In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Friday, August 2, 2019 10:00 PM


Not a particularly productive day here. After stalling out most of the afternoon I did manage to get more stuff down from the attic for me to sift through.

I went out to the garage and managed to finish cleaning off my shelving units and throw a bunch of stuff out. Made room for all of my good power gardening tools as well as two of the three that don't currently work and would be quite a bit better than the ones I have if I fix them. Since they're not in the way anymore, I can take a bit more time to decide if I want to junk them or not.

Almost to the point that I've got my work bench back now.

Got a few boxes I need to take down to Goodwill again.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 2, 2019 10:43 PM


Well, the batteries in my remote just died and I am not going out this evening to get more. So no tv for me tonight.


Saturday, August 3, 2019 2:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sounds like everyone is making progress more or less. Been kinda stalled out here chasing after stupid stuff. Rounding up a handyman to repair the stucco that the plumbers broke open to replace the waste pipes, and our blu-ray DVD player broke. It's got to be at least 10 years old, but they will still repair it if I ship it to Menlo Park (all things considered cheaper than buying new) so that's what I've been in touch with the mfr about.

Fortunately my nose is making enuf progress that I can sleep thru the night mostly, so I've been back to taking puppywuppy out for her AM walk and then yardwork before it gets too hot, then kitchenwork until its time to start on the house projects.

We started prepping the walls for daughter's room with a little sanding, but I thought to get the lead check swabs and by golly it looks like the first coat of paint has lead in it. So I halted the sanding and got some first-class info on what to do next: wipe the walls with trisodium phosphate to pick up any lead paint pigment that may have powdered off over the years, seal everything with sealer (I was going to to that anyway) and then paint. So we got a little hitch in our plans, and today was lunch with dear daughter which set things back one more day.

She'd been bugging me to try this Mexican restaurant that looks like a real dive from the outside, I was ready to try a taco place but, well, what the hell we went to questionable-looking place. And wouldn't you know, it was quite charming on the inside, and it specialized in what I was looking for, which is fish! So I ordered a fillet (probably tilapia) which came pan-fried in an egg batter topped with shrimp and crab in a mildly-spicy sauce, with rice (gave that to dear daughter) beans, and salad. From what little I can taste I think it was well-prepared and I suspect that if I COULD taste it more, it would be really good. Then for dinner I had some leftover Greek-style salad from yesterday and topped it with a little leftover tuna so dinner was pretty good too!

Wish I was making progress like you, SIX! Even on your "bad" days you do pretty good!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, August 3, 2019 11:27 AM


Wow... you'r BluRay player is 10 years old. Geez... I've been outside of the new tech that long already, huh? Well, I guess it's not so new anymore.

Yeah. Careful with that lead. Can't be too safe.

Your daughter was right about the Mexican food joint. She still would have been if it had been a dirty hole in the wall with a dirty bathroom. Back when I used to eat out, those were my restaurants of choice. It seemed that the smaller and danker the joint, the better the food was. Granted, that's just the Chicago and south suburbs experience and might not be the case everywhere, but I do believe I've had some of the finest Mexican food on offer in America inside some of them. Italian and Mexican food are my favorites, and let's just say that I've never found an Italian joint that compares to these hole-in-the-wall Mexican food joints.

Yeah. Making some progress every day. Sometimes I have to force myself pretty hard. Other days I go all out and give it a good 10 to 12 hours. Wish I could get more even keel about it all.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 3, 2019 12:52 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow... you'r BluRay player is 10 years old. Geez... I've been outside of the new tech that long already, huh? Well, I guess it's not so new anymore.

Yeah. Careful with that lead. Can't be too safe.

Your daughter was right about the Mexican food joint. She still would have been if it had been a dirty hole in the wall with a dirty bathroom. Back when I used to eat out, those were my restaurants of choice. It seemed that the smaller and danker the joint, the better the food was. Granted, that's just the Chicago and south suburbs experience and might not be the case everywhere, but I do believe I've had some of the finest Mexican food on offer in America inside some of them. Italian and Mexican food are my favorites, and let's just say that I've never found an Italian joint that compares to these hole-in-the-wall Mexican food joints.

Yeah. Making some progress every day. Sometimes I have to force myself pretty hard. Other days I go all out and give it a good 10 to 12 hours. Wish I could get more even keel about it all.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Batteries in the remote for the HD box were the ones that died. With my tv being so old I can't do much with it without the box. I managed to watch the news then when I wanted to turn it over to watch M*A*S*H, I accidently got Much Music which is the equivalent when it first aired of your MTV. Now it also runs movies. So my tv is stuck on that channel until I get new batteries.


Saturday, August 3, 2019 5:05 PM


Having a really productive day so far here. Another huge box already packed up in the car to take to goodwill. Another trash bin full. Got some more larger stuff staged in the garage to put out on the street as soon as somebody picks up the stuff already left out there. Got all of my change from various containers ready to go to the bank too, probably $150 or so in there. Going to do that all on Monday while I'm out for a haircut when the bank is open.

Also got all of my tool boxes out to the garage to clean up and sort through except for the smaller one inside my house with stuff I would most often use. About 7/8ths of the tool bench is free to use now too... I just have to get around to finishing the front stairs that are in the way of it so I can actually use it. Well... I suppose I can use it to paint the stairs now and not sit on the ground while I'm doing that.

Done working on heavier stuff and/or things requiring going out to the garage for now. It's another hot day. It's going to cool off again on Monday.

Now back to the digital hoard. I've got a lot of various CDs, marked and unmarked that I want to throw out. Going to make ISO files of anything that's important and just pitch the rest. In the mean time, just going to do a few loads of laundry for clothes I'm either going to use for packing protection or goodwill, and I've got about 4 boxes of documents to go through and pitch whatever isn't important too. :)

Got to get a lot done this week. I'm going to start helping my friend on his rental property next weekend so we can start bartering some work now that he's back from his vacation.

Hope you're all having a productive and/or enjoyable weekend.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 3, 2019 6:22 PM


On the phone for half an hour with the support people for my cable company twice trying to help me reboot everything. Then I get off the phone with the guy and it starts working.
Still made an appointment for a technician to come and have a look at the remote and maybe replace it.


Saturday, August 3, 2019 8:51 PM


Sad that everything is so dependent on a remote these days. The old boxes used to function with or without the remote.

Gross..... The weather made a turn for the warmer. Not going to get that cool down that we expected. Not going to be extremely terrible, but I might have to have that blower working a lot more than I wanted to if I want to maintain the cool in the house until it breaks sometime around next weekend.

It's not the highs during the day that sucks, but the high lows at night that really do. Low tonight and Monday night now are 68 degrees. Blech....

Oh well...

On to some real nitty gritty stuff with the house purge. Paperwork. Actually was able to pitch about half of it already because I had it all organized by year. Can probably get rid of half of the rest, but it's going to take some time to sift through. Really missing my fire pit that I threw out right now. This stuff has some pretty sensitive info on it. I'm going to see if somebody has a shredder and won't mind me spending a half hour with it.

Got rid of a crazy amount of stuff today. Hopefully tomorrow is as productive.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 3, 2019 11:25 PM


It is but that is the state of technology today.

Yeah, sensitive stuff you do need a shredder Six.

I am doing nothing much tomorrow as tonight I got some recycling out and yesterday night too.


Sunday, August 4, 2019 12:11 AM


Yeah... We're talking taxes, credit card stuff, all of the things that I'm never going to put out on the street as-is. Finally put shredders behind me when I got the firepit, but it's gone now.

Yanno, I just remembered I've got a webber grill that's filthy and needs to be cleaned anyhow. Maybe I'll take care of that tomorrow. I haven't grilled in about 5 years, but it's something I haven't been able to part with. Glad I've still got it.

This is like a treasure hunt with the DVDs and CDs. I used to burn EVERYTHING. I'm finding a bunch of stuff I probably lost on those hard drives. Throwing out all of the tv shows and movies since they're so low quality compared to what you can get today, but the music is golden.

I just figured out how to use a thumbdrive to create a personal cloud with a pretty sweet router my old man gave me a few years back. Going to start loading that up with my music once I get it organized and I can actually do work around the house with some tunes instead of being in my own head all day. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 4, 2019 1:16 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Pretty productive so far. I tend to go from thing to thing, but I make progress on whatever that thing of the moment is, so it's not wasted time.

I do spend a fair bit of time grocery shopping and cooking, but the sodium levels of everything you get either in a restaurant or a store are beyond what I can tolerate. So it's time well spent, imo.

I've been craving soup with a milk (not cream) broth, with pale vegetables like celery, onion, and potato (and maybe riced cauliflower) that I envisage with turkey meatballs, thyme herb, and fresh ground black pepper. I have NO idea where I got the notion, but when I looked it up, it actually is European regional cooking. Maybe there's a memory buried back there ...


Sunday, August 4, 2019 1:25 AM


You might be craving something in the recipe too. Maybe there's a nutrient or a vitamin that you're lacking a bit and your body is trying to tell you through memory? I've heard of that being a thing before. Don't know how much truth there is to it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 4, 2019 1:58 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I know that when it's cold I crave thick, hearty soups. I make a phenomenal, rich, tasty minestrone if I say so myself!

Not about anything, but my cat ... sigh. He got out AGAIN today. Fortunately I was able to round him up pretty quickly across the street before he scampered up the hill into the undeveloped wild part. I shook a bag of treats and he came sidling over. The last time he did this, I looked and looked. That wasn't the first time he got out, but every time before that I was able to retrieve him after an hour or 2. The last time I looked for 5 hours. I thought he was gone for good, irretrievably lost, or maybe quietly eaten, or hurt ... Then finally around 2AM I went to the internet and looked up 'how to find a lost cat' and that's where I found the 'bag of treats' tip. Yanno, go around with that bag of treats shaking it so they can hear the treats rattling inside. Which is how I got him back in the house at 2:30AM.

This neighborhood is NOT friendly to indoor / outdoor cats. Out of the 5 I had previous to Einstein (he's a ridiculously smart cat, he can open every single interior door in the house), 2 were eaten by coyotes, and one was run over by a car. As much as he wants to go o.u.t. it's not going to happen if I can help it.

He is HUGE. I'm 5'7" and when he stretches up to reach for my attention, his front paws come just below my chest. He sleeps in a dog bed and fills it. And he's STRONG. I mention this because he recently tore out a window screen. THIS time around, he pushed the damn window open before he hopped out through the previously torn screen. So now I have to keep it completely closed - AND LOCKED.

Also, I had $$ecurity $$creen doors put in because I knew for a fact he would just rip through a regular one.

I hope he appreciates all I go through for him! (Just kidding. He's a cat. But despite being feral with pretty much everyone else, he's deeply attached to me. So somewhere along the line, what I do counts for something with him.)


Sunday, August 4, 2019 2:33 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah... We're talking taxes, credit card stuff, all of the things that I'm never going to put out on the street as-is. Finally put shredders behind me when I got the firepit, but it's gone now.

Yanno, I just remembered I've got a webber grill that's filthy and needs to be cleaned anyhow. Maybe I'll take care of that tomorrow. I haven't grilled in about 5 years, but it's something I haven't been able to part with. Glad I've still got it.

This is like a treasure hunt with the DVDs and CDs. I used to burn EVERYTHING. I'm finding a bunch of stuff I probably lost on those hard drives. Throwing out all of the tv shows and movies since they're so low quality compared to what you can get today, but the music is golden.

I just figured out how to use a thumbdrive to create a personal cloud with a pretty sweet router my old man gave me a few years back. Going to start loading that up with my music once I get it organized and I can actually do work around the house with some tunes instead of being in my own head all day. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I hear you Six. I've got a few old papers of my mom's still around that need to be shredded. Tax stuff and her old medical cards, my dad's OLD medical card. I was thinking on doing some of that tomorrow.


Sunday, August 4, 2019 2:35 AM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Pretty productive so far. I tend to go from thing to thing, but I make progress on whatever that thing of the moment is, so it's not wasted time.

I do spend a fair bit of time grocery shopping and cooking, but the sodium levels of everything you get either in a restaurant or a store are beyond what I can tolerate. So it's time well spent, imo.

I've been craving soup with a milk (not cream) broth, with pale vegetables like celery, onion, and potato (and maybe riced cauliflower) that I envisage with turkey meatballs, thyme herb, and fresh ground black pepper. I have NO idea where I got the notion, but when I looked it up, it actually is European regional cooking. Maybe there's a memory buried back there ...

I do a lot of cooking for myself because of my food sensitivities which are a pain. But if I don't watch them I run the risk of making myself sick.


Sunday, August 4, 2019 2:45 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

I hear you Six. I've got a few old papers of my mom's still around that need to be shredded. Tax stuff and her old medical cards, my dad's OLD medical card. I was thinking on doing some of that tomorrow.

Good luck. Hope you get it done.

I got a huge stack of old credit cards and other things that I've never gotten rid of too. I'll have to see if I got something I could just melt them in that's safe when I get around to burning everything.

I'm probably not going to do it tomorrow. I might as well keep doing the other stuff I'm doing and make sure that I have all of that together and just do it once.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 4, 2019 2:00 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

I hear you Six. I've got a few old papers of my mom's still around that need to be shredded. Tax stuff and her old medical cards, my dad's OLD medical card. I was thinking on doing some of that tomorrow.

Good luck. Hope you get it done.

I got a huge stack of old credit cards and other things that I've never gotten rid of too. I'll have to see if I got something I could just melt them in that's safe when I get around to burning everything.

I'm probably not going to do it tomorrow. I might as well keep doing the other stuff I'm doing and make sure that I have all of that together and just do it once.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I should be able too. Back in the day before computers you never thought about getting rid of this stuff. My mom may have thought she'd need my dad's stuff. But I certainly don't need that type of material any more.

Death certificates and birth certificates along with their marriage licence when I find it I will keep. My mom's last tax return I've kept. But other stuff I can easily shred. I'll do it little by little because some of it is my stuff too, that I no longer need.

The stuff my mom kept and some of it I haven't seen in ages so it needs to be sorted through to make sure it can be shredded.


Sunday, August 4, 2019 4:40 PM


Years ago, I had kept everything. Like every receipt I had, even if it was for goodwill or the dollar store. Every monthly bill that I had paid. Before I purged the house around 4 years ago, I had boxes upon boxes of this stuff. Now I'd say everything I've kept until now would fit into two cardboard office boxes.

But going 4 years without ever going into that stuff for anything other than my birth certificate and SS card for jobs, it puts into perspective how unneeded most of it is.

Things I'll be keeping are the SS card, birth certificate, high school diploma, a folder about how many college credits I have and in what subjects/what years, car title, all house purchase documents and a folder with all of the info on the property taxes after fighting for nearly a year to have them cut in half.

Oh... and 7 years of income tax returns.

You should check the statute of limitations on that in Canada and your locality before throwing any income tax stuff out, Brenda. Here in America, although you can only go back and audit your own taxes 3 years to report that they owe you more, they have 7 years to go back and audit your taxes.

Granted, most people in our situations likely won't ever get audited. I mean, it's possible that I did once because they contacted me and sent me a 2nd check because I had undervalued the Earned Income Credit I should have gotten one year, but I don't think that was an audit because they apparently have a team that specifically does that since you have the option to check a box and have the government figure the credit for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 4, 2019 7:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Pretty productive so far. I tend to go from thing to thing, but I make progress on whatever that thing of the moment is, so it's not wasted time.

I do spend a fair bit of time grocery shopping and cooking, but the sodium levels of everything you get either in a restaurant or a store are beyond what I can tolerate. So it's time well spent, imo.

I've been craving soup with a milk (not cream) broth, with pale vegetables like celery, onion, and potato (and maybe riced cauliflower) that I envisage with turkey meatballs, thyme herb, and fresh ground black pepper. I have NO idea where I got the notion, but when I looked it up, it actually is European regional cooking. Maybe there's a memory buried back there ...

Hmm... what region? Been trying to figure out where all of these would come from ... nothern Europe, maybe, with the potatoes, onions and milk, but the presence of thyme is a little confounding because I thought that was a southern European herb? Sounds like a real tummy-soother! If only I could eat potatoes ...!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, August 4, 2019 7:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

I hear you Six. I've got a few old papers of my mom's still around that need to be shredded. Tax stuff and her old medical cards, my dad's OLD medical card. I was thinking on doing some of that tomorrow.

Good luck. Hope you get it done.

I got a huge stack of old credit cards and other things that I've never gotten rid of too. I'll have to see if I got something I could just melt them in that's safe when I get around to burning everything.

I'm probably not going to do it tomorrow. I might as well keep doing the other stuff I'm doing and make sure that I have all of that together and just do it once.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I should be able too. Back in the day before computers you never thought about getting rid of this stuff. My mom may have thought she'd need my dad's stuff. But I certainly don't need that type of material any more.

Death certificates and birth certificates along with their marriage licence when I find it I will keep. My mom's last tax return I've kept. But other stuff I can easily shred. I'll do it little by little because some of it is my stuff too, that I no longer need.

The stuff my mom kept and some of it I haven't seen in ages so it needs to be sorted through to make sure it can be shredded.

I know I mentioned this before, but when I visited momI spent several days sorting thru boxes and boxes and boxes her hers and dad's old papers. It was something of a favor to the executor of the will and something of an asset chase ... dad used to chase highest interest rates and opened and closed a crap-ton of money market accounts at one time, so as I was sorting thru the papers ... "this is not a bill" insurance statements from 1992 ... letters from London to my mom when they first started writing to each other ... I was also on the lookout for stock certificates or bearer bonds or accounts that appeared to have been opened but not closed.

But going thru all of these old papers gave me insight into what they had been going thru ... steroid injections for rotator cuff and bursitis, hopeful and cautious courtship by mail, slow progession into Parkinson's .. snapshots of a life that will never be duplicated ... so will we all fare.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, August 4, 2019 8:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hmm... what region?

Eastern Europe. But mine is QUITE altered from the originals, and there are many existing variations already! Many recipes are just milk with salt and/ or sugar and possibly some butter; some have things you add in, like hard-boiled eggs. Most recipes don't have potatoes, if they use anything at all it's rice or egg noodles, or flour as a thickener; and the addition of celery, thyme and turkey meatballs is all mine.

The Polish version is called zupa mleczna.

Eastern European Milk Soup

Great-Great Grandma's Milk Soup
Polish Classic Cooking

How to Make Milk Soup

Polish Milk Soup


Sunday, August 4, 2019 8:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
... letters from London to my mom when they first started writing to each other ... I was also on the lookout for stock certificates or bearer bonds or accounts that appeared to have been opened but not closed.

But going thru all of these old papers gave me insight into what they had been going thru ... steroid injections for rotator cuff and bursitis, hopeful and cautious courtship by mail, slow progession into Parkinson's .. snapshots of a life that will never be duplicated ...

I hope these were kept in a good, safe place.


Sunday, August 4, 2019 9:57 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Years ago, I had kept everything. Like every receipt I had, even if it was for goodwill or the dollar store. Every monthly bill that I had paid. Before I purged the house around 4 years ago, I had boxes upon boxes of this stuff. Now I'd say everything I've kept until now would fit into two cardboard office boxes.

But going 4 years without ever going into that stuff for anything other than my birth certificate and SS card for jobs, it puts into perspective how unneeded most of it is.

Things I'll be keeping are the SS card, birth certificate, high school diploma, a folder about how many college credits I have and in what subjects/what years, car title, all house purchase documents and a folder with all of the info on the property taxes after fighting for nearly a year to have them cut in half.

Oh... and 7 years of income tax returns.

You should check the statute of limitations on that in Canada and your locality before throwing any income tax stuff out, Brenda. Here in America, although you can only go back and audit your own taxes 3 years to report that they owe you more, they have 7 years to go back and audit your taxes.

Granted, most people in our situations likely won't ever get audited. I mean, it's possible that I did once because they contacted me and sent me a 2nd check because I had undervalued the Earned Income Credit I should have gotten one year, but I don't think that was an audit because they apparently have a team that specifically does that since you have the option to check a box and have the government figure the credit for you.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I will check that out but that is why I am keeping my mom's last tax return filed after she died.

That's why we kept my dad's discharge papers after he died so she could apply for part of his military pension.

I have my high school diploma and other old things. My dad's parents marriage license.


Sunday, August 4, 2019 10:01 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

I hear you Six. I've got a few old papers of my mom's still around that need to be shredded. Tax stuff and her old medical cards, my dad's OLD medical card. I was thinking on doing some of that tomorrow.

Good luck. Hope you get it done.

I got a huge stack of old credit cards and other things that I've never gotten rid of too. I'll have to see if I got something I could just melt them in that's safe when I get around to burning everything.

I'm probably not going to do it tomorrow. I might as well keep doing the other stuff I'm doing and make sure that I have all of that together and just do it once.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I should be able too. Back in the day before computers you never thought about getting rid of this stuff. My mom may have thought she'd need my dad's stuff. But I certainly don't need that type of material any more.

Death certificates and birth certificates along with their marriage licence when I find it I will keep. My mom's last tax return I've kept. But other stuff I can easily shred. I'll do it little by little because some of it is my stuff too, that I no longer need.

The stuff my mom kept and some of it I haven't seen in ages so it needs to be sorted through to make sure it can be shredded.

I know I mentioned this before, but when I visited momI spent several days sorting thru boxes and boxes and boxes her hers and dad's old papers. It was something of a favor to the executor of the will and something of an asset chase ... dad used to chase highest interest rates and opened and closed a crap-ton of money market accounts at one time, so as I was sorting thru the papers ... "this is not a bill" insurance statements from 1992 ... letters from London to my mom when they first started writing to each other ... I was also on the lookout for stock certificates or bearer bonds or accounts that appeared to have been opened but not closed.

But going thru all of these old papers gave me insight into what they had been going thru ... steroid injections for rotator cuff and bursitis, hopeful and cautious courtship by mail, slow progession into Parkinson's .. snapshots of a life that will never be duplicated ... so will we all fare.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

That is a good idea Sig. But my problem was that my stuff got boxed up after she died and I never really got to go through it.

Of course my mom also had so many pictures too. And the negatives have to be specially recycled. Local drug store that also sells computers, tvs and still does photo developing will take them once I find them all.


Sunday, August 4, 2019 11:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I think what I'm saying, SIX, is ... save some of yourself. When you get old you can look through them and be reminded of the person you were. And then when you die others can go thru them too, and think about the person who was.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, August 5, 2019 10:47 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I think what I'm saying, SIX, is ... save some of yourself. When you get old you can look through them and be reminded of the person you were. And then when you die others can go thru them too, and think about the person who was.

I hear ya. I'm not going to be saving much though. What I buy isn't who I am.

I've got a lot of artwork back when I was younger. Dumb me wanted to be "an artist" when I grew up. Been a long time since I've ever done any of that. I won't get rid of stuff like that.

Had two huge boxes of comics I've always meant to sort through. My brother says he'll take any of them I'm getting rid of, even the crap we bought as kids that ain't worth a buck a piece.

I'm going to hold on to most of what my old man gave me as a kid. Back then, those mags were only 20 to 25 years old. They're a lot older now. Apparently, some of them are worth a pretty decent buck too. Not that I'm going to take the time to sell them all individually on e-bay, but a "keep" pile that's about the size of half of a box you get reams of paper in would go for about $3,000 going by the prices that they were recently sold for.

They were all junk when my old man would give them to us as Christmas presents. I figured I'd be just getting rid of the whole lot of them save for maybe a handful. It seems that the books from the 50's and 60's are getting harder to come by these days.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, August 5, 2019 11:44 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

There are some thngs that really bring back memories for me ... clothes, and check registers. I pick up one of dear daughter's t-shirts or dresses from when she was a toddler, and I remember the weight of her, her sturdy body in my hands when I'd toss her into the air, or how she would peel off her socks because she hated anything on her feet. Or hubby's polyester slacks, which is what he was wearing when we first met. Or the check register, which shows the checks I wrote toour very first apartment in LA. What an idiot I was back then! Always reacting, never thinking ahead. Well, time has revealed a few more fatal flaws in my psyche!

I don't save everything, but I save a few things.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Tuesday, August 6, 2019 1:03 AM


I've got a box of stuff that is mostly stuff from ex girlfriends. Pictures, things we'd write to each other, mix tapes, stuff they bought me, ticket stubs for movies and concerts we saw... things like that. I haven't looked in that thing for years. The last time I did, I remember it was the first time that besides the pictures I didn't remember half of it. It's in a real nice box that I could put some of my power tools for the move. Might be time for one last trip down memory lane...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, August 6, 2019 2:54 AM


Well, I was dummkopf today. Went out again without my medical alert on. Didn't notice I didn't have it until I sat down with a cup of coffee somewhere.

Happens every so often.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019 8:17 PM


Getting closer...

Still waiting on garbage day bogging me down since my 3 cans are full. Doesn't mean that I can't continue to throw crap out, just that it's got to sit in bags until the cans are emptied. Most of the stuff I've put out on the street since last garbage day has been taken except for a large mirror that was part of a piece of furniture I'd gotten rid of a long time ago. I've got another similar one that I need to put out there that is much nicer that I got from my uncle years back, but without any of the furniture. I've definitely got no need for things like that and I should never have taken it in the first place. I'll probably put it out tonight to give people two days to take it before the garbage men come.

Gotten through about 2/3rds of my documents. Comics are all figured out. I'm keeping one box and giving the rest to my bro. I've got a lot of collectible cards from back in the day. My brother's taking all of the comic book related ones. Might pitch the baseball cards. I dunno... Maybe I'll look through them, but crap like that from the 80's and early 90's really have no real-world value.

All the bad/small hard drives are destroyed and gone. Good drives and thumb-drives have all the data consolidated and have been wiped and checked for errors. Now all I have to do on that front is start sorting through stuff, getting rid of things I don't need and backing up what I do want.

Kitchen and living room looking less and less like a hoard since I'm running out of stuff to put out there to work on. Basement is cleared out except for workout equipment and the washer/dryer. Attic is about 90% cleared out except for the stuff that's packed and ready to go. Garage is in great shape too, but there is still quite a bit to sort through and pitch even though I've finally got my workbench back and enough space to almost park two cars in there.

Going to help my friend on his rental house this weekend for a few days. Build up a sense of obligation on his part so we can get my porch fixed finally. :)

No racoons or other animals in the house for weeks too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, August 6, 2019 11:34 PM


Way to go Jack. You are looking pretty good on the home front there.


Tuesday, August 6, 2019 11:36 PM


Have an appointment at the place where I got my hearing aides tomorrow. Not really looking forward to it. Worried that they are going to tell me that my one good ear is going too.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019 12:13 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Way to go Jack. You are looking pretty good on the home front there.


It's crazy how much more hopeful I am about everything now that I'm not bogged down by all of this crap. It's as if I've cleared off about 90% of my to-do list in the back of my brain by just getting rid of it all. It's a minimalist lifestyle for me from now on. No matter where I end up, I'm never going to have more stuff than what would fit in a 12' to 16' truck.

I've still got a lot of work to do before the house is fully de-hoarded and sparkling clean, but with the strides I've made in the last week with a lot of the nitty-gritty stuff that I've been wanting to get to for years, I'm finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel here.

And I can't deny it now. I was a hoarder. The only reason that I wasn't worthy to be on the Hoarders show is because I'm not even 40 yet. I still had years of heading down that path to go before it happened, but when I take stock of just how much I've purged from my life in the last 2 1/2 months, I can't deny the facts.

I had a problem.

I think all this bad shit fell down on me at one time because I needed a good punch in the face.

ANUSTART from here on out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, August 7, 2019 2:54 AM


That's good jack.

Sometimes we all just need a kick in the pants to get us started on the right road.


Wednesday, August 7, 2019 9:19 PM


Well, my hearing aides weren't working. That was part of the diagnosis today on them. The other half is that my left ear is getting worse.


Friday, August 9, 2019 2:20 AM


Man... except for the big furniture remaining I still have to decide what I'm going to do with, I'm almost done with the stuff inside the house. Just need to get a few boxes for the stuff that remains before I go through it. Got most of my kitchen and living room back and the living room will be almost cleared out comepletely besides the stuff that should be in there when my bro and niece come over tomorrow.

I think she's going to be really excited to see that two of my guitars are going home with her.

Still have to tackle the garage, but that's going to have to wait till next week. Have errands to run tomorrow after they leave, then I'm working with my friend on his projects all weekend.

Still have a lot of digital cleanup to do, but that can be done anytime now that I've done the purge of the unnecessary and/or outdated hardware.

Feelin' good.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, August 9, 2019 3:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

That's awesome SIX! I feel ya on the "minimalist lifestyle" too. I was contemplating life as an elderly person ... I think I could be content with one small bedroom, bath and kitchen facilities.

BRENDA, sorry to hear about your left ear. All I can say is that hearing loss, for whatever reason, is a normal part of aging; so I hope that's all that it is.


Well, we finally got dear daughter's walls and ceiling cleaned with TSP, wiped down with clear water, and sealed. So the next thing is to buy some sample paints and try dear daughter's color scheme on the shortest wall that she has so she can get an idea of what it'll look like. Paint purchase tomorrow.

I sure don't have the energy you do, SIX. I feel my age at the end of the day, and I'm glad that Wednesday and Friday are no-project days because of other commitments!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, August 9, 2019 1:01 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BRENDA, sorry to hear about your left ear. All I can say is that hearing loss, for whatever reason, is a normal part of aging; so I hope that's all that it is.


Well, we finally got dear daughter's walls and ceiling cleaned with TSP, wiped down with clear water, and sealed. So the next thing is to buy some sample paints and try dear daughter's color scheme on the shortest wall that she has so she can get an idea of what it'll look like. Paint purchase tomorrow.

I sure don't have the energy you do, SIX. I feel my age at the end of the day, and I'm glad that Wednesday and Friday are no-project days because of other commitments!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

Thanks SIG. When I go and get my hearing aides back next week after they are repaired. I am going to ask them what caused the damage in my left ear. I'm not sure if it is just age or some damage that happened when I was a child and I don't remember it.

SIG, I also hear you about being tired after doing too much and I will only be 55 this year. But I have times when I feel like I am at least 100.


Friday, August 9, 2019 1:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIG, I also hear you about being tired after doing too much and I will only be 55 this year. But I have times when I feel like I am at least 100.
Goes for the both of us! I know KIKI has the same problem.

A large part of my problem (in the past year, anyway) was a reaction to Levaquin which is slowly fading away. But even before that... sigh. Part of it I think was just sleeping very very badly because of stuffed nose, swollen tongue (allergies) and (painless) acid reflux causing general congestion. They say that deep sleep is very restorative; and when it's consistently interrupted it can cause fibromyalgia like symptoms within a few days. When I was working, I had no time to bird-dog my sleep issues; now that I'm retired I can commit myself to at least 7.5 hours of sleep a night plus the anti-snore mouth insert and nose spray and all of that. It's either that, or feel like crap the next day. Anyway, check your sleep. It may be something simple to fix. Today, I had to get up extra-early so right now I think I'm going back to bed!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Friday, August 9, 2019 5:11 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIG, I also hear you about being tired after doing too much and I will only be 55 this year. But I have times when I feel like I am at least 100.
Goes for the both of us! I know KIKI has the same problem.

A large part of my problem (in the past year, anyway) was a reaction to Levaquin which is slowly fading away. But even before that... sigh. Part of it I think was just sleeping very very badly because of stuffed nose, swollen tongue (allergies) and (painless) acid reflux causing general congestion. They say that deep sleep is very restorative; and when it's consistently interrupted it can cause fibromyalgia like symptoms within a few days. When I was working, I had no time to bird-dog my sleep issues; now that I'm retired I can commit myself to at least 7.5 hours of sleep a night plus the anti-snore mouth insert and nose spray and all of that. It's either that, or feel like crap the next day. Anyway, check your sleep. It may be something simple to fix. Today, I had to get up extra-early so right now I think I'm going back to bed!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

I know I can get acid-reflux when I am stressed out. Had bucket loads of that problem when I was living at the crappy place. So I watch that and I do watch my sleep and try to get as much as I can. I try not to get too tired during the day as that wrecks my sleep at night. Also try not to fall a sleep in front of my computer because that will mess with my sleep cycle when I go to bed. I sleep with 2 pillows because of my allergies. So yeah I am always looking at something.


Friday, August 9, 2019 5:24 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
That's awesome SIX! I feel ya on the "minimalist lifestyle" too. I was contemplating life as an elderly person ... I think I could be content with one small bedroom, bath and kitchen facilities.

BRENDA, sorry to hear about your left ear. All I can say is that hearing loss, for whatever reason, is a normal part of aging; so I hope that's all that it is.


Well, we finally got dear daughter's walls and ceiling cleaned with TSP, wiped down with clear water, and sealed. So the next thing is to buy some sample paints and try dear daughter's color scheme on the shortest wall that she has so she can get an idea of what it'll look like. Paint purchase tomorrow.

I sure don't have the energy you do, SIX. I feel my age at the end of the day, and I'm glad that Wednesday and Friday are no-project days because of other commitments!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

Hey... as long as we do what we can with the energy we do have.

I promise you, you get your situation sorted out to where you know where everything is and you have easy access to what you need, you're sorting yourself out big time too.

I'm still not there, but getting closer all the time. What is slowing me down is that while there are some things that I either know I'm never going to get to or I no longer have any interest in getting to can easily just be gotten rid of, there have been quite a few things that have popped up along the way that absolutely needed to be dealt with. Some of these things take up most of my day for 2 or 3 days at a time, and at the end of that time spent I'm only getting rid of say half of something that didn't take up all that much room in the first place. But when that's done, I've consolidated what had real value and made it easy to carry around and purged the ballast.

Who knows? Maybe this house itself wasn't the albatross around my neck I've been saying it is for years. Maybe it was just all of the shit I'd accumulated inside of it.

I'm not close to done yet, but yanno what? When I need a pair of pliers or a screwdriver or a flashlight, I know exactly where to go to get them and I put them back when I'm done (I found 6 flashlights so far, btw, all of which I could never find when I needed one, and none of them in the same place). Hell... I've found 3 nail clippers, which was also something I could never find when I needed them, which is a problem for somebody who doesn't have teeth that can do the job anymore.

I've still got a few milestones to reach before I'm officially done, and a lot of work to go before I can really give everything a great scrubdown, but in the mean time the organization that has been done is working wonders on de-addling my brain.

I'm not even living the minimalist lifestyle yet, but I can't wait to get there. I think it might even be better than my decision to go gluten free.

I wish you luck getting it down to whatever level is comfortable and acceptable to you. Take your time making the decisions, but also be firm with yourself too. If you're really on the fence about something, chances are you really don't need it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 10, 2019 6:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, I can only hope that I reach your level of organization some time before I die!

BRENDA, I too sleep with two pillows! Are you taking any meds for your conditions? I get that gerd rears its ugly head when you're under stress, but -trust me - omeprazole (once per day), zantac (at bedtime) and Rolaids or equivalent (as needed) work wonders, stress or not.

As far as allergies, I understand why you might not want to take oral antihistamines because they might intefere with your neurological status, but have you tried local treatments like nasal decongestant spray, nose strips, nasal steroid spray, nose washes and mouth inserts like ZQuiet? You might not need them every day but they might really come in handy for those days that you do.

Anyway, it sounds like you have a bead on your sleep quality which is a good thing. Everyone needs a good night's sleep!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, August 10, 2019 7:11 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I just want to caveat that consistent use of Zantac has been linked to dementia that may or may not be reversible after discontinuing it. So I'd use Zantac only as needed, when your other efforts have failed and you need quick relief.

Zantac works directly on the cells lining the stomach, expect to see it working within 20-40 minutes. But of course it also enters the bloodstream, where it may have a bad effect on the brain.


Saturday, August 10, 2019 7:53 PM


It's so nice not having all that crap in my living room and kitchen. I actually had the kitchen table cleared off so my niece could use the marker set I bought her for Christmas on it while I was showing my bro all the stuff I was giving him.

Going to have to get about 5 more boxes for packing. Might not use all of them, but I do have some things to pack now that aren't going back up to the attic and out of my way until they're securely packed away.

I've got a really busy next 4 days now too, so no more work around the house in the near future. I'm hoping that I can spend some time the second half of Wednesday and early Thursday to get more stuff into cans for garbage day. I've got a can about halfway full, but it would be a shame to waste a garbage day when I've been doing so good putting stuff out there every week. I've finally got an opportunity to do more without having to wait on them to pick it up and I'm really hoping that it's not more or less squandered.

I'm going to try to get the age and the make of that antique bedroom set I've got. I've decided that I want to keep the other one since it's more functional and not as "girly" looking, even though I'm sure the value of it is just a fraction of the antique set. Now that the garage is going to be cleared out, it might be worthwhile wrap them up and put them out there until I can find a local buyer. If it's only worth $1,000 or so on ebay though, it's probably not worth the effort or the amount of time I'd have to store it in the garage before I found somebody. I really just want it out of my life at this point.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 10, 2019 11:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

BRENDA, I too sleep with two pillows! Are you taking any meds for your conditions? I get that gerd rears its ugly head when you're under stress, but -trust me - omeprazole (once per day), zantac (at bedtime) and Rolaids or equivalent (as needed) work wonders, stress or not.

As far as allergies, I understand why you might not want to take oral antihistamines because they might intefere with your neurological status, but have you tried local treatments like nasal decongestant spray, nose strips, nasal steroid spray, nose washes and mouth inserts like ZQuiet? You might not need them every day but they might really come in handy for those days that you do.

Anyway, it sounds like you have a bead on your sleep quality which is a good thing. Everyone needs a good night's sleep!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

SIG, I don't take anything for the acid-reflux as the problem is pretty well gone now that I've moved.

As for my allergies, I can't really take anything in tablet form because they don't mix with my seizure meds or my thyroid meds. But I do keep something on hand for when nothing else works. Other than that I use a nasal rinse and eye drops for them. Also I can use a nasal spray too but I don't have any on hand right now.

I do work on my sleep situation all the time.


Sunday, August 11, 2019 2:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BRENDA, I too sleep with two pillows! Are you taking any meds for your conditions? I get that gerd rears its ugly head when you're under stress, but -trust me - omeprazole (once per day), zantac (at bedtime) and Rolaids or equivalent (as needed) work wonders, stress or not.
As far as allergies, I understand why you might not want to take oral antihistamines because they might intefere with your neurological status, but have you tried local treatments like nasal decongestant spray, nose strips, nasal steroid spray, nose washes and mouth inserts like ZQuiet? You might not need them every day but they might really come in handy for those days that you do.
Anyway, it sounds like you have a bead on your sleep quality which is a good thing. Everyone needs a good night's sleep!- SIGNY

SIG, I don't take anything for the acid-reflux as the problem is pretty well gone now that I've moved.-BRENDA

That's good! But if the problem ever comes back, I hope that you'll do something positive instead of just suffer thru it.


As for my allergies, I can't really take anything in tablet form because they don't mix with my seizure meds or my thyroid meds.
Yes, I know, which is why I posted I understand why you might not want to take oral antihistamines because they might intefere with your neurological status, but have you tried local treatments ...


But I do keep something on hand for when nothing else works. Other than that I use a nasal rinse and eye drops for them. Also I can use a nasal spray too but I don't have any on hand right now. I do work on my sleep situation all the time. :smile
Sounds like you have a plan, then. :thumbsup:

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Sunday, August 11, 2019 9:33 AM


I still get acid reflux today, but it's very rare. I attribute that to the fact that even though I've changed most of my poor habits I do still drink a lot of coffee. But given how much I drink and the fact that it is a trigger in some people, I consider myself pretty lucky. I know it's not fun. When I first started getting episodes in my early 20's I had no idea it was heartburn and I thought my lungs were in pain from my smoking.

During the height of my poor diet and binge drinking, it was so frequent that I'd have to snag a bottle of tums off the counter while working overnights. It wasn't until a few years later that I discovered that eating a piece of bread with nothing on it would also make it go away (milk doesn't work... it would just give temporary relief). My acid reflux was so bad that simply the act of drinking a cup of water when I woke up could trigger it.

Bread is out the window now with the gluten free diet, but it's also because of the gluten free diet that I think my acid reflux is all but gone. I can't say for sure though. I ate a lot of bad crap back then, and it wasn't necessarily the gluten that was the culprit. And unless I go out to eat on rare occasions, these days I've pretty much limited myself to about a dozen different foods in my diet. If I were interested in expanding that diet now, I'd probably take some time after adding something to see what changes it might make before adding something else.

Maybe you should try to pinpoint what the trigger is Brenda? There might just be a particular food you eat, or a combination of them that cause it?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, August 11, 2019 3:47 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

That's good! But if the problem ever comes back, I hope that you'll do something positive instead of just suffer thru it.

I'll think about it. But hopefully I think I got a handle on the stress for right now.

Yes, I know, which is why I posted I understand why you might not want to take oral antihistamines because they might intefere with your neurological status, but have you tried local treatments ...

Sorry, I did understand that.


Sounds like you have a plan, then. :thumbsup:

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

My doctor recommended the nasal rinse years ago and it does work but it's rough on my throat though.


Sunday, August 11, 2019 3:50 PM


Jack, I have basically narrowed it down to stress. It started back when I was looking after my mother before she died and I was really stressed out then. It went away after she died and I moved. It came back when I was living in the place before this because every time I turned around my landlady was in face.

I keep an eye on how much caffeine I drink coffee or other. I stop eating after 11pm for sleep reasons.


Sunday, August 11, 2019 3:52 PM


We got rain today. And it is a lazy Sunday for me. Not doing anything.

Local Walmart has got stick vacs on sale. Should really get one.






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