In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Friday, April 20, 2018 7:22 PM


Are they covered?

If they are, or most of it is, that probably isn't so bad Brenda. The ones my grandma had to wear when I was a kid were very obvious, but the last 10 years of her life you couldn't even tell that she wore them. They've come very far with that technology in the last 30 years.

If you need them now, you've probably been on your way to needing them for quite a while too. I'll bet once you get used to them you're going to wonder how you lived without them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, April 20, 2018 9:29 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Are they covered?

If they are, or most of it is, that probably isn't so bad Brenda. The ones my grandma had to wear when I was a kid were very obvious, but the last 10 years of her life you couldn't even tell that she wore them. They've come very far with that technology in the last 30 years.

If you need them now, you've probably been on your way to needing them for quite a while too. I'll bet once you get used to them you're going to wonder how you lived without them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That's the good thing Jack. They are completely covered and the batteries too.

They will be very different from the ones my mom wore and that was about 10years ago now.

The last time I had my hearing tested was almost 2years ago and they said then that my left ear was bad. This time I had to guess at some of the spoken test words for the left. The hearing in it is down to 75%, the right is still 100%. Having both aids will save the hearing in my right one and shore up the hearing in my left.


Friday, April 20, 2018 10:05 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Are they covered?

If they are, or most of it is, that probably isn't so bad Brenda. The ones my grandma had to wear when I was a kid were very obvious, but the last 10 years of her life you couldn't even tell that she wore them. They've come very far with that technology in the last 30 years.

If you need them now, you've probably been on your way to needing them for quite a while too. I'll bet once you get used to them you're going to wonder how you lived without them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That's the good thing Jack. They are completely covered and the batteries too.

They will be very different from the ones my mom wore and that was about 10years ago now.

The last time I had my hearing tested was almost 2years ago and they said then that my left ear was bad. This time I had to guess at some of the spoken test words for the left. The hearing in it is down to 75%, the right is still 100%. Having both aids will save the hearing in my right one and shore up the hearing in my left.

Wow! 100%. That's amazing.

I don't know how "self aware" you've become about things, but in the last year I have become more in tune with my body than I probably ever was back in the days that I took it for granted, and certainly during the time I was destroying it. What I've noticed is that it's amazing what you just learn to deal with as your new normal. I guess it makes sense... Afterall, when you're a kid and nothing is wrong with you, you tend to think that being old one day would just be agony for so many reasons. It's really not, but I think that has a lot to do with how your mind (thankfully) plays tricks on you and allows you to cope with the changes.

I'm going to bet that you've become quite accustomed to the hearing loss up to this point, and it's only after you get your new aids and it's so much better that you realize just how bad it has actually gotten.

I may have mentioned before that my Step Sister works with her husband who is an oral surgeon. She makes the molds for dentures. My step-dad called me last week and said he talked to her the other day and she said that "I'm family" and they're going to do right by me. I haven't called her yet, but with the price my step-dad said this would cost I'm guessing that they'd do it for me at pretty much cost.

Since I don't have any insurance and the problem has gotten so bad that there really is no way of even staving it off at this point, even though I'm not drinking and I'm eating healthy and taking vitamins, I think it might be time to say goodbye to my teeth and just get full dentures. The teeth still look good and I still have a great smile, but besides vanity there's really no reason to hold on to them anymore. I'm pretty sure at this point that every day I keep them in my mouth I'm shortening my lifespan by two days.

On the plus side... It will be nice to be able to eat steak and corn on the cob again. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 21, 2018 12:09 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Are they covered?

If they are, or most of it is, that probably isn't so bad Brenda. The ones my grandma had to wear when I was a kid were very obvious, but the last 10 years of her life you couldn't even tell that she wore them. They've come very far with that technology in the last 30 years.

If you need them now, you've probably been on your way to needing them for quite a while too. I'll bet once you get used to them you're going to wonder how you lived without them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That's the good thing Jack. They are completely covered and the batteries too.

They will be very different from the ones my mom wore and that was about 10years ago now.

The last time I had my hearing tested was almost 2years ago and they said then that my left ear was bad. This time I had to guess at some of the spoken test words for the left. The hearing in it is down to 75%, the right is still 100%. Having both aids will save the hearing in my right one and shore up the hearing in my left.

Wow! 100%. That's amazing.

I don't know how "self aware" you've become about things, but in the last year I have become more in tune with my body than I probably ever was back in the days that I took it for granted, and certainly during the time I was destroying it. What I've noticed is that it's amazing what you just learn to deal with as your new normal. I guess it makes sense... Afterall, when you're a kid and nothing is wrong with you, you tend to think that being old one day would just be agony for so many reasons. It's really not, but I think that has a lot to do with how your mind (thankfully) plays tricks on you and allows you to cope with the changes.

I'm going to bet that you've become quite accustomed to the hearing loss up to this point, and it's only after you get your new aids and it's so much better that you realize just how bad it has actually gotten.

I may have mentioned before that my Step Sister works with her husband who is an oral surgeon. She makes the molds for dentures. My step-dad called me last week and said he talked to her the other day and she said that "I'm family" and they're going to do right by me. I haven't called her yet, but with the price my step-dad said this would cost I'm guessing that they'd do it for me at pretty much cost.

Since I don't have any insurance and the problem has gotten so bad that there really is no way of even staving it off at this point, even though I'm not drinking and I'm eating healthy and taking vitamins, I think it might be time to say goodbye to my teeth and just get full dentures. The teeth still look good and I still have a great smile, but besides vanity there's really no reason to hold on to them anymore. I'm pretty sure at this point that every day I keep them in my mouth I'm shortening my lifespan by two days.

On the plus side... It will be nice to be able to eat steak and corn on the cob again. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The Audiologist showed me my test results after she did them.

I'm pretty self-aware. Became that way after the brain tumor. I have noticed in the last few months a dip in my hearing in my left ear and have had to ask people to repeat themselves as I am not catching words or not hearing them properly.

I'll adjust better than my mom did. She wouldn't use them and I tried to explain to her why she kept picking up all the background noise that she was and the Audiologist started to explain it to me and was surprised that I knew it.

My parents were older than all my friends so I knew what growing old looked like from an young age.

Not sure if you did tell me that your step-sister works with her husband who is a dental surgeon. But if they can help you that is great. If your teeth are going to come out anyways that maybe the best route for you. You will save yourself a lot of pain by getting dentures and you can't turn back time on what you did.

I wish you luck with all of that.

I think I will get these things by around the middle of next month.


Saturday, April 21, 2018 12:48 AM


Yeah.... I actually pulled one of my molars out with a pair of alcohol cleaned vice grips back in late November. "Pulled" might be overstating it since by that time the gums had receeded so much and there was no bone it was attached to that it literally came out with a small pop and I immediately felt like a million bucks when it was out. I think by that time my body was treating it as an infection itself.

Shortly thereafter the first one to go wobbly on me quite a few years back (I'm sure I mentioned the story here somewhere) finally just fell out on me when I was eating a pizza one day. Damn thing came out without any pain as if I was losing a baby tooth.

These are two of the 7 I was told a few years back there was no saving. I've lost 80% of the jaw bone that holds the teeth in and I was told the only reason I really have any teeth left is because of my gums and cartilidge. Maybe I've lost more in the last few years... I dunno. A few more have become wobbly and I'm unable to tear into any food or eat anything that's likely to get stuck in between my teeth (steak, chicken, popcorn, etc.) The funny thing is that there is almost no pain at all now that the two extremely bad ones are out. I don't know how much that has to do with my own tolerance for pain and living with my new normal.

Aside from the fact that the gums are receding now, it's hardly noticeable to anybody else, but it's only a matter of time, and because of the damage done already it's only going to get worse the longer I don't do anything about it. Since I'm not going to shell out what would end up costing more than my house cost me to get implants, dentures are really my only option. I'm not looking forward to having my teeth knocked out since I never had any cavities and the remaining teeth themselves still look very nice, but I think at this point they're doing great harm to my body, particularly my heart.

I'm grateful that I know somebody. I'm not in any position to afford this if I had to pay the going rate. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 21, 2018 1:52 AM


True you do have to think of your future health.

It's good that you know people who can help you out.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 12:42 AM


Nice dry day here today.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 12:44 AM


Right now had a nasty surprise found an additive in the brand of soy milk that I buy that I usually only find in cow's milk and in some apple turnovers that I like. So now I have to look for a new brand to buy.


Tuesday, April 24, 2018 6:42 AM


I've cut nearly all gluten and soy out of my diet. I'm going to try eating like this for a while and see what happens.

It's essentially the Keto diet with some alterations. I'm not doing it to lose weight since I've already gotten as low as I wanted, but I'm trying to lower my blood pressure and I also want to lower natural inflammation that causes arthritis and other pain that occurs with a high carb diet. (The one I had when my primary intake was beer and pastas).

It's amazing that with my other health issues that I didn't get type 2 diabetes along with it.

I don't do the fasting part everyday. It's a lot easier to do it on days that I work than it is when I'm not working. I usually make it at least 5 hours after waking up without eating. On days that I work, I usually go about 10 to 12 hours after waking up without eating. There's rarely a day that I don't at least go half of the day without any caloric intake when you include sleeping.

Like I say, I'm not trying to lose weight, so when I do eat, I eat a ton. I'm also eating more protein than the standard Keto diet because I'm heavily active at work and I'm just now beginning to work out on my off days in between as well. (excess protein gets turned into sugar, so if you're not using it by being active then it defeats the point of the diet).

I've gotten down to about 150-155 lbs, but I'm hoping by the end of summer to be a strong and lean 165lbs, which wouldn't be too bad considering I'm only 5'7".

Back in the worst of my drinking days, I could barely fit in 36" jeans and I had to notch 2 extra holes in my belt. I'm now fitting comfortably in 32" jeans and put the belt at the 5th hole in (including the 2 extra ones I notched).

One almost instant benefit I've noticed after a few weeks of this is that my intestinal issues seemed to have disappeared. You don't notice your own farts at home when you live alone and when you work in a huge store over nights, but when I went down with my old man to visit my brother in his small apartment he said I smelled like death, and I quickly became very aware and self conscious of the issue.

Another thing I've been noticing is that I don't need as much sleep and I have more energy. I don't know if I can attribute that much if at all to the new diet yet though since I've been making so many other lifestyle changes gradually over the last year and a half since I stopped drinking. I also started taking "old man" multi-vitimans right around the time I changed up my diet as well, so there's that too.

It's an easy diet to stick to since I'm not reducing calories. It's a little boring, sure, but even when I ate crap it was a pretty boring and repetitive selection of easy to make crap. If the lack of variety starts to bother me there are plenty of recipes out there to broaden my horizons.

I've heard a lot of good things about this diet from people that I respect. I'll let you know a month or two down the road how I'm feeling and if my blood pressure goes down.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 4, 2018 7:11 PM


With my low blood sugar Jack. I have to watch my carbs and sugar intake. I have discovered that I have to have gluten in my diet or I can feel sick.
So even with that discovery I still have to watch my carbs and sugar intake for my low blood sugar.

It's annoying but I've been doing it for so long that most of the time I don't notice it.

Since there is no soy milk I can use or alternate milks, I am back to cow's milk as long as it is organic which means no additives.


Friday, May 4, 2018 7:12 PM


Also found out today that my hearing aids will be in next week either Wednesday or Thursday. Government paperwork all cleared.


Friday, May 4, 2018 11:27 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
With my low blood sugar Jack. I have to watch my carbs and sugar intake. I have discovered that I have to have gluten in my diet or I can feel sick.
So even with that discovery I still have to watch my carbs and sugar intake for my low blood sugar.

It's annoying but I've been doing it for so long that most of the time I don't notice it.

Since there is no soy milk I can use or alternate milks, I am back to cow's milk as long as it is organic which means no additives.

How long have you gone without gluten in your diet before feeling sick, Brenda?

I've actually heard that your gut microbiome can effect your cravings and your mood when you change your diet up. Especially when removing gluten from your diet. I don't know how true any of that is, but new studies are starting to say that changing your diet might actually be more than just changing a habit long enough that you stick with it. Gluten especially can throw your system out of wack if you're eating too much of it and it can lead to inflammation and even auto-immune problems. It sounds like you don't eat much of it, but maybe because of your other problems whatever you are taking in is still too much.

I still haven't seen a huge reduction in pain yet myself, but there is another noticeable benefit from my overall change of diet and my more active lifestyle. For a while there some of my fingernails were growing in "wavy" and I would get white spots underneath them. The waves most noticible in the thumbnails. Though a few smaller white spots have still developed that are relatively new, they're nowhere near as large as some of the ones that I was getting. The nails have completely stopped growing in wavy now and in a week or two the parts of the nails that were wavy will have grown out and been clipped off.

Congrats on the free hearing aids. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 5, 2018 12:09 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
With my low blood sugar Jack. I have to watch my carbs and sugar intake. I have discovered that I have to have gluten in my diet or I can feel sick.
So even with that discovery I still have to watch my carbs and sugar intake for my low blood sugar.

It's annoying but I've been doing it for so long that most of the time I don't notice it.

Since there is no soy milk I can use or alternate milks, I am back to cow's milk as long as it is organic which means no additives.

How long have you gone without gluten in your diet before feeling sick, Brenda?

I've actually heard that your gut microbiome can effect your cravings and your mood when you change your diet up. Especially when removing gluten from your diet. I don't know how true any of that is, but new studies are starting to say that changing your diet might actually be more than just changing a habit long enough that you stick with it. Gluten especially can throw your system out of wack if you're eating too much of it and it can lead to inflammation and even auto-immune problems. It sounds like you don't eat much of it, but maybe because of your other problems whatever you are taking in is still too much.

I still haven't seen a huge reduction in pain yet myself, but there is another noticeable benefit from my overall change of diet and my more active lifestyle. For a while there some of my fingernails were growing in "wavy" and I would get white spots underneath them. The waves most noticible in the thumbnails. Though a few smaller white spots have still developed that are relatively new, they're nowhere near as large as some of the ones that I was getting. The nails have completely stopped growing in wavy now and in a week or two the parts of the nails that were wavy will have grown out and been clipped off.

Congrats on the free hearing aids. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It was about 3 days and it was mostly because the product that I was using to replace the soy milk that I can no longer use had no gluten in it. Once I started eating like I normally do I the upset stomach went away.

Because of my low blood sugar my body uses gluten to work off of. So while I limit what bread and such I eat, I do have to have some.

I get aches and pains but then I am a good few years older than you. Arthritis runs in my family and I will be very lucky if I escape that. But we shall see.

My hay fever is a big enough pain and I use eye drops mostly to treat them because of my seizure meds and thyroid don't mix with allergy medication. I do keep Reactine on hand for emergencies like if I am having trouble breathing. But I can only use it for a short time.

I'm glad that some of your problems seem to be clearing up. Good work on that and keep it up.

Thanks but I am already twitchy about them. I don't like the idea but I have to do it.


Sunday, May 6, 2018 12:39 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

huh, this is interesting because I'm dealing with a lot of the same issues: hearing, arthritis, gluten etc.

No advice from this end, you both sound like you're working thru your health issues in a very practical way, just want to share what's going on with me ....

I think I mentioned that I retired a less than a year ago. Those last few years at work were just agony ... I felt like shit all of the time, it was a major struggle just to (mentally) keep putting one foot in front of the other. I'd wake up after a couple of hours of sleep dead tired but feeling so crappy in some undefinable way that I had a hard time getting back to sleep. That's why I posted here at stupid-o'clock in the AM.

After I retired, altho I had the oppty to sleep more, I was still dog-tired all of the time. Eventually I reached a crisis of pain and fatigue that had me feeling like I had the worst flu in the world for weeks and weeks and weeks. My joints hurt, I had "pinching pains" running thru my body all of the time, and I was so tired I could barely drag myself out of bed. So FINALLY was motivated to try to nail down what the problems were, and since I was losing my hearing I went in for an MRI (to check for neuroma) and then an allergy test. So in quick succession I made it a point to get more sleep, started taking a Rolaids (magnesium and calcium) before bed to tamp down possible acid reflux, quit taking statins, started taking aspirin (the only NSAID not associated with "cardiac events"), got my chronic sinusitis treated, purchased a mouth appliance to position my jaw forward to pull my tongue out of the back of my throat (THAT made a huge difference!!!) got a hearing test followed by an MRI followed by a thorough allergy test and ...

I found out that I'm allergic to everything that that can be breathed, and about a third of the foods that they tested me for! (beef, rice, potatoes, peanuts, tomatoes, coffee, lettuce, chocolate, orange, pork ... some other stuff I can't remember!) I can't imagine how I developed such a roster of food allergies, since I've been implementing a rotation diet since whenever!

I have SOME indication that I'm gluten intolerant (low iron) and have been off and on gluten for years. But I suspect, and I asked the doctor and she said that it was a possibility, that eating gluten has inflamed my gut sufficiently, weakened the barrier and allowed food components into my blood and setting off allergies.

So I got off gluten entirely, quit eating beef, and my muscle pains went away when I quit the statins and the joint pains really throttled back by going off gluten (again). I think that with all of those allergies my sinuses went nuts and my tongue swelled up, leading to sleep apnea and all of the other issues I was having. So by quitting wheat and treating my nasal congestion and tongue swelling, I can finally sleep. What a relief.

And finally! I had a lump on my wrist biopsied. With all of the weird eczema, purpura, granulomas, blisters, dry skin, and scars ... the doctor kept saying .... you have REALLY sensitive skin! and I'm thinking ... No shit, tell me something I don't know already

But apparently my immune system is on a rampage, and it's showing up in my skin and everywhere else.


At this point we are renovating part of our house (phase I) in which we are turning one hallway into a closet and incorporating another hallway into a room. It's dusty, and since my poor hubby is still working, I'm honchoing the work - definitely out of my comfort zone! But at least I scattered the usual cosmos and CA poppy seeds and they popped up and blossomed prolifically. The goldfinches are eating the cosmos seeds and the bees are busy with the poppy flowers and the mourning doves are having a good time with the poppy seeds, so all is well with the garden.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, May 6, 2018 1:28 AM


Sounds like you are working great guns on your health issues as well Sig.

I sleep with 3 pillows because of my allergies. Makes breathing easier though I have a habit of pulling at least one flat.

I've also dealt with acid reflux over the years. Started with stress from my mom and looking after her when she was alive. Now, I get it when I am really upset or stressed out before I go to bed. So I try not to get too upset before bed or I am in for a rough night.

I limit the amount of beef I eat because of my low blood sugar. It's hard for my system to digest. Not to say that I don't eat hamburger and such once in a while because I do.

Lady, I work for just redid the kitchen and the bathroom sink and counter in their house. The kitchen now has white cupboards with blue tiles. I don't like it at all.


Sunday, May 6, 2018 5:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Lady, I work for just redid the kitchen and the bathroom sink and counter in their house. The kitchen now has white cupboards with blue tiles. I don't like it at all.
What don't you like, the color scheme? Blue and white ... even tho it can look great on a Greek island, it can seem kind of cold, especially in a cold climate. Is that it?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, May 6, 2018 8:14 AM


Damn sigs. Hope it all works out for you. ;)

I'm a little bummed my pain hasn't gone away yet. I probably just have to give my change in diet more time. I've heard stories where arthritic and joint pain almost disappeared overnight, but those are just stories and they probably took longer than the people said they did.

I do have a LOT more energy now. I'm sure it's not at the levels that your average 38 year old should have, especially considering I've lost enough weight that my 6 pack is starting to show and I can actually see my upper ribcage when I'm stretching again, but considering how terrible I was to my body for so many years I didn't expect that the damage could be undone immediately. I'm sure the teeth issues I'm having aren't helping out with this at all either.

Also, it's not as if I've given up smoking and I do drink a LOT of coffee.

I need to start being more active on my days off of work. I've noticed that my pains are less when I work more days in a week, and not the opposite like you would think in a job as physically demanding as mine is. My project that I'm working on in my free time is on the computer, so I've got to make an effort to get up and do some things in between. Sometimes I don't move anything besides my hands for hours on end. I think I'm going to get a stopwatch that will beep every hour or so and then get up and just do some stretches and throw around my dumbells for a few minutes before going back to it.

One thing I recommend to anybody is daily fasting. I haven't bought any kits to test for ketosis, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I have to imagine that for a large part of every day my body is in a state of ketosis. I just got back from work today and I haven't eaten since around 3PM yesterday. I'm actually going to wait about an hour and mow my lawn, so I probably won't even be eating until around 10AM at that point.

Don't get me wrong... when I eat I eat like a King. I'll probably eat about 2,500 - 3,000 calories between 10 and Noon.

I'm going to keep at this a while longer and see what I can do. I really don't want to go see a doctor, and I'd rather be able to get my blood pressure and my pain under control without taking any meds for them. There's been great changes in other physical problems I was having. Just need to get those two things under control and then continue to eat right and stay physical.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 6, 2018 11:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I'm a little bummed my pain hasn't gone away yet. I probably just have to give my change in diet more time. I've heard stories where arthritic and joint pain almost disappeared overnight, but those are just stories and they probably took longer than the people said they did.
It could be that you have a reaction to something other than wheat. See if you can correlate it to a specific food.

ALSO, are you taking vitamins? You really could be vitamin D deficient, and joint pain is a real consequence of that. Unless you're eating really good sources of vitamin D (fatty fish, milk with vit D added, fortified cereals and breads, eggs) and getting at least 15 minutes of bright noontime sun, that could be the source of your problem. Vitamin D is CHEAP. Get a small bottle of 4000 IU. Also, to encourage your gums to stay strong, make sure you get enough vitamin C ... another cheap vitamin.

And finally ,,, my joint pain isn't really gone, just a lot more tolerable. I still have to knock it down with 650 mg aspirin @ bedtime every few days; it will probably require me to eliminate a lot more of those allergenic foods.


I do have a LOT more energy now. I'm sure it's not at the levels that your average 38 year old should have
a) The average 38 year-old prolly has less energy than you think and
b) how much energy you have is an excellent indication of health, so good for you on restoring it!


One thing I recommend to anybody is daily fasting. I haven't bought any kits to test for ketosis, so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I have to imagine that for a large part of every day my body is in a state of ketosis. I just got back from work today and I haven't eaten since around 3PM yesterday. I'm actually going to wait about an hour and mow my lawn, so I probably won't even be eating until around 10AM at that point.

Don't get me wrong... when I eat I eat like a King. I'll probably eat about 2,500 - 3,000 calories between 10 and Noon.

The thinking on eating frequency has really turned around in the past ten years or so. It used to be that they encouraged frequent eating ... three meals and two snacks ... on the idea that humans evolved as "grazers" ... eat-as-you-gather. But constant eating puts a strain on your liver, which then is always in "food storage mode" instead of "food disbursement mode"; frequent meals seems to encourage fatty liver. Yanno, kind of like they enlarge goose liver (constant force feeding) to make fois gras.

However, people prone to low blood sugar have to be careful, so there is never any advice that's good 100% across the board.


I'm going to keep at this a while longer and see what I can do. I really don't want to go see a doctor, and I'd rather be able to get my blood pressure and my pain under control without taking any meds for them. There's been great changes in other physical problems I was having. Just need to get those two things under control and then continue to eat right and stay physical.
If you're not eating fruits or veggies then you need a source of potassium (and vitamin C) from somewhere else. We are biologically programmed to need BOTH meat (for B12) AND fruits/veggies (for vitamin C), both of which are ESSENTIAL and neither of which we can synthesize. That puts us in the realm of OBLIGATE OMNIVORES.

People need about 3 grams of potassium a day, and the best natural sources are also the starchiest: bananas, potatoes, yams/sweet potatoes, oranges and orange juice, beans.


Potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. A deficiency in potassium causes fatigue, irritability, and hypertension (high blood pressure)

The doctors who were the farthest ahead on this were Drs Michael and Mary Dan Eades, they wrote Protein Power and Protein Power Lifeplan many years ago, and so far their advice has withstood the test of time.

You've really turned your health around, what an achievement!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, May 6, 2018 11:32 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
It could be that you have a reaction to something other than wheat. See if you can correlate it to a specific food.

Well... my diet is about 100% different than it used to be before, and I had a lot of joint pain and probably undiagnosed arthritis and a lot of inflammation. It is possible that I'm just eating different foods now that are also causing problems, but it's hard to say because it really was terrible before. It's better now, but I've changed so many habits that it would be hard to say that my diet was the cause of a reduction in pain at all at this point.


ALSO, are you taking vitamins? You really could be vitamin D deficient, and joint pain is a real consequence of that. Unless you're eating really good sources of vitamin D (fatty fish, milk with vit D added, fortified cereals and breads, eggs) and getting at least 15 minutes of bright noontime sun, that could be the source of your problem. Vitamin D is CHEAP. Get a small bottle of 4000 IU. Also, to encourage your gums to stay strong, make sure you get enough vitamin C ... another cheap vitamin.

Without having seen a doctor about it, I'm fairly confident that my teeth problem was in large part due to my getting almost zero vitamin D during my drinking phase where I rarely went outside, I had a terrible diet and (I believe) that drinking heavily depletes whatever Vitamin D you did have.

I can't afford fish unfortunately, but I love milk. I drank skim for hte longest time, but now that I'm not worried about weight I think I might start drinking whole milk. Good idea. Thanks. ;)


And finally ,,, my joint pain isn't really gone, just a lot more tolerable. I still have to knock it down with 650 mg aspirin @ bedtime every few days; it will probably require me to eliminate a lot more of those allergenic foods.

Yeah... I really don't want to take anything yet. God knows what damage I've caused my liver with the drinking. I'm trying to give it a break. I was worried that my coffee might also be bad for the liver, but good news... looks like a Google search says that it might actually be good for your liver. Score.

I hope you don't miss a lot of food that you used to eat because of allergies. I know that it's been pretty tough for some people I know that developed allergies. Fortunately for me, food has never really been one of my vices. I do miss pizza and pasta everyday, but giving them up was a lot easier than giving up smoking ever would be.


a) The average 38 year-old prolly has less energy than you think and
b) how much energy you have is an excellent indication of health, so good for you on restoring it!

Well I feel about 10 years younger just over the last half year or so. Losing that weight had to be the biggest contributor to that. Now I've got to get my 36 year old brother on board. I worry about him because he's well over 200 lbs overweight. I'm trying to lead by example and get him and my sis in law to start managing their weight. At least my niece is always running around and burning off all of that food that I'm sure they're letting her eat.


The thinking on eating frequency has really turned around in the past ten years or so. It used to be that they encouraged frequent eating ... three meals and two snacks ... on the idea that humans evolved as "grazers" ... eat-as-you-gather. But constant eating puts a strain on your liver, which then is always in "food storage mode" instead of "food disbursement mode"; frequent meals seems to encourage fatty liver. Yanno, kind of like they enlarge goose liver (constant force feeding) to make fois gras.

However, people prone to low blood sugar have to be careful, so there is never any advice that's good 100% across the board.

I didn't know all of that. :)

I'm just starting to learn all of this now. The only time in my live I ever really paid attention at all to food was when I was power lifting in my early 20's and I put on 70 lbs of muscle in only 2 years. But that info does me no good now because you eat a lot differently when you're trying to bulk up.


If you're not eating fruits or veggies then you need a source of potassium (and vitamin C) from somewhere else. We are biologically programmed to need BOTH meat (for B12) AND fruits/veggies (for vitamin C), both of which are ESSENTIAL and neither of which we can synthesize. That puts us in the realm of OBLIGATE OMNIVORES.

People need about 3 grams of potassium a day, and the best natural sources are also the starchiest: bananas, potatoes, yams/sweet potatoes, oranges and orange juice, beans.

I'm eating vegetables. A lot more than I probably ever have, actually. I do eat a banana a day now too. That used to be a problem for me and it would back me up and I couldn't do a number 2 for a few days at a time. Turns out that isn't a problem when the rest of your diet is good. I don't think the bananas mixed well with all that pasta and pizza. :)

I'm not going for a zero carb diet, even though I've massively reduced my carb intake. I'm just really concerned with eliminating empty carbs that come with all the wheat based foods.

It turns out I lied though. I'm not gluten free. My dumbass eats a lot of Life Cereal for filler. It's healthy. I just assumed it was okay. Totally defeating my diet with that one. Oh well. I got a box and a half left. After that, I'm going to start buying cereal on this list.


Potassium is an essential nutrient used to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body. A deficiency in potassium causes fatigue, irritability, and hypertension (high blood pressure)

The doctors who were the farthest ahead on this were Drs Michael and Mary Dan Eades, they wrote Protein Power and Protein Power Lifeplan many years ago, and so far their advice has withstood the test of time.

You've really turned your health around, what an achievement!

Thanks. :)

It's a work in progress. Hope to have some more good news on the way. At least there's a shine on my fingernails and they stopped growing in wavy. Now if I can get rid of the last of those white spots then I'll be feeling a lot better about my vitamin intake. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 6, 2018 2:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Lady, I work for just redid the kitchen and the bathroom sink and counter in their house. The kitchen now has white cupboards with blue tiles. I don't like it at all.
What don't you like, the color scheme? Blue and white ... even tho it can look great on a Greek island, it can seem kind of cold, especially in a cold climate. Is that it?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy

It would look better on a Greek island and if the rest of the house was white inside. The house is meant to look like a log cabin. The man who originally had it built, built it from a kit for his wife. So, this scheme clashes.


Sunday, May 6, 2018 3:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I've heard stories where arthritic and joint pain almost disappeared overnight"

My story isn't overnight, but within 3 days.

Long story - there's a young guy at work who was in a serious car accident - rear-ended by a cement truck sitting at a stoplight.

Anyway, we were talking about the two kinds of pain. There's the pain 'out there' somewhere, in your knee or your hand. It hurts, and sometimes even a lot, but it's out there and you can deal with it ok.

And then there's the other pain that just grinds into your brain. It doesn't even need to be intense, but there's something about it that affects your entire being.

I had the second type since at least the age of 35. Then about 2 years ago I stopped using olive oil and changed to sunflower oil. And just like that - like a switch - the grinding pain was 95% gone in 3 days. And while I still have arthritis and bursitis and their pains, it's out there in my joints.

My point is that people can be reacting to something VERY specific - completely idiosyncratic - and something that general advice doesn't address.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, May 6, 2018 8:30 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"I've heard stories where arthritic and joint pain almost disappeared overnight"

My story isn't overnight, but within 3 days.

Long story - there's a young guy at work who was in a serious car accident - rear-ended by a cement truck sitting at a stoplight.

Anyway, we were talking about the two kinds of pain. There's the pain 'out there' somewhere, in your knee or your hand. It hurts, and sometimes even a lot, but it's out there and you can deal with it ok.

And then there's the other pain that just grinds into your brain. It doesn't even need to be intense, but there's something about it that affects your entire being.

I had the second type since at least the age of 35. Then about 2 years ago I stopped using olive oil and changed to sunflower oil. And just like that - like a switch - the grinding pain was 95% gone in 3 days. And while I still have arthritis and bursitis and their pains, it's out there in my joints.

My point is that people can be reacting to something VERY specific - completely idiosyncratic - and something that general advice doesn't address.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

I know type two pain. I felt that when I landed flat on my back and nearly cracked it in half when I slipped on my stairs while I was drinking. Not being able to sleep for 3 days straight and in absolute agony no matter what position you were in with no relief. Pain two, for me, is wanting to die.

I'd say the pains I'm talking about are type one. They can be pretty brutal after a long day of work, and I've noticed they can be even worse in my left leg if I've been on the forklift for any extended period of time because of the pressure plates under your feet that were probably designed for 200lbs people and I have to "work" at getting them to do what they're supposed to do. But these are the pains that become your new normal over time. They're not pleasant, but you can compartmentalize them to the point that they're not much more than background noise. They're only really noticeable to me when I think about how I'd like to play guitar again, but it's too painful to be enjoyable.

I've still got hope that it's the gluten. Here I was thinking that I was gluten free now, and I'm eating a half a box of Life cereal everyday.

I'm too cheap to throw out good food, so my gluten free diet starts next week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 6, 2018 8:33 PM


Hearing aids are in. Will make an appointment tomorrow to see about fitting them.


Sunday, May 6, 2018 8:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I've still got hope that it's the gluten. Here I was thinking that I was gluten free now, and I'm eating a half a box of Life cereal everyday.

I'm too cheap to throw out good food, so my gluten free diet starts next week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Give it a good try! Even if you only notice *some* improvement, it's still an improvement! Having only *some* improvement means you probably need to pursue another thing to fix in addition. But, from serious experience, I can say that if after 5 weeks you're still equivocating - I think it's a little better ... - it's not working. Don't be afraid to move on and try something new.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, May 6, 2018 8:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Hearing aids are in. Will make an appointment tomorrow to see about fitting them.

YAY !!

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Sunday, May 6, 2018 10:57 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Hearing aids are in. Will make an appointment tomorrow to see about fitting them.

YAY !!

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

Kiki, 1 sentence: I don't wanna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, May 7, 2018 12:55 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I have them. I got tired of not being able to hear what people were saying.

My hearing used to be not just good - it was phenomenal. My eyes were good. But, age happened.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, May 7, 2018 1:24 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I have them. I got tired of not being able to hear what people were saying.

My hearing used to be not just good - it was phenomenal. My eyes were good. But, age happened.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

I've had ear problems since I was a child. It was just not something I thought about.

Given that I survived a brain tumour and where it was, it shouldn't surprise me that my hearing on the left side is almost gone. Had glasses since I was in high school and I hate them as well.

It's just arrrrgghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, May 7, 2018 3:50 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I know about the glasses thing, at least somewhat. Whatever grade it was where you go from block print to cursive, my eyes went suddenly, terribly bad. And the ophthalmologist couldn't get a bead on the scrip, since every 6 months my left eye was different from the 6 month exam before. It would make wild swings, nearsighted to farsighted, and back again.

Then when I was 18 I got a scrip I just couldn't get used to. Maybe it was mis-filled. Anyway, I stopped wearing glasses. But age-related nearsightedness hit me early, before 40.

And I've always had floaters, but now they're so bad I can hardly see. No correction seems to make up for that.

But all in all, the bad hearing and vision, arthritis and bursitis, are acceptable so far. And thank god I found an answer for the pain. The asthma and terrible fatigue though ... now those are things I could do without.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, May 7, 2018 7:45 AM


Yeah... Floaters aren't fun. I started getting them in my mid 20's. I asked my eye doctor if there was anything that could be done about it and they told me in short the answer was no. I could elect for some pretty risky eye surgery to take care of it, but I probably couldn't even find an eye doctor that would do it unless it got way worse than it is now.

Most of the time I dont' even notice them. It's just that when you do, you can't stop noticing them. You know how it is.

About the diet. Once I'm sure I've gone without gluten for about 5 weeks if things haven't improved, I'll let you know. My diet is super boring right now and only consists of a handful of things. I'm not calorie counting or anything, so I just kind of eat until I'm satiated. I probably eat more than I used to, but because I've been so active and I'm not putting on any weight, I'm not really worried about overeating or anything.

Maybe at that point you'd have some suggestions for me to change things up. It shouldn't be too hard since I really only eat about less than 10 things right now.

What can I say... I'm a creature of habit. At least the habit is infinitely healthier than the 10 or so things I used to eat. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 7, 2018 9:27 AM


It pays to do your research....

My go-to healthy cereals were Life and Honey Bunches of Oats.

Guess not.

I usually eat my cereal with peanut butter now, and that drowns out the taste of the cereal anyhow and it's really more for the consistency than anything else. Cheerio's it is, until I make more money and can buy the more expensive stuff.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 7, 2018 12:35 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It pays to do your research....

My go-to healthy cereals were Life and Honey Bunches of Oats.

Guess not.

I usually eat my cereal with peanut butter now, and that drowns out the taste of the cereal anyhow and it's really more for the consistency than anything else. Cheerio's it is, until I make more money and can buy the more expensive stuff.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I eat none of those cereals on that list. My go to ones are Shreddies the original ones, Just Right which is made of 4 grains and Spoon size Shredded Wheat. I also eat Quaker Instant Regular Oatmeal to take my seizure meds with. Those are the only cereals I eat. All low in sugar and no added fruit to them.


Monday, May 7, 2018 12:37 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I know about the glasses thing, at least somewhat. Whatever grade it was where you go from block print to cursive, my eyes went suddenly, terribly bad. And the ophthalmologist couldn't get a bead on the scrip, since every 6 months my left eye was different from the 6 month exam before. It would make wild swings, nearsighted to farsighted, and back again.

Then when I was 18 I got a scrip I just couldn't get used to. Maybe it was mis-filled. Anyway, I stopped wearing glasses. But age-related nearsightedness hit me early, before 40.

And I've always had floaters, but now they're so bad I can hardly see. No correction seems to make up for that.

But all in all, the bad hearing and vision, arthritis and bursitis, are acceptable so far. And thank god I found an answer for the pain. The asthma and terrible fatigue though ... now those are things I could do without.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

My glasses were for distance but before my mom died I got my first set of bifocals.

I know about asthma. My brother has suffered from it since he was a baby. I know that I am a borderline asthmatic but there is nothing I can do about that cause it is mostly caused by my allergies.


Monday, May 7, 2018 9:02 PM


Got hearing aids today. Wore them all afternoon now ears are tired. Going to take some getting used to.


Monday, May 7, 2018 9:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Got hearing aids today. Wore them all afternoon now ears are tired. Going to take some getting used to.

That was my experience. A large number of people give up on the hearing aids they get and become hearing aid 'quitters'.

I've read that the way to avoid that is that you get used to them very slowly. Hearing aids don't restore your hearing to what it used to be. They seem to increase the background noise and kill spatial resolution ie, it's hard to hear where the sound is coming from.

I think you mentioned your right ear is worse? Try starting with just one ear, like your right ear, a couple hours a day. Then gradually increase the time over 3 or 4 months. Then do the same adding in your left ear.

Your brain had a long, long time to adapt to the hearing loss, assuming you're like most people and it was gradual. It'll take time for your systems to rewire for the hearing aids. Going too quickly could lead to too much frustration and discomfort.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Monday, May 7, 2018 11:50 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Got hearing aids today. Wore them all afternoon now ears are tired. Going to take some getting used to.

That was my experience. A large number of people give up on the hearing aids they get and become hearing aid 'quitters'.

I've read that the way to avoid that is that you get used to them very slowly. Hearing aids don't restore your hearing to what it used to be. They seem to increase the background noise and kill spatial resolution ie, it's hard to hear where the sound is coming from.

I think you mentioned your right ear is worse? Try starting with just one ear, like your right ear, a couple hours a day. Then gradually increase the time over 3 or 4 months. Then do the same adding in your left ear.

Your brain had a long, long time to adapt to the hearing loss, assuming you're like most people and it was gradual. It'll take time for your systems to rewire for the hearing aids. Going too quickly could lead to too much frustration and discomfort.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

That was my mom and she was only dealing with one aid.

It's my left that is worse Kiki.

I'm not expecting an over night fix. I know my ears and my brain are going to have to get used to them.

Not frustrated just didn't think my ears would get so tired. I will wear them again tomorrow for a period then remove them again to let my ears rest.


Monday, May 7, 2018 11:51 PM


Now if only my allergies would stop making me cough.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 12:11 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey! it just occurred to me. When do you get to move into government housing? By the description of your place, it sounds like there could be mold there. Not necessarily the black toxic kind, but at least mildew behind the walls. That could really be triggering your allergies.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 12:59 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey! it just occurred to me. When do you get to move into government housing? By the description of your place, it sounds like there could be mold there. Not necessarily the black toxic kind, but at least mildew behind the walls. That could really be triggering your allergies.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

That is an "I don't know" Kiki. Whenever the places on the list decide I fit into their box. These places have specific criteria and if you don't fit then they won't consider you. This hearing aid situation may shake something out of the woodwork. At least I hope so.

There is mold around and dust and I am sure some mildew. That is most likely what is triggering this coughing bout. It's almost over now but very annoying.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:09 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

it's useless voodoo, but I have my fingers crossed for you.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:24 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
it's useless voodoo, but I have my fingers crossed for you.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

Thanks Kiki. I'll take all the help I can get. Going to make some phone calls on Wednesday. BC Housing gave me some lists and I will take another whack at them.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 2:25 AM


Think I just heard something that sounded like a coyote howling. Haven't heard that in years.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 8:11 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

There's a pack that sometimes howls on the hill across the street from me.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 8:32 AM


So I just did some more shopping to stock up on my healthy on a budget reserves.

Here's what's in my cupboard, so to speak.

Organic bananas.
Organic creamy peanut butter (I can't seem to find organic chunky :( )
Peanuts, lightly salted with sea salt.
7.5 dozen eggs (for Hard boiled eggs only).
Some form of vegetable medley (I know it's got broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and at least one type of pepper in it).
Vitamin D milk (to replace the skim milk).
Long grain rice.
Cheerios. (To replace the not-as-healthy-as-you'd-think Life cereal that does have plenty of gluten in it).
1/4 lb pre-formed, uncooked Angus beef patties.
And I use Ceyenne Pepper for spice when I cook up rice and the vegetables together.

And that's it. Figured I might as well just list off what i'm eating now since the list is so short.

Anybody have any thoughts about anything potentially negative about what's in there, or any cheap suggestions to augment this short list?

I'd love to be eating real nuts instead of peanuts, but they're too expensive. I know that peanuts and peanut butter could be a potential problem, but I've eaten it all of my life and as far as I know nobody in my family including myself has ever had an allergy to them.

I'm also taking an "old man" multivitamin every day. I also alternate between taking a D vitamin, a garlic vitamin and a fish oil vitamin along with it, so each one of them I get once every 3 days.

This list is surprisingly cheap when you buy it in bulk. I was amazed that you could get a 10 lb bag of long grain rice for under 5 bucks, for instance.

By far, pound for pound, the most expensive item is the angus beef, of course. But I got 40 patties for around 27 bucks and I only eat 2 of them a day, so that lasts almost 3 weeks. (Oh, and I eat the patties alone without bread, but I do use a few table spoons of Heinz ketchup or A1 steak sause for a little kick).

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 8:48 AM



My brother sent me this link.

I promise, I won't become this obnoxious about it. Although I probably will be raving about the results if it works out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 10:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Hey! it just occurred to me. When do you get to move into government housing? By the description of your place, it sounds like there could be mold there. Not necessarily the black toxic kind, but at least mildew behind the walls. That could really be triggering your allergies.- KIKI

That is an "I don't know" Kiki. Whenever the places on the list decide I fit into their box. These places have specific criteria and if you don't fit then they won't consider you. This hearing aid situation may shake something out of the woodwork. At least I hope so. There is mold around and dust and I am sure some mildew. That is most likely what is triggering this coughing bout. It's almost over now but very annoying. BRENDA

A comment and a suggestion:

We've been watching Love it or List it Too which is a home renovation show set in Vancouver (there is a similar show set in N Carolina) and I have to wonder ... are ALL Vancouver homes built like crap? It seems like every home that they attempt to renovate has a serious flaw .... or two or three .... and one of them almost always involves rot, to the point of structural unsoundness. Yeah. I know it rains a lot there ... but it rains a lot on N Carolina too, and I don't see the same number of deficiencies in N Carolina as I do in Vancouver. Was there a housing boom 40 years ago that tolerated substandard construction?

SUGGESTION: I don't know what form your allergies symptoms take, but if it involves difficulty breathing (stuffed nose, swollen palate, uvula and back of throat, swollen tongue) to the point where it interferes with your sleep, there are LOCAL ways of treating symptoms which shouldn't interfere with your other medications. What works for me: nasal decongestant spray, nasal steroid spray, and a ZQuiet mouth insert.
I used to go sleep on the sofa when I was suffocating in my sleep, so I could prop myself up on the arms of the sofa. I even bought a wedge pillow, but I have to say that NOTHING worked as well as the combination of localized treatments (including the ZQuiet). I have terrible allergies, but rarely take antihistamines in pill form.

Also, I DO have a prescription for montelukast (advair), which is a very targeted immune modifier which has worked tremendously well for wheezing/ coughing; I can't imagine any mechanism by which montelukast interferes with any thyroid or anticonvulsant medication so you might want to look into that.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 10:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
So I just did some more shopping to stock up on my healthy on a budget reserves.

Here's what's in my cupboard, so to speak.

Organic bananas.
Organic creamy peanut butter (I can't seem to find organic chunky :( )
Peanuts, lightly salted with sea salt.
7.5 dozen eggs (for Hard boiled eggs only).
Some form of vegetable medley (I know it's got broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and at least one type of pepper in it).
Vitamin D milk (to replace the skim milk).
Long grain rice.
Cheerios. (To replace the not-as-healthy-as-you'd-think Life cereal that does have plenty of gluten in it).
1/4 lb pre-formed, uncooked Angus beef patties.
And I use Ceyenne Pepper for spice when I cook up rice and the vegetables together.

And that's it. Figured I might as well just list off what i'm eating now since the list is so short.

Anybody have any thoughts about anything potentially negative about what's in there, or any cheap suggestions to augment this short list?

I'd love to be eating real nuts instead of peanuts, but they're too expensive. I know that peanuts and peanut butter could be a potential problem, but I've eaten it all of my life and as far as I know nobody in my family including myself has ever had an allergy to them.

I'm also taking an "old man" multivitamin every day. I also alternate between taking a D vitamin, a garlic vitamin and a fish oil vitamin along with it, so each one of them I get once every 3 days.

This list is surprisingly cheap when you buy it in bulk. I was amazed that you could get a 10 lb bag of long grain rice for under 5 bucks, for instance.

By far, pound for pound, the most expensive item is the angus beef, of course. But I got 40 patties for around 27 bucks and I only eat 2 of them a day, so that lasts almost 3 weeks. (Oh, and I eat the patties alone without bread, but I do use a few table spoons of Heinz ketchup or A1 steak sause for a little kick).

Well, it's a limited list, and an allergist will tell you that constant exposure to the same things over and over will promote allergic reactions. OTOH, I've been following a "rotation" diet for over 15 years, since hubby was tested for allergies, and all it seems to have done for me was promote a whole roster of allergies!

Chicken is a lot cheaper than beef, but of course takes more effort to cook. Still, I'd recommend chicken as an addition. Fish is more expensive than than either, but canned tuna on sale is convenient, I'd suggest adding fish. And beans are the cheapest of all; they take a long time to cook if you buy them dried but retain the most nutrients if you cook them yourself.

Cooking oil? You should get another form of oil to cook with, peanut oil is very short of alpha linolenic acid, try getting soy oil in addition.

You're probably short on fiber especially if you have white rice; once you work your way thru the bag of (white?) rice I'd suggest getting brown rice. Also... beans. Again.

Most likely short on potassium. You should be getting about 3 grams a day, a banana has about 0.4 grams, an 8 oz glass of milk has 0.3 grams, a cup of mixed vegetables has about 0.3 grams. Once again, beans to the rescue! One cup of lima beans (the highest in potassium) has about 0.7 grams. Other high potassium foods are potatoes and sweet potatoes.

If you're working a physically demanding job and sweat a lot, don't forget to keep up with your salt; use iodized salt. I know "they" recommend low salt diets but that can paradoxically raise your blood pressure if you go TOO low, so try to monitor your salt intake especially in the summer and keep it around 2 grams.

If you're short of "D" you won't make that up with 1/3 doses of standard IUs plus milk; that could leave you in a state of deficiency for a long time.


Not an addition, but a recipe for "fried rice" that the family loves and is to die for! The only "extra" things that you'll need are soy sauce, cooking oil, toasted sesame oil, garlic cloves, and green onions.

3 sliced cloves garlic
4 cups vegetable medley
2 Tablespoons (T) soy oil and
1/2 T sesame oil
In a large pot over medium heat until just tender
Stir in
4 cups leftover rice
1/4 c soy sauce
Clear center of pot, add
2 eggs, yolks broken
Allow to cook until partly cooked thru, stir into rice
Cover and cook over low until eggs are done.
While warm, stir in
1 cup washed, sliced green onions

We use carrots, celery, cabbage, peas, and green onions but I think your veggie medley would work just as well and taste awesome!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 5:34 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
There's a pack that sometimes howls on the hill across the street from me.

So anyway ... anyone up for a rational, fact-based, and civil discussion about the topic?

It was one and a quick howl. Too high pitched for a dog and not a bark.

There have been packs all over my city at times and the city has issued warnings about keeping kitties and little dogs inside in the evenings.

But as I said it has been a long time since I have heard one.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 5:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Hey! it just occurred to me. When do you get to move into government housing? By the description of your place, it sounds like there could be mold there. Not necessarily the black toxic kind, but at least mildew behind the walls. That could really be triggering your allergies.- KIKI

That is an "I don't know" Kiki. Whenever the places on the list decide I fit into their box. These places have specific criteria and if you don't fit then they won't consider you. This hearing aid situation may shake something out of the woodwork. At least I hope so. There is mold around and dust and I am sure some mildew. That is most likely what is triggering this coughing bout. It's almost over now but very annoying. BRENDA

A comment and a suggestion:

We've been watching Love it or List it Too which is a home renovation show set in Vancouver (there is a similar show set in N Carolina) and I have to wonder ... are ALL Vancouver homes built like crap? It seems like every home that they attempt to renovate has a serious flaw .... or two or three .... and one of them almost always involves rot, to the point of structural unsoundness. Yeah. I know it rains a lot there ... but it rains a lot on N Carolina too, and I don't see the same number of deficiencies in N Carolina as I do in Vancouver. Was there a housing boom 40 years ago that tolerated substandard construction?

SUGGESTION: I don't know what form your allergies symptoms take, but if it involves difficulty breathing (stuffed nose, swollen palate, uvula and back of throat, swollen tongue) to the point where it interferes with your sleep, there are LOCAL ways of treating symptoms which shouldn't interfere with your other medications. What works for me: nasal decongestant spray, nasal steroid spray, and a ZQuiet mouth insert.
I used to go sleep on the sofa when I was suffocating in my sleep, so I could prop myself up on the arms of the sofa. I even bought a wedge pillow, but I have to say that NOTHING worked as well as the combination of localized treatments (including the ZQuiet). I have terrible allergies, but rarely take antihistamines in pill form.

Also, I DO have a prescription for montelukast (advair), which is a very targeted immune modifier which has worked tremendously well for wheezing/ coughing; I can't imagine any mechanism by which montelukast interferes with any thyroid or anticonvulsant medication so you might want to look into that.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy

There was a housing boom after WWII and also a lot of houses in Vancouver are around 100years old. So, that could account for the rot seen as well as climate. Vancouver is one of the oldest cities in British Columbia.

My allergy symptoms consist of itchy, watery eyes, running nose, sneezing, now as I get older coughing and itchy ears. I have a nasal spray that I am considering using and I keep Halls cough drops on hand and I may have to use one of those.

Thanks for the info Sig. I will take a look into that.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 5:45 PM


Jack, try pork as well. Ground is cheap and Sig mentioned chicken which is also good.

Canned tuna is okay but you can try canned salmon.

Also extra virgin olive oil or just no oil for frying hamburger or pork. Chicken needs a little oil. A small bottle of extra virgin doesn't cost too much and will last you a while.






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