. Smartmatic. Sanders. Venezuela. Chavez. China. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown. Soros.

Use the google. That's far too much information to ask someone source just because some reader doesn't know. Everyone knows how to use the internet.

Because of cheating Bernie, she became our candidate, tried to cheat Trump, did cheat, but lost. We lost that election 59:41, because we had a traitor as a candidate.

If people love democracy, why weren't they up in arms over Sanders' defeat? It was a known fraud long before the election.

Not, mind you, that I love Sanders. Look at my years on the board decrying the evils of socialism, National Socialism, Soviet Socialism, Maoist Socialism, and all of their little spinoffs. In like 100 threads.

But I voted for him anyway, because I think he told the truth.

2nd, 6,

Ivanka is married to a Russian. That's all the connection you need. Okay, he's a pro-Russian president, like GHW Bush, FDR, and most of the people before him.


Saturday, February 25, 2017 9:21 AM


OK too much to unravel there. Some makes no sense, some is untrue and some is. And people did raise a stink about what happened to Sanders. Many decided not to vote and stayed home. I heard it discussed in the press all the time.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

Originally posted by G:

Millions of people don't want to overthrow democracy. They want Trump impeached. I believe that is part of democracy. He was not a popular vote election winner.

Unfortunately for them, he is. Because Wikileaks. Smartmatic. Sanders. Venezuela. Chavez. China. Lord Mark Malloch-Brown. Soros.

Use the google. That's far too much information to ask someone source just because some reader doesn't know. Everyone knows how to use the internet.

Because of cheating Bernie, she became our candidate, tried to cheat Trump, did cheat, but lost. We lost that election 59:41, because we had a traitor as a candidate.

If people love democracy, why weren't they up in arms over Sanders' defeat? It was a known fraud long before the election.

Not, mind you, that I love Sanders. Look at my years on the board decrying the evils of socialism, National Socialism, Soviet Socialism, Maoist Socialism, and all of their little spinoffs. In like 100 threads.

But I voted for him anyway, because I think he told the truth.

2nd, 6,

Ivanka is married to a Russian. That's all the connection you need. Okay, he's a pro-Russian president, like GHW Bush, FDR, and most of the people before him.



Saturday, February 25, 2017 10:03 AM



He made it there without my vote.
There's a simpler answer: we had a terrible candidate.

Si Shen, ??

A protest would have been more to the point. Karmically, it cost us the election. Not the fact that I didn't vote for HRC, because that would have been a disaster. But why even protest so you can get HRC? I didn't vote for Trump, but even I can see that he's closer to Sanders than Clinton is. But we can do better. And should. Which means try harder, and don't let someone steal your nomination, and don't for the love of God, blame Russia for what's clearly our own damned fault.

Also, nice way to Snopes my post "not true," "partly true." Ya pick that one up from Trump in the debates?


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Whoa. Too much. Makes no sense. Wrong. Partially wrong. Totally wrong. Ya fired!
People rose a stink about Sanders. It was yuge! I heard it. Second heard it.
Discussed all over the press. All the time. @failing NYT

There, fixed that for ya


Saturday, February 25, 2017 10:18 AM


I see you too think it is OK to quote something after changing the content, and therefor its context, very sad. What I meant by wrong was your input about Burnie, and I stated as much. There was a big stink about what the DNC did to him, and still is. That's only a difference of opinion.

Second, I voted for Hilary because and only because, Trump was a nightmare.

And lastly, Some of your post, especially the first part, was as though you were speaking to a post gone by and not what you quoted. Sort of like posting a picture after what's posted above that does nothing but confuse.

You take offense way to easily and it shows in the way you responded to me.

The Reaper yes. I saw what was going on in Real World Thread and was pushed to be very clear. Truth will be met with truth, and that I would respond to trolls harshly. That's because with my very first post came the attacks and his friends followed suite.


Originally posted by DREAMTROVE:

He made it there without my vote.
There's a simpler answer: we had a terrible candidate.

Si Shen, ??

A protest would have been more to the point. Karmically, it cost us the election. Not the fact that I didn't vote for HRC, because that would have been a disaster. But why even protest so you can get HRC? I didn't vote for Trump, but even I can see that he's closer to Sanders than Clinton is. But we can do better. And should. Which means try harder, and don't let someone steal your nomination, and don't for the love of God, blame Russia for what's clearly our own damned fault.

Also, nice way to Snopes my post "not true," "partly true." Ya pick that one up from Trump in the debates?


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Whoa. Too much. Makes no sense. Wrong. Partially wrong. Totally wrong. Ya fired!
People rose a stink about Sanders. It was yuge! I heard it. Second heard it.
Discussed all over the press. All the time. @failing NYT

There, fixed that for ya







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