In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Wednesday, June 12, 2019 8:22 PM



Having never mastered the art of lock picking myself, I find that having the keys to a lock is the easiest way to get into it. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 9:55 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Having never mastered the art of lock picking myself, I find that having the keys to a lock is the easiest way to get into it. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It is good. Like I said I didn't really relish breaking into it which if I couldn't and had to bolt cutters could have damaged it.


Thursday, June 13, 2019 7:32 AM


Finally done. :)

I don't even feel very run down, considering I did 9 days compared to my regular 6. I'm just sick of going there is all.

I think it's only a 3 day weekend for me though, although I'm scheduled for 5 more off right now. I'll get another 5 or 6 hours of overtime for the last week I work there if I show up 2 days early, and my manager is alright with that. Shame I couldn't just power through and work another straight 9 days, but they'd have her ass for that one, and even though I really couldn't give two shits what they'd have to say to me after the fact I don't want her to get in trouble for it.

The stupid thing about it all is because the way the weeks get cut off, I'm going to have a 5 1/2 hour check the following pay period, which is going to postpone the dumb severance by another two weeks, and likely postpone the unemployment benefits another week after that comes in.

Oh well. It's not like I need it or anything.

And my manager put all of my PTO on that last 5 1/2 hour check and approved it today, so I don't have to wait until whenever the hell the company would get around to paying that out too.

lol. Even the vendor from Frito Lay that comes in most mornings couldn't believe they were letting me go.

I don't expect a call back while this new Robot is running the show, but there's always a chance the old store manager returns after her 3 months stress leave. I let everyone know all she needs to do is give me a call.

Some people, including some of the management, think that the new Robot will change his mind and decides he wants me back once we go to days and it's apparent how much work isn't getting done while I'm gone. I tend to doubt that he will given the lack of respect I showed him in our meeting.

If he actually does want me back and he has somebody else call me about it, I'm going to tell them that if he wants me he has to call me himself.

Looking forward to getting back to working on my house.

Now only if this gorram rain would stop for one single gorram day...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, June 13, 2019 12:06 PM


No rain here Jack. Just beautiful sunshine. Which is nice to see in June.

*Fingers crossed* about no wildfires this summer or less than a couple of summers ago.


Thursday, June 13, 2019 12:09 PM


Bad, bad allergy attack after walking around the cosmetic department of the local Walmart. Sneezing, nose running, eyes itchy. Last most of the day and into the evening. Ugh! All because I wanted 1 nail file and a set of nail scissors. Ain't doing that again for a while.

Out and about in the sunshine.


Thursday, June 13, 2019 5:22 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Finally done. :)

I don't even feel very run down, considering I did 9 days compared to my regular 6. I'm just sick of going there is all.

I think it's only a 3 day weekend for me though, although I'm scheduled for 5 more off right now. I'll get another 5 or 6 hours of overtime for the last week I work there if I show up 2 days early, and my manager is alright with that. Shame I couldn't just power through and work another straight 9 days, but they'd have her ass for that one, and even though I really couldn't give two shits what they'd have to say to me after the fact I don't want her to get in trouble for it.

The stupid thing about it all is because the way the weeks get cut off, I'm going to have a 5 1/2 hour check the following pay period, which is going to postpone the dumb severance by another two weeks, and likely postpone the unemployment benefits another week after that comes in.

Oh well. It's not like I need it or anything.

And my manager put all of my PTO on that last 5 1/2 hour check and approved it today, so I don't have to wait until whenever the hell the company would get around to paying that out too.

lol. Even the vendor from Frito Lay that comes in most mornings couldn't believe they were letting me go.

I don't expect a call back while this new Robot is running the show, but there's always a chance the old store manager returns after her 3 months stress leave. I let everyone know all she needs to do is give me a call.

Some people, including some of the management, think that the new Robot will change his mind and decides he wants me back once we go to days and it's apparent how much work isn't getting done while I'm gone. I tend to doubt that he will given the lack of respect I showed him in our meeting.

If he actually does want me back and he has somebody else call me about it, I'm going to tell them that if he wants me he has to call me himself.

Looking forward to getting back to working on my house.

Now only if this gorram rain would stop for one single gorram day...

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I don't know details about IN.

You should file for Unemployment Insurance benefits right away after your last hour.
The benefits should be calculated for the week that you work, not whenever you get paid. So for your 5 1/2 hours week, you should still get almost your full benefits for that week. If there were no delays, that would mean the Monday after your 5 1/2 hours.
There will likely be a delay of several weeks, so that is another reason to file right away. The benefits pile up, then get released to you once they check out your claim.
Even if you only got 28 hours, you would likely get payments for being underemployed.


Thursday, June 13, 2019 10:03 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
I don't know details about IN.

You should file for Unemployment Insurance benefits right away after your last hour.
The benefits should be calculated for the week that you work, not whenever you get paid. So for your 5 1/2 hours week, you should still get almost your full benefits for that week. If there were no delays, that would mean the Monday after your 5 1/2 hours.
There will likely be a delay of several weeks, so that is another reason to file right away. The benefits pile up, then get released to you once they check out your claim.
Even if you only got 28 hours, you would likely get payments for being underemployed.

Sure. I'm filing the day after.

I'm just not exactly clear on when benefits would start since the language is murky. There's a one week waiting period, whatever that means. They also say that you wait until after severance is paid out, and in Indiana the amount of your severance payout is subtracted from the total benefit pool you qualify for at your rate of pay.

Not a huge deal for somebody like me who has only worked there one year, but somebody working there for 20 years that has 40 weeks of severance checks coming their way might as well not even apply for unemployment because they won't get any unemployment benefits at all.

The last good job I had did the service to their employees of paying out your severance in one lump sum to avoid this. My current company pays out severance on a bi-weekly basis as if you were still an employee making a regular hourly wage until it runs out.

In a lot of states now, this means that you wouldn't get your first unemployment check until those severance checks ended. In Indiana, however, the method of payout doesn't even matter because if you worked somewhere long enough that your severance payout would be more than your unemployment pool than you don't even get any unemployment payouts ever.

I'm assuming that I'm going to get that last paycheck for 5 1/2 hours plus my PTO, then two weeks later I'm going to get my severance payout. Only then will I begin getting unemployment. The only question is, does that 1 week "waiting period" take place right after I apply or does it begin after I got my severance check?

Either way, even when I file the day after I'm unemployed, I don't expect to get the first unemployment check until 4 or possibly 5 weeks afterward.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 14, 2019 12:54 PM


Muggy but at least its not raining.


Friday, June 14, 2019 12:55 PM


Out in a bit things to do.


Friday, June 14, 2019 11:24 PM


Just watched 2 episodes of the new Doctor and I like her.


Friday, June 14, 2019 11:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The only thing I know about unemployment insurance is as an employer.

I had one employee who requested that I show her as "laid off" even tho she quit, so she could get unemployment insurance while looking for a better job ... boy, I never made THAT mistake again, because my unemployment rates went up due to my "experience rate".

Anyway, here in CA they seem to apply "good cause" fairly narrowly.

That is why I kept asking whether or not you were SURE you'd get unemployment, but I didn't look it up. When I DID look it up (just now) this is what I found


You can not receive Indiana unemployment benefits if you quit your job.




In order to be eligible for unemployment benefits in Indiana, you have to have lost your job through no fault of your own. This means that if you quit your job, you can’t get unemployment.

Be sure that you can not quit your job because you didn’t like it, or it was too hard, or because it didn’t pay enough, or because the hours didn’t work for your schedule – and still expect to collect unemployment.

I dunno SIX .... that doesn't sound too good to me. I hope you got good info.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, June 15, 2019 12:25 AM


I didn't quit. It is a layoff.

People who quit their jobs don't get severance.

The only way you get denied is if the company successfully challenges the claim, which I've been told by 3 top level individuals including the new Robot that the company never fights them.



My boss changed my work shift and reduced my hours. I can’t work that shift or afford to take that pay cut, but because I couldn’t work those hours, he says I’ve resigned — and that I’m not eligible for unemployment. Is that true?

Absolutely not. In most states, you are eligible to receive unemployment benefits even if you’ve resigned — provided the reason for the resignation was due to a material, adverse change in your terms and conditions of employment. Changing your shift and reducing your pay certainly meets that threshold, so go and file immediately. Tell them that you didn’t quit — explain that you were offered a different job with a shift you couldn’t work, at reduced pay, and you were then dismissed. You will be given benefits.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 15, 2019 3:53 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, this past week nobody was sick and there were no doctor's appointments. So between hubby and me we managed to pull a lot more crap down from the garage rafters for disposal/ re-use, and put some stuff up (drawers that might be used for a later project).

Also he helped me dis-assemble an old broken lawn spreader to retrieve the metal parts and cut up an old composter for the metal parts, and I did one more scrap-metal roundup (old tomato cages, misc screws, bolts, hinges, hose bibs, heavy-duty curtain rods, random copper tubing, a couple of old electrostatic precipitators from the original air-handling system, screens, etc etc) and dear daughter and I took the lot over to a nearby scrap metal recycler. It was about 120 lbs of mixed ferrous, 8 lbs of copper, 8 lbs of brass, and 20 lbs of "breakage" (mixed steel and aluminum) and netted us a little over $24. Not a lot of money but at least we saved a lot of stuff from the landfill.

I scoped out the next hazardous/ e-waste event and we'll be taking some old soil conditioner (gypsum) and stcco mix and glue and whatnot as well as a bunch of old wires, perfboards, power supplies and other random ewaste there soon. Tommorrow dear daughter and I will be painting, and th day after hubby and I will be sorting computer parts to make room in the den (our "transition room") to move stuff out of our bedroom so we can move back in, clearing out dear daughter's old bedroom for painting so that SHE can move back in. The week after that there's only one doctor's appointment so we should be able to make good progress.

I made a better-than-usual stir fry as I had a lot of leftover veggies: carrots, celery, leftover red pepper, leftover snow peas, water chestnuts, leftover bok choy, and leftover bean sprouts so I got to clear the veggie bins. Served it with baked tofu and Chinese-style bbq pork (Ketchup, soy, ginger, garlic, sugar and a little worcestershire sauce for kick).

Cleared out a mess under the kitchen sink and discovered the installation instructions for our kitchen faucet, which (along with the fact that dear daughter found "DELTA" very lightly etched into the faucet body) put me in the right direction of which repair kit to get because that valve has been getting harder and harder to shut off. Even better, the sales guy at DELTA told me that the faucet has a limited lifetime guarantee and will send me the part for free.

So it's been a busy week, chased after a lot of little piddly things but they needed to be done and with stuff actually crossing our property line in the outward direction things are looking neater and tidier as we go along.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, June 15, 2019 7:52 AM


That's great. :)

It's really nice to get to all those little things that should have been done a long time ago, and a tidy house isn't just more appealing to look at but I find that it motivates one to be more productive overall.

Although, I haven't been very productive these last two days at all. I must have really needed sleep after all those work days since I've practically slept two days straight with a few hours awake in between. I think the canker sores are largely to blame for that down time.

I also missed the best opportunity to mow my lawn that is getting to really need it yesterday, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm going to have to do it now on one of my work days in between shifts next week since it will rain pretty much the whole time until I go back to work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 15, 2019 8:05 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I had one employee who requested that I show her as "laid off" even tho she quit, so she could get unemployment insurance while looking for a better job ... boy, I never made THAT mistake again, because my unemployment rates went up due to my "experience rate".

Oh. And yeah, it's expensive to let people go without very good reasons to do so. It's actually the very reason that third party legal entities such as TALX even exist to handle a lot of these cases, even for large corporations with a lot of money but don't have their own departments to regularly handle things like this.

I'm sure the burden is even higher for "ma and pa" establishments, just like everything else is compared to major corps with a ton of money.

When I asked Number 2 about this a while back, he told me that the company never fought unemployment claims and that he knew of people who had been fired for stealing that still got the unemployment (because the company didn't fight it, and likely the person filing "forgot" to mention the reason why they were fired). There would have been about a zero percent chance the person would have been able to get it had the company fought the claim.

I didn't take that to mean much, however, with the massive corporate restructuring going on all over the company right now. But when I did ask the new Robot about it in our meeting, he said that the company never fights unemployment claims, very matter of factly.

I can only assume that this "never fight" policy of theirs is for PR reasons. Like most multi-national corps these days, they aren't viewed particularly favorable by the public already. My guess is they figure that paying the increases for the insurance is cheaper than potential losses of customers they might see to their competition from any possible bad press over this.

That would make sense, really, since the company already budgets millions of dollars per year, per store for theft and damages.

I wasn't really worried about this going into it since changing my entire shift and cutting my bi-weekly pay roughly 20 hours from what it was before was an egregious change of the terms and conditions, not to mention that the shifts themselves would go from 7 1/2 to 10 hours per shift down to only 4 to 5 hours per shift.

But again, as long as a company doesn't reply within the 15 to 30 day period to contest the claim then there is no valid reason for a denial.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 15, 2019 8:23 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Eh. I've been pecking away slowly. The office is halfway fully set-up - literally half the room in done. But I had to move on to the laundry area, which involves cleaning the ceiling and walls, digging into about a half-dozen crates I threw things into without being too organized, and re-doing a fair bit of the storage shelves.

In between I've been researching my 'plant palette' for the next round of landscaping, especially on the days when it was too hot to do much, even indoors.

I have to say, recently it seems like most here are looking up, and Jack - you're holding steady. That's good news all around!


Saturday, June 15, 2019 9:00 AM


Yeah. It's great that everybody here seems to be doing stuff to improve themselves and their situations. I know I probably come off as far too self involved with my own stuff, but I've got so much going on right now it's just nice to have a place to get it all out there. But I am really happy to see that everybody else here seems to have gotten the "bug" too.

Really, none of the stuff going on with my life would be bothering me all that much with my new frame of mind about things if it weren't for the ticking time bomb in my mouth. It really has been hurting recently, even before the cankers showed up. I can't wait until my dentist appointment next month. I'm going to have to bite the bullet and talk to him about a likely very pricey solution to it all, since I think my step-sis and her husband are going to flake out on me and my mom and step dad are beholden to them now since they put their retirement into their hands, so I'm not going to get any help from them anymore. I honestly think he's a hack. His clientele is rich people who can afford major surgeries, bone grafts and implants. He doesn't seem to have any confidence in his abilities to put me in dentures or partials that would do me justice and because I'm unwilling to go into debt for the rest of my life for implants he doesn't even want to be a part of it. Pretty shady, if you ask me, since they promised they'd take care of me and they've flaked out on it over the last few years. Going to have to see what my dentist can offer me since it probably wouldn't do my parents good in their retirement to start blaming him for any abscesses that poison my brain after they never did the job.

It's a shame on that $24 for recycling, Sigs. I had a whole bunch of stuff in the garage that I was going to separate and cash in on eventually, but I've already started getting rid of it curbside on a slow basis over the last month or so since I figured it wouldn't even be worth the time to do. At least it's not going into any landfills though. Plenty of lighthaulers have come around taking anything with metal in it before trash pickup, even though the practice is technically illegal here.

Got rid of the broken lawnmower I got from a friend years back I always meant to fix for a backup. That thing disappeared within an hour after putting it out.

Still haven't brought myself to get rid of the broken weedwacker, leaf blower and powerwasher though. I already have a working weedwacker and leaf blower, but these would be huge upgrades over what I got if I get them working. I don't have a power washer though, and this one is industrial strength and would cost me well over $500 to buy a comparable working unit. It kind of works now, but it's nowhere near as powerful as it should be. It probably wouldn't be a difficult fix when I get around to it. There's plenty of other stuff to get rid of in the garage first, so hopefully after I clear it out and have a clean work bench I can start tinkering as a break from working on the house.

Already took care of some paperwork that needed to be done this weekend. Going to get a much needed haircut soon. I'd been holding off way longer than I should because the cheap ass that runs the place apparently decided not to offer any coupons in the mail for the last two months, but I can't put it off anymore.

Sadly, I doubt the lawn is going to get the much needed mowing before I go back to work. Oh well. I'll just make a short, superficial cut the first day weather permits in between work shifts and make my way down to the bottom with a few extra mowings after that. Hopefully by that time we'll be out of this ridiculous rain spell we've been under around these parts.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 15, 2019 11:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, I'm very happy with the money that I got for the metal. The recycler is not three miles from where I live, and it paid for well more than the gas!

We've lived in this house for over 25 years, and when we moved here it was kind of an emergency move, precipitated by my MIL's terminal cancer and her inability to handle the stairs in our two-story townhouse, so we just grabbed everything when we moved ... no time to sort. So the last time we did a big purge was when we moved to LA in '78, and have been accumulating stuff ever since.


SIX, I feel like your mouth is stressing you out. As I understand it, your jawbones are Ok, right? No underlying bone infection? IS there bone-thinning there, or do they have a normal density?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, June 15, 2019 12:46 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, I'm very happy with the money that I got for the metal. The recycler is not three miles from where I live, and it paid for well more than the gas!

We've lived in this house for over 25 years, and when we moved here it was kind of an emergency move, precipitated by my MIL's terminal cancer and her inability to handle the stairs in our two-story townhouse, so we just grabbed everything when we moved ... no time to sort. So the last time we did a big purge was when we moved to LA in '78, and have been accumulating stuff ever since.


SIX, I feel like your mouth is stressing you out. As I understand it, your jawbones are Ok, right? No underlying bone infection? IS there bone-thinning there, or do they have a normal density?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

The jaws themselves still work, if that is what you mean.

The bone that held the teeth is virtually gone. It's worse on the top than it is on the bottom. I was told that around 80% of the bone that used to hold the teeth in is gone, and for 7 of my teeth it was non-existent and the only thing holding them in were the cartilage and the gums. That was 5 years ago.

There's underlying infection eating away at them further as we speak. I'm fighting infections 24/7 every day of my life, and it's a losing battle.

It's why I wanted to just get them all removed and have full dentures on top and bottom, but my step-sis's husband refuses to do it. I'm in constant pain. It's not debilitating, since I have a high tolerance for pain and it's just become my new normal, but the knowledge that it gets worse all the time weighs heavily on my mind constantly.

The teeth that remain on the top have shifted considerably, which is really sad since they used to be perfect after the braces came off in 8th grade. :(

I haven't smiled with my mouth open for years. Probably the saddest thing about all of this is that to this day I have still yet to have a single cavity in my life. The teeth themselves are in great shape.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 15, 2019 1:15 PM


I want my allergies to GO AWAY!!!!!!!!

Last 3 days ever since I walked through that department in Walmart my allergies have woken up again. Aaaaarrrggghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, June 15, 2019 1:16 PM


Meeting a friend for lunch to deliver her late birthday present and a couple of other things. So up and out in a bit.


Saturday, June 15, 2019 5:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Six ... I think it would have been better for your mouth if you could have stopped smoking.

But fwiw, where I used to work many decades ago, there was a 40ish, middle class, healthy, good medical and dental care, non-smoking anglo female who was fighting to keep the rest of her teeth with deep-scaling and gum surgery. She did nothing wrong to get such bad jawbones, it seems like she was fated to lose them even under the best care.

Someone I used to work with till I retired had an upper jawbone infection for probably decades before it came to light when a separate abscess was being treated. It took a few months of antibiotics, but it cleared up. There's hope.

Why won't your step-bil do the work? Has it gone past being dental and into medical treatment? I know we discussed this b4, that you couldn't get government dental help, but you could get government medical help. If it's moved into being medical, maybe you could revisit that area?


Saturday, June 15, 2019 6:04 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Brenda - I'm sorry to hear about your allergies! I know you relate them to going to the store, but perhaps they were set and ready to be sprung with the humid but non-rainy weather. Rain actually does a good job washing allergens out of the air (I've seen the air analysis data myself!), damp ground and humid air does a great job getting mold to sporulate in large numbers, and then for those spores to freely drift through the air.


Saturday, June 15, 2019 6:06 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Signy, I envy your progress. I wish I had the fortitude to do that level of work myself. But congratulations!!! on your multiple accomplishments to date!


Saturday, June 15, 2019 6:44 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Brenda - I'm sorry to hear about your allergies! I know you relate them to going to the store, but perhaps they were set and ready to be sprung with the humid but non-rainy weather. Rain actually does a good job washing allergens out of the air (I've seen the air analysis data myself!), damp ground and humid air does a great job getting mold to sporulate in large numbers, and then for those spores to freely drift through the air.

I had thought of that too Kiki. And that is the most likely scenario. They were just waiting for that little push and the cosmetic department was it.

They've settled down again after seeing my friend. Hopefully they will stay that way for the next little while.


Saturday, June 15, 2019 7:30 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm glad for you! I suffer from allergies myself, so I know how dreadful they can be.


Saturday, June 15, 2019 7:50 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Six ... I think it would have been better for your mouth if you could have stopped smoking.

Probably. I think we're a fair bit beyond that mattering anymore though.


But fwiw, where I used to work many decades ago, there was a 40ish, middle class, healthy, good medical and dental care, non-smoking anglo female who was fighting to keep the rest of her teeth with deep-scaling and gum surgery. She did nothing wrong to get such bad jawbones, it seems like she was fated to lose them even under the best care.

Though I'm sure my smoking/drinking did me no favors, it is a hereditary condition. My uncle who never smoked and only drank occasionally, socially, lost his first tooth in his mid 30's and had implants in his 40's. He needs a root scaling/planing once a year and visits a dentist 3 other times per year for a cleaning.

The single worst thing I did to myself was not going to a dentist for nearly 20 years straight since I never had any pain or cavities. By the time I knew about what a horror show I had going on under the gums it was only because I damn near pulled a tooth out biting into a hoagie and it's fairly quickly degenerated since then.


Someone I used to work with till I retired had an upper jawbone infection for probably decades before it came to light when a separate abscess was being treated. It took a few months of antibiotics, but it cleared up. There's hope.

I had anti-biotics after a very pricey scaling/plaining 4 years ago. It will always come back until the teeth are gone. The damage is so advanced and the gums have receded so far that regular maintenance is an impossibility.


Why won't your step-bil do the work?

I asked myself that many times when they were ignoring me and my step-dad. Always some bullshit about having too much to do in their own lives to get back to me.

Now that they're going to all be living together, I guess they felt that they can't lie to us about it anymore or evade. He says he doesn't want to pull my teeth because "I will hate him" after it's done, and if I'm going to hate somebody for what I want done that I need to find somebody else to do it. Somehow, my parents seem satisfied with this answer all of the sudden and are basically telling me that I'm on my own. It pisses me off so much.


Has it gone past being dental and into medical treatment?

I don't know exactly where that distinction is made. I'd love to say yes.

When I had the scans done years ago the infections below the gums constantly eating away at the bone were already there. The guy who did the scans said all the way back then he wouldn't be surprised if I felt run down all the time because my body was constantly fighting off infection.


I know we discussed this b4, that you couldn't get government dental help, but you could get government medical help. If it's moved into being medical, maybe you could revisit that area?

I'd love to. Do you have any ideas how I could investigate this issue?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 15, 2019 8:11 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I'd love to. Do you have any ideas how I could investigate this issue?"

The imp in me wants to say - ask your step-bil what it would take to go from being a dental issue to being a medical one. Ask him to provide a diagnosis if he can give you the very worst news. ie "I'm sorry, there's nothing I can do for you now. It's gone beyond my scope in dentistry." While that's going on, ask your state agency (sorry, don't know what it is) how you can get assistance for a diagnosed serious medical problem.

Obviously it's not a guarantee to proceed. But if your step-bil won't take care of you, maybe he can still help you out.


Saturday, June 15, 2019 10:13 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
I'm glad for you! I suffer from allergies myself, so I know how dreadful they can be.

After three days of dealing with them it is a relief. I just hope they stay that way for a while.


Saturday, June 15, 2019 10:14 PM


I get to watch "The Rookie" tonight.


Sunday, June 16, 2019 2:07 AM


I like "The Rookie". Though it is only the first episode I have seen.


Sunday, June 16, 2019 12:55 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, I think KIKI is on to something here.

Since you have infection leading to bone loss, then treatment with antibiotics should end the infection and stabilize the process.

I understand why implants would be financially impossible in the case of serious bone loss ... someone who worked in the lab had implants done, but she had to have her infection cured and jawbone re-grown, which involved surgery: Scraping out the deteriorated bone, inserting an antiobiotic-soaked pledget plus oral antibiotics, then adding a bone graft consisting of bone chips, glue and growth factor ... and going thru this twice because the infection wasn't totally cleared up the first time ... then implanting the titanium posts and waiting for the bone graft to grow around them so that it was solid, before being able to add the "teeth". She didn't work for me so I wasn't really tracking what was going on, but it seemed every time we caught up with each other in the breakroom it was another installment in the multi-month saga of her teeth. BTW there WAS a happy ending to the story despite setbacks and the re-dos: Her jawbone was finally solid enough for the implants to be completd.

Point is, IMPLANTS would be a long involved process because your jawbones would have to be reconstructed/ regrown to be solid enough to accept the titanium posts. But ending the infection and stopping the bone loss might be thought of as a MEDICAL procedure.

So ... and sorry, I know you posted about this already but I don't remember the details ... I know that you have bone loss. Is the bone loss progressive or has it stabilized? In other words, have you had X-rays taken a few years apart which show continuing deterioration? What would your doctor say if you took those x-rays to his office and asked for his MEDICAL help in curing the infection and stopping the bone loss? Some doctors can be very helpful, especially if you explain that you don't have dental coverage and need medical help to fix the problem.

Also, as I understand it, the reason why you want your teeth pulled is because they are the entry point for bacteria to reach your jawbones? That you could possibly go through a few rounds of anitbiotics and be cured, only to have the problem re-occur?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, June 16, 2019 1:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Signy, I envy your progress. I wish I had the fortitude to do that level of work myself. But congratulations!!! on your multiple accomplishments to date!

Well, don't forget - I've been retired for almost two years now. I spent the first eight months just figuring out how to fix my snoring to get enough sleep so I wasn't so crushingly sleep-deprived, and I've spent the remaining time trying to figure out how to solve the aches and pains (and that nearly eight-month side-trip with Levaquin side effects didn't help) and restore better sleep habits so that I wasn't always waking up at stupid o'clock. I've committed to doing whatever it takes to get at least seven hours, even if I have to shift over to the couch and propping myself up on pillows so I can sleep on my back.

FWIW, hubby discovered that taking Tylenol and ibuprofen before bed ... and decongesting his nose and using nose strips ... and taking Rolaids ... and not eating fatty foods within a few hours of bedtime ... and air-conditioning the bedroom to 71F ... and really blocking out light and noise ... has upped his chances of getting a good nights sleep considerably.

Also, although having three people at home does increase the workload (Guess what? Shopping, cooking, diswashing and laundering for three really ISN'T as easy as doing the same for one) I also have a lot of help. Hubby really helps with the big stuff, and dear daughter does the laundry and helps me with the painting and yardwork.

In fact, we're within 30 minutes of having the back bedroom done. I was doing the wall touch-up and she was working on finshing the trim, and the now the only thing left is a little bit of trim.

Did I mention that I LOVE the color that I picked out? I recommend Behr Paint's "Campfire Ash". I spent a month deciding on the color; I don't know why it took me so long when I picked out the office color in five minutes. I think I just needed a good inspiration. The office was inspired by "snowy/icy landscape on a sparkling day" and the bedroom (finally) by "Central California coastal forest in fog". So everthing in the office will be white, or gray, or light silver ... and if I can find an acrylic window film that sparkles, so much the better. But in the bedroom the walls and ceiling are "far away" colors (neutral gray and soft white), the drapes will be a little "closer" (taupe leaf and twig pattern on off-white) and the rest of the room will be closer still (soft pine green, higher-contrast stripes, pops of cranberry red, etc) and dark flooring.

Also, I learned that I like the ceiling and trim to be the same color, just different reflectances ... I like eggshell for the ceiling and walls but satin for the trim (semi-gloss is just too shiny and synthetic-looking for the effect that I want).

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, June 16, 2019 2:10 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

One of the things I DID complete was looking through a number of online plant databases for SoCal natives to complete my 'plant palette' to semi-finalize my landscaping plan. It's sit-down work so it goes much better with my energy levels!

I have a few basic requirements - vines to cover the outside of the fence along the alley to decorate such a dreary public space!, generally large shrubs for the lowest elevation perimeter with pavers for the ground (I'll have chairs, a fire-pit, table, maybe a hammock and perhaps an umbrella), and small multi-trunked trees on both sides of the rest of the property with wood patios and walkways. I prefer things that throw shade that you can walk under, to both allow breezes underneath and to shade the ground to reduce heating up the yard.

Then I realized just a little while ago that my original plan featured a LOT of spring-blooming plants, as is typical of SoCal natives, but not too many that bloom in summer and fall. And I wanted to increase the year-round wildlife and pollinator utility of the yard. So that's why I was going through the databases.

But even databases I think of as reliable - USDA plants database, CalFlora, and Las Pilitas as examples - are wildly discrepant about things such as size, bloom time, and even something as basic as whether or not a plant is evergreen!!!

So I've come up with alternatives for every spot, and it'll be up to fate - what can I easily get commercially, and experimentation - what thrives, and what characteristics does it have, to determine the final landscape.

And I found online a broadcast of a particular episode of a PBS show 'Garden Smart'. THIS IS AN AWESOME PARK!

It's a newly constructed Brooklyn Bridge Park. Now, I've been in SoCal more than a few decades, but the NE biome still speaks to me and the native, naturalistic landscaping in the park really touches my soul. It's where I want to be (except in winter!).


Sunday, June 16, 2019 3:40 PM


Nose dripping for three days. Got feed-up and took an allergy tablet. Feeling much better now.

Got two more boxes in the living room. Going to open them in a bit and see what is in them.


Sunday, June 16, 2019 8:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, I think KIKI is on to something here.

Since you have infection leading to bone loss, then treatment with antibiotics should end the infection and stabilize the process.

It would be nice if either my step-bil or dentist would think of this...

When I paid $1,500 cash for a root scaling and planing, they put these picks under my gums, sent them to a lab to find out what bacteria was doing the deed and put me on antibiotics. I could try to talk to that periodontist to get those records. Assuming he's still open and a fire didn't burn the building down, they should still have them. I don't even remember what antibiotic I was given, but I do remember it wasn't your standard amoxicillin. I'd never heard of it prior to that.


I understand why implants would be financially impossible in the case of serious bone loss ... someone who worked in the lab had implants done, but she had to have her infection cured and jawbone re-grown, which involved surgery: Scraping out the deteriorated bone, inserting an antiobiotic-soaked pledget plus oral antibiotics, then adding a bone graft consisting of bone chips, glue and growth factor ... and going thru this twice because the infection wasn't totally cleared up the first time ... then implanting the titanium posts and waiting for the bone graft to grow around them so that it was solid, before being able to add the "teeth". She didn't work for me so I wasn't really tracking what was going on, but it seemed every time we caught up with each other in the breakroom it was another installment in the multi-month saga of her teeth. BTW there WAS a happy ending to the story despite setbacks and the re-dos: Her jawbone was finally solid enough for the implants to be completd.

Sounds like my mom's own story. She was undergoing this process for YEARS. At least 5 years before it was done. It began in her late 50's. When I had my scans done the first time and my step-bil looked like the grim reaper telling me I was going to die, he told me that my own situation was already worse than hers was. I was only around 34 at the time.

Yeah... There is ZERO chance that I could ever afford it. It would cost about as much as I paid for my house to get it done.


Point is, IMPLANTS would be a long involved process because your jawbones would have to be reconstructed/ regrown to be solid enough to accept the titanium posts. But ending the infection and stopping the bone loss might be thought of as a MEDICAL procedure.

One would like to think


So ... and sorry, I know you posted about this already but I don't remember the details ... I know that you have bone loss. Is the bone loss progressive or has it stabilized? In other words, have you had X-rays taken a few years apart which show continuing deterioration? What would your doctor say if you took those x-rays to his office and asked for his MEDICAL help in curing the infection and stopping the bone loss? Some doctors can be very helpful, especially if you explain that you don't have dental coverage and need medical help to fix the problem.

It's absolutely progressive. Step-bil said so the last time I saw him in October. My gums which hadn't receded much at all back when I was 34 are so far gone now that a few of the worst teeth have exposed roots, which is why I'm constantly in pain and I have to wash with peroxide several times a day on top of regular brushing, flossing and quite a few washes with regular mouthwash.

I could give it a shot. I have something better than X-Rays... at least I think I do... assuming my step-sis and step-bil didn't lose them. It was a new CT machine that I was the initial guinea pig on. It takes living, breathing scans for around 20 seconds and you can actually see live video of your entire skull in 3D and rotate it around and zoom in. The guy who told me that he wouldn't be surprised if I always felt run down because I was fighting off infection 24/7 was the one who installed it and was teaching my step-bil how to use it. All around my gumline on these scans, which actually move over time since it was a 20 second loop, you could see the "warmer" colors of the infection "throbbing" around the cooler blues and greens of my skull and teeth.


Also, as I understand it, the reason why you want your teeth pulled is because they are the entry point for bacteria to reach your jawbones? That you could possibly go through a few rounds of anitbiotics and be cured, only to have the problem re-occur?

Yes. That's the reason. Even if I were to take antibiotics at this point, it would only be a short matter of time before everything got infected again. At this point a "teeth cleaning" for me is basically a root scaling and planing every time. The damage is beyond severe.

At this point, I'm kind of worried that by not doing anything at all we're shaving years off of my life here. Getting back in shape and eating healthy is great, but if I'm letting my heart grow to the size of a football with all of these tooth infections, that's all going to be moot. Fortunately when I saw the doctor and got blood work done back in January he didn't' see anything that was a cause for concern. But I'm losing the job that helped me stay in such great shape at the end of this week and I doubt very much I'm ever going to work out on that extreme level on my own or even find another job that is half as physically demanding.

The funny thing is, like I said before, I've never had a cavity. My teeth are fine and if it weren't for the severe loss of gum matter you wouldn't at first look think that I even had a problem. I've seen pictures of extreme gum disease online and it looks absolutely wretched. That's not what my mouth looks like. It looks clean, it's just that the teeth are all going to fall out with little to nothing holding them in.

My step-bil doesn't want to do the work on me because he says that dentures on the bottom would be painful and wouldn't stay in place and I would hate him if he did it. He doesn't want to be the one to do the work on me unless I'm able and willing to shell out major bucks to get it done.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, June 16, 2019 9:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I have something better than X-Rays... at least I think I do... assuming my step-sis and step-bil didn't lose them."

Just a caution. I had MRI's done for one doctor due to back pain and brought them home on disc. When the pain came back a half-year later, I took the disc to another doc. But his software couldn't read my images (even though my generic image software at home managed just fine).


Monday, June 17, 2019 12:37 PM


Bright and sunny here today.

Out in a bit. Things to do and people to see.

Got a couple of more boxes cleared out yesterday.


Monday, June 17, 2019 3:29 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Great progress Brenda !!!! You inspire me to do more here!


Monday, June 17, 2019 5:36 PM


Speak of the devil...

I'll be losing my 3rd tooth today.

The one next to the molar I pulled over a year ago has been bothering me for about a month and a half, on and off, but last night about halfway through my work shift it was agonizing. It hasn't gotten any better since. I've already taken 4 of the 6 pain pills you're warned not to take on the label, and they barely put a dent in the pain. I haven't slept in nearly 24 hours because of it.

About 2 hours ago, I said fuck it and I grabbed a pair of needle nose pliers, douced them in rubbing alcohol and went to work...

Bad idea. Though 10 times as painful, this one was nowhere near as loose as the molar was when I was easily able to pop it out. The only pain I've ever felt comparable to that was when I fell on my stairs and nearly broke my back.

My dentist is a godsend. They called me back when I told them what I did and he's going to see me in about an hour and a half from now.

I was really hoping I could put this one off as long as possible, but it's got to go now. I'm pretty sure that once this one is out it's going to quite noticeable and it's going to screw with the symmetry of my face. I could notice it after the molar was out, but people told me they didn't notice it until I said something.

I might ask him to remove the molar on the other side while he's in there if he has the time since it's got to go soon too. It might help with the symmetry problem. Since it's barely painful now compared to this one, it'll be fine if we need to schedule another appointment for that. I'm just grateful that he's able to see me on such short notice.

Probably not going to make it to work tonight. Not a huge deal since I wasn't scheduled, but I hate having to go back on my word when I told my team lead I'd be in. She was happy as hell to see me last night and could have really used the extra help again tonight.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 17, 2019 8:31 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Great progress Brenda !!!! You inspire me to do more here!

Yup, the kitchen area is now ready for a table and chairs and the living room is also ready for a small sofa or settee.

I am quite proud of myself.


Monday, June 17, 2019 8:56 PM


One can not truly appreciate how good it is to feel nothing until they've lived with misery.

I'm exhausted, and I have to stay up long enough to call my team lead and tell her that I can't make it in tonight, but oh my god do I feel good right now.

We're going to pull that other molar out soon, but they felt it was too much to do in one day. I wasn't going to push the issue. I was just so grateful they were able to see me today.

It didn't occur to me until now, but not only am I running out of teeth, but I'm also running out of teeth that actually do anything functional.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 2:17 AM


Tomorrow when I get back home after doing some stuff, I am going to wash some dishes I can use out of those boxes then I am going to tackle a closet.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 2:19 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
One can not truly appreciate how good it is to feel nothing until they've lived with misery.

I'm exhausted, and I have to stay up long enough to call my team lead and tell her that I can't make it in tonight, but oh my god do I feel good right now.

We're going to pull that other molar out soon, but they felt it was too much to do in one day. I wasn't going to push the issue. I was just so grateful they were able to see me today.

It didn't occur to me until now, but not only am I running out of teeth, but I'm also running out of teeth that actually do anything functional.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'm glad you're doing better.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 3:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Gosh SIX, it sounds like your teeth are deciding for you what to do with them!

You're feeling OK? Are you sure it's not just the pain pills talking? Anyway, I too am glad that you're feeling better.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 4:07 AM


I'm not taking any pain pills.

He gave me a scrip for some "Tylenol 3" something or other (really bad handwriting). I didn't get it though. I haven't even taken an ibuprofen since I've gotten back.

I may or may not have still been a little loopy from the gas treatment, but the hygienist said I was good to drive home. I think I was just a little heady from no sleep and the near euphoria that comes with having zero pain after dealing with so much of it for so long. Really, the only break that I got from the tooth pain in the last few months was the pain of the canker sores somehow overpowering this pain. I had actually convinced myself that with enough peroxide that I had removed the infection and the tooth would be fine for a while. In the middle of my shift last night my tooth decided it was time to tell me otherwise.

When I explained what the pain was like after I tried pulling out the tooth myself to the hygienist yesterday, I said "you know that face a patient makes when you're doing a root scaling and planing and you hit a particularly deep pocket and they wince? It's like that, but every single second of your life with no hope that it's ever going to go away."

My eyes were literally red and watery the whole time I was in the waiting room up until I got that sweet, sweet Novocaine and it all went away. When the dentist apologized for how long everything was taking after I got those shots and I had the gas mask on, I told him "you take as long as you need. You have no idea how good it feels not to feel anything".

So.... If you've ever had a tooth pulled before, I've got whatever almost unnoticeable pain that comes along with that. On a scale of 1 to ten, the pain last night at work up before I pulled the tooth was an 8. The pain right when I tried to pull the tooth and about 30 seconds afterward was a 50! The pain the few hours leading up to the tooth being pulled was a 15. The pain right now is a 2, and that's only if I touch the soreness of my cheek. Otherwise it's a nice round zero.

I would have gone right into work last night if I wasn't up for about 28 hours straight and the job wasn't so physically demanding.

Now I just have to figure out how to get more sleep from now until I need to wake up for work since I've been sleeping ever since I called my team lead.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 6:00 PM


Closet is started. One corner cleared out and now there is room for people to hang up their coats or whatever. Also started refilling the trunk.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 7:58 PM


You couldn't possibly know how good it feels to drink a cup of hot coffee or a glass of cold water and not feel any pain until you've gone two months wincing in pain with every sip.

Good for you Brenda. Only 4 more days of work for me then I'm going to start making a whole lot of changes around here myself. I might even post some pictures.

Oh... I also made a decision last night. After finding out from firsthand experience that Nitrous Oxide does absolutely nothing to dull the pain and is only used to "make you relaxed and make time seem to pass faster", I'm never taking it again. It's been a long time since I drank and felt out of touch with myself, and I did not enjoy the feeling at all. My mind was there, and while I was internalizing thoughts everything seemed fine, but I could tell at one point when I was talking that I was "drunk", and I said so and apologized for it (and I know it sounded foolish, the way it came out).

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 9:48 PM


Thanks JACK.

I try to work on things a little bit at a time. As well as picking up things I need shopping wise.


Tuesday, June 18, 2019 11:43 PM


Two more boxes down and I found my Santa Claus nesting dolls.






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