In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Sunday, May 26, 2019 2:42 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Good luck SIX!

I know that finding the porch situation was definitely an unexpected knock, but look at it this way: You still have your job (even if you don't like the situation) and you still have your house, and better yet, you have your health.

Yeah... I won't have the job much longer because the schedule they're giving part timers just won't work at all for me. It's about 40 miles round trip, so gas is pretty prohibitively expensive when I'm only getting 4 to 5 hour shifts, and let's face it... my car is still a piece of crap. My shifts can be any day of the week that the computers randomly choose, and they could be anywhere from 3:00AM to 11:00PM. Then there's the fact I'd be getting only exactly 20 hours per week when right now I was averaging anywhere from 28 to 32 per week when they needed the extra work.

Not only is this schedule going to play hell on my ability to ever really plan out any work on the home, especially to plan out when somebody can come help on any 2-man jobs, but it will barely pay enough to live on and feed my car. It just doesn't make any sense to keep working there.

My health is debatable. I'm in great shape, but this teeth situation isn't going to fix itself. There is a ticking clock on all of that.


You also have the prospect of another job closer to home, which ... btw ... I would make a strict dollars-and-cents decision on: Are you likely to earn more money at this new job than you would at your current employer (with daytime hours) or that you might get with unemployment? I would not think about whether or not it would be "fair" to them to take a job if you're going to move because they aren't "fair" in return; THEY would make a strict dollar-and-cents decision on you too. Generally speaking, employers aren't "loyal" to their employees so they don't deserve any loyalty in return. And if you decide you want the closer job and they hire you, with your work ethic and your previous experience you will be helping them make money from day 1, which is more than most employers can hope for!

I know they wouldn't be loyal. They never are, are they?

I'm assuming they're going to pay less than what I make now, but given all the reasons I listed above, and the fact this would be an overnight job, the positives would likely outweigh that negative. Who knows? If they pay little enough, I might even be able to get on food stamps in the interim to make it a wash. Not something I really want to deal with again because it's a huge hassle, but that's the single benefit of making next to nothing and I'd be a fool for not taking advantage of it if it was there for the taking.

Unemployment wouldn't be much. It should be more than enough to pay my bills while I'm on it though. It wouldn't be enough to put a dime into the house with though. If I go that route, I'd have to be able to get a home equity line of credit for that so I don't start putting stuff on the credit cards with the ridiculous rates they have these days.


I hate to keep harping on the job situation but it's only as bad as you make it. You can be jobless and income-less if you make a stupid decision, and your situation - which seems bad now- can become a whole lot worse all of a sudden and you will look back on today with fond regret. So make you decisions cautiously; don't jump off the metaphorical cliff.

That was your Depression-era granny talking to you!

Yeah. I know. :)

Maybe after three weeks without me my manager can convince the new guy of how good I am? Maybe he hasn't even noticed the difference without me? If he's willing to give me 8-9 hour shifts every weekend, I'm probably not going to pass that up. Otherwise, I've pretty much already made my peace with losing this job and I'm already looking forward.

Don't have a plan yet, per se, but at least I haven't let this time go to waste while I'm trying to formulate one either. This is all stuff that should have been done years ago. In fact, most of the work I'm doing now shouldn't really ever have needed to be done because I really had no business accumulating all of this crap since I never finished a single room of the house. And even then, it was a terrible decision to ever fully furnish this house like I had a big family living here. Knowing my aversion to doing basic things like dusting and regular housework, what was I thinking?

It's liberating to be free of all of this crap, and I can't wait until garbage day to get more out the door. With easy access to the floors and the walls not only can I get back to remodeling after the porch is figured out, but just keeping things clean is going to be so much easier. I'm never accumulating all of this stuff again.



I wish I was able to make progress too! Last week I was sick all week, and running back and forth to various doctors and the pharmacy for dear daughter or for myself. But even when I'm NOT sick it seems I can barely scrape an hour together here or there for the "big" projects. Between walking the dog (up to an hour) and kitchen cleanup (up to an hour) and cooking for the family with all of our food intolerances and allergies (a couple of hours) ... well, there goes at least three hours a day! Pfffft!!!

And then dear daughter and I have a lunch date every Friday (to get her out of the house and used to talking with wait staff, at least) and the yard needs hours of maintenance every week (which it's not getting... and it shows!) and every couple of weeks I have to tackle the mail and bills and take dear daughter out to drop off our recycling ... plus we spend at least three hours and day watching television with her, talking about plot lines and characters and who's doing what and why and how it could have been written differently and when it stops making sense/being realistic (To this day she still can't make a sharp division between TV and reality) ... MORE hours per day! Pffft!!!

And then there is the time I spend here which ... to be honest, I really can't afford, so I'm going to go "cold turkey" on Firefly for a while, some time in the near future.

All that means that progress on the "big" projects is incremental at best. Since I was sick or at the doctor's or pharmacy all last week, it seems, I plan on FINALLY finishing the room painting in the next few days, and then we can start moving things back into our bedroom, parsing as we go. Altho we've already given away boxes and boxes of books (to our local library) and clothes and household items (to St Vincent de Paul) we still have computer parts and furniture and I too, have a 12-piece set of very nice china that I inherited from my MIL, in addition to my daily tableware, that I'd like to sell, along with the china cabinet that's holding it.

And dear daughter has hoarding tendencies so going thru HER stash ... it's going to be a struggle over every item, I'm sure.

At least dear daughter can be tasked with laundry and floor cleaning, and she does help me paint and pull weeds, provided I set her up with a task that doesn't need too much decision making!

I do hope your health continues to improve.

If I have any advice to offer, it would be two things.

1. Start making a to-do list with reasonable goals. I'd also recommend at the end of a list with the small things you can accomplish relatively easily, also put twoard the end the larger goals that you do want to accomplish in the future. It's likely that these large goals can at some point be broken down into smaller goals when you get the first batch of smaller stuff out of the way first, but rather than have a list of 5,000 small things to do that would be overwhelming, just start with 10 small goals and 10 big goals, and as you make your way through you can make your list evolve.

I also recommend at the very end of the document that you keep track of things that you finished and when you finished them. It's actually quite rewarding to be able to go back over that part of the list and see how it starts piling up over time.

I've actually got to follow my own advice and start doing this again. Before I started making all of those bad decisions, this is what I did when I first bought the house. I'd spend at least 10 minutes with that list every morning and it kept me on the right track.

2. Make an effort to purge yourself of stuff you don't need. (Put it on the list too )

You might not think you do, but you've got a lot of it.

I mentioned earlier about how I hadn't accumulated much more in the attic, but I don't know if I failed to mention that of everything that I did leave up here after the purge of 2015, there were only two boxes that I ever even opened to get anything out of. The rest of that stuff that I "just had to keep" has been sitting up here in boxes collecting dust for another 4 years, and to tell you the truth, without opening them again I couldn't even begin to imagine what it was exactly that I even saved.

I don't recommend a massive "everything has to go" purge like I'm currently embroiled in, of course, but you'd be amazed at how much better you feel once you start letting things go and how much easier it is to focus on important stuff once you're able to de-clutter your life. All of those boxes of crap that you never use are always on your mind, whether you know it or not. Like a piece of food stuck in your teeth that you just can't seem to get out while you're at a restaurant, the memory and knowledge that you still have hung on to it is lodged somewhere in the grey matter in the back of your brain. Just like how good it feels to finally get home so you can pull out the floss and get that bit of food out, it will feel the same for your psyche when you finally just let that stuff go.

Hell... I've even come back to the stuff I had sitting on my kitchen table and chairs and piled all around it while working on the living room for a 2nd go through and I've already gotten rid of 80% of it. This was stuff that just 10 days ago I didn't think I could part with. Now it's all gone. :)

That's why I had to get the boxes so I could at least pack the electronics stuff that I knew there was zero chance I wanted to get rid of. After that was packed, documented and organized in it's temporary home in the attic, I've been able to get rid of so much more other stuff.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 26, 2019 2:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh I'm an inveterate list-maker because memory is so bad as things come up I have to write them down if I can't tackle it right away. Then I try to make an "achievable" list for the day from my random list of things to do, and, finally, I log them when they've been completed. I need more time management discipline. I like to check in here in the AM and scan the news while everyone else is asleep but I think I need to start cooking in the AM to free up more afternoon time. So you'll see less of me here but I'll always check in to this thread to see how everyone is doing!! I refer to you and BRENDA and other friendly folk in this thread as my "internet friends", I feel like we have a real connection -even if it's virtual- and I hope you feel the same.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, May 26, 2019 4:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh I'm an inveterate list-maker because memory is so bad as things come up I have to write them down if I can't tackle it right away. Then I try to make an "achievable" list for the day from my random list of things to do, and, finally, I log them when they've been completed. I need more time management discipline. I like to check in here in the AM and scan the news while everyone else is asleep but I think I need to start cooking in the AM to free up more afternoon time. So you'll see less of me here but I'll always check in to this thread to see how everyone is doing!! I refer to you and BRENDA and other friendly folk in this thread as my "internet friends", I feel like we have a real connection -even if it's virtual- and I hope you feel the same.

Yeah. Sure I do. :)

Nice that we have one thread where people can talk to each other like human beings in the RWED. This is really my only internet place, so I'm glad that it's still kicking all these years later. Thanks to big H for keeping the lights on for us.

Just got rid of a car load of stuff over at the Goodwill. I was going to put it off until tomorrow, but given the holiday and they close early I figured let's just do it now and get it out of the way. I told them I'd be back with more this week.

Also have three big bags of trash staged to go, but I have to wait an extra day until trash day because of the holiday this week, so they can't even get into the cans until I get those emptied.

My poor car has at least one more week out in the rain.

Now if I can only force myself to clean up the back corner of the living room where the piece with all of my networking/phone stuff is and clean up all the wires and polish that end of the floor I think I might call it a day and I'll be happy with the work that got done.

I can actually hear an echo in my living room now lol. That sure brings back memories.

Hopefully my bro comes over tomorrow to take some stuff and maybe he'll grab a few books before I give them away too. Assuming he comes, I'll be getting the king sized bed, a crappy dresser and a few high back chairs out to the garage to await garbage day. I think I'm going to be clearing that garage out for the next month before I can even consider what I'm ultimately doing with the bedroom sets...

Or actually clearing out what I don't need in the garage, for that matter.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 26, 2019 6:58 PM


Some CDs sorted out and put away and I even listened to a couple. But a few broken cases. Will have to see about replacing them.


Sunday, May 26, 2019 7:00 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Good luck SIX!

I know that finding the porch situation was definitely an unexpected knock, but look at it this way: You still have your job (even if you don't like the situation) and you still have your house, and better yet, you have your health.

Yeah... I won't have the job much longer because the schedule they're giving part timers just won't work at all for me. It's about 40 miles round trip, so gas is pretty prohibitively expensive when I'm only getting 4 to 5 hour shifts, and let's face it... my car is still a piece of crap. My shifts can be any day of the week that the computers randomly choose, and they could be anywhere from 3:00AM to 11:00PM. Then there's the fact I'd be getting only exactly 20 hours per week when right now I was averaging anywhere from 28 to 32 per week when they needed the extra work.

Not only is this schedule going to play hell on my ability to ever really plan out any work on the home, especially to plan out when somebody can come help on any 2-man jobs, but it will barely pay enough to live on and feed my car. It just doesn't make any sense to keep working there.

My health is debatable. I'm in great shape, but this teeth situation isn't going to fix itself. There is a ticking clock on all of that.


You also have the prospect of another job closer to home, which ... btw ... I would make a strict dollars-and-cents decision on: Are you likely to earn more money at this new job than you would at your current employer (with daytime hours) or that you might get with unemployment? I would not think about whether or not it would be "fair" to them to take a job if you're going to move because they aren't "fair" in return; THEY would make a strict dollar-and-cents decision on you too. Generally speaking, employers aren't "loyal" to their employees so they don't deserve any loyalty in return. And if you decide you want the closer job and they hire you, with your work ethic and your previous experience you will be helping them make money from day 1, which is more than most employers can hope for!

I know they wouldn't be loyal. They never are, are they?

I'm assuming they're going to pay less than what I make now, but given all the reasons I listed above, and the fact this would be an overnight job, the positives would likely outweigh that negative. Who knows? If they pay little enough, I might even be able to get on food stamps in the interim to make it a wash. Not something I really want to deal with again because it's a huge hassle, but that's the single benefit of making next to nothing and I'd be a fool for not taking advantage of it if it was there for the taking.

Unemployment wouldn't be much. It should be more than enough to pay my bills while I'm on it though. It wouldn't be enough to put a dime into the house with though. If I go that route, I'd have to be able to get a home equity line of credit for that so I don't start putting stuff on the credit cards with the ridiculous rates they have these days.


I hate to keep harping on the job situation but it's only as bad as you make it. You can be jobless and income-less if you make a stupid decision, and your situation - which seems bad now- can become a whole lot worse all of a sudden and you will look back on today with fond regret. So make you decisions cautiously; don't jump off the metaphorical cliff.

That was your Depression-era granny talking to you!

Yeah. I know. :)

Maybe after three weeks without me my manager can convince the new guy of how good I am? Maybe he hasn't even noticed the difference without me? If he's willing to give me 8-9 hour shifts every weekend, I'm probably not going to pass that up. Otherwise, I've pretty much already made my peace with losing this job and I'm already looking forward.

Don't have a plan yet, per se, but at least I haven't let this time go to waste while I'm trying to formulate one either. This is all stuff that should have been done years ago. In fact, most of the work I'm doing now shouldn't really ever have needed to be done because I really had no business accumulating all of this crap since I never finished a single room of the house. And even then, it was a terrible decision to ever fully furnish this house like I had a big family living here. Knowing my aversion to doing basic things like dusting and regular housework, what was I thinking?

It's liberating to be free of all of this crap, and I can't wait until garbage day to get more out the door. With easy access to the floors and the walls not only can I get back to remodeling after the porch is figured out, but just keeping things clean is going to be so much easier. I'm never accumulating all of this stuff again.



I wish I was able to make progress too! Last week I was sick all week, and running back and forth to various doctors and the pharmacy for dear daughter or for myself. But even when I'm NOT sick it seems I can barely scrape an hour together here or there for the "big" projects. Between walking the dog (up to an hour) and kitchen cleanup (up to an hour) and cooking for the family with all of our food intolerances and allergies (a couple of hours) ... well, there goes at least three hours a day! Pfffft!!!

And then dear daughter and I have a lunch date every Friday (to get her out of the house and used to talking with wait staff, at least) and the yard needs hours of maintenance every week (which it's not getting... and it shows!) and every couple of weeks I have to tackle the mail and bills and take dear daughter out to drop off our recycling ... plus we spend at least three hours and day watching television with her, talking about plot lines and characters and who's doing what and why and how it could have been written differently and when it stops making sense/being realistic (To this day she still can't make a sharp division between TV and reality) ... MORE hours per day! Pffft!!!

And then there is the time I spend here which ... to be honest, I really can't afford, so I'm going to go "cold turkey" on Firefly for a while, some time in the near future.

All that means that progress on the "big" projects is incremental at best. Since I was sick or at the doctor's or pharmacy all last week, it seems, I plan on FINALLY finishing the room painting in the next few days, and then we can start moving things back into our bedroom, parsing as we go. Altho we've already given away boxes and boxes of books (to our local library) and clothes and household items (to St Vincent de Paul) we still have computer parts and furniture and I too, have a 12-piece set of very nice china that I inherited from my MIL, in addition to my daily tableware, that I'd like to sell, along with the china cabinet that's holding it.

And dear daughter has hoarding tendencies so going thru HER stash ... it's going to be a struggle over every item, I'm sure.

At least dear daughter can be tasked with laundry and floor cleaning, and she does help me paint and pull weeds, provided I set her up with a task that doesn't need too much decision making!

I do hope your health continues to improve.

If I have any advice to offer, it would be two things.

1. Start making a to-do list with reasonable goals. I'd also recommend at the end of a list with the small things you can accomplish relatively easily, also put twoard the end the larger goals that you do want to accomplish in the future. It's likely that these large goals can at some point be broken down into smaller goals when you get the first batch of smaller stuff out of the way first, but rather than have a list of 5,000 small things to do that would be overwhelming, just start with 10 small goals and 10 big goals, and as you make your way through you can make your list evolve.

I also recommend at the very end of the document that you keep track of things that you finished and when you finished them. It's actually quite rewarding to be able to go back over that part of the list and see how it starts piling up over time.

I've actually got to follow my own advice and start doing this again. Before I started making all of those bad decisions, this is what I did when I first bought the house. I'd spend at least 10 minutes with that list every morning and it kept me on the right track.

2. Make an effort to purge yourself of stuff you don't need. (Put it on the list too )

You might not think you do, but you've got a lot of it.

I mentioned earlier about how I hadn't accumulated much more in the attic, but I don't know if I failed to mention that of everything that I did leave up here after the purge of 2015, there were only two boxes that I ever even opened to get anything out of. The rest of that stuff that I "just had to keep" has been sitting up here in boxes collecting dust for another 4 years, and to tell you the truth, without opening them again I couldn't even begin to imagine what it was exactly that I even saved.

I don't recommend a massive "everything has to go" purge like I'm currently embroiled in, of course, but you'd be amazed at how much better you feel once you start letting things go and how much easier it is to focus on important stuff once you're able to de-clutter your life. All of those boxes of crap that you never use are always on your mind, whether you know it or not. Like a piece of food stuck in your teeth that you just can't seem to get out while you're at a restaurant, the memory and knowledge that you still have hung on to it is lodged somewhere in the grey matter in the back of your brain. Just like how good it feels to finally get home so you can pull out the floss and get that bit of food out, it will feel the same for your psyche when you finally just let that stuff go.

Hell... I've even come back to the stuff I had sitting on my kitchen table and chairs and piled all around it while working on the living room for a 2nd go through and I've already gotten rid of 80% of it. This was stuff that just 10 days ago I didn't think I could part with. Now it's all gone. :)

That's why I had to get the boxes so I could at least pack the electronics stuff that I knew there was zero chance I wanted to get rid of. After that was packed, documented and organized in it's temporary home in the attic, I've been able to get rid of so much more other stuff.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I make a list of little things that I know I can achieve on my own. I make a couple so I can do them over three or four days.


Sunday, May 26, 2019 10:12 PM


I bet I still have my unfinished to-do list from years ago on my PC somewhere.

Kind of don't want to even find it cause it would be depressing how long ago it was last updated.

It's all about fresh starts now. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, May 26, 2019 11:54 PM


Jack, fresh starts are good.


Monday, May 27, 2019 12:55 PM


Bill to pay and other things to do.


Monday, May 27, 2019 9:29 PM


The sun is back.


Monday, May 27, 2019 10:04 PM


No sun around here, I'm afraid.

Just saw about the hardest rainfall I've ever seen in my life for around 15 minutes straight with some hail. Tornado warnings were all over the place with a few touchdowns. My old man said that there was 20 minutes hard hail by him and that when it was over it looked like snowfall in the middle of November. 2 hours later it still hadn't all melted. He said the water came up so high in his driveway that it was about an inch away from flooding the cabin.

Thankfully everyone I know is alright and there wasn't any flooding in the houses. Streets were all fubared for a while, but the water didn't get in.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 12:08 AM


Finally got that boom box up there. I think another few days of living with them finally gave me the balls to do it. I didn't even get all armored up. She was just on the other side of the wall when I did it too. I started by banging the hell out of that door and barking at her and shining a flashlight in there while she was growling back at me.

I managed to have it open wide enough to get the box in the porch attic, which was easily 3 times as wide as she'd need to come at me, but she made no such moves. Closed the door and plugged it in.

It's LOUD. I need to make a decision on whether I should leave it on all night or not. I don't think it's loud enough to be pissing off any neighbors since I don't live on top of anybody. But turning it down would be counter-intuitive as well, and now that it's in there I don't really feel much like opening that door again either. It's really just a choice between on and off by pulling the plug on the extension cord.

Hopefully this flushes her out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 4:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
No sun around here, I'm afraid.

Just saw about the hardest rainfall I've ever seen in my life for around 15 minutes straight with some hail. Tornado warnings were all over the place with a few touchdowns. My old man said that there was 20 minutes hard hail by him and that when it was over it looked like snowfall in the middle of November. 2 hours later it still hadn't all melted. He said the water came up so high in his driveway that it was about an inch away from flooding the cabin.

Thankfully everyone I know is alright and there wasn't any flooding in the houses. Streets were all fubared for a while, but the water didn't get in.


Do Right, Be Right. :)

How exciting!!! (Except for where there was actual touch down; then it's just scary and destructive.)

We had some close calls near Buffalo. I even saw a tornado form overhead, fortunately it never touched down. Even had a couple of events in LA. One of them the meteorologists spent a week trying to figure out if it was a downburst or an actual tornado (downburst) but it sure led to some crazy rainfall, hail, and exploded transformers!

It's all OK if you have a basement to hide in, then you go to the windward corner and wrap up in blankets or something to protect yourself from flying debris. Oh, and take a flashlight or fully-charged cellphone. But if you don't have a basement or storm cellar, it's not exciting, just really scary.

You might want to look around and see where you might be the safest. You have a basement, right?

I know your state isn' really known for tornadoes, but apparently this is becoming a new "thing" where you are, so best to take precautions where you are and wherever you move. Look for a place with a basement.

Indiana and Tornado Alley: What we know about increasing twisters

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 8:34 AM


Yeah. It was a bit thrilling, actually.

With all my house problems, my old man said just about a week ago something like "wouldn't it be great if a tornado just knocked it down and you could just collect on homeowners insurance?"

I thought about calling him up and saying I had good news and bad news. The good news is I was ground zero for the tornado and it knocked my house down. The bad news is there's nowhere good to hide in my house so I'm dead now.

Didn't they have tornados back in '59?

Every single room in this house has windows in it. The only place that doesn't is the crawl space, but it faces northwest.

If we were ground zero, that's where I would have gone for sure, but really not an ideal situation. I'll probably go to my neighbor's house next time since they have a full basement.

I forgot to mention that as bad as the hail was at my dad's (he's going to check to see if any windows were broken today), he said Bolingbrook, IL got the worst of it and had hail that was 3 1/2" in diameter!

That's bigger than a freakin baseball!!!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 11:38 AM


I heard about the tornadoes JACK. That is scary for sure.

Think I have mentioned in a different part of the thread that we can get them in Canada, though only on the Prairies which means Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba because they are so flat.

Sun's gone away today it seems. Hope that doesn't mean rain.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 12:51 PM


Yeah. This isn't the first time I've been so close to tornadoes in my life, although I've never actually seen one before. Areas where I live aren't exactly hotbeds for them, but we get them here and there on occasion.

This time just felt different since it seemed so imminent. Maybe I'm just extra sensitive about stuff like this with all of the other things going on with my house right now, but if you saw the literal waterfalls coming off the roof of my house you'd understand what I'm talking about. I've never actually seen it rain so hard in my life. I'm glad it only kept up for 20 minutes or so because there was flooding everywhere just from that short time. You couldn't even drive through the streets until a few hours later when most of it had gone away. When I woke up this morning about 1/4 of the street still had standing water though you could drive through it. It wasn't until a few hours ago that it had finally gone away.

I think the boombox is having the reverse effect on the racoon that I wanted to. It sounds like she's possibly burrowing her way even deeper into the attic instead of leaving.

If I don't figure out what I'm going to do with my porch so I can get the city involved with the racoon, I might actually have to consider getting into the walls and trapping her.

I just wish she'd leave already. I really don't need her shit with everything else going on right now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 5:23 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah. This isn't the first time I've been so close to tornadoes in my life, although I've never actually seen one before. Areas where I live aren't exactly hotbeds for them, but we get them here and there on occasion.

This time just felt different since it seemed so imminent. Maybe I'm just extra sensitive about stuff like this with all of the other things going on with my house right now, but if you saw the literal waterfalls coming off the roof of my house you'd understand what I'm talking about. I've never actually seen it rain so hard in my life. I'm glad it only kept up for 20 minutes or so because there was flooding everywhere just from that short time. You couldn't even drive through the streets until a few hours later when most of it had gone away. When I woke up this morning about 1/4 of the street still had standing water though you could drive through it. It wasn't until a few hours ago that it had finally gone away.

I think the boombox is having the reverse effect on the racoon that I wanted to. It sounds like she's possibly burrowing her way even deeper into the attic instead of leaving.

If I don't figure out what I'm going to do with my porch so I can get the city involved with the racoon, I might actually have to consider getting into the walls and trapping her.

I just wish she'd leave already. I really don't need her shit with everything else going on right now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Whoa! I've only seen rain like that on the tv news. Not saying that we can't and haven't gotten heavy rains where I live. I'm just lucky that my city doesn't flood.

Sorry about the racoon not taking the hint and leaving.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 5:28 PM


Another box down and this one had dishes in it. And for all the years they've been boxed up only 1 glass plate broke. I throw it out and the rest are going to be donated. I kept 8 dinner plates, some I bought and some I don't know where I got. They are in good shape. The other 4 or 5 I pulled out are too many for me a long with the glass ones. Found some coffee mugs that are going to be donated and 2 I am keeping. One was bought for me by a lady that is gone now. So that one is special and the other is just a funny one.

Also keeping a couple of sets of salt and pepper shakers that were my mom's. One cause it is in the shape of a rattlesnake and the other set are alligators.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 5:59 PM


Nice. It's nice getting stuff done and getting rid of stuff you don't use, innit?

Made a lot of headway in the Kitchen today, even though I still haven't finished the living room yet. Both chairs and the table had crap all over and in front of them, and the countertops were full. Got about 80% of that stuff out now and the table and chairs are clear. :)

Decided to donate almost everything in the kitchen, including a nice salt and pepper shaker I never, ever used. I never put salt on anything, and if I feel the need for pepper they come in a shakable container.

I kept two plates, two big bowls, two smaller bowls, two very large coffee mugs, two drinking glasses and a nice set of silverware. Also getting rid of at least half of my mixed and match pots and pans.

Threw out all of the cheap ziplock stuff. Kept a nice tupperware container, but that's it.

Also going to keep all the BBQ utensils and plates, but that about does it for the kitchenware.

Goodwill won't take the Christmas tree out of season, unfortunately. It's a great tree, so hopefully somebody takes it when I put it out. I may bring it back to the garage and keep trying with it until somebody does.

Got the two higback chairs out to the garage instead of waiting for my bro. They were fairly light, so I figure why make a huge project for him when he comes. Tomorrow we get the king bed and the crappy dresser out to the garage. Got a full garage now, so hopefully I can dump some stuff on my neighbor's curb on Friday and clear it out quickly. Some of the stuff is pretty good, so I expect that the pickers will take some. Thursday is supposed to be dry and sunny, so I plan on keeping tabs on what I put out there and the second somebody takes something I will put another piece out.

By the end of the week I'm hoping not only to have all of this stuff out, at least to the garage, but I hope to have the living room, living room closet and the kitchen spotless and bleached down.

New beginnings. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 8:06 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Not that anybody would have noticed, but since sometime Wednesday evening or afternoon, I have been unable to login.

I tried on my mobile phone, which I mostly use to post now, and I had thought I also tried on a desktop computer.

It was a weird symptom. My password has not changed for either 7 or 12 years. I put in the correct email and password, and then I was forwarded to the main page - which is normal - but my username was not displayed in place of the login/sign in links - which is unusual.

I tried with incorrect passwords, and the login screen does not forward, but returns to itself, keeping the correct email address but with the password field blank. All of that is normal. So it seems the software is recognizing the correct password and matching email address, but then was not allowing me to BE logged in, nor to post or reply.

So I sent an email to HAKEN. This morning he rebooted the database (or similar). My mobile phone device continues to exhibit the same behavior, but now I find that I can login with a desktop computer at the library.

I am posting this here so that it can be known and/or referenced by anybody who ends up with a similar problem, but OBVIOUSLY cannot post about it while they are unable to login. I don't recall if this has happened to me before at this site.

Still the same.
Haken says this site has no difference between mobile and desktop aplications. He suggested that some changes to cookie settings could be the cause. The described symptom indicates cookie problems, he said.
I have never messed with cookie settings, but started to, nothing has changed anything yet.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019 10:35 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Nice. It's nice getting stuff done and getting rid of stuff you don't use, innit?

Made a lot of headway in the Kitchen today, even though I still haven't finished the living room yet. Both chairs and the table had crap all over and in front of them, and the countertops were full. Got about 80% of that stuff out now and the table and chairs are clear. :)

Decided to donate almost everything in the kitchen, including a nice salt and pepper shaker I never, ever used. I never put salt on anything, and if I feel the need for pepper they come in a shakable container.

I kept two plates, two big bowls, two smaller bowls, two very large coffee mugs, two drinking glasses and a nice set of silverware. Also getting rid of at least half of my mixed and match pots and pans.

Threw out all of the cheap ziplock stuff. Kept a nice tupperware container, but that's it.

Also going to keep all the BBQ utensils and plates, but that about does it for the kitchenware.

Goodwill won't take the Christmas tree out of season, unfortunately. It's a great tree, so hopefully somebody takes it when I put it out. I may bring it back to the garage and keep trying with it until somebody does.

Got the two higback chairs out to the garage instead of waiting for my bro. They were fairly light, so I figure why make a huge project for him when he comes. Tomorrow we get the king bed and the crappy dresser out to the garage. Got a full garage now, so hopefully I can dump some stuff on my neighbor's curb on Friday and clear it out quickly. Some of the stuff is pretty good, so I expect that the pickers will take some. Thursday is supposed to be dry and sunny, so I plan on keeping tabs on what I put out there and the second somebody takes something I will put another piece out.

By the end of the week I'm hoping not only to have all of this stuff out, at least to the garage, but I hope to have the living room, living room closet and the kitchen spotless and bleached down.

New beginnings. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It is nice. I am starting to realize how much I kept just because it was my mom's. So, I think a good bit will be donated. Don't think anymore pots and pans will be donated but dishes I think will be. We shall see. I know I have a small coffee pot that I will be donating as I don't drink entire pot of coffee anymore. Also know that I have a salt grinder and a pepper grinder somewhere but I haven't found them yet.

Going to get one more bin done tonight as it just has books in it.

Yeah, I got some recycling to get out in the next couple of days. I will.


Wednesday, May 29, 2019 1:20 PM


Another small bag of donatables ready to go as soon as I get a move on.


Thursday, May 30, 2019 9:21 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
It is nice. I am starting to realize how much I kept just because it was my mom's. So, I think a good bit will be donated. Don't think anymore pots and pans will be donated but dishes I think will be. We shall see. I know I have a small coffee pot that I will be donating as I don't drink entire pot of coffee anymore. Also know that I have a salt grinder and a pepper grinder somewhere but I haven't found them yet.

Going to get one more bin done tonight as it just has books in it.

Yeah, I got some recycling to get out in the next couple of days. I will.

Yeah. That is the hard stuff to get rid of. :(

Fortunately, I still have both of my parents so that hasn't been an issue for me with them yet. When my grandparents died, I refused to be a vulture and pick through their things like all of my cousins were. When my grandma passed a few years back I did make a request for two items, one of which I knew my grandma still had of my grandpa's after he passed. They were hard to find, but I did manage to get them. They've already been packed up and are ready to follow me wherever I end up. :)

If you didn't get rid of that coffee pot yet, you might want to give that one some more thought. I had done that a while back when I quit drinking coffee and a few years later when I was drinking it again I got a small 5 cup coffee maker from my mom she didn't need anymore. NOT ENOUGH COFFEE!!!! :)

They're cheap enough though, so if it isn't a real fancy expensive one, no reason to hold onto it if you're not going to use it.

My brother only took about 10 books. I was hoping he'd be taking a lot more. My how-to books were largely collected from Goodwill. They might be going right back. These days it's not as if I haven't been able to figure out whatever I need to get done by going on youtube...

Although.... I still haven't been able to google how to fix my porch situation. Maybe I should spend some time through some of them and see if they have any "old-world" remedies for that. :)

About half of the books I still have are old sci-fi paperbacks my old man gave me years ago. A lot of them by authors I love but I never got around to reading them. I may see if he wants them back, at least temporarily. It would be a shame to get rid of them before I ever read them.

Got the king sized bed and dresser out yesterday Had a feeling the dresser might go even though it wasn't great, so instead of staging that in the garage we brought it out to the street even though it rained last night. Somebody took it. :)

Already got one neighbor on board for allowing me to put a piece of furniture on their curb tonight. Hoping I see some more of my neighbors out while doing things outside today. I'd rather not go knocking on houses to ask a favor.

Except for some incidental small end-table type furniture and a crappy lightweight coffee table, all of the furniture I'm not going to use is out of the house besides the two big bedroom sets that I have to figure out what I'm going to do with. Either of them would be snatched up from the street in a heartbeat if I do that. That ultimately might be what I do if nobody I know wants them. I only need one. I just have to decide if I want the more "masculine" looking one that probably doesn't have much resale value, or if I want to keep the antique set with definite value but isn't as appropriate for a bachelor. They're both very high quality sets and in great shape.

Hopefully today my friend comes over and gives me an idea of what to start doing with the porch.

After that, it's just another carload to goodwill, spending the next few weeks salting out the stuff staged in my garage to the trash and then figuring out all of the garage stuff I'm going to get rid of.

I still think of the unboxed stuff that's not furniture in my house I could get rid of another 50% of what's left if I really do good. :)

Time to get out the bleach this weekend. Going to make this house sparkle now. Before I get the city involved if that's what I ultimately end up having to do, I may talk to a realtor now that the rest of the house is going to be clean and see what they think they could sell the house for right now if we went as-is. It would end up being more than if I just sold to a company that buys houses for cash, although it could be on the market for quite a while until the right buyer comes along.

Oh.... and I'd hate to jinx it, so I won't say what I'm thinking. I'll just say that I haven't heard any racoon activity for the last 36 hours or so.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 30, 2019 8:38 PM


Got a lot of yardwork done that I wasn't expecting to be able to do until tomorrow because the weather decided to actually cooperate for once. All the helicopters are in a huge pile, but I can't throw them out until the garbage men come tomorrow. :)

Almost have my garage back, but that's because I might have gone a little overboard with what I put on the street for now. They'll only take one piece, but I've got three out there. They're all nice though, so I might luck out and wake up to see them all gone. If that's the case, I'm putting out the king sized bed and then I'll be able to park my car in the garage again for the first time in two weeks.

Living room is finally done! Took me forever to finally buckle down and untangle the mess of cords and wires around the network in the corner of the room. Had to really clean all the cables since the mice were back there before.

Tomorrow I get to really clear out a lot of stuff after the garbage men come. Then I can clear out and deep clean the closet floor that had who knows how many mice camping out. They must all be gone now because I've had those traps out for over a week and not a nibble. It's possible that Mama Racoon scared them all away. Maybe I should invest in a cat once I get more situated with my situation.

Going to have to decide what of the small incidental furniture I want to keep and pitch the rest next week. I go back to work so I'll be loading up on as many days as they'll let me until the job is gone, but I'll try to keep up the progress wherever I can in the mean time.

Super stoked about doing work on the house again now that everything is getting cleared out. I have to keep my strong urge to go out and start buying materials in check because I don't want to be dumping much if any money into the house if I'm just going to split.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, May 30, 2019 10:09 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It is nice. I am starting to realize how much I kept just because it was my mom's. So, I think a good bit will be donated. Don't think anymore pots and pans will be donated but dishes I think will be. We shall see. I know I have a small coffee pot that I will be donating as I don't drink entire pot of coffee anymore. Also know that I have a salt grinder and a pepper grinder somewhere but I haven't found them yet.

Going to get one more bin done tonight as it just has books in it.

Yeah, I got some recycling to get out in the next couple of days. I will.

Yeah. That is the hard stuff to get rid of. :(

Fortunately, I still have both of my parents so that hasn't been an issue for me with them yet. When my grandparents died, I refused to be a vulture and pick through their things like all of my cousins were. When my grandma passed a few years back I did make a request for two items, one of which I knew my grandma still had of my grandpa's after he passed. They were hard to find, but I did manage to get them. They've already been packed up and are ready to follow me wherever I end up. :)

If you didn't get rid of that coffee pot yet, you might want to give that one some more thought. I had done that a while back when I quit drinking coffee and a few years later when I was drinking it again I got a small 5 cup coffee maker from my mom she didn't need anymore. NOT ENOUGH COFFEE!!!! :)

They're cheap enough though, so if it isn't a real fancy expensive one, no reason to hold onto it if you're not going to use it.

My brother only took about 10 books. I was hoping he'd be taking a lot more. My how-to books were largely collected from Goodwill. They might be going right back. These days it's not as if I haven't been able to figure out whatever I need to get done by going on youtube...

Although.... I still haven't been able to google how to fix my porch situation. Maybe I should spend some time through some of them and see if they have any "old-world" remedies for that. :)

About half of the books I still have are old sci-fi paperbacks my old man gave me years ago. A lot of them by authors I love but I never got around to reading them. I may see if he wants them back, at least temporarily. It would be a shame to get rid of them before I ever read them.

Got the king sized bed and dresser out yesterday Had a feeling the dresser might go even though it wasn't great, so instead of staging that in the garage we brought it out to the street even though it rained last night. Somebody took it. :)

Already got one neighbor on board for allowing me to put a piece of furniture on their curb tonight. Hoping I see some more of my neighbors out while doing things outside today. I'd rather not go knocking on houses to ask a favor.

Except for some incidental small end-table type furniture and a crappy lightweight coffee table, all of the furniture I'm not going to use is out of the house besides the two big bedroom sets that I have to figure out what I'm going to do with. Either of them would be snatched up from the street in a heartbeat if I do that. That ultimately might be what I do if nobody I know wants them. I only need one. I just have to decide if I want the more "masculine" looking one that probably doesn't have much resale value, or if I want to keep the antique set with definite value but isn't as appropriate for a bachelor. They're both very high quality sets and in great shape.

Hopefully today my friend comes over and gives me an idea of what to start doing with the porch.

After that, it's just another carload to goodwill, spending the next few weeks salting out the stuff staged in my garage to the trash and then figuring out all of the garage stuff I'm going to get rid of.

I still think of the unboxed stuff that's not furniture in my house I could get rid of another 50% of what's left if I really do good. :)

Time to get out the bleach this weekend. Going to make this house sparkle now. Before I get the city involved if that's what I ultimately end up having to do, I may talk to a realtor now that the rest of the house is going to be clean and see what they think they could sell the house for right now if we went as-is. It would end up being more than if I just sold to a company that buys houses for cash, although it could be on the market for quite a while until the right buyer comes along.

Oh.... and I'd hate to jinx it, so I won't say what I'm thinking. I'll just say that I haven't heard any racoon activity for the last 36 hours or so.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yeah, I gave away and got rid of what I could of her stuff after she died then other things were boxed up. So now that I am officially unpacking I am finding things that I have to make decisions about.

This coffee pot is like a 4 cup thing as I remember but what happens to it will also depend on what condition it is in when I find it.

I am hoping by the end of this year to get a couch and a small kitchen table. Maybe a couple of stands to put small knick knacks on but that isn't anything important.

I have fingers crossed for you and your critter problem.


Thursday, May 30, 2019 10:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hooray for the "new start" crew! It sounds like you're both making terrific progress on sorting and starting fresh!

I'm happy to say that hubby and I are now on the same page in terms of cleaning up. I think I'll be the drag because I'm doing so many other things but at least we're moving forward. I hope to report progress by next week.

Happy spring cleanup!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, May 31, 2019 9:37 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Yeah, I gave away and got rid of what I could of her stuff after she died then other things were boxed up. So now that I am officially unpacking I am finding things that I have to make decisions about.

This coffee pot is like a 4 cup thing as I remember but what happens to it will also depend on what condition it is in when I find it.

I am hoping by the end of this year to get a couch and a small kitchen table. Maybe a couple of stands to put small knick knacks on but that isn't anything important.

I have fingers crossed for you and your critter problem.

Too bad we don't live closer. I've got a 2-chair and small kitchen table set I'm on the fence about. If I knew somebody who needed it that was close, that would make that decision easy for me. One of the things I left out last night was a really nice stand for knick knacks, but it didn't get taken. Neither did the chairs. :(

I'm thinking it was because trash day was a day late. Somebody did pick up my dresser the night before, which is the night we usually would have put out trash. Maybe the pickers forgot that it was a holiday week and didn't come back for real trash day.

Had to do a bit of re-arranging. Brought the stand and one of the chairs back in the garage. Threw the other chair on my idiot's curb behind me on top of his 2 feet tall grass. Then I pulled out the king box spring and mattress to my own curb.

That takes care of the really large stuff in the garage. I can probably spend some time re-arranging what's left after they pick everything up and I can throw all the bags in the garage in the cans, so that I can still park my car in there. It will be a tight fit until next garbage day, but it should fit.

My friend still wasn't able to come over. Hopefully tonight after work, but he promises that it will be by Sunday since he knows I go back to work this week. He could always come on his lunch, but that only leave him about 5 to 10 minutes here and he wanted to be able to spend some time scoping everything out. We haven't actually seen each other face to face for about 4 years. It should be a trip, each of us seeing how old we've gotten since the last time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, May 31, 2019 1:09 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Yeah, I gave away and got rid of what I could of her stuff after she died then other things were boxed up. So now that I am officially unpacking I am finding things that I have to make decisions about.

This coffee pot is like a 4 cup thing as I remember but what happens to it will also depend on what condition it is in when I find it.

I am hoping by the end of this year to get a couch and a small kitchen table. Maybe a couple of stands to put small knick knacks on but that isn't anything important.

I have fingers crossed for you and your critter problem.

Too bad we don't live closer. I've got a 2-chair and small kitchen table set I'm on the fence about. If I knew somebody who needed it that was close, that would make that decision easy for me. One of the things I left out last night was a really nice stand for knick knacks, but it didn't get taken. Neither did the chairs. :(

I'm thinking it was because trash day was a day late. Somebody did pick up my dresser the night before, which is the night we usually would have put out trash. Maybe the pickers forgot that it was a holiday week and didn't come back for real trash day.

Had to do a bit of re-arranging. Brought the stand and one of the chairs back in the garage. Threw the other chair on my idiot's curb behind me on top of his 2 feet tall grass. Then I pulled out the king box spring and mattress to my own curb.

That takes care of the really large stuff in the garage. I can probably spend some time re-arranging what's left after they pick everything up and I can throw all the bags in the garage in the cans, so that I can still park my car in there. It will be a tight fit until next garbage day, but it should fit.

My friend still wasn't able to come over. Hopefully tonight after work, but he promises that it will be by Sunday since he knows I go back to work this week. He could always come on his lunch, but that only leave him about 5 to 10 minutes here and he wanted to be able to spend some time scoping everything out. We haven't actually seen each other face to face for about 4 years. It should be a trip, each of us seeing how old we've gotten since the last time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That is too bad as that sounds like that kitchen table and chairs would do me a real treat.

Think you are a head of me on getting things done. Will tackle another box of dishes tomorrow. This one has glasses in it. Hopefully they survived.

A friend of mine her birthday is next week and I am trying to get a hold of her so I can give her birthday present to her.


Friday, May 31, 2019 1:09 PM


Things to do in the sun.


Saturday, June 1, 2019 1:24 PM


Out on a beautiful sunny Saturday. Later peeps.


Saturday, June 1, 2019 5:42 PM


Another 2 and a half boxes of donatables. Found my mom's Chinese checkers game, some books of mine that I am flip flopping on. Side plates and coffee cups to a set of black dishes I bought years ago. Also found my Russian coffee cups that have miraculously survived being boxed up for almost 10years. Also found some stuffed animals that I will be giving away.


Saturday, June 1, 2019 7:57 PM


Yeah. Sorry I couldn't get the chairs and table to you. They're really nice, but the shipping would probably cost more than you would pay to just buy a nice set for yourself. I'm probably just keeping that set though since it's small and light and will be easy to move around when I start fixing things in the house again.

Yes. I will be doing that. :)

My friend finally came by. Was awesome catching up on things today and having him look at my porch situation like it wasn't a big deal. We've already got a semi-plan in place on what we're going to do, and he's got some pictures to show his old man for some more advice. Looks like we'll begin working on it some time in late July when he's got time.

In the mean time, I'm just going to make sure the lawn looks good, the ants stay away and I don't get any more racoons. All while finishing my "everything must go" project and getting the rest of the house cleaned and ready to begin the remodel.

He said we can get the porch situation under control and do a few other things I've been considering doing to give this house some real curb appeal and I could get 2 to 3 times as much as I would if I just ran away from the situation.

I'm pretty stoked about all of it right now.

I think I'm probably not going to wait very long before applying at that other place too. Who knows? Maybe if I lay out my current situation and plans to them, they would not have a problem with giving me weekend overnight work so I could have the week to devote to working on the house and still have a modest stream of income in the mean time.

Doesn't hurt to at least ask that at an early interview and if they say no to that right now I can always let them know that when I get some of the major work done I could conform to a less solid schedule down the road if that's the only option on the table.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 1, 2019 9:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, June 1, 2019 10:09 PM


That's okay JACK. I'd probably have a hard time finding someone to pick them up from wherever I had too.

Great about your friend coming by. It's nice to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in years.

Sounds like you have a working plan in progress. Good for you.


Saturday, June 1, 2019 10:12 PM


Oh, forgot. Another stupid comment from the lady doctor that I work for last Thursday. I asked if the church they go to would like the three empty bins I got. She said she would ask then said, "How nice it was of me to think of the church."

This woman is loosing her mind. The fact it is a church has nothing to do with why I offered them. I just figured that someone else might be able to use them. Either the church itself or some of their members.

They just don't get me.


Saturday, June 1, 2019 10:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


I won't lie. It hasn't been a very calm and easy going period in my life these last few months. And finally seeing my mom and step dad for a brief few hours they came to visit yesterday turned out to be more depressing than anything else when I realized that after they left all we really did was talk about me and my issues.

That was the first time I'd seen them face to face for a year and a half, and who knows... it might be that long before I see them again. At least we got the shit behind us though and we're good going forward. They always loved the lake and boating and it was a huge blow to them when the economy bellied up and they had to sell their yacht (this all happened in the years we weren't talking at all, so I've only ever seen pictures of it).

It sounds more impressive than it was. They didn't even know it was a "yacht" until one of their dock friends told them that it was the smallest boat considered in the yacht class of boats. The bank also owned it, not them, so it really was just another reason why I've been so concerned about their retirement.

But maybe I was wrong about the whole thing. They're actually going to be running a boating business in FL for a few years before my step-sis and her husband retire and take it over. No financial risk on their part since they didn't put any money into it. They had to move immediately though since he couldn't buy the business if he didn't have somebody to run it. They were able to sell the house in AZ for a profit too, since it's in an increasingly desirable location. It wasn't even on the market for a week.

I still could have used the help, but at least it seems I don't have to waste any of my time or energy worrying about them for at least a while now. :) And now they get to be back on the water that they always loved, only this time it's the ocean and not a lake.

Just got to keep trying to be positive and productive and things will fall into place.

I was having a bit of an off and lazy day today. Feeling depressed about how my long overdue meet with the folks went, I guess. But then my friend came over and it was a great meeting. Didn't do any work around the house after he left, but I was pumped up so much that I had the best workout session outside of working the job that I've had in years. It's so nice having my weights out in the open and easy to get to without crap piled all around them. Even when I'm not having a real workout session, I'm always taking a break now from whatever else I'm doing just to pick up some dumbells and do some random sets here and there.

The universe works in mysterious ways. Who am I to argue with it?

I was in a rut. Sure, I've been sober (for exactly 2 1/2 years today), and I've been eating so much better, but I was still deep in an unhealthy routine of OCD on a project that got me out of drinking but still kept me inside all of the time and I was still letting things decay around me without even realizing that they were.

A month ago I thought that my entire world was falling apart around me.

Now I know that somebody was just giving me a major ass kicking that I needed to snap me out of whatever funk I had mired myself in.

I still got some years left in me. I think it's time to start really living again instead of just existing.

I hope everyone here, even those that argue with me about everything under the sun, can find that one thing, whatever it is, that can bring about such a moment of clarity in their lives.

I feel like I've just opened a door to a dark room full of cobwebs that has been closed for 20 years and I forgot how beautiful the sunlight was.

There ain't going to be nothin' easy about the road I'm traveling down right now. I have no idea what to expect.

But I finally feel like I'm ready for whatever comes and wherever it leads is going to be so much better than where I was hiding all this time.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 1, 2019 10:26 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
That's okay JACK. I'd probably have a hard time finding someone to pick them up from wherever I had too.

Great about your friend coming by. It's nice to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in years.

Sounds like you have a working plan in progress. Good for you.

Yeah. He's balding a bit on top. I'm loosing most of my teeth eventually.

Other than that, we still look great for our ages. I was glad to see that he's been keeping himself in shape. You never know what to expect when it's been so long. I'm glad none of my old friends saw me when I was deep in the drinking.

I made sure to let him know what a great friend he was, and that I was sorry that I've been such a shitty one.

Not part of my 12 step process, since I'm not doing any 12 step thing. But it's nice to be able to say that and mean it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 1, 2019 11:57 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
That's okay JACK. I'd probably have a hard time finding someone to pick them up from wherever I had too.

Great about your friend coming by. It's nice to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in years.

Sounds like you have a working plan in progress. Good for you.

Yeah. He's balding a bit on top. I'm loosing most of my teeth eventually.

Other than that, we still look great for our ages. I was glad to see that he's been keeping himself in shape. You never know what to expect when it's been so long. I'm glad none of my old friends saw me when I was deep in the drinking.

I made sure to let him know what a great friend he was, and that I was sorry that I've been such a shitty one.

Not part of my 12 step process, since I'm not doing any 12 step thing. But it's nice to be able to say that and mean it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Jack, you and this guy are what? In your late 30s or so? Geez, wait until you hit my age. Then you will have something to moan about.

I'm half way to 60 and on my own.

That is a good thing you did telling him he is important to you. All friends and other people we know should know that.


Saturday, June 1, 2019 11:58 PM


Almost 9pm and time to turn on a light. Maybe.


Sunday, June 2, 2019 1:57 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
That's okay JACK. I'd probably have a hard time finding someone to pick them up from wherever I had too.

Great about your friend coming by. It's nice to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in years.

Sounds like you have a working plan in progress. Good for you.

Yeah. He's balding a bit on top. I'm loosing most of my teeth eventually.

Other than that, we still look great for our ages. I was glad to see that he's been keeping himself in shape. You never know what to expect when it's been so long. I'm glad none of my old friends saw me when I was deep in the drinking.

I made sure to let him know what a great friend he was, and that I was sorry that I've been such a shitty one.

Not part of my 12 step process, since I'm not doing any 12 step thing. But it's nice to be able to say that and mean it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Jack, you and this guy are what? In your late 30s or so? Geez, wait until you hit my age. Then you will have something to moan about.

I'm half way to 60 and on my own.

That is a good thing you did telling him he is important to you. All friends and other people we know should know that.

We're both 40 this year, yeah. I know. I hear that all the time from people who are older than I am. But most people my age aren't pulling out their own teeth with pliers cleaned with rubbing alcohol. :)

And he's also been in a very lengthy relationship. Even before I stopped contacting my old friends I had already seen a few of them let themselves really go physically once they were settled and both parties decided that since the need to attract mates wasn't on the table anymore they'd just give up taking care of themselves.

So it was nice to see that he isn't among them.

Yeah. He's a great guy. It meant a lot to me seeing him today. I'm glad I let him know that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 2, 2019 2:33 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
That's okay JACK. I'd probably have a hard time finding someone to pick them up from wherever I had too.

Great about your friend coming by. It's nice to catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in years.

Sounds like you have a working plan in progress. Good for you.

Yeah. He's balding a bit on top. I'm loosing most of my teeth eventually.

Other than that, we still look great for our ages. I was glad to see that he's been keeping himself in shape. You never know what to expect when it's been so long. I'm glad none of my old friends saw me when I was deep in the drinking.

I made sure to let him know what a great friend he was, and that I was sorry that I've been such a shitty one.

Not part of my 12 step process, since I'm not doing any 12 step thing. But it's nice to be able to say that and mean it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Jack, you and this guy are what? In your late 30s or so? Geez, wait until you hit my age. Then you will have something to moan about.

I'm half way to 60 and on my own.

That is a good thing you did telling him he is important to you. All friends and other people we know should know that.

We're both 40 this year, yeah. I know. I hear that all the time from people who are older than I am. But most people my age aren't pulling out their own teeth with pliers cleaned with rubbing alcohol. :)

And he's also been in a very lengthy relationship. Even before I stopped contacting my old friends I had already seen a few of them let themselves really go physically once they were settled and both parties decided that since the need to attract mates wasn't on the table anymore they'd just give up taking care of themselves.

So it was nice to see that he isn't among them.

Yeah. He's a great guy. It meant a lot to me seeing him today. I'm glad I let him know that.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I heard the same thing when I was younger as well.

People do that.

I see what you mean about your friend.

That's good. My friend and I won't meet until after birthday. We are both busy next week.


Sunday, June 2, 2019 3:15 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey all - got a new computer and I'm glad to be back!

It seems like we all got the clean-up bug for different reasons, including me. For me it was finally being retired. With my nonexistent energy levels, and the build-up of things that need to be done, this is going to take a while. But at least now I have the time. After cleaning out (most of) my home office, today was my day to set up the desk, haul the 'puter stuff in, and hook everything up. Tomorrow I'm going to start tackling the stuff I brought back from work. Mostly I had a lot of gifts and decorations that I kept there to take my brain off of work and remind me of my life, and I'm going to keep them, but I want to store them carefully while I clear out the rest of the place. I don't have much, but I have even less storage space, so working on this is like playing those puzzles where you have numbers to arrange in order, but only one empty spot to work with. It gets a bit irritating - demoralizing? - have to do, undo, and redo, but if that's what it takes ...

Jack, for what it's worth I have had my own issues with raccoons - destructive, dirty, nasty creatures. And imo second to them are rats, then squirrels. Fingers crossed your problems got solved! If you can call out a pest / rodent person to find out how she got in, you might want to have that blocked off. (If you mentioned it earlier, apologies! I didn't go all the way back to when I last has a working computer.) And I'm glad to hear you got advice on your porch problem. Without looking at it it was hard to opine, but many things are fixable and almost take longer to explain than to do.

Hey Brenda, I'm still stoked you've moved! I hope that made as big a difference in your life as I imagine!

Signy - just hey!

JSF - sorry abut your login issues, but it seems like they're fixed now ...

Cheers, all!


Sunday, June 2, 2019 10:59 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey all - got a new computer and I'm glad to be back!

Welcome back. :)


It seems like we all got the clean-up bug for different reasons, including me. For me it was finally being retired. With my nonexistent energy levels, and the build-up of things that need to be done, this is going to take a while. But at least now I have the time. After cleaning out (most of) my home office, today was my day to set up the desk, haul the 'puter stuff in, and hook everything up. Tomorrow I'm going to start tackling the stuff I brought back from work. Mostly I had a lot of gifts and decorations that I kept there to take my brain off of work and remind me of my life, and I'm going to keep them, but I want to store them carefully while I clear out the rest of the place. I don't have much, but I have even less storage space, so working on this is like playing those puzzles where you have numbers to arrange in order, but only one empty spot to work with. It gets a bit irritating - demoralizing? - have to do, undo, and redo, but if that's what it takes ...

You might find that the clutter itself is sapping your energy levels.

It sounds like you're making good progress though. And at least for now, you're doing the right thing by keeping something that is special to you while moving on to the other stuff. As long as you're making progress in other areas, there's nothing wrong with making choices about things you know you want to keep and protectively boxing them up. Just don't let it become one of those things where you find yourself keeping everything. Otherwise you're using up all that mental and physical energy just moving things around in that limited space.

Once you get everything out that you know you don't want or need anymore, then you can go back and make a second run through the stuff you kept. I'll bet you'll find that not everything is as important to you as you first thought it was. In the case of all of that stuff you kept from work, for instance, you might choose to keep some of it for sentimental reasons but realize that you don't need to keep all of it.

You might have missed when I talked about my massive purge that I did around 4 years ago, and the fact that of every single thing I kept in my attic that I simply couldn't ever part with, I've only ever gone into two boxes of computer junk since then and to be honest I don't really even have a clue what else was so important that it's still sitting up there. Once I get around to purging everything from the main house and garage that I know I don't want or need anymore, I intend to go through the attic with a fine tooth comb and I hope to get rid of at least half of that stuff I initially saved too.

I've got this huge tri-level house with a fully finished attic and 2 1/2 car garage, and I filled everything. My end goal right now is to reduce the amount of "stuff" I have to what I would have had in a single bedroom apartment when I was younger. Not only will this make getting to whatever I need to remodel a breeze, but whenever I finally do move I want to be able to rent nothing larger than a 12' truck to take it all with me.

It's amazing my change of thought processes on everything now that stuff is getting cleared out. I'm actually excited about getting back to work on the house now that I can actually have room to do it. The clutter was holding me back.

I wish you luck with it. It's a great thing you're doing for yourself. :)


Jack, for what it's worth I have had my own issues with raccoons - destructive, dirty, nasty creatures. And imo second to them are rats, then squirrels. Fingers crossed your problems got solved! If you can call out a pest / rodent person to find out how she got in, you might want to have that blocked off. (If you mentioned it earlier, apologies! I didn't go all the way back to when I last has a working computer.) And I'm glad to hear you got advice on your porch problem. Without looking at it it was hard to opine, but many things are fixable and almost take longer to explain than to do.

I haven't dealt with rats, thank god. From what I read though, I think the racoons (although the largest animal you're going to find in your attic around here) are probably the best case scenario because of their behaviors (such as the mother being intelligent enough and protective enough of her children to get out when she's realized she made a mistake). Had I been dealing with squirrels this whole time, they might have eaten away at the wood in the walls and ceiling to the point where I had the same problem with my roof of the house as I do in the floor of the porch. They don't eat wood, but they love to keep their teeth sharp on it. And I'd likely still be dealing with them without professional help too. They're not very bright from what I've read, comparatively speaking).

I feel pretty safe at this point saying that I got them out. Though I can't pin down exact times of the day I would hear them, it was usually somewhere around sun up and sun down every single day. It wasn't just for a minute or two either. It's been about 5 days now since I've heard any activity.

I actually know exactly how they got in now too. She didn't gnaw her way in. She didn't have to. I'm going to have to buy some boards and block off the extremely large entrances underneath the adjoined roof of the house and the porch. It wasn't a problem when the porch was enclosed, but like I said before... somebody's Uncle Bob came over and built this thing and did everything wrong when he did it. It's amazing it's still standing after 40 years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 2, 2019 11:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey KIKI! Welcome back! I'm glad you got a new 'puter, and that it's set up, along with a desk!

Also, progress here is slow, slow, slow...

This is how yesterday went, for me ...

walk the backyard with our (fomerly homeless) gardner and scope out the work that we have for him. As I mentioned, he quit his sweet deal in Idaho because someone wanted him to fill out a timesheet and he got into a snit ... NOT a good decision! ... and we don't really have regular work for him but I do have some projects that need help

Finally got back in touch with our next-door neighbor (again) to get the OK on installing a (plastic) root barrier between our two front lawns. I'm sick of digging their grass out all of the time and at the same time I'm sure they won't want tree roots invading their lawn from the trees that I planted. We had staked and marked the property line from the surveyors mark to the middle of the back wall, but it was so at-odds with where the grass had been allowed to grow it looked like we were intruding on their property by a foot-and-some, so I halted that, then got a ladder and "sighted" down the block wall to the curb and confirmed our mark was indeed correct, but needed to get back in touch. At the same time I gave their gardner the OK to trim the avocado back to the property line ... the leaves are falling into their pool

Took the dog and daughter for a walk. One hour. During our walk I stopped by another neighbor's house (he is a few blocks away) ... I have seen him woodorking on his driveway while walking the dog and since hubby is getting back to woodworking I stopped to chat a few times about his work. Well, hubby is looking to get rid of his water- and oil-stones (for sharpening) because he's using diamond plates and a slow-speed CBN wheel now instead, so I thought I would offer a fellow woodworker a chance at some equipment. So I rang the doorbell, and as it turns out he was JUST looking at sharpening stones and would be VERY happy to have them! I ran the stones over to his front porch later in the evening ... does that count as cleanup? It DID get rid of a few things from the garage...

Prepared lunch for our gardner and spent the time just chatting with him about his situation and how a mutual friend is doing. One hour

Helped dear daugher with some wound dressings ...

Finally got a start on the room painting, we are still working on completing it. Dear daughter did the baseboards and I did the crown molding. Jeez, its fiddly work. Three hours because the crown molding needed two coats. But I have to say I'm ecstatic over the color that I chose, even if it DID take a month and three or four "sample" cans of paint to figure it out!

Finished preparing dinner, and family dinner, two (?) hours, and kitchen cleanup one hour.

Did some TV watching with the family but I felt so crappy I spent most of the evening kind of uselessly wandering around before rinsing my sinuses, taking ibuprofen, letting the dog out for a pee, and going to bed.

Did you notice any cleanup in that list?
Yeah, me neither!
Hubby and I are going to take down some "saved" drawers from the garage rafters today so he can break them apart for disposal (assuming he is well enough to work, he caught the same URI that I had a couple weeks ago) and put some better "saved" drawers up there instead, which frees up some space in the den, so there's that!

This upcoming week is going to be another "doctor" week... kind of like the two previous weeks, but this time all of the appointments are for dear daughter. I'm aiming at finally finishing the room (just needs the window and door trim painted and some wall touch-up), fixing the toilet (tank ad leaking from where it is mounted on the base) an cleaning the bathroom and then we can move back into our regular bedroom.

Like I said ... progress has been slow, slow, slow.

Well, on with the day!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, June 2, 2019 2:24 PM



Good to see you back on line.

I am doing good now but unpacking and checking and cleaning things is a slow process as they have been in boxes for so long.

Body is feeling a little better but the healing of various injuries will take more time as I was in that other place for 5 and almost half years.

But all in all I am much better.


Sunday, June 2, 2019 2:35 PM


2,000th post :)

My god... that closet. Mice made a den in there at some point. Spent the last 1 1/2 hours just thoroughly cleaning a box and bag full of misc computer wires and plugs I had stored in there. Some gloves, scarves and hats on the floor are going straight into the trash. My best guitar was tucked away in the back of it all. Haven't gotten to it yet. The case looks fine, but its' going to need to be scrubbed down. Glad it was a hard shell case or I'd just be throwing it out too. Hopefully nothing happened to the guitar itself.

I know where one of my bait stations are going to be put when it's all cleared out. Never putting anything on the floor in there again.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 2, 2019 3:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Happy 2000th post!

My, but we're in a cleanup mode this early summer! Many changes for us: retirement, move, anticipated move...

Life never stands still!


I had a mouse in the house once; cute little thing that liked to visit dear daughter's snack drawer and eat her junk food. If it had stayed there it might well have died of an early heart attack. I bought a teeny-tiny trap, caught it and released it across the street into a vacant lot.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, June 2, 2019 3:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Signy - "(plastic) root barrier" Have you purchased it yet? I have ~1' aluminum flashing in ~20' lengths (as best as I recall) I was going to use as root barrier, but I'm not there yet! You could use it instead, I could get that to you.

Jack - I have never been a 'saver', a fact I bless frequently! But I'm an organized 'thrower-outer'. :) If I'm going to throw something out I want to be sure I know what it is! What got me was lack of energy = lack of time, while I was working. I was so wiped out and in pain that every little thing took forever, and I couldn't manage even day to day. Retirement has been good to me. Apparently the long works days really didn't get me enough sleep, and now that I can sleep as much as I need, my energy and pain have improved enough to allow me to plug along a few hours at a time. Which is far better than before, where the treadmill of life was running me backwards faster than I could manage to move forwards!

Brenda - I'm so happy you're literally in a good place. I can't say it enough - hooray for you!!! BIG BIG GRIN AND CHEERS TO YOU!


Monday, June 3, 2019 12:24 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

I had a mouse in the house once; cute little thing that liked to visit dear daughter's snack drawer and eat her junk food. If it had stayed there it might well have died of an early heart attack. I bought a teeny-tiny trap, caught it and released it across the street into a vacant lot.

Yeah... I'm not playing nice anymore. If you saw what lied beneath all of this crap, I don't think you would either. The poop is visible and gross enough, but wherever there is poop there is pee, and from what I've read that is where the real danger lies. Meningitis doesn't sound like a party.

I don't think I've ever washed my hands this much while doing anything in my life. So gross.

Guitar was fine. I didn't have to throw out much in the closet. Spent about 5 hours yesterday cleaning cables and wires with antibacterial spray though. Geez...

My entire living room floor that I had cleaned now is full of wires and cables that I brought down from the attic. I'm putting them all in one place, wrapping them up with electric tape, organizing them, and then deciding what I need and what I can curb. I know I don't need 15 CAT-5 cables or 8 HDMI cables. I'll keep plugs though. That's kind of "hoardery", I know, but there's a lot of cool things you can do with plugs of different amperages and wattages. I actually had thought of that the other night when I had put a strobing LED flashlight up in the attic (the last night I heard the racoons). I could actually wire up that flashlight with the right plug spliced up so I can just plug it into a wall outlet out there and have it going 24/7 instead of draining the batteries once per day.
I would have done it then, but I didn't know where any of the plugs were.

But this is all a really good learning experience for me. I'm NEVER going to accumulate this shit again. Just because I have empty floor space, doesn't mean something needs to go there. Depending on what area you live in, that's not just keeping an orderly house, that's eliminating spots where critters can thrive.

So far I have 15 mid-sized boxes packed up and ready to go and the box for the cables and wires I'm keeping will be box 16. I figure the small amount of kitchen stuff I kept will be box 17 whenever I do move. After I get rid of all of the old clothes I don't ever wear anymore, maybe another 4 boxes of clothes (21). The books I'm keeping will be 22, my DVDs and the games my brother gave me for the XBox360 would be 23, and my printer/copier/fax machine would be 24. 2 computers will be 26. Oh yeah... towels and sheets would probably get it up to 30. Not too bad considering I've given two car-loads to Goodwill and I've thrown out countless bags and gotten rid of two projection screen TVs, two tube TVs and all of that furniture so far. I'm also putting out a few small computer monitors next week, so I'll just have 1 flat screen TV and two computer monitors left.

I've got a lot of tools. A LOT. I'm not getting rid of any of them. That may double the amount of boxes. I'm still fairly sure that as long as a house I'm eventually moving in comes with appliances and I don't need to take any of mine with me that a 12' truck will be more than enough with the small amount of furniture I plan to keep.

I think I'm going to mow the lawn today. It doesn't really need it yet, but I've actually been the guy on the block this year that does it first all the time and that kind of feels nice. Going back to work again tomorrow, so if I don't do it today I'll definitely have to do it in between shifts and I'm usually exhausted (and ravenous) after a good night of work.

If I can get all of those cables packed up and off of my floor, I'm going to look at this is a vacation well spent. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 3, 2019 12:35 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Jack - I have never been a 'saver', a fact I bless frequently! But I'm an organized 'thrower-outer'. :) If I'm going to throw something out I want to be sure I know what it is! What got me was lack of energy = lack of time, while I was working. I was so wiped out and in pain that every little thing took forever, and I couldn't manage even day to day. Retirement has been good to me. Apparently the long works days really didn't get me enough sleep, and now that I can sleep as much as I need, my energy and pain have improved enough to allow me to plug along a few hours at a time. Which is far better than before, where the treadmill of life was running me backwards faster than I could manage to move forwards!

LOL... good for you for not being a "saver". It all starts out with good intentions, but one day you wake up and realize all of the broken and half-working crap you accumulated with the intention of fixing that you never got around to and you're literally swimming in it.

I'm an "organized thrower-outer" on top of that too, which makes this all much harder. I was looking at the mess of cables on my floor last night and thought "I could just get a big black bag, throw them all out right now without looking at any of them and be done with it in 2 minutes". But there are a lot of useful things in there and the two boxes that I have rummaged around in since the last huge house purge were the two computer boxes. There's nothing more annoying than having to be faced with the choice of driving to Best Buy to pay a 1000% markup on a cable you need, or waiting a week to have it delivered to your house with ground shipping... especially when you know you had 5 of them but you threw them out.

It's good you're getting enough sleep to get things done at home now. Congratulations on that.

Keep up with the purge though.

Nobody thinks they're a hoarder, especially if they haven't let their house get to the point where they have designated walkways through rooms in between the crap. But that "junk drawer" in the kitchen always seems to find a way to overflow into other areas.

Minimalist lifestyle for me all the way from here on out. If I'm going to continue to be a hoarder, it will be virtually on my hard drives and my computer projects where the mice can't hide. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 3, 2019 12:59 PM


Sunny day. Out in a bit. Things to do.






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