In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Tuesday, May 8, 2018 5:46 PM


Just listened to some music with my hearing aids on and my left ear was working.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 7:36 PM


Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, I can't eat chicken or pork because of my teeth until I get the dentures. Steak is out of the question too :(. The only way I can eat it is if it's ground to the consistency of baby food. My brother makes these great pork things that he starts by putting pork chops in a slow cooker, but by the time it's all ground down there's more butter in a single serving than I eat otherwise in an entire year. They're amazing, but they're so bad for you. Eating a few of those sandwiches makes you want to hibernate.

(It only now occurs to me how difficult it is going to be for me to eat with others, even though it's such an uncommon occasion).

I actually don't use any cooking oil right now. Should I be? I'm sure it would make the meals I make taste better, but for me I'm happy just filling my belly with anything that isn't outright disgusting. I actually just throw a bunch of vegetables and rice in a pot or a pan and boil them, then I throw on some cayenne pepper. I heard that you can loose nutrients from vegetables by boiling them, but I've gotten real good at using the right amount of water and what the rice doesn't absorb gets boiled out and I'm not actually dumping out any water by the time I eat it.

Bummer to hear about the white rice. I was a little worried about that when I bought them. I was eating some brown rice I had sitting around from god knows when, but that's a lot more expensive since it's much smaller boxes. I couldn't find any brown rice in bulk bags today for some reason. Maybe I'll have to look online for them.

I think I went years without any potassium. Not even joking. I don't know how I'm still alive. I'm sure I was getting some incidental doses here and there. Not sure if there's any in skim milk or not. Do vitamins count, now that I'm taking them?

So... you liking those hearing aids yet Brenda? Are you hearing instruments in music that you forgot were even there yet?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 8:44 PM


Vitamins do count Jack and they will help repair the damage you did to yourself.

You can eat bad things once in a while as a treat. I eat ice cream and "hot" apple pies from A&W every so often.

I didn't hear anything that wasn't already in the music but I was hearing as I was meant to hear it. *L* And on the flip side. My ears aren't that tired today.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 10:23 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Vitamins do count Jack and they will help repair the damage you did to yourself.

You can eat bad things once in a while as a treat. I eat ice cream and "hot" apple pies from A&W every so often.

Well if vitamins count, then without looking at the bottle I'm pretty sure I'm getting my daily dose of pretty much everything I need. Part of me still thinks they're just made of sugar and sand, but who knows. I'm sure it's better in any case to be getting the nutrients from actual food than vitamins, but there's no way I'm going to be eating a "perfect" diet. Right now it's at least far better than I was eating.

I don't really need to treat myself. I still smoke, and that's kind of my "treat", since I have no plans on quitting that habit. I suppose once I start getting this all under control that my "treat" could be to just not worry about what I'm eating if I'm out with other people who cooked or at a restaurant. I'm sure something against my current diet won't kill me if I'm not gorging on it. I'm not actually gluten intolerant, at least like people who have severe cases of it anyway. My brother's friend absolutely had to get off of gluten for medical reasons. She was becoming extremely ill and that was the reason for it. Generally speaking I feel better now than I have in years and that was probably just quitting the booze and losing all the weight and just being a lot more active. I don't think the gluten was killing me or anything.


I didn't hear anything that wasn't already in the music but I was hearing as I was meant to hear it. *L* And on the flip side. My ears aren't that tired today.

Yeah. That's what I meant. I bet you're listening to some of them oldies right now and hearing parts of the songs that you've forgotten were even in there. I was amazed listening to my favorites the first time I treated myself to a decent pair of headphones. I can only imagine what it would be like to be listening for the first time while wearing a device that restores hearing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 8, 2018 10:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Vitamins do count Jack and they will help repair the damage you did to yourself.

You can eat bad things once in a while as a treat. I eat ice cream and "hot" apple pies from A&W every so often.


Well if vitamins count, then without looking at the bottle I'm pretty sure I'm getting my daily dose of pretty much everything I need. Part of me still thinks they're just made of sugar and sand, but who knows. I'm sure it's better in any case to be getting the nutrients from actual food than vitamins, but there's no way I'm going to be eating a "perfect" diet. Right now it's at least far better than I was eating.

Getting vitamins from real food is better. Diet doesn't need to be "perfect" just right for you.


I don't really need to treat myself. I still smoke, and that's kind of my "treat", since I have no plans on quitting that habit. I suppose once I start getting this all under control that my "treat" could be to just not worry about what I'm eating if I'm out with other people who cooked or at a restaurant. I'm sure something against my current diet won't kill me if I'm not gorging on it. I'm not actually gluten intolerant, at least like people who have severe cases of it anyway. My brother's friend absolutely had to get off of gluten for medical reasons. She was becoming extremely ill and that was the reason for it. Generally speaking I feel better now than I have in years and that was probably just quitting the booze and losing all the weight and just being a lot more active. I don't think the gluten was killing me or anything.

Don't mind me saying this Jack. But you can do with out the smokes. I know that is a hard thing to kick but you have already gotten out of the alcohol trap and I'm sure you can get out of this one. Like I said before whatever Your diet looks like is what is right for you.


I didn't hear anything that wasn't already in the music but I was hearing as I was meant to hear it. *L* And on the flip side. My ears aren't that tired today.

Yeah. That's what I meant. I bet you're listening to some of them oldies right now and hearing parts of the songs that you've forgotten were even in there. I was amazed listening to my favorites the first time I treated myself to a decent pair of headphones. I can only imagine what it would be like to be listening for the first time while wearing a device that restores hearing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Actually what I am watching on YouTube right now is an old tv show called "Hec Ramsey" starring Richard Boone. I used to watch this on the late show at around midnight when I just hit high school.

I'm hearing this clearer that is true.


Wednesday, May 9, 2018 4:50 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, I can't eat chicken or pork because of my teeth until I get the dentures.
You can cook pork shoulder roast and chicken thighs until they are fork-tender, if you want. But not necesary if you don't want to bother. Still recommend canned salmon and/or tuna once a week, think tuna salad (tuna, minced onion and celery, mayo).


Eating a few of those sandwiches makes you want to hibernate.
HAHAHAHA!!! That's like Indian food, you get these tiny bowls of lentil curry or spinach (palak paneer) but they're like butter-bombs!


I actually don't use any cooking oil right now. Should I be?
absolutely. There are some oils that your body doesn't make that are essential for producing sex and anti-inflammatory hormones, they are alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and linoleic acid (an omega-6 fatty acid). Peanuts are an excellent source for many good nutrients, but not linolenic acid. Flax seed is, but if that doesn't sound do-able then walnuts and canola oil are good alternate sources.


I'm sure it would make the meals I make taste better, but for me I'm happy just filling my belly with anything that isn't outright disgusting. I actually just throw a bunch of vegetables and rice in a pot or a pan and boil them, then I throw on some cayenne pepper. I heard that you can loose nutrients from vegetables by boiling them, but I've gotten real good at using the right amount of water and what the rice doesn't absorb gets boiled out and I'm not actually dumping out any water by the time I eat it.
Sound great! Just throw in some canola oil!


Bummer to hear about the white rice. I was a little worried about that when I bought them. I was eating some brown rice I had sitting around from god knows when, but that's a lot more expensive since it's much smaller boxes. I couldn't find any brown rice in bulk bags today for some reason. Maybe I'll have to look online for them.
Well, nobody's diet is perfect. Don't sweat it.


I think I went years without any potassium. Not even joking. I don't know how I'm still alive. I'm sure I was getting some incidental doses here and there. Not sure if there's any in skim milk or not. Do vitamins count, now that I'm taking them?
Vitamins don't have enuf potassium to make a difference. I recommend beans, again. Good source of protein (incomplete, but rice makes up the difference) and many valuable nutrients as well as fiber.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Friday, May 11, 2018 5:54 PM


I HATE AIRLINES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruttin' strike by a Canadian company and I may have to cancel my plans to go out to Edmonton next weekend.


Sunday, May 13, 2018 11:22 AM


DAMN.... Forgot to buy Canola oil after work! Oh well. I had my first 10 hour long shift and was in so much pain that I wasn't really thinking straight at that moment.

Good news, I did run out after work and pick up some pretty expensive Dr. Scholls "shock absorption" pads that I'm going to try out next week. I don't expect them to end the pain altogether, but maybe it will make it slightly more bearable.

Now that I got the ants out of my house, the mice are back. Been a few years since I've seen one of those. Got me some of those nice reusable Jaws traps, so they should be taken care of by the end of the week.

Also got me some outdoor bait traps, although after looking at the initial ant hills that had started on my patio I think I might have killed them all already using the poison pellets last week. Can't hurt putting them out though.

Also bought about 5 different sprays for weeds and insects. Once it stops raining we're going to have a big 'ole poison party outside.

Rent's due, bitches.

I'm taking my house back, baby.

(I'm going over to my bro's house this week. Won't be having my Niece over while all of this is going on).

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 13, 2018 2:02 PM


I wish you good luck with all you got to do next week Jack. Hope you can get rid of the mice.

Had to deal with one mouse in an apartment one time. Pain in the butt but he was nailed dead.


Sunday, May 13, 2018 2:10 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey jack - what was that you used for the ants?

As for pain - do you have a bathtub? maybe a good warm soak would work.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Sunday, May 13, 2018 10:13 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I wish you good luck with all you got to do next week Jack. Hope you can get rid of the mice.

Had to deal with one mouse in an apartment one time. Pain in the butt but he was nailed dead.


The mice won't be a problem. I've dealt with them a few times before. They're pretty stupid and they can't resist peanut butter. They'll be gone by next week without any poisons or anything. I just feel kind of bad about killing them. Not that I'm a tree hugger or anything, but just kind of wish they didn't come inside so I didn't have to do it.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey jack - what was that you used for the ants?

As for pain - do you have a bathtub? maybe a good warm soak would work.

For the ants inside my house I used Hot Shot liquid ant bait. You get 4 of these translucent pods with a yellowish liquid in them. Once it warmed up enough in my house for them to remain active they were gone in about a week tops. It's as if they were never inside.

For the ant hills on my patio, I used Amdro ant block. Technically it's supposed to cover something like 500 linear square feet around your home, but it can be used directly at the source if you see the hills. I probably put too much of it out, if anything. But unless the water quickly melts the pellets, they must have brought them all back to the colonies, because there's no evidence that I even dropped it a week later. We've had a lot of rain, but when I checked this morning I didn't see any new hills, and the old ones for the most part have washed away. Fingers crossed.

I do have a bathtub. I only used it a few times after I nearly cracked my back in half. I just slept about 10 hours and the pain is pretty much gone. It's not a constant thing, but the longer I'm on my feet the more my feet, ankles, heels and shins hurt until it becomes pretty unbearable. I'm recovering quicker from it than I used to, but the goal is to not feel the pain in the first place anymore. I think I might just go and buy a new pair of shoes too. I've put a lot of miles on this pair since the middle of November.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 14, 2018 12:00 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I wish you good luck with all you got to do next week Jack. Hope you can get rid of the mice.

Had to deal with one mouse in an apartment one time. Pain in the butt but he was nailed dead.


The mice won't be a problem. I've dealt with them a few times before. They're pretty stupid and they can't resist peanut butter. They'll be gone by next week without any poisons or anything. I just feel kind of bad about killing them. Not that I'm a tree hugger or anything, but just kind of wish they didn't come inside so I didn't have to do it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It's never good to have to kill something as little as a mouse but for health and safety reasons they have to be dealt with.

I must confess to being something of a tree hugger. Have been most of my life. But when you have to do something then you have to.


Monday, May 14, 2018 12:01 AM


Another three hours till I have to change the batteries in my hearing aids for Monday.


Monday, May 14, 2018 7:58 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

It's never good to have to kill something as little as a mouse but for health and safety reasons they have to be dealt with.

I must confess to being something of a tree hugger. Have been most of my life. But when you have to do something then you have to.

Yeah... I feel bad about it. I don't give ant's a second thought, but even something as little as a rodent makes me feel bad because they're just doing their own thing and looking for food. I remember having a pet mouse as a kid. Not really a great pet or anything, but since my Dad wasn't going to get a dog we had quite a few strange pets like a guinie pig, a rabbit, a turtle and other small caged critters.

I wish I knew how they were getting in so I could just keep it from happening in the future. Strange that I can go a few years without seeing them, but then out of the blue for whatever reason they become a problem again.

In other Jack news... I think I've resigned myself to my necessary car repair being beyond my capabilities. There's a chance I could pull it off, using the youtube videos, but given the age of the car the likelihood of accidental problems like stripping bolts or breaking a belt that I didn't spring for increases a lot.

I only need to replace the oil pump gasket, and possibly the shaft seal, and I've priced the two parts at under 8 bucks plus shipping (since none of the places near me seem to actively carry it). But the labor is easily over an hour for a professional, and that can be very pricey. Online searches on what this might cost range from slightly under 300 bucks to over 600 bucks.

I'm going to call around and see what I might be able to get it priced at.

I've only met my brother's brother in law once or twice, but he's the car guy in that family. I've actually been working on something that will be incorporated into a favor that he was going to do for him. Maybe I can ask if he'd be willing to do this for me and have me around so I can help out and learn a few things. If he'd be willing to do that I'd even spring for a few other misc parts to replace while we're at it since we'd be removing the old ones just to get to that.

As always, fingers crossed. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 14, 2018 8:52 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

It's never good to have to kill something as little as a mouse but for health and safety reasons they have to be dealt with.

I must confess to being something of a tree hugger. Have been most of my life. But when you have to do something then you have to.

Yeah... I feel bad about it. I don't give ant's a second thought, but even something as little as a rodent makes me feel bad because they're just doing their own thing and looking for food. I remember having a pet mouse as a kid. Not really a great pet or anything, but since my Dad wasn't going to get a dog we had quite a few strange pets like a guinie pig, a rabbit, a turtle and other small caged critters.[b/quote]

Nothing wrong with strange critters as pets. When I was a kid we generally had cats around. Though we had a Budgie once that my mom insisted on calling it after my dad. My dad was not amused.


I wish I knew how they were getting in so I could just keep it from happening in the future. Strange that I can go a few years without seeing them, but then out of the blue for whatever reason they become a problem again.[b/quote]

My suggestion is go looking for holes around your house. That's the best way to find out how they are getting in then seal those holes up good.


In other Jack news... I think I've resigned myself to my necessary car repair being beyond my capabilities. There's a chance I could pull it off, using the youtube videos, but given the age of the car the likelihood of accidental problems like stripping bolts or breaking a belt that I didn't spring for increases a lot.

I only need to replace the oil pump gasket, and possibly the shaft seal, and I've priced the two parts at under 8 bucks plus shipping (since none of the places near me seem to actively carry it). But the labor is easily over an hour for a professional, and that can be very pricey. Online searches on what this might cost range from slightly under 300 bucks to over 600 bucks.

I'm going to call around and see what I might be able to get it priced at.

I've only met my brother's brother in law once or twice, but he's the car guy in that family. I've actually been working on something that will be incorporated into a favor that he was going to do for him. Maybe I can ask if he'd be willing to do this for me and have me around so I can help out and learn a few things. If he'd be willing to do that I'd even spring for a few other misc parts to replace while we're at it since we'd be removing the old ones just to get to that.

As always, fingers crossed. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well, again with cars you gotta do what you gotta do to keep it running. And since it is necessary for you to get to work with then you have no choice.

I hope you can get help with making the repairs.


Monday, May 14, 2018 10:14 PM


My bro is going to talk to him about it. He said he's sure the guy will help out unless it is something over his head and he doesn't feel comfortable doing it. I'm pretty sure this doesn't apply since I'm just barely erring on the side of caution here myself with almost zero car maintenance experience outside of changing tires and spark plugs.

I even told him to tell 'em that he doesn't even have to get his hands dirty if he doesn't mind taking the extra time to walk me through what I need to do. Either way, I want to be a part of the process to learn how to do it myself. Really, after watching the videos I could probably do it right now, but I'd feel a lot more comfortable in a garage that has all the tools under the supervision of somebody who can make sure I don't make any catastrophic mistakes. :)

The car needs a new windshield, new breaks and new tires too, but I didn't want to pay for all of that if this oil leak wasn't fixable. Once I'm sure this did the trick I'm going to be sinking even more money into it, but I'll probably get another 4 or 5 years of life out of her at least. She's already lasted me 10 years at a cost of only $2,000 and some minor repairs along the way.

I'm going to be a regular Kaylee when this is all done. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, May 14, 2018 11:07 PM


Boy are you ever.

But I think you are making some wise moves with your car in the long run. And the longer you can hang onto it the better.


Wednesday, May 16, 2018 2:30 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Boy are you ever.

But I think you are making some wise moves with your car in the long run. And the longer you can hang onto it the better.

Oh yeah. I looked at Carmax for a used Camry for under $7,000, which is the maximum I'll pay for a car. They didn't have one. They only had a few Corollas that had 20,000 more miles on them than my car does, although they were around 10 years newer than mine.

If I can get the oil leak under control, it's totally worth putting the money into it to get her running so that I'm not fraying my nerves every time I get on the expressway to and from work. (Winter driving was a nightmare with 4 bald tires and a massive oil leak, and no cell phone). She's only got about 150,000 miles on her and easily has another 50k if I treat her right. I'll still have the electrical issue, but that's something I've learned to adapt to and really is only a problem if it's been outside during a long spell of near 100% humidity, which is a rarity.

I only put on about 30,000 miles since it was purchased. I'll probably be damn near 50 by the time I need a new car if I can take care of these issues.

My backyard is poison city. Weed n feed spray all over the lawn and the patio, and I put 8 outdoor bait traps for the ants (that have made a small comeback). Saving the front lawn for next week, although it's all mowed so I'm no longer looking at the 2,000 dandelions..... Guh...

Let the neighbor know not to let his kids come over to my lawn for a day or two since they practice their baseball in the back yard and have to go to my lawn sometimes if the ball goes over. :)

I got a feeling I'm not going to be saving any money this year, but that's cool. My only goals are to get in even better shape and take care of all of the things I was neglecting. Once they're paid for and out of my head, I can focus on the next goals.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 16, 2018 8:21 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Boy are you ever.

But I think you are making some wise moves with your car in the long run. And the longer you can hang onto it the better.

Oh yeah. I looked at Carmax for a used Camry for under $7,000, which is the maximum I'll pay for a car. They didn't have one. They only had a few Corollas that had 20,000 more miles on them than my car does, although they were around 10 years newer than mine.

If I can get the oil leak under control, it's totally worth putting the money into it to get her running so that I'm not fraying my nerves every time I get on the expressway to and from work. (Winter driving was a nightmare with 4 bald tires and a massive oil leak, and no cell phone). She's only got about 150,000 miles on her and easily has another 50k if I treat her right. I'll still have the electrical issue, but that's something I've learned to adapt to and really is only a problem if it's been outside during a long spell of near 100% humidity, which is a rarity.

I only put on about 30,000 miles since it was purchased. I'll probably be damn near 50 by the time I need a new car if I can take care of these issues.

My backyard is poison city. Weed n feed spray all over the lawn and the patio, and I put 8 outdoor bait traps for the ants (that have made a small comeback). Saving the front lawn for next week, although it's all mowed so I'm no longer looking at the 2,000 dandelions..... Guh...

Let the neighbor know not to let his kids come over to my lawn for a day or two since they practice their baseball in the back yard and have to go to my lawn sometimes if the ball goes over. :)

I got a feeling I'm not going to be saving any money this year, but that's cool. My only goals are to get in even better shape and take care of all of the things I was neglecting. Once they're paid for and out of my head, I can focus on the next goals.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I've never owned or driven a car, so I don't know much about the prices new or used either here or in the US.

No you aren't but in the long run you are. That's the way to approach things. One thing at a time. Tackle each issue as it comes up and then once it's dealt with you can basically forget about it.


Thursday, May 17, 2018 10:15 PM


Off to Alberta tomorrow for the May long weekend we got up here. See everyone when I get back.


Friday, May 18, 2018 7:46 AM


Have a good time Brenda. See you when you get back. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 18, 2018 9:24 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Have a good time Brenda. See you when you get back. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Thanks. I haven't been out there in almost 5years. Going to stay with some friends I met through my late guy.

Am flying out but I'm not the best flyer.


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 5:59 PM


I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 9:43 PM


That was quick. Welcome back. Did you have a good time?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 22, 2018 10:00 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That was quick. Welcome back. Did you have a good time?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Thanks Jack. :) I just went for the May long weekend. Monday was Victoria day up here and so the friends I stayed with their kids were out of school Friday, Monday and today.

I had a really good time. Lots of talking, joking. Beautiful weather though they couldn't have a fire in their fire pit as there is a fire ban on in Alberta. It's too dry out there right now.

Went to a couple of malls, had a barbeque over the weekend. Sat out in the backyard. Really, really, nice.


Friday, May 25, 2018 1:27 PM


Going out without my hearing aids today.


Saturday, May 26, 2018 1:47 PM


Looking cloudy out.


Saturday, May 26, 2018 4:59 PM


Sounds like a good time. :)

I think the mice must have heard me. There's been zero activity since I bought the traps. Looks like I didn't have to kill any of them afterall. Strange, that. If they were still here, they would have already gone for the peanut butter. I haven't heard a peep out of them since I put the traps out, and they were making it very obvious they were here when they were around.

The outdoor ant traps aren't working as well as I'd hoped. Those little f****ers are really getting on my nerves. Maybe I just need to give it more time. I really had a bad infestation last year. I'm thinking there are just a ton of them and probably a lot of queens.

Oh well... at least the weed poison seems to have done the trick. I'm going to go buy more and give everything a 2nd dose for good measure.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 26, 2018 5:06 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sounds like a good time. :)

I think the mice must have heard me. There's been zero activity since I bought the traps. Looks like I didn't have to kill any of them afterall. Strange, that. If they were still here, they would have already gone for the peanut butter. I haven't heard a peep out of them since I put the traps out, and they were making it very obvious they were here when they were around.

The outdoor ant traps aren't working as well as I'd hoped. Those little f****ers are really getting on my nerves. Maybe I just need to give it more time. I really had a bad infestation last year. I'm thinking there are just a ton of them and probably a lot of queens.

Oh well... at least the weed poison seems to have done the trick. I'm going to go buy more and give everything a 2nd dose for good measure.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It was a good time and I came back in a much better frame of mind. :)

Glad your mouse problem seems solved. On that one I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ants sound more difficult. And time could be what that problem needs.

No more weeds is a good thing too. But even dosing them, you know that they will come back.


Saturday, May 26, 2018 6:13 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sounds like a good time. :)

I think the mice must have heard me. There's been zero activity since I bought the traps. Looks like I didn't have to kill any of them afterall. Strange, that. If they were still here, they would have already gone for the peanut butter. I haven't heard a peep out of them since I put the traps out, and they were making it very obvious they were here when they were around.

The outdoor ant traps aren't working as well as I'd hoped. Those little f****ers are really getting on my nerves. Maybe I just need to give it more time. I really had a bad infestation last year. I'm thinking there are just a ton of them and probably a lot of queens.

Oh well... at least the weed poison seems to have done the trick. I'm going to go buy more and give everything a 2nd dose for good measure.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It was a good time and I came back in a much better frame of mind. :)

Yeah. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery for a little reset. I was hoping to do something similar with my time off right now, but it just wasn't in the cards. I'm hoping to go down south to visit my brother soon. Gotta wait until my other bro or my dad can go though.


Glad your mouse problem seems solved. On that one I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ants sound more difficult. And time could be what that problem needs.

No more weeds is a good thing too. But even dosing them, you know that they will come back.

Well the mice problem is solved.... for now. I'm actually quite happy they moved on. I don't know what was here that attracted them this time, but it seems they're gone now and I didn't have to kill any of them this time. :)

I'm hoping I can at least get the ants to the point where a few traps per season will keep them away. My big problem is that I had all that firewood and other sticks and crap sitting there rotting for so long and I had no idea there was a monster colony there until I removed all of that last year. When I displaced their home, they moved all over my yard and patio and into my house. Shame on me. I know better now, but a lot of damage was done.

I'm hoping by next summer I can afford to put some nice stones down in the landscaping. It's just bare dirt around the hastas now, and the weeds are insane every year. I'm getting tired of all this work trying to keep it looking at least like somebody lives here though, so I might just get mulch instead.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 26, 2018 10:02 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sounds like a good time. :)

I think the mice must have heard me. There's been zero activity since I bought the traps. Looks like I didn't have to kill any of them afterall. Strange, that. If they were still here, they would have already gone for the peanut butter. I haven't heard a peep out of them since I put the traps out, and they were making it very obvious they were here when they were around.

The outdoor ant traps aren't working as well as I'd hoped. Those little f****ers are really getting on my nerves. Maybe I just need to give it more time. I really had a bad infestation last year. I'm thinking there are just a ton of them and probably a lot of queens.

Oh well... at least the weed poison seems to have done the trick. I'm going to go buy more and give everything a 2nd dose for good measure.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It was a good time and I came back in a much better frame of mind. :)


Yeah. Sometimes you just need a change of scenery for a little reset. I was hoping to do something similar with my time off right now, but it just wasn't in the cards. I'm hoping to go down south to visit my brother soon. Gotta wait until my other bro or my dad can go though.[b/quote]

True enough and I will get to see them again around Christmas this year or into the new year. They have a tripped planned and are going down to the US by train. They have a stop over in Vancouver but when I get to see them will depend on their trains.

Sorry you didn't get your little trip. Hope you can work something out. We all need a break sometimes.


Glad your mouse problem seems solved. On that one I wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ants sound more difficult. And time could be what that problem needs.

No more weeds is a good thing too. But even dosing them, you know that they will come back.

Well the mice problem is solved.... for now. I'm actually quite happy they moved on. I don't know what was here that attracted them this time, but it seems they're gone now and I didn't have to kill any of them this time. :)

I'm hoping I can at least get the ants to the point where a few traps per season will keep them away. My big problem is that I had all that firewood and other sticks and crap sitting there rotting for so long and I had no idea there was a monster colony there until I removed all of that last year. When I displaced their home, they moved all over my yard and patio and into my house. Shame on me. I know better now, but a lot of damage was done.

I'm hoping by next summer I can afford to put some nice stones down in the landscaping. It's just bare dirt around the hastas now, and the weeds are insane every year. I'm getting tired of all this work trying to keep it looking at least like somebody lives here though, so I might just get mulch instead.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well, the mice I would guess found a lot of food around your place for a bit. That's probably all it was.

No wonder the ants! Wood piles like that can attract ants, termites and maybe even the mice.

I hope you can get things in better shape next year. Will make for a nicer home for you. :)


Friday, June 1, 2018 12:14 PM


Rain still heading my way. Hasn't got here yet.


Friday, June 1, 2018 10:33 PM



My landlady is going to make my head explode with her idiocy. This time it is the fact that her mother can smell me cooking sausages. OMG! So now if I do that I have to open the door or a window.

Also I am not suppose to go grocery shopping. They see me leaving with a bag sometimes.

She also asked if I take food to someone because of all the cooking I do. Unlike them I have to eat as I have a blood sugar condition. Also that is none of her freaking business.

Godam people.


Saturday, June 2, 2018 7:39 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

My landlady is going to make my head explode with her idiocy. This time it is the fact that her mother can smell me cooking sausages. OMG! So now if I do that I have to open the door or a window.

Also I am not suppose to go grocery shopping. They see me leaving with a bag sometimes.

She also asked if I take food to someone because of all the cooking I do. Unlike them I have to eat as I have a blood sugar condition. Also that is none of her freaking business.

Godam people.

Don't let them boss you around Brenda. There are no laws against cooking food in your apartment or bringing a bag outside with you. They can kiss your ass. I'd love to see the police's reaction to a call on either of those things.

You're right, it's none of their gorram business. None of it.

How long until you can move to the better place? Isn't that day coming soon?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 2, 2018 1:23 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

My landlady is going to make my head explode with her idiocy. This time it is the fact that her mother can smell me cooking sausages. OMG! So now if I do that I have to open the door or a window.

Also I am not suppose to go grocery shopping. They see me leaving with a bag sometimes.

She also asked if I take food to someone because of all the cooking I do. Unlike them I have to eat as I have a blood sugar condition. Also that is none of her freaking business.

Godam people.

Don't let them boss you around Brenda. There are no laws against cooking food in your apartment or bringing a bag outside with you. They can kiss your ass. I'd love to see the police's reaction to a call on either of those things.

You're right, it's none of their gorram business. None of it.

How long until you can move to the better place? Isn't that day coming soon?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Not going to. Have to pick up a couple of things today as I don't want to do it on Monday.

I don't know. Have to find a place on my own because I can't get any help from any agency because I'm not old enough or whatever their boxes say.

Later Jack. Heading out for a walk.


Sunday, June 3, 2018 11:49 PM


Little over 3 hours and 15minutes till I have to change the batteries in my hearing aids for tomorrow.


Monday, June 4, 2018 12:09 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Dang about the landlady. I agree with Jack. Do what you want. Let them call the police. But I also agree with you. You need to find a better place. I think yours might be making you sick.

How are the hearing aids going? Well, I hope.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Monday, June 4, 2018 3:28 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Dang about the landlady. I agree with Jack. Do what you want. Let them call the police. But I also agree with you. You need to find a better place. I think yours might be making you sick.

How are the hearing aids going? Well, I hope.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

I am. This place definitely isn't helping my depression any. Though I have a better handle on it than I did.

This place does aggravate my allergies for sure.

Batteries changed and the aids are helping. Just a pain to remember to change the batteries sometimes. I almost forgot tonight. Just did them a couple of minutes ago.

Discovered that I can't use them with a headset. Hurts my ears.


Monday, June 4, 2018 4:05 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

If the hearing aids are helping you hear, then yay!!! That's one thing going better than before.

Hope you have a good night.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Monday, June 4, 2018 5:48 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Dang about the landlady. I agree with Jack. Do what you want. Let them call the police. But I also agree with you. You need to find a better place. I think yours might be making you sick.

How are the hearing aids going? Well, I hope.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

I am. This place definitely isn't helping my depression any. Though I have a better handle on it than I did.

This place does aggravate my allergies for sure.

Batteries changed and the aids are helping. Just a pain to remember to change the batteries sometimes. I almost forgot tonight. Just did them a couple of minutes ago.

Discovered that I can't use them with a headset. Hurts my ears.

Any chance you could pick up a carbon monoxide detector if you don't have one?

I'm not saying that you have a memory problem. We all forget things. But I saw a video about some Reddit "mysteries" recently where this guy was finding post it notes around his apartment in his own handwriting that he had no recollection of writing. He was actually starting to freak out that he had developed a split personality disorder.

Somebody there recommended that he get a carbon monoxide detector and he ended up having something like over 100 ppm of CO2 in his apartment. Whatever the number was, it was deadly levels and it was trashing his memory.

I wouldn't worry much about it if remembering stuff generally isn't a big deal for you, but it's something to consider investing in.

As for getting out of that place into real government housing, I think you need to keep pushing on it. Everything I was reading back when I looked into it said you have every right to do it this year. If you don't get anywhere with one person, call back and talk to another person. If nobody there is willing to help you, get in contact with your local politicians. If you still don't get anywhere, take it to the media. At that point, I'd also start taking pictures and video of the living space you have right now with emphasis on the mold and structural problems, and let whoever you're in contact with at the media know that the Government not doing their job is risking your health and your life by doing so.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 4, 2018 7:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I have been following this thread but not posting as I don't have anything to add.

I DO have some good news about our formerly homeless employee. This man, let me call him "Dave", has been living in a tent for years. We learned about him thru a former handyman/ gardener, and employed him for $100 once-per week gardening. Well, he got into temporary housing for 90 days, but like many government programs this was helpful but there was no follow-thru, so after 90 days he was into ANOTHER temporary emergency housing.

Then, thru an old classmate, he was contacted about a job up in Idaho as a RV-lot manager. In one fell swoop he not only got to leave LA (a difficult place to live at almost ANY income level!) he got a job AND a place to stay. This developer, an old classmate, bought him a whole new set of clothes and promised him his own RV. I hope things work out for "Dave". I have to say that this experience led me to see the up-sides AND the pitfalls of government programs. They're better than nothing, but they sure don't take the place of a robust economy.

If things don't work out for Dave, we will always have a job, or a reference, for him. But this sounds like such a wonderful opportunity, I think it will lead to better things for Dave.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy


Monday, June 4, 2018 10:12 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Dang about the landlady. I agree with Jack. Do what you want. Let them call the police. But I also agree with you. You need to find a better place. I think yours might be making you sick.

How are the hearing aids going? Well, I hope.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

I am. This place definitely isn't helping my depression any. Though I have a better handle on it than I did.

This place does aggravate my allergies for sure.

Batteries changed and the aids are helping. Just a pain to remember to change the batteries sometimes. I almost forgot tonight. Just did them a couple of minutes ago.

Discovered that I can't use them with a headset. Hurts my ears.

Any chance you could pick up a carbon monoxide detector if you don't have one?

I'm not saying that you have a memory problem. We all forget things. But I saw a video about some Reddit "mysteries" recently where this guy was finding post it notes around his apartment in his own handwriting that he had no recollection of writing. He was actually starting to freak out that he had developed a split personality disorder.

Somebody there recommended that he get a carbon monoxide detector and he ended up having something like over 100 ppm of CO2 in his apartment. Whatever the number was, it was deadly levels and it was trashing his memory.

I wouldn't worry much about it if remembering stuff generally isn't a big deal for you, but it's something to consider investing in.

As for getting out of that place into real government housing, I think you need to keep pushing on it. Everything I was reading back when I looked into it said you have every right to do it this year. If you don't get anywhere with one person, call back and talk to another person. If nobody there is willing to help you, get in contact with your local politicians. If you still don't get anywhere, take it to the media. At that point, I'd also start taking pictures and video of the living space you have right now with emphasis on the mold and structural problems, and let whoever you're in contact with at the media know that the Government not doing their job is risking your health and your life by doing so.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

My memory problems aren't connected directly to this place. They stem from the brain tumour that was almost 30years ago now. The neurosurgeon told me not to push my memory as he put it that ,"Was like being hit in the head with a 2 x 4".

So there is nothing I can do there and I will admit that the more stressed I get the worse it can get.

So no need to invest in one of those.

I am going to keep pushing on the government rentals because that is my best bet. I do not want to rent off a person again because of this situation.

Already talked to my local MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for my area last year and there is no help there.

Gotta get back to looking to see who can help in the media.


Monday, June 4, 2018 10:13 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
If the hearing aids are helping you hear, then yay!!! That's one thing going better than before.

Hope you have a good night.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

Yeah they are helping. So that is good.


Monday, June 4, 2018 10:15 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I have been following this thread but not posting as I don't have anything to add.

I DO have some good news about our formerly homeless employee. This man, let me call him "Dave", has been living in a tent for years. We learned about him thru a former handyman/ gardener, and employed him for $100 once-per week gardening. Well, he got into temporary housing for 90 days, but like many government programs this was helpful but there was no follow-thru, so after 90 days he was into ANOTHER temporary emergency housing.

Then, thru an old classmate, he was contacted about a job up in Idaho as a RV-lot manager. In one fell swoop he not only got to leave LA (a difficult place to live at almost ANY income level!) he got a job AND a place to stay. This developer, an old classmate, bought him a whole new set of clothes and promised him his own RV. I hope things work out for "Dave". I have to say that this experience led me to see the up-sides AND the pitfalls of government programs. They're better than nothing, but they sure don't take the place of a robust economy.

If things don't work out for Dave, we will always have a job, or a reference, for him. But this sounds like such a wonderful opportunity, I think it will lead to better things for Dave.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

As long as you insist that everything is the Republicans'/ Democrats' fault, then you fail to grasp the REAL problem with American politics.

America is an oligarchy

I'm glad Dave is getting such a great opportunity Sig.


Monday, June 4, 2018 10:16 PM


Right now I want my allergies to go away. I walked through some dandelion fluff coming back and it is still bothering me. That was almost 2hours ago.


Monday, June 4, 2018 11:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Right now I want my allergies to go away. I walked through some dandelion fluff coming back and it is still bothering me. That was almost 2hours ago.

I feel for you!!

Some things might help - take a shower and get into clean clothes, put your other clothes in something enclosed, like a hamper. You can carry allergens on you, especially on your hair and clothes, and they'll haunt you wherever you go.

Cetirizine antihistamine works OK, benadyl antihistamine works better but puts a lot of people to sleep.

Do you have a HEPA air cleaner? If not, I would LOVE to send you one - a reliable workhorse that just keeps on running with no fuss (except changing the filters as needed).

Wash your pillow and linens every week in super hot water, if laundry is an easy option. If not - like you have to lug it a fair way and/ or you can't get really hot water - then don't bother with this.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:19 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Right now I want my allergies to go away. I walked through some dandelion fluff coming back and it is still bothering me. That was almost 2hours ago.

I feel for you!!

Some things might help - take a shower and get into clean clothes, put your other clothes in something enclosed, like a hamper. You can carry allergens on you, especially on your hair and clothes, and they'll haunt you wherever you go.

Cetirizine antihistamine works OK, benadyl antihistamine works better but puts a lot of people to sleep.

Do you have a HEPA air cleaner? If not, I would LOVE to send you one - a reliable workhorse that just keeps on running with no fuss (except changing the filters as needed).

Wash your pillow and linens every week in super hot water, if laundry is an easy option. If not - like you have to lug it a fair way and/ or you can't get really hot water - then don't bother with this.

SECOND is a troll because it constantly misrepresents what people post, fails to address their actual positions, and resorts to personal attacks when its brain isn't working (which is most of the time).

I did put in some eye drops a while ago and things seem to have settled down now.

Yup, that is true. Don't have room for a hamper, so I just sniffled and sneezed my way past it.

My seizure meds are sensitive to antihistamines and have to be very careful which is why I only use something by mouth when I have trouble breathing. And I have experience with Benadryl putting me to sleep. So I avoid it.

There is no where in here to plug in a heap air cleaner though I have thought of it over the years. This place has three double outlets and I don't need another extension cord to worry about tripping over. I appreciate the thought though.

No can do the linen thing. I try to vacuum as much as possible in Springtime because of my allergies.

But I am having a run of bad luck. Vac's about to go and just run out of eye drops.


Tuesday, June 5, 2018 12:20 AM


Right now need a snack and the only thing on the menu is my seizure meds. Bleech!


Friday, June 8, 2018 12:50 AM


I want my allergies to go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also would like to be able to heat this azzhat place without my idiot landlady flipping out.


Friday, June 8, 2018 7:53 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I want my allergies to go away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Also would like to be able to heat this azzhat place without my idiot landlady flipping out.

Man.... I can't wait to hear that you finally got out of there. I've had some pretty terrible apartment management in my life, but I couldn't deal with what you're going through right now. I said I'd never rent again after I got out of my last apartment and they weren't half as bad as yours are. :(

It's still cold up by you?

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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