In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Friday, May 10, 2019 10:33 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
"Later Peeps"?

Somebody seems rather chipper these days.

Good on you, Brenda. Glad you could finally get that miserable cave and miserable landlady out of your life for good. Your place sounds a lot like my brother's. If it's anything like his, and you're on the side that his is, you may need to have the A/C on more than you'd care to during the summer, but the reverse good news is that you won't need to use as much heat during the winter. The one little oddity of his place that I don't have an explanation for.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yup, been a long time since I have felt this happy in the place I am living. Oh, I'm sure I will have to turn on a fan this summer. But that's okay. I have a balcony that once I get a small chair I sit out on and watch the world go by.

The reason I won't is because as I stated I am on the 10th floor and we all know that heat rises.

That's great! Really been pulling for you and it's nice to see a happy ending for once.

If you feel it's safe to do, I like JSF's suggestion about taking the stairs... but only if it's safe. It'll maintain those muscles that you wouldn't otherwise be working out by regular walking. It's one thing to make the choice to not take the stairs, but another thing entirely to allow yourself to get to the point where you no longer have a choice at all.

Speaking of working out... I'm going to have to start myself. In fact, after I came home from work today I did my first bench press sets in about 15 or so years. I do a ton of pulling at work and actually avoid the pushing of the real heavy pallets as often as possible because I have a majority of my strength in my shoulders and legs and back these days, so it's a lot easier. Back when I was power lifting in my 20's I focused too much on my chest if anything, like most people do, and I was able to lift 375 lbs. Man... Past me would bitch slap current me. I did 1 set of 12 reps, 1 of 10 and 1 of 8 and I was done. Only 125lbs. So sad... Going to have to fix that now.

The job is all but over for me. This new guy is a by the book bitch and he told my manager that I would not be allowed to work weekends. Only full timers will have set schedules, and part timers will have to work whatever days they give you, and whatever hours they give you. This means I wouldn't even be getting the 8-10 hour shifts I've been working and I'd likely be getting only 4-5 hour shifts. It's not even worth the gas money and the wear on my car for that.

If he's going to be a by-the-book bitch about it, he's going to lose the hardest working employee he has in his store.

Managed to dodge him again today. I was actually hoping he'd catch me after I punched out and I could do a little walk by him like on Office Space and head right out the front door. If I can manage to dodge him for 3 more days, then he'll see what the place looks like when I'm not there for 3 weeks straight.

I figure every day that I don't see him until the night shift is gone is another day I don't say something I might regret.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

This your last week at job?

Boost once per day will help you get strength back. Try push-ups (one max set) to start your day, right out of bed or shower. And Dips, as many sets as you can before the reps drop below 1/2 of your max, or 10 reps. But bench, push-ups, dips only every other day, not every day. Plus those tricep extensions, with the elbow pointed to the sky, and dumbbell starting behind your shoulder.


Friday, May 10, 2019 11:37 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, take some of that extra time to start looking for another job. "They" say that the economy's booming and that there are all kinds of jobs out there going begging for qualified applicants ... time to test that theory!

Don't quit ... you won't get unemployment that way. Wait until you have something just as good, or better, lined up.

I know you're a real independent guy, you like working by yourself and without having a supervisor breathing down your neck all the time, but have patience. I suspect that one of the reasons why they eliminated the night shift was because they were paying a differential for people who were, by your observation, screwing off too much. The new guy doesn't know you from jack (get it? jack?); probably as far as he's concerned the whole night crew is one giant waste of money and should be shitcanned ... he doesn't know who's good at their job and who isn't. (Seems to me that there was also a lot of management turnover and lost info; sounds like the night shift may have "broken" more than one assistant manager? Whatever happened to that woman that you got along with?)

It's frustrating to have to restablish your reputation with new people all of the time ... anyway, like I said:

New job. Look into it. It will be a test case for when you move. In the meantime, try a
acquiring some new skills ... forklift operator? Backhoe operator? Licensed handyman? Welding? Back to computers? CNC operator? Those are the jobs "they" say are begging right now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 10, 2019 1:24 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
"Later Peeps"?

Somebody seems rather chipper these days.

Good on you, Brenda. Glad you could finally get that miserable cave and miserable landlady out of your life for good. Your place sounds a lot like my brother's. If it's anything like his, and you're on the side that his is, you may need to have the A/C on more than you'd care to during the summer, but the reverse good news is that you won't need to use as much heat during the winter. The one little oddity of his place that I don't have an explanation for.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yup, been a long time since I have felt this happy in the place I am living. Oh, I'm sure I will have to turn on a fan this summer. But that's okay. I have a balcony that once I get a small chair I sit out on and watch the world go by.

The reason I won't is because as I stated I am on the 10th floor and we all know that heat rises.

That's great! Really been pulling for you and it's nice to see a happy ending for once.

If you feel it's safe to do, I like JSF's suggestion about taking the stairs... but only if it's safe. It'll maintain those muscles that you wouldn't otherwise be working out by regular walking. It's one thing to make the choice to not take the stairs, but another thing entirely to allow yourself to get to the point where you no longer have a choice at all.

Speaking of working out... I'm going to have to start myself. In fact, after I came home from work today I did my first bench press sets in about 15 or so years. I do a ton of pulling at work and actually avoid the pushing of the real heavy pallets as often as possible because I have a majority of my strength in my shoulders and legs and back these days, so it's a lot easier. Back when I was power lifting in my 20's I focused too much on my chest if anything, like most people do, and I was able to lift 375 lbs. Man... Past me would bitch slap current me. I did 1 set of 12 reps, 1 of 10 and 1 of 8 and I was done. Only 125lbs. So sad... Going to have to fix that now.

The job is all but over for me. This new guy is a by the book bitch and he told my manager that I would not be allowed to work weekends. Only full timers will have set schedules, and part timers will have to work whatever days they give you, and whatever hours they give you. This means I wouldn't even be getting the 8-10 hour shifts I've been working and I'd likely be getting only 4-5 hour shifts. It's not even worth the gas money and the wear on my car for that.

If he's going to be a by-the-book bitch about it, he's going to lose the hardest working employee he has in his store.

Managed to dodge him again today. I was actually hoping he'd catch me after I punched out and I could do a little walk by him like on Office Space and head right out the front door. If I can manage to dodge him for 3 more days, then he'll see what the place looks like when I'm not there for 3 weeks straight.

I figure every day that I don't see him until the night shift is gone is another day I don't say something I might regret.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I know you have SIX and I appreciate it. Bought time I caught a break.

Oh, I'll still be walking most days. I have my mah jong games that I will still be going to and I have to go out to do grocery shopping. So I will still be walking just not up or down the hills like I was at that cave is the only difference.

I walked back to my new home from my job last night because it was a nice evening and pretty level.

I'm heading out in a bit to run some errands. A bit of shopping and a couple of other things.

Sorry about the job SIX.


Friday, May 10, 2019 1:28 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Gotta be careful with moving boxes around here and unpacking. Succeeded in irritating both branches of my sciatic nerve over last weekend. Woke up Tuesday morning with pain in my right leg but the left was worse. Pain from my left ankle to my hip.

Why would you be in any hurry now? Take your time, relax. Enjoy the new place.

Do you have a view? Stairs? Laundry room? Heat?

It's not really being in a hurry JSF but I was stagnant for so long that I now am able to do things. I am working on slowing down now that I have things a little bit more organized.

I am at the back of the building on the 10th floor. So, yeah I can see. There is an elevator that I use. No way am I tromping up and down 10 flights of stairs. There is a laundry room and right now heat is no problem with all the natural light I get in here. So, I know it will be fine come winter.

From the basement to the 10th floor - that's moving up in the world. Sounds like No nasty sidewalks to deal with, and no snow or ice for your first 5 minutes out your door, and none to do laundry.

Don't take this the wrong way, but maybe try taking one flight of stairs at least, on a regular basis. They should be in good repair in your skyscraper, and this will help you keep in shape, limbered, and not fall into a habit many do and skip the stairs entirely. First flight on the way up, last flight the way down. Getting the blood circulating should keep your mood improved as well.

Your balcony should get a decent breeze at 110 feet above the road. Next you'll be getting all tanned from snoozing there. Which direction is it facing? How far is visibility?

Hope it all works well.

You are right the sidewalks will be fine around where I am. If we get snow this winter I will need my cane for getting to work as those sidewalks will be bad.

You might have a point about some of the stairs. I'll have a think on it.

I'm sure it will. I am facing East as I get sun all day now that it is Spring and as long as it isn't raining. Since I am now in apartment building which is in the main shopping district, I can see all the other apartments and shops. Though from my balcony I should be able to see the Fraser river.

I would hope you at least take 2 stairs down, if you're going to avoid up. But at least 1 up per day would be better. Not with groceries or when hurried, but make a habit of it.

Facing East means you'll be largely in the shade side during the hottest part of the day in summer.
My sneaky side would be getting some binoculars (Army Surplus store) to watch which stores have the longest lines, biggest crowds to know where the best sales are.

Your new place sounds great. Send a box of chocolates to the people who helped you get in there.

I will think about the stairs.

That's okay. Nay, that type of thing only happens on Boxing Day Sales around here.

I've sent thank you cards to them and I have one more to get today for Monday. Someone came from my mah jong group and helped me rearrange the main storage area in my apartment.


Friday, May 10, 2019 1:30 PM


Out in a minute. Got some errands and shopping to do. Always something when you are on your own.

So until later. I am out.


Friday, May 10, 2019 6:01 PM


Another box almost emptied. This one was easy. All that was in it was my large model of the Millennium Falcon, some books and puzzles. That Falcon has been in that box for on 10years but the landing gear is jammed. But it is out and sitting on top of my dresser. Books are on a shelf but the puzzles I left as not sure I will be keeping them.


Friday, May 10, 2019 6:02 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Another box almost emptied. This one was easy. All that was in it was my large model of the Millennium Falcon, some books and puzzles. That Falcon has been in that box for on 10years but the landing gear is jammed. But it is out and sitting on top of my dresser. Books are on a shelf but the puzzles I left as not sure I will be keeping them.


Friday, May 10, 2019 6:03 PM


That last post was my boo-boo. Meant to click on the reply button but it the one about quotes. Think it is time for some ice cream.


Friday, May 10, 2019 8:58 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, take some of that extra time to start looking for another job. "They" say that the economy's booming and that there are all kinds of jobs out there going begging for qualified applicants ... time to test that theory!

Don't quit ... you won't get unemployment that way. Wait until you have something just as good, or better, lined up.

I know you're a real independent guy, you like working by yourself and without having a supervisor breathing down your neck all the time, but have patience. I suspect that one of the reasons why they eliminated the night shift was because they were paying a differential for people who were, by your observation, screwing off too much. The new guy doesn't know you from jack (get it? jack?); probably as far as he's concerned the whole night crew is one giant waste of money and should be shitcanned ... he doesn't know who's good at their job and who isn't. (Seems to me that there was also a lot of management turnover and lost info; sounds like the night shift may have "broken" more than one assistant manager? Whatever happened to that woman that you got along with?)

It's frustrating to have to restablish your reputation with new people all of the time ... anyway, like I said:

New job. Look into it. It will be a test case for when you move. In the meantime, try a
acquiring some new skills ... forklift operator? Backhoe operator? Licensed handyman? Welding? Back to computers? CNC operator? Those are the jobs "they" say are begging right now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

Yeah, I'm not going to be making any rash decisions. It's one of the reasons that I'm hoping to get out of there early the next 3 nights, so I don't have to have this conversation until I know more about... well... everything.

I'm planning on calling one of those places that offer to give you cash for your home as is and get a no obligation quote, just to have a baseline for where the value of the house currently stands, as is. Who knows, I may be surprised. I should be able to get my friend's dad over here by then as well, and I will likely get the city's input by then too.

I wouldn't be "quitting" the job. It's a "voluntary layoff". I did some research and it's not possible for a company to make you sign away your right to unemployment by taking it. In fact, a 3rd shift to a "whenever shift" and the loss of 10 hours pay per week would constitute a drastic "change of terms and conditions" that would fall squarely under what is considered a "good reason" to leave a job and file for unemployment, if I choose to go that route. It would be enough cash for all my regular bills and property taxes for the next 6 months, barely. But I need to find out if I burn my bridges for being hired by that company in the future if I do that. This is why the option to just take a 3 month unpaid leave is still on the table. They can't fire me during that time. I could make up my mind by the end of summer then if I want to go back there for a while or not. Maybe after 3 months of this whole ordeal backfiring on them spectacularly the entire layout will have changed.

Maybe I'll look for something better in that time too, instead of just looking for a similar job. With unemployment, I will have to do workshops and work with state officials from time to time for job searches during this process and that may open my eyes to some opportunities out there I wasn't aware existed.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 11, 2019 1:39 AM


I am sitting here watching "BlueBloods" on tv and talking to the tv.


Saturday, May 11, 2019 7:46 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
This your last week at job?

Boost once per day will help you get strength back. Try push-ups (one max set) to start your day, right out of bed or shower. And Dips, as many sets as you can before the reps drop below 1/2 of your max, or 10 reps. But bench, push-ups, dips only every other day, not every day. Plus those tricep extensions, with the elbow pointed to the sky, and dumbbell starting behind your shoulder.

Job is still around till around the end of next month. After my little vacation here, I may load up on extra days before it happens just to get a few extra bucks before it does.

lol... I'm too cheap to buy boost. My diet is good. I eat plenty of protein, and probably a lot of it goes to waste on may days that I don't work. I should have been working out the chest and other muscle groups that dont' get hit hard at my job the whole time, but what are you gonna do? Just have to make sure that I regularly work out from now on. I doubt I'll ever find a job I enjoyed this much that was such a massive workout all night long again. But I'm looking and feeling so good right now compared to a few years back that I never want to lose this again.

I don't really enjoy the act of working out just to work out anymore these days like I did in my 20's. Something about achieving goals at a job that required a ton of lifting stuff, no matter how trivial those goals are at the end of the day, really made the time fly while I was doing it. I'm sure making a few bucks to work out didn't hurt either.

I've got a good workout setup in my completely unfinished room in the basement that I've never used until yesterday. I imagine I'll be using it a lot this summer. Since my plan isn't to try selling the house until the spring, assuming I can get all the work done that I want to by then, I'm going to have to get that room insulated and finished so I can heat it during the cold months and continue my routine.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 11, 2019 7:52 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
"Later Peeps"?

Somebody seems rather chipper these days.

Good on you, Brenda. Glad you could finally get that miserable cave and miserable landlady out of your life for good. Your place sounds a lot like my brother's. If it's anything like his, and you're on the side that his is, you may need to have the A/C on more than you'd care to during the summer, but the reverse good news is that you won't need to use as much heat during the winter. The one little oddity of his place that I don't have an explanation for.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yup, been a long time since I have felt this happy in the place I am living. Oh, I'm sure I will have to turn on a fan this summer. But that's okay. I have a balcony that once I get a small chair I sit out on and watch the world go by.

The reason I won't is because as I stated I am on the 10th floor and we all know that heat rises.

That's great! Really been pulling for you and it's nice to see a happy ending for once.

If you feel it's safe to do, I like JSF's suggestion about taking the stairs... but only if it's safe. It'll maintain those muscles that you wouldn't otherwise be working out by regular walking. It's one thing to make the choice to not take the stairs, but another thing entirely to allow yourself to get to the point where you no longer have a choice at all.

Speaking of working out... I'm going to have to start myself. In fact, after I came home from work today I did my first bench press sets in about 15 or so years. I do a ton of pulling at work and actually avoid the pushing of the real heavy pallets as often as possible because I have a majority of my strength in my shoulders and legs and back these days, so it's a lot easier. Back when I was power lifting in my 20's I focused too much on my chest if anything, like most people do, and I was able to lift 375 lbs. Man... Past me would bitch slap current me. I did 1 set of 12 reps, 1 of 10 and 1 of 8 and I was done. Only 125lbs. So sad... Going to have to fix that now.

The job is all but over for me. This new guy is a by the book bitch and he told my manager that I would not be allowed to work weekends. Only full timers will have set schedules, and part timers will have to work whatever days they give you, and whatever hours they give you. This means I wouldn't even be getting the 8-10 hour shifts I've been working and I'd likely be getting only 4-5 hour shifts. It's not even worth the gas money and the wear on my car for that.

If he's going to be a by-the-book bitch about it, he's going to lose the hardest working employee he has in his store.

Managed to dodge him again today. I was actually hoping he'd catch me after I punched out and I could do a little walk by him like on Office Space and head right out the front door. If I can manage to dodge him for 3 more days, then he'll see what the place looks like when I'm not there for 3 weeks straight.

I figure every day that I don't see him until the night shift is gone is another day I don't say something I might regret.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I know you have SIX and I appreciate it. Bought time I caught a break.

Oh, I'll still be walking most days. I have my mah jong games that I will still be going to and I have to go out to do grocery shopping. So I will still be walking just not up or down the hills like I was at that cave is the only difference.

I walked back to my new home from my job last night because it was a nice evening and pretty level.

I'm heading out in a bit to run some errands. A bit of shopping and a couple of other things.

Sorry about the job SIX.

Still doing the mahjong? So you're close enough to where you lived before to keep playing with the people you used to play with? That's cool. :)

Glad it all worked out for you finally. You do sound quite a bit happier now.

I'm pretty much over the job. With everything else going on with the house and my teeth, I've suddenly gained an entire new perspective and a real set of goals with my life. Nothing too ambitious, mind, but it's about time I finally got this house in a sellable condition, and there's really nothing here for me that I'm going to miss. There's really nothing bad about living where I do, except for the house itself. But if I'm going to move, I think it would be good for my brother to have somebody living close by him with my old man getting older every year. If I hated the area he lived in I wouldn't be doing it, but I really do like where he lives.

It's going to break my heart to be that far away from my niece though. I'm going to have to get a reliable car sometime soon after I go down there. It won't be cheap to drive back up this way, but I'm sure if I had the car my brother down there would go halves on gas for a trip back every once in a while.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, May 11, 2019 1:10 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
"Later Peeps"?

Somebody seems rather chipper these days.

Good on you, Brenda. Glad you could finally get that miserable cave and miserable landlady out of your life for good. Your place sounds a lot like my brother's. If it's anything like his, and you're on the side that his is, you may need to have the A/C on more than you'd care to during the summer, but the reverse good news is that you won't need to use as much heat during the winter. The one little oddity of his place that I don't have an explanation for.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yup, been a long time since I have felt this happy in the place I am living. Oh, I'm sure I will have to turn on a fan this summer. But that's okay. I have a balcony that once I get a small chair I sit out on and watch the world go by.

The reason I won't is because as I stated I am on the 10th floor and we all know that heat rises.

That's great! Really been pulling for you and it's nice to see a happy ending for once.

If you feel it's safe to do, I like JSF's suggestion about taking the stairs... but only if it's safe. It'll maintain those muscles that you wouldn't otherwise be working out by regular walking. It's one thing to make the choice to not take the stairs, but another thing entirely to allow yourself to get to the point where you no longer have a choice at all.

Speaking of working out... I'm going to have to start myself. In fact, after I came home from work today I did my first bench press sets in about 15 or so years. I do a ton of pulling at work and actually avoid the pushing of the real heavy pallets as often as possible because I have a majority of my strength in my shoulders and legs and back these days, so it's a lot easier. Back when I was power lifting in my 20's I focused too much on my chest if anything, like most people do, and I was able to lift 375 lbs. Man... Past me would bitch slap current me. I did 1 set of 12 reps, 1 of 10 and 1 of 8 and I was done. Only 125lbs. So sad... Going to have to fix that now.

The job is all but over for me. This new guy is a by the book bitch and he told my manager that I would not be allowed to work weekends. Only full timers will have set schedules, and part timers will have to work whatever days they give you, and whatever hours they give you. This means I wouldn't even be getting the 8-10 hour shifts I've been working and I'd likely be getting only 4-5 hour shifts. It's not even worth the gas money and the wear on my car for that.

If he's going to be a by-the-book bitch about it, he's going to lose the hardest working employee he has in his store.

Managed to dodge him again today. I was actually hoping he'd catch me after I punched out and I could do a little walk by him like on Office Space and head right out the front door. If I can manage to dodge him for 3 more days, then he'll see what the place looks like when I'm not there for 3 weeks straight.

I figure every day that I don't see him until the night shift is gone is another day I don't say something I might regret.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I know you have SIX and I appreciate it. Bought time I caught a break.

Oh, I'll still be walking most days. I have my mah jong games that I will still be going to and I have to go out to do grocery shopping. So I will still be walking just not up or down the hills like I was at that cave is the only difference.

I walked back to my new home from my job last night because it was a nice evening and pretty level.

I'm heading out in a bit to run some errands. A bit of shopping and a couple of other things.

Sorry about the job SIX.

Still doing the mahjong? So you're close enough to where you lived before to keep playing with the people you used to play with? That's cool. :)

Glad it all worked out for you finally. You do sound quite a bit happier now.

I'm pretty much over the job. With everything else going on with the house and my teeth, I've suddenly gained an entire new perspective and a real set of goals with my life. Nothing too ambitious, mind, but it's about time I finally got this house in a sellable condition, and there's really nothing here for me that I'm going to miss. There's really nothing bad about living where I do, except for the house itself. But if I'm going to move, I think it would be good for my brother to have somebody living close by him with my old man getting older every year. If I hated the area he lived in I wouldn't be doing it, but I really do like where he lives.

It's going to break my heart to be that far away from my niece though. I'm going to have to get a reliable car sometime soon after I go down there. It won't be cheap to drive back up this way, but I'm sure if I had the car my brother down there would go halves on gas for a trip back every once in a while.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yup. Only difference now is instead of getting on a bus to get to where I play, I can now just walk.

Thanks. Friends I called last week in Alberta said the same thing to me. So it must be true.

I'm sure that your brother who is disabled will appreciate your help when you get down there.

I know you will miss your niece but outside of trips back up North, Uncle Jack can pick up a phone and call to talk to her. She'll love that then when you get on the road again, it will be even more special when you see her.

Anyways I got my laundry to get up and do. Have a good day.


Saturday, May 11, 2019 1:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

My sister called our daughter to chat every evening for years. It was an important time for our dear daughter to learn how to talk with people, and - more important- forged a lifelong bond. Even now, twenty years later, dear daughter's face relaxes into a smile when Auntie comes over or calls to chat. I agree with BRENDA ... there's always the phone! (or Skype* or equivalent).

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, May 12, 2019 12:10 AM


Brenda, I am curious. What is your new horizon? Mountains? Plains? Cityscape?

I said chocolates because I see boxes at Dollar Tree, where everything's $1. Big boxes, and little boxes that look like gifts.
When I fly, I get bags of Ghirardelli squares (individually wrapped) and hand out the squares to the Flight Attendants as I board and they greet us. Such a thing really seems to go a long way, stands out.


Sunday, May 12, 2019 12:21 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
"Later Peeps"?

Somebody seems rather chipper these days.

Good on you, Brenda. Glad you could finally get that miserable cave and miserable landlady out of your life for good. Your place sounds a lot like my brother's. If it's anything like his, and you're on the side that his is, you may need to have the A/C on more than you'd care to during the summer, but the reverse good news is that you won't need to use as much heat during the winter. The one little oddity of his place that I don't have an explanation for.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yup, been a long time since I have felt this happy in the place I am living. Oh, I'm sure I will have to turn on a fan this summer. But that's okay. I have a balcony that once I get a small chair I sit out on and watch the world go by.

The reason I won't is because as I stated I am on the 10th floor and we all know that heat rises.

That's great! Really been pulling for you and it's nice to see a happy ending for once.

If you feel it's safe to do, I like JSF's suggestion about taking the stairs... but only if it's safe. It'll maintain those muscles that you wouldn't otherwise be working out by regular walking. It's one thing to make the choice to not take the stairs, but another thing entirely to allow yourself to get to the point where you no longer have a choice at all.

Speaking of working out... I'm going to have to start myself. In fact, after I came home from work today I did my first bench press sets in about 15 or so years. I do a ton of pulling at work and actually avoid the pushing of the real heavy pallets as often as possible because I have a majority of my strength in my shoulders and legs and back these days, so it's a lot easier. Back when I was power lifting in my 20's I focused too much on my chest if anything, like most people do, and I was able to lift 375 lbs. Man... Past me would bitch slap current me. I did 1 set of 12 reps, 1 of 10 and 1 of 8 and I was done. Only 125lbs. So sad... Going to have to fix that now.

The job is all but over for me. This new guy is a by the book bitch and he told my manager that I would not be allowed to work weekends. Only full timers will have set schedules, and part timers will have to work whatever days they give you, and whatever hours they give you. This means I wouldn't even be getting the 8-10 hour shifts I've been working and I'd likely be getting only 4-5 hour shifts. It's not even worth the gas money and the wear on my car for that.

If he's going to be a by-the-book bitch about it, he's going to lose the hardest working employee he has in his store.

Managed to dodge him again today. I was actually hoping he'd catch me after I punched out and I could do a little walk by him like on Office Space and head right out the front door. If I can manage to dodge him for 3 more days, then he'll see what the place looks like when I'm not there for 3 weeks straight.

I figure every day that I don't see him until the night shift is gone is another day I don't say something I might regret.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

This your last week at job?

Boost once per day will help you get strength back. Try push-ups (one max set) to start your day, right out of bed or shower. And Dips, as many sets as you can before the reps drop below 1/2 of your max, or 10 reps. But bench, push-ups, dips only every other day, not every day. Plus those tricep extensions, with the elbow pointed to the sky, and dumbbell starting behind your shoulder.

I also forgot: Pec Deck. When I discovered that machine, it was awesome.


Sunday, May 12, 2019 1:20 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Brenda, I am curious. What is your new horizon? Mountains? Plains? Cityscape?

I said chocolates because I see boxes at Dollar Tree, where everything's $1. Big boxes, and little boxes that look like gifts.
When I fly, I get bags of Ghirardelli squares (individually wrapped) and hand out the squares to the Flight Attendants as I board and they greet us. Such a thing really seems to go a long way, stands out.

There are mountains off in the distance and the rest is cityscape.


Sunday, May 12, 2019 4:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

well, the plants that planted themselves - CA poppies and cosmos - are dying down. Time to pull up the dead and dying plants and see how the perennials are doing.

Everywhere I look in the garden, something is fluttering, or buzzing, or scurrying. Goldfinches are perching on cosmos stems, eating the seeds. They're so light they barely bend the stems. Mourning does are pecking away at the poppy seeds, butter-butts are looking for tiny bugs and mockingbirds and crows are looking for bigger prey. At any time during the day there are at least two and sometimes up to four butterflies in the backyard of all kinds- skippers, swallowtails, cabbage and sulfur butterflies, mourning cloaks, painted ladies, monarchs and some I don't recognize. Bees of all types are nectaring; we had a wood bee make a home in our woodpile. (It left a gint mound of frass that I thought was a bad termite infestation which caused us to ssort and restack the wood). Hummingbirds are dicing for the best nesting spots in our climbing roses and poking into nasturtium and alstromeria. Ladybugs, millipedes, rollypolies, fence lizards and the occasional skink. , When I go out at night to let the dog our for her last potty break of the day there are moths everywhere.

I just released predatory mites last week, I hope that they will protect the avocadoes.

But the yard is a mess. sigh. Between the dog-walking and painting and shopping and cooking (for a very picky hubby and food-sensitive daughter and food-allergic self) and general cleanup and re-org, I've not been able to attend to the yard like I should. Weeds are still everywhere, and when I try to do yardwork during the day someone is always tugging at me to do something else or be somplace else, so I think the schedue will be an early dogwalk and yardwork, when everyone else is asleep. It will be coooler then, too, and with summer coming up I think that schedule will work better.

I was inspired to write this because I was amused by a small flock of goldfinches in the frontyard, By size and color it looked like daddy goldfinch, mommy goldfinch, and three junior goldfinches. So cute!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, May 12, 2019 5:36 PM


I've seen at least 1 seagull out my balcony window this morning.

Just trying to decide what to do.


Sunday, May 12, 2019 8:47 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I've seen at least 1 seagull out my balcony window this morning.

Just trying to decide what to do.

Balcony guard?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 12, 2019 8:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
well, the plants that planted themselves - CA poppies and cosmos - are dying down. Time to pull up the dead and dying plants and see how the perennials are doing.

Everywhere I look in the garden, something is fluttering, or buzzing, or scurrying. Goldfinches are perching on cosmos stems, eating the seeds. They're so light they barely bend the stems. Mourning does are pecking away at the poppy seeds, butter-butts are looking for tiny bugs and mockingbirds and crows are looking for bigger prey. At any time during the day there are at least two and sometimes up to four butterflies in the backyard of all kinds- skippers, swallowtails, cabbage and sulfur butterflies, mourning cloaks, painted ladies, monarchs and some I don't recognize. Bees of all types are nectaring; we had a wood bee make a home in our woodpile. (It left a gint mound of frass that I thought was a bad termite infestation which caused us to ssort and restack the wood). Hummingbirds are dicing for the best nesting spots in our climbing roses and poking into nasturtium and alstromeria. Ladybugs, millipedes, rollypolies, fence lizards and the occasional skink. , When I go out at night to let the dog our for her last potty break of the day there are moths everywhere.

I just released predatory mites last week, I hope that they will protect the avocadoes.

But the yard is a mess. sigh. Between the dog-walking and painting and shopping and cooking (for a very picky hubby and food-sensitive daughter and food-allergic self) and general cleanup and re-org, I've not been able to attend to the yard like I should. Weeds are still everywhere, and when I try to do yardwork during the day someone is always tugging at me to do something else or be somplace else, so I think the schedue will be an early dogwalk and yardwork, when everyone else is asleep. It will be coooler then, too, and with summer coming up I think that schedule will work better.

I was inspired to write this because I was amused by a small flock of goldfinches in the frontyard, By size and color it looked like daddy goldfinch, mommy goldfinch, and three junior goldfinches. So cute!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

I don't have all of those problems, fortunately, but then again, the only plant life I have that I care about is my hastas that pretty much maintain themselves. Get some rabbits that like to feed on them sometimes, but they really don't eat them that much.

Nothing here but these goddamned ants.

I didn't pull out any stops this time. Started off spring using an entire gallon bottle of liquid poison around the perimeter of the house and garage. I love the pump style they used with this bottle. Instead of having to pump it a lot on the ground, the trigger itself has a pump that you just pull twice and it lets you spray a good deal before you have to pull it again.

I also dumped a whole bottle of that Amdro a further bit out around the house and all over the patio pavers.

Zero activity in the house, although I can't see what's under the vapor barrier in the crawl space and I don't know what's under the siding. No activity on the front concrete slab porch so far either.

I've seen some ant hills pop up on the patio paver cracks, but nowhere near what I'm used to seeing. We've still had quite a few cold nights down in the 40's though, so they may just not be out in force yet. Tons of rain too, and I don't think they're very active when it's this wet either.

I'm off for a few weeks after tonight. Going to buy some more Amdro and wait to see for activity and lay it on heavy anywhere I see it. I might even buy a bag of stuff that you spread like fertilizer and spread on the lawn. One bag says it covers up to 25,000 feet which would just about cover the lawn.

Wish I could jump right into whatever I'm doing with the porch right away, but I still don't know what the first step is. Probably going to spend the week making my house immaculate and start getting rid of stuff I don't need or want anymore. Help my friend with his rental property this weekend for a few days and hopefully get some work with his old man for the future.

Hopefully buy next week some time I know enough to get the city involved and get a quote from Grand View homes for my baseline house price if I didn't do any improvements myself.

Well... off to work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 12, 2019 10:04 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I've seen at least 1 seagull out my balcony window this morning.

Just trying to decide what to do.

Balcony guard?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Nah, we get sea gulls flying through my city all the time. It sits on the mighty Frazer river which is a major river in my province. Then it empties into Vancouver harbour and that is part of Boundary Bay which in turns flows into the Pacific ocean.

There are fish boats that dock in my city and another spot a little farther up river called Steveston. There are also fish boats that dock in Vancouver.

So there are gulls all over the place.


Sunday, May 12, 2019 11:13 PM


What do ants have to do with man made ditches?


Sunday, May 12, 2019 11:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
well, the plants that planted themselves - CA poppies and cosmos - are dying down. Time to pull up the dead and dying plants and see how the perennials are doing.

Everywhere I look in the garden, something is fluttering, or buzzing, or scurrying. Goldfinches are perching on cosmos stems, eating the seeds. They're so light they barely bend the stems. Mourning does are pecking away at the poppy seeds, butter-butts are looking for tiny bugs and mockingbirds and crows are looking for bigger prey. At any time during the day there are at least two and sometimes up to four butterflies in the backyard of all kinds- skippers, swallowtails, cabbage and sulfur butterflies, mourning cloaks, painted ladies, monarchs and some I don't recognize. Bees of all types are nectaring; we had a wood bee make a home in our woodpile. (It left a gint mound of frass that I thought was a bad termite infestation which caused us to ssort and restack the wood). Hummingbirds are dicing for the best nesting spots in our climbing roses and poking into nasturtium and alstromeria. Ladybugs, millipedes, rollypolies, fence lizards and the occasional skink. , When I go out at night to let the dog our for her last potty break of the day there are moths everywhere.

I just released predatory mites last week, I hope that they will protect the avocadoes.

But the yard is a mess. sigh. Between the dog-walking and painting and shopping and cooking (for a very picky hubby and food-sensitive daughter and food-allergic self) and general cleanup and re-org, I've not been able to attend to the yard like I should. Weeds are still everywhere, and when I try to do yardwork during the day someone is always tugging at me to do something else or be somplace else, so I think the schedue will be an early dogwalk and yardwork, when everyone else is asleep. It will be coooler then, too, and with summer coming up I think that schedule will work better.

I was inspired to write this because I was amused by a small flock of goldfinches in the frontyard, By size and color it looked like daddy goldfinch, mommy goldfinch, and three junior goldfinches. So cute!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

When you start off speaking another language, those typos throw out the translation attempts.

My aunt is a Birder. She keeps feeders out her South side, which has windows the whole length. I call them Welfare Birds.

Is butter-butt a slang?


Monday, May 13, 2019 12:31 AM


Just finished watching "Game of Thrones" and just 1 word for it. Wow!


Monday, May 13, 2019 9:47 PM


Today I said "Oh Shit!"

Out loud, I was so surprised.
Was heading to Walmart, noticed a side road was closed off by cops. Looked down past, saw a car had taken on a train.

Guess who won.

I've seen such on video clips, and TV, never saw one in real life before. Walmart guys were Yeah, yeah, third one this year. When the train blasted it's horn, everybody was wondering Who Doesn't Hear That?


Monday, May 13, 2019 11:45 PM


3 more boxes down. One just had some paper in it.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019 1:05 PM


Got rain? It is up here and suppose to rain all week. Out in a bit to run some errands.


Tuesday, May 14, 2019 1:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Today I said "Oh Shit!"

Out loud, I was so surprised.
Was heading to Walmart, noticed a side road was closed off by cops. Looked down past, saw a car had taken on a train.

Guess who won.

I've seen such on video clips, and TV, never saw one in real life before. Walmart guys were Yeah, yeah, third one this year. When the train blasted it's horn, everybody was wondering Who Doesn't Hear That?

"oh shit" is right. Do you think perhaps this might have happened in the dark?

I almost got clobbered by a train once. The gates had been down, the bell had been ringing and the lights blinking for five minutes and .. no train! So the first of a long line of cars cautiously went thu the barrier, then the second, third, and eventually it was my turn. I looked down the tracks carefully, saw the light from the locomotive, judged it wasn't moving (short trains sometimes idle on those tracks, triggering the barrier) and went around the gate ... when I looked in my rearview the train was rocketing thru at about 40 mp. For some reason the dark had fooled my sense of motion. I guess there was nothing to compare it to in the background, and I really thought the engine was standing still.

So, like I said: In the dark, maybe?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, May 14, 2019 7:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Today I said "Oh Shit!"

Out loud, I was so surprised.
Was heading to Walmart, noticed a side road was closed off by cops. Looked down past, saw a car had taken on a train.

Guess who won.

I've seen such on video clips, and TV, never saw one in real life before. Walmart guys were Yeah, yeah, third one this year. When the train blasted it's horn, everybody was wondering Who Doesn't Hear That?

"oh shit" is right. Do you think perhaps this might have happened in the dark?

I almost got clobbered by a train once. The gates had been down, the bell had been ringing and the lights blinking for five minutes and .. no train! So the first of a long line of cars cautiously went thu the barrier, then the second, third, and eventually it was my turn. I looked down the tracks carefully, saw the light from the locomotive, judged it wasn't moving (short trains sometimes idle on those tracks, triggering the barrier) and went around the gate ... when I looked in my rearview the train was rocketing thru at about 40 mp. For some reason the dark had fooled my sense of motion. I guess there was nothing to compare it to in the background, and I really thought the engine was standing still.

So, like I said: In the dark, maybe?

Nope. About 1 or 2 pm, at the highest point of the sun for the day.

And that train moves at a crawl. Do you know how much distance is required for a train to stop? This one stopped within the length of the locomotive. We got to see where the impact originated after the train was cleared to leave, and then the Fire Dept sweep up all the debris from the car on the roadway. We did not see any obvious scratches on the locomotive. That section of tracks is a spur loop, supplying businesses, with some very tight curves. That train probably cannot move fast, and I used to work at a business a few doors from this spot, and the train never moved very quick that I saw.

The bay doors were open, so all of the Walmart Auto Repair center mechanics HEARD it happen, but none saw it happen.

Did your train honk at you?


Wednesday, May 15, 2019 1:07 PM


Trying to figure out how to get rid of things without help.


Wednesday, May 15, 2019 4:39 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Trying to figure out how to get rid of things without help.

You and me both, Brenda.

Aborted my first attempt at getting an extremely heavy 2 seater leather recliner couch out of my basement to get it to the curb. Realized then that there were brackets that were easily removed on the bottom to cut it in half. Still a chore getting it outside, but there was no way I was going to get that out on my own without messing up walls that I had already refinished.

Also got a computer desk out that I've been using the last 8 years to roll my cigarettes on. I've got a 6 lb. plastic shelf unit my neighbor threw out last month that can do that job.

Two huge pieces of furniture out of my house and out of my life, just in time for garbage day. Who knows? Maybe somebody picks them up tonight and I can get another one out before they pick it up. I'm not banking on it though... Those were by far the most beat up and crappy pieces I had in the house.

Going to be a real shame to get rid of my really nice L-shape couch next, but there's barely enough room for it where it sits in my 20'x15' living room as it is, and there's no way I'd have any use for it in any of the houses I'm going to eventually move into. That will just leave me with the only couch I had when I first moved in. My trusty old couch I slept on for years will be my new bed all over again by next week. It's really light and it's a lazy boy. Quality and easy to move. It will make the trip with me when I'm ready to go.

After that, I think, goes the king size bed that got about 2 weeks worth of use in the last 8 years. I might take that one out to the garage and see if anybody wants to buy it. Barely ever been slept on and doesn't have a spot on it.

Now all I have to do is find another garbage can's worth of crap to fill up before tomorrow and I'll call today a really successful one.

Just those two pieces out of my basement gives me an entirely new perspective down there. It will be so much easier to remodel down there when I don't have heavy shit I never use cluttering up the whole operation. :)

Actually, I can't believe I just did all of that on my own. If you asked me if that was something I'd ever be capable of doing on my own again 2 years ago I would have said you were crazy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, May 15, 2019 5:22 PM


6ix, could you do me a favor?

Hop over to the Unemployment Rate thread, look at the JSF-URF-1 Table that I posted on 3 May.

Let me know how that looks on your computer display. If it wraps, let me know at what letter or column it wraps.


Wednesday, May 15, 2019 8:51 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Trying to figure out how to get rid of things without help.

You and me both, Brenda.

Aborted my first attempt at getting an extremely heavy 2 seater leather recliner couch out of my basement to get it to the curb. Realized then that there were brackets that were easily removed on the bottom to cut it in half. Still a chore getting it outside, but there was no way I was going to get that out on my own without messing up walls that I had already refinished.

Also got a computer desk out that I've been using the last 8 years to roll my cigarettes on. I've got a 6 lb. plastic shelf unit my neighbor threw out last month that can do that job.

Two huge pieces of furniture out of my house and out of my life, just in time for garbage day. Who knows? Maybe somebody picks them up tonight and I can get another one out before they pick it up. I'm not banking on it though... Those were by far the most beat up and crappy pieces I had in the house.

Going to be a real shame to get rid of my really nice L-shape couch next, but there's barely enough room for it where it sits in my 20'x15' living room as it is, and there's no way I'd have any use for it in any of the houses I'm going to eventually move into. That will just leave me with the only couch I had when I first moved in. My trusty old couch I slept on for years will be my new bed all over again by next week. It's really light and it's a lazy boy. Quality and easy to move. It will make the trip with me when I'm ready to go.

After that, I think, goes the king size bed that got about 2 weeks worth of use in the last 8 years. I might take that one out to the garage and see if anybody wants to buy it. Barely ever been slept on and doesn't have a spot on it.

Now all I have to do is find another garbage can's worth of crap to fill up before tomorrow and I'll call today a really successful one.

Just those two pieces out of my basement gives me an entirely new perspective down there. It will be so much easier to remodel down there when I don't have heavy shit I never use cluttering up the whole operation. :)

Actually, I can't believe I just did all of that on my own. If you asked me if that was something I'd ever be capable of doing on my own again 2 years ago I would have said you were crazy.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Good for you Jack. I can't leave anything anywhere on the property where I am now living. I guess too many people were doing that and the property owners said no more. So, I am left wondering how to do it without paying an arm and a leg.


Thursday, May 16, 2019 9:35 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BRENDA, do you have charities that take items for donations? Here we have Salvation Army, Goodwill, St Vincent de Paul, and a slew of others. My personal favorite is st Vincent de Paul, which - unlike the others- actually uses the items you donate instead of picking thru the items for a few gems and landfilling the rest.

JSF: Then I have no explanation for the car/train collision except alcohol/drugs or suicide by train. I'm sure the ME will do his.her best to find out what happened, test remains for drugs, look into past history for evidence of drug use/disability etc,

Did the train honk at me? To tell you the truth I was so rattled by what I SAW my ears kind of shut off. I'm sure it did, I just dodn't remember it.


SIX, congrats on the cleanup job! Maybe you'd like to come over here and help out?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 16, 2019 9:44 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIX, congrats on the cleanup job! Maybe you'd like to come over here and help out?

Maybe if I didn't have a billion other things to do. :)

Until I can get my friend and his old man here to scope it out and see what options I have, I really can't do anything about the porch yet. Every move I making going forward is centered entirely around that outcome. Other house related things I can and will be doing with my time off will be to secure a line of credit and check out a few houses down by my brother and see if I can get a feel about what I could legitimately haggle the prices down to.

In the mean time, this crap has to go either way. I'm not taking a full semi crammed with stuff when I move. Just the bare necessities and all of my tools and electronics. Everything else has to go. It should never have all been accumulated, but I have to remind myself that up until recently I was pretty convinced this is the house I'd be dying in one day.

Somebody took the computer desk yesterday. I was surprised. The couch was still there though unfortunately, so I can't sneak out another large piece for trash day. Also unfortunate is the large amount of rain in the forecast this week until next trash day. I REALLY wanted to get the L-shaped couch out of here today, but we've got thunderstorms incoming. If somebody didn't find it straight away and arrange to pick it up, it would certainly be ruined. I'd like to give people an opportunity to snag that one. It is really nice.

I've got about 4 hours to fill a large trash can now. Shit... I keep forgetting how hard it is to throw stuff out, even when it's stuff that you haven't even looked at or thought about for years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 16, 2019 12:01 PM


SIG, there are charities like Big Brothers and Sisters and the Salvation Army. I have to do a little more looking into them.


Thursday, May 16, 2019 12:02 PM


Out in a bit. Later peeps.


Thursday, May 16, 2019 2:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIX, congrats on the cleanup job! Maybe you'd like to come over here and help out?

Maybe if I didn't have a billion other things to do. :)

Until I can get my friend and his old man here to scope it out and see what options I have, I really can't do anything about the porch yet. Every move I making going forward is centered entirely around that outcome. Other house related things I can and will be doing with my time off will be to secure a line of credit and check out a few houses down by my brother and see if I can get a feel about what I could legitimately haggle the prices down to.

In the mean time, this crap has to go either way. I'm not taking a full semi crammed with stuff when I move. Just the bare necessities and all of my tools and electronics. Everything else has to go. It should never have all been accumulated, but I have to remind myself that up until recently I was pretty convinced this is the house I'd be dying in one day.

Somebody took the computer desk yesterday. I was surprised. The couch was still there though unfortunately, so I can't sneak out another large piece for trash day. Also unfortunate is the large amount of rain in the forecast this week until next trash day. I REALLY wanted to get the L-shaped couch out of here today, but we've got thunderstorms incoming. If somebody didn't find it straight away and arrange to pick it up, it would certainly be ruined. I'd like to give people an opportunity to snag that one. It is really nice.

I've got about 4 hours to fill a large trash can now. Shit... I keep forgetting how hard it is to throw stuff out, even when it's stuff that you haven't even looked at or thought about for years.

There was a time when we moved every six months, so we weren't able to accumulate stuff. For our big move, from Buffalo to LA, I had to stay behind to sell our house (in a down market) and decided to sell ALL of our stuff, including our dirt bikes (unlikely to do dirt riding in LA!) and basically lived with a sleeping bag on the floor, a minimal set of clothes in the closet, one pot, one spoon, one cup, one plate and one fork. The only thing I moved was the immediately useful stuff: Kitchenware, pillows, linens etc. I even sold our bedroom set. It was a wonderfully liberating time. Since then we have accumulated and accumulated and accumulaed!!! However, I'm all about getting rid of things responsibly; it's either going to charity of getting sold or being recycled. Very little is being thrown out.

What I find SUPER-tedious is the "little" stuff ... papers, small items, tchotchkes ... particularly difficult with dear daughter's stuff since she has a hoarder's compulsion to keep EVERYthing.

I try to give her as much autonomy as possible, but sometimes I just have to put my foot down.

Anyway, all that "little" stuff ... it's a helluvalot of work for not much visible result. You have my sympathy!!!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 16, 2019 3:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

This late in the year, (mid-May) we just got an astonishing inch of rain. You have to realize that our rainy season basically ends by mid-March. Only 0.1" of rain was predicted.

This just goes to show what whacky weather we've been having. All of that cold air swooping down from Alaska and causing rain here ... must mean that Alaska is really warming up. Once Alaska (and the Arctic in general) have warmed up - which may be two to seven years from now I guess - I think we'll go back to being nonstop hot and dry

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, May 16, 2019 5:12 PM


If I had the money right now for it, I'd buy two 6TB hard drives that I could back up every single thing I have floating around on 4 computers (2 are broke) and about 5 external drives, and have them backed up twice. Get myself a quick little laptop that has HDMI out for a TV screen and then I could throw away about 70% of my tech stuff right there. I'm sick of having all of this shit.

I'm huge into retro gaming too, and I have literally 10 XBox consoles since they're awesome to mod. They're all in working order and I had planned many years ago to make them for friends and family and never got around to it. You have any idea how much space they take up and how heavy they are combined?

I've also got more old tube TVs than I care to admit. Since I never thought I'd be moving, I was kind of hoarding them because as they become more and more scarce, they will become valuable again one day. I've never noticed the difference, but some hard core gaming enthusiasts swear by them for older games. The new TV's have a controller input lag that wasn't present on the old TVs. I figured 10 or 15 years from now I could sell them for big bucks. Now I have to figure out how to get rid of them.

And aside from my tools, that's just the tip of the iceburg of the list of stuff that I actually want to keep.

I've got to find a way to get some boxes without paying ridiculous prices at Home Depot for them. I threw all of mine out a few years back when I got rid of about 50% of what I owned, again figuring that I was never going to move. At least I can organize stuff and box it up and put it in the attic that I won't be touching before I move.

The big stuff is a no brainer. I think I'm actually going to get rid of every single piece of furniture I have except for one couch, a rocking chair that has sentimental value, a full size bed and maybe a dresser or two. Everything else is getting curbed.

Hopefully wherever I move has some appliances. I'll take with me whatever it doesn't have, but I really don't feel like hauling any of that stuff either.

Just.... way too much crap. Way to much crap to sift through. Way to much crap to think about moving...

If I knew I'd have more money than I will when it's all over, I'd probably just leave with whatever clothes I was wearing and a backpack and never look back.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 16, 2019 11:18 PM


No rain today but it is thinking about it. Clouds have rolled in so it might tonight again.


Friday, May 17, 2019 12:59 AM


I awoke to a GIANT THUNDERCLAP that immediately knocked out the power in my house, and exclaimed FUCK as I got to my feet and was on my way to the door to get my generator out of the garage since my basement would start flooding within 20 minutes with no power to the pump with how hard it was coming down.

2 seconds later, the power came right back on....

Knocked out my computer and crap laptop I had powered up though. They both seem to be fine.

I actually took a 2 1/2 minute video of what the sky was doing. If it weren't such a chore with my old tech, I'd upload it right now. It's the second time I have seen this phenomena in my life now... the first being only a few years ago when down visiting my brother.

After the loud thunderclap that knocked out the power, there was just a constant semi-loud rumbling that droned on endlessly. I've heard rolling thunder before, but this just wouldn't let up. Now that the major storm has passed, I can still hear it going in the distance almost 30 minutes later.

It's so cool looking, but so eerie at the same time because it's not something I'm used to seeing. The sky pretty much stays light the whole time, powered by what must be a million tiny electric jolts that arent' powerful enough to make a large bolt downward, but just kind of hang out in the clouds and make noise, with only the occasional bolt coming down. And the rain wasn't the only thing keeping me from filming it outside either... The few bolts that did occur after the blast looked dangerously close and looked like they touched ground.

Hopefully that's over now. My generator is in good working order and I have enough gas to power it for several hours so I could pick up more if needed. The only problem I have now is that the most obvious place to have housed it would have been my back porch, but it's too heavy and would make so many vibrations that I'd be afraid it would knock the whole thing down now. So I'd have to run it in the garage and have my extension cords exposed to around 30 feet of rain.

It would probably be fine. They're in good shape. I just don't like the idea of mixing electricity with water. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 17, 2019 5:00 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
This late in the year, (mid-May) we just got an astonishing inch of rain. You have to realize that our rainy season basically ends by mid-March. Only 0.1" of rain was predicted.

This just goes to show what whacky weather we've been having. All of that cold air swooping down from Alaska and causing rain here ... must mean that Alaska is really warming up. Once Alaska (and the Arctic in general) have warmed up - which may be two to seven years from now I guess - I think we'll go back to being nonstop hot and dry

Hmm... what I posted was just a logical guess about Arctic temperatures at the moment, but

It was 84 degrees near the Arctic Ocean this weekend as carbon dioxide hit its highest level in human history

Saturday’s steamy 84-degree reading was posted in Arkhangelsk, Russia, where the average high temperature is around 54 this time of year. The city of 350,000 people sits next to the White Sea, which feeds into the Arctic Ocean’s Barents Sea.

Anomalously hot day on the coast of Arctic ocean: Arkhangelsk, Russian just recorded +29°C (at 11.00 UTC). That's only 500 km east of Finnish border. #RussianHeatwave
— Mika Rantanen (@mikarantane) May 11, 2019

In Koynas, a rural area to the east of Arkhangelsk, it was even hotter on Sunday, soaring to 87 degrees (31 Celsius). Many locations in Russia, from the Kazakhstan border to the White Sea, set record-high temperatures over the weekend, some 30 to 40 degrees (around 20 Celsius) above average. The warmth also bled west into Finland, which hit 77 degrees (25 Celsius) Saturday, the country’s warmest temperature of the season so far.

The abnormally warm conditions in this region stemmed from a bulging zone of high pressure centered over western Russia. This particular heat wave, while a manifestation of the arrangement of weather systems and fluctuations in the jet stream, fits into what has been an unusually warm year across the Arctic and most of the mid-latitudes.

Above average temperatures so far this year across the entire #Arctic, especially near Alaska (>5°C anomalies)...
— Zack Labe (@ZLabe) May 13, 2019

In Greenland, for example, the ice sheet’s melt season began about a month early. In Alaska, several rivers saw winter ice break up on their earliest dates on record.

Across the Arctic overall, the extent of sea ice has hovered near a record low for weeks.

Data from the Japan Meteorological Agency show April was the second warmest on record for the entire planet.

These changes all have occurred against the backdrop of unremitting increases in carbon dioxide, which has now crossed another symbolic threshold.


There was one storm in Buffalo, I know I posted about it before, that came in three waves of nonstop lightning mixed with frequent extra-crisy giant bolts of lightning. It came in three waves; the first one was about 15 miles away* and had us all at our second-floor apartment livingroom window watching it like a show, the second wave (which was closer, and stronger) had us backed away from the window while the fluorescent lights flickered on and off due to the EMFs, and the third and worst one had us looking at each other wondering when (if) it was going to stop. It was truly Biblical and like the end of the world. Awesome phenomenon.
*Not sure if you know this trick but you can estimate the distance away from you by any sound/light phenomenon such as lightning or explosion: since light travels nearly-instantaneously but sound travels much slower, the gap between he moment you see the flash versus when you hear the sound gives you an indication of distance. Start counting seconds the moment you see the flash; if you get to five seconds before you hear the first of the rumble that's one mile, if you get to ten seconds that's two miles etc.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 17, 2019 5:41 AM


Yeah. I know the trick.

Impossible to tell about the rumbling light show since the sound and light were constant. I wish I could have gotten a better vantage point than from the back windows of my porch like I did when I was visiting my brother. Everyone has to smoke outside of his complex, so I was out where you could see almost the entire sky. The rain and the light show was much further away so the thunder was much more muted, but you could see it basically lighting up half of the night sky. Since I wasn't getting rained on I just stood there watching it in awe for about 15 minutes after I had finished my smoke.

Honestly, I can't recall off the top of my head if the few lightning bolts that I did see were instantaneous or not because I was startled when they came down since they looked to be reaching the ground and they appeared to be extremely close, as in like the next block over, over the rooftops of the neighbors behind me. Honestly didn't even think to count. I had just woken up after a huge thunderclap and short power outage. I'm surprised I thought to even grab my tablet. I just knew what I was going to see though without even going outside yet, just based off of that constant rumbling. That's not a sound you easily forget.

How long ago was the Buffalo incident? Is this something relatively new, or has stuff like this gone on forever? I'm not one that easily gets creeped out, but when you hit 40 and you're witnessing something like this that you've only ever seen once in your life only a year or two prior, you get to wonderin'.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 17, 2019 11:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, this was many decades ago ... at least 40 years ago. I'd never seen anything like it before, even tho Buffalo has very changeable violent weather (like much of the midwest) - heat waves, blizzards, tornadoes, violent thunderstorms. But that particular storm was a oner; we ALL remember it because that last wave was accompanied by a feeling of deep foreboding and unease.

Been told that sometimes happens because there are a lot of positive ions floating around but don't know that for sure. My sister passed underneath a tornado cloud that was at ground level. Between the rain, the darkness under the cloud (this was daytime but it was black as night) and the cloud itself whose base was literally at the height of the hood of her car she could't see to drive, and the thing she remembers most is the intense feeling that there was a malevolent presence hovering right over her. Someone on her jury panel happened to be driving the same road at the same time, and brought that feeling with her the next day, so it wasn't just her.

Anyway, expect more of the same in the future. Especially persistent (like months-long or even years-long) unusual weather patterns and storms which don't pass thru in an hour but persist for hours and hours. That's because the jet stream is slowing down, and since the jet stream drives the storms/ heat waves/ cold fronts from west to east they'll tend to sit on top of wherever they are.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 17, 2019 1:22 PM


Rain arrived. So, it's an umbrella kind of day.


Friday, May 17, 2019 1:25 PM


Two Grey Whales, a mother and calf got stuck in Boundary Bay last week. Caught as the tide was going out. Wildlife Rescue were called and watched for a while. Luckily momma and calf got out of the bay and back into open water.

Same thing happened the week before in Washington state. Different outcome. Whales couldn't get out and unfortunately even with human help died.


Friday, May 17, 2019 3:56 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Two Grey Whales, a mother and calf got stuck in Boundary Bay last week. Caught as the tide was going out. Wildlife Rescue were called and watched for a while. Luckily momma and calf got out of the bay and back into open water.

Same thing happened the week before in Washington state. Different outcome. Whales couldn't get out and unfortunately even with human help died.

Meaning you watched them? From your balcony, or on-site?


Friday, May 17, 2019 4:11 PM


Not that anybody would have noticed, but since sometime Wednesday evening or afternoon, I have been unable to login.

I tried on my mobile phone, which I mostly use to post now, and I had thought I also tried on a desktop computer.

It was a weird symptom. My password has not changed for either 7 or 12 years. I put in the correct email and password, and then I was forwarded to the main page - which is normal - but my username was not displayed in place of the login/sign in links - which is unusual.

I tried with incorrect passwords, and the login screen does not forward, but returns to itself, keeping the correct email address but with the password field blank. All of that is normal. So it seems the software is recognizing the correct password and matching email address, but then was not allowing me to BE logged in, nor to post or reply.

So I sent an email to HAKEN. This morning he rebooted the database (or similar). My mobile phone device continues to exhibit the same behavior, but now I find that I can login with a desktop computer at the library.

I am posting this here so that it can be known and/or referenced by anybody who ends up with a similar problem, but OBVIOUSLY cannot post about it while they are unable to login. I don't recall if this has happened to me before at this site.






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