In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Sunday, October 14, 2018 8:40 AM


It's been COOOOOLD around me the last few days for the season because of this wacky weather.

I've decided to treat myself this winter. I'm not going to be a human popsicle. My usual rule is "No Heat Until November... No Matter What".

I turned it up to 65, which is 3 degrees higher than I ever turn it. I think I'll keep it that high all winter unless I start getting monthly bills over $200 because of how inefficient the system is.

Maybe this spring I'll finally get the new furnace and A/C installed. We'll have to see how my car and teeth situation is by then.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, October 14, 2018 1:59 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Congrats on the mammogram, BRENDA, and happy belated birthday! It seems like lately every time I get a mammogram they find "something" which leads to more and more testing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Thanks Sig. I've already been there with the more testing. I've had two biopsies done and I've got two medical clips in me because of the biopsies. So far I have been lucky.


Sunday, October 14, 2018 2:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It's been COOOOOLD around me the last few days for the season because of this wacky weather.

I've decided to treat myself this winter. I'm not going to be a human popsicle. My usual rule is "No Heat Until November... No Matter What".

I turned it up to 65, which is 3 degrees higher than I ever turn it. I think I'll keep it that high all winter unless I start getting monthly bills over $200 because of how inefficient the system is.

Maybe this spring I'll finally get the new furnace and A/C installed. We'll have to see how my car and teeth situation is by then.- SIX

I know that it doesn't get as cold here as there, but sometimes we let the house fall to 62F. In that case, we've found a few well=placed heating pads really help, like one tucked in under the bedcovers (preferably around the feet) turned on about ten minutes before bed time, and one on the sofa.

Thanks again for the info about spiders!


Thanks Sig. I've already been there with the more testing. I've had two biopsies done and I've got two medical clips in me because of the biopsies. So far I have been lucky.- BRENDA
I guess there's hope for me yet! I had one area that had TWO biopsies (an X-ray guided needle biopsy and then a much more extensive excisional one, plus those clips) but so far that's the only area that needed a biopsy even tho they've called me back for 3D mammo and ultrasound for the other breast.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, October 14, 2018 11:42 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Thanks Sig. I've already been there with the more testing. I've had two biopsies done and I've got two medical clips in me because of the biopsies. So far I have been lucky.- BRENDA
I guess there's hope for me yet! I had one area that had TWO biopsies (an X-ray guided needle biopsy and then a much more extensive excisional one, plus those clips) but so far that's the only area that needed a biopsy even tho they've called me back for 3D mammo and ultrasound for the other breast.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Both the biopsies I've had done have been the needle ones and both on the left breast. I have calcifications in both but the left was looking worse, so that is where they did them. The first one was simple but the second one the freezing didn't take on the surface so I felt the needle going in. Nothing else though.

As for the place, I am starting to freeze my azz off.


Monday, October 15, 2018 12:35 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Silverfish are gross. Ew.

Should be no worries of Brown Recluse spiders up by Brenda.

I seriously doubt that any other spiders up there would be harmful to humans.

Wolf Spiders can bite, but I think you'd really have to go out of your way to get a bite by one. I can step right by one, or even put my fingers right by it and it will barely move away from me, and it never lunges to attack. Unlike a brown recluse that might take up residence in a pair of shoes, or a pile of clothes on the floor, the wolf spiders like to be out in the open to stalk their prey. Even if you do get bit by a Wolf Spider, you'll just get an irritating bump that will go away on its own.

Interestingly, the Brown Recluse is not nearly as dangerous as the urban legends say they are either. Only 10% of people would react with some form of necrosis after the bite around the region, and only 1% of people could have a systematic shutdown from the bite. More importantly though, the fangs of the Brown Recluse are so small that it couldn't even puncture your skin if it were just crawling on top of you. It needs the force of being up against your skin with tight clothing or inside your shoe to generate the force necessary to bite you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That is a very poor map. That red line is about 400-500 miles south of the WI/UP border, where Brown Recluse is our poisonous spider. Canada is far closer to that line. I'm not sure how much farther north Brenda is.

Brenda, what is your latitude?

Nobody has tried hedgeballs?


Monday, October 15, 2018 8:12 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Silverfish are gross. Ew.

Should be no worries of Brown Recluse spiders up by Brenda.

I seriously doubt that any other spiders up there would be harmful to humans.

Wolf Spiders can bite, but I think you'd really have to go out of your way to get a bite by one. I can step right by one, or even put my fingers right by it and it will barely move away from me, and it never lunges to attack. Unlike a brown recluse that might take up residence in a pair of shoes, or a pile of clothes on the floor, the wolf spiders like to be out in the open to stalk their prey. Even if you do get bit by a Wolf Spider, you'll just get an irritating bump that will go away on its own.

Interestingly, the Brown Recluse is not nearly as dangerous as the urban legends say they are either. Only 10% of people would react with some form of necrosis after the bite around the region, and only 1% of people could have a systematic shutdown from the bite. More importantly though, the fangs of the Brown Recluse are so small that it couldn't even puncture your skin if it were just crawling on top of you. It needs the force of being up against your skin with tight clothing or inside your shoe to generate the force necessary to bite you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That is a very poor map. That red line is about 400-500 miles south of the WI/UP border, where Brown Recluse is our poisonous spider. Canada is far closer to that line. I'm not sure how much farther north Brenda is.

Brenda, what is your latitude?

Nobody has tried hedgeballs?

Are you sure it's a brown recluse? A lot of people mistake a lot of different spiders for brown recluses.

I've actually never seen one in my life, and I did live just south of Milwaukee for five years. Not saying that they aren't there, just that I've never seen one.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 15, 2018 10:45 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Silverfish are gross. Ew.

Should be no worries of Brown Recluse spiders up by Brenda.

I seriously doubt that any other spiders up there would be harmful to humans.

Wolf Spiders can bite, but I think you'd really have to go out of your way to get a bite by one. I can step right by one, or even put my fingers right by it and it will barely move away from me, and it never lunges to attack. Unlike a brown recluse that might take up residence in a pair of shoes, or a pile of clothes on the floor, the wolf spiders like to be out in the open to stalk their prey. Even if you do get bit by a Wolf Spider, you'll just get an irritating bump that will go away on its own.

Interestingly, the Brown Recluse is not nearly as dangerous as the urban legends say they are either. Only 10% of people would react with some form of necrosis after the bite around the region, and only 1% of people could have a systematic shutdown from the bite. More importantly though, the fangs of the Brown Recluse are so small that it couldn't even puncture your skin if it were just crawling on top of you. It needs the force of being up against your skin with tight clothing or inside your shoe to generate the force necessary to bite you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That is a very poor map. That red line is about 400-500 miles south of the WI/UP border, where Brown Recluse is our poisonous spider. Canada is far closer to that line. I'm not sure how much farther north Brenda is.

Brenda, what is your latitude?

Nobody has tried hedgeballs?

Not sure about latitude but I am well north of the border. Find a map of British Columbia with cities on it. Look for Vancouver and the surrounding area and that is where I am.


Tuesday, October 16, 2018 2:47 PM


Been having some really bad rough starts with my car when it is humid still. Thought the winter would end that, but the other day it was around 90% humidity in the morning when I was scraping ice off my car and had some real problems.

Not sure if "misfire" is the right word for it, but the engine rocks violently when the problem happens and the whole car moves. Not really sure what the problem is since this actually happened once before I ever touched the timing belt to get to the oil, but after I had changed spark plugs. I wasn't able to change all 4 since the parts place only had 3 in stock, so I took what looked to be the best one and cleaned it with gasoline at the time before putting it back in.

This could be a timing issue, a spark plug or wire or distributor issue, an airflow issue, etc....

Transmission has been "buggy" as well. Particularly getting to the top gear (4th or 5th... not sure). This might not actually be a problem with the transmission system from what I've read because of the misfire problem.

So... what I did today.

1. Checked tranny fluid. It's red and it's full. Good news.

2. Replaced air filter. First time in 10 years that I've owned the car that I did this. Whoops. I've only put on about 25k miles since I've owned it, but that filter was VERY dirty.

3. Bought cheap NGK spark plugs and put them in. This time I did spring for both the anti-sieze lube so they don't get stuck in there as well as the dielectric tune-up grease to supposedly maintain a proper spark.

I did some light test driving on the city and highway. No problems firing up and the transmission in the first few gears seems pretty smooth. I still have to let off of the gas a bit around 45MPH to get it to go into the high gear, but at least it doesn't "jerk" on me when it switches over now.

I really can't do any more meaningful testing at the moment. It's only about 35% humidity now. I'm going to leave it out side of my garage the next few nights and try in the early morning. I never have problems starting it when it's been in the garage. It only happens when it's out in the parking lot overnight and I'm trying to start it in the morning.

I forgot to pick up seafoam with my order. I'm going to have to get that too.

Any other suggestions here, guys and gals?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 16, 2018 3:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

No, sorry SIX, no advice on the car. I'm pretty good at dxing my onw car, but I have to drive/ listen to it myself to figure out what the problem is.

I'll think about some simple diagnostics you might run. Like, for example- the tailpipe. Is it coated with black carbon? Does it smell like gasoline?

Hmm... ok, some other thoughts on the topic. Except for the "misfires", does the car run smoothly, or does it run rough?

Here are my thoughts ...

If it's a case of being rich, which causes backfire, then you'll see it in a carbon=coated tailpipe, and if its REALLY rich you'll smell gasoline.

Whoops. I've only put on about 25k miles since I've owned it, but that filter was VERY dirty.
[ Dirty like black? Or dirty like leaves and sand and stuff? IF you have a carburetor then backfires also blow out thru the carburetor and up thru the air filter, and you'll get carbon on your air filter as well.

If the valves are coated with carbon, which takes up space in the engine and reduced the cylinder volume, creating higher compression ratios and causing backfires, you will see that in general "running rough". In addition, sometimes the car will continue to "diesel" even after your turn it off.

If it's a timing belt problem or the distributor timing if off, I would imagine that the problem would happen all the time ... well, maybe not ALL the time, the timing might be OK enough to run at higher speeds (if the timing is too advanced) or at lower speeds (if too retarded) but you would definitely feel it at more than just startup.

If it's really random, then it could be an electrical problem. Have you tried cleaning off the spark plug wires?? Or replaced the wires?? You wouldn't think it would make a difference, but it does!


Nobody has tried hedgeballs?
I had to look up what those were! No, never tried them. But don't have to because I generally like spiders a lot better than mosquitoes.


Fall is the time for gardening in So. California! Except for the few plants that are actively blooming and growing, now is the time to weed, prune, cut down, and plant! So I've been filling up my yardwaste bins with spent cosmos and bermuda grass (also use weedkiller on THAT sucker!!), weeds, old tomato and bean vines, hollyleaf cherry (pruning), penstemon spectabilis (cut down). I have a California lilac that I have to dig up ... it grew to 10' and bloomed spectacularly and then died all at once ... and a "heavenly bamboo" that I want to take out. Am also going to take out a CA gooseberry ... it's just not very garden-worthy.

SO, since my front yard looks like a sandpit when the CA poppies and cosmos stop blooming, (I'm sure my neighbors aren't too happy about that!) I've decided to fill in with CA buckwheat (parvifolium or fasciculitum, whichever I can get), more beach aster, more CA fuchsia, purple-three-awn bunch grass, more succulents, and a hedge of Catalina Island Cherry. I already have an Island Oak which is doing quite well, and some mahonia (shinyleafed oregon grape) bushes which look quite handsome.

For the first time, I feel enthusiastic about my garden design instead of doubtful. I think it will look spectacular!! Once it looks decent I'll post it online somewhere.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, October 17, 2018 7:31 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
No, sorry SIX, no advice on the car. I'm pretty good at dxing my onw car, but I have to drive/ listen to it myself to figure out what the problem is.

I'll think about some simple diagnostics you might run. Like, for example- the tailpipe. Is it coated with black carbon? Does it smell like gasoline?

Hard to tell. My exhaust system is just about defunct. It's pretty rusted out and the car is loud. There's actually a hole toward the front of the car where the bulk of the noise comes out. There was a lot of black soot around the back of the car all over the place, but then again, I haven't washed that car in ages, so who knows how long that was building up.


Hmm... ok, some other thoughts on the topic. Except for the "misfires", does the car run smoothly, or does it run rough?

Rough. The steering wheel would shake in your hand it ran so rough.


Here are my thoughts ...

If it's a case of being rich, which causes backfire, then you'll see it in a carbon=coated tailpipe, and if its REALLY rich you'll smell gasoline.

This could be the case. Never smelled gas, but the tailpipe is dirty.



Whoops. I've only put on about 25k miles since I've owned it, but that filter was VERY dirty.
[ Dirty like black? Or dirty like leaves and sand and stuff? IF you have a carburetor then backfires also blow out thru the carburetor and up thru the air filter, and you'll get carbon on your air filter as well.

It wasn't black. Just very, very gray and a lot of leaves and crap.


If the valves are coated with carbon, which takes up space in the engine and reduced the cylinder volume, creating higher compression ratios and causing backfires, you will see that in general "running rough". In addition, sometimes the car will continue to "diesel" even after your turn it off.

What is "diesel" in that context?


If it's a timing belt problem or the distributor timing if off, I would imagine that the problem would happen all the time ... well, maybe not ALL the time, the timing might be OK enough to run at higher speeds (if the timing is too advanced) or at lower speeds (if too retarded) but you would definitely feel it at more than just startup.

I do feel it at more than just startup. Sometimes I can start the car with little problems, but before I get on the expressway if I'm stopped at a light the car can misfire really bad and stall out. This only seems to happen on extremely humid nights, and only when the car has been outside of my garage all night.


If it's really random, then it could be an electrical problem. Have you tried cleaning off the spark plug wires?? Or replaced the wires?? You wouldn't think it would make a difference, but it does!

There is a long time electrical problem with the car. I've never tried to "fix" anything electric except for changing the plugs themselves.


Did some research on seafoam and watched some youtube videos and I was sold. Not just the standard stuff, but the air intake variety and the transmission stuff as well. I bought it all.

Put 16oz in the gas tank. Easiest thing I did.

Oil was a bit trickier because I put too much oil in when I changed it. Had to bleed about a half quart out before I put 3.5oz in there.

Sprayed the entire aresol can for the air intake as per instructions. Used a couple of bricks to put the RPM's about 1000 above idle during this process. Ended up with a check engine light during this process, but disconnected the battery, put it back on and restarted it. Light hasn't come back on after about 20 miles of test driving.

Put half the can (about 8oz) of the transmission seafoam into my transmission.

So far so good. Even though it's not humid and I can't really test anything, there is already a very noticible difference in how the car is running. It's much quieter now (well... it's still loud with the exhaust issue, but you know what I mean). The steering wheel vibration is very minimal compared to before. I haven't noticed much of a difference with the transmission yet, but I didn't really expect to. Online reviews said it took anywhere from 100 to 200 miles and up to thousands of miles before the problem went away.

Leaving the car out overnight every night this week to emulate what I'll be doing when I work and I'll start it up around the time I would be going home in the morning and we'll see what happens.

I'm about 600 bucks into repairs now, including the new tires and windshield, so I'm hoping that I can get another year or two out of it now.

But even if I can't, there's a LOT to say about how much I've learned about cars in the last 3-4 months. Can't really put a price on that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, October 17, 2018 7:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


No, sorry SIX, no advice on the car. I'm pretty good at dxing my onw car, but I have to drive/ listen to it myself to figure out what the problem is.

I'll think about some simple diagnostics you might run. Like, for example- the tailpipe. Is it coated with black carbon? Does it smell like gasoline? - SIGNY

Hard to tell. My exhaust system is just about defunct. It's pretty rusted out and the car is loud. There's actually a hole toward the front of the car where the bulk of the noise comes out. There was a lot of black soot around the back of the car all over the place, but then again, I haven't washed that car in ages, so who knows how long that was building up.- SIX

OK, equivocal.


Hmm... ok, some other thoughts on the topic. Except for the "misfires", does the car run smoothly, or does it run rough? - SIGNY

Rough. The steering wheel would shake in your hand it ran so rough.

Here are my thoughts ...
If it's a case of being rich, which causes backfire, then you'll see it in a carbon=coated tailpipe, and if its REALLY rich you'll smell gasoline. - SIGNY

This could be the case. Never smelled gas, but the tailpipe is dirty.- SIX

If it's coated with carbon, the inside of the tailpipe won't be "dirty", it will be a deep, light-sucking velvety black.


Whoops. I've only put on about 25k miles since I've owned it, but that filter was VERY dirty. - SIX

Dirty like black? Or dirty like leaves and sand and stuff? IF you have a carburetor then backfires also blow out thru the carburetor and up thru the air filter, and you'll get carbon on your air filter as well.- SIGNY

It wasn't black. Just very, very gray and a lot of leaves and crap.- SIX

I have idea idea what kind of soil is in your area, but if it's grayish then you might just be picking up road dirt.


If the valves are coated with carbon, which takes up space in the engine and reduced the cylinder volume, creating higher compression ratios and causing backfires, you will see that in general "running rough". In addition, sometimes the car will continue to "diesel" even after your turn it off.- SIGNY

What is "diesel" in that context?- SIX

The car will continue to run ... sort of ... even if you shut off the ignition. Kind of knock and rattle because the gasoline vapors auto-ignite, even without the spark plug firing them. In fact, that's what high-octane gas is supposed to solve: "engine knock", when the gasoline "goes off" before it's supposed to and creates a pinging, rattling, or knocking sound, especially under acceleration. But that doesn't sound like your problem.


If it's a timing belt problem or the distributor timing if off, I would imagine that the problem would happen all the time ... well, maybe not ALL the time, the timing might be OK enough to run at higher speeds (if the timing is too advanced) or at lower speeds (if too retarded) but you would definitely feel it at more than just startup. - SIGNY

I do feel it at more than just startup. Sometimes I can start the car with little problems, but before I get on the expressway if I'm stopped at a light the car can misfire really bad and stall out. This only seems to happen on extremely humid nights, and only when the car has been outside of my garage all night.- SIX

I'm really beginning to think its just dirty spark plug wires or a dirty/broken distributor cap. Seriously. There's a lot of voltage in those lines ... enough to cause a little lightning bolt (spark) in your engine ... and if your wires aren't clean the electricity can "leak out". I know it sounds crazy, but it's true, and it's a really cheap try: All you need is WD-40 and some of that dielectric grease that you already have.

How to:



Did some research on seafoam and watched some youtube videos and I was sold. Not just the standard stuff, but the air intake variety and the transmission stuff as well. I bought it all.

Put 16oz in the gas tank. Easiest thing I did.

Oil was a bit trickier because I put too much oil in when I changed it. Had to bleed about a half quart out before I put 3.5oz in there.

Sprayed the entire aresol can for the air intake as per instructions. Used a couple of bricks to put the RPM's about 1000 above idle during this process. Ended up with a check engine light during this process, but disconnected the battery, put it back on and restarted it. Light hasn't come back on after about 20 miles of test driving.

Put half the can (about 8oz) of the transmission seafoam into my transmission.

So far so good. Even though it's not humid and I can't really test anything, there is already a very noticible difference in how the car is running. It's much quieter now (well... it's still loud with the exhaust issue, but you know what I mean). The steering wheel vibration is very minimal compared to before. I haven't noticed much of a difference with the transmission yet, but I didn't really expect to. Online reviews said it took anywhere from 100 to 200 miles and up to thousands of miles before the problem went away.

Leaving the car out overnight every night this week to emulate what I'll be doing when I work and I'll start it up around the time I would be going home in the morning and we'll see what happens.

I'm about 600 bucks into repairs now, including the new tires and windshield, so I'm hoping that I can get another year or two out of it now.

But even if I can't, there's a LOT to say about how much I've learned about cars in the last 3-4 months. Can't really put a price on that.

$600 bucks including tires and windshield is a pittance!

Sea Foam, huh? I'll have to look it up!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, October 17, 2018 8:10 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

No, sorry SIX, no advice on the car. I'm pretty good at dxing my onw car, but I have to drive/ listen to it myself to figure out what the problem is.

I'll think about some simple diagnostics you might run. Like, for example- the tailpipe. Is it coated with black carbon? Does it smell like gasoline? - SIGNY

Hard to tell. My exhaust system is just about defunct. It's pretty rusted out and the car is loud. There's actually a hole toward the front of the car where the bulk of the noise comes out. There was a lot of black soot around the back of the car all over the place, but then again, I haven't washed that car in ages, so who knows how long that was building up.- SIX

OK, equivocal.


Hmm... ok, some other thoughts on the topic. Except for the "misfires", does the car run smoothly, or does it run rough? - SIGNY

Rough. The steering wheel would shake in your hand it ran so rough.

Here are my thoughts ...
If it's a case of being rich, which causes backfire, then you'll see it in a carbon=coated tailpipe, and if its REALLY rich you'll smell gasoline. - SIGNY

This could be the case. Never smelled gas, but the tailpipe is dirty.- SIX

If it's coated with carbon, the inside of the tailpipe won't be "dirty", it will be a deep, light-sucking velvety black.


Whoops. I've only put on about 25k miles since I've owned it, but that filter was VERY dirty. - SIX

Dirty like black? Or dirty like leaves and sand and stuff? IF you have a carburetor then backfires also blow out thru the carburetor and up thru the air filter, and you'll get carbon on your air filter as well.- SIGNY

It wasn't black. Just very, very gray and a lot of leaves and crap.- SIX

I have idea idea what kind of soil is in your area, but if it's grayish then you might just be picking up road dirt.


If the valves are coated with carbon, which takes up space in the engine and reduced the cylinder volume, creating higher compression ratios and causing backfires, you will see that in general "running rough". In addition, sometimes the car will continue to "diesel" even after your turn it off.- SIGNY

What is "diesel" in that context?- SIX

The car will continue to run ... sort of ... even if you shut off the ignition. Kind of knock and rattle because the gasoline vapors auto-ignite, even without the spark plug firing them. In fact, that's what high-octane gas is supposed to solve: "engine knock", when the gasoline "goes off" before it's supposed to and creates a pinging, rattling, or knocking sound, especially under acceleration. But that doesn't sound like your problem.


If it's a timing belt problem or the distributor timing if off, I would imagine that the problem would happen all the time ... well, maybe not ALL the time, the timing might be OK enough to run at higher speeds (if the timing is too advanced) or at lower speeds (if too retarded) but you would definitely feel it at more than just startup. - SIGNY

I do feel it at more than just startup. Sometimes I can start the car with little problems, but before I get on the expressway if I'm stopped at a light the car can misfire really bad and stall out. This only seems to happen on extremely humid nights, and only when the car has been outside of my garage all night.- SIX

I'm really beginning to think its just dirty spark plug wires or a dirty/broken distributor cap. Seriously. There's a lot of voltage in those lines ... enough to cause a little lightning bolt (spark) in your engine ... and if your wires aren't clean the electricity can "leak out". I know it sounds crazy, but it's true, and it's a really cheap try: All you need is WD-40 and some of that dielectric grease that you already have.

How to:



Did some research on seafoam and watched some youtube videos and I was sold. Not just the standard stuff, but the air intake variety and the transmission stuff as well. I bought it all.

Put 16oz in the gas tank. Easiest thing I did.

Oil was a bit trickier because I put too much oil in when I changed it. Had to bleed about a half quart out before I put 3.5oz in there.

Sprayed the entire aresol can for the air intake as per instructions. Used a couple of bricks to put the RPM's about 1000 above idle during this process. Ended up with a check engine light during this process, but disconnected the battery, put it back on and restarted it. Light hasn't come back on after about 20 miles of test driving.

Put half the can (about 8oz) of the transmission seafoam into my transmission.

So far so good. Even though it's not humid and I can't really test anything, there is already a very noticible difference in how the car is running. It's much quieter now (well... it's still loud with the exhaust issue, but you know what I mean). The steering wheel vibration is very minimal compared to before. I haven't noticed much of a difference with the transmission yet, but I didn't really expect to. Online reviews said it took anywhere from 100 to 200 miles and up to thousands of miles before the problem went away.

Leaving the car out overnight every night this week to emulate what I'll be doing when I work and I'll start it up around the time I would be going home in the morning and we'll see what happens.

I'm about 600 bucks into repairs now, including the new tires and windshield, so I'm hoping that I can get another year or two out of it now.

But even if I can't, there's a LOT to say about how much I've learned about cars in the last 3-4 months. Can't really put a price on that.

$600 bucks including tires and windshield is a pittance!

Sea Foam, huh? I'll have to look it up!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy]

The wires and the cap were going to be my next step, actually. Rather than just throw money at parts though, I wanted to first do all of the fixes that should have been part of regular maintenance anyhow and were just good things to be spending my money on.

I was surprised to see how cheap the cap would be to replace. The wires were a little more expensive then I was hoping though. Going to wait a while before I go that route. It shouldn't be a dirty job, so I'm not really worried if it gets a bit colder before I do that.

I'll look into the directions you sent.

I do believe that JSF gave me the idea about trying seafoam way back before I even fixed the oil leak.

Check out this video about it, and the follow up one the guy made a year later:

Next year I'm going to try out the Lucas stuff he used, or perhaps another kind of additive to see if I can plug up the remaining small oil leak.... assuming my car makes it that long.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 18, 2018 11:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Huh, interesting video. I have to say, the "clatter" from the sticking lifter(s) was definitely eliminated!

There are some very powerful solvents - aside from oil or alcohol-based - that will take sludge and carbon out of the system. One problem with the ones I'm thinking of, tho, (dimethyl formamide, methylene chloride, and the like) is that they will also dissolve all kinds of gaskets like the head gasket or the gasket under the carburetor. So I'm assuming that they aren't using THOSE solvents!


Yes I see ...

Sea Foam Motor Treatment is a Blended Petroleum Product, NOT A CHEMICAL and is widely used as an old oil residue reducer and moisture drier in any oil crankcase.
A "moisture drier" can be any kind of alcohol (or acetone) because water mixes in with the alcohol, and then the alcohol/water mixes with the oil or gasoline. So any water in the bottom of your crankcase or gasoline tank will be flushed out.

It's a common problem with oil refining: dewatering the oil. There is always some residual water at the bottom of the storage tanks, and SOME water dissolved in the product, even if only 0.1%. In winter, can be a SIGNIFICANT problem if the water "drops out" (goes out of solution) and freezes in your gas line or filter. There used to be something called "dry gas" ... which used to be diethyl ether (before they got all weirded out about the propensity of ethers to form explosive peroxides on storage, and substituted alcohol instead) and it worked like a charm. Better than alcohol.

I imagine that they use "aromatics" (toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene) as part of their carbon/ sludge dissolver, since aromatics are safer for silicone gaskets.

I would look at Lucas more closely. There have been problems with some oil additives swelling the gaskets ... head gasket, carb gasket, valve cover gasket ... and then when you go back to regular oil the gaskets over-shrink and then leak. I had that problem with my 2001 Civic when the shop used a modern synthetic oil once (I always ask them to use "regular") and then when it got another oil change - with regular oil- it started leaking like a sieve.

But FWIW I looked up Sea Foam+complaints and didn't find any.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, October 18, 2018 12:00 PM


Running late today. Couldn't sleep last night.


Thursday, October 18, 2018 12:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well. I have many sleep problems myself; they were enough to cause me to retire early. I didn't even realize how badly I was sleeping until I had the time/luxury to start bird-dogging solutions one-by-one. All can be traced back, ultimately, to massive allergies: blocked nose; chronic sinusitis; swollen tongue, soft palate and throat; aches and pains from food sensitivities kicking up arthritis.

If you have sleep problems I hope you can bird-dog the causes until you get them resolved!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Thursday, October 18, 2018 4:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Huh, interesting video. I have to say, the "clatter" from the sticking lifter(s) was definitely eliminated!

There are some very powerful solvents - aside from oil or alcohol-based - that will take sludge and carbon out of the system. One problem with the ones I'm thinking of, tho, (dimethyl formamide, methylene chloride, and the like) is that they will also dissolve all kinds of gaskets like the head gasket or the gasket under the carburetor. So I'm assuming that they aren't using THOSE solvents!


Yes I see ...

Sea Foam Motor Treatment is a Blended Petroleum Product, NOT A CHEMICAL and is widely used as an old oil residue reducer and moisture drier in any oil crankcase.
A "moisture drier" can be any kind of alcohol (or acetone) because water mixes in with the alcohol, and then the alcohol/water mixes with the oil or gasoline. So any water in the bottom of your crankcase or gasoline tank will be flushed out.

It's a common problem with oil refining: dewatering the oil. There is always some residual water at the bottom of the storage tanks, and SOME water dissolved in the product, even if only 0.1%. In winter, can be a SIGNIFICANT problem if the water "drops out" (goes out of solution) and freezes in your gas line or filter. There used to be something called "dry gas" ... which used to be diethyl ether (before they got all weirded out about the propensity of ethers to form explosive peroxides on storage, and substituted alcohol instead) and it worked like a charm. Better than alcohol.

I imagine that they use "aromatics" (toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene) as part of their carbon/ sludge dissolver, since aromatics are safer for silicone gaskets.

I would look at Lucas more closely. There have been problems with some oil additives swelling the gaskets ... head gasket, carb gasket, valve cover gasket ... and then when you go back to regular oil the gaskets over-shrink and then leak. I had that problem with my 2001 Civic when the shop used a modern synthetic oil once (I always ask them to use "regular") and then when it got another oil change - with regular oil- it started leaking like a sieve.

But FWIW I looked up Sea Foam+complaints and didn't find any.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Yeah. I just threw the name Lucas out there. The guy who made those vids seemed to think that he wouldn't be using it again. There are other types of similar products out there if I feel the need to do it. It's really not much of a leak that is left after fixing the major one. It's just the very minor leak I've had for 10 years that prohibits me from parking on my old man's driveway. :)

Started up the car this morning with zero issues after leaving it outside of the garage. It was around 90% humidity. Drove it around a few miles with no signs of misfires. I'm not going to consider this issue fixed until spring when it's really humid and rainy all the time in the morning, but for now things are looking much better. Looks like $100 well spent this week. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Ya'at-eeh, SIX.

Sounds like progress!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, October 19, 2018 2:26 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well. I have many sleep problems myself; they were enough to cause me to retire early. I didn't even realize how badly I was sleeping until I had the time/luxury to start bird-dogging solutions one-by-one. All can be traced back, ultimately, to massive allergies: blocked nose; chronic sinusitis; swollen tongue, soft palate and throat; aches and pains from food sensitivities kicking up arthritis.

If you have sleep problems I hope you can bird-dog the causes until you get them resolved!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Last night was pretty easy to solve. I ate too much after 6pm and my body never got to digest it properly before I had to take my meds. So, I am trying to do better tonight.

I don't sleep well. At least not right now. Mostly because of stress from living in this place and trying to find another place.


Friday, October 19, 2018 1:33 PM


Bright sunny day. Off to get some recycling done and see what else.


Friday, October 19, 2018 4:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well. I have many sleep problems myself; they were enough to cause me to retire early. I didn't even realize how badly I was sleeping until I had the time/luxury to start bird-dogging solutions one-by-one. All can be traced back, ultimately, to massive allergies: blocked nose; chronic sinusitis; swollen tongue, soft palate and throat; aches and pains from food sensitivities kicking up arthritis. If you have sleep problems I hope you can bird-dog the causes until you get them resolved! - SIGNY

Last night was pretty easy to solve. I ate too much after 6pm and my body never got to digest it properly before I had to take my meds. So, I am trying to do better tonight.
I don't sleep well. At least not right now. Mostly because of stress from living in this place and trying to find another place.- BRENDA

If you don't drive, it must be very difficult to look for a new place. I hope you have some other resources available ... internet postings or FB or housing authority or some kind of neighborhood bulletin board (internet or otherwise). Here we have a website called which has been very helpful as you can query the most local of areas (the dozen or so blocks around your place) or expand it to perhaps several miles around. If you have that website in your city, I recommend it.


Today, I boogied out of the house early to hit my most-local native plant nursery. They inventory and put out new stock on Monday/Tuesday (when they're closed) but if I wait until the weekend they might run out of the things that I want (like what happened last time). So today I got all of the things that were on my list ... two more Catalina cherry to complete the privacy screen, a bunch of buckwheat (cinereum/ashy-leafed and parvifolium/seacliff), more golden bunch-grass (purple three-awn) ... and found a few things that I knew I wanted but didn't know were available - foothill penstemon and mahonia repens (a loverly layered groundcover for the shade, which is already growing happily in another part of the yard.)

Today is a toasty 89F, and tomorrow will be an even toastier 91F ... and I have other things to do today and tomorrow ... but there's supposed to be a big cooldown on Monday which will give me the oppty to plant more of my plants.

Does the happy dance!!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, October 19, 2018 4:33 PM


SOOOOO envious of your warm weather.

I think I'm going through a bout of the SADs right now. Today will mark burning half of my days off and I haven't gotten nearly as much accomplished as I wanted to by now. Slept in quite late today and have done nothing of value since I've been awake.

I have managed to get quite a bit done until today, including some non car related stuff that's been on the backburner for some time now. What a waste of the day though....

Fired up the car again this morning and everything looks to be a-okay. I might take a trip up to my work to buy some stuff and back just to get a real feel of how it's performing now. I'm feeling really good about it.

@Brenda. Still wishing you the best in finding a better place. Has the landlady been a bitch or has she at least backed off a bit?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 19, 2018 9:22 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
No, sorry SIX, no advice on the car. I'm pretty good at dxing my onw car, but I have to drive/ listen to it myself to figure out what the problem is.

I'll think about some simple diagnostics you might run. Like, for example- the tailpipe. Is it coated with black carbon? Does it smell like gasoline?

Hard to tell. My exhaust system is just about defunct. It's pretty rusted out and the car is loud. There's actually a hole toward the front of the car where the bulk of the noise comes out. There was a lot of black soot around the back of the car all over the place, but then again, I haven't washed that car in ages, so who knows how long that was building up.

Hmm... ok, some other thoughts on the topic. Except for the "misfires", does the car run smoothly, or does it run rough?

Rough. The steering wheel would shake in your hand it ran so rough.

Here are my thoughts ...

If it's a case of being rich, which causes backfire, then you'll see it in a carbon=coated tailpipe, and if its REALLY rich you'll smell gasoline.

This could be the case. Never smelled gas, but the tailpipe is dirty.


Whoops. I've only put on about 25k miles since I've owned it, but that filter was VERY dirty.
[ Dirty like black? Or dirty like leaves and sand and stuff? IF you have a carburetor then backfires also blow out thru the carburetor and up thru the air filter, and you'll get carbon on your air filter as well.

It wasn't black. Just very, very gray and a lot of leaves and crap.

If the valves are coated with carbon, which takes up space in the engine and reduced the cylinder volume, creating higher compression ratios and causing backfires, you will see that in general "running rough". In addition, sometimes the car will continue to "diesel" even after your turn it off.

What is "diesel" in that context?

If it's a timing belt problem or the distributor timing if off, I would imagine that the problem would happen all the time ... well, maybe not ALL the time, the timing might be OK enough to run at higher speeds (if the timing is too advanced) or at lower speeds (if too retarded) but you would definitely feel it at more than just startup.

I do feel it at more than just startup. Sometimes I can start the car with little problems, but before I get on the expressway if I'm stopped at a light the car can misfire really bad and stall out. This only seems to happen on extremely humid nights, and only when the car has been outside of my garage all night.


If it's really random, then it could be an electrical problem. Have you tried cleaning off the spark plug wires?? Or replaced the wires?? You wouldn't think it would make a difference, but it does!

There is a long time electrical problem with the car. I've never tried to "fix" anything electric except for changing the plugs themselves.


Did some research on seafoam and watched some youtube videos and I was sold. Not just the standard stuff, but the air intake variety and the transmission stuff as well. I bought it all.

Put 16oz in the gas tank. Easiest thing I did.

Oil was a bit trickier because I put too much oil in when I changed it. Had to bleed about a half quart out before I put 3.5oz in there.

Sprayed the entire aresol can for the air intake as per instructions. Used a couple of bricks to put the RPM's about 1000 above idle during this process. Ended up with a check engine light during this process, but disconnected the battery, put it back on and restarted it. Light hasn't come back on after about 20 miles of test driving.

Put half the can (about 8oz) of the transmission seafoam into my transmission.

So far so good. Even though it's not humid and I can't really test anything, there is already a very noticible difference in how the car is running. It's much quieter now (well... it's still loud with the exhaust issue, but you know what I mean). The steering wheel vibration is very minimal compared to before. I haven't noticed much of a difference with the transmission yet, but I didn't really expect to. Online reviews said it took anywhere from 100 to 200 miles and up to thousands of miles before the problem went away.

Leaving the car out overnight every night this week to emulate what I'll be doing when I work and I'll start it up around the time I would be going home in the morning and we'll see what happens.

I'm about 600 bucks into repairs now, including the new tires and windshield, so I'm hoping that I can get another year or two out of it now.

But even if I can't, there's a LOT to say about how much I've learned about cars in the last 3-4 months. Can't really put a price on that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I don't recall of you stated the Make or Year of your car. Make is a huge difference in transmission function.
Year makes a difference about something else, now I forget what.
If your exhaust noise is from a straight section (actually the least likely scenario), there are cheap repairs out there like a sleeve/pipe/tube with pipe clamps on both ends. That actually works well.

I should have mentioned that SeaFoam is usually cheapest at Home Depot in the lawnmower department. I recommend EVERYBODY buy a can of the normal fuel additive 1-2 times per year. In spring put some in the mower, weedwhacker, boat engine, the rest in a car tank. In fall put some in snow blower, snowmobile, and the rest in the car tank.
You usually get a big boost of power for that tankful, it's the only time my older engines Spin the tires. Watch out for cops during that tank, if they don't like sqealing tires.

For roughness, I would suggest HEAT fuel line de-icer. If you have injectors, some injector cleaner additive. And IIRC Techron, which I used to get only thru GM Dealers - but cheap knockoffs might not be worth it. All of those items help issues which primarily sprout up with Winter onset.

If the motor mounts are broken, extra vibe will happen.

If you have a rotor/distributor then a new cap and/or rotor can cost far less than one can of Seafoam.

Edit: I also told you to use STP for your oil leak, but you ignored the free advice. Even argued against it.


Friday, October 19, 2018 9:44 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Huh, interesting video. I have to say, the "clatter" from the sticking lifter(s) was definitely eliminated!

There are some very powerful solvents - aside from oil or alcohol-based - that will take sludge and carbon out of the system. One problem with the ones I'm thinking of, tho, (dimethyl formamide, methylene chloride, and the like) is that they will also dissolve all kinds of gaskets like the head gasket or the gasket under the carburetor. So I'm assuming that they aren't using THOSE solvents!


Yes I see ...

Sea Foam Motor Treatment is a Blended Petroleum Product, NOT A CHEMICAL and is widely used as an old oil residue reducer and moisture drier in any oil crankcase.
A "moisture drier" can be any kind of alcohol (or acetone) because water mixes in with the alcohol, and then the alcohol/water mixes with the oil or gasoline. So any water in the bottom of your crankcase or gasoline tank will be flushed out.

It's a common problem with oil refining: dewatering the oil. There is always some residual water at the bottom of the storage tanks, and SOME water dissolved in the product, even if only 0.1%. In winter, can be a SIGNIFICANT problem if the water "drops out" (goes out of solution) and freezes in your gas line or filter. There used to be something called "dry gas" ... which used to be diethyl ether (before they got all weirded out about the propensity of ethers to form explosive peroxides on storage, and substituted alcohol instead) and it worked like a charm. Better than alcohol.

I imagine that they use "aromatics" (toluene, xylene, ethylbenzene) as part of their carbon/ sludge dissolver, since aromatics are safer for silicone gaskets.

I would look at Lucas more closely. There have been problems with some oil additives swelling the gaskets ... head gasket, carb gasket, valve cover gasket ... and then when you go back to regular oil the gaskets over-shrink and then leak. I had that problem with my 2001 Civic when the shop used a modern synthetic oil once (I always ask them to use "regular") and then when it got another oil change - with regular oil- it started leaking like a sieve.

But FWIW I looked up Sea Foam+complaints and didn't find any.

I haven't seen anybody mention something.

Anybody heard about all these torrential rains? Excessive humidity? Flooding? Guess where flooding water at a gas station goes? You know that hole in the manhole cover goes straight into the tank, right? That is how they measure the contents, a long measuring stick is inserted, until touch bottom, and the marking indicates how many gallons are in that tank.
So when rainwater goes in to the tanks at the gas station, guess where everybody pumps that water into?
Water in your gas tank can cause problems, roughness.
Get gas from a place on a hill, where no surrounding elevation flows to it. Even during flooding.


Friday, October 19, 2018 10:51 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Edit: I also told you to use STP for your oil leak, but you ignored the free advice. Even argued against it.

My oil leak was 1.5 quarts every 40 or so miles. Didn't sound realistic to me. I'm willing to give it a shot now that it's just the minor leak I've always had.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 19, 2018 11:17 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Sorry to hear that you didn't sleep well. I have many sleep problems myself; they were enough to cause me to retire early. I didn't even realize how badly I was sleeping until I had the time/luxury to start bird-dogging solutions one-by-one. All can be traced back, ultimately, to massive allergies: blocked nose; chronic sinusitis; swollen tongue, soft palate and throat; aches and pains from food sensitivities kicking up arthritis. If you have sleep problems I hope you can bird-dog the causes until you get them resolved! - SIGNY

Last night was pretty easy to solve. I ate too much after 6pm and my body never got to digest it properly before I had to take my meds. So, I am trying to do better tonight.
I don't sleep well. At least not right now. Mostly because of stress from living in this place and trying to find another place.- BRENDA

If you don't drive, it must be very difficult to look for a new place. I hope you have some other resources available ... internet postings or FB or housing authority or some kind of neighborhood bulletin board (internet or otherwise). Here we have a website called which has been very helpful as you can query the most local of areas (the dozen or so blocks around your place) or expand it to perhaps several miles around. If you have that website in your city, I recommend it.


Today, I boogied out of the house early to hit my most-local native plant nursery. They inventory and put out new stock on Monday/Tuesday (when they're closed) but if I wait until the weekend they might run out of the things that I want (like what happened last time). So today I got all of the things that were on my list ... two more Catalina cherry to complete the privacy screen, a bunch of buckwheat (cinereum/ashy-leafed and parvifolium/seacliff), more golden bunch-grass (purple three-awn) ... and found a few things that I knew I wanted but didn't know were available - foothill penstemon and mahonia repens (a loverly layered groundcover for the shade, which is already growing happily in another part of the yard.)

Today is a toasty 89F, and tomorrow will be an even toastier 91F ... and I have other things to do today and tomorrow ... but there's supposed to be a big cooldown on Monday which will give me the oppty to plant more of my plants.

Does the happy dance!!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Hey Sig. Over the last few months I have posted twice on Craigslist and I think I got 4 answers. One was a scam, another was for a basement suite but if I wanted to use the laundry I would have to pay an extra $100 a month. The last answer I got was just for a room rental. I'm in contact with BC Housing.

I can see if there any other websites around my area.

Yay! on the still warm weather. Won't see temps like that up here until next Summer. Right now it is dry and sunny and not cold when I go out.


Friday, October 19, 2018 11:19 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
SOOOOO envious of your warm weather.

I think I'm going through a bout of the SADs right now. Today will mark burning half of my days off and I haven't gotten nearly as much accomplished as I wanted to by now. Slept in quite late today and have done nothing of value since I've been awake.

I have managed to get quite a bit done until today, including some non car related stuff that's been on the backburner for some time now. What a waste of the day though....

Fired up the car again this morning and everything looks to be a-okay. I might take a trip up to my work to buy some stuff and back just to get a real feel of how it's performing now. I'm feeling really good about it.

@Brenda. Still wishing you the best in finding a better place. Has the landlady been a bitch or has she at least backed off a bit?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Hey Jack. She has backed off but I am still wary when I hear her and her husband talking upstairs.


Saturday, October 20, 2018 1:40 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I used to work at a gas station a bazzilion decades ago ... that big long stick? They don't use it anymore, at least not in SoCal. Gas pumped is telemetered to the refinery, and the trucks deliver a metered amount to replace gas pumped. Another thing that got changed out here were the old-timey single-walled tanks. There was this problem by the acronym of LUFTS - leaking underground fuel tanks - and they were dug up, the soil remediated (except for the stations that closed down, they were remediated to the point of being 'brownfields'), and are now doubled walled. sealed, stainless steel tanks. The space between the inner and outer walls has a vacuum pulled on it, and a gage is inserted to make sure the the vacuum is staying intact. If the vacuum is broken, it indicates either the inner or outer wall (or both) has been breached.


Saturday, October 20, 2018 5:14 PM


It's oh so nice when people tell you, you aren't thinking the right way, problem solving enough or just aren't working hard enough. NOT!


Sunday, October 21, 2018 2:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
It's oh so nice when people tell you, you aren't thinking the right way, problem solving enough or just aren't working hard enough. NOT!

Well, who told you THAT???

Yanno, when someone criticizes what I'm doing, I tell them they're always welcome to do it instead.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, October 21, 2018 1:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It's oh so nice when people tell you, you aren't thinking the right way, problem solving enough or just aren't working hard enough. NOT!

Well, who told you THAT???

Yanno, when someone criticizes what I'm doing, I tell them they're always welcome to do it instead.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

The lady that I work for last Thursday after she had talked to her husband after I talked to him about all the trouble I am having finding a place, the previous Thursday.

I am too negative in my thinking, think I ignored that statement. Told her that I am always problem solving, and tried to point out some reality of my situation. That never works though as I have done that one before. I just basically ignored her for the rest of the afternoon.

So, if she is around this Thursday, I am putting her on ignore as much as possible. I don't like talking to them for a host of reasons. One thing is that she seems to think that I need "life lessons" not understanding that I have had enough lessons from the universe to last me 10 lifetimes. Supposedly also I am someone that she feels "responsible" for but that only goes so far.


Sunday, October 21, 2018 6:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


It's oh so nice when people tell you, you aren't thinking the right way, problem solving enough or just aren't working hard enough. NOT!- BRENDA

Well, who told you THAT???
Yanno, when someone criticizes what I'm doing, I tell them they're always welcome to do it instead. - SIGNY

The lady that I work for last Thursday after she had talked to her husband after I talked to him about all the trouble I am having finding a place, the previous Thursday. I am too negative in my thinking, think I ignored that statement. Told her that I am always problem solving, and tried to point out some reality of my situation. That never works though as I have done that one before. I just basically ignored her for the rest of the afternoon. So, if she is around this Thursday, I am putting her on ignore as much as possible. I don't like talking to them for a host of reasons. One thing is that she seems to think that I need "life lessons" not understanding that I have had enough lessons from the universe to last me 10 lifetimes. Supposedly also I am someone that she feels "responsible" for but that only goes so far. - BRNEDA

Well, I know I get MY back up when people start scolding/ patronizing me!

Can you put on an I'm listening to your pearls of wisdom face while you ignore her?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Sunday, October 21, 2018 7:32 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It's oh so nice when people tell you, you aren't thinking the right way, problem solving enough or just aren't working hard enough. NOT!

Well, who told you THAT???

Yanno, when someone criticizes what I'm doing, I tell them they're always welcome to do it instead.

The lady that I work for last Thursday after she had talked to her husband after I talked to him about all the trouble I am having finding a place, the previous Thursday.

I am too negative in my thinking, think I ignored that statement. Told her that I am always problem solving, and tried to point out some reality of my situation. That never works though as I have done that one before. I just basically ignored her for the rest of the afternoon.

So, if she is around this Thursday, I am putting her on ignore as much as possible. I don't like talking to them for a host of reasons. One thing is that she seems to think that I need "life lessons" not understanding that I have had enough lessons from the universe to last me 10 lifetimes. Supposedly also I am someone that she feels "responsible" for but that only goes so far.

What kind of work do you do for them? Are they a business?


Sunday, October 21, 2018 9:32 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Brenda

At least you're not working with a back-stabbing little bitch newbie who thinks she knows it all and has the boss wrapped around her petite finger.


Sunday, October 21, 2018 9:39 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just a comment about the weather - there is a guy in SoCal who's the water manager for rivers, dams, and settling and ground-water recharge basins. Anyway, apparently he's a whiz with the data and forecasting that predicts rain specifically in this area.

When he thinks it's going to be a rainy winter, he tells the upstream dam managers to release water into the rivers in fall ahead of the winter rains. That creates more space in the dam systems, and fills the downstream basins.

So today I drove past the downstream basins, and they were dry, dry, dry.


Monday, October 22, 2018 12:51 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

It's oh so nice when people tell you, you aren't thinking the right way, problem solving enough or just aren't working hard enough. NOT!- BRENDA

Well, who told you THAT???
Yanno, when someone criticizes what I'm doing, I tell them they're always welcome to do it instead. - SIGNY

The lady that I work for last Thursday after she had talked to her husband after I talked to him about all the trouble I am having finding a place, the previous Thursday. I am too negative in my thinking, think I ignored that statement. Told her that I am always problem solving, and tried to point out some reality of my situation. That never works though as I have done that one before. I just basically ignored her for the rest of the afternoon. So, if she is around this Thursday, I am putting her on ignore as much as possible. I don't like talking to them for a host of reasons. One thing is that she seems to think that I need "life lessons" not understanding that I have had enough lessons from the universe to last me 10 lifetimes. Supposedly also I am someone that she feels "responsible" for but that only goes so far. - BRNEDA

Well, I know I get MY back up when people start scolding/ patronizing me!

Can you put on an I'm listening to your pearls of wisdom face while you ignore her?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Definitely does me.

Oh, I sort of nod then turn my back on her. Deaf ear time.


Monday, October 22, 2018 12:52 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It's oh so nice when people tell you, you aren't thinking the right way, problem solving enough or just aren't working hard enough. NOT!

Well, who told you THAT???

Yanno, when someone criticizes what I'm doing, I tell them they're always welcome to do it instead.

The lady that I work for last Thursday after she had talked to her husband after I talked to him about all the trouble I am having finding a place, the previous Thursday.

I am too negative in my thinking, think I ignored that statement. Told her that I am always problem solving, and tried to point out some reality of my situation. That never works though as I have done that one before. I just basically ignored her for the rest of the afternoon.

So, if she is around this Thursday, I am putting her on ignore as much as possible. I don't like talking to them for a host of reasons. One thing is that she seems to think that I need "life lessons" not understanding that I have had enough lessons from the universe to last me 10 lifetimes. Supposedly also I am someone that she feels "responsible" for but that only goes so far.

What kind of work do you do for them? Are they a business?

No, not a business. I am working in someone's home. Just some light housekeeping and cooking.


Monday, October 22, 2018 1:10 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I've done that in my day. It's a weird dynamic to me - not quite business-like and not quite personal. Obviously you two are together for work purposes: her to get something done, and you to do it. But when you're in someone's home you're in their personal space. And in turn they seem to feel free to intrude in your life.

I found it taxing. Perhaps you do better with it.


Monday, October 22, 2018 3:12 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I've done that in my day. It's a weird dynamic to me - not quite business-like and not quite personal. Obviously you two are together for work purposes: her to get something done, and you to do it. But when you're in someone's home you're in their personal space. And in turn they seem to feel free to intrude in your life.

I found it taxing. Perhaps you do better with it.

It is taxing and it is odd in a way as I have known this couple off and on for years. They are friends of a lady that I knew since I was a baby. This lady died last year and she left her house to them.

It is also taxing because of their religion. She's a doctor but also the wife of a semi-retired minister, so they bring their religion into a lot of discussions I have had with them. That ticks me off to no end as I just throw science back in their faces.

And in their own ways they have issues with minorities. Example their son got married over the summer to a Thai girl. The new couple came over for a visit in September but because of Trump and his travel bans, their new daughter in law couldn't enter the US to change planes. Their son came on his own and then their daughter in law had to fly direct into Canada.
The husband of the woman, I work for couldn't understand why that happened. I could only look at the man and think, "You dumb f&ck! The President of the US has problems with people of different skin colours."

This man also related a story to me a year ago that his father had told him. His family may have Indian blood. He was so horrified at this idea, that I sat at the other end of the table from him and pointed at myself and said, "Sitting right here. My family has no problem with being Indian. We're proud of it."


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 6:26 PM


Heading for a rain here.


Tuesday, October 23, 2018 6:27 PM


Also do you think Halloween coming has something to do with disappearing dish towels?


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 5:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I've done that in my day. It's a weird dynamic to me - not quite business-like and not quite personal. Obviously you two are together for work purposes: her to get something done, and you to do it. But when you're in someone's home you're in their personal space. And in turn they seem to feel free to intrude in your life.

I found it taxing. Perhaps you do better with it.- KIKI

It is taxing and it is odd in a way as I have known this couple off and on for years. They are friends of a lady that I knew since I was a baby. This lady died last year and she left her house to them.

It is also taxing because of their religion. She's a doctor but also the wife of a semi-retired minister, so they bring their religion into a lot of discussions I have had with them. That ticks me off to no end as I just throw science back in their faces.

And in their own ways they have issues with minorities. Example their son got married over the summer to a Thai girl. The new couple came over for a visit in September but because of Trump and his travel bans, their new daughter in law couldn't enter the US to change planes. Their son came on his own and then their daughter in law had to fly direct into Canada.

The husband of the woman, I work for couldn't understand why that happened. I could only look at the man and think, "You dumb f&ck! The President of the US has problems with people of different skin colours."

This man also related a story to me a year ago that his father had told him. His family may have Indian blood. He was so horrified at this idea, that I sat at the other end of the table from him and pointed at myself and said, "Sitting right here. My family has no problem with being Indian. We're proud of it."- BRENDA

Oh how annoying!!! What a situation!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 5:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Was invited to a neighborhood end-of-summer party a few weeks ago. The couple who hosted it, plus a few of their friends, have a band that's pretty damn good. The drummer is particularly good. They played all of the oldies that I remember and like ... Riders on the Storm ... Dust in the Wind ... Grange (ZZ Top) and they did a GREAT job! I had a blast!

But I've had uh haw haw haw (ZZ Top) and dust in the wind stuck in my head ever since!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:25 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I've done that in my day. It's a weird dynamic to me - not quite business-like and not quite personal. Obviously you two are together for work purposes: her to get something done, and you to do it. But when you're in someone's home you're in their personal space. And in turn they seem to feel free to intrude in your life.

I found it taxing. Perhaps you do better with it.- KIKI

It is taxing and it is odd in a way as I have known this couple off and on for years. They are friends of a lady that I knew since I was a baby. This lady died last year and she left her house to them.

It is also taxing because of their religion. She's a doctor but also the wife of a semi-retired minister, so they bring their religion into a lot of discussions I have had with them. That ticks me off to no end as I just throw science back in their faces.

And in their own ways they have issues with minorities. Example their son got married over the summer to a Thai girl. The new couple came over for a visit in September but because of Trump and his travel bans, their new daughter in law couldn't enter the US to change planes. Their son came on his own and then their daughter in law had to fly direct into Canada.

The husband of the woman, I work for couldn't understand why that happened. I could only look at the man and think, "You dumb f&ck! The President of the US has problems with people of different skin colours."

This man also related a story to me a year ago that his father had told him. His family may have Indian blood. He was so horrified at this idea, that I sat at the other end of the table from him and pointed at myself and said, "Sitting right here. My family has no problem with being Indian. We're proud of it."- BRENDA

Oh how annoying!!! What a situation!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Here's the kicker Sig. The man is an American. He's been in Canada for 50years and is a citizen but he is as dumb as a box of rocks.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018 8:27 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Was invited to a neighborhood end-of-summer party a few weeks ago. The couple who hosted it, plus a few of their friends, have a band that's pretty damn good. The drummer is particularly good. They played all of the oldies that I remember and like ... Riders on the Storm ... Dust in the Wind ... Grange (ZZ Top) and they did a GREAT job! I had a blast!

But I've had uh haw haw haw (ZZ Top) and dust in the wind stuck in my head ever since!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Been there and done that.

Taking some music with me tomorrow and hoping no one is around when I am working, so I can listen and sing along with the CDs.


Friday, October 26, 2018 11:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Continuing to blitz on all fronts .... hubby's retirement (and nailing down health insurance for all of us) ... home renovation .... the garden.

Especially the garden. Been devoting a few hours most mornings lately, before the day gets too hot, to do the cleanup, pruning, and planting that one is supposed to do in the fall here. Yesterday, I devoted a lot more time than anticipated cleaning up around the driveway - mostly pruning, raking, and sweeping; plus giving the vehicles a quick wash and filling tires.

I filled up one of those ginormous greenwaste bins that our trash company makes available in our fair city. And wouldn't you know it? You can hardly tell the difference!

It WILL make a difference, I tell myself, when the Santa Ana winds blow and there will be fewer leaves and pine needles to drift across the driveway. But so far ... meh!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy


Friday, October 26, 2018 12:45 PM


Just takes time Sig and it is a rainy kind of day here. Need my umbrella when I head out in a bit.


Friday, October 26, 2018 12:46 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Continuing to blitz on all fronts .... hubby's retirement (and nailing down health insurance for all of us) ... home renovation .... the garden.

Especially the garden. Been devoting a few hours most mornings lately, before the day gets too hot, to do the cleanup, pruning, and planting that one is supposed to do in the fall here. Yesterday, I devoted a lot more time than anticipated cleaning up around the driveway - mostly pruning, raking, and sweeping; plus giving the vehicles a quick wash and filling tires.

I filled up one of those ginormous greenwaste bins that our trash company makes available in our fair city. And wouldn't you know it? You can hardly tell the difference!

It WILL make a difference, I tell myself, when the Santa Ana winds blow and there will be fewer leaves and pine needles to drift across the driveway. But so far ... meh!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy

Sounds like housecleaning: wash this, scrub that, sweep here, mop there, dust another, polish more. And then 6 months gotta do it all again. (Irma Bombeck, IIRC)


Saturday, October 27, 2018 1:37 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Irma Bombeck ... one of my favorites back in the day, god rest her soul.


Saturday, October 27, 2018 3:09 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Irma Bombeck ... one of my favorites back in the day, god rest her soul.

Mine too kiki. I've a number of her books stashed in a box.


Saturday, October 27, 2018 10:59 PM


No rain today but I did receive a late birthday card from the UK.






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