Countdown Clock to Trumps impeachment " STARTS"

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 21:09
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Monday, November 20, 2017 6:47 AM


I think this may answer that very spot-on question:

A little humor goes a long way, don't you think?



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I don't say that there isn't any evidence.

I just say that everything presented to the public is circumstantial and we've been listening to the media speculate on that for a year now. It would be easier to take them seriously if they didn't try to link every wrong thing in the entire world to Trump's presidency every single day.

Take a look back. Name one day that the MSM didn't have something bad to say about Trump. I'm certain you can't.

I dunno. At least I don't see Kiki and Sigs telling everybody to hate you. Your ideologies have become so pronounced you're starting to sound like an Old Testament Baptist minister when you speak.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 20, 2017 7:49 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
I don't say that there isn't any evidence.

I just say that everything presented to the public is circumstantial and we've been listening to the media speculate on that for a year now. It would be easier to take them seriously if they didn't try to link every wrong thing in the entire world to Trump's presidency every single day.

Take a look back. Name one day that the MSM didn't have something bad to say about Trump. I'm certain you can't.

I dunno. At least I don't see Kiki and Sigs telling everybody to hate you. Your ideologies have become so pronounced you're starting to sound like an Old Testament Baptist minister when you speak.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I'm guessing it will happen right about the time that Obama pays reparations to the men he took sexual liberties with

That's precious, how about we start with the kind of shit you post. Look in the mirror Jack, ideology starts with you. Where my concerns lay is with Trump the disaster to this country and Russia. Big difference. Your post is based on hate. What I post is based on the best facts available at the moment.

You literally told everybody on the board that they should hate me, Sigs and Kiki.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 20, 2017 7:54 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Okay, let's take a look back, shall we...........

Trump said that once he was done with the campaign, that he would sue the women who accused him of sexual harassment/misconduct. Let me see, nope.....nothing. Not even a mention by him on tweeter that he's following up with the lawsuit. That's just one thing.

You know, it's funny, most of what is reported by the press/media is mainly self-inflicted "gun shots" to his clumsy-ass feet. They report on the shit he does to "endear" himself to the people. His staunch supporters are about the only ones complaining about the media's efforts to expose the fraud that he is. Yes, they do report on him quite a lot, but it stands to reason why. He's a FUCK UP!

About the only positive thing he's done is for the very, very wealthy. Oh and he's picked for lifetime appointments Federal judges that will, let's see now, benefit the rich. Hmmmm, I guess he is doing well after all. Hey, the rich folk got what they wanted and guess who's paying for all this shit. So you want less of Trump in the media? Well, then let's see what "we" can do about that. Here's another funny thing: all of the mainstream media, including Fox and Rush Limpdick - are owned by.....guess who? The rich!

Now, complain all you want, but this is not going away anytime soon. As long as The Orange Pimpmaster continues his assault on the country. This is not going to end.

Oh! BTW, this prick sells and so that's another reason why the coverage is going to continue. Sorry buddy, but reality just took a big fucking bite and it's chewing up the scenery.

I'm not complaining about anything. The MSM can do whatever they want to do.

All I'm saying is that it's a shame that the MSM has been handling things they way they have the last year.

I'm open to the idea that Trump is a scumbag and a traitor. It's quite possible and if it is he should be punished to the full extent of US law.

But without any real evidence I just find it hard to believe at this point. I'm not going to believe the MSM when they accuse him everyday of being one just because he has character flaws that you and a lot of other people hate.

Feel free to keep up the mob mentality.

I decline.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 20, 2017 9:37 AM



Originally posted by JO753:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Name one day that the MSM didn't have something bad to say about Trump. I'm certain you can't.

I agree. And its kuz there haznt been a day wen there wuznt sumthing bad and new to say about Trump.

Yep, it's that simple. Every day bad news about Trump because everyday Trumps' actions hurt this country.


Monday, November 20, 2017 1:37 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I'm open to the idea that Trump is a scumbag and a traitor. It's quite possible and if it is he should be punished to the full extent of US law.

But without any real evidence I just find it hard to believe at this point. I'm not going to believe the MSM when they accuse him everyday of being one just because he has character flaws that you and a lot of other people hate.

Feel free to keep up the mob mentality.

None of the following is illegal, none of it was fake news, but the middle class ought to punish Trump for what he is doing: Trump pretended he wouldn’t cut taxes for the rich.

At his confirmation hearing, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin made an unambiguous promise that there would be “no absolute tax cut for the upper class” in the Trump administration’s vision of tax reform.

Trump promised on September 13 that rich people wouldn’t benefit “at all” from his tax plan. On July 26, he went further and suggested he wanted to raise taxes on the rich. Back in May of 2016 as a candidate, he went on Meet the Press and backed tax increases on the rich. “For the wealthy, I think, frankly, it’s going to go up,” he said. “And you know what? It really should go up.”

One way Trump frequently likes to make this point is to cast himself as a selfless champion of the people, willing to raise his own taxes for the sake of the country. Trump went so far as to phone up a group of Senate Democrats to tell them, “My accountant called me and said, 'You're going to get killed in this bill.’”

This is all a bunch of lies. As Mark Murray writes for NBC News, “Trump and his heirs potentially could save more than $1 billion overall under the GOP tax proposal.”

Rather than own up to the reversal and defend it on the merits, Trump’s team is now engaging in bizarre deflections.


Monday, November 20, 2017 2:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
You literally told everybody on the board that they should hate me, Sigs and Kiki.

THUGGER is a deep state troll. Aren't you, comrade THUGGER?

I wonder if they feel like they're getting their money's worth? Or maybe they figured this was going to be a dry hole anyway, so why not put him somewhere out of the way where he can't do any real damage.



Monday, November 20, 2017 2:54 PM



Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

I'm open to the idea that Trump is a scumbag and a traitor. It's quite possible and if it is he should be punished to the full extent of US law.

But without any real evidence I just find it hard to believe at this point. I'm not going to believe the MSM when they accuse him everyday of being one just because he has character flaws that you and a lot of other people hate.

Feel free to keep up the mob mentality.

None of the following is illegal, none of it was fake news, but the middle class ought to punish Trump for what he is doing: Trump pretended he wouldn’t cut taxes for the rich.

At his confirmation hearing, Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin made an unambiguous promise that there would be “no absolute tax cut for the upper class” in the Trump administration’s vision of tax reform.

Trump promised on September 13 that rich people wouldn’t benefit “at all” from his tax plan. On July 26, he went further and suggested he wanted to raise taxes on the rich. Back in May of 2016 as a candidate, he went on Meet the Press and backed tax increases on the rich. “For the wealthy, I think, frankly, it’s going to go up,” he said. “And you know what? It really should go up.”

One way Trump frequently likes to make this point is to cast himself as a selfless champion of the people, willing to raise his own taxes for the sake of the country. Trump went so far as to phone up a group of Senate Democrats to tell them, “My accountant called me and said, 'You're going to get killed in this bill.’”

This is all a bunch of lies. As Mark Murray writes for NBC News, “Trump and his heirs potentially could save more than $1 billion overall under the GOP tax proposal.”

Rather than own up to the reversal and defend it on the merits, Trump’s team is now engaging in bizarre deflections.

What this is, is just an unfortunate maintenance of the status quo that I had hoped I was voting against. Presidential administrations have been fucking the average worker ever since I was born, and likely many years before then as well. Even when things seemed great after the Clinton administration, a lot of that had to do with opening trade with China and was a catalyst for many of the underlying problems with the economy today. (Not for the rich, of course, but for everybody else).

Obama's quantatative easing was another step in the wrong direction.

Nobody was comfortable with Hillary's close relation to big banks and the speeches she made that she tried to keep a secret from everybody.

You're goddamned right I'm pissed off about what Trump is doing now.

I'm even more pissed off that this has been happening all of my life in one flavor or another, and Simon and Garfunkle's legendary line "Any way you look at it you lose" wasn't some sort of prophecy, but was just stating the truth about how it was, is and likely forever will be.

Fuck the rich.

I hope you all choke on your delicacies that cost you more than I spent to live this year.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 20, 2017 3:15 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
You literally told everybody on the board that they should hate me, Sigs and Kiki.

THUGGER is a deep state troll. Aren't you, comrade THUGGER?

I wonder if they feel like they're getting their money's worth? Or maybe they figured this was going to be a dry hole anyway, so why not put him somewhere out of the way where he can't do any real damage.

I said, why Americans should hate you.


Monday, November 20, 2017 5:59 PM



I'm not complaining about anything. The MSM can do whatever they want to do.

Okay. Got it!


All I'm saying is that it's a shame that the MSM has been handling things they way they have the last year.

We've been through this, but it bares repeating, the MSM is reporting on the presidency - no matter how lame the administration performs or how poor the coverage. I didn't hear much of anything whenever the media covered Obama and the
fucking "real obstructionists" in Congress:

Do you remember when the Republican-lead Congress blocked Obama from picking a Supreme Court judge? For over a year, because they thought maybe a Republican would win (Hmmmmm). Anyway, that's news! And now Donny Baby is crying, boo hoo, that Congress is obstructing him - but wait a minute; they control both houses. It's all a bunch of bullshit and people are swallowing it hook, line and sinker. These are the things that need to be in the news...of course, a lot that Donny Baby does is to distract from his total dismantling of the government as we know it. The one that functions on a high level, the one that has the keys to the Kingdom, namely our country.

I say all of this because the media is a necessary evil, as the saying goes. It generally is needed to keep an eye on the crazy Orange One and his staff from blowing up the works. Literally. I guess you don't want to know if these fucking assholes "colluded" with the Russian Mob to fuck us all in the ass real good.


I'm open to the idea that Trump is a scumbag and a traitor. It's quite possible and if it is he should be punished to the full extent of US law.

This is all I'm saying. The truth is out there and I'm curious as to how these stupid fucking rich scumbags thought for a second that they would get away with it.


But without any real evidence I just find it hard to believe at this point. I'm not going to believe the MSM when they accuse him everyday of being one just because he has character flaws that you and a lot of other people hate.

"Without any real evidence..." When someone is conducting an investigation, especially in white collar crimes, it takes time to dig and find the money. Here's the thing, Trump and company have been lying since the beginning. They have denied
any contact with the Russians, but at every turn Mueller finds stuff and then people like Sessions, Kushner, Don Jr. etc. lie through their teeth that they ever met with any Russians. The day after Trump fired Comey, he invited Russian mobsters into the White House and gave away classified secrets (and don't give me that "but what about Hillary" crap because had she done what Trump did, you'd never hear the end of it - Benghazi went on for years).

Look Six, I get it. You are siding with the people you identify with, I have no problem with that. You can do whatever you believe in. I'm doing the same. I don't hate Trump because of skin color (wait, I gotta laugh at that last statement, he's so fucking orange), or even because he's rich, not even his "fake" hair. It's because, above all, HE'S A REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS SCUMBAG! He'll step on your neck and take your last penny, while you're lying in the gutter unconscious.
That's the mark of a real douchebag. He would "screw" his own mother for a buck.
And now he's the president. And he is not playing by the established rules that has made this country great. Fuck his slogan, I know what it really means, but even that is smoke and mirrors Six. You are being duped by the biggest con-artist in the universe. This is how he makes his money; and it is NOT honest.

And those character flaws is shitting on what made this country great. His motto and his administration is a sham, flim-flam, bogus....a big fucking lie. He's using his best stuff to rob, lie, cheat and steal his way to the top of the wealthy pile of shit. The evidence is being dug up by Mueller, why else would Trump be shitting a fucking brick trying to think of ways to fire Mueller. If there's really nothing there then Trump and his cronies would open the door and show Mueller every piece of paper, phone call and e-mail; then say "see, told you there was nothing."

BTW, neither the media or Mueller, for that matter, have accused anyone. Mueller has been silent since Day One. And yeah, the media draws conclusions, speculates and they allege, but that's how they make money. When Mueller finishes his probe, then he will make the proper charges to the proper people, if he finds anything worthwhile. He's a pro's pro and I'm glad that he is not leaking anything of note. Just ask Paul Manafort. Believe, don't believe....because it doesn't matter. The shit will hit the fan soon, and I bet anything that many will be packing their bags and a toothbrush.

Me!? I'm counting the days...........tick, tock!


Feel free to keep up the mob mentality.

You mean like the mob that killed that young girl who's only crime was marching against bigotry and fascism. She was standing there exercising her right to protest, then suddenly a car came out of nowhere and killed her. This from the "very fine people" who were there to tell anyone who would listen how to live their life and reject anyone who was not exactly the same color skin. This is a country of freedoms, built on free and open thinking and on immigrants of all types and colors. It is NOT built on hate; no matter what anyone says.



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Okay, let's take a look back, shall we...........

Trump said that once he was done with the campaign, that he would sue the women who accused him of sexual harassment/misconduct. Let me see, nope.....nothing. Not even a mention by him on tweeter that he's following up with the lawsuit. That's just one thing.

You know, it's funny, most of what is reported by the press/media is mainly self-inflicted "gun shots" to his clumsy-ass feet. They report on the shit he does to "endear" himself to the people. His staunch supporters are about the only ones complaining about the media's efforts to expose the fraud that he is. Yes, they do report on him quite a lot, but it stands to reason why. He's a FUCK UP!

About the only positive thing he's done is for the very, very wealthy. Oh and he's picked for lifetime appointments Federal judges that will, let's see now, benefit the rich. Hmmmm, I guess he is doing well after all. Hey, the rich folk got what they wanted and guess who's paying for all this shit. So you want less of Trump in the media? Well, then let's see what "we" can do about that. Here's another funny thing: all of the mainstream media, including Fox and Rush Limpdick - are owned by.....guess who? The rich!

Now, complain all you want, but this is not going away anytime soon. As long as The Orange Pimpmaster continues his assault on the country. This is not going to end.

Oh! BTW, this prick sells and so that's another reason why the coverage is going to continue. Sorry buddy, but reality just took a big fucking bite and it's chewing up the scenery.

I'm not complaining about anything. The MSM can do whatever they want to do.

All I'm saying is that it's a shame that the MSM has been handling things they way they have the last year.

I'm open to the idea that Trump is a scumbag and a traitor. It's quite possible and if it is he should be punished to the full extent of US law.

But without any real evidence I just find it hard to believe at this point. I'm not going to believe the MSM when they accuse him everyday of being one just because he has character flaws that you and a lot of other people hate.

Feel free to keep up the mob mentality.

I decline.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 20, 2017 6:01 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

You're goddamned right I'm pissed off about what Trump is doing now.

I'm even more pissed off that this has been happening all of my life in one flavor or another, and Simon and Garfunkle's legendary line "Any way you look at it you lose" wasn't some sort of prophecy, but was just stating the truth about how it was, is and likely forever will be.

Fuck the rich.

I hope you all choke on your delicacies that cost you more than I spent to live this year.

6ixStringJack, I think you are figuring it out, but let's make it more specific about what has gone wrong in America: “I look at Trump and the billionaire oligarchs he surrounds himself with as addicts. I do believe they are addicted to wealth, and that wealth addiction is no different from crack addiction. It fills an empty void. They will sell their grandmothers. They’re literally selling our entire country’s health for more. I remember Garry Shandling saying in 2007 that when we put people in office who are addicted to money and power, we might as well be giving a bunch of cokeheads a mountain of cocaine and saying: ‘Divide this equally among your people.’ I see it proven true every day. And we’ve raised an entire generation to worship money at any cost, no matter how it’s made.”


Monday, November 20, 2017 7:50 PM


Whether Obama was incompetent, complicit or played an active roll in the continued fleecing of the American Worker's wealth, it happened. Had Hillary been voted in, she would have continued her husband's work.

I get it alright. You only see the half of the picture that you want to see Second. Your partisan ideologies blind you from the other half of the truth.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 20, 2017 7:54 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Look Six, I get it. You are siding with the people you identify with, I have no problem with that. You can do whatever you believe in. I'm doing the same. I don't hate Trump because of skin color (wait, I gotta laugh at that last statement, he's so fucking orange), or even because he's rich, not even his "fake" hair. It's because, above all, HE'S A REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS SCUMBAG! He'll step on your neck and take your last penny, while you're lying in the gutter unconscious.

The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

The difference between you and I is that I largely kept my mouth shut about how bad of a president I thought Obama was during his administration. For nearly 3 years here I rallied against GWB and when the Dems got their turn we just got fucked more.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 21, 2017 10:21 AM



Tuesday, November 21, 2017 8:48 PM


rezident owtsidr

Nise video, but it stops too soon, only getting to about 1/4 uv wuts alredy known.

DUZ XaT SEM RiT TQ YQ? - Jubal Early


Tuesday, November 21, 2017 11:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

And still no evidence of collusion.



Wednesday, November 22, 2017 8:32 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

The difference between you and I is that I largely kept my mouth shut about how bad of a president I thought Obama was during his administration. For nearly 3 years here I rallied against GWB and when the Dems got their turn we just got fucked more.

Everyone knows politics is a double-edged sword, but the GOP side of the sword is serrated and coated in poison. Take the GOP tax reform, for one example:
All this tax stuff is highly technical, but that is exactly the point. If the GOP & Trump will be getting a tax cut, they have to make it difficult for ordinary people to understand how much money Trump is looting from the Treasury.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017 10:35 AM



Originally posted by G:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
And still no evidence of collusion.

How do you know?


kiki likes to forget Papadopoulos from Trumps campain. One of Trumps foreign policy advisers. He plead guilty to lying to the FBI. What did he lie about, his attempts to collude with Russia.

kiki likes jumping ahead to end of the investigation with her prediction of not guilty due to lack of evidence. She refuses to acknowledge the multitude of facts presented to date so she can do that.



Wednesday, November 22, 2017 10:51 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Look Six, I get it. You are siding with the people you identify with, I have no problem with that. You can do whatever you believe in. I'm doing the same. I don't hate Trump because of skin color (wait, I gotta laugh at that last statement, he's so fucking orange), or even because he's rich, not even his "fake" hair. It's because, above all, HE'S A REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS SCUMBAG! He'll step on your neck and take your last penny, while you're lying in the gutter unconscious.

The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

The difference between you and I is that I largely kept my mouth shut about how bad of a president I thought Obama was during his administration. For nearly 3 years here I rallied against GWB and when the Dems got their turn we just got fucked more.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Jack, that fact that you cannot distinguish between Trumps character and Obama's says it all. One is guilty of displaying a complete lack of morals while the other displays a strong adherence to them. That's just one observance Jack, there is so much more. Yet, if after all the discussions about Trumps character you have been evolved in here, you still don't get that, then any further discussion on the multitude of reasons Trump is a disaster would be lost on you.



Wednesday, November 22, 2017 12:40 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by THGRRI:

Jack, that fact that you cannot distinguish between Trumps character and Obama's says it all. One is guilty of displaying a complete lack of morals while the other displays a strong adherence to them. That's just one observance Jack, there is so much more. Yet, if after all the discussions about Trumps character you have been evolved in here, you still don't get that, then any further discussion on the multitude of reasons Trump is a disaster would be lost on you.

Rather than trying to convince Jack about Trump's character, you could attack Trump for his actions: The theory behind Trump’s tax cuts is exactly what gave us the failed Bush economy.

Jack was actually burnt by Bush's mistakes, which took years to undo by Obama. Trump is redoing the same mistakes and I expect Jack will be burned a second time. If you look beyond the bloodless mathematical models, the science says we should expect a repeat of Bush’s economic development playbook to lead to a repeat of Bush’s results.

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Wednesday, November 22, 2017 3:44 PM


I don't take anybody seriously who thought Obama was a good president. The fact that you do reveals how partisan you actually are, even though you claim to be a moderate and/or independent.

I'm very on the fence at this point that Trump will be any better than Obama or GWB.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 22, 2017 4:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"One is guilty of displaying a complete lack of morals" Must be the guy who enjoyed droning people to death.



Thursday, November 23, 2017 4:59 AM


Really!? So you think Trump is an improvement? My, my.

Keeping your mouth shut during Obama's Administration was your choice. The difference being that I have chosen to speak my mind about Bush, and now the Dumpster. I voted, so I have the right to speak in whatever way I wish. What you do is your choice. PERIOD.


The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Charm! Ha, that's a real fucking deep and hearty laugh. How's that Wall coming; and the Muslim ban; suing the women who accused him of "grabbing their pussy;" Health care? The ACA been repealed yet? Don't we have a majority of Repubs in both Houses? Hmm; Infrastructure rebuild; creating so many jobs that "we" would be tired of winning (Charlie Sheen should consider suing him for using his term); Oh and he has North Korea under control like no other president; there are so many charming things that he has said and promised.....and now the Tax proclamation, Whoa! we are really going to win with that little slice of heaven....future? money? Did I mention the Wall?....., where are we as a country? Are we winning yet? 'Cause I can't tell...besides my hearing isn't what it used to be, I really can't hear those "dog whistles" - is there a special type of hearing aid? Charm, HA!, charm enough!

Now, I gotta say that Obama, yeah, he was a charmer alright. He has charm coming out the ying-yang.....charmed me outta my money, did he? I don't know, I am a little tight in the retirement area, but that's my own stupidity. It could change at any moment mind you, but right now I'm a little worried. This new Tax Bill has me a little nervous. What am I thinking? It won't pass, we're talking about Trump. All he knows is bankruptcy, fucking large companies in the ass, and grabbing pussy. Phew! I feel better already.

Listen, Obama was not perfect....even I know that. No one is. Wait, didn't Trump say that only he can fix it? That he was going to make America great again! Charm?
Yeah, he's got it! The jobs are just rolling out across the country. People are back to work in a serious way. The country is certainly winning BIG TIME! I see the headlines now; why even Fox News has been overwhelmed by the GOOD NEWS! Damn! That guy sure knows how to president!

Well, just you can say it with GUSTO! Obama was a terrible and charming president, so much so that the country was in such bad shape that the Republicans got their champion in one Donald J. Trump, to ascend to the most powerful seat in the world. He is the epitome of WINNING! Go ahead knock yourself out. I admit, I was foolish in ever trusting Obama and falling for his "charming smile" and losing all my money.

Yeah, if it weren't for Trump, I would be seriously fucked. Thank TPTB for putting sanity back into the White House. Yay Trump! That Ivanka is not bad either.



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Look Six, I get it. You are siding with the people you identify with, I have no problem with that. You can do whatever you believe in. I'm doing the same. I don't hate Trump because of skin color (wait, I gotta laugh at that last statement, he's so fucking orange), or even because he's rich, not even his "fake" hair. It's because, above all, HE'S A REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS SCUMBAG! He'll step on your neck and take your last penny, while you're lying in the gutter unconscious.

The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

The difference between you and I is that I largely kept my mouth shut about how bad of a president I thought Obama was during his administration. For nearly 3 years here I rallied against GWB and when the Dems got their turn we just got fucked more.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 23, 2017 5:11 AM


Interesting timeline.



Originally posted by THGRRI:


Thursday, November 23, 2017 5:47 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Really!? So you think Trump is an improvement? My, my.

Keeping your mouth shut during Obama's Administration was your choice. The difference being that I have chosen to speak my mind about Bush, and now the Dumpster. I voted, so I have the right to speak in whatever way I wish. What you do is your choice. PERIOD.


The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Charm! Ha, that's a real fucking deep and hearty laugh. How's that Wall coming; and the Muslim ban; suing the women who accused him of "grabbing their pussy;" Health care? The ACA been repealed yet? Don't we have a majority of Repubs in both Houses? Hmm; Infrastructure rebuild; creating so many jobs that "we" would be tired of winning (Charlie Sheen should consider suing him for using his term); Oh and he has North Korea under control like no other president; there are so many charming things that he has said and promised.....and now the Tax proclamation, Whoa! we are really going to win with that little slice of heaven....future? money? Did I mention the Wall?....., where are we as a country? Are we winning yet? 'Cause I can't tell...besides my hearing isn't what it used to be, I really can't hear those "dog whistles" - is there a special type of hearing aid? Charm, HA!, charm enough!

Now, I gotta say that Obama, yeah, he was a charmer alright. He has charm coming out the ying-yang.....charmed me outta my money, did he? I don't know, I am a little tight in the retirement area, but that's my own stupidity. It could change at any moment mind you, but right now I'm a little worried. This new Tax Bill has me a little nervous. What am I thinking? It won't pass, we're talking about Trump. All he knows is bankruptcy, fucking large companies in the ass, and grabbing pussy. Phew! I feel better already.

Listen, Obama was not perfect....even I know that. No one is. Wait, didn't Trump say that only he can fix it? That he was going to make America great again! Charm?
Yeah, he's got it! The jobs are just rolling out across the country. People are back to work in a serious way. The country is certainly winning BIG TIME! I see the headlines now; why even Fox News has been overwhelmed by the GOOD NEWS! Damn! That guy sure knows how to president!

Well, just you can say it with GUSTO! Obama was a terrible and charming president, so much so that the country was in such bad shape that the Republicans got their champion in one Donald J. Trump, to ascend to the most powerful seat in the world. He is the epitome of WINNING! Go ahead knock yourself out. I admit, I was foolish in ever trusting Obama and falling for his "charming smile" and losing all my money.

Yeah, if it weren't for Trump, I would be seriously fucked. Thank TPTB for putting sanity back into the White House. Yay Trump! That Ivanka is not bad either.



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Look Six, I get it. You are siding with the people you identify with, I have no problem with that. You can do whatever you believe in. I'm doing the same. I don't hate Trump because of skin color (wait, I gotta laugh at that last statement, he's so fucking orange), or even because he's rich, not even his "fake" hair. It's because, above all, HE'S A REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS SCUMBAG! He'll step on your neck and take your last penny, while you're lying in the gutter unconscious.

The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

The difference between you and I is that I largely kept my mouth shut about how bad of a president I thought Obama was during his administration. For nearly 3 years here I rallied against GWB and when the Dems got their turn we just got fucked more.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Two words.

Quantitative Easing.

Look it up. When your grandkids are living in 3rd world America, you can tell them which Administration did it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 23, 2017 12:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I know jack isn't in favor of BLS stats, but I'm not seeing a lot of good things during the Obama years.



Thursday, November 23, 2017 1:55 PM


Time and the truth is on our side SGG. Both you and I know the facts, whatever they may be, will rule the day.



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Interesting timeline.



Originally posted by THGRRI:


Thursday, November 23, 2017 2:56 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I know jack isn't in favor of BLS stats, but I'm not seeing a lot of good things during the Obama years.

I'm not a fan of limited statistics from polling or survey data that we're just supposed to "have faith" that it pertains to everyone.

Actual statistics which include all of us that can be counted like the labor force or the value of the dollar minus inflation are truths that cannot be denied.

Sure, politicians from both sides can, and do, try to manipulate them all the time for their benefit, but anybody with half a brain and a little free time can peel away that thin veneer and see what is really going on.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 25, 2017 4:24 AM



Two words.

Quantitative Easing.

Look it up. When your grandkids are living in 3rd world America, you can tell them which Administration did it.

Okay, we went from Obama = Bad; Trump = Good to Quantitative easing.....!?

Alright, I'll bite: My guess is that you're saying, based on your other posts, that it doesn't matter who is in the White House, they are generally all bad for us the common worker, guy, gal.......Joe Schmoe. If that's it, okay. I have some questions:

1- What does that have to do with the topic at hand?
2- You're right, what do we do now?
3- So, basically we're fucked no matter what we do, no matter who we vote for right?
4- Again, what do we do?...since you seem to have all the answers.

Now, I say this because, as Keeks likes to point out and rub in real good, I'm not too bright.



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Really!? So you think Trump is an improvement? My, my.

Keeping your mouth shut during Obama's Administration was your choice. The difference being that I have chosen to speak my mind about Bush, and now the Dumpster. I voted, so I have the right to speak in whatever way I wish. What you do is your choice. PERIOD.


The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. Charm! Ha, that's a real fucking deep and hearty laugh. How's that Wall coming; and the Muslim ban; suing the women who accused him of "grabbing their pussy;" Health care? The ACA been repealed yet? Don't we have a majority of Repubs in both Houses? Hmm; Infrastructure rebuild; creating so many jobs that "we" would be tired of winning (Charlie Sheen should consider suing him for using his term); Oh and he has North Korea under control like no other president; there are so many charming things that he has said and promised.....and now the Tax proclamation, Whoa! we are really going to win with that little slice of heaven....future? money? Did I mention the Wall?....., where are we as a country? Are we winning yet? 'Cause I can't tell...besides my hearing isn't what it used to be, I really can't hear those "dog whistles" - is there a special type of hearing aid? Charm, HA!, charm enough!

Now, I gotta say that Obama, yeah, he was a charmer alright. He has charm coming out the ying-yang.....charmed me outta my money, did he? I don't know, I am a little tight in the retirement area, but that's my own stupidity. It could change at any moment mind you, but right now I'm a little worried. This new Tax Bill has me a little nervous. What am I thinking? It won't pass, we're talking about Trump. All he knows is bankruptcy, fucking large companies in the ass, and grabbing pussy. Phew! I feel better already.

Listen, Obama was not perfect....even I know that. No one is. Wait, didn't Trump say that only he can fix it? That he was going to make America great again! Charm?
Yeah, he's got it! The jobs are just rolling out across the country. People are back to work in a serious way. The country is certainly winning BIG TIME! I see the headlines now; why even Fox News has been overwhelmed by the GOOD NEWS! Damn! That guy sure knows how to president!

Well, just you can say it with GUSTO! Obama was a terrible and charming president, so much so that the country was in such bad shape that the Republicans got their champion in one Donald J. Trump, to ascend to the most powerful seat in the world. He is the epitome of WINNING! Go ahead knock yourself out. I admit, I was foolish in ever trusting Obama and falling for his "charming smile" and losing all my money.

Yeah, if it weren't for Trump, I would be seriously fucked. Thank TPTB for putting sanity back into the White House. Yay Trump! That Ivanka is not bad either.



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Look Six, I get it. You are siding with the people you identify with, I have no problem with that. You can do whatever you believe in. I'm doing the same. I don't hate Trump because of skin color (wait, I gotta laugh at that last statement, he's so fucking orange), or even because he's rich, not even his "fake" hair. It's because, above all, HE'S A REAL HONEST-TO-GOODNESS SCUMBAG! He'll step on your neck and take your last penny, while you're lying in the gutter unconscious.

The only difference between Obama and Trump is that Obama would, and did, charm you and everyone else out of your money and future with a lot of pleasant college words and that smile.

The difference between you and I is that I largely kept my mouth shut about how bad of a president I thought Obama was during his administration. For nearly 3 years here I rallied against GWB and when the Dems got their turn we just got fucked more.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Two words.

Quantitative Easing.

Look it up. When your grandkids are living in 3rd world America, you can tell them which Administration did it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 25, 2017 4:07 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:

Two words.

Quantitative Easing.

Look it up. When your grandkids are living in 3rd world America, you can tell them which Administration did it.

Okay, we went from Obama = Bad; Trump = Good to Quantitative easing.....!?

Alright, I'll bite: My guess is that you're saying, based on your other posts, that it doesn't matter who is in the White House, they are generally all bad for us the common worker, guy, gal.......Joe Schmoe. If that's it, okay. I have some questions:

1- What does that have to do with the topic at hand?
2- You're right, what do we do now?
3- So, basically we're fucked no matter what we do, no matter who we vote for right?
4- Again, what do we do?...since you seem to have all the answers.

Now, I say this because, as Keeks likes to point out and rub in real good, I'm not too bright.


"We" never went anywhere bud.

Over the last year, I've been pretty disenfranchised, yet again. Although I personally believe we're still better off than we would have been with Hillary, Trump doesn't seem to be the wrench in the system that I was hoping he might be. I'm not going to even bother speculating why that is.

I said GWB = Bad, Obama = Bad, Hillary = Bad, Trump = ???.

Quantitative Easing is just one of the biggest reasons why Obama was a terrible president. My three biggest gripes with GWB, in order, were the horrible way his administration handled the economy, the never-ending wars we got into, and the broadening of the federal surveillance powers over American Citizens. All three of these things Obama continued with gusto. I have absolutely no reason to believe that Hillary wouldn't have done the exact same thing. At least Trump was, and in many ways still is a wild card.


1- What does that have to do with the topic at hand?

Well, first off, define the "topic at hand". We've got 13 pages of posts here over the last 11 or so months, and I'm not the only one going off of the topic of the thread title, if that's what you're asking.

To directly answer your question though, I feel this is very important because I cannot have a serious discussion with anybody who actually believes that Obama was a great (or even a good) president.

I'm not very happy currently with the direction of this Administration, although I don't feel that there is going to be any earth-shattering proof of collusion with Russia or an Impeachment in the cards. I'd probably already be posting vocally against actual bad policies and missteps the current Administration is doing by now if I didn't feel like he still wasn't being attacked every single day by people who started that since November 9th because they were crying after Hillary lost.


2- You're right, what do we do now?

Fuck man... I dunno. I've thrown out some ideas here and there, but I've also said that I'm completely powerless to actually do anything about them.

I think the most important thing we need to somehow do is stop all of this bickering and bullshit like we're all die-hard fans of our hometown football team, admit that there are a lot of flaws to these people we're supporting and voting for, and STOP ALLOWING THEM TO SPLIT US APART WITH IDENTITY POLITICS.

We're playing right into the hands of the powerful people. They don't really give two shits which of us identify as Republican or Democrat or Independent, so long as we're constantly at each other's throats. It makes what ever nefarious shit they do that much easier when we're all distracted.


3- So, basically we're fucked no matter what we do, no matter who we vote for right?

For the long play, I'd say over the course of 20 or so years it doesn't really matter what administration is voted in. For 4 or 8 years, some people are going to be a little more happy than the other people, but that usually changes a few times and evens out. Overall, it just seems to progressively get worse for everyone looking back with 20/20 hindsight.

What really bothers me about this time though is the horrible things and the venom that many online Liberals are saying these days to people that don't agree with them. "You should hate this person". "So and so is a Nazi". "Free Speech is bad when it allows somebody to say something I don't agree with".

WTF is going on?

Is this the Democratic party you know and love SGG? Really take a step back and look at the state of things.

Think about the next time there is actually a really bad Republican in office that speaks eloquently and can really rally half of the country to stand tall beside him, after a time where the SJWs win here and have effectively shut down free speech as they're trying to do. A time where the Fox News people are happy with the way they're being told to think, and anybody who isn't happy with that president doesn't have a voice anymore because anybody arguing with the President's policies gets shut down on social media, or maybe even worse.

This is the future the SJW's seem to be fighting for. I look at anybody trying to shut down free speech in any form as the enemy, no matter what side they are on. It was GWB's administration at one time. Then it was Obama's administration. Now, indirectly, it's the Trump Administration. The people against him are so fired up and angry that they're willing to do whatever it takes to silence voices they don't agree with, and they're not looking 10-20 years into the future and asking themselves what kind of precedent they'll be setting if they are to succeed in this.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, November 25, 2017 10:15 PM


Only 2,614 days remaining on the Impeachment Clock.
Really getting exciting now.


Sunday, November 26, 2017 4:38 AM


Here's my short answer, Trump's disastrous Tax Plan:


How It Affects You

The Senate plan would help businesses more than individuals. Through 2027, business taxes would be lower overall. But individual taxes at every income level would increase by 2027. 
Among individuals, it would help higher income families the most. Everyone gets a tax cut in 2019. But in 2021, taxes will increase on those making $30,000 or less. By 2023, costs will rise on everyone who makes less than $40,000 a year. The tax cuts expire in 2025. As a result, all income levels will pay higher taxes in 2017. The tax increases are due to loss of deductions. That's according to the most recent analysis of the Senate plan by the Joint Committee on Taxation.
The Tax Policy Center found that taxpayers earning in the top 1 percent would receive a larger percent tax cut than those in lower income levels. By 2027, those in the lowest 20 percent would pay higher taxes.
The Tax Policy Center estimated the House bill would impose higher taxes on 31 percent of middle-class households in 2027. 
Both plans increase in the standard deduction will benefit 6 million taxpayers. That's 47.5 percent of all tax filers, according to Evercore ISI. But that's not enough to offset lost deductions for many income brackets.
Neither plan helps the lowest-income families. That's because more than 70 million Americans don't make enough to pay taxes. The plans also don't help the third of taxpayers who have incomes that fall below current standard deduction and personal exemptions, according to New York University law professor Lily Batchelder. 
Both plans increase the deficit by almost $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. Budget-conscious Republicans have done an about-face. The party fought hard to pass sequestration. In 2011, some members even threatened to default on the debt rather than keep adding to it. Now they say that the tax cuts would boost the economy so much that the additional revenues would offset the tax cuts. They ignore the reasons why Reaganomics would not work today.
Furthermore, some tax breaks, like those for non-child dependents, end in five years. But House leaders admit that a future Congress will probably extend it, thus adding more to the national debt. If it isn't extended, then some middle-income taxpayers will see their taxes rise after 2023.
The Penn Wharton School of Business said the House plan would increase the $20 trillion debt by $2 trillion over its first 10 years. That includes $500 billion in additional interest on the debt. The Wharton study said the House plan would boost growth by 0.4 percent and 0.9 percent in its first 10 years. But it might not improve growth at all in the subsequent 10 years.
Increase in sovereign debt dampens economic growth in the long run. When a country's debt-to-GDP-ratio is more than 100 percent, investors get concerned. They demand higher yields on the nation's bonds, increasing interest rates. Those higher rates slow growth. 
The administration believes in supply-side economics. It says companies will use tax cuts to create jobs. It worked during the Reagan administration because the highest tax rate was 70 percent. According to the Laffer Curve, that's in the prohibitive range. The range occurs at tax levels so high that cuts boost growth enough to offset revenue loss. But trickle-down economics no longer works because the 2017 tax rates are half what they were in the 1980s. 
The most significant tax cuts should go to the middle class who are more likely to spend every dollar they get. The wealthy use tax cuts to save or invest. It helps the stock market but doesn't drive demand. Once demand is there, then businesses create jobs to meet it. Middle-class tax cuts create more jobs. But the best unemployment solution is government spending to build infrastructure and directly create jobs.

Notice that it says that by 2021, the people with incomes at $30K/yr or less will have their taxes increase, while the top earners will get a tax cut. In other words, the rich will get richer. Now, that may not be the "quantitative easing" bullshit, but it's not GOOD NEWS!

So this is the plan Trump and company, and the Republicans have come up with. Plus, they keep talking shit about the deficit, guess what this will add over a trillion dollars to the deficit over 10 years. Joe Schmoe is getting a new asshole and Trump and the people in charge now are making sure that they will be wearing their "strap-ons" - cause we're getting fucked, BUT GOOD! Not only that, but they are looking to dismantle completely the ACA, which means that health insurance will skyrocket beyond anything you could charge to Obama now. It will be beyond unaffordable.
Again, the little guy gets the shaft.

So tell me again,,,,,how is it that Trump is better than Bush, Obama, Clinton?
I agree, "we" the little guy need to do something constructive. Stop these motherfuckers from "peeing on us and telling us it's only rain." Right now, we need to press Congress and Senate to listen to "us" and fuck all this bickering, as you stated, this is what "they" want. For us to be distracted and not focus on the real problem.

Fuck Russia, and fuck anyone who doesn't work for "us", the people. Get those greedy bastards out. Stop dark money and the ultra rich from affecting the outcome of elections - Finance reform now. There is a small movement that has started and true democrats and real patriots are replacing corrupt politicos across the nation in the state legislature. But now we need to replace these greedy fucks in Congress and the Senate that side with the wealthy donor class over what's right for the majority of the people.

That's what's needed. Period - FULL STOP!



Sunday, November 26, 2017 7:46 AM


I need whatever source the info you posted was taken from, SGG.

I work in real, concrete numbers. I can't work at all with "anyone under 30k a year is going to pay more". That's a seriously loaded statement. I need to know how this is going to happen, and exactly how much more, and exactly what the standard deduction and personal exemption is going to be in 2021 as well. I'm not arguing that the statement isn't true yet, but just because some source that you didn't even link said it and I don't know where they're pulling that from says it, I'm not going to believe it until I see the actual tax plan as it is laid out.

What I will say, is that I'm not happy about increasing the debt at all, an increase of $2 Trillion over the next 10 years is actually a step in the right direction (as sad as that sounds). GWB did a LOT more damage in his 8 years, and the deficit that Obama added in his own 8 dwarfed what GWB did. Again though... I don't believe those numbers either. I think it's going to be a lot more than that, unfortunately.

I still haven't seen anything that Trump has done that makes me think he's worse than GWB, Obama or Hillary/Bill. Then again, I haven't really seen anything that makes me believe he's any better either.

I like not fighting with you though. Wish a few of the other knuckleheads on these boards would hop on that train.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 26, 2017 2:31 PM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Here's my short answer, Trump's disastrous Tax Plan:


How It Affects You

The Senate plan would help businesses more than individuals. Through 2027, business taxes would be lower overall. But individual taxes at every income level would increase by 2027. 
Among individuals, it would help higher income families the most. Everyone gets a tax cut in 2019. But in 2021, taxes will increase on those making $30,000 or less. By 2023, costs will rise on everyone who makes less than $40,000 a year. The tax cuts expire in 2025. As a result, all income levels will pay higher taxes in 2017. The tax increases are due to loss of deductions. That's according to the most recent analysis of the Senate plan by the Joint Committee on Taxation.
The Tax Policy Center found that taxpayers earning in the top 1 percent would receive a larger percent tax cut than those in lower income levels. By 2027, those in the lowest 20 percent would pay higher taxes.
The Tax Policy Center estimated the House bill would impose higher taxes on 31 percent of middle-class households in 2027. 
Both plans increase in the standard deduction will benefit 6 million taxpayers. That's 47.5 percent of all tax filers, according to Evercore ISI. But that's not enough to offset lost deductions for many income brackets.
Neither plan helps the lowest-income families. That's because more than 70 million Americans don't make enough to pay taxes. The plans also don't help the third of taxpayers who have incomes that fall below current standard deduction and personal exemptions, according to New York University law professor Lily Batchelder. 
Both plans increase the deficit by almost $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. Budget-conscious Republicans have done an about-face. The party fought hard to pass sequestration. In 2011, some members even threatened to default on the debt rather than keep adding to it. Now they say that the tax cuts would boost the economy so much that the additional revenues would offset the tax cuts. They ignore the reasons why Reaganomics would not work today.
Furthermore, some tax breaks, like those for non-child dependents, end in five years. But House leaders admit that a future Congress will probably extend it, thus adding more to the national debt. If it isn't extended, then some middle-income taxpayers will see their taxes rise after 2023.
The Penn Wharton School of Business said the House plan would increase the $20 trillion debt by $2 trillion over its first 10 years. That includes $500 billion in additional interest on the debt. The Wharton study said the House plan would boost growth by 0.4 percent and 0.9 percent in its first 10 years. But it might not improve growth at all in the subsequent 10 years.
Increase in sovereign debt dampens economic growth in the long run. When a country's debt-to-GDP-ratio is more than 100 percent, investors get concerned. They demand higher yields on the nation's bonds, increasing interest rates. Those higher rates slow growth. 
The administration believes in supply-side economics. It says companies will use tax cuts to create jobs. It worked during the Reagan administration because the highest tax rate was 70 percent. According to the Laffer Curve, that's in the prohibitive range. The range occurs at tax levels so high that cuts boost growth enough to offset revenue loss. But trickle-down economics no longer works because the 2017 tax rates are half what they were in the 1980s. 
The most significant tax cuts should go to the middle class who are more likely to spend every dollar they get. The wealthy use tax cuts to save or invest. It helps the stock market but doesn't drive demand. Once demand is there, then businesses create jobs to meet it. Middle-class tax cuts create more jobs. But the best unemployment solution is government spending to build infrastructure and directly create jobs.

Notice that it says that by 2021, the people with incomes at $30K/yr or less will have their taxes increase, while the top earners will get a tax cut. In other words, the rich will get richer. Now, that may not be the "quantitative easing" bullshit, but it's not GOOD NEWS!

So this is the plan Trump and company, and the Republicans have come up with. Plus, they keep talking shit about the deficit, guess what this will add over a trillion dollars to the deficit over 10 years. Joe Schmoe is getting a new asshole and Trump and the people in charge now are making sure that they will be wearing their "strap-ons" - cause we're getting fucked, BUT GOOD! Not only that, but they are looking to dismantle completely the ACA, which means that health insurance will skyrocket beyond anything you could charge to Obama now. It will be beyond unaffordable.
Again, the little guy gets the shaft.

So tell me again,,,,,how is it that Trump is better than Bush, Obama, Clinton?
I agree, "we" the little guy need to do something constructive. Stop these motherfuckers from "peeing on us and telling us it's only rain." Right now, we need to press Congress and Senate to listen to "us" and fuck all this bickering, as you stated, this is what "they" want. For us to be distracted and not focus on the real problem.

Fuck Russia, and fuck anyone who doesn't work for "us", the people. Get those greedy bastards out. Stop dark money and the ultra rich from affecting the outcome of elections - Finance reform now. There is a small movement that has started and true democrats and real patriots are replacing corrupt politicos across the nation in the state legislature. But now we need to replace these greedy fucks in Congress and the Senate that side with the wealthy donor class over what's right for the majority of the people.

That's what's needed. Period - FULL STOP!


What a pile of Cow manure.

"Balanced" and pretend unbiased reporting by the author of Obama Apologist books. Right.


Monday, November 27, 2017 5:55 AM


Ah, I see....following the excuse-laden ideology of Trump supporters and goose-stepping prognosticators.

NEWSFLASH: Obama is no longer president, just another person. While I'm at it,
neither is Hillary. Got it! Sheesh! You guys can't help yourselves, can you?
Trump and the so-called Republicans are in charge now. Got it! Your ridiculously
orange dumb ass leader won the election and is now in the White House, remember?

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program.....Tax Cuts!? Don't make me laugh.
You, me and everyone else will be paying higher taxes by 2021....meanwhile, rich folk will need extra heavy duty Brink's Trucks to haul the large amounts of cash to put into their bank accounts (this time IN the country, instead of overseas, because banking rules and regs will favor them as well).

Hey I have an idea, maybe you guys can get a job hauling their money. Sure, that makes sense now doesn't it? Of course that is if they don't hire illegal immigrants to do it. And just as sure, The Fucking Donald will blame Congress, and we begin the whole cycle all over again.

Oh this is gonna be REAL GOOD!



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Here's my short answer, Trump's disastrous Tax Plan:


How It Affects You

The Senate plan would help businesses more than individuals. Through 2027, business taxes would be lower overall. But individual taxes at every income level would increase by 2027. 
Among individuals, it would help higher income families the most. Everyone gets a tax cut in 2019. But in 2021, taxes will increase on those making $30,000 or less. By 2023, costs will rise on everyone who makes less than $40,000 a year. The tax cuts expire in 2025. As a result, all income levels will pay higher taxes in 2017. The tax increases are due to loss of deductions. That's according to the most recent analysis of the Senate plan by the Joint Committee on Taxation.
The Tax Policy Center found that taxpayers earning in the top 1 percent would receive a larger percent tax cut than those in lower income levels. By 2027, those in the lowest 20 percent would pay higher taxes.
The Tax Policy Center estimated the House bill would impose higher taxes on 31 percent of middle-class households in 2027. 
Both plans increase in the standard deduction will benefit 6 million taxpayers. That's 47.5 percent of all tax filers, according to Evercore ISI. But that's not enough to offset lost deductions for many income brackets.
Neither plan helps the lowest-income families. That's because more than 70 million Americans don't make enough to pay taxes. The plans also don't help the third of taxpayers who have incomes that fall below current standard deduction and personal exemptions, according to New York University law professor Lily Batchelder. 
Both plans increase the deficit by almost $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years. Budget-conscious Republicans have done an about-face. The party fought hard to pass sequestration. In 2011, some members even threatened to default on the debt rather than keep adding to it. Now they say that the tax cuts would boost the economy so much that the additional revenues would offset the tax cuts. They ignore the reasons why Reaganomics would not work today.
Furthermore, some tax breaks, like those for non-child dependents, end in five years. But House leaders admit that a future Congress will probably extend it, thus adding more to the national debt. If it isn't extended, then some middle-income taxpayers will see their taxes rise after 2023.
The Penn Wharton School of Business said the House plan would increase the $20 trillion debt by $2 trillion over its first 10 years. That includes $500 billion in additional interest on the debt. The Wharton study said the House plan would boost growth by 0.4 percent and 0.9 percent in its first 10 years. But it might not improve growth at all in the subsequent 10 years.
Increase in sovereign debt dampens economic growth in the long run. When a country's debt-to-GDP-ratio is more than 100 percent, investors get concerned. They demand higher yields on the nation's bonds, increasing interest rates. Those higher rates slow growth. 
The administration believes in supply-side economics. It says companies will use tax cuts to create jobs. It worked during the Reagan administration because the highest tax rate was 70 percent. According to the Laffer Curve, that's in the prohibitive range. The range occurs at tax levels so high that cuts boost growth enough to offset revenue loss. But trickle-down economics no longer works because the 2017 tax rates are half what they were in the 1980s. 
The most significant tax cuts should go to the middle class who are more likely to spend every dollar they get. The wealthy use tax cuts to save or invest. It helps the stock market but doesn't drive demand. Once demand is there, then businesses create jobs to meet it. Middle-class tax cuts create more jobs. But the best unemployment solution is government spending to build infrastructure and directly create jobs.

Notice that it says that by 2021, the people with incomes at $30K/yr or less will have their taxes increase, while the top earners will get a tax cut. In other words, the rich will get richer. Now, that may not be the "quantitative easing" bullshit, but it's not GOOD NEWS!

So this is the plan Trump and company, and the Republicans have come up with. Plus, they keep talking shit about the deficit, guess what this will add over a trillion dollars to the deficit over 10 years. Joe Schmoe is getting a new asshole and Trump and the people in charge now are making sure that they will be wearing their "strap-ons" - cause we're getting fucked, BUT GOOD! Not only that, but they are looking to dismantle completely the ACA, which means that health insurance will skyrocket beyond anything you could charge to Obama now. It will be beyond unaffordable.
Again, the little guy gets the shaft.

So tell me again,,,,,how is it that Trump is better than Bush, Obama, Clinton?
I agree, "we" the little guy need to do something constructive. Stop these motherfuckers from "peeing on us and telling us it's only rain." Right now, we need to press Congress and Senate to listen to "us" and fuck all this bickering, as you stated, this is what "they" want. For us to be distracted and not focus on the real problem.

Fuck Russia, and fuck anyone who doesn't work for "us", the people. Get those greedy bastards out. Stop dark money and the ultra rich from affecting the outcome of elections - Finance reform now. There is a small movement that has started and true democrats and real patriots are replacing corrupt politicos across the nation in the state legislature. But now we need to replace these greedy fucks in Congress and the Senate that side with the wealthy donor class over what's right for the majority of the people.

That's what's needed. Period - FULL STOP!


What a pile of Cow manure.

"Balanced" and pretend unbiased reporting by the author of Obama Apologist books. Right.


Monday, November 27, 2017 7:37 AM



Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ah, I see....following the excuse-laden ideology of Trump supporters and goose-stepping prognosticators.

NEWSFLASH: Obama is no longer president, just another person. While I'm at it,
neither is Hillary. Got it! Sheesh! You guys can't help yourselves, can you?
Trump and the so-called Republicans are in charge now. Got it! Your ridiculously
orange dumb ass leader won the election and is now in the White House, remember?

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program.....Tax Cuts!? Don't make me laugh.
You, me and everyone else will be paying higher taxes by 2021....meanwhile, rich folk will need extra heavy duty Brink's Trucks to haul the large amounts of cash to put into their bank accounts (this time IN the country, instead of overseas, because banking rules and regs will favor them as well).

Hey I have an idea, maybe you guys can get a job hauling their money. Sure, that makes sense now doesn't it? Of course that is if they don't hire illegal immigrants to do it. And just as sure, The Fucking Donald will blame Congress, and we begin the whole cycle all over again.

Oh this is gonna be REAL GOOD!


I think what you don't understand here SGG is that I think back to the past as well as into the future, and also contemplate what could have been (for better or for worse).

The big problem is that most people only think in the here and now. It's why they don't learn from their mistakes, and they fail miserably at preparing for the future time and time again until they die.

I'm not virtue signaling when I talk about how bad of a president I believed GWB to be. I absolutely hated his administration at the time. Obama made things worse in all 3 categories I lambasted the GWB admin for on these threads for years, and I just kind of said "fuck it" and went my own way. (I have a very long and very anti-GWB history on these boards, but you'll see that until Obama was on his way out I hardly said a single thing about him).

I'd like to read about the tax plan. Do you have information about it that isn't from a biased source? I'd like to actually read the real details of it and come to my own conclusion.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 27, 2017 11:42 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ah, I see....following the excuse-laden ideology of Trump supporters and goose-stepping prognosticators.

NEWSFLASH: Obama is no longer president, just another person. While I'm at it,
neither is Hillary. Got it! Sheesh! You guys can't help yourselves, can you?
Trump and the so-called Republicans are in charge now. Got it! Your ridiculously
orange dumb ass leader won the election and is now in the White House, remember?

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program.....Tax Cuts!? Don't make me laugh.
You, me and everyone else will be paying higher taxes by 2021....meanwhile, rich folk will need extra heavy duty Brink's Trucks to haul the large amounts of cash to put into their bank accounts (this time IN the country, instead of overseas, because banking rules and regs will favor them as well).

Hey I have an idea, maybe you guys can get a job hauling their money. Sure, that makes sense now doesn't it? Of course that is if they don't hire illegal immigrants to do it. And just as sure, The Fucking Donald will blame Congress, and we begin the whole cycle all over again.

Oh this is gonna be REAL GOOD!


I think what you don't understand here SGG is that I think back to the past as well as into the future, and also contemplate what could have been (for better or for worse).

The big problem is that most people only think in the here and now. It's why they don't learn from their mistakes, and they fail miserably at preparing for the future time and time again until they die.

I'm not virtue signaling when I talk about how bad of a president I believed GWB to be. I absolutely hated his administration at the time. Obama made things worse in all 3 categories I lambasted the GWB admin for on these threads for years, and I just kind of said "fuck it" and went my own way. (I have a very long and very anti-GWB history on these boards, but you'll see that until Obama was on his way out I hardly said a single thing about him).

You think back, what good is that? You lived in a drunken stupor so your thinking in your past was all fucked up. All your years of perverted posting here bares witness to that. You think back? Who sourced the information that helped form the foundation of your beliefs? Certainly not school, where other educated people helped guide your thinking. And according to you, our media watch dogs are all fake news. "The press's watchdog role is to monitor the conduct of government officials and is vital to democracy." Including justice around the world Jack. Yet, as does Trump, you take every opportunity to call the media fake.

According to you, having an education is not worth the effort. According to you, all mainstream media is fake. Add to that there is no president in your time fame that was decent and worth respect. According to you ( who's only frame of reference is anger ) nothing Trump is doing is hurting America and Americans bad enough to warrant the ire you see here. Yet for one reason or another, all the other recent presidents do.

You are clueless. Take Trumps attack against our media for one. Attacks mirrored by you here. Global dictators are free to do as they please. Why, because Trump embraces them, and he labels the media as fake. Therefore any reporting on their digressions can be labeled fake as well. Why, because our president says so. It also heightens the danger to the media for reporting negatively about them. Why, because our president won't support them. Get it...

In addition, because of Trump, we have no eyes in those countries due to our state department being gutted. This leaves authoritarians to do as they please without consequence. No one to see it, no one to report on it.

The things this man if fucking up are limitless. You say you think. I say you don't.



Monday, November 27, 2017 2:23 PM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SHINYGOODGUY:
Ah, I see....following the excuse-laden ideology of Trump supporters and goose-stepping prognosticators.

Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program.....Tax Cuts!? Don't make me laugh.
You, me and everyone else will be paying higher taxes by 2021....meanwhile, rich folk will need extra heavy duty Brink's Trucks to haul the large amounts of cash to put into their bank accounts (this time IN the country, instead of overseas, because banking rules and regs will favor them as well).

Hey I have an idea, maybe you guys can get a job hauling their money. Sure, that makes sense now doesn't it?

I won't vote for Trump, but that guy has a true and powerful understanding of tax law. Trump got his way on the estate tax in H.R. 1, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

When Trump dies, will there be a multi-billion dollar tax to be paid? No! There won’t be any tax paid on his gains over his entire life. His death day will now be a tax free day.

H.R. 1 repeals the estate tax and the generation skipping tax in six years, as of Jan. 1, 2024, while maintaining a full stepped-up basis for inherited property. That’s incredible. Say Trump dies with a $1,000 million portfolio of highly appreciated stocks, with a cost basis of just $10 million. There would be no estate tax, and his heirs could sell the stock right after his death and owe no capital gains taxes on the $990 million gain. If he lived, and sold the stock, he’d owe a tax on that $990 million.

Take note that Trump's worth dropped $600 million and he wanted to fix that by adjusting the tax code in his family's favor.


Monday, November 27, 2017 6:22 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
[lots of other bs posted before the last line]

You say you think. I say you don't.

I look at numbers, and when you peel away either partisan skewing of them, they don't lie.

I can't even have a reasonable conversation with somebody who doesn't understand things like inflation, and says with a straight face that the Obama Administration was good for the economy or the working class.

I've been sober for going on a year now, idiot.

Don't even think for a second that you can step to my level now that I've got my mojo back and I'm clear headed. You're nothing but a lemming with low intelligence that is easy to lead around. Screaming your "five minutes hate" everyday because Rachel Maddow told you to. You are a follower. You are pathetic.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 27, 2017 7:35 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
[lots of other bs posted before the last line]

You say you think. I say you don't.

I look at numbers, and when you peel away either partisan skewing of them, they don't lie.

I can't even have a reasonable conversation with somebody who doesn't understand things like inflation, and says with a straight face that the Obama Administration was good for the economy or the working class.

I've been sober for going on a year now, idiot.

Don't even think for a second that you can step to my level now that I've got my mojo back and I'm clear headed. You're nothing but a lemming with low intelligence that is easy to lead around. Screaming your "five minutes hate" everyday because Rachel Maddow told you to. You are a follower. You are pathetic.

Really, then why is it you don't understand that Trump is riding on the recovery coat tails of Obama. Just as Clinton's economic success rode in on the coat tails of what Bush started.

Why is it you don't understand, based on numbers, with a 4.1% unemployment rate and Goldman Sacks predicting 4% growth next year, that tax cuts will not stimulate jobs growth. The reason Republicans are pushing for them. That tax cuts at this time is not only not necessary, but not smart. Not tax cuts that favor the rich anyway.

Don't tell me you know what you're talking about. These proposed tax cuts are just a giveaway to the donor class.



Monday, November 27, 2017 7:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It looks like the blame for Mueller's future failure is already being written.

As he investigates Trump's aides, Robert Mueller's record shows surprising flaws



Monday, November 27, 2017 7:47 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
It looks like the blame for Mueller's future failure is already being written.

As he investigates Trump's aides, Robert Mueller's record shows surprising flaws

Tick tock, tick tock



Monday, November 27, 2017 7:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

The second hand goes round and round but the clock never advances. It looks a lot like spinning your wheels and going nowhere, fast.



Monday, November 27, 2017 7:53 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
The second hand goes round and round but the clock never advances. It looks a lot like spinning your wheels and going nowhere, fast.

Stupid is as stupid does. Are you really watching the GIF watch?



Monday, November 27, 2017 8:57 PM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
Really, then why is it you don't understand that Trump is riding on the recovery coat tails of Obama. Just as Clinton's economic success rode in on the coat tails of what Bush started.

Why is it you don't understand, based on numbers, with a 4.1% unemployment rate and Goldman Sacks predicting 4% growth next year, that tax cuts will not stimulate jobs growth. The reason Republicans are pushing for them. That tax cuts at this time is not only not necessary, but not smart. Not tax cuts that favor the rich anyway.

Don't tell me you know what you're talking about. These proposed tax cuts are just a giveaway to the donor class.


Trump isn't riding anything. Quantitative easing damned your children and grandchildren, and Obama's addition to the deficit dwarfed GWB's insane additions. The employment rate never improved once under his administration when you include all the people who just stopped looking for work and all of the people who are working jobs today that make a fraction of what they used to.

I'm also not arguing that it's gotten any better since Trump is in office, and I've said as much several times. And I DO get pissed off whenever I hear anybody talking about it being good now too, whether they're talking about the economy or the job market. It's not.

As far as your question about Clinton and Bush, I'm going to assume you actually meant that GWB's administration prospered because of the Clinton administration (yeah, you messed that up too).

Though he had done better than our more recent presidents had, he opened up trade to China and his administration is the reason that we're so in debt to them now. A large part of his economic success was due to this fact. It was a means of temporary good times at the cost of a lot of the bad things we're dealing with today and compounding on with every administration since.

THIS is why it is important to think of the past. Quit using the bullshit cop out of "well we're here now". HOW DID WE GET HERE, DUMMY?

Show me the actual tax cuts so I can see what's in them. I don't want some bullshit biased story written by one of your MSM goons.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 27, 2017 10:20 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by THGRRI:
Really, then why is it you don't understand that Trump is riding on the recovery coat tails of Obama. Just as Clinton's economic success rode in on the coat tails of what Bush started.

Why is it you don't understand, based on numbers, with a 4.1% unemployment rate and Goldman Sacks predicting 4% growth next year, that tax cuts will not stimulate jobs growth. The reason Republicans are pushing for them. That tax cuts at this time is not only not necessary, but not smart. Not tax cuts that favor the rich anyway.

Don't tell me you know what you're talking about. These proposed tax cuts are just a giveaway to the donor class.


Trump isn't riding anything. Quantitative easing damned your children and grandchildren, and Obama's addition to the deficit dwarfed GWB's insane additions. The employment rate never improved once under his administration when you include all the people who just stopped looking for work and all of the people who are working jobs today that make a fraction of what they used to.

I'm also not arguing that it's gotten any better since Trump is in office, and I've said as much several times. And I DO get pissed off whenever I hear anybody talking about it being good now too, whether they're talking about the economy or the job market. It's not.

As far as your question about Clinton and Bush, I'm going to assume you actually meant that GWB's administration prospered because of the Clinton administration (yeah, you messed that up too).

Though he had done better than our more recent presidents had, he opened up trade to China and his administration is the reason that we're so in debt to them now. A large part of his economic success was due to this fact. It was a means of temporary good times at the cost of a lot of the bad things we're dealing with today and compounding on with every administration since.

THIS is why it is important to think of the past. Quit using the bullshit cop out of "well we're here now". HOW DID WE GET HERE, DUMMY?

Show me the actual tax cuts so I can see what's in them. I don't want some bullshit biased story written by one of your MSM goons.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Nope, I mean Bush senior and Clinton. Bush raised taxes and still other factors began to stimulate the economy. Clinton benefited from that. That said, your gripe is due to your all or nothing attitude. Your dooms day persona.

There's so much wrong with Trump and what he's doing, only ignorance could blind a person to it.



Monday, November 27, 2017 10:36 PM


LOL at "my doomsday persona."

Who's the nutter who sees Nazis in every dark corner and is convinced we're going to be taken over by Russia?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 27, 2017 11:08 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
LOL at "my doomsday persona."

Who's the nutter who sees Nazis in every dark corner and is convinced we're going to be taken over by Russia?

I'll bite, who? Personally I never use the word nazis, and never refereed to anyone here as being one. Yes, I can't wait until Trump is gone, we get a patriot in office, and Russia gets it's due. As for them taking us over, well, that's just to funny.



Tuesday, November 28, 2017 2:46 AM


I thought Nazis & Bolsheviks were enemies since WWII or before even.
(Hmmm ... does Bolsheviks = Communists? Maybe not. Gotta look it up.)

... oooOO}{OOooo ...


Tuesday, November 28, 2017 3:54 AM


Well Nazi and Communist ideologies do conflict deeply with each other, which makes it all the more comical that some people on these boards tend to use both insults for the same person.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 28, 2017 3:55 AM



Originally posted by THGRRI:
I'll bite, who? Personally I never use the word nazis, and never refereed to anyone here as being one. Yes, I can't wait until Trump is gone, we get a patriot in office, and Russia gets it's due. As for them taking us over, well, that's just to funny.


Do Right, Be Right. :)






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