new deadly human-to-human-transmissible coronavirus emerges out of China

UPDATED: Thursday, September 5, 2024 19:55
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Wednesday, September 23, 2020 3:26 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have been wondering what effect the travel rate of Americans has had on the caseload, the rate of infection.

I'll post some lists to ruminate on.

Rank Country Value Year
1 United States 889,022,000.00 2018
2 China 611,439,800.00 2018
3 Ireland 167,598,600.00 2018
4 United Kingdom 165,388,600.00 2018
5 India 164,035,600.00 2018
6 Japan 126,387,500.00 2018
7 Turkey 115,595,500.00 2018
8 Indonesia 115,154,100.00 2018
9 Germany 109,796,200.00 2018
10 Brazil 102,110,000.00 2018
11 Russia 99,327,310.00 2018
12 United Arab Emirates 95,533,070.00 2018
13 Canada 89,380,000.00 2018
14 Korea 88,157,580.00 2018
15 Spain 80,672,100.00 2018
16 Thailand 76,053,040.00 2018
17 Australia 75,667,650.00 2018
18 France 70,188,030.00 2018
19 Mexico 64,569,640.00 2018
20 Malaysia 60,481,770.00 2018
21 Hong Kong SAR, China 47,101,820.00 2018
22 Vietnam 47,049,670.00 2018
23 Netherlands 43,996,040.00 2018
24 Philippines 43,080,120.00 2018
25 Singapore 40,401,520.00 2018
26 Saudi Arabia 39,141,660.00 2018
27 Colombia 33,704,040.00 2018
28 Hungary 31,226,850.00 2018
29 Qatar 29,178,920.00 2018
30 Switzerland 28,857,990.00 2018
31 Italy 27,630,440.00 2018
32 Iran 25,604,870.00 2018
33 South Africa 23,921,750.00 2018
34 Chile 19,517,180.00 2018
35 Argentina 18,081,940.00 2018
36 Peru 17,758,530.00 2018
37 Portugal 17,367,960.00 2018
38 New Zealand 17,249,050.00 2018
39 Greece 15,125,930.00 2018
40 Belgium 13,639,490.00 2018

Wow, I did not realize how fitting this info was. USA is 5 times the air travel rate as the 3rd ranked. China and USA are alone in the stratosphere above the next plateau of 3.

USA also has large domestic air travel, while Wuhan air travel was locked down to anywhere within China, but Wuhan to the rest of the world was continued and encouraged.

This really seems to far more relevant to the case rate and spread in US, compared to all of these other pretexts.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020 4:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I'd appreciate a name to track this down in all its finer details.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I'll try to find it. I don't recall hearing the actual name, or remembering what it sounded like.

In April, Luc Montagnier - France.
3 August, Dr. Li-Meng Yan - Wuhan China

Wow, they seem to really have that buried well. Haven't found the right combo of terms yet.
He escaped from Peoples Liberation Army, where he worked.

THANKS for the efforts!


Friday, September 25, 2020 3:14 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
What you are missing is reproductive log function that living things have. It starts out very slowly, when the initial numbers are low, so it never looks like much at the start. It's very deceiving that way. But then it takes off ...

2^2 = 4
4^2 = 16
16^2 = 256
256^2 = 65,536
65,536^2 = 4,294,967,296
4,294,967,296^2 = 14,844,674,407,000,000,000

... in only 6 steps ... and so on.

Once the virus is in a population, unless active measures are taken to suppress it, the numbers would zoom up anyway. And when you're looking for the start of exponential growth you have to look where the numbers are low, not where they've already gotten high. So, imo, it would be very difficult to say the increase - which btw started earlier than you think - is due to some random but relatively small number of imports, or the natural mathematics of biological increase.

I presume that just about everybody here except you can see that your data set does not match the actual graph or data from Portland cases.
On the other hand, I presume most of the same folk can see that the description I provided does fit the Real World data accurately.


Friday, September 25, 2020 10:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

From ZH, fwiw


Breakthrough Research On Severe COVID-19 Infections Opens Door To New Treatment

So far, scientists have figured out that being male, elderly, and having underlying medical conditions can all raise risk factors for patients. But even patients who check all these boxes don't always experience serious symptoms. Scientists suspect that several factors influence severity, including pre-existing levels of inflammation, natural immunity levels, and the amount and strain of virus that starts the infection - along with variations in patients' genetic makeup.

As has been previously reported, many patients suffer the worst of the symptoms for COVID-19 due to an immune system overreaction called a "cytokine storm". As Dr. Fauci once explained, while "too little immunity is no good"..."too much immunity is really, really bad".

Now, researchers have discovered the role of a critical protein which could open the door to a new potential COVID-19 treatment.

Studies comparing reactions to COVID-19 in siblings have unearthed an interesting detail: the availability of a substance called interferon. Interferons are signaling proteins that help orchestrate the body’s defense against viral pathogens; they're used to treat diseases like Hepatitis C.

A growing body of evidence, including twin landmark studies published Thursday in the journal "Science" showed that "insufficient" interferon levels may be a dangerous precursor to a serious infection. As one researcher explained, the data suggest the virus uses this "one big trick" to slip past the body's initial defense systems.

"It looks like this virus has one big trick," said Shane Crotty, a professor in the Center for Infectious Disease and Vaccine Research at the La Jolla Institute for Immunology in California. "That big trick is to avoid the initial innate immune response for a significant period of time and, in particular, avoid an early type-1 interferon response."

The research highlights the potential for interferon-based therapies to expand a range of non-vaccine-related treatments, like Gilead's remdesivir and convalescent plasma.

Research shows the timing of medical intervention is also critical.

"We think timing may be essential because it’s only in the very early phase one can really battle the virus particles and defend against infection," said Alexander Hoischen, head of the genomic technologies and immuno-genomics group at Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen that analyzed the DNA of the two sets of brothers.

Then again, some people are believed to have trouble fighting infections because they make antibodies that deactivate their own interferon. On Thursday, a global consortium of researchers said such immune reactions to the protein could account for life-threatening pneumonia in at least 2.6% of women and 12.5% of men that causes inflammation in the patient's lungs.

Findings from the research offer the first explanation for the significantly higher mortality rate seen in male and elderly COVID-19 patients.

Interferon-blocking antibodies appeared in 101 of 987 patients with severe disease, but none of the 663 people with an asymptomatic or mild case, according to the research being published in "Science". Patients over 65 were also more likely than younger ones to have the autoimmune abnormality, which was "clinically silent until the patients were infected with SARS-CoV-2," said a group of more than 100 scientists said.

Researchers estimated that Inteferon issues might underlie as many as 14% of fatalities and the most severe cases.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, September 28, 2020 4:15 PM


I heard Fake News report over the weekend that all Midwest States are increasing their cases, and their positivity rates. If they are like WI, then the majority of new cases are coming from college kids, age 18-24. Which means, outside of kiki's magical world, deaths will not rise after any lag time from these cases.

3rd graph on this page:


Monday, September 28, 2020 6:40 PM


Get ready for 4 more years of the virus.

The only way the Legacy Media stops talking about it is if Biden wins, which isn't going to happen.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 28, 2020 6:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I heard Fake News report over the weekend that all Midwest States are increasing their cases, and their positivity rates. If they are like WI, then the majority of new cases are coming from college kids, age 18-24. Which means, outside of kiki's magical world, deaths will not rise after any lag time from these cases.

3rd graph on this page:

FYI - I don't need your statements and tidbits to see which way things are going. Cases had a first peak at day 37, deaths had a first peak at day 50; cases had a second peak at day 142, deaths at day 154. Cases are going up again but haven't reached a peak.

Sp I'll just wait and see.


Monday, September 28, 2020 7:26 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Get ready for 4 more years of the virus.

The only way the Legacy Media stops talking about it is if Biden wins, which isn't going to happen.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm not sure. Maybe it all ends on November 5th, no matter which way the vote goes.

Anyhow, those who want 4 more years of Virus are going to vote for Dem Governor, so they all deserve the Government they Elect. Same for Sheriff, Mayor, Congressperson, etc.


Friday, October 2, 2020 4:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



There’s something strange about this coronavirus pandemic. Even after months of extensive research by the global scientific community, many questions remain open.

Why, for instance, was there such an enormous death toll in northern Italy, but not the rest of the country? Just three contiguous regions in northern Italy have 25,000 of the country’s nearly 36,000 total deaths; just one region, Lombardy, has about 17,000 deaths. Almost all of these were concentrated in the first few months of the outbreak. What happened in Guayaquil, Ecuador, in April, when so many died so quickly that bodies were abandoned in the sidewalks and streets?* Why, in the spring of 2020, did so few cities account for a substantial portion of global deaths, while many others with similar density, weather, age distribution, and travel patterns were spared? What can we really learn from Sweden, hailed as a great success by some because of its low case counts and deaths as the rest of Europe experiences a second wave, and as a big failure by others because it did not lock down and suffered excessive death rates earlier in the pandemic? Why did widespread predictions of catastrophe in Japan not bear out? The baffling examples go on.

I’ve heard many explanations for these widely differing trajectories over the past nine months—weather, elderly populations, vitamin D, prior immunity, herd immunity—but none of them explains the timing or the scale of these drastic variations. But there is a potential, overlooked way of understanding this pandemic that would help answer these questions, reshuffle many of the current heated arguments, and, crucially, help us get the spread of COVID-19 under control.

By now many people have heard about R0—the basic reproductive number of a pathogen, a measure of its contagiousness on average. But unless you’ve been reading scientific journals, you’re less likely to have encountered k, the measure of its dispersion. The definition of k is a mouthful, but it’s simply a way of asking whether a virus spreads in a steady manner or in big bursts, whereby one person infects many, all at once. After nine months of collecting epidemiological data, we know that this is an overdispersed pathogen, meaning that it tends to spread in clusters, but this knowledge has not yet fully entered our way of thinking about the pandemic—or our preventive practices.

Read: Herd immunity is not a strategy

The now-famed R0 (pronounced as “r-naught”) is an average measure of a pathogen’s contagiousness, or the mean number of susceptible people expected to become infected after being exposed to a person with the disease. If one ill person infects three others on average, the R0 is three. This parameter has been widely touted as a key factor in understanding how the pandemic operates. News media have produced multiple explainers and visualizations for it. Movies praised for their scientific accuracy on pandemics are lauded for having characters explain the “all-important” R0. Dashboards track its real-time evolution, often referred to as R or Rt, in response to our interventions. (If people are masking and isolating or immunity is rising, a disease can’t spread the same way anymore, hence the difference between R0 and R.)

Unfortunately, averages aren’t always useful for understanding the distribution of a phenomenon, especially if it has widely varying behavior. If Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos, walks into a bar with 100 regular people in it, the average wealth in that bar suddenly exceeds $1 billion. If I also walk into that bar, not much will change. Clearly, the average is not that useful a number to understand the distribution of wealth in that bar, or how to change it. Sometimes, the mean is not the message. Meanwhile, if the bar has a person infected with COVID-19, and if it is also poorly ventilated and loud, causing people to speak loudly at close range, almost everyone in the room could potentially be infected—a pattern that’s been observed many times since the pandemic begin, and that is similarly not captured by R. That’s where the dispersion comes in.

There are COVID-19 incidents in which a single person likely infected 80 percent or more of the people in the room in just a few hours. But, at other times, COVID-19 can be surprisingly much less contagious. Overdispersion and super-spreading of this virus are found in research across the globe. A growing number of studies estimate that a majority of infected people may not infect a single other person. A recent paper found that in Hong Kong, which had extensive testing and contact tracing, about 19 percent of cases were responsible for 80 percent of transmission, while 69 percent of cases did not infect another person. This finding is not rare: Multiple studies from the beginning have suggested that as few as 10 to 20 percent of infected people may be responsible for as much as 80 to 90 percent of transmission, and that many people barely transmit it.

This highly skewed, imbalanced distribution means that an early run of bad luck with a few super-spreading events, or clusters, can produce dramatically different outcomes even for otherwise similar countries. Scientists looked globally at known early-introduction events, in which an infected person comes into a country, and found that in some places, such imported cases led to no deaths or known infections, while in others, they sparked sizable outbreaks. Using genomic analysis, researchers in New Zealand looked at more than half the confirmed cases in the country and found a staggering 277 separate introductions in the early months, but also that only 19 percent of introductions led to more than one additional case. A recent review shows that this may even be true in congregate living spaces, such as nursing homes, and that multiple introductions may be necessary before an outbreak takes off. Meanwhile, in Daegu, South Korea, just one woman, dubbed Patient 31, generated more than 5,000 known cases in a megachurch cluster.

Read: The pastors already planning to rebel against future shutdowns

Unsurprisingly, SARS-CoV, the previous incarnation of SARS-CoV-2 that caused the 2003 SARS outbreak, was also overdispersed in this way: The majority of infected people did not transmit it, but a few super-spreading events caused most of the outbreaks. MERS, another coronavirus cousin of SARS, also appears overdispersed, but luckily, it does not—yet—transmit well among humans.

This kind of behavior, alternating between being super infectious and fairly noninfectious, is exactly what k captures, and what focusing solely on R hides. Samuel Scarpino, an assistant professor of epidemiology and complex systems at Northeastern, told me that this has been a huge challenge, especially for health authorities in Western societies, where the pandemic playbook was geared toward the flu—and not without reason, because pandemic flu is a genuine threat. However, influenza does not have the same level of clustering behavior.

We can think of disease patterns as leaning deterministic or stochastic: In the former, an outbreak’s distribution is more linear and predictable; in the latter, randomness plays a much larger role and predictions are hard, if not impossible, to make. In deterministic trajectories, we expect what happened yesterday to give us a good sense of what to expect tomorrow. Stochastic phenomena, however, don’t operate like that—the same inputs don’t always produce the same outputs, and things can tip over quickly from one state to the other. As Scarpino told me, “Diseases like the flu are pretty nearly deterministic and R0 (while flawed) paints about the right picture (nearly impossible to stop until there’s a vaccine).” That’s not necessarily the case with super-spreading diseases.

Nature and society are replete with such imbalanced phenomena, some of which are said to work according to the Pareto principle, named after the sociologist Vilfredo Pareto. Pareto’s insight is sometimes called the 80/20 principle—80 percent of outcomes of interest are caused by 20 percent of inputs—though the numbers don’t have to be that strict. Rather, the Pareto principle means that a small number of events or people are responsible for the majority of consequences. This will come as no surprise to anyone who has worked in the service sector, for example, where a small group of problem customers can create almost all the extra work. In cases like those, booting just those customers from the business or giving them a hefty discount may solve the problem, but if the complaints are evenly distributed, different strategies will be necessary. Similarly, focusing on the R alone, or using a flu-pandemic playbook, won’t necessarily work well for an overdispersed pandemic.

Hitoshi Oshitani, a member of the National COVID-19 Cluster Taskforce at Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and a professor at Tohoku University who told me that Japan focused on the overdispersion impact from early on, likens his country’s approach to looking at a forest and trying to find the clusters, not the trees. Meanwhile, he believes, the Western world was getting distracted by the trees, and got lost among them. To fight a super-spreading disease effectively, policy makers need to figure out why super-spreading happens, and they need to understand how it affects everything, including our contact-tracing methods and our testing regimes.

There may be many different reasons a pathogen super-spreads. Yellow fever spreads mainly via the mosquito Aedes aegypti, but until the insect’s role was discovered, its transmission pattern bedeviled many scientists. Tuberculosis was thought to be spread by close-range droplets until an ingenious set of experiments proved that it was airborne. Much is still unknown about the super-spreading of SARS-CoV-2. It might be that some people are super-emitters of the virus, in that they spread it a lot more than other people. Like other diseases, contact patterns surely play a part: A politician on the campaign trail or a student in a college dorm is very different in how many people they could potentially expose compared with, say, an elderly person living in a small household. However, looking at nine months of epidemiological data, we have important clues to some of the factors.

In study after study, we see that super-spreading clusters of COVID-19 almost overwhelmingly occur in poorly ventilated, indoor environments where many people congregate over time—weddings, churches, choirs, gyms, funerals, restaurants, and such—especially when there is loud talking or singing without masks. For super-spreading events to occur, multiple things have to be happening at the same time, and the risk is not equal in every setting and activity, Muge Cevik, a clinical lecturer in infectious diseases and medical virology at the University of St. Andrews and a co-author of a recent extensive review of transmission conditions for COVID-19, told me.

Read: I have seen the future—and it’s not the life we knew

Cevik identifies “prolonged contact, poor ventilation, [a] highly infectious person, [and] crowding” as the key elements for a super-spreader event. Super-spreading can also occur indoors beyond the six-feet guideline, because SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen causing COVID-19, can travel through the air and accumulate, especially if ventilation is poor. Given that some people infect others before they show symptoms, or when they have very mild or even no symptoms, it’s not always possible to know if we are highly infectious ourselves. We don’t even know if there are more factors yet to be discovered that influence super-spreading. But we don’t need to know all the sufficient factors that go into a super-spreading event to avoid what seems to be a necessary condition most of the time: many people, especially in a poorly ventilated indoor setting, and especially not wearing masks. As Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at the University of Florida, told me, given the huge numbers associated with these clusters, targeting them would be very effective in getting our transmission numbers down.

Overdispersion should also inform our contact-tracing efforts. In fact, we may need to turn them upside down. Right now, many states and nations engage in what is called forward or prospective contact tracing. Once an infected person is identified, we try to find out with whom they interacted afterward so that we can warn, test, isolate, and quarantine these potential exposures. But that’s not the only way to trace contacts. And, because of overdispersion, it’s not necessarily where the most bang for the buck lies. Instead, in many cases, we should try to work backwards to see who first infected the subject.

Because of overdispersion, most people will have been infected by someone who also infected other people, because only a small percentage of people infect many at a time, whereas most infect zero or maybe one person. As Adam Kucharski, an epidemiologist and the author of the book The Rules of Contagion, explained to me, if we can use retrospective contact tracing to find the person who infected our patient, and then trace the forward contacts of the infecting person, we are generally going to find a lot more cases compared with forward-tracing contacts of the infected patient, which will merely identify potential exposures, many of which will not happen anyway, because most transmission chains die out on their own.

The reason for backward tracing’s importance is similar to what the sociologist Scott L. Feld called the friendship paradox: Your friends are, on average, going to have more friends than you. (Sorry!) It’s straightforward once you take the network-level view. Friendships are not distributed equally; some people have a lot of friends, and your friend circle is more likely to include those social butterflies, because how could it not? They friended you and others. And those social butterflies will drive up the average number of friends that your friends have compared with you, a regular person. (Of course, this will not hold for the social butterflies themselves, but overdispersion means that there are much fewer of them.) Similarly, the infectious person who is transmitting the disease is like the pandemic social butterfly: The average number of people they infect will be much higher than most of the population, who will transmit the disease much less frequently. Indeed, as Kucharski and his co-authors show mathematically, overdispersion means that “forward tracing alone can, on average, identify at most the mean number of secondary infections (i.e. R)”; in contrast, “backward tracing increases this maximum number of traceable individuals by a factor of 2-3, as index cases are more likely to come from clusters than a case is to generate a cluster.”

Even in an overdispersed pandemic, it’s not pointless to do forward tracing to be able to warn and test people, if there are extra resources and testing capacity. But it doesn’t make sense to do forward tracing while not devoting enough resources to backward tracing and finding clusters, which cause so much damage.

Another significant consequence of overdispersion is that it highlights the importance of certain kinds of rapid, cheap tests. Consider the current dominant model of test and trace. In many places, health authorities try to trace and find forward contacts of an infected person: everyone they were in touch with since getting infected. They then try to test all of them with expensive, slow, but highly accurate PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests. But that’s not necessarily the best way when clusters are so important in spreading the disease.

PCR tests identify RNA segments of the coronavirus in samples from nasal swabs—like looking for its signature. Such diagnostic tests are measured on two different dimensions: Are they good at identifying people who are not infected (specificity), and are they good at identifying people who are infected (sensitivity)? PCR tests are highly accurate for both dimensions. However, PCR tests are also slow and expensive, and they require a long, uncomfortable swab up the nose at a medical facility. The slow processing times means that people don’t get timely information when they need it. Worse, PCR tests are so responsive that they can find tiny remnants of coronavirus signatures long after someone has stopped being contagious, which can cause unnecessary quarantines.

Meanwhile, researchers have shown that rapid tests that are very accurate for identifying people who do not have the disease, but not as good at identifying infected individuals, can help us contain this pandemic. As Dylan Morris, a doctoral candidate in ecology and evolutionary biology at Princeton, told me, cheap, low-sensitivity tests can help mitigate a pandemic even if it is not overdispersed, but they are particularly valuable for cluster identification during an overdispersed one. This is especially helpful because some of these tests can be administered via saliva and other less-invasive methods, and be distributed outside medical facilities.

In an overdispersed regime, identifying transmission events (someone infected someone else) is more important than identifying infected individuals. Consider an infected person and their 20 forward contacts—people they met since they got infected. Let’s say we test 10 of them with a cheap, rapid test and get our results back in an hour or two. This isn’t a great way to determine exactly who is sick out of that 10, because our test will miss some positives, but that’s fine for our purposes. If everyone is negative, we can act as if nobody is infected, because the test is pretty good at finding negatives. However, the moment we find a few transmissions, we know we may have a super-spreader event, and we can tell all 20 people to assume they are positive and to self-isolate—if there are one or two transmissions, there are likely more, exactly because of the clustering behavior. Depending on age and other factors, we can test those people individually using PCR tests, which can pinpoint who is infected, or ask them all to wait it out.

Read: The plan that could give us our lives back

Scarpino told me that overdispersion also enhances the utility of other aggregate methods, such as wastewater testing, especially in congregate settings like dorms or nursing homes, allowing us to detect clusters without testing everyone. Wastewater testing also has low sensitivity; it may miss positives if too few people are infected, but that’s fine for population-screening purposes. If the wastewater testing is signaling that there are likely no infections, we do not need to test everyone to find every last potential case. However, the moment we see signs of a cluster, we can rapidly isolate everyone, again while awaiting further individualized testing via PCR tests, depending on the situation.

Unfortunately, until recently, many such cheap tests had been held up by regulatory agencies in the United States, partly because they were concerned with their relative lack of accuracy in identifying positive cases compared with PCR tests—a worry that missed their population-level usefulness for this particular overdispersed pathogen.

To return to the mysteries of this pandemic, what did happen early on to cause such drastically different trajectories in otherwise similar places? Why haven’t our usual analytic tools—case studies, multi-country comparisons—given us better answers? It’s not intellectually satisfying, but because of the overdispersion and its stochasticity, there may not be an explanation beyond that the worst-hit regions, at least initially, simply had a few unlucky early super-spreading events. It wasn’t just pure luck: Dense populations, older citizens, and congregate living, for example, made cities around the world more susceptible to outbreaks compared with rural, less dense places and those with younger populations, less mass transit, or healthier citizenry. But why Daegu in February and not Seoul, despite the two cities being in the same country, under the same government, people, weather, and more? As frustrating at it may be, sometimes, the answer is merely where Patient 31 and the megachurch she attended happened to be.

Overdispersion makes it harder for us to absorb lessons from the world, because it interferes with how we ordinarily think about cause and effect. For example, it means that events that result in spreading and non-spreading of the virus are asymmetric in their ability to inform us. Take the highly publicized case in Springfield, Missouri, in which two infected hairstylists, both of whom wore masks, continued to work with clients while symptomatic. It turns out that no apparent infections were found among the 139 exposed clients (67 were directly tested; the rest did not report getting sick). While there is a lot of evidence that masks are crucial in dampening transmission, that event alone wouldn’t tell us if masks work. In contrast, studying transmission, the rarer event, can be quite informative. Had those two hairstylists transmitted the virus to large numbers of people despite everyone wearing masks, it would be important evidence that, perhaps, masks aren’t useful in preventing super-spreading.

Comparisons, too, give us less information compared with phenomena for which input and output are more tightly coupled. When that’s the case, we can check for the presence of a factor (say, sunshine or Vitamin D) and see if it correlates with a consequence (infection rate). But that’s much harder when the consequence can vary widely depending on a few strokes of luck, the way that the wrong person was in the wrong place sometime in mid-February in South Korea. That’s one reason multi-country comparisons have struggled to identify dynamics that sufficiently explain the trajectories of different places.

Once we recognize super-spreading as a key lever, countries that look as if they were too relaxed in some aspects appear very different, and our usual polarized debates about the pandemic are scrambled, too. Take Sweden, an alleged example of the great success or the terrible failure of herd immunity without lockdowns, depending on whom you ask. In reality, although Sweden joins many other countries in failing to protect elderly populations in congregate-living facilities, its measures that target super-spreading have been stricter than many other European countries. Although it did not have a complete lockdown, as Kucharski pointed out to me, Sweden imposed a 50-person limit on indoor gatherings in March, and did not remove the cap even as many other European countries eased such restrictions after beating back the first wave. (Many are once again restricting gathering sizes after seeing a resurgence.) Plus, the country has a small household size and fewer multigenerational households compared with most of Europe, which further limits transmission and cluster possibilities. It kept schools fully open without distancing or masks, but only for children under 16, who are unlikely to be super-spreaders of this disease. Both transmission and illness risks go up with age, and Sweden went all online for higher-risk high-school and university students—the opposite of what we did in the United States. It also encouraged social-distancing, and closed down indoor places that failed to observe the rules. From an overdispersion and super-spreading point of view, Sweden would not necessarily be classified as among the most lax countries, but nor is it the most strict. It simply doesn’t deserve this oversize place in our debates assessing different strategies.

Although overdispersion makes some usual methods of studying causal connections harder, we can study failures to understand which conditions turn bad luck into catastrophes. We can also study sustained success, because bad luck will eventually hit everyone, and the response matters.

The most informative case studies may well be those who had terrible luck initially, like South Korea, and yet managed to bring about significant suppression. In contrast, Europe was widely praised for its opening early on, but that was premature; many countries there are now experiencing widespread rises in cases and look similar to the United States in some measures. In fact, Europe’s achieving a measure of success this summer and relaxing, including opening up indoor events with larger numbers, is instructive in another important aspect of managing an overdispersed pathogen: Compared with a steadier regime, success in a stochastic scenario can be more fragile than it looks.

Once a country has too many outbreaks, it’s almost as if the pandemic switches into “flu mode,” as Scarpino put it, meaning high, sustained levels of community spread even though a majority of infected people may not be transmitting onward. Scarpino explained that barring truly drastic measures, once in that widespread and elevated mode, COVID-19 can keep spreading because of the sheer number of chains already out there. Plus, the overwhelming numbers may eventually spark more clusters, further worsening the situation.

As Kucharski put it, a relatively quiet period can hide how quickly things can tip over into large outbreaks and how a few chained amplification events can rapidly turn a seemingly under-control situation into a disaster. We’re often told that if Rt, the real-time measure of the average spread, is above one, the pandemic is growing, and that below one, it’s dying out. That may be true for an epidemic that is not overdispersed, and while an Rt below one is certainly good, it’s misleading to take too much comfort from a low Rt when just a few events can reignite massive numbers. No country should forget South Korea’s Patient 31.

That said, overdispersion is also a cause for hope, as South Korea’s aggressive and successful response to that outbreak—with a massive testing, tracing, and isolating regime—shows. Since then, South Korea has also been practicing sustained vigilance, and has demonstrated the importance of backward tracing. When a series of clusters linked to nightclubs broke out in Seoul recently, health authorities aggressively traced and tested tens of thousands of people linked to the venues, regardless of their interactions with the index case, six feet apart or not—a sensible response, given that we know the pathogen is airborne.

Perhaps one of the most interesting cases has been Japan, a country with middling luck that got hit early on and followed what appeared to be an unconventional model, not deploying mass testing and never fully shutting down. By the end of March, influential economists were publishing reports with dire warnings, predicting overloads in the hospital system and huge spikes in deaths. The predicted catastrophe never came to be, however, and although the country faced some future waves, there was never a large spike in deaths despite its aging population, uninterrupted use of mass transportation, dense cities, and lack of a formal lockdown.

It’s not that Japan was better situated than the United States in the beginning. Similar to the U.S. and Europe, Oshitani told me, Japan did not initially have the PCR capacity to do widespread testing. Nor could it impose a full lockdown or strict stay-at-home orders; even if that had been desirable, it would not have been legally possible in Japan.

Oshitani told me that in Japan, they had noticed the overdispersion characteristics of COVID-19 as early as February, and thus created a strategy focusing mostly on cluster-busting, which tries to prevent one cluster from igniting another. Oshitani said he believes that “the chain of transmission cannot be sustained without a chain of clusters or a megacluster.” Japan thus carried out a cluster-busting approach, including undertaking aggressive backward tracing to uncover clusters. Japan also focused on ventilation, counseling its population to avoid places where the three C’s come together—crowds in closed spaces in close contact, especially if there’s talking or singing—bringing together the science of overdispersion with the recognition of airborne aerosol transmission, as well as presymptomatic and asymptomatic transmission.

Oshitani contrasts the Japanese strategy, nailing almost every important feature of the pandemic early on, with the Western response, trying to eliminate the disease “one by one” when that’s not necessarily the main way it spreads. Indeed, Japan got its cases down, but kept up its vigilance: When the government started noticing an uptick in community cases, it initiated a state of emergency in April and tried hard to incentivize the kinds of businesses that could lead to super-spreading events, such as theaters, music venues, and sports stadiums, to close down temporarily. Now schools are back in session in person, and even stadiums are open—but without chanting.It’s not always the restrictiveness of the rules, but whether they target the right dangers. As Morris put it, “Japan’s commitment to ‘cluster-busting’ allowed it to achieve impressive mitigation with judiciously chosen restrictions. Countries that have ignored super-spreading have risked getting the worst of both worlds: burdensome restrictions that fail to achieve substantial mitigation. The U.K.’s recent decision to limit outdoor gatherings to six people while allowing pubs and bars to remain open is just one of many such examples.”

Could we get back to a much more normal life by focusing on limiting the conditions for super-spreading events, aggressively engaging in cluster-busting, and deploying cheap, rapid mass tests—that is, once we get our case numbers down to low enough numbers to carry out such a strategy? (Many places with low community transmission could start immediately.) Once we look for and see the forest, it becomes easier to find our way out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, October 9, 2020 12:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Headlines are looking like this


Spanish Government Seals Off Madrid As COVID-19 Crisis Worsens; Merkel Says "Tougher Measures" Coming: Live Updates

Italy tops 5,000 new cases
Spanish gov't locks down Madrid
Merkel says she will impose tougher measures if no improvement seen in ten days
London mayor says lockdown "inevitable"
Netherland reports latest record jump
Spain declares "public health emergency" in Madrid
France places more cities on lockdown
Confirmed COVID-19 cases neared daily record yesterday
Russia reports new record
Takeda enrolls first patients for new drug trial
China joins WHO vaccine initiative
Iran bars hospitals from taking non-urgent cases as COVID hammers country

* * *

Update (1100ET): Italy just recorded 5,372 new cases on Friday, topping 5,000 new cases for the first time since March 29, according to JHU data. Yesterday, Italy reported 4,458 new cases, which was, at the time, the largest daily tally since April 11.

see chart here: (insert https:) //

Australia's prolonged lockdown is just ... brutal. And nonsensical, since they've included a curfew (why? Is the virus more contagious at night?)

In Melbourne, the restrictions are


– No traveling more than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from their homes;

– No traveling to other states inside of the country;

– Those under house arrest [everyone] are permitted to leave home for just one hour each day for exercise;

– Only one person is permitted to go shopping per family each day; shopping is to be done within 5 kilometers from home;

– Unlike traditional prisons, visitations are not permitted to house arrestees;

– All school activities are to be conducted online;

– All businesses, services and construction cancelled;

– Organized sport, forget it;

– In the case of funerals, try and delay your demise if at all possible, otherwise, expect just 10 guests;

– Ditto for weddings;

– Curfew in effect between 8 pm and 5 am.

Meanwhile, as to be expected, the authorities have been enthusiastic about meting out their street justice on people who allegedly violate the regime’s rules. And not just on the street. The police have been authorized to enter private residences without a warrant.

SOME jurisdictions have used Covid-19 as an excuse to ban the sale of guns(??) and alcohol.

There are two things missing from the latest uptick:

Deaths, and masks.

When people start runnig around with their hair on fire about "cases", the first thing I do is check divoc-91 for attendant "deaths". And so far, I'm not seeing the same meteoritic rise.


In the last several weeks, Melbourne has introduced shockingly draconian anti-Covid measures, imposed on the metropolis of some 5 million souls. What tragedy was responsible for spurring officials to leap into action? To blame was a fractional uptick in the number of coronavirus deaths – seven to be exact, and all involving citizens above the age of 70 years old.

The media jumped on the “new single-day record in Victoria,” which brought the state death toll to 56. I repeat, 56, and the overwhelming majority of those cases involved elderly people in nursing facilities, some of which are under investigation for their handling of patients. While it goes without saying that elderly lives matter, do seven elderly deaths really warrant the shutdown of one of Australia’s busiest cities?

Lookig at the USA, the number of cases reached a high of about 100 per million about one month into our leg of the pandemic, dipped to about 55 three months in, then rose to about 200 per million about 4.5 months in. It has since dropped a bit and is noodling around about 150. But DEATHS is a different story. Like "cases", there was an early peak of about seven deaths per million (population), a drop to about 2, roughly corresponding to the dip in "cases", and subsequent rise to about 3 per million roughly corresponding to the rise in "cases", But while cases and deaths rise and fall together, they aren't proportionate. IF deaths were to rise proportionately to "cases", we would have peaked out at about 14 cases per million, and be currently noodling around 10... but we're not. We're one-third of that.

Sweden is another example, where "cases" have risen dramatically. but "deaths" have not.

And while there are all kinds of reporting problems, and "cases" being hostage to the number of tests conducted, it does seem as if the death rate has dropped ... NOT "pernumber of cses" or "per number of infections" but simply per number of people [total population]

According to the infectious disease specialist who treated hubby for pneumonia, it is actually pretty rare for people to have to be hospitalized for Covid-19: 80% of the people who have it don't even know that they do.

I'm not suggesting that governments "not" respond to Covid-19. what I AM uggesting is that they respond to DEATHS, or HOSPITALIZATIONS, not "cases".

And while lockdowns are a good circuit-breaker for an out-of-control rise in hospitalizations or deaths (whichever marker you use) they are NOT a permanent solution to the pandemic. There has to be a response that comes AFTER lockdown, not just "more lockdowns".

Testing and contact tracing, masking (make CREDIBLE masks available to first responders and vulnerable population), and shut down of high-risk activities [mass indoor gatherings, especially involving singing- church, shouting-bars, chanting-sports events, or breathing hard-gym, and close personal contact- elder care facilities).

Also, provide people with adequate information about whcih activities are the riskiest, and PPE so they can protect THEMSELVES.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, October 9, 2020 4:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

10,000 mink are dead in Covid-19 outbreaks at US fur farms after virus believed spread by humans

Mink, which are closely related to weasels, otter and ferrets, appear to suffer similar symptoms to humans. Difficulty breathing and crusting around the eyes are usually seen, but the virus progresses rapidly, and most infected mink are dead by the next day, according to Taylor.

the pawer wee things


Friday, October 9, 2020 9:01 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

There’s something strange about this coronavirus pandemic. Even after months of extensive research by the global scientific community, many questions remain open.

Thanks for posting this, Signy. I did run across this but didn't post because ... lazy, I guess. But I should have known at least you would be interested, and posted it if only for you.

I just have some comments. As you know, I've been puzzling over the spread of SARS-CoV-2 for quite some time. And I'd already concluded that 1) The point of introduction into a population is determined by sheer dumb luck; 2) How it spreads within that population is determined by population characteristics; and 3) Random visitations of superspreader events are like gasoline on smouldering kindling (and I imagined there might even be super-superspreader situations, where superspread is so rampant it triggers multiple other superspreader events in a nuclear-fusion-chain-reaction style).

But I disagree that superspreader events are the primary mode of transmission. Because that doesn't explain what, if this were a Sherlock Holmes mystery story, I'd title "The Strange Case of Southern California".

As you know, there's some reason to believe SARS-CoV-2 was in SoCal as early as December 2019, based on a large swell of people with flu-and-cough doctor's visits (iirc 75% above recent, and above normal). And that makes sense to me, considering the volume of air traffic between SoCal and China. But SoCal didn't have a signal event, like Washington's and Sweden's sudden explosion of illness and death in nursing homes, or N Italy's sudden explosion of illness and death in its elderly at-home population. COVID-19 in SoCal went under the radar for months.

Due to cases in CentralCal, the state imposed stay-at-home March 19, 2020 (almost 4 months after SARS-CoV-2 entered SoCal); LACounty and the State of California issued mask recommendations April 03, 2020; The City of Los Angeles made masks outside the home a requirement on April 07, 2020; and the State of California made masks a requirement June 19, 2020.

Though really, really late compared to community spread, one would think stay-at-home would have eliminated superspreader events, since there were no more large gatherings of people (except at meat processing plants of which there are an abundance here in SoCal, and which became the epicenters of outbreaks in their communities). And one would think masks would have damped overall transmission in the community. Well ... something did go right, since SoCal is 30th on the list of states for per-capita cases and 27th on the list for per capita deaths, DESPITE months of unrecognized and unaddressed community spread.

But it hasn't stamped out the virus, as the superspreader theory would predict. Because that theory says that if the virus isn't sparking superspreader events, it's dying out. And how long does it take for the virus to go through one infection cycle? 2 weeks? If you stopped all superspreading at once, it seems like it should take 2 weeks for SARS-CoV-2 to disappear.

It looks like sometimes the virus enters a population and fizzles out. And sometimes it enters a populations and explodes. Sometimes when it's widespread in the community it acts like the flu and causes a groundswell of overall infection. And sometimes it enters a population and embeds itself.


Friday, October 9, 2020 11:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Headlines are looking like this


Spanish Government Seals Off Madrid As COVID-19 Crisis Worsens; Merkel Says "Tougher Measures" Coming: Live Updates

Italy tops 5,000 new cases
Spanish gov't locks down Madrid
Merkel says she will impose tougher measures if no improvement seen in ten days
London mayor says lockdown "inevitable"
Netherland reports latest record jump
Spain declares "public health emergency" in Madrid
France places more cities on lockdown
Confirmed COVID-19 cases neared daily record yesterday
Russia reports new record
Takeda enrolls first patients for new drug trial
China joins WHO vaccine initiative
Iran bars hospitals from taking non-urgent cases as COVID hammers country

* * *

Update (1100ET): Italy just recorded 5,372 new cases on Friday, topping 5,000 new cases for the first time since March 29, according to JHU data. Yesterday, Italy reported 4,458 new cases, which was, at the time, the largest daily tally since April 11.

see chart here: (insert https:) //

Australia's prolonged lockdown is just ... brutal. And nonsensical, since they've included a curfew (why? Is the virus more contagious at night?)

In Melbourne, the restrictions are


– No traveling more than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from their homes;

– No traveling to other states inside of the country;

– Those under house arrest [everyone] are permitted to leave home for just one hour each day for exercise;

– Only one person is permitted to go shopping per family each day; shopping is to be done within 5 kilometers from home;

– Unlike traditional prisons, visitations are not permitted to house arrestees;

– All school activities are to be conducted online;

– All businesses, services and construction cancelled;

– Organized sport, forget it;

– In the case of funerals, try and delay your demise if at all possible, otherwise, expect just 10 guests;

– Ditto for weddings;

– Curfew in effect between 8 pm and 5 am.

Meanwhile, as to be expected, the authorities have been enthusiastic about meting out their street justice on people who allegedly violate the regime’s rules. And not just on the street. The police have been authorized to enter private residences without a warrant.

SOME jurisdictions have used Covid-19 as an excuse to ban the sale of guns(??) and alcohol.

There are two things missing from the latest uptick:

Deaths, and masks.

When people start runnig around with their hair on fire about "cases", the first thing I do is check divoc-91 for attendant "deaths". And so far, I'm not seeing the same meteoritic rise.


In the last several weeks, Melbourne has introduced shockingly draconian anti-Covid measures, imposed on the metropolis of some 5 million souls. What tragedy was responsible for spurring officials to leap into action? To blame was a fractional uptick in the number of coronavirus deaths – seven to be exact, and all involving citizens above the age of 70 years old.

The media jumped on the “new single-day record in Victoria,” which brought the state death toll to 56. I repeat, 56, and the overwhelming majority of those cases involved elderly people in nursing facilities, some of which are under investigation for their handling of patients. While it goes without saying that elderly lives matter, do seven elderly deaths really warrant the shutdown of one of Australia’s busiest cities?

Lookig at the USA, the number of cases reached a high of about 100 per million about one month into our leg of the pandemic, dipped to about 55 three months in, then rose to about 200 per million about 4.5 months in. It has since dropped a bit and is noodling around about 150. But DEATHS is a different story. Like "cases", there was an early peak of about seven deaths per million (population), a drop to about 2, roughly corresponding to the dip in "cases", and subsequent rise to about 3 per million roughly corresponding to the rise in "cases", But while cases and deaths rise and fall together, they aren't proportionate. IF deaths were to rise proportionately to "cases", we would have peaked out at about 14 cases per million, and be currently noodling around 10... but we're not. We're one-third of that.

Sweden is another example, where "cases" have risen dramatically. but "deaths" have not.

And while there are all kinds of reporting problems, and "cases" being hostage to the number of tests conducted, it does seem as if the death rate has dropped ... NOT "pernumber of cses" or "per number of infections" but simply per number of people [total population]

According to the infectious disease specialist who treated hubby for pneumonia, it is actually pretty rare for people to have to be hospitalized for Covid-19: 80% of the people who have it don't even know that they do.

I'm not suggesting that governments "not" respond to Covid-19. what I AM uggesting is that they respond to DEATHS, or HOSPITALIZATIONS, not "cases".

And while lockdowns are a good circuit-breaker for an out-of-control rise in hospitalizations or deaths (whichever marker you use) they are NOT a permanent solution to the pandemic. There has to be a response that comes AFTER lockdown, not just "more lockdowns".

Testing and contact tracing, masking (make CREDIBLE masks available to first responders and vulnerable population), and shut down of high-risk activities [mass indoor gatherings, especially involving singing- church, shouting-bars, chanting-sports events, or breathing hard-gym, and close personal contact- elder care facilities).

Also, provide people with adequate information about whcih activities are the riskiest, and PPE so they can protect THEMSELVES.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


And thanks for posting this, Signy. It'll take some time before I've thought about it enough to fully respond. Though one thing I've noticed for a while looking at 91-DIVOC is that for the US there's a significant difference between the first 'cases' peak and it's associated first 'deaths' peak, compared to the second 'cases' peak and its associated second 'deaths' peak - which is that in the first peaks-pair there were far fewer cases resulting in far more deaths compared to the second peaks-pair. As I believe, that has to do with the severe lack of testing early on, which as was voluminously documented in the news, was extremely restricted.


Saturday, October 10, 2020 8:51 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
10,000 mink are dead in Covid-19 outbreaks at US fur farms after virus believed spread by humans

Mink, which are closely related to weasels, otter and ferrets, appear to suffer similar symptoms to humans. Difficulty breathing and crusting around the eyes are usually seen, but the virus progresses rapidly, and most infected mink are dead by the next day, according to Taylor.

the pawer wee things

My question is can you give it to moles and raccoons?

I might find a use for this yet.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 10, 2020 1:05 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Thanks! for the links.

First of all - those graphs are CUMULATIVE graphs of cases and deaths. OF COURSE they'll continue to go up !! since not too many people will revert to 'never infected' or 'undead'.

If you look at the cases by date that I linked
, you'll see that the 'cases' started their rise between the week of May 25, 2020* and May 31, 2020 - far too early to be accounted for by any protests/(riots). There needs to be at least a 2 week lag - for people to become symptomatic and go to the doctor.

And cases then peak the week of July 5, 2020 after which they drop off steeply, far too early compared to the ongoing protests/(riots) which should have sustained the outbreak if they were, indeed, the cause.

Second of all, you need to be careful about increases of 'cases' since - as Fearless Leader has noted - the more tests you do, the more 'cases' you'll find. In this instance, you'll see a disconnect between 'cases' and 'deaths' (after accounting for a 2-3 week lag to give confirmed 'cases' time to become 'deaths'). That indicates more testing, uncovering more 'cases'.

'Deaths' is a better measure (after a 4-6 week lag to confirm 'cases' and for those confirmed 'cases' to become 'deaths'.)

*Third, George Floyd died May 25, 2020. As I noted (above) 'cases' and 'deaths' were occurring far too early to be caused by the protests/(riots).

Your linky crashes my browser.

Yes, I understand how graphs work. Plus derivatives. But I have not seen evidence that you do.

I tried to extract actual data from that site which I linked. Jeez, I thought the Libtards in Madison were horrible at providing WI data. But these Portland Tards are even worse.

There seem to be 2 sequences of data, which don't mesh. I will list both which I could determine. This is all for Multnomah County.

First, I will call this "posted counts"

Ap 2 0122

My 7 0793 thru 7th
My14 0940 +147 thru 13th (6 days)
My21 1018 +078 thru 20th
My28 1093 +075 thru 27th
Jn 4 1228 +135 thru 3rd
Jn11 1407 +179 thru 11th (8 days)
Jn18 1665 +258
Jn25 1970 +305 thru 24/25th
Jl 2 2304 +334 thru 2nd
Jl 9 2697 +393 thru 9th
Jl16 3199 +502 thru 14th (5 days)
Jl23 3748 +549 thru 23rd (9 days)
Jl30 4131 +383 thru 28th (5 days)
Au 6 4574 +443 thru 4th
Au13 5046 +472 thru 11th
Au20 5500 +454
Au27 5822 +322
Se 3 6141 +319
Se10 6442 +301
Se17 6724 +282
Se24 7031 +307
Oc 1 7392 +361
Oc 8 7773 +381

I will call this "calculated counts from posted data"

Ap 2 0122

My 7 0793 thru 7th
My14 0940 +147
My21 1018 +078
My28 1093 +075
Jn 4 1228 +135
Jn11 1407 +179
Jn18 1665 +258
Jn25 1970 +305 thru 24/25th
Jl 2 2304 +334 thru 2nd
Jl 9 2697 +393 thru 9th
Jl16 3005 +308 thru 14th
Jl23 3622 +617 thru 21st
Jl30 4131 +509 thru 28th
Au 6 4574 +443 thru 4th
Au13 5046 +472 thru 11th
Au20 5459 +413
Au27 5822 +363
Se 3 6141 +319
Se10 6442 +301
Se17 6724 +282
Se24 7031 +307
Oc 1 7392 +361
Oc 8 7773 +381

As you can see, with either set of data, prior to June, no week had new cases exceed 150, even with hinky reporting back then.
And then, from 19 June until 9 September, the weekly new case total never falls below 300.
For folk who are not Libtards, this is not a difficult concept to comprehend. Perhaps you can try to explain to one of your non-Libtard friends how new case rates below 150 per week had DROPPED all the way down "steeply" to 300-600 per week, and this means there was no increase during this superspreader event. Let us know how they respond to such ridiculous claims.

In addition, you talk about a disconnect between cases and deaths. Have you forgotten that the disconnect is because the new cases are of young people, and they don't die at anywhere near the rate of the 70+ group? Did you think that cases just mysteriously go POOF after a couple weeks and become deaths?

During videos of the riots and looting, I did not see caravans of gurneys or hospital beds of all of the 70+ elderly participating, so they could die according to your model.
I think I have seen mention the last few weeks of more rioting in Portland's superspreader event. But the case increase hasn't gotten as high as the heyday months.


Saturday, October 10, 2020 1:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Headlines are looking like this


Spanish Government Seals Off Madrid As COVID-19 Crisis Worsens; Merkel Says "Tougher Measures" Coming: Live Updates

Italy tops 5,000 new cases
Spanish gov't locks down Madrid
Merkel says she will impose tougher measures if no improvement seen in ten days
London mayor says lockdown "inevitable"
Netherland reports latest record jump
Spain declares "public health emergency" in Madrid
France places more cities on lockdown
Confirmed COVID-19 cases neared daily record yesterday
Russia reports new record
Takeda enrolls first patients for new drug trial
China joins WHO vaccine initiative
Iran bars hospitals from taking non-urgent cases as COVID hammers country

* * *

Update (1100ET): Italy just recorded 5,372 new cases on Friday, topping 5,000 new cases for the first time since March 29, according to JHU data. Yesterday, Italy reported 4,458 new cases, which was, at the time, the largest daily tally since April 11.

see chart here: (insert https:) //

Australia's prolonged lockdown is just ... brutal. And nonsensical, since they've included a curfew (why? Is the virus more contagious at night?)

In Melbourne, the restrictions are


– No traveling more than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from their homes;

– No traveling to other states inside of the country;

– Those under house arrest [everyone] are permitted to leave home for just one hour each day for exercise;

– Only one person is permitted to go shopping per family each day; shopping is to be done within 5 kilometers from home;

– Unlike traditional prisons, visitations are not permitted to house arrestees;

– All school activities are to be conducted online;

– All businesses, services and construction cancelled;

– Organized sport, forget it;

– In the case of funerals, try and delay your demise if at all possible, otherwise, expect just 10 guests;

– Ditto for weddings;

– Curfew in effect between 8 pm and 5 am.

Meanwhile, as to be expected, the authorities have been enthusiastic about meting out their street justice on people who allegedly violate the regime’s rules. And not just on the street. The police have been authorized to enter private residences without a warrant.

SOME jurisdictions have used Covid-19 as an excuse to ban the sale of guns(??) and alcohol.

There are two things missing from the latest uptick:

Deaths, and masks.

When people start runnig around with their hair on fire about "cases", the first thing I do is check divoc-91 for attendant "deaths". And so far, I'm not seeing the same meteoritic rise.


In the last several weeks, Melbourne has introduced shockingly draconian anti-Covid measures, imposed on the metropolis of some 5 million souls. What tragedy was responsible for spurring officials to leap into action? To blame was a fractional uptick in the number of coronavirus deaths – seven to be exact, and all involving citizens above the age of 70 years old.

The media jumped on the “new single-day record in Victoria,” which brought the state death toll to 56. I repeat, 56, and the overwhelming majority of those cases involved elderly people in nursing facilities, some of which are under investigation for their handling of patients. While it goes without saying that elderly lives matter, do seven elderly deaths really warrant the shutdown of one of Australia’s busiest cities?

Lookig at the USA, the number of cases reached a high of about 100 per million about one month into our leg of the pandemic, dipped to about 55 three months in, then rose to about 200 per million about 4.5 months in. It has since dropped a bit and is noodling around about 150. But DEATHS is a different story. Like "cases", there was an early peak of about seven deaths per million (population), a drop to about 2, roughly corresponding to the dip in "cases", and subsequent rise to about 3 per million roughly corresponding to the rise in "cases", But while cases and deaths rise and fall together, they aren't proportionate. IF deaths were to rise proportionately to "cases", we would have peaked out at about 14 cases per million, and be currently noodling around 10... but we're not. We're one-third of that.

Sweden is another example, where "cases" have risen dramatically. but "deaths" have not.

And while there are all kinds of reporting problems, and "cases" being hostage to the number of tests conducted, it does seem as if the death rate has dropped ... NOT "pernumber of cses" or "per number of infections" but simply per number of people [total population]

According to the infectious disease specialist who treated hubby for pneumonia, it is actually pretty rare for people to have to be hospitalized for Covid-19: 80% of the people who have it don't even know that they do.

I'm not suggesting that governments "not" respond to Covid-19. what I AM uggesting is that they respond to DEATHS, or HOSPITALIZATIONS, not "cases".

And while lockdowns are a good circuit-breaker for an out-of-control rise in hospitalizations or deaths (whichever marker you use) they are NOT a permanent solution to the pandemic. There has to be a response that comes AFTER lockdown, not just "more lockdowns".

Testing and contact tracing, masking (make CREDIBLE masks available to first responders and vulnerable population), and shut down of high-risk activities [mass indoor gatherings, especially involving singing- church, shouting-bars, chanting-sports events, or breathing hard-gym, and close personal contact- elder care facilities).

Also, provide people with adequate information about whcih activities are the riskiest, and PPE so they can protect THEMSELVES.

The factor you are overlooking is age.

The early cases were largely elderly, which were easier to contact trace and find new cases, and then this age group tended more towards a death outcome.
Then more widespread cases - either "cases from spread" or "cases detected from ore testing" - and included other age groups, such as 18-30 year olds. These other age groups rapidly grew the total number of cases, but deaths in these groups was rare.
From what I have seen, cases in age group 70+ are followed by deaths in age group 70+ at about the same rate of death during this whole time, other than improvements in medical treatments, elimination of Libtard Gob rules, authorized use of HCQ.
And the death rate in the 18=30 age group has continued to be nil during this entire time.


Saturday, October 10, 2020 4:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:



If you could see the graph that charts 4 counties, including Multnonah where Portland is located, you'd see what I was posting about. But even if you can't see it, probably most others can see it and understand.

week ... newcases

200426 .. 96

200503 .. 83
200510 .. 103
200517 .. 96
200524 .. 107
200531 .. 197 BEGIN PEAK

200607 .. 287
200614 .. 356
200621 .. 316
200628 .. 418

200705 .. 596 PEAK
200712 .. 526
200719 .. 462
200726 .. 428

200802 .. 410
200809 .. 348
200816 .. 353
200823 .. 243 TROUGH
200830 .. 279

200906 .. 288
200913 .. 320
200920 .. 328
200927 .. 366 RISING

If you were able to see the graph you'd notice that the Multnonah peak happened in July, then numbers fell through August DESPITE the fact that Portland protests(riots) were increasing during that time. "By July 2020, many of the protests, which have been held virtually every day since May 28, have drawn more than 1,000 participants.",_Orego

The other thing you'd notice is that Multnonah County closely tracks the other 3 counties Clackamas, Washington, and Yamhill, in terms of the timing and numbers of cases.

You'd notice that Multnonah County closely tracks cases in Oregon as a whole, which you can find at this link.

And finally you'd notice that in terms of the timing of the peaks, Oregon tracks the US as a whole.

Multnonah County where Portland is located doesn't show that 'cases' tracks protests(riots) since cases increased then decreased as riots steadily increased.

Multnonah County where Portland is located tracks 3 nearby counties, the entire state of Oregon, and the US, all of which also fail to track protests(riots).


Monday, October 12, 2020 8:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


WHO Flip-Flops: Urges World Leaders To Stop Using Lockdowns To Fight COVID Contagion

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, October 12, 2020 9:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Headlines are looking like this


Spanish Government Seals Off Madrid As COVID-19 Crisis Worsens; Merkel Says "Tougher Measures" Coming: Live Updates

Italy tops 5,000 new cases
Spanish gov't locks down Madrid
Merkel says she will impose tougher measures if no improvement seen in ten days
London mayor says lockdown "inevitable"
Netherland reports latest record jump
Spain declares "public health emergency" in Madrid
France places more cities on lockdown
Confirmed COVID-19 cases neared daily record yesterday
Russia reports new record
Takeda enrolls first patients for new drug trial
China joins WHO vaccine initiative
Iran bars hospitals from taking non-urgent cases as COVID hammers country

* * *

Update (1100ET): Italy just recorded 5,372 new cases on Friday, topping 5,000 new cases for the first time since March 29, according to JHU data. Yesterday, Italy reported 4,458 new cases, which was, at the time, the largest daily tally since April 11.

see chart here: (insert https:) //

Australia's prolonged lockdown is just ... brutal. And nonsensical, since they've included a curfew (why? Is the virus more contagious at night?)

In Melbourne, the restrictions are


– No traveling more than 5 kilometers (3.1 miles) from their homes;

– No traveling to other states inside of the country;

– Those under house arrest [everyone] are permitted to leave home for just one hour each day for exercise;

– Only one person is permitted to go shopping per family each day; shopping is to be done within 5 kilometers from home;

– Unlike traditional prisons, visitations are not permitted to house arrestees;

– All school activities are to be conducted online;

– All businesses, services and construction cancelled;

– Organized sport, forget it;

– In the case of funerals, try and delay your demise if at all possible, otherwise, expect just 10 guests;

– Ditto for weddings;

– Curfew in effect between 8 pm and 5 am.

Meanwhile, as to be expected, the authorities have been enthusiastic about meting out their street justice on people who allegedly violate the regime’s rules. And not just on the street. The police have been authorized to enter private residences without a warrant.

SOME jurisdictions have used Covid-19 as an excuse to ban the sale of guns(??) and alcohol.

There are two things missing from the latest uptick:

Deaths, and masks.

When people start runnig around with their hair on fire about "cases", the first thing I do is check divoc-91 for attendant "deaths". And so far, I'm not seeing the same meteoritic rise.


In the last several weeks, Melbourne has introduced shockingly draconian anti-Covid measures, imposed on the metropolis of some 5 million souls. What tragedy was responsible for spurring officials to leap into action? To blame was a fractional uptick in the number of coronavirus deaths – seven to be exact, and all involving citizens above the age of 70 years old.

The media jumped on the “new single-day record in Victoria,” which brought the state death toll to 56. I repeat, 56, and the overwhelming majority of those cases involved elderly people in nursing facilities, some of which are under investigation for their handling of patients. While it goes without saying that elderly lives matter, do seven elderly deaths really warrant the shutdown of one of Australia’s busiest cities?

Lookig at the USA, the number of cases reached a high of about 100 per million about one month into our leg of the pandemic, dipped to about 55 three months in, then rose to about 200 per million about 4.5 months in. It has since dropped a bit and is noodling around about 150. But DEATHS is a different story. Like "cases", there was an early peak of about seven deaths per million (population), a drop to about 2, roughly corresponding to the dip in "cases", and subsequent rise to about 3 per million roughly corresponding to the rise in "cases", But while cases and deaths rise and fall together, they aren't proportionate. IF deaths were to rise proportionately to "cases", we would have peaked out at about 14 cases per million, and be currently noodling around 10... but we're not. We're one-third of that.

Sweden is another example, where "cases" have risen dramatically. but "deaths" have not.

And while there are all kinds of reporting problems, and "cases" being hostage to the number of tests conducted, it does seem as if the death rate has dropped ... NOT "pernumber of cses" or "per number of infections" but simply per number of people [total population]

According to the infectious disease specialist who treated hubby for pneumonia, it is actually pretty rare for people to have to be hospitalized for Covid-19: 80% of the people who have it don't even know that they do.

I'm not suggesting that governments "not" respond to Covid-19. what I AM uggesting is that they respond to DEATHS, or HOSPITALIZATIONS, not "cases".

And while lockdowns are a good circuit-breaker for an out-of-control rise in hospitalizations or deaths (whichever marker you use) they are NOT a permanent solution to the pandemic. There has to be a response that comes AFTER lockdown, not just "more lockdowns".

Testing and contact tracing, masking (make CREDIBLE masks available to first responders and vulnerable population), and shut down of high-risk activities [mass indoor gatherings, especially involving singing- church, shouting-bars, chanting-sports events, or breathing hard-gym, and close personal contact- elder care facilities).

Also, provide people with adequate information about whcih activities are the riskiest, and PPE so they can protect THEMSELVES.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Hey Signy, so I have a reply to this. I do have one minor fact update as more information has accumulated - 80% of people do become symptomatic at some level, though it may be very slight.

Also, I think Australia is trying to eradicated COVID-19 à la NZ. It's a one-government island and it does have a history of eradicating introduced diseases in the past. Maybe that's what they're shooting for now. Theoretically it should work, according to the superspreader theory. If you can stop superspreading, the virus will die out on its own, supposedly. I disagree with that, I don't think superspreading from limited epicenters is the entire story. And in any case, I don't think Australia is doing the necessary and focused measures. Perhaps Australia could look to other countries with very low levels of transmission like Taiwan to see what they're doing that's working.

So, in general, I agree that lockdowns shouldn't be the only tool in the toolkit, and should be reserved for instances where where hospitalizations/ deaths are spiking out of control.

Anyway, at a minimum I think all countries always need to curtail high-risk activities, as you mentioned. What we don't know and which is debated is if that includes school, for example, and which level of school has which level of risk.

But I have to say that I think different countries and different situations need different levels of caution.

Sweden for example has many of its elderly in 'care homes', roughly 1/3 of people work from home, and the majority of young people live in single-individual housing. There seems to be a lot of existing separation of young people from at-risk elderly. So its vulnerable population is already relatively isolated from risk. I'd think the country could do a good job protecting the vulnerable.

But Italy has a lot of elderly living in multi-generation homes, where young people and vulnerable people have close contact. Which I believe is why cases and deaths are coupled together - not to the level they were before of course - but still coupled. Looking at which countries have cases coupled with deaths on 91-DIVOC, apparently Spain, Portugal, France, England and others ALSO have a significant number of multi-generational homes. How does one practically reverse-isolate the elderly in that situation in order to protect them? So in those cases I believe society in general needs to be more diligent about preventing spread via universal masking, opportunities for hand-sanitizing being freely available, and social distancing by limiting numbers of people in venues, as well as re-engineering spaces to increase ventilation and (perhaps) air filtration. BTW, one of the weird factoids I came across is why the old steam radiators for heating were so gosh-darn powerful; and that was because during the 1917 pandemic people understood ventilation was key to health, and so windows were left open a bit in winter, which had to be countered by lots and lots of extra heating.

Anyway, if you look at very poor countries where generations have to live together in tight quarters for economic survival, and nobody can afford to de facto close anything down, cases and deaths are both abysmal and clearly tied together. So there are lessons to be learned from them, too.


Monday, October 12, 2020 10:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


The "Great Barrington Declaration"

The Great Barrington Declaration – As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.

Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health. The results (to name a few) include lower childhood vaccination rates, worsening cardiovascular disease outcomes, fewer cancer screenings and deteriorating mental health – leading to greater excess mortality in years to come, with the working class and younger members of society carrying the heaviest burden. Keeping students out of school is a grave injustice.

Keeping these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.

Fortunately, our understanding of the virus is growing. We know that vulnerability to death from COVID-19 is more than a thousand-fold higher in the old and infirm than the young. Indeed, for children, COVID-19 is less dangerous than many other harms, including influenza.

As immunity builds in the population, the risk of infection to all – including the vulnerable – falls. We know that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity – i.e. the point at which the rate of new infections is stable – and that this can be assisted by (but is not dependent upon) a vaccine. Our goal should therefore be to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity.

The most compassionate approach that balances the risks and benefits of reaching herd immunity, is to allow those who are at minimal risk of death to live their lives normally to build up immunity to the virus through natural infection, while better protecting those who are at highest risk. We call this Focused Protection.

Adopting measures to protect the vulnerable should be the central aim of public health responses to COVID-19. By way of example, nursing homes should use staff with acquired immunity and perform frequent PCR testing of other staff and all visitors. Staff rotation should be minimized. Retired people living at home should have groceries and other essentials delivered to their home. When possible, they should meet family members outside rather than inside. A comprehensive and detailed list of measures, including approaches to multi-generational households, can be implemented, and is well within the scope and capability of public health professionals.

Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal. Simple hygiene measures, such as hand washing and staying home when sick should be practiced by everyone to reduce the herd immunity threshold. Schools and universities should be open for in-person teaching. Extracurricular activities, such as sports, should be resumed. Young low-risk adults should work normally, rather than from home. Restaurants and other businesses should open. Arts, music, sport and other cultural activities should resume. People who are more at risk may participate if they wish, while society as a whole enjoys the protection conferred upon the vulnerable by those who have built up herd immunity.

On what planet do these people live, I wonder. They seem to think that the vulnerable - who may be a very large portion of the population at-risk due to obesity, diabetes, hypertension etc as well as age - can be cleanly separated from the low risk so that they can be protected.

What a bunch of hooey.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020 11:25 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

No wonder it the "Great Barrington Declaration" reads like such a crock. It is one, just like the climate change denier's supposed signatory list.

Does anyone think I should sign the "Declaration" using my real name Minnie Mouse?


Tuesday, October 13, 2020 1:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I just wanted to comment on the California "mystery": The reason why it keeps spreading is bc nobody takes masking and social isolation seriously.

My fair city has one of the highest rates of infection. According to one pissed-off resident, Instagram is full of people still partying indoors belly-to-belly at our local bars with nary a mask in sight. Even on our street, the neighbors' young adult son held a large nighttime party - again, no mask in sight. (I know bc when I took puppy wuppy out for her b4 bed potty break the street was full of cars and some of the party-goers were leaving ... maskless... and I had to avoid them.)

It's kind of like the AIDS epidemic: Even as it was roaring along, gays were still going to bath houses for anonmymous sex.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, October 13, 2020 4:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah, your city has about twice the rate as my city. But both are still under 100.

I terms of scofflaws, I only know what I see in the small downtown area and what I read on nextdoor. Earlier on I saw a fair number of maskless people but the vast, vast majority of them were young male sidewalk surfers. Those rebellious independent young souls afraid of nothing were apparently terrified of what their peers would say if they should wear a mask. But over time I'm seeing far fewer of them without masks, I'd say 95-99% of everyone wears masks in public now. Now, whether or not they wear them correctly is another matter. As for nextdoor, there are a few - nearly totally male - cranks who vocally refuse/ object. But they're really on the fringe, saying god will protect/ cure them; and their opinions on other matters are equally irrational.

I haven't really looked at the demographics in CA or across the US, mostly because while I'm sure someone is keeping track, I haven't been able to find the particular data I'm looking for, especially when it comes to time-slice data.

But looking at the overall LACounty demographics at the link above it looks like Hispanics are by far disproportionately the highest rates for both cases and deaths, so maybe the mystery of CA could be solved by solving the mystery of Hispanics.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020 4:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

J&J paused their vaccine trials yesterday, and Eli Lilly paused theirs today, so that makes the second and third vaccine on hold, respectively.


Thursday, October 15, 2020 2:12 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

A new study has found that SARS-CoV-2 could theoretically infect a large number of mammals.

The research, which appears in the journal Scientific Reports, identifies important animal species that should be the focus of future real-world observations.

Central to scientific efforts to reduce the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic is the development of a vaccine. Suppose an effective vaccine can be developed and made widely available to a significant number of people worldwide. In that case, virus transmission rates should become low enough to allow countries to begin relaxing emergency measures put in place to reduce the spread of the virus.

However, while no doubt a crucial part of the puzzle, humans are not the only species affected by SARS-CoV-2.

As a type of coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a non-human animal — thought possibly to be a horseshoe bat — via an intermediary non-human animal that is yet to be determined. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that non-human animals are also susceptible to the virus.

But what is currently unknown is which types of animals are susceptible, how susceptible they are, and how likely they are to transmit the virus. This is important because if the virus can infect other non-human animals, such as pets or livestock, then people who regularly come into contact with these animals may be able to transmit the virus to them, and vice versa.

There are already reports of infections in domestic cats, as well as lions and tigers. Meanwhile, laboratory studies of animal cells suggest that a broad range of animals could host the virus.

By better understanding which animals are susceptible to the virus, hygiene practices can be put in place to minimize the risks of transmission to humans, as well as damage to livestock and other animals.

Computer modeling

To identify which species could be susceptible to the virus — and therefore should be the focus of future research — the researchers behind the present study developed a computer modeling system.

SARS-CoV-2 infects a host cell by attaching to ACE2 proteins. It is very effective at this in humans. As well as ACE2 proteins, the transmembrane serine protease TMPRSS2 is central to the virus’s ability to infect a host cell.

However, the ACE2 and TMPRSS2 proteins vary between species, so the virus may be able to infect non-human animal cells. By using sophisticated computer models drawing on a variety of data, the researchers were able to identify species that theoretically may be more susceptible to the virus than others. According to the first author of the study, Su Datt Lam, a Ph.D student at University College London (UCL)’s Structural & Molecular Biology department and the National University of Malaysia:

“Unlike laboratory-based experiments, the computational analyses we devised can be run automatically and rapidly. Therefore, these methods could be applied easily to future virus outbreaks that, unfortunately, are becoming more common due to human encroachment into natural habitats.”

The researchers found that a “broad range” of vertebrate animals could, in principle, contract SARS-CoV-2. In total, the researchers found evidence that 26 animal species that regularly come into contact with people may be susceptible to infection with SARS-CoV-2. In particular, they found that the binding process between the virus and the host ACE2 protein in sheep and great apes is likely to be as strong as it is in humans.

Sheep are a particular concern, given their prevalence in agricultural settings in many parts of the world.

The study also found that most fish, birds, and reptiles are unlikely to be susceptible to the virus.

Yet the researchers stress their study does not demonstrate with certainty that these animals are susceptible to the virus. Rather, it suggests a significant likelihood that this is the case, which warrants more detailed research to confirm these findings.

Nonetheless, being able to quickly analyze the potential susceptibility of a large number of animals is valuable.

For the lead author of the study, Prof. Christine Orengo, of UCL Structural & Molecular Biology, “[w]e wanted to look beyond just the animals that had been studied experimentally, to see which animals might be at risk of infection, and would warrant further investigation and possible monitoring.”

“The animals we identified may be at risk of outbreaks that could threaten endangered species or harm the livelihoods of farmers. The animals might also act as reservoirs of the virus, with the potential to re-infect humans later on, as has been documented on mink farms,” Prof. Orengo adds.

Given the likelihood of the virus transmitting to far more species than it is currently known to infect, the researchers call for new guidance on the monitoring and handling of animals by humans.

According to a co-author of the study, Prof. Joanne Santini, of UCL Structural & Molecular Biology, “[t]o protect animals, as well as to protect ourselves from the risk of one day catching COVID-19 from an infected animal, we need large-scale surveillance of animals, particularly pets and farm animals, to catch cases or clusters early on while they’re still manageable.”

“It may also be important to employ hygiene measures when dealing with animals, similar to the behaviors we’ve all been learning this year to reduce transmission, and for infected people to isolate from animals as well as from other people,” she goes on to note.

Well, dang if it should turn out the virus is not only a human pathogen but an environmental one.

It just goes to show how little we know about it.


Monday, October 19, 2020 1:18 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

This 14-year-old girl won a $25K prize for a discovery that could lead to a cure for Covid-19

As scientists around the world race to find a treatment for the coronavirus, a young girl among them stands out. Anika Chebrolu, a 14-year-old from Frisco, Texas, has just won the 2020 3M Young Scientist Challenge -- and a $25,000 prize -- for a discovery that could provide a potential therapy to Covid-19. Anika's winning invention uses in-silico (using computers) methodology to discover a lead molecule that can selectively bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

"The last two days, I saw that there is a lot of media hype about my project since it involves the SARS-CoV-2 virus and it reflects our collective hopes to end this pandemic as I, like everyone else, wish that we go back to our normal lives soon," Anika told CNN.

Anika, who is Indian American, submitted her project when she was in 8th grade -- but it wasn't always going to be focused on finding a cure for Covid-19. Initially, her goal was to use in-silico methods to identify a lead compound that could bind to a protein of the influenza virus.

"After spending so much time researching about pandemics, viruses and drug discovery, it was crazy to think that I was actually living through something like this," Anika said. "Because of the immense severity of the Covid-19 pandemic and the drastic impact it had made on the world in such a short time, I, with the help of my mentor, changed directions to target the SARS-CoV-2 virus."

Anika said she was inspired to find potential cures to viruses after learning about the 1918 flu pandemic and finding out how many people die every year in the United States despite annual vaccinations and anti-influenza drugs on the market.

"Anika has an inquisitive mind and used her curiosity to ask questions about a vaccine for Covid-19," Dr. Cindy Moss, a judge for the 3M Young Scientist Challenge, told CNN.
"Her work was comprehensive and examined numerous databases. She also developed an understanding of the innovation process and is a masterful communicator. Her willingness to use her time and talent to help make the world a better place gives us all hope."

Her next goal, she says, is to work alongside scientists and researchers who are fighting to "control the morbidity and mortality" of the pandemic by developing her findings into an actual cure for the virus.

"My effort to find a lead compound to bind to the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus this summer may appear to be a drop in the ocean, but still adds to all these efforts," she said. "How I develop this molecule further with the help of virologists and drug development specialists will determine the success of these efforts."
Of course, Anika also finds time to be normal 14-year-old. When she isn't in a lab or working toward her goal of becoming a doctor or researcher, Anika trains for the Indian classical dance called Bharatanatyam, which she has been practicing for eight years.

Like the young female grade-schooler whose work led to the discovery and use of cancer markers (her insight was that faulty, cancerous DNA would produce faulty proteins) I'm sure this young girl will also disappear over time, and be swamped by the big names who'll capitalize on her brilliance.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020 4:19 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I need to track these figures down.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020 7:36 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Like the young female grade-schooler whose work led to the discovery and use of cancer markers (her insight was that faulty, cancerous DNA would produce faulty proteins) I'm sure this young girl will also disappear over time, and be swamped by the big names who'll capitalize on her brilliance.

You sure are a "glass half empty... and it's dirty and what's in it will probably kill you" kind of person. I see her name being relatively well known with this award, so people / drug companies might even want to keep her amazing story alive by giving her a salary and letting them use the pr - win win. If this isn't a fluke then financial security is surely a given for the rest of her life. Plus, she has the knowledge that she's helped mankind - a bonus you can't put a price on. Cheer up, Kookie.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020 10:19 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah, that young girl with that breakthrough insight decade ago ... even Nobel laureates were chagrined to admit they hadn't thought of that concept, that faulty DNA would make faulty proteins, and were quoted saying so. And it was so revolutionary it inspired a whole field of research. But you've never heard of her, and I can't remember her name. And no amount of googling will resurrect her.


Wednesday, October 21, 2020 6:19 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Hooray for Sucralose and High Fructose Corn Syrup.


Saturday, October 24, 2020 3:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It took a while, but 'new deaths' in the US are going up.

'New cases' went up because young, invulnerable people decided they didn't want to give up their party-time lifestyle and caught COVID-19.

But because we don't have a society where vulnerable people live separately from everyone else, and so are able to be protected, young people gave came in contact with vulnerable people, and passed their COVID-19 on to them. And now the vulnerable people are dying.

It's inevitable in the US: news cases = new hospitalizations = new deaths.


Saturday, October 24, 2020 3:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The CDC Just Changed The Definition Of ‘Close Contact’ To Someone With Covid-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday expanded the definition of “close contact” to someone with a confirmed case of Covid-19 from 15 consecutive minutes within six feet to 15 total minutes or more, within six feet, over a 24 hour period.

The revised definition is based on new evidence about transmission of the virus from a correctional facility in Vermont.

• • A 20-year-old prison employee contracted the coronavirus during the course of his eight-hour shift during which he had multiple, albeit brief, encounters with six asymptomatic incarcerated individuals on July 28.

• • The employee, who was wearing a cloth mask, a gown and eye protection during each interaction, spent a total of 17 minutes with the incarcerated individuals during his shift.

• • The six individuals had arrived from an out of state facility, were quarantined, and awaiting Covid-19 test results – on July 29, all six tested positive.

• • They wore face masks during some, but not all of their interactions with the employee.

• • The employee began showing symptoms August 4, and tested positive August 11 – he reported no other exposure to the coronavirus and had not traveled outside Vermont.

Even multiple but brief exposures - like passing in the hallway - count.


Monday, October 26, 2020 3:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If Trump was at all up to the task of handling this pandemic, there would be ONE thing that he should have been able to do BY NOW: Make it possible for every vulnerable person to get an Rx for two N95 respirators once every two months or so.

Dear daugther and I have been using the same six since this started. That's three per person for almost nine months.

Vulnerable people KNOW that they're vulnerable. They're not out running errands five times a week, and with careful use and sanitizing a few N95s could go a long way to protecting the elderly and compromised.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, October 26, 2020 4:04 AM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Dear daugther and I have been using the same six since this started. That's three per person for almost nine months.

Uh-huh. I don't think you get how masks work, OR you're lying and just posting to get credits. I'm guessing the latter.


Monday, October 26, 2020 8:30 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Apparently YOU don't know about sanitizing for re-use!!

So, are your minders are keeping you well-supplied?


Tuesday, October 27, 2020 6:36 PM


I have wondered if the CA wildfires have contributed to spread.

The fires caused premature temp drop and cloud cover clocking the sun. Has ths temp drop and UV reduction iven rise to Covid spread?

Was the summer our opportunity to subdue, and squandered by superspreader events from Antifag and BLM?


Tuesday, October 27, 2020 8:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I realize you can't get to some linked data, but since most of these links are to maps, I'll have to describe them to you.

Overall, California's rate of COVID-19 spread seems to be most related to relaxing and then re-enforcing restaurant and bar restrictions. For example, on July 6, 2020 bars and in-house dining were re-restricted in selected counties, and by July 13 cases started to level off.
By August 14, 2020 cases in CA were dropping steeply.

If fires contributed to the spread you'd expect to see the most cases where there were the worst fires - or immediately downwind That's not the case, as the two maps don't match up.

And if riots were major contributors you'd expect to see the worst spread in urban areas, and not also in very rural, agricultural, and desert areas like San Bernardino, Riverside, Imperial, Tulare, Modera, and Tehama counties.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020 10:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I've pointed out more than once that there's a lot about SARS-CoV-2 that's UNknown. But the meaning of the word UNknown seems to escape many, since people make predictions based on assumptions that may or may not be true.

One of them is herd immunity. Its merits are based on at least 2 assumptions: 1) infection confers lasting immunity, and 2) nearly all infections don't leave lasting damage (ie if you haven't died, or been in a hospital on a ventilator, you'll be OK).

One assumption about infection leading to immunity may be wrong.


UK study finds evidence of waning antibody immunity to COVID-19 over time

Scientists at Imperial College London ... found that antibody prevalence fell by a quarter, from 6% of the population around the end of June to just 4.4% in September.

“On the balance of evidence I would say, with what we know for other coronaviruses, it would look as if immunity declines away at the same rate as antibodies decline away, and that this is an indication of waning immunity at the population level.”

The study backs up findings from similar surveys in Germany which found the vast majority of people didn’t have COVID-19 antibodies, even in hotspots for the disease, and that antibodies might fade in those who do.

World Health Organisation spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said that uncertainty over how long immunity would last and the fact most people had never had antibodies against the coronavirus in the first place showed the need to break transmission chains. Acquiring this collective immunity just by letting virus run through the population is not really an option,” he told a U.N. briefing in Geneva

As noted in the article, this was released as an unreviewed preprint, and no link was provided to the preprint server.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020 11:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Study identifies 3 existing drugs that may help treat COVID-19

Instead, in their study, the scientists used a ligand-based virtual screening (LBVS) (like the 'in silico' method described in a post above -1kiki)

... to study approximately 4,000 drugs[,] then verifying their findings, the scientists identified three that may be effective against COVID-19 and, in their opinion, should be made the subject of clinical trials.

These are the antimalarial drug amodiaquine, the anti-psychotic zuclopenthixol, and the blood pressure medication nebivolol.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 3:27 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have wondered if the CA wildfires have contributed to spread.

The fires caused premature temp drop and cloud cover clocking the sun. Has ths temp drop and UV reduction iven rise to Covid spread?

Was the summer our opportunity to subdue, and squandered by superspreader events from Antifag and BLM?

I meant for the rest of America. I'm in WI, and the smoke blocked the sun and dropped temps suddenly in early Sept.

I don't know how Canada was affected. I assume Utah was.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 3:34 PM


I forget if this has been brought up. I was told that having A+ blood type makes one immune to Covid. Is this true?


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 4:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have wondered if the CA wildfires have contributed to spread.

The fires caused premature temp drop and cloud cover clocking the sun. Has [the] temp drop and UV reduction [given] rise to Covid spread?

Was the summer our opportunity to subdue, and squandered by superspreader events from Antifag and BLM?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I meant for the rest of America. I'm in WI, and the smoke blocked the sun and dropped temps suddenly in early Sept.

I don't know how Canada was affected. I assume Utah was.

Well, if you're going to believe that some fire smoke affected COVID-19 spread some, then you should agree that more fire smoke affected COVID-19 spread even more. And there was no effect immediately downwind of the fires. Other than that ... weather changes all the time. It would be hard to distinguish smoke effects far downwind from other changes in weather that were also happening.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 4:13 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

No blood type is 'immune' from COVID-19. I hope you reevaluate the person's expertise who told you that. That said, 2 studies indicate people with type O may be less prone (not immune, but less likely) to go on to develop SEVERE COVID-19 once they're infected.

Now a team of European researchers have found that people with blood type A had a 45% higher risk of catching coronavirus and developing "COVID-19 with respiratory failure," compared to people with other blood types. On the other hand, people with type O blood had a 35% lower risk for this more serious form of COVID-19.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 5:04 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I have wondered if the CA wildfires have contributed to spread.

The fires caused premature temp drop and cloud cover clocking the sun. Has [the] temp drop and UV reduction [given] rise to Covid spread?

Was the summer our opportunity to subdue, and squandered by superspreader events from Antifag and BLM?


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I meant for the rest of America. I'm in WI, and the smoke blocked the sun and dropped temps suddenly in early Sept.

I don't know how Canada was affected. I assume Utah was.

Well, if you're going to believe that some fire smoke affected COVID-19 spread some, then you should agree that more fire smoke affected COVID-19 spread even more. And there was no effect immediately downwind of the fires. Other than that ... weather changes all the time. It would be hard to distinguish smoke effects far downwind from other changes in weather that were also happening.

Yes. The weatherguessers were saying that the temp drop was caused by the smoke from CA fires, so they probably had no clue what they were talking about. Rumor has it that meteorologists get indoctrinated in places like college and stuff, so they probably don't know anything.
They demonstrated the smoke effects from satellite imaging, which was likely Faked.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 6:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

JSF - if you think some smoke WAYYYYY up in the atmosphere affects COVID-19 transmission indirectly through weather, don't you think 100X more smoke that affects transmission indirectly through weather 100X more; and that people are actually breathing; would affect it more?


Monday, November 9, 2020 5:09 PM


I have heard of news reports of Obiden election thieves cheering on the Dem team, in rallies without masks or social distancing.

Seems Obiden is in a rush to create Covid Task Force, to respond to the increase of Covid from his rally superspreader events.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 8:00 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, I was looking at 91-DIVOC to see which way things were going - especially, to see if/ where new cases => new deaths, either increasing or decreasing. Overall, the link between new cases and news deaths is evident, even for new cases that occurred recently and in a less vulnerable population. What that did was delay new deaths, and attenuate the connection, while young people secondarily transmitted COVID-19 to vulnerable people. But it's clear new cases still result in new deaths.

In looking at the graphs there are some things I needed to decide to interpret them.

At low numbers (per 100,000, which is the graph I used) the 'signal' is extremely noisy, I think just by happenstance. Real life doesn't happen continuously and smoothly, it happens in spatters. And on top of that, it looks like there are many instances where data entry is the deciding factor in the peaks and valleys in the graphs over time. So I discounted any total signal less than 0.2 (per 100,000). There were some states where the numbers both dipped below and rose above 0.2, so I looked at how much of the more recent data was above 0.2. That was often the difference between what looked like a clear association, and an association.

And for some other graphs, the only way to make sense of them is to have a very long timespan that can be "smoothed".

And - I feel I need to point this out even though it seems ridiculous - there's the timegap between new cases and new deaths, since after getting infected, people need time to get sicker and sicker and then pass away.

Just briefly diverging from that, according to WorldOMeter numbers, there've been 10,534,260 cases and 245,557 deaths, for a case fatality rate of 2.3% as of November 10, 2020, 22:29 GMT. So one would expect the new deaths signal to be the new cases signal attenuated by a factor of 50. If new deaths less than 0.2 is too noisy to be reliable, that means that news cases less than 10 is uninterpretable because there's no valid new deaths number to compare it to.

That said ...

Wyoming ..............clear association
Wisconsin .............clear association
W Virginia .............(less than 0.2)
Washington ...........(less than 0.2)
Virginia ..................(less than 0.2)
Vermont ................(less than 0.2)
Utah ......................(less than 0.2)
Texas ....................clear association
Tennessee ............association
S Dakota ...............clear association
S Carolina .............clear association
Rhode Island ........association
Pennsylvania ........(less than 0.2)
Oregon ..................(less than 0.2)
Oklahoma .............(less than 0.2)
Ohio ......................(less than 0.2)
N Dakota ...............clear association
N Carolina .............association
New York ...............(less than 0.2)
New Mexico ...........clear association
New Jersey ............(less than 0.2)
New Hampshire .....(less than 0.2)
Nevada ..................clear association
Nebraska ...............association
Montana ................clear association
Missouri .................association
Mississippi ........,....clear association
Minnesota ..............association
Michigan ................(less than 0.2)
Massachusetts ......(less than 0.2)
Maryland ...............(less than 0.2)
Maine ....................(less than 0.2)
Louisiana ...............clear association
Kentucky ...............(less than 0.2)
Kansas ..................clear association
Iowa .......................association
Indiana ...................association
Illinois .....................association
Idaho ......................(less than 0.2)
Hawaii ....................(less than 0.2)
Georgia ...................association
Florida ....................clear association
DC .........................(less than 0.2)
Delaware ...............(less than 0.2)
Connecticut ............(less than 0.2)
Colorado ................(less than 0.2)
California ................(less than 0.2)
Arkansas ................clear association
Arizona ...................clear association
Alaska ....................(less than 0.2)
Alabama .................association


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 9:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thinking ...

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, November 11, 2020 3:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Mysterious 'gene within a gene' found in the coronavirus


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 3:51 PM


... stay crunchy...


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Just briefly diverging from that, according to WorldOMeter numbers, there've been 10,534,260 cases and 245,557 deaths, for a case fatality rate of 2.3% as of November 10, 2020, 22:29 GMT. So one would expect the new deaths signal to be the new cases signal attenuated by a factor of 50. If new deaths less than 0.2 is too noisy to be reliable, that means that news cases less than 10 is uninterpretable because there's no valid new deaths number to compare it to.

I would like to see some data on how many asymptomatic people don't get tested because they feel fine. That would change the total case numbers of infected and the fatality rate %, as well as the danger of spreading the virus. But of course, we can't find that number. What we can absolutely know is this virus is extremely contagious and more deadly than the worst flu we've ever seen. Perhaps, even more deadly than Ebola:

"The SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes Covid-19 illness surpassed a grim milestone in early July. The number of deaths from Covid-19 in Africa—more than 11,950—exceeded the total number of people who died during the largest-ever Ebola outbreak in West Africa, according to the World Health Organization.

How could this be? How could a disease that usually kills greater than 60% of its victims be outgunned by Covid-19, which “only” kills about approximately 4% of its victims, by the latest numbers.

The answer relates to one fundamental aspect of most viruses. They don’t really like to kill their hosts. They can have a much wider impact if their hosts don’t die. This allows them to circulate in the community much longer and spread far and wide across the world for far greater impact.

When someone becomes ill with Ebola virus, they become bedridden very quickly. It’s really hard to be out in the community spreading disease if you are vomiting or having massive diarrhea. The people who are at greatest risk for Ebola infection are those who have very close contact taking care of the sick, bedridden victims—whether they are in the home or the hospital. Add to that, Ebola virus doesn’t spread until the victim has symptoms. This makes determining who is infected with Ebola and deciding who to isolate and quarantine much simpler than with Covid-19."






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