In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Friday, July 26, 2019 1:23 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Turn the blower off. Leave everything else on. Check again in 2 hours. Still high? UNPLUG the blower. Leave everything else on. Check again in 2 hours.

Also, grab the wire some ways BEHIND the blower plug (but not anywhere over it, in the interests of personal safety). Is it warm? If so, it's drawing far more than it should.


Friday, July 26, 2019 3:00 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hooray Brenda! for getting all moved in. And thanks for the update on your brother. I hope his progress has been consistently forward and will be so in the future. And that he's able to get home soon.

Yes, it is great Kiki. It really feels like home now. Well, he's gone from a walker to a cane so that is major progress. If he gets home over the weekend or next Monday, I am sure he will have a long list of does and don'ts and things he will need.


Friday, July 26, 2019 9:15 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


I meant MUDROOM!

That's what happens with autocomplete and no glasses. Hey! It looked sort of okay from where I was sitting!!! In any case, it's working out GREAT. Now we have a place for shoes, purses, shopping bags, umbrellas, hats, dog leashes, outgoing mail etc etc etc Everything we might need to grab on the way out or dump off on the way in. I was told by my very smart sister that the first part of "A place for everything and everything in its place" is a place for everything. If you don't have that place, you'll always have a mess. Wise words from sis!


I have a suggestion SIX: How about trying a B complex vitamin to see if it helps with your gums? Maybe the real issue is collagen production or something; anyway it can't hurt. Try Super B Complex by Nature's Bounty (NOT Nature Made, which also makes a Super B Complex, according to Consumer Lab Nature Made had a hiccup in their QC and put too much folate in their pills.) If you try is out, let me know what happens.

Congrats on being officially moved in BRENDA! I'm so happy for you! nd that's good news aout your brother's progress. If you stay in touch tell him that one of your inet friends is nagging him to keep up with his rehab so that he heals with more functionality! Stretching keeps scar tissue from stiffening up.

Yes, I wonder about that late pain KIKI. It almost feels like a sinus infection. Fortunately my follow-up is on the Aug 1 (Wow, hard to believe it's almost August! Where has the time gone??) and since I'm on antibiotics most likely the issue is that I have a blood clot in my sinus, which doctor will suction out. I've been faithfuly rinsing my nose and sinuses, MOSTLY have stopped bleeding but once in a while will rinse out a clot of blood. Also I have a piece of plastic (nose splint) lightly stitched in place, that fucker is such an annoyance I'm tempted to rip the damn thing out myself!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, July 26, 2019 12:46 PM


lol mushroom.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Turn the blower off. Leave everything else on. Check again in 2 hours. Still high? UNPLUG the blower. Leave everything else on. Check again in 2 hours.

Also, grab the wire some ways BEHIND the blower plug (but not anywhere over it, in the interests of personal safety). Is it warm? If so, it's drawing far more than it should.

Yanno. I meant to check that, a few times, but somehow I've always forgotten to touch the wires for heat. Stupid of me since it could be a safety issue as well. I will have to do that at some point when I turn it back on.

So.... Yikes! is all I have to say after some "mathing" here.

Between the hours of 10PM and 2AM, I used 8 kwh, give or take a kwh.

At 2AM I shut the blower off. I also shut this computer off (which I know is an energy hog itself).

At 9:15AM I checked the meter again and in 7.25 hours it was only 2 more kwh.

.28kwh per hour, as opposed to 2kwh with the blower and computer on.

I used roughly 7 times as much energy between 10PM and 2AM than I did between 2AM and 9AM.

At 2kwh per hour, that's about 25 cents per hour. If the blower is on for 12 hours a night, that's $3.00 per 12 hour night cycle while it's on compared to around $0.41 per 12 hour day cycle while it's off. (Or $90 for half of the month and $12.30 for the other half of the month).

At $102 for 30 days of electricity, that would be about $44 more than last month's bill if I ran it 12 hours every night. And last month's bill was already around $18 more than previous months after the furnace stopped kicking off.

Granted, those numbers are all wrong, since I'm incorrectly blaming 100% of the extra power consumption on the blower when my computer and monitor are energy hogs and were also on those 4 hours and also off the following 7 hours as well. (I also unplugged the XBox 360 my brother gave me because I heard that it has a huge draw in standby mode, but I didn't realize that standby mode and "off" are two separate things. I had it in "off" and it draws no more than 2watts per hour, so that's negligible).

Other than that, nothing was different than when the blower was on. The two offenders here are my ancient beast of a PC and that blower.

Okay... so did some more figuring.

2 months ago, back when I wasn't home so much and way before the blower, I used 325kwh in 30 days. That's an average of .45kwh per hour (or $1.32 per day; $39.77 for 30 days).

Last month, conveniently, the days were pretty much all after I was laid off. There were also 4 nights where I used the blower for around 12 hours per night. I used 478kwh in 33 days. That's an average of .60kwh per hour (or $1.75 per day; 53.17 adjusted for 30 days down from 33 on the bill).

So, just figuring a half/half math of 2kwh per hour 12 hours of the day and .28kwh per hour the other 12, that would come out to 27.36kwh per day, or 1.14kwh per hour. (or $3.33 per day; $99.90 for 30 days)

Again, my computer isn't accounted for here, and it's never on 12 hours overnight since I always put it in sleep mode when I'm not using it and I shut the monitor off. So the situation probably isn't nearly that bad. There's no way that I'm paying $2.00 per night to run that blower for 12 hours. It would have to be using up 16.6kwh in a 12 hour period, and I don't think it's even remotely possible that a 1/2 HP motor could be running at 1.38kw in any scenario.

I'm considering buying a gauge called a Kill A Watt that you can plug things into and see what the power draw is. My only concern is that, just like a plug in timer, it might not survive the initial startup of the blower motor. It's rated for 15amps, so it probably should be safe. I would be right there and it would only be on for a few minutes while I checked on it, so I'm not worried about burning the house down, but it would be a shame to pay $20 for a unit and melt it right away.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, July 26, 2019 1:03 PM


Thanks SIG. It feels really good to know officially what is what with all my stuff. My brother seems to be making good progress. I just hope that when he gets home his wife doesn't let him get too lazy or on the flip side reinjure himself. Being stubborn is a wonderful family trait. Which I have exhibited here with injurying myself moving boxes around.


Friday, July 26, 2019 1:04 PM


Out and about in a bit on a gorgeous sunny day here.


Friday, July 26, 2019 11:16 PM


My brother posted today on FB that he thinks he should be home on Wednesday next week.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 2:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, I was so troubld by the sinus pain and last-minute congestion that I asked to see the surgeon today and she squeezd me in at the end of her day. She was in a different clinic (in La Canada/Flintridge) so it was over a one-hour grind thru traffic getting ehre and a two-hour grind getting home, but SOOO worth it!

a) She removed the internal nose splint from my left nostril. That itself was a huge improvement,

b) She suctioned the crust offa the opening to my right maxillary sinus. Then she reached into my sinus with LOOOOONG curvy forceps and dragged out a giant gob of (bioabsorbable) packing along with a clot of blood.

c) And then she got out her little vacuum wand and sucked all the sinus cavity nooks and crannies. Did you ever clean couch cushions by jamming a hose wand behind them? Yeah, kinda like that.

d) Then she repeated b) and c) with my left maxillary sinus!!

Oh sure, I was joking (in between tugs and yanks) but I was also doing a lot of deep breathing, grimacing, and a little tear trickled from the corner of my eye because it was, if nothing else, an eye-watering experience.

But I feel SOOOO much better! All I have to do is keep up with my rinsing and I should be good to go. I'll see the surgeon again in a couple of weeks. All together: So far, so good.

And did I say I can breathe thru my nose again?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, July 27, 2019 2:55 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm just nosy, so to speak. Trying to sniff out what made the biggest difference, in your opinion.

But also, I'm sincerely sorry it was so painful.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 12:49 PM


I think at this point it's safe to say that the racoon(s) is out for good.

I think the $2.00 I spent on ammonia and the tumblers I poured it into and left everywhere did the trick. One of these days I'll have to get around to putting up the pictures of how I blocked the entrances both into the house proper and the porch itself.

Why do I sound so sure?

Because I went up there yesterday while cleaning out more from my garage and although it was hot, it didn't smell like a gorram zoo anymore. Now I never went up there and scrubbed everything down with bleach yet, mind, but after pulling out anywhere from 3 lbs to 5 lbs of crap last week, it doesn't look (or smell!) as if there is any new activity up there.

I still haven't finished those steps yet since I'm still looking for the missing pieces to that countersink bit set. I might just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. Maybe I'll order that and the Kill A Watt combined and get free shipping.

I'm going to clean up those guitars for my niece today and clean out the pantry closet that I use to store some tools so I can organize everything and put only those that I'm most likely to use in the next few months in the house. Everything else can be organized in my garage that has room for them now. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 1:25 PM


We got some rain here last night. Roof tops are wet with puddles.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 3:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I think at this point it's safe to say that the racoon(s) is out for good.

I think the $2.00 I spent on ammonia and the tumblers I poured it into and left everywhere did the trick. One of these days I'll have to get around to putting up the pictures of how I blocked the entrances both into the house proper and the porch itself.

Why do I sound so sure?

Because I went up there yesterday while cleaning out more from my garage and although it was hot, it didn't smell like a gorram zoo anymore. Now I never went up there and scrubbed everything down with bleach yet, mind, but after pulling out anywhere from 3 lbs to 5 lbs of crap last week, it doesn't look (or smell!) as if there is any new activity up there.

You won the War of the Raccoons!! Good for you! (Also, I'll keep that ammonia trick in mind for future reference.)


I still haven't finished those steps yet since I'm still looking for the missing pieces to that countersink bit set. I might just have to bite the bullet and buy a new one. Maybe I'll order that and the Kill A Watt combined and get free shipping.
That sucks that you can't find those pieces. you DO know what's going to happen, right? A couple of days after you get the new ones, you'll find the missing parts.


I'm going to clean up those guitars for my niece today and clean out the pantry closet that I use to store some tools so I can organize everything and put only those that I'm most likely to use in the next few months in the house. Everything else can be organized in my garage that has room for them now. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Good job SIX! The re-org sounds like a thing of beauty!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, July 27, 2019 5:17 PM


Yeah Sigs... A clean house is a clean mind.

Not quite there, yet, but making headway. Got some more big stuff that I need to clear off to get out to the street a few days before trash day. I've been having quite a lot of luck lately with people pulling stuff from the curb now that it's not raining everyday.

Guitars, guitar bags and duffel bags are all cleaned and ready to go. Cleaning an old project computer off that is just absolutely gross. I need it for one of my hobby things since installing linux through this platform involves a bit of hacking and a truly ancient PC. Unfortunate, since otherwise it would be an easy decision to just dump it and the small monitor I have for it. But holy cow I smoked a lot in my old apartment where it was stationed because it's just totally gross. I'm so glad I don't smoke in my house.

Once I get those cleaned up and out of the pantry, I can give it a good scrub down and let it dry overnight so I can start putting stuff in there I'm going to be using while remodeling.

lol.... yeah. I know I'm going to find those damn countersink bits right after I buy a new set. It's really stupid of me to have put off fixing those steps for so long because of this, but I haven't been able to bring myself to buy a new set just yet.

Hopefully by mid-week I'll have truly gone through everything and if it hasn't turned up by then I can write it off as lost for good.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 5:55 PM


Just had an afternoon when nothing wanted to go right.


Saturday, July 27, 2019 7:13 PM


Sorry to hear that Brenda.

That's every other day for me these days. I feel your pain.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, July 27, 2019 10:19 PM



Saturday, July 27, 2019 10:22 PM


Lost track of time there...

I didn't bother restringing the large guitars since it will be years until my niece could play them, but I did the small one and it sounds pretty great for a glorified toy. I actually got lost playing it for a few hours there. Got dents in my fingertips. It's sure been a while since I could say that.

Don't imagine I'm getting much else done tonight. Freakin hot in my house now. 80 on the 2nd floor. Not much better outside at the moment. Good thing there's only one more really hot day before it cools off again. Not nearly as bad as last heat wave.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, July 28, 2019 1:50 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Just had an afternoon when nothing wanted to go right.

Well, dang it all. Hopefully all small things, what my oldest sister calls yapping Chihuahuas.


Sunday, July 28, 2019 1:54 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry to hear that Brenda.

That's every other day for me these days. I feel your pain.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yeah, just one of those days. Trying to put up some shelving and that didn't work. Then I wanted to redo a frame with multiple pictures in it only to discover it and another one got ruined over the years. So they will have to be replaced.


Sunday, July 28, 2019 1:56 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Just had an afternoon when nothing wanted to go right.

Well, dang it all. Hopefully all small things, what my oldest sister calls yapping Chihuahuas.

They are small. One was a couple of photo frames have to be replaced. They've gotten ruined over the years. And also have to figure out how to put up some shelving. I'll tackle both next week.


Sunday, July 28, 2019 2:01 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Jack - congratulations on so much progress!

Btw, I hope you don't mind this next bit. It's just that I've done a lot of things in my life, and I kind of geek out about details. A stalled electric motor is nearly a short and draws a lot of current. An electric motor spinning at its proper speed is generating the correct AC resistance and draws the proper amount of current. An electric motor with dry, dirty, or deformed bearings that turns poorly is somewhere in between. One more thing you can do is - with your blower off and unplugged - try to spin the rotor. It should spin freely and keep spinning smoothly till it comes to a gradual stop.

If it doesn't you may need to regrease the bearings. Depending on vintage you may have a grease-gun fitting, an oil cup, or sealed bearings.

But regreasing isn't entirely simple.

You need to have a grease gun if that's your fitting type. If you have sealed bearings you're SOL. And if you need to regrease and can - you need to select the proper grease.

And now I think I've divulged everything I possibly can about furnace blowers.


Sunday, July 28, 2019 10:53 PM


All I know is that the part number is 20805-01. Putting that into Google results mostly in new replacement motors for that part, among other parts. One listing, however, is for a used motor by Franklin Electric with that part number for $69.95. The seller didn't put any information in it other than it still works.

There's a really stupid sticker on it. It says what to do if it's sealed and what to do if it's not sealed. It doesn't bother to tell you whether it's sealed or not though.

I spun the motor by hand and everything seems to check out fine. It moves noiselessly, and spins a few rotations before coming to a stop. It's never going to beat a gyroscope in a cross country race, but I don't suppose it was designed to.

I'm regretting not putting it on the last couple of nights except a quick half hour session 2 nights ago to cool the attic a bit. It's gross in my house right now and doesn't need to be. Although it's going to rain tomorrow and cool down, it's never going to get all that cool tonight so it won't do me much good until tomorrow night.

I got half of my kitchen back and organized a lot of tools in the pantry closet. I found another piece of the countersink set, but not one that's going to help me. It's a "drill and drive" set, so even though I now have 3 of the actual drill pieces that do the work, I have no way of getting it secured in my drill unless I find at least one of the two pieces that house these bits on one end and house the screwdriver heads on the other end. If it was just regular bits with no frills the ends would fit in a drill properly.

Hopefully I can find it out in the garage when I really start sorting through and organizing the tools out there. I'm only keeping in the house the basics that I would need in 90% of the situations. The rest can go in the garage.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 29, 2019 2:05 PM


Just got another huge box put together. Mostly gaming related stuff along with some computer things. I might regret putting it all in such a huge box since it's a little heavy and all of this stuff is going into the attic until I eventually move, but I've run out of small boxes and I didn't want to deal with going to the grocery store to get more today and I didn't want to put it off any longer. Since all of this stuff is in the living room where I do 90% of my living, it's nice to see it all gone.

lol... I've forgotten so much stuff that I've taken from other people in the last 5 or 6 years, particularly the stuff I took back when I was drinking. That acoustic guitar was a shocker, although I immediately remembered who gave it to me and had vague recollections of playing it before burying it and forgetting about it. I just found a bag with an old original Playstation and a Dreamcast in it. My brother must have given me that, but I don't even have any memory of that. No games with them, so I can't test them out, but I'm not going to get rid of them just yet. They're small and can make the move with me until I sort more stuff out.

Going to put that bookshelf out late tonight after the rain is dried up.

I might just put a large working microwave out on the street I got from my parents before they moved too. It's way too big for my needs and I've already got a working one that fits in a slot built into the cabinets for that purpose. I only took it because I had planned on dismantling a 2nd microwave for the transformer inside (I've already got one). With a 2nd transformer and a 220v connection I can make my own welder. I dunno. I might take it apart. The transformer isn't big and I only need one more. Those doughnut magnets in the magnatron are also super powerful and very useful in a shop. It would only take me about 30 minutes to get the parts i need from it. It's got to go this week though. Once I remove that and get that heater to my friend I'll have room in the back of the garage for my generator and I'll have access to the shelving in the corner of the garage so I can throw out about half of the junk that's up there and sort out the rest into keep and give away piles.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 29, 2019 11:25 PM


Did not dry up yet. So much rain...

I'll put that stuff out tomorrow.

I found a device my brother let me "borrow" years ago that you can plug virtually any hard drive into and connect it to your computer with a USB cable. I had an older version years back that didn't do as much that crapped out on me, or at least to the point of being too unreliable for my purposes.

I have a few old hard drives that went bad over the years that I've always kept to see if I could try to save the data off of them. Nothing on them is important enough for me to pay big bucks for a professional company to try to salvage it, but I'd be thrilled if I can manage to recover some of it.

First two drives I tried were a bust. I actually was able to find data on them, but they weren't even my drives. One was obviously from a computer that my old man gave me years back that had pictures of my youngest brothers in their sporting events when they were younger. I have no clue what the hell the other drive was. Three people with the same last name of some family I'd never even heard of for the windows profiles. I don't even know how I got my hands on that. Third drive sounds really bad and I didn't have much hope. Windows did manage to "see" it, but considers it an uninitialized disk. The recovery program I'm using seems to be picking up quite a bit of data off of it. Fingers crossed.

I've got a stack of about a dozen to go through. Whether or not they are salvageable, I'll be dismantling them and getting the magnets and platters out before pitching the rest. Even if they were any good, they're all such small capacity compared to cheap drives in the terrabytes these days that they're hardly even worth the electricity used to run them anymore.

It will be nice to finally get rid of another stack of crap that I've been holding on to for years. It really drives me nuts how long it's going to take now that I'm finally doing it though. With the old tech I'm working with, it looks like it's going to be an overnight process just to scan a 250GB hard drive.

Like the microwave magnets, these are extremely powerful and useful to have around. Unlike the microwave magnets though, they're very small... perfect to put on a screwdriver tip and pull up any nuts you clumsily dropped in a tight spot under the hood of your car. :)

The platters are really cool too. Mirror surface. I always thought it would be cool to make some sort of designer mirror or something out of them when I got around to doing this and I had enough for the task.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, July 29, 2019 11:33 PM


Tired and no work for me for a month. My boss, her husband and their son and daughter-in-law are off. Most likely going camping.

It's nice to have a break from these people for a bit. Means I can concentrate on my new place and take my time.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 1:00 AM


Good for you Brenda. Enjoy your break. I hope you get a lot that you want accomplished.

To be honest, I haven't used my time off as wisely as I could. I'm getting a lot done, sure, but I figured I'd be much further along by now. Hopefully my friend can come and help me try to salvage the porch and once that gets done I can really get into full gear. In the mean time just cleaning up, getting rid of a ton of stuff and getting the curb appeal up as much as I can.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 1:49 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"part number is 20805-01"

Just out of curiosity I tried looking up the PN to see if I could find a representative picture to see what I could see. No luck.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 2:05 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Good for you Brenda. Enjoy your break. I hope you get a lot that you want accomplished.

To be honest, I haven't used my time off as wisely as I could. I'm getting a lot done, sure, but I figured I'd be much further along by now. Hopefully my friend can come and help me try to salvage the porch and once that gets done I can really get into full gear. In the mean time just cleaning up, getting rid of a ton of stuff and getting the curb appeal up as much as I can.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I will. And I hope I can. It will give me some time to think about how to get some shelving. And a couple of frames. And also take things to be donated and such.

First thought I need to let my left wrist relax for a day. I pulled it out a bit today at work.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:36 AM


Looks like cooler weather in the forecast for where I am.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 1:13 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
"part number is 20805-01"

Just out of curiosity I tried looking up the PN to see if I could find a representative picture to see what I could see. No luck.

Yeah. I did find that one listing for a used motor from Franklin Electric. The pictures weren't that great, and outside of the blower unit it's hard to tell if that's even an exact match or not. Other than that, the only hits I came up with were brand new "universal" motors that replaced a large number of old motors, 20805-01 included.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 1:14 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Looks like cooler weather in the forecast for where I am.

Good for you. Cooled off around me last night too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 4:35 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Lucky for you both! The next 10 days here are highs in the 90-95F range except for 2 days in the 95-100F range, lows roughly 65-70F, with humidity going up and down between about 25-65%. So it'll be roasting hot during the day. The dew point will range between 55-70F, so nights will be quite muggy.

And dang, but the air quality is forecast to be unhealthy for sensitive groups.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:09 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Looks like cooler weather in the forecast for where I am.

Good for you. Cooled off around me last night too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I'd prefer a little more sun as we will be heading into August. If August stays dry that will be good and maybe into September. Nothing more special than a nice dry September and maybe into October.

But if not then it will be a wet and soggy autumn in the Northlands.


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 6:45 PM


Yeah. It's great since I'm not running the blower all night anymore. I just let it run last night for about 2 hours to get the hot air from the last few days out of the attic mainly, and the windows have been open all day.

Got a bunch of stuff out to the street today. Nobody's picked through it yet, but people are just getting off work now. Usually stuff disappears between 6 and 9PM. Hopefully it all goes. I have my doubts about a very sickly looking oscillating fan though. Got that thing about 20 years ago in a heavily smoked office, and it's pretty gross.

Had to finally get rid of a large pane of glass and a large mirror that didn't have frames. Dangerous stuff. The city didn't have any suggestions for me other than it needed to be put in black plastic bags after it had been smashed up for them to take it. Nicked my damn hand twice just getting the glass out to the garage.

Took me a minute to figure out a working idea though. Safety glasses and a ceramic tile cutter did the trick nicely. Once the pieces were small enough to fit in a bag it was just a matter of carefully putting the pieces in there and smashing them to bits.

Got through about 6 hard drives too, and pulled out the good bits. Still working on the other half dozen or so. They'll all be out by trash day. Kind of cool finding stuff that I had on drives that died 5, 10, 15 years ago. The two largest drives were unsalvagable though. Damn... 2TB of data that is lost in the ether forever.

I might have to take a trip out to my brother's to dump a bunch of stuff off. He might not be able to make it back out to my house for a few more weeks he's so busy right now and I really want all of that stuff out of my living room now that it's sorted and cleaned off.

Taking my garage back this week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, July 30, 2019 11:52 PM


Looks like my brother will be home tomorrow(Wednesday).


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:02 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

That's such good news Brenda!!


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 1:06 AM


The fan's still there. I can't believe it, but somebody took my mom's old acoustic guitar case, beat up as it was. I had a better one to put her guitar in before I give it to my niece. That went before the bookshelf went. Nobody took the microwave either yet, which was a surprise. I might just have to go back out there and rip out the innards for those magnets and that transformer. I'll have to see how I feel and if it's still there when an if I feel like it.

So I'm going through those hard drives and I stumble across a 2TB drive that has passed all the health checks I've thrown at it. But funny thing is I'm not finding a single speck of data on them in the recovery programs either. Strangest thing. Where on earth did I get a 2TB new drive out of the box, how long have I had it, and why am I currently powering 4 old hard drives in my PC that don't even make up 2TB when I've got that to use?

Looks like I've got another project and some more drives to dispose of once all the tests are done and I know it's reliable.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 2:27 AM


It is good news Kiki. But he will still have some rehab to do once he gets home I think. He may need a cane too.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 11:53 AM


Ah... I figured out what that drive was. It was from a wireless NAS unit I had for movies that broke around 5 years ago. Looks like this is one of very few instances where it was a good thing that I held on to junk. The drive itself is in perfect working order, so I'm really not sure what ended up happening to it.

It had a really weird partitioning and formatting deal to it that I tried to rebuild at one point that required downloading firmware and installing through Linux. That would explain why none of the recovery programs are picking up any files from it. Even if they could pick up that it was a Linux partition back in the day they wouldn't be able to figure out how any of the data was structured through a Windows PC.

Doesn't matter though, since there was nothing on that drive but movies and TV shows that I don't care about.

Free hard drive space. Yay.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 1:06 PM


Going to post this in my other thread. Suspects have backtracked. They are now in Cold Lake Alberta which is in the North of the province about an hour's drive away from Edmonton. A msn who didn't know they were wanted took them there.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 7:13 PM


Well, it seems my brother will be home tomorrow. They had to move and the place isn't set up to handle someone who was in major accident. He needs no stairs and the bathroom would need one hand rail. The bathtub anyways.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 7:15 PM


My hearing aids have their own remote for volume control. Shows you how the technology has changed in just the two years that I have had them.

Have to go back on Wednesday next week to have them adjusted and my hearing checked again.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:28 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it seems my brother will be home tomorrow. They had to move and the place isn't set up to handle someone who was in major accident. He needs no stairs and the bathroom would need one hand rail. The bathtub anyways.

Great news he's home.

Is the damage permanent, or will he recover? Might not need to make a bunch of possibly expensive alterations if it's just a temporary situation where he'd need some extra help with some things.

Then again, if that's the place they're planning on living for the rest of their lives it can't be a bad thing to have that stuff done ahead of time either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 8:37 PM


I'll be damned...

I had that drive being scanned in the background for around a day and a half and it did in fact manage to find around 1,200 files. It's strange, because with typical MS/DOS/Windows formats, a search in either of the recovery programs seemed to come up with thousands of hits on other drives almost immediately, but still would take a few hours to complete. This being by far the largest drive I scanned by about 10 times, it took much longer, but it also didn't show any "found" files until the job was done.

It might be worth taking a peek at all of them. I do have an external drive with about 1/2TB free, so I could copy about half of it over to sift through and then do it again for the other half.

For years I only used that drive for movies and TV, but I seem to remember at the end I also used it to transfer files from different computers late in it's life. There may be some stuff on there that was on one of the hard drives I couldn't save.

I remember what happened to the NAS now too. It just crapped out one day. At the time, I had assumed that it had to be the hard drive failure was the likely scenario. After I couldn't re-install the strange partition via linux I thought that was the case. But then I did try it a few years later with a much smaller drive and got the partitions set up right on it (forgetting I even still had the original drive), but the unit itself was actually the thing that broke.

Going to figure that out, see what's on it, then replace 3 of my 4 hard drives in my computer with just this single one and pitch the rest.

I know to some that apparently read my posts in here but never join our discussions that this all sounds like wasting time on my part when I have bigger fish to fry. Maybe it is, but since I can't get help with the porch until my friend is available and I don't feel comfortable with jacking up and structural issues associated with an existing structure, all I can do at this point is continue to get rid of stuff and clean things up.

Cleaning up and organizing the digital hoard is just as good for the mind as any other decluttering of ones life.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 9:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it seems my brother will be home tomorrow. They had to move and the place isn't set up to handle someone who was in major accident. He needs no stairs and the bathroom would need one hand rail. The bathtub anyways.

Hey Brenda - I don't know how much of a mobility problem your brother has, but there are transfer chairs you can use to help get into and out of bathtubs, from a simple fixed chair that straddles the edge (and you swivel your butt on the chair to get your legs in and out), to mechanical chairs that do the moving for you. If he's having a hard time standing and keeping his balance, there are shower chairs you can use in the bathtub. And also, in general, plastic garbage bags are handy on any seat for swiveling around: like on car seats for getting in and out, and transfer chairs for swiveling your legs. Anyway, I just thought I'd pass this on as it comes from a years-long accumulation of information.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Then again, if that's the place they're planning on living for the rest of their lives it can't be a bad thing to have that stuff done ahead of time either.
Do Right, Be Right. :)

FWIW my oldest sister replaced the bathtub with a curb-free walk-in shower in the same footprint, with no constructed wall, just a tension rod with shower curtain to maximize accessibility. It was extremely helpful, if your brother and family need something long-term.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 9:52 PM



File recovery is going great, although it's not anything I'd be interested in keeping yet. All the videos are in 720 quality, which was a requirement with the old tech I was working with. Thought it was funny to see old seasons of Archer, Warehouse 13, and even Firefly pop up. Strange that I've found at least one episode of Castle on there. I've never watched that show. Maybe my brother told me it was good and I got it but never got around to watching it before the drive took a crap.

Maybe if there are some hard to find movies on there I might keep them, but all the tv shows are just getting recycled. I'm hoping that I was right though and I had started to migrate some other non movie/tv show stuff on there too. There does seem to be a large collection of mp3 files that are recoverable, and I've since lost all that stuff years ago. Might be some good music to salvage if nothing else.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 11:15 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it seems my brother will be home tomorrow. They had to move and the place isn't set up to handle someone who was in major accident. He needs no stairs and the bathroom would need one hand rail. The bathtub anyways.

Great news he's home.

Is the damage permanent, or will he recover? Might not need to make a bunch of possibly expensive alterations if it's just a temporary situation where he'd need some extra help with some things.

Then again, if that's the place they're planning on living for the rest of their lives it can't be a bad thing to have that stuff done ahead of time either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

My bad. I meant he will be home on Thursday.

The place they are moving to has one step and any alterations they are probably doing can be removed when he no longer needs them. A bathtub railing even if installed can be removed.

Who knows how long they will be living there.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 11:18 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it seems my brother will be home tomorrow. They had to move and the place isn't set up to handle someone who was in major accident. He needs no stairs and the bathroom would need one hand rail. The bathtub anyways.

Hey Brenda - I don't know how much of a mobility problem your brother has, but there are transfer chairs you can use to help get into and out of bathtubs, from a simple fixed chair that straddles the edge (and you swivel your butt on the chair to get your legs in and out), to mechanical chairs that do the moving for you. If he's having a hard time standing and keeping his balance, there are shower chairs you can use in the bathtub. And also, in general, plastic garbage bags are handy on any seat for swiveling around: like on car seats for getting in and out, and transfer chairs for swiveling your legs. Anyway, I just thought I'd pass this on as it comes from a years-long accumulation of information.

Hey Kiki. My mom had a bath chair before she died and you could move it in and out of the bathtub. So they are probably getting something like that I would think. And also he said that this new place has only 1 step down to the front door. Basement suite.


Wednesday, July 31, 2019 11:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

That sounds really good! And btw thanks for keeping us updated on your brother.


Thursday, August 1, 2019 2:19 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
That sounds really good! And btw thanks for keeping us updated on your brother.

It'll be good for them. You're welcome.






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