In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Saturday, August 31, 2019 2:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah, Jack, Signy asked an important question that I really didn't want to get into, and that's that your foundation blocks should not be shifted out of place if they're part of the main structure. If you're just talking about the porch it's not so bad.

Structural foundations are really technical. They need to be engineered and checked for compliance with local codes. You need a footing - all engineered as to how deep (due to the frostline), how thick, how wide, what kind and how much rebar and where, what kind of psi concrete (it's the pounds-per-square inch compressive load capacity of concrete which is what pressure can it take before it fails structurally, normal is about 3000 - 3500psi; generally improved by adding more sand to the mix) ... and so on. And then there's the block walls!!

Way, WAAAAaaaaaaay above my pay grade! as they say.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 3:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Since here's where I've been posting about earthquakes ...

Earthquake fault long thought dormant could devastate Los Angeles, researchers say

By Deborah NetburnStaff Writer
Aug. 31, 2019
9:42 AM

Scientists citing new research say an earthquake fault along the Los Angeles coast, previously believed to be dormant, is active and could cause a destructive 6.4 magnitude earthquake if it ruptured.

And if it linked with other faults, it could trigger an earthquake in the magnitude 7 range, according to a team of researchers from Harvard, USC and the U.S. Geological Survey.

The fault, known as the Wilmington Blind-Thrust fault, stretches for about 12.5 miles, running northwest from Huntington Beach, directly beneath the Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors, past the east side of the Palos Verdes Pensinula and out toward Santa Monica Bay.

Researchers have known for decades that the fault existed, but it was long thought to be dormant and therefore of no concern for the residents of Los Angeles.

However, a new report, led by Franklin Wolfe, a doctoral student in the structural modeling and earth resources group at Harvard, has found that the Wilmington Blind Thrust Fault is in fact alive and kicking and could affect the overlying ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.

“It doesn’t rupture frequently, but it’s like a sleeping giant beneath the harbor, " Wolfe said. “Just because it’s slow, doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous.”

A blind-thrust fault is so named because the fault itself doesn’t reach the surface of the Earth. There are no hills, cracks or breaks to indicate its existence.

Scientists knew the Wilmington fault was there because it sits below the Wilmington Oil Fields and data collected by the oil industry revealed folding in deep layers of rock that indicated the existence of a fault. However, the tell-tale folding of the rock did not appear to extend to more shallow layers of earth. Therefore, the data suggested that the fault had gone dormant at least 2 million years ago.

Then, about 10 years ago, a scientist at the USGS who was studying the architecture of groundwater reservoirs discovered that, in fact, there did appear to be some folding in the rock in more shallow layers than the oil industry researchers would have looked at.

Further research revealed that he was right. The folding in both the deep rock and the very shallow rock appeared to be caused by the same fault. That meant the Wilmington fault was still active.

Wolfe said that the fault is very slow moving and could be expected to rupture sometime in the next 3,000 to 5,000 years.

“It makes you wonder how many other faults are in California that are not detected and slow moving,” Wolfe said. “The San Andreas fault is the most noteworthy, but many other of faults in California capable of generating damage.”

The Wilmington fault runs near another notorious fault, the Newport-Inglewood.

That fault unleashed the 1933 Long Beach earthquake, which killed 120 people and prompted some of the state’s first seismic building regulations.

The Newport-Inglewood has long been considered one of Southern California’s top seismic danger zones because it runs under some of the region’s most densely populated areas, from the Westside of Los Angeles to the Orange County coast.

Research published in 2017 found the fault may be even more dangerous than experts had believed, capable of producing more frequent destructive temblors than previously suggested by scientists.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 4:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

About the sealer/ primer

SIX, as much as people swear by the KILZ oil-based primer, it's not sold anywhere in theSouth Coast Air Basin (SCAB) so that's out of the question.

I think the problem happened because I used KLIZ 2 (Latex paint, probably a styrene/divinyl benzene/acrylic formulation) on bare plaster instead of KILZ PVA (polyvinyl acetate). KILZ2 works best on pre-painted surfaces as a stain blocker/matte finish, PVA is literally a matte-finish glue, much better at bonding to and sealing fresh drywall or plaster. The funny thing is, I had actualy used PVA on almost all of the fresh drywall, but I ran out and switched to the latex stuff instead for that part of the wall. Fortunately, it only failed in a few small spots.

The specialty primer that I painted over the other primer worked well, it seems very durbale and it did not fail, the KILZ2 did.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, August 31, 2019 4:37 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Yeah, Jack, Signy asked an important question that I really didn't want to get into, and that's that your foundation blocks should not be shifted out of place if they're part of the main structure. If you're just talking about the porch it's not so bad.

Structural foundations are really technical. They need to be engineered and checked for compliance with local codes. You need a footing - all engineered as to how deep (due to the frostline), how thick, how wide, what kind and how much rebar and where, what kind of psi concrete (it's the pounds-per-square inch compressive load capacity of concrete which is what pressure can it take before it fails structurally, normal is about 3000 - 3500psi; generally improved by adding more sand to the mix) ... and so on. And then there's the block walls!!

Way, WAAAAaaaaaaay above my pay grade! as they say.


It's just a three season room attached to the house that was built 20 years after the house went up. There is electricity run to it (and, I know it's shocking, but it was done up right with conduit), but there's no heat/air-conditioning out to it or water.

It's VERY apparent that Uncle Bob came over and built it and it wasn't done by a professional mason. Even without gutters for who knows how many years and that busted drain pipe the masonry the house is sitting on is still rock solid. The porch cinder block masonry is cracked to shit. Fortunately, the only place where they were being pushed in was right under the screen door and was relatively easy to put back into place. Also fortunate, there is enough "crap" still inside the seams that everything is still level and none of the bricks are sinking, so my idea is to get the right stuff and push as much into the cracks as I can.

I'm going to do a little research today and get the right stuff to put in all the cracks around the interior of the whole thing while I've got it exposed. My friends dad who's done this a lot actually told me to use tile grout. I'm just going to double check that this is a good solution before going what would be a pretty cheap way. I don't mind paying more for something better and doing it right if this is not ideal. Then I'm going to at least tar all of the stuff from the outside that is currently exposed. I might do the front down the line as well at some point, but that's on the back burner for now.

I might even tar all the stuff inside when I'm done filling it in, but I'd have to know that it was even worth doing or not first. I don't think you can buy that stuff in smaller than 5 gallon pails, so I'm going to have a ton left over if I don't find something worthwhile to do with it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 31, 2019 4:45 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
About the sealer/ primer

SIX, as much as people swear by the KILZ oil-based primer, it's not sold anywhere in theSouth Coast Air Basin (SCAB) so that's out of the question.

I think the problem happened because I used KLIZ 2 (Latex paint, probably a styrene/divinyl benzene/acrylic formulation) on bare plaster instead of KILZ PVA (polyvinyl acetate). KILZ2 works best on pre-painted surfaces as a stain blocker/matte finish, PVA is literally a matte-finish glue, much better at bonding to and sealing fresh drywall or plaster. The funny thing is, I had actualy used PVA on almost all of the fresh drywall, but I ran out and switched to the latex stuff instead for that part of the wall. Fortunately, it only failed in a few small spots.

The specialty primer that I painted over the other primer worked well, it seems very durbale and it did not fail, the KILZ2 did.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

That's a shame about Kilz2. I've only ever used it for drywall before painting and nothing heavy duty. I knew there is no way it could compete against the oil based variety on heavy duty stuff, but I didn't think it would be crap either. :(

Is Kilz not sold by you because of some environmental regulations that make it illegal to use there? (I ask because, well yanno, California!)

If it isn't (or maybe even if it is), you should look on Amazon and see if you can get some that way if you ever need something that works. As much as I'm not a fan of what Amazon is doing, I have to admit that I made 4 purchases with them in the last few months and aside from a $1.99 fee I had to pay for an extra week of Prime shipping vs a $9.99 shipping charge for the last order (because my free 30 day trial had expired a month or so earlier), I got these things within a day or two tops and much cheaper than I would have got them in a store.

But if Kilz is illegal by you, knowing how far we've come with computers and tech, it wouldn't surprise me if Amazon flat out prohibits the sale of it in your area.

Glad you seemed to have figured it all out though. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 31, 2019 4:50 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Signy

Thanks for letting me know !!! about the specialty sealer.

When I went to Lowes for genuine TSP I did look up oil-based KILZ, and you're right, it's no longer sold (according to them). I should check out Ace hrdwr b/c they're usually more on top of things. It might be available in small containers. (Many years ago I was looking for oil-based porch floor paint at Ace, and it was available in small containers but not large ones.) Just a detail to track down.

Lowes did recommend another product they said works even better than Kilz did. You know I have a particular reason to be looking for something like Kilz but my second pick was milk paint with maximum tung oil.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 4:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Jack - phew !!! about the foundation !!!


Saturday, August 31, 2019 4:56 PM



Amazon seems to only have oil based Kilz in 1 quart interior.

Just did a search at Home Depot and they've got it in 1 and 5 gallon buckets for $18.27 and $82.98 respectively. That is with my local store plugged in though. I'm thinking that they banned Original Kilz and similar paints in your area, perhaps the entire state of California.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 31, 2019 4:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oil-based anything paint, due to high organic vapors, which create serious air pollution here!


Saturday, August 31, 2019 6:25 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hi Brenda!

BTW, I'm assuming these are 'machine' screws (fine threaded, flat-tipped) that fit into a metal threaded fitting, and not wood screws or sheet metal screws (coarse threaded, pointed tip).

A good salesperson should be able to match the screw thread and width (and head style, which may be important if it's a counter-sunk head


or merely cosmetic otherwise); and if the off-the-shelf replacement is too long, be able to cut it down to the right length without damaging the thread. Unless you have a preference either phillips or slotted should be OK if there isn't a match otherwise,

but stay away from anything else including torx if you are asked.

If you know something about its origins (time and place of mfg) it might be easier to determine metric v 'standard' thread. Sometimes a metric thread can look like a 'standard' thread. If you get one for the other, oftentimes you'll be able to get about 3 turns in before it gets stuck-ish. Don't force it if that happens, just back it out and get the right one instead.

That's why, when installing screws, bolts, or nuts, it's important to thread them down by hand ALL THE WAY - so you can feel if it's either starting cross-threaded or getting tight a few turns down. Use your tools to tighten ONLY after it's installed.

Very small, fine-threaded screws can be tricky to install ... hard to hold on to and easy to cross thread. Try PARTIALLY removing your 'example' screw, and then putting it back in all the way a few times for practice; then once you remove it completely, try putting it back in its original hole a few times for practice; and then in the empty hole (to check for bad threads in the MT hole) a few times.

I've had some very skilled people give me many of these tips, and also, too many times by my own self getting hung up on what should be an easy job because it was trickier than I thought!!!

Hi Kiki

The screws are easy to see. Flat head, slotted. The box is wooden. The screw would be standard as this box is older than me. Metric wasn't brought in Canada until the 70s. This box was something that my dad bought my mom in Vancouver BC. Not sure if it was made here though.

I have tightened the other screws but I am sure that I can get one of them out if I choose to go that route.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 6:32 PM


Laundry done and a bit of shopping done as well today.

Went into an electronics store thinking about buying one of those combo jobs that have CD-Tape-Radio-Record player all together. Talking to the guy who worked in the store. Thought the picture on the front of the box was a large CD. I had to tell him no that was a phonograph record. He said, "I've seen one but don't know how to use it."

Told him that I was a lot older than him and I grew up with one. Some of these items are made under the old "Victrola" name. I said my grandparents would have had one of those.

Rotten whipper-snappers.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 6:43 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It sounds like these are wood screws, that go through a hole in a metal piece directly into wood, to hold the metal piece on? If so, then you don't need to worry about matching threads. That only counts when you're trying to fit a metal screw into a threaded metal fitting or nut.

ASSUMING it's a wood screw, once a wood screw comes out, it leaves a slightly bigger hole in the wood than the size of the screw, meaning the exact same size screw might fall out. Depending on how big the screw hole is, you can sometime insert a piece of a wooden toothpick to fill up the hole a bit. Or you may need to upsize the screw. Or you could put epoxy in the hole and put the screw in, and count on the epoxy to keep it all together.

Those are the 'fixes' I can think of offhand, but I'm sure google knows more!

I'd be happy to chit chat back and forth!


Saturday, August 31, 2019 6:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oh and Jack, I wanted to highlight what Signy said earlier, which is that you're probably dealing with surface water and poor drainage, not a high water table. I think that might have gotten lost in the mix.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 7:20 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Oh and Jack, I wanted to highlight what Signy said earlier, which is that you're probably dealing with surface water and poor drainage, not a high water table. I think that might have gotten lost in the mix.

Dunno. Hard to say other than I'm on a semi-minor flood plane that used to be a really terrible flood plane before the ditch system was made sometime in the 60's or early 70's. Maybe once I've got the gutters up and the drain pipe fixed my problems will go away.

I'm STILL working on laundry today. I think I've only got 2 more loads left to do though. I didn't count, but I easily did over a dozen loads over the last 3 days.

I didn't pitch any of my suits yet. I knew I had two, but it turns out I have 4. I was going to get rid of any dress pants I had that were dry clean only outside of the suits, and any that weren't "wrinkle free", but I must have done that already, so keeping them too. Got rid of a few dress shirts that weren't extremely low maintenance. I hate keeping all of that stuff when I almost never use any of it. Maybe I'll pare it down further once I go through the rest of the clothes.

I threw away three coats that were damaged. Two are going to Goodwill. I've still got 5 more but I can't bring myself to get rid of them yet. I love having nice coats and the ones left are all pricey stuff that I bought new myself and are in great shape. I also threw away a bag of crap clothes. It turns out I had a lot of junk shirts that I'd never wear going out for use while doing yard work or painting that I've forgotten about. I'll be getting rid of quite a bit more I imagine once all the laundry is done and I take an inventory.

1 1/2 more bags full of coats and clothes to go to Goodwill so far. Already brought 2 there yesterday.

My end goal is the following:

1. To have all of my suits and coats I'm keeping in my living room closet with room to spare for guests coats (mission accomplished there).

2. Maybe call a local dry cleaner and see if I can get new bags to put the suits I ultimately keep in. I don't need anything fancy. Plastic is fine. I'd just rather have something that was designed for the task rather than cut out large black trashbags to cover them.

3. No more clothes and linens than what will fit in my two dressers I'm keeping and a single closet in my Master Bedroom.

I may have already accomplished this. I won't know until the rest of the laundry is done and I start packing stuff away. My space for hung up clothing that I would frequently use and isn't crap clothes for yardwork/painting is nearly full, but aside from a few drawers in one dresser that have all of the good towels, I've got a lot of dresser space for the rest.

Going to watch some DIY youtube stuff tonight and make a shopping list for my porch homework the next two days. It's already raining right now and should be through the morning, so I wasn't going to get anymore outdoor work done today. Hopefully it dries up pretty quickly tomorrow so I can jump right into it after picking up what I need.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 31, 2019 8:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey Signy

Thanks for letting me know !!! about the specialty sealer.

When I went to Lowes for genuine TSP I did look up oil-based KILZ, and you're right, it's no longer sold (according to them). I should check out Ace hrdwr b/c they're usually more on top of things. It might be available in small containers. (Many years ago I was looking for oil-based porch floor paint at Ace, and it was available in small containers but not large ones.) Just a detail to track down.

Lowes did recommend another product they said works even better than Kilz did. You know I have a particular reason to be looking for something like Kilz but my second pick was milk paint with maximum tung oil.

What works better than KILZ? Zinsser? Something else?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, August 31, 2019 9:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Today is my vacation day! It's the day I slept in, and didn't plan on doing anything other than taking the dog out for potty breaks (she refuses to poop in the backyard), lunch with dear daughter, and weekly grocery shopping. I promise to clean upthe kitchen, but only after a nap!

This has been the month of baby lizards! Baby fence lizads everywhere. plus a ginormous skink in the potted succulent up front, and another ginormous skink between two 4X4s laid down on the ground in back. This also seems to be the year of orb spiders ... spiders that create those lovely webs that go round and round

When I let the dog out for a pee at night, there's been an orb spider right across the kitchen door sidewalk. It diligently spins its web every night, and diligently disassembles it every morning - clearly, a night-hunting spider!

DD pointed out another orb spider web this evening. The sunlight was shining thru the threads, and each thread refracted the entire rainbow of colors. The entire web was rainbowed, and the colors shifted depending on the angle that we looked at it. I've literally never seen a refractive orb spider-web before. I've seen them at all hours of the day, and night, and sparkling with dew (or less frequently, frost) but never with rainbows. It was quite impressive!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, August 31, 2019 10:02 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey Signy

Thanks for letting me know !!! about the specialty sealer.

When I went to Lowes for genuine TSP I did look up oil-based KILZ, and you're right, it's no longer sold (according to them). I should check out Ace hrdwr b/c they're usually more on top of things. It might be available in small containers. (Many years ago I was looking for oil-based porch floor paint at Ace, and it was available in small containers but not large ones.) Just a detail to track down.

Lowes did recommend another product they said works even better than Kilz did. You know I have a particular reason to be looking for something like Kilz but my second pick was milk paint with maximum tung oil.

What works better than KILZ? Zinsser? Something else?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

I've used both Kilz2 and Zinsser. That's really all my experience with water based primers. Both of them are really good for drywall applications, but if I've ever needed anything more than that I've used Original Kilz.

Well, that's not exactly true. I've used Zinsser for outdoor applications before. It certainly doesn't hold up as well outside, even with a coat or two of Sherwin Williams outdoor paint on top of it. But to be fair, there was an inordinate amount of water splashing up onto it that wouldn't have been if I had gutters up, and the birds LOVED the spot and shit all over it everyday before I took it out. It was the fence on the front porch attached to the pillars. Pillars are still there (just primered with outdoor Zinsser), but the fence is gone. Really need to get that outdoor paint on it now too.

Clothes/linens are done. Got everything out I needed to so I'm only taking two small closets and two dressers with all of them. Ended up with two more bags of trash and two more bags for Goodwill.

Decided to wash a bathroom mat that I have that's pretty heavy duty. Freakin instructions says it's machine washable, but to also wash it alone. Gorram thing is far to heavy with all the water in it and my washer keeps shutting down when it tries to put it through the spin cycle... and I have a great Amana designer series washer and dryer. I think I'm just going to throw it out, even though it's a great little bathroom mat.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 31, 2019 10:47 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Top loading? If you're mterested in finishing, put something else in that sucks up a lot of water, like a couple of bath towels you don't care about. When it starts to spin and bonks out, open the washer and rearrange the bath mat on one side and the towels on the other for balance.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 10:51 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Top loading? If you're mterested in finishing, put something else in that sucks up a lot of water, like a couple of bath towels you don't care about. When it starts to spin and bonks out, open the washer and rearrange the bath mat on one side and the towels on the other for balance.

Great idea!

I just happen to have a whole pile of towels that I don't care about suited just for things like this.

Loading it up with water again for the 3rd attempt. Probably not a bad idea to rinse it this many times either since it's super nappy and I bet it's still got a lot of detergent to get out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, August 31, 2019 11:32 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
It sounds like these are wood screws, that go through a hole in a metal piece directly into wood, to hold the metal piece on? If so, then you don't need to worry about matching threads. That only counts when you're trying to fit a metal screw into a threaded metal fitting or nut.

ASSUMING it's a wood screw, once a wood screw comes out, it leaves a slightly bigger hole in the wood than the size of the screw, meaning the exact same size screw might fall out. Depending on how big the screw hole is, you can sometime insert a piece of a wooden toothpick to fill up the hole a bit. Or you may need to upsize the screw. Or you could put epoxy in the hole and put the screw in, and count on the epoxy to keep it all together.

Those are the 'fixes' I can think of offhand, but I'm sure google knows more!

I'd be happy to chit chat back and forth!

The screws do go through a piece of metal before going into the wood as this box has a little tray that closes and folds down when you close the lid on the whole box.

Thanks for the ideas. Will let you know what happens next week when I begin again the search for a screw to repair this with.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 11:37 PM


I seem to have misplaced a notebook that had a couple of Firefly stories in. Must be around the kitchen somewhere.


Saturday, August 31, 2019 11:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1kiki:
Top loading? If you're mterested in finishing, put something else in that sucks up a lot of water, like a couple of bath towels you don't care about. When it starts to spin and bonks out, open the washer and rearrange the bath mat on one side and the towels on the other for balance.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Great idea!

I just happen to have a whole pile of towels that I don't care about suited just for things like this.

Loading it up with water again for the 3rd attempt. Probably not a bad idea to rinse it this many times either since it's super nappy and I bet it's still got a lot of detergent to get out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I have to do that with my kitty's bed, which soaks up water like crazy! So the towel that goes on the chair for him goes on the other side. HA HA! Good luck!


Sunday, September 1, 2019 10:55 AM


It worked.

What a mess. The rug looks fine, but so much crap in the washing machine left behind from it.

Supposed to "line dry". I don't think I've seen anybody line dry anything in a decade or two.

Got it hanging on my weight bench in the basement for now. I think I can do better than a smelly basement for drying though. Once I get put together to pick up the materials I need for the next two days I'll hang it out in the garage. Got a perfect spot for it out there.

My bud used this great wood putty stuff on his house that his old man gave him a few gallons of. Comes in a paint gallon bucket with a black label. I didn't pay attention to the name and wish I had because it seems nobody else did either. Even called his dad to ask him what it was and he said what I already knew. "It comes in a black gallon paint bucket and the name has initials".

JB Weld? Not coming up with anything under that name. Bummer. He says it's at Home Depot, but I'm not driving 12 miles round trip on a hope and prayer that not only is that the correct big box store, but that I can find it and that it's even in stock there.

Oh well... DAP it is then. Can get a 32oz bucket of it for about $9.00. That's probably more than I'll need, at least for the time being.

Gotta get my ass in gear. I have some basic tools that I shouldn't have to purchase for the tuck pointing/tarring job on the cinder blocks. I need to do an inventory and figure out how much this is going to set me back.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 1, 2019 2:08 PM


Also found some arcade games for sale. They had Space Invaders and Pac Man and one other. I didn't catch the name. I played the Space Invaders one for a couple of minutes. That was fun.


Sunday, September 1, 2019 3:24 PM


Legit arcade machines? Always wanted to get one of those.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 1, 2019 3:36 PM


Cloudy, wet, depressing day here.

I'm trying to stay motivated to work, but it's not going very well. I'm going to have to at least do some mortar fill on the inside since I already chipped away at the worst spots. As much as I'd love to make those walls look brand new, it occurs to me I don't know the first thing about what I'm doing here. But I have played Jenga before...

Those cinder blocks aren't going to do me the favor of magically hovering in place until I get around to putting concrete in there if I took out all of the bad stuff.

So... I'm just hitting really bad spots. And just like Jenga, I'm only messing with stuff that I could move with my fingers. At this point, there's no way the thing is ever going to be water tight, at least from the inside. I think that would require a complete knockdown and rebuild from scratch. My focus here is strictly on stabilization and solidification, particularly where we were able to knock the wall back out under the worst spot beneath the screen door.

I hope to get at least that done, and possibly the mortar fill on the ouside where I have the ground trenched out. I don't think I want to rush into putting on the tar, so that'll wait until tomorrow. I probably won't mess with the windows at all today.

Tomorrow is supposed to be at least somewhat sunny. Hoping my mood is better then.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 1, 2019 3:50 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Legit arcade machines? Always wanted to get one of those.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

They are but they aren't regular size. These sit on a table. They had one a little bigger than what I was playing with. They seem to be running at around $300 Canadian. I've seen them in my local Walmart as well. They had bigger ones there though.


Sunday, September 1, 2019 6:16 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Jack

So here's a story about ants under pavers, and a possible solution.

One of the big problems here are Argentinian ants which can make supercolonies that cover thousands of miles with many, many queens.
5 Ant Supercolonies: All About the World’s Largest Ant Colonies

There's even a supercolony on the CA coast (not here, which is near the foothills). But here near the foothills, they are, nevertheless, a nasty, year-round, and sometimes overwhelming, problem.

Anyway, I initially had 'landing strips' (3 really wide paths from curb to sidewalk) in my parkway made of a lovely dark brown, smooth, flashed brick, set in sand with sand in between. But I found out much to my dismay that it made a perfect Argentinian ant home. The bricks up top were good mechanical protection AND a heat moderator for the ant tunnels and chambers in the sand underneath. I took the walkways out and gave the brick away.

ANYWAY - polymeric sand to use in between the bricks may be the answer.


Sunday, September 1, 2019 7:33 PM


Yeah... I dunno. Sounds pretty specialized as far as ease of installation. It also basically bonds with the bricks to be pretty watertight, and is intended to be used as an entire graded surface to wick the water away from the main structures.

Sounds great, but water is probably a bigger enemy of mine than even the ants here. With moles also being a huge problem around here, I bet it wouldn't be long until my graded surface isn't graded properly anymore and I'm stuck with areas that now grade toward the home. As shitty as everything back there looks right now, at least it's allowing water to penetrate and isn't pooling up anywhere by the house.

I actually imagine that underneath my slab in front, a small slab in the back and under each and every single paver stone in the back there are thousands, if not millions of ants combined. I don't even want to know how deep they go too, but they LOVE being directly under the surface of these things and I've never pulled anything up that didn't have a ton of them right under the surface.

Not exactly sure what the solution is, but I think when I pull up the pavers and poison everything that I'm not going to be putting any sort of pavers back down at all.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 1, 2019 7:39 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Legit arcade machines? Always wanted to get one of those.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

They are but they aren't regular size. These sit on a table. They had one a little bigger than what I was playing with. They seem to be running at around $300 Canadian. I've seen them in my local Walmart as well. They had bigger ones there though.

Oh yeah. I've seen those.

I've got the ability to play about 10,000 games on my XBox, including most arcades from the late 70's up through the early 2,000 and most console and handheld systems. Always wanted to either build my own cabinet or mod one of these newer systems to play all of them, but never got around to doing it and don't see that in the pipeline anytime soon. Plays great with a regular controller on a regular TV right now though (although purists would argue that now it isn't the same since I got rid of all of my old tube TVs, but I don't notice any difference).

I'd really love to have an original arcade in my home someday. I think if I had my pick, it would be Rolling Thunder. Probably my favorite arcade of all time when I was a kid... and I played a lot of them.

The music was just fantastic. Burned into my brain forever.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 1, 2019 11:44 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Legit arcade machines? Always wanted to get one of those.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

They are but they aren't regular size. These sit on a table. They had one a little bigger than what I was playing with. They seem to be running at around $300 Canadian. I've seen them in my local Walmart as well. They had bigger ones there though.

Oh yeah. I've seen those.

I've got the ability to play about 10,000 games on my XBox, including most arcades from the late 70's up through the early 2,000 and most console and handheld systems. Always wanted to either build my own cabinet or mod one of these newer systems to play all of them, but never got around to doing it and don't see that in the pipeline anytime soon. Plays great with a regular controller on a regular TV right now though (although purists would argue that now it isn't the same since I got rid of all of my old tube TVs, but I don't notice any difference).

I'd really love to have an original arcade in my home someday. I think if I had my pick, it would be Rolling Thunder. Probably my favorite arcade of all time when I was a kid... and I played a lot of them.

The music was just fantastic. Burned into my brain forever.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I would love one too. Since seeing it for fun I started thinking where I could put it in here. But I would never waste that kind of money on something like that.

I don't know that game. I had a Nintendo system for a few years. Played Mario Brothers.

Don't this game you mentioned. Before I got out of High School a couple of friends and me would go to a local comic book shop and play Galaga. Man, I don't know how much money we pumped into that machine but it was fun.


Monday, September 2, 2019 12:36 AM


Yeah. I think Rolling Thunder would have been after the time you were playing them. I have some vague memories of playing games like Pac-Man and Galaga in an arcade back before my folks split, but by the time I was like 10-12 years old they had advanced a bit and games like Rolling Thunder, Gauntlet and Pyros were big. Then a few years later they even got better with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Simpsons, and fighting games like Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct. Around that time I grew out of the arcades myself. Kids don't even play them anymore these days since the home systems are so advanced. I think the only reason there's a market for arcades at all is nostalgia. They've got arcade/bars all over my area, and those retro arcade machines have been around for about a decade but started going mainstream enough to hit WalMart shelves about a year or two ago.

I had fond memories of Galaga and Dig-Dug on my Atari 7800 when I was a kid. Almost as good as the arcade machine and you didn't have to keep pumping quarters into it.

Now I've got all of them and can play them anytime. You don't need to even buy a beast of a machine like an XBox or have a full computer to play them anymore these days either. With a little machine called a Raspberry Pi that is around 30 bucks and the size of a credit card, if you know somebody who can set it up for you, you could play all of them on your TV with any generic control pad that has a USB port on it. It's not easy to set up on your own though unless you really make a hobby out of it like I have.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 2, 2019 1:46 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Jack - yeah, I looked it up. The Argentinian ants here behave very differently from your various ant species up there. So ...


Monday, September 2, 2019 1:26 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah. I think Rolling Thunder would have been after the time you were playing them. I have some vague memories of playing games like Pac-Man and Galaga in an arcade back before my folks split, but by the time I was like 10-12 years old they had advanced a bit and games like Rolling Thunder, Gauntlet and Pyros were big. Then a few years later they even got better with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and The Simpsons, and fighting games like Street Fighter II, Mortal Kombat and Killer Instinct. Around that time I grew out of the arcades myself. Kids don't even play them anymore these days since the home systems are so advanced. I think the only reason there's a market for arcades at all is nostalgia. They've got arcade/bars all over my area, and those retro arcade machines have been around for about a decade but started going mainstream enough to hit WalMart shelves about a year or two ago.

I had fond memories of Galaga and Dig-Dug on my Atari 7800 when I was a kid. Almost as good as the arcade machine and you didn't have to keep pumping quarters into it.

Now I've got all of them and can play them anytime. You don't need to even buy a beast of a machine like an XBox or have a full computer to play them anymore these days either. With a little machine called a Raspberry Pi that is around 30 bucks and the size of a credit card, if you know somebody who can set it up for you, you could play all of them on your TV with any generic control pad that has a USB port on it. It's not easy to set up on your own though unless you really make a hobby out of it like I have.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yeah, that would explain why I don't remember it. I do remember when the Mortal Kombat games came out but I never played any of those. Shortly after that the company pulled the games out of the shop.

My tv is too old to do stuff like that and I really shouldn't be thinking along those lines anyways. Seizure disorder and arcade games not a real good mix. But it is fun to think about.


Monday, September 2, 2019 1:26 PM


Things to do on a pretty nice holiday Monday.

Later peeps.


Monday, September 2, 2019 6:54 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey Jack - yeah, I looked it up. The Argentinian ants here behave very differently from your various ant species up there. So ...

lol Gilda

Argentinian or not, they're a bunch of dicks.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 2, 2019 7:03 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Yeah, that would explain why I don't remember it. I do remember when the Mortal Kombat games came out but I never played any of those. Shortly after that the company pulled the games out of the shop.

My tv is too old to do stuff like that and I really shouldn't be thinking along those lines anyways. Seizure disorder and arcade games not a real good mix. But it is fun to think about.

If you ever wanted to, let me know. I'm not really in a place to help and most of my stuff is packed away now, but whenever I get my new normal down to a tolerable copaceticism, I'll have more time for these things. :)

Unless you have a super old TV where you had to use a screwdriver to put wires into it, your current TV is fine. They make cables for pretty much anything these days. If you have a tube TV instead of a flat TV, it would just require either a USB to composite or a HDMI to composite cable. We could talk about that stuff if and when we ever do this. As far as setting things up, the internet allows for such huge file transfers these days at a speed that is pretty unreal. All you would pretty much need to do is buy what I would tell you to buy (the credit card sized computer board, a plug to power it, a small aluminum heat sink that you'd just need to pull off some plastic and press onto the CPU chip, a nifty looking case to protect it, a few cables, a controller or two and an SD card), and I could direct you to an image I create that would have everything you needed to "flash" to your own SD card with a free flashing program. After that, you could just hook it all up to your TV, power the thing up and you should be good to go. The only thing you might have to do after that point is "calibrate" the controller you've got. I'd also recommend getting two controllers because it's always more fun to play the games with a friend.

All mine does right now is really list out games and play them when you pick it. I'm working on putting all sorts of other goodies in there like the artwork to the boxes and arcade cabinets as well as preview videos of all the games to check out as you scroll through the numerous lists.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 2, 2019 7:10 PM


Masonry sucks, or more accurately I suck at masonry. What an epic failure with that today. Word to the wise... don't use anything with a 5 minute set time unless you're a god at working with it. Otherwise you might as well take your money and just set it on fire.

I only got about half of the stuff patched that I needed to before I ran out. Most of it ended up in the trash.

Worked a bit on fixing a bad window sill and trying to make windows water tight. That's not done either. But when you're dealing with things like drying time, there's really not much you can do.

It's a 50% chance of thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon and night. Going to be visiting my brother, so I'm going to try not to think about it while I'm gone. It's not as if I wasn't going to take on water before I did any of this work anyhow. It hasn't made anything fall over yet.

I pulled up more of the floor that my friend wanted me to before he came back. Glad that he talked me into it. I don't like the look of some of the joists, sills and outer joists down there now that I have full light on the situation. I think I'm going to have to talk him into replacing all of the joists with me before this is done, or at least marrying new ones all the way down the line. I also want brand new sills and outer joists all the way up to the house like we did on the far side as well. This is going to add a few more days of his help for sure, and it will probably more than double what I've already spent up to this point. But it's got to be done. I don't imagine I'm going to be living here more than a few years at max, but I don't want to screw the next owner and leave them with the fucking mess that the idiots who lived here before me left me with.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 2, 2019 10:25 PM


Cleaned up the kitchen a bit and got some more stuff in the trash. 1st floor is looking great, especially since I was able to pack up all the stuff that's been hogging the curio cabinet shelves for weeks that I'm bringing down to give to my brother.

Put out a few more mouse traps since I still see the occasional new turd over clean spots. I think I'm going to have to resign myself to that just happening until this porch is fixed and sealed. I'm sure that's where they're getting in.

Now I just need to relax and try to get the problems out of my mind for a few days and enjoy the time with my old man and my brother. Maybe I'll contact the real estate agent down there again and see if she'd be around so I can show the house I like to my dad since only me and my brother went to check out all those houses last time.

Anyhow... I might pop in the morning for a minute, but I'll talk to ya'all when I get back.

Good luck with your projects.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 12:10 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Yeah, that would explain why I don't remember it. I do remember when the Mortal Kombat games came out but I never played any of those. Shortly after that the company pulled the games out of the shop.

My tv is too old to do stuff like that and I really shouldn't be thinking along those lines anyways. Seizure disorder and arcade games not a real good mix. But it is fun to think about.

If you ever wanted to, let me know. I'm not really in a place to help and most of my stuff is packed away now, but whenever I get my new normal down to a tolerable copaceticism, I'll have more time for these things. :)

Unless you have a super old TV where you had to use a screwdriver to put wires into it, your current TV is fine. They make cables for pretty much anything these days. If you have a tube TV instead of a flat TV, it would just require either a USB to composite or a HDMI to composite cable. We could talk about that stuff if and when we ever do this. As far as setting things up, the internet allows for such huge file transfers these days at a speed that is pretty unreal. All you would pretty much need to do is buy what I would tell you to buy (the credit card sized computer board, a plug to power it, a small aluminum heat sink that you'd just need to pull off some plastic and press onto the CPU chip, a nifty looking case to protect it, a few cables, a controller or two and an SD card), and I could direct you to an image I create that would have everything you needed to "flash" to your own SD card with a free flashing program. After that, you could just hook it all up to your TV, power the thing up and you should be good to go. The only thing you might have to do after that point is "calibrate" the controller you've got. I'd also recommend getting two controllers because it's always more fun to play the games with a friend.

All mine does right now is really list out games and play them when you pick it. I'm working on putting all sorts of other goodies in there like the artwork to the boxes and arcade cabinets as well as preview videos of all the games to check out as you scroll through the numerous lists.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I would say that my tv is about 12years old.

Never know but for right now I am trying to figure out to get a futon for a couch. That's really next on my agenda.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 12:12 AM


Managed to get a paper into the recycling but some yutz put a bunch of cut-up boxes on top of the other bins and they went onto the bin I had to use. Some people. So, until that is hauled away, I can't take down any more paper.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 12:13 AM


Watched the first episode of "Swamp Thing" tonight. Not bad. But I'm not much on DC stuff.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 9:50 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

I would say that my tv is about 12years old.

Never know but for right now I am trying to figure out to get a futon for a couch. That's really next on my agenda.

I got ya. I'm not in any position to help with it right now myself. Most of my stuff is packed away since I didn't want to be tempted to work on it while I have all of this much more important stuff to work on, so I wouldn't have been able to help right now anyhow other than to give advice.

People working the last few decades on this stuff as well as advances in technology have made the entire process much easier than it was when I first got into 2 decades ago, but the barrier to entry is still pretty high unless you're pretty tech literate, and even then it requires a lot of work.

That is... unless you know somebody who's done a lot of the work already.

I think this is a good thing though. When something like this gets to be so easy that anybody with a smartphone can do it in 3 seconds it all tends to get shut down overnight.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 9:52 AM


Guess I don't have to wonder if it's going to rain while I'm gone. Woke up this morning to thunderstorms. Like 8 hours earlier than it was predicted we'd get them. Dorian must have everybody all f'd up right now.

Doesn't look as though I'm taking on any water right now anywhere, and the bare wood I put in yesterday and didn't paint yet hasn't gotten wet yet, but that's only because there's zero wind to go along with the storm right now. I don't expect that to be the case all day.

Anyway... see ya in a few.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 11:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Guess I don't have to wonder if it's going to rain while I'm gone. Woke up this morning to thunderstorms. Like 8 hours earlier than it was predicted we'd get them. Dorian must have everybody all f'd up right now.

Doesn't look as though I'm taking on any water right now anywhere, and the bare wood I put in yesterday and didn't paint yet hasn't gotten wet yet, but that's only because there's zero wind to go along with the storm right now. I don't expect that to be the case all day.

Anyway... see ya in a few.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Have a good visit, SIX! See you when you get back.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 11:38 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

I would say that my tv is about 12years old.

Never know but for right now I am trying to figure out to get a futon for a couch. That's really next on my agenda.

I got ya. I'm not in any position to help with it right now myself. Most of my stuff is packed away since I didn't want to be tempted to work on it while I have all of this much more important stuff to work on, so I wouldn't have been able to help right now anyhow other than to give advice.

People working the last few decades on this stuff as well as advances in technology have made the entire process much easier than it was when I first got into 2 decades ago, but the barrier to entry is still pretty high unless you're pretty tech literate, and even then it requires a lot of work.

That is... unless you know somebody who's done a lot of the work already.

I think this is a good thing though. When something like this gets to be so easy that anybody with a smartphone can do it in 3 seconds it all tends to get shut down overnight.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I hear ya.

That was my problem at the old place but not of my own choosing.

Have a good trip and visit.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 11:41 AM


Ran into a lady that I know who lives in the area of where I used to be. She told me that she thinks that my old landlady has rerented that space I was in out again. I've only been gone about 4 months, I wonder if they fixed all they were "supposedly" talking about before I left. Feel sorry for the guy but maybe he won't stay too long once he really sees how crappy that place is.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 2:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Have a relaxing visit, Jack!!


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 2:29 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Brenda

I hope the new guy is young and strong and can tolerate the awful living conditions better.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 3:48 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

KIKI, I'm amazed that you manage to stay functional and cogent with the weather the way it's been. Mid 90s here, there it's 10 degrees or more warmer, and WE have central AC!!!

Jeezuz it's been hot.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY






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