In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Saturday, July 20, 2019 7:54 PM


Funny you mention that. I was talking to my mom today and she's always had a problem with the re-org and removal type stuff. I spent months with her getting rid of a lot of stuff from our old big house when they moved into a smaller house in AZ. Now they've only got a condo in Florida. She's all stressed out and my step-dad isn't making it easy for her either. She won't let him throw anything out without looking at it first, but she's very easily distracted by all the other things and it's really hard to get her to sit and focus on one thing.

She told me today that she's going through a bunch of paperwork and old emails. I told her unless she's looking for something in particular that needs immediate attention, she needs to box that crap up for now and get to that later. BIG things are what she needs to be focusing on now. What's the stuff she can get to right now that will make the most visible impact to both of them?

I told her she could be working on that paperwork for 2 whole weeks straight and even though she's making great progress and it is important, my stepdad's just going to say that she's not doing anything because meanwhile boxes are everywhere and nothing looks like it got done.

I think she got the point. Guess I'll find out later if he came back home and was complaining or not. I do get where both sides are coming from.

He told her that he was always stressed out back at home because everything was always a mess. He's done with that. Like me now, he wants nothing but the basics and he wants the house clean and doesn't want piles of paperwork and mail all over the place anymore. But she doesn't want to just throw everything out right away in case there's important stuff in there.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 20, 2019 8:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I have to say, now that I'm retired, I feel that I have the time (unless death comes knocking unexpectedly, of course!). And even tho my derailment means I get limited areas done at any time, it's nice to look at it and know it's, finally, DONE!. Also, fortunately, I've never been a 'saver'. So what I derail on is usually something that's not working on a day-to-day basis. Once I get it done, life is that much more doable.
When I look back, I've made significant progress in the last few months, more than I made in the last maybe 10 years I was working put together.
Even though I get impatient with my pace, it's gratifying to look around and see progress. But I do want to pick up the pace. So ... speaking of which ... I'm going to boogie and take care of a few things.


Saturday, July 20, 2019 10:34 PM


Weather broke early. :)

Going to time the events here.

At 6:25PM it was 86 in my house on the 2nd floor. Both bedroom doors were closed all day and notably hotter. Without being able to take any measurements, I would guess they were both at least 88 degrees if not hotter. It just now got down to 78 degrees outside with a heat index of 83.

6:28PM: 86 degrees on the 2nd floor. Windows opened, fan turned on.

6:35PM: 85 degrees on 2nd floor (1 degree cooler). Noticeably cooler in the attic, except for the two rooms not in the direct path of the airflow.

At this point it had cooled off enough in the attic already to re-visit some of the tape job around the window that had unsealed sometime while it was on last night and I fixed the seal and made it a bit better. Will continue to monitor and figure out a better solution if this doesn't hold up this time.

7:00PM: 84 degrees on the 2nd floor. 77 degrees outside. Heat index of 77.

7:30PM: No change. Inside or out. :(

Maybe I'm just being impatient here... It's obvious that there is a change in different areas of the house already. Especially the attic.

Unfortunately, this process isn't very scientific since the only thermometer I have is right in the center of the house at the top of the stairs on the 2nd floor.

It does take quite a bit of time for those two rooms on the side of the attic to cool down, and I did have both of the bedroom doors on the second floor closed all day long so they were quite a bit hotter than the 86 degrees that it was at the top of the stairs and the bathroom. They now seem to match the temperature of the hallway, so I'd expect the temperature to drop again shortly.

8:00PM: Still no change. Inside still 84 on 2nd floor. Outside 77 (feels like 77).

Two things occur to me.

1. The sun is still up. Ideally, I'd only be starting this after the sun had already gone down, but it was already so hot in the house and the temperature wend down earlier than expected so it made no sense to sit in heat anymore when I could do something about it. This probably has something to do with the temp not dropping as quickly as I'd like to see.

2. I didn't open many windows, or open them very wide either. My thought was that without a lot of windows open I'd be directing airflow better. Though you could certainly feel this in front of a window when it was one of a few open, it probably was starving the blower for air.

At around 8:05 I opened about twice as many windows, and opened them a lot wider than I had. Though there is not nearly as much force coming in any of the windows when standing in front of it, you can really tell a difference in the entrance to the attic. It's even more noticeable right behind the blower itself. Much more force coming behind you as you walk up there.

8:15PM: 83 degrees on 2nd floor. No change outside.

Well... that seems to have done the trick. It probably would have gone down on its own shortly without opening more windows, but the increased airflow likely sped up the process

9:30PM: 83 degrees on 2nd floor. 76 outside for the next 4 hours. Down to 72 by 4:00AM.

Maybe not...

At this point, I'm going to stop keeping track so often and just let it work for the night. I've got no doubt that by the time I wake up it's going to be a very comfortable temperature inside. We're dealing with a gross amount of humidity tonight that's going to cap off at around 96% and that's probably not helping things much. It will remain humid through tomorrow night even though the temps will have fallen drastically by then, but then it will level out in the 60's/70's after that.

I will be leaving the windows open tomorrow after I turn off the fan. No reason not to with a high of 77 since the air in here will be so humid already.

My hope is to have the temp inside at 78 degrees by sun up tomorrow. Shouldn't rise much if at all during the day since the high is only 77. By the following night I hope to have it get down to 72 in here. Monday night the low is only 61. I'll probably be bitching it's too cold by then.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 20, 2019 11:41 PM


Still up, so I checked it again.

82 degrees as of 10:35PM.

So about 1 degree of cooling per hour for the first four hours. That's one or two degrees more cooling than I used to get all night leaving the windows open, depending on if there was any breeze or not.

Temperature outside actually increased 2 degrees to 78 now. What a strange weather pattern. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 20, 2019 11:57 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Summer is in full swing here in SoCal.

At my place the high for the day was 86F, which is nicely cool compared to the previous AND upcoming hot spells. In the house is roughly 84F. The previous hot spell, the highs never got below 95F, and lows never got below 75F, with ~66% humidity. Then we got a nice 4 day break, today being the last day, with highs ~85F. The predicted high tomorrow is 93F, the 5 days after that are 95F and up, then 2 days at 94F, and then 92F.

Below 90F is OK, 90ish is bearable even though I slow down a lot, but over 95F completely halts me. From 85F to 90F goes from livable to manageable, from 90F to 95F goes from manageable to merely endurable. What a difference those measly 5F steps make!

In tune with the weather, my progress has been slower than I'd like, but I'm still getting things done day by day. My pattern is to start something, run into a problem that's been dogging me for years that I didn't have the time (and energy) to get to - derail myself and finally FIX the darn thing! - and then continue on where I left off. Aside from the weather, that's another thing that keeping me from making huge amounts of progress in a short amount of time.

But I'm also hiring people to get things done, like kill the darn gopher and install a screen/ security door in the side door. So that's a boost of progress, too.

Kiki, I wish summer would stay here. Warmer tomorrow here and then we are to get with rain on Wednesday.


Sunday, July 21, 2019 1:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I feel for anyone who has to put up with heat AND humidity! Or, just plain heat, if it's hot enough! I'm glad for you SIX that you got your cooldown! Our temps are ramping up again. Ugh.


I told her she could be working on that paperwork for 2 whole weeks straight and even though she's making great progress and it is important, my stepdad's just going to say that she's not doing anything because meanwhile boxes are everywhere and nothing looks like it got done.

I think she got the point. Guess I'll find out later if he came back home and was complaining or not. I do get where both sides are coming from.

He told her that he was always stressed out back at home because everything was always a mess. He's done with that. Like me now, he wants nothing but the basics and he wants the house clean and doesn't want piles of paperwork and mail all over the place anymore. But she doesn't want to just throw everything out right away in case there's important stuff in there.

Wow, is this ... OUR house??? Somehow between the two of us we get things done but it's not a comfortable process for either one of us!

Just as an aside, I've had TWO people come up to me in the past two days and compliment me on the front yard which (IMHO) still looks like a mess. Both of them were Oriental. One man, a guest of our next-door neighbor, told me (in Korean, translated) that he liked my yard, he thought it looked nice. He gestured to the plants and said "this is Korean style" and then to the lawn next door and (I swear to God with a little sneer in his voice) said "This is American style".

I was hose-watering some spots that the sprinklers don't reach very well, and as I was watering I had two hummingbirds flit through the spray. There were the usual two or three butterflies enjoying the flowers. Mourning doves were pecking at the CA poppy seeds, and I bumped into a ginormous grasshopper eating some weed leaves. (It's OK, they can have them!) The yard was full of life, it was just so peaceful at that moment, I wish you could have been there. And (almost) worth all of the effort that the yard requires.

Did someone say that native landscapes take less work??? HA!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, July 21, 2019 10:42 AM


Being a bachelor for life, having to do stuff like that with two people involved is a process I can't even imagine. It's hard enough for one, especially when you're not fully committed. With two people, you both have to be fully on board (or you have to have one person who both doesn't care and is willing to let everything go, but is also patient with the person who does care and is sorting through all of it).

There's probably some positives to be said about it, but it can't be easy. Two people, particularly of the opposite sex, are likely to have pretty different ideas about what is and what is not important. They're also likely to have disagreements about how much storage space should actually be used as storage space. Putting a bunch of stuff in your storage space(s) over the years so that it becomes cluttered and unmanageable is how the problem begins and how junk ends up piling up in living areas. Have you ever had the problem of the innocuous "junk drawer" multiplying like Gremlins and taking over your kitchen?

I know I did.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 21, 2019 10:46 AM


I went to bed around midnight last night. By 11:30PM, it had gotten down to 81 degrees on the 2nd floor.

Woke up this morning at 8:30 and turned off the fan. It was 78 degrees in my house. (My stated target. Yay!)

79 degrees out now for the next few hours, and that's as hot as it's going to get. Low of 69 tonight. I'll be able to leave the windows open for the next few days.

Plenty comfortable enough inside and out to get back to work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 21, 2019 2:06 PM


Another bright sunny day here and I am taking it easy today. Just sorting through some papers.


Monday, July 22, 2019 12:41 AM


I wish DVDs used close captioning.


Monday, July 22, 2019 1:02 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I wish DVDs used close captioning.

Some do.

Did you try it through your TV settings?

You control the Subtitles through the DVD menus. You control the Closed Captioning through your TV set.

BluRay does not support closed captioning at all though.


Oh... BTW. How is your DVD player connected to your TV set? If you are using an HDMI cable for the connection, the TV won't display any Closed Captioning that is on the Disc. You have to use the old Component/Composite cable for CC to work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 22, 2019 1:13 AM


Going to do it again. House doesn't really need it, but I'd like to see what happens when it's not miserable outside. It's still pretty humid until the sun comes out tomorrow, but it's hardly noticeable in the house when the temperature is in the 70's.

House is was 77 on the second floor when I started. 71 degrees outside, feels like 71. Low tonight is 67 degrees. Humidity currently 81%, with a high of 82% tonight, dipping into the 50's by tomorrow mid-day. Attic was pretty cool since it rained hard the first half of the day and didn't get sunlight until the afternoon, filtered through the trees.

8:30PM: 77 on thermostat. 71 outside, feels like 71.

8:35PM: 76 on thermostat. 71 outside, feels like 71.

Strange that it seems to almost always drop that first single degree within 10 minutes but it's a long time before a second one....

10:30PM 75 on thermostat. 70 outside, feels like 70.

12:00PM: 74 on thermostat. 69 outside, feels like 69.

It seems that everything being cooler doesn't make this process work any quicker than when it's hot. Either that, or the system as is will never have the time necessary to get the inside temp within 3 or so degrees of the outside temp.

Outside temp will be 68 between 3AM and 7AM. I'm expecting 72 degrees when I wake up, but maybe I'll luck out and see 71 or even 70 since there are 4 hours at the low instead of only 1 hour like the last few nights.

None of this is really necessary since it is quite comfortable in the house at 77 degrees. Really nice to get it lower and feel that breeze everywhere though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 22, 2019 3:02 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I wish DVDs used close captioning.

Some do.

Did you try it through your TV settings?

You control the Subtitles through the DVD menus. You control the Closed Captioning through your TV set.

BluRay does not support closed captioning at all though.


Oh... BTW. How is your DVD player connected to your TV set? If you are using an HDMI cable for the connection, the TV won't display any Closed Captioning that is on the Disc. You have to use the old Component/Composite cable for CC to work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I did try once to use the Close Captioning through the tv for a DVD. It didn't work.

Someone else mentioned to me the subtitles and that is what I will have to use once in a while.

My DVD and VHS both go through a HD box from my cable company. My tv is old.

I have used CC on the tv a couple of times when I've found that I wasn't catching all the words. I just told the remote for the HD box : CC on. I kinda like talking to the remote.


Monday, July 22, 2019 3:16 AM


Well if you're using the DVD through some "HD Box" and that box is connected to the TV through an HDMI cable, it's still going to get lost in the mix. HDMI cables were not made with the capability for transmitting that info no matter what the source is from.

Not all DVDs use the technology and some just have subtitles. The Closed Captioning is stored as a separate data stream that can be used by any TV that's set up to display it (most TVs, at least in the US, had to do it some time in the 80's and beyond). Subtitles aren't data. They're transparent images that are laid on top of the movie.

I saw a youtube video on how all of that worked. It was pretty fascinating.

Pretty lame that the US government didn't force BluRay and HDMI cable manufacturers to use the tech. I don't know how that happened. Without the US forcing that standard going forward, it's unlikely anybody else is going to either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 22, 2019 3:18 AM


I found the video on it.

This guy has a lot of great stuff.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 22, 2019 12:59 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Well if you're using the DVD through some "HD Box" and that box is connected to the TV through an HDMI cable, it's still going to get lost in the mix. HDMI cables were not made with the capability for transmitting that info no matter what the source is from.

Not all DVDs use the technology and some just have subtitles. The Closed Captioning is stored as a separate data stream that can be used by any TV that's set up to display it (most TVs, at least in the US, had to do it some time in the 80's and beyond). Subtitles aren't data. They're transparent images that are laid on top of the movie.

I saw a youtube video on how all of that worked. It was pretty fascinating.

Pretty lame that the US government didn't force BluRay and HDMI cable manufacturers to use the tech. I don't know how that happened. Without the US forcing that standard going forward, it's unlikely anybody else is going to either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

"HD" just stands for High Definition. Makes everything brighter and clearer and it is through my cable company. And since you really need cable these days to watch anything on tv.

Most tvs in Canada are set up for close captioning as well.

I get that about sub-titles.

I'll watch the video later. Got things to do today. But thanks for the info.


Monday, July 22, 2019 1:11 PM


No problem.

I really can't figure out why they didn't enforce the closed captioning on the new technology though. Subtitles are nice, but they aren't the end-all-be-all solution and they could never replace closed captioning.

As long as people are watching things like the news and sports on HD streams that are transmitted to their TV via antenna, they will be able to use closed captioning. But if they're getting any HD media through any device that connects to the TV with an HDMI cable this info won't be present, even if the original media had it.

Not a problem with movies and TV show collections that have subtitles (although you do sometimes lose some non-dialogue info that CC usually displays, depending on who made the subs). But any live broadcasts rely on somebody who can type lightning fast to put the words on the screen as they're spoken. Well... maybe that's all automated now too, but people used to do that. But the fact is that the hearing impared are being left behind with the new technology.

I think at some point it will be revisited in the US legal system and manufacturers will be forced to do this once again. I don't see how that doesn't happen in the future. But of course, if you want to use it at that point it will require you to upgrade your tech once again. Not something that everybody will be forced to do since most people can go without CC, especially since there are subtitles on most BluRays if they really want them.

But people like you that want it are going to probably have to buy a new and pricier HDMI cable for any device hooked to your TV(s) and you might even have to buy a new BluRay player. Although with how "smart" devices are today, you might just need to buy the cable. It's probable that the devices themselves can pretty easily be upgraded through software to use CC as long as they're connectable to the internet. If that happens, it would be likely that any of the major players with a US presence like Sony and Magnavox would upgrade all of their previous devices when forced to by law. However, anybody who's rocking some Made in China shit-boxes that they bought on are probably going to be out of luck.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 22, 2019 7:44 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
No problem.

I really can't figure out why they didn't enforce the closed captioning on the new technology though. Subtitles are nice, but they aren't the end-all-be-all solution and they could never replace closed captioning.

As long as people are watching things like the news and sports on HD streams that are transmitted to their TV via antenna, they will be able to use closed captioning. But if they're getting any HD media through any device that connects to the TV with an HDMI cable this info won't be present, even if the original media had it.

Not a problem with movies and TV show collections that have subtitles (although you do sometimes lose some non-dialogue info that CC usually displays, depending on who made the subs). But any live broadcasts rely on somebody who can type lightning fast to put the words on the screen as they're spoken. Well... maybe that's all automated now too, but people used to do that. But the fact is that the hearing impared are being left behind with the new technology.

I think at some point it will be revisited in the US legal system and manufacturers will be forced to do this once again. I don't see how that doesn't happen in the future. But of course, if you want to use it at that point it will require you to upgrade your tech once again. Not something that everybody will be forced to do since most people can go without CC, especially since there are subtitles on most BluRays if they really want them.

But people like you that want it are going to probably have to buy a new and pricier HDMI cable for any device hooked to your TV(s) and you might even have to buy a new BluRay player. Although with how "smart" devices are today, you might just need to buy the cable. It's probable that the devices themselves can pretty easily be upgraded through software to use CC as long as they're connectable to the internet. If that happens, it would be likely that any of the major players with a US presence like Sony and Magnavox would upgrade all of their previous devices when forced to by law. However, anybody who's rocking some Made in China shit-boxes that they bought on are probably going to be out of luck.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That video was interesting. I would have to do some research about close captioning in Canada. But I think it came in around the same time as the US.

I don't bother with the close captioning on YouTube for what I listen too. I can hear well enough for that.

I only use it on the tv every so often and now on DVDs. So, yeah. It is subtitles for me when I am having that problems with my hearing not cooperating. Which is what happened last night.

Had a DVD from the library a couple of weeks ago and turned on the set-up, and hit the DV(Descriptive video) line. That drove me buggy as it ruined what I was watching with describing everything. It was my own fault and I was curious. I now know not to touch that one.


Monday, July 22, 2019 8:52 PM


Yeah. I can't sit and binge watch the guy, but when I'm in the mood for it he makes a lot of great videos explaining how a lot of tech works, and does a great job dumbing it down enough for the rest of us.

I'm pretty sure that whenever the US actually passed those laws for TV sets that the ones you were getting in Canada were compliant as well. It's not as true as it was in the 80's and 90's, but America kind of dictates how the rest of the world gets stuff when laws like these are passed because such a large percentage of the purchases are made here. Once you've got your assembly line up and running, it's actually more expensive to make half of your TVs without the ability (parts and labor) than it is to just make them all conform to the standard, since you only need one line per process instead of two separate lines or alternating which ones get made and taking the time to keep going back and forth between setups.

The only time this never really was the case was with the NTSC vs PAL format because they were designed with the different electricity connections we have in different regions of the world (110v service vs 220v service). North America as well as Japan use NTSC (for 110 volt service), while most of Europe uses PAL (for 220 volt service). In that case, they absolutely had to make two separate TV sets for the different regions unless somebody and redid the entire electrical grid.

That's really quite fascinating too. I've known about that for quite a while, but the same guy has a video about that as well and he did a great job explaining it.

Because of the different formats, anything from TV shows to video games run slightly slower in Europe than then do in the US/Canada/Mexico/Japan.

I remember my brother telling me about a bunch of people he knew getting together to watch a Firefly marathon, and some of them were in Europe and they were all talking to each other remotely while it was on.

It didn't take long for somebody to realize that the ones watching it in Europe were starting to fall behind.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 22, 2019 9:59 PM


So I think that it's just impossible to ever expect to have the same temperature inside and out overnight without some external cooling source.

Though it's disappointing, I'd imagine the science behind it makes sense. I'd imagine that no matter what I do, there is residual heat behind the walls that will constantly radiate outward even as the air inside cools down to close to the outside temperature. And that's just a frame house with vinyl siding. I'd guess that cooling the entire house with a single fan would be a much harder thing to accomplish if it were a brick oven.

Have to take into account the fact that I'm here generating my 98 degrees every second I'm in the house too. Any fans, TVs and lights are also putting off a bit of heat. That refrigerator is always a constant source of heat as well.

So I never got it down to below 72 by the morning. Left the windows open all day. The high was 73. It was 73 inside at 8:45 when I turned the fan on, 67 outside. It is supposed to get down to 61 tonight, but not for long. I'll be expecting 66 on the thermostat when I turn it off.

High will be 80 with a low of 63 tomorrow. I'll be closing the windows in the morning. It will feel like I've got A/C on in here. :)

EDIT: Wow. Immediate 2 degree cooling tonight in only 15 minutes, down to 71. I'm thinking that's because it was already 6 degrees difference by 8:30. 4 degrees seems to be the magic number for variance inside and outside of the house.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 12:08 AM


Oh, I don't doubt that was how it worked with Close Captioning, JACK.

Still it was very informative.

I've known for a while about the different regions and thank you for explaining some of the whys of that.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 12:09 AM


Weather is still dry here but a slight possibility of some rain on Wednesday.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 12:10 AM


One bookcase almost finished organizing. Just started working on my Star Trek books, original crew. Some of those I haven't read yet.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 12:56 AM


I think that is probably how it went in the 80's and 90's. I doubt very much that Canada had any pull with how TV sets were made. It's possible that Canada followed suit and passed the same laws at a later date, but that was really just to ensure compliance with Canadian (French and English) broadcasters. The TVs themselves were already compliant because of the US laws that had already passed requiring that the TV sets for NTSC supported closed captioning.

That being said, it looks as though Canada isn't dropping the issue. If you're going to see CC make it into the new technology, Canada might be at the forefront of making that happen in the 2020's.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 1:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Surgery is over, been back home for 8 hours and feeling OK-ish. Nose is still bleeding, I going to be a "mouth breather" tonight because I think I'm going to pack my nose with gauze. NOTE TO SELF: don't reach down for anything, and sleep with head elevated!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:03 AM


Mouth breather, you say?

You're in good company here.

Get some rest. What are you still doing up???

1:00AM here and it's 68 degrees on the second floor; 61 degrees outside. 5 degree drop since I turned it on at 8:30.

I'm still going to have that on for another 7 or so hours before it gets turned off. Might make it below my projected 66 if I'm lucky. Got about 4 hours where it's actually supposed to go as low as 60, so I might get the house to 64 before the windows get shut. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing how this system works when we have more typical weather for the season that's starting up again in the next few days.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:50 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I think that is probably how it went in the 80's and 90's. I doubt very much that Canada had any pull with how TV sets were made. It's possible that Canada followed suit and passed the same laws at a later date, but that was really just to ensure compliance with Canadian (French and English) broadcasters. The TVs themselves were already compliant because of the US laws that had already passed requiring that the TV sets for NTSC supported closed captioning.

That being said, it looks as though Canada isn't dropping the issue. If you're going to see CC make it into the new technology, Canada might be at the forefront of making that happen in the 2020's.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I doubt that Canada did.

Read one of the articles and I think the CRTC is doing a good job in making sure things are up to speck. I know I can use CC on any program if I so desire to and that would include any French Canadian programing as well.

I hope Canada is.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:52 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Mouth breather, you say?

You're in good company here.

Get some rest. What are you still doing up???

1:00AM here and it's 68 degrees on the second floor; 61 degrees outside. 5 degree drop since I turned it on at 8:30.

I'm still going to have that on for another 7 or so hours before it gets turned off. Might make it below my projected 66 if I'm lucky. Got about 4 hours where it's actually supposed to go as low as 60, so I might get the house to 64 before the windows get shut. :)

I'm looking forward to seeing how this system works when we have more typical weather for the season that's starting up again in the next few days.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I mouth breath when my allergies get bad.

Not even midnight where I am. And the skies are clear of clouds and rain.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:52 AM


Sig, take it easy on yourself for the next week.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 2:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Too uncomfortable to sleep.

Glad your blower is working to bring in cool air!!

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are all expected to be in the low 90s. After a very cool, rainy and extended spring, summer is definitely upon us! But of course our humidity isn't usually very high. Anyway, gardening is out of the question for at least a week (or two) which is why I was so hot to get so much done; and I'm limited from lifting more than 10 lbs for two weeks so I guess I'll be doing small stuff in the house.

I'll check my "to do" list, I know that I have some financial stuff to attend to and should probably get dear daughter in some official therapy and such, so ...
Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 3:47 AM


Hope you can sleep soon. I've got to sign out now. Up way too late and a lot of stuff to do tomorrow. Going to see the dentist for my cleaning.

I might turn the fan off now. It's 67 on the 2nd floor, so it's probably 62 on the first floor and I forgot how cold that starts getting. lol. Going to have to bundle up now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 11:25 AM


Morning here and I got stuff to do today.


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 7:09 PM



I wonder if I can use one of my existing digital timers for the blower or not. Probably not safe. I'll have to do some research on it.

In the mean time, as nice as it is putting that on every night, I might have to only use it every 4 or so nights unless we get another grueling heat wave.

I just got my bill for the month and it's about $15 higher than it should be. Says my daily electricity costs were 41 cents more per day than last month. It'd be worth it to me to pay 50 cents a day to keep that blower on every night, but that 41 cent a day bump was spread over 33 days and I only had that thing going all night for what... 5, maybe 6 nights?

I can't think of anything else I've really done differently other than running a few house fans more than last month. It's possible that this blower costs me $2.50 to $3.00 per night to run.

Nah... that can't be possible. I know the thing is ancient, but there's no way it's drawing that much power. An average blower should only be drawing about .5kw/hr. I'm not sure what my cost per kw/hr is, but even giving an extremely conservative 14 cents per kw/hr, that would require running it 200 hours to make $14. Even if it was a monster and used a full kw per hour, that would take 100 hours to equal $14. And chances are the cost to me is more like 10 or 11 cents per kw/hr. (I'll have to check my bill).

I had to have done something different this month that I'm not thinking about.

Would love to get a timer based solution that only turned it on between the hours of 3AM and 7AM for maximum benefit.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 23, 2019 10:42 PM


It didn't occur to me until now to keep a record of how many hours I had the thing running...

I'm surely going to do that any time I run it in the future.

Two things I did figure out. My power company no longer tells you how much they charge for electric and just give some bullshit statement about usage and whatever it's costing them being passed on to the consumer. Strange. They still tell you what you're paying per unit of gas though.

Doing a little math, I figured out that they charged me 12.2 cents per kw/hr (this month).

I also didn't see anything on the blower about wattage, but it says that it's 1/2 horsepower. Converting that gives me 0.37285 kw. So 1/2 horsepower/hr = 0.37285 kw/hr.


The blower uses less juice than I had imagined it did, and the cost of energy is nearly 2 cents cheaper than I was accounting for.

It should only be costing me less than 5 cents per hour to run that thing. (0.454877 cents, but let's call it 5 for simplicity sake).

I went back here and saw that I put it together on the 17th. The meter reading was on the 22nd during the day (so we can't include the 5 or so hours I had it running last night). There was also a night that I didn't turn it on at all because it was cooler in my house than it was outside all night long.

That leaves 4 nights of running it.

I'm just going to guesstimate that I ran it 12 hours on average those 4 nights.

That's only $2.40 in total, or 60 cents per night.

If I ran it 12 hours per night, every night, it should only run me $18 per month.

I had to have been doing something else with my electric. I know I left a few overhead florescent lights in the garage on a few nights. (OOPS!) I've also been using some power tools here and there, but that shouldn't be much.

Yanno what? It's probably that I'm home more without working and the TV and peripherals are on more. That might have added $12 or so bucks to the bill right there.

I'd appreciate it if anybody who knows about electric and can math well can verify what I've written here. I think I'm going to keep using it this month, but I'll just do some better record keeping of how long it's on.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 24, 2019 5:30 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I'd appreciate it if anybody who knows about electric and can math well can verify what I've written here."

But that's like work ....

Computers and TV draw more than you might think.

I don't know much about timers, so I did some preliminary looking-up. I assume the blower you plugged in is in a 120V outlet, which is the exact same as your other outlets that you plug your lights, iron, TV, etc into. The difference is how much current - amps - they draw. And since they're all at the same 120V voltage but differ in amps, and watt = amp X volt, the various things you might put on a timer differ by wattage.

I looked up Home Depot online (they just happened to be near the top of the page) and indeed different timers are meant to work at different wattages.

Being lazy I googled hp to Watts conversion and got 372.85 Watts equivalent to 0.5hp.

So it looks like you'd need to be sure to get a timer rated for at least roughly 375 Watts.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019 7:31 AM


Yeah. It's just using a standard outlet.

My timer says on the back:

125V ac, 60Hz, 8.3A
125V ac, 60Hz, 1000W

(8.333333 amps x 120 volts = 1000 watts)

I don't think it's as simple as that though. I've read that these motors can run steady at around 5 amps, but can take as much as 20 to get started.

There certainly is more visible electric arcing to the plug than any other appliance that I've ever plugged into a wall before.

I haven't used either of my timers for anything in years. I'd risk burning it out and giving it a shot if I wasn't afraid that it would melt down one day and burn my house down.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 24, 2019 8:01 AM


I went ahead and turned it on again last night for 10 hours. 10PM to 6AM this time. Got the temp from 76 degrees down to 67 degrees.

I think for now I'll just keep using it when and if I need it and just do it all manually. It's really nice to have and way better than I used to live during the summer before I did it. At 1/2 horsepower it can't be costing me more than 5 cents per hour to run it. Those additional costs must be due to behavioral changes because of unemployment. It shouldn't even cost me $18 to run it every night in a month for 10 hours, let alone 4 nights.

Timers can get pretty pricey if you want one for heavy duty loads that don't have crappy customer ratings. Plus, none of the questions or comments seem even remotely related to my application, so I can't really be sure that I'm buying a beefy enough one for the job unless I go way overboard with it.

At that point, I'm losing most of the ROI.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 24, 2019 8:17 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"I'd risk burning it out and giving it a shot if I wasn't afraid that it would melt down one day and burn my house down."

I can see that that could be a consideration!

You might have an 'induction motor'.

Sorry to say that's WAY beyond my experience. What I can tell you is that there are two types of resistance in an electric circuit - one is what we know as resistance (things that conduct DC poorly because of the nature of the materials the electricity is going through), and the other is things that conduct somewhat poorly because of the nature of the configuration of certain elements once AC current is going through them.

An inductor motor is basically just two sets of copper coils, and, as a DC conductor, copper is a dead short. So as the motor is starting up and before all the magnetic fields get established within the motor that provide impedance (AC resistance), the motor is a (near) dead short and draws a ton of electricity. You'll probably see the house lights dim as it starts up. On the other side of operation, as you're pulling the plug, all the magnetic fields that have been established start to collapse and continue to drive current - hence the arcing at the outlet.

Anyway, supposedly you can find the motor's start-up power draw rating indirectly on the face plate. There are some numbers that allow you to calculate what that is.

I think you should ask an electrician or someone knowledgeable.


Wednesday, July 24, 2019 1:09 PM


Think we got some rain over night. Things look kinda damp out.


Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:22 AM


I've found at least a dozen or more books I haven't read.


Thursday, July 25, 2019 12:40 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"I'd risk burning it out and giving it a shot if I wasn't afraid that it would melt down one day and burn my house down."

I can see that that could be a consideration!

You might have an 'induction motor'.

Sorry to say that's WAY beyond my experience. What I can tell you is that there are two types of resistance in an electric circuit - one is what we know as resistance (things that conduct DC poorly because of the nature of the materials the electricity is going through), and the other is things that conduct somewhat poorly because of the nature of the configuration of certain elements once AC current is going through them.

An inductor motor is basically just two sets of copper coils, and, as a DC conductor, copper is a dead short. So as the motor is starting up and before all the magnetic fields get established within the motor that provide impedance (AC resistance), the motor is a (near) dead short and draws a ton of electricity. You'll probably see the house lights dim as it starts up. On the other side of operation, as you're pulling the plug, all the magnetic fields that have been established start to collapse and continue to drive current - hence the arcing at the outlet.

Anyway, supposedly you can find the motor's start-up power draw rating indirectly on the face plate. There are some numbers that allow you to calculate what that is.

I think you should ask an electrician or someone knowledgeable.

Even if I hadn't drank my way through those four certifications around 5 years back, I haven't used it so I've more or less lost it.

It probably is an induction motor. Just not nearly as bright and shiny as the ones on that page.

Sadly, aside from the 1/2 HP label, there's nothing worthwhile on there. Just some info about how it should be fitted in a furnace. That was the first thing I checked because I did remember that, at least in a work setting, there are supposed to be all kinds of labels with info on them.

I'm not going to worry about a timer. At least for now. There's no way that the motor was the cause of the big bump in my electric bill with only 4 nights of running it. At 5 cents per hour, it's worth it running the thing for 10-12 hours per night even when it's in the low to mid 80's for the high.

Today was 82. It was a comfortable 74 on the 2nd floor a little after 10PM when I started it up. In less than 1 1/2 hours it's already cooled off 4 degrees to 70. Now that I know to open a lot of windows wide, and the attic is regularly cool compared to the insane temps I was letting it get to by doing nothing, the cooling happens pretty quick. It also helps to not even bother doing it until around 10PM or after when the temp has dropped way below what it is in the house (62 degrees outside right now).

It's going to get down to 58 tonight, so I fully expect the 2nd floor to read 62 when I close everything up tomorrow morning. The attic might end up being 1 or 2 degrees warmer, but I can't tell any difference by feeling it and I don't have a thermometer.

This is worth 60 cents or less per night to me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 25, 2019 5:09 PM


Garbage day...

Finally got my ass in gear and got back to work. Got rid of two large cans full of shit from the house and garage and already nearly filled them up again after they were picked up. There's so much room in my garage and I can actually get to most of my tools now.

I still haven't found the missing pieces to the gorram countersink drill set though. I don't know how I would have ever threw them out, but I'm really running out of places to look for it at this point. :(

Got a friend who's going to take a huge torpedo heater and the gas can off my hands. I took that thing 3 years ago and haven't even looked at it since. It's just in my way. Glad somebody I know can make good use out of it though.

I'm going to re-string my electric guitar and two accoustic guitars I got from my mom when they moved. They're all going to my niece. :)

It always seems like there's more stuff to sort out and get rid of though. I'd love to say that I'm almost done, but still so much to do. I'd say that in the last few months though, I've gotten rid of 40% of what I owned so far. I know I can get that number to 70% before I box the rest I don't think I'll be using before I move up.

Going to goodwill with a few boxes of books tomorrow. Except for a few that are really special to me, I'm just getting rid of the rest for now. Most of them I got from goodwill anyhow, and I've already read them. Kind of sucks getting rid of some really nice DIY/Home Improvement collections I put together, but I don't ever use them. Whenever I need to do something my first stop is youtube anyhow.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 25, 2019 8:14 PM


I finished unpacking today. Yay!!


Thursday, July 25, 2019 8:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hubby and dear daughter put up the "mudroom" shelving and even tho it's just temporary it's a thing of functional beauty. The concept is working out great.

Took a pain pill for the first time today, wheeee!!!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, July 25, 2019 9:51 PM


Congrats Brenda. :)

What's "mushroom" shelving, Sigs?

Pain pills, huh? Nice. I avoid those like the plague myself. I let my dentist know the other day after my cleaning that I wasn't taking any nitrous when they removed my other molar (we decided just to get rid of it now since I get along fine without the other one and it's only a matter of time and we don't want a repeat of what happened last time on our hands). Almost 2 years and 8 months sober now, and the nitrous felt way too close to what being drunk feels like and I didn't like it at all. Since it does nothing at all for the pain I don't feel that their was any point to it.

I did have to laugh though when he gave me the Novocaine this time. I told him "wow. I actually felt a pinch there this time. Didn't notice it last time with all the pain I was already in before I came into the office" :)

Might actually be taking care of the whole mouth situation once and for all around the new year. It seems like my family is a dead end, and I'll be dead waiting for anything to happen there. My dentist is aware of my financial situation and after I asked for a quote I was surprised with something that doesn't sound financially out of reach. One of the two payment options is also a "dental credit card" thing that has a zero percent interest rate on it.

I'm probably just going to go full bore and have all of the top teeth removed. Fortunately, only the back ones have come out so far and my smile hasn't been affected, but the gums have receded quite a bit already and now that I'm missing teeth in the back I know they're starting to shift and it's only a matter of time. This way, I'd have no more infections up there once they're out. Going to remove anywhere from the front two to the front six on the bottom as well. The rest of them are in fairly good shape, and as long as I take care of them and see a dentist for a cleaning at least every 6 months I should have them for a long time to hold in the partial down there.

Damn shame. I've still never had a single cavity. The teeth themselves are in great shape. There's just nothing holding them in anymore. They were nice while they were good, but it's time for them to go.

C'est la vie!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, July 25, 2019 11:56 PM


Thanks Jack.

It feels sooo good to be able to say that. Now, I can officially slow down and take my time doing other things from now on.


Thursday, July 25, 2019 11:57 PM


Update on my brother. His latest picture shows him using a cane to get around with. He said he should know tomorrow when he can go home. But he has thought this before. So we shall see.


Friday, July 26, 2019 12:56 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hooray Brenda! for getting all moved in. And thanks for the update on your brother. I hope his progress has been consistently forward and will be so in the future. And that he's able to get home soon.

Hey Jack - I'n glad you seem like you're on your way to addressing your teeth ... maybe I should say your mouth? I think it'll be both a big physical and big emotional relief.

Hey Signy - oh dear. I'm concerned that the late appearance of pain is a negative sign. Time will tell.


Friday, July 26, 2019 1:02 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Personally, I'm still slowly chipping away at various tasks and projects. But over the last few days and for the next 10 days at least, temps are 95F-100F, and I confess the heat really slows me down. However, it doesn't slow down my spending to have OTHER people do stuff! The gopher guy came yesterday, and set a couple of traps down in the tunnels; as well as the screen door guy who took measurements. I'll be going to the store tomorrow to get the lockset for the screen door. I was pleasantly surprised at the final quote. I thought it was going to be a lot more expensive.


Friday, July 26, 2019 1:03 AM


Something is definitely wrong here, regarding the blower and my energy consumption.

I turned the blower on at 10PM. The last two digits of the kw/hr meter showed 98 at that time. At 12:00, it shows 02.

I realize that 2 hours is not a good test. It may have changed to 99 a minute or two after I checked at 10PM. But even if we throw that out and call it 3, that means that I'm using at least 1.5kw/hr with the blower on.

Granted, I do have other things on, but nothing out of the ordinary for this time of night.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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