In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Tuesday, September 3, 2019 4:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
KIKI, I'm amazed that you manage to stay functional and cogent with the weather the way it's been. Mid 90s here, there it's 10 degrees or more warmer, and WE have central AC!!!

Jeezuz it's been hot.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

My workpace has, sadly, slowed to a crawl of late.


Tuesday, September 3, 2019 5:23 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey Brenda

I hope the new guy is young and strong and can tolerate the awful living conditions better.

Lady did say he looked young.


Thursday, September 5, 2019 12:04 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow, yeah, good luck to the new tennant! Maybe he can help them shovel the sidewalk!

How's the jwelery box coming?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, September 5, 2019 12:04 PM


Still having problems with my hearing aides.


Thursday, September 5, 2019 12:06 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Wow, yeah, good luck to the new tennant! Maybe he can help them shovel the sidewalk!

How's the jwelery box coming?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

I'm not sure if I wish him luck or not. Maybe.

Screws are too wide on the end. Won't go into the hole. Gotta trek out to the hardware store tomorrow. Think I can get one screw out of the box to take with me to show and hope they can help me.


Thursday, September 5, 2019 12:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


KIKI, I'm amazed that you manage to stay functional and cogent with the weather the way it's been. Mid 90s here, there it's 10 degrees or more warmer, and WE have central AC!!! Jeezuz it's been hot.

KIKI: My workpace has sadly slowed to a crawl oflate

Well, if it makes you feel any better, so has mine. Once the room was (mostly) painted I kind of collapsed for three or four days I was so achy and tired. All I could manage was the necessities of family life - cooking, grocery shopping, bill-paying, VERY short walks with puppy-wuppy. I just got back to working on it yesterday with dear daughter, and it was just touch-ups and cleaning some equipment and pulling the cardboard off the floor and sweeping. I think one of my new meds is creating problems but I'll tough it out until my doctor's visit in a couple of weeks, by then I should know definitively what's going on.

There's supposed to be a big cooldown this Sat/Sun in my area. I hope you get some relief as well.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, September 5, 2019 9:57 PM


Hope it cools down for everybody soon. Take a break and catch up on some Netflix and just chillax until it does. No sense in pushing yourself and getting yourself hurt or sick right before the cool down so you can't do right when the weather is more agreeable.

Had a great time with my dad and brother. My dad, who is now a Dave Chappelle fan, had us watch his new Netflix comedy "Sticks and Stones" and let me tell you I don't think I've laughed so hard and consistently at something in the last decade. I've been a huge Chappelle fan since before even the days of the Chappelle Show on Comedy Central, and I couldn't get my dad to watch him in all that time. The "woke" left has gone so crazy that they turned my old man into a DC fan. Crazy times we live in today.

If anybody is curious, the Rotten Tomatoes scores of this comedy special are a 30% critic rating vs a 99% audience score. The first week that it was out, the critic score was ZERO percent. I think this is a good barometer for how out of touch with the public the woke-left elitists are in 2019.


My friend is busy all week and we won't be working on either of our houses, but he's coming here next week after work to pick back up where we left off. I'm going to use that time to get even more of the stuff done that I can do while he's not here before we seal the floor up. I'm considering pulling up all of the patio pavers and building a 2nd support wall with them inside the hole where it had begun to cave in before we did the work. I'm also going to use that opportunity to dig out some of the sand to fill the hole as well. This will preclude the need for me to rent a dumpster at a later time when I pulled all of that crap up. Hopefully all of this structural work is done by springtime, I've got poison down to eliminate all of the ants, and I can do my research on how to lay a nice new bed down properly and maybe fill everything back there with some nice river rock or something when the snow melts.

I was going to get rid of the two "surplus" antique bed frames that I've had in my garage since my parents moved since I can't find anybody who wants them. I was in the process of putting them out on the street when a neighbor was walking his dog and asked if he knew anybody who would be interested in them. His wife volunteers for some Christian outfit that places things like furniture and food with people who need them. She came by and checked it out and will likely have somebody picking them up on Tuesday now. If I can get my brother out here by then, hopefully I'll have the 2nd bedroom set out in the garage and they'll take all of it off my hands. :)

I had to laugh when she said that she had actually been the one to take a dresser that I had put out on the street previously and that she felt bad about doing it. She said she had knocked on my door to ask permission first but I wasn't home. I said "are you kidding? I'm always thrilled to see that stuff that I put out there is taken before the trash men pick them up." I let her know that there's not much more going out on the curb at this point, but if she ever sees anything they can use to please feel free to take it. I also said there was no way I'm letting those bed frames go out to the trash either and if nobody had picked them up tonight I was going to pull them back in the garage and try again next week.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 6, 2019 1:06 PM


Looks like I need 2 screws for that box I want to repair.


Friday, September 6, 2019 1:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

News from this side of the US ...


A giant mass of warm water off the Pacific Coast could rival ‘the blob’ of 2014-15

By Deborah NetburnStaff Writer
Sep. 5, 2019
6:53 PM

A large and unusually warm mass of water is threatening to disturb the marine ecosystem along the Pacific Coast from Southern California to Alaska, scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Thursday.

They call it the Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwave of 2019, and if it doesn’t dissipate soon, researchers said it could be as destructive as the infamous “blob” of warm water that caused massive toxic algae blooms along the coast and wreaked havoc on whales, salmon, baby sea lions and other marine life in 2014 and 2015.

If I recall correctly, it was also associated in time with dissolving sea stars.

“Really, only time will tell if this feature will persist and if it will rival the past event in duration and impact,” said Andrew Leising, a research oceanographer at NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla.

Marine heat waves are defined as oceanic events in which the surface temperature of the water is warmer than 90% of past measurements for at least five days in a row.

The Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwave of 2019 currently covers about 4 million square miles of ocean surface. The affected area is roughly the shape of a triangle, with Hawaii, Alaska and Southern California as its vertices.

At its peak, the blob was just a bit bigger, covering a similar area that stretched for roughly 4.8 million square miles.

That makes the current event the second largest marine heat wave since scientists started tracking the phenomenon in 1981, NOAA researchers said.

'The blob' was thought to have been caused by the multi-year 'ridiculously resistant ridge' in the atmosphere, that kept a high pressure ridge of hot dry air over the west coast of North America. And those caused both the record multi-year drought and stagnant wind conditions over the west coast that led to 'the blob'. And the RRR in turn is thought to be related to global warming.
This event appears to be related to a stationary low pressure not related to global warming.

Scientists first noticed the Northeast Pacific Marine Heatwave in June. It appears to be caused by a persistent area of low pressure in the atmosphere directly above the warm water. That low pressure led to a general weakening of the ocean winds that normally cool the water’s surface and mix that top layer with cooler water from the deep, researchers said.

However, scientists are still unsure what caused the low-pressure system to stay put for so long.

“Usually it intensifies and weakens day to day. It doesn’t sit there for months at a time,” said Nate Mantua, a research scientist at NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center in Santa Cruz. “It may not have a cause other than the chaotic motion of the atmosphere.”

Scientists said there is no evidence that climate change is responsible for the current marine heat wave, although it might have exacerbated it.

“Human- caused climate change has contributed something like 1 degree Celsius of warming across much of the North Pacific,” Mantua said. “This event is much bigger — at least 3 degrees Celsius in the last three months.”

Researchers said the 2019 marine heat wave could be even bigger than the blob, but it could also break apart.

“With the blob, the water was very warm down to 200 meters and even down below 500 meters,” said Toby Garfield, director of the environmental research division at NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla. “With this event right now, the heat is only in the top 50 meters, maximum.”

If the low-pressure system moves and the winds increase, the heat wave might simply break apart. However, if the winds stay low and the mass of warm water reaches the coastline, it could have the same impact as the blob, scientists said.

“It is duration and proximity to the coast that we are tracking,” Leising said.

For now, cold waters welling up from the ocean depths have held the mass of warm water offshore, but that phenomenon usually eases in the fall. Scientists say they have already seen that happen along the coast of Washington state.

It will take a few months to see whether the same thing happens farther south.


Friday, September 6, 2019 5:23 PM



I hope it doesn't.


Friday, September 6, 2019 5:27 PM


Well, my mom's jewellery box is repaired. Yay! me. It did need only 1 screw. A couple of pieces over lap which is when I looked at again it seemed to need another one. I made the trip to the local home hardware store with a screw from the box and found what I needed. New screw isn't slotted but it fits and works. So repair job done.

Problem with hearing aides solved as well. Security system setting too high in the store that I went into where the arcade games are. So, I just have to remember the proper program for them when I am in a noisy environment.


Friday, September 6, 2019 5:32 PM


Here is one for the weird file. Went to a local coffee place to get a cup of coffee this morning. Lady at the counter asked me if I was Korean. I said no then she asked me if I spoke Korean and again I said no. She apologized for her question and I told her not to worry about it as that has been happening since I was a child. But it is usually Chinese that I am mistaken for and the person asking the question is white.

Think that is the first time that I have had an Asian person ask me if I was Asian.

Now as I was born in Vancouver and we lived there until I was three years old, that question could have been asked when I was a baby. But then the person answering it would have been my mother.


Friday, September 6, 2019 5:38 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hooray! I have hearing aids too, but when I was working it was a really noisy environment, so I never put them in ... which means I never quite got used to them either. I think I need them to be readjusted to whatever further decrements in hearing I've acquired over the frequency bands they amplify.

But again - hooray !!!

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, my mom's jewelery box is repaired. Yay! me. It did need only 1 screw. A couple of pieces over lap which is when I looked at again it seemed to need another one. I made the trip to the local home hardware store with a screw from the box and found what I needed. New screen isn't slotted but it fits and works. So repair job done.

Problem with hearing aides solved as well. Security system setting too high in the store that I went into where the arcade games are. So, I just have to remember the proper program for them when I am in a noisy environment.


Friday, September 6, 2019 5:47 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Signy,
The cooldown here doesn't start until tomorrow when it gets down to the 90-95 range, there's 4 days in the 80-85 range (oh blessed relief!) then 4 days in the 90-95 range; with crappy air quality to match the heat and sun.


Friday, September 6, 2019 5:48 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Jack

I'm glad you had a good time!


Friday, September 6, 2019 5:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

As for me, still noodling along. I met an elderly lady at the laundromat a couple of evenings ago (still haven't gotten my washing machine fixed). I offered to help her with any heave-ho she needed doing. Yeah, my back always hurts and I'm tired as shit, but I have enough spare oomph to help out with that. One of the reasons why she was in the laundromat so late - she came in after 9:30 PM - is because she has no AC at home, apparently not even in her bedroom - and the laundromat at least has a couple of pretty effective swamp coolers. I feel for her. I'm sure she's got at least a few old-age illnesses going on, and this heat has got to be a strain. But what can you do?


Friday, September 6, 2019 11:29 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hooray! I have hearing aids too, but when I was working it was a really noisy environment, so I never put them in ... which means I never quite got used to them either. I think I need them to be readjusted to whatever further decrements in hearing I've acquired over the frequency bands they amplify.

But again - hooray !!!

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, my mom's jewelery box is repaired. Yay! me. It did need only 1 screw. A couple of pieces over lap which is when I looked at again it seemed to need another one. I made the trip to the local home hardware store with a screw from the box and found what I needed. New screen isn't slotted but it fits and works. So repair job done.

Problem with hearing aides solved as well. Security system setting too high in the store that I went into where the arcade games are. So, I just have to remember the proper program for them when I am in a noisy environment.

It is good to have that problem with my hearing aides solved.

Yours Kiki may even need to be upgraded. Mine were just around the time they were repaired. There is a program for the buzzing I get in my ears and the one for a noisy environment. To work either program I have a small remote for them.


Friday, September 6, 2019 11:31 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
Hey Signy,
The cooldown here doesn't start until tomorrow when it gets down to the 90-95 range, there's 4 days in the 80-85 range (oh blessed relief!) then 4 days in the 90-95 range; with crappy air quality to match the heat and sun.

It is heading for a rain where I am in the next couple of days. By Sunday or late tomorrow it should start.


Friday, September 6, 2019 11:31 PM


Congrats on the box.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 6, 2019 11:34 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Congrats on the box.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Thanks Jack. It feels good to get that done.


Saturday, September 7, 2019 6:04 PM


Decided to finish emptying the one bin left that had my earring trees and jewellery boxes in it. Found the mates to a couple of pairs that I thought were lost. That was good. A mess of book marks too. Also a couple of pairs that must have fallen out of a box into the bin and both are there.

Shredded another pile of old papers. Then decided to look up the old addresses that I lived when I was a whole lot younger. Before and just around the time my dad died.

One the address still comes up but looks like the house is gone. The other house is still there but looks like it has been added to and repainted over the years. I still remember walking from those houses to the elementary schools that I attended.


Saturday, September 7, 2019 6:09 PM


Street music thing going on in my city today. Food trucks out and little stalls selling stuff.

Electrical fields setting off my hearing aides again. Left one is the worst.


Saturday, September 7, 2019 6:57 PM


I couldn't be more pleased with myself right now.

Well... I guess if I'm being honest, I could be if I'd finally gotten around to doing the rest of the tuck-pointing that needs to be done, but tomorrow is another day for that.

I started the day off working on the windows on the back side of the porch. Plastic wood is all up there now and laid on thick, and the new wood is installed. Built everything out in a way that nothing should grade to the house this time when it's all sealed up. It's not pretty since I'm bad at that, so I'll have a lot of sanding to look forward to. Also prepped the other two windows that hardly had any damage and re-caulked them. I will probably have to wait at least 2 days for the plastic wood to properly dry, but then I'll primer everything up in preparation for the finish coat or 2. At that point, I'll take a garden hose and spray all over and see if any water is getting inside before new floor is put down.

That's not what's got me giddy right now though...

I may or may not have mentioned my (expensive) shop vac was on its last legs. My cheap/stupid ass neglected many years ago to buy a new filter when the one I had was in super bad shape. I didn't really know any better. The insides of things like that were a complete mystery to me all those years before I took that Mechatronics class. I've since replaced it once or twice, but that thing had been wheezing every time it turned off for years now.

Last week, after vacuuming up most of my house and a lot of crap in the porch, I was working on vacuuming the basement and it really started behaving poorly. Then I smelled the burning.


It set me back about $90 back in the early 2000s. A quick Amazon search later I discovered that if I wanted to replace it with a new one of the same brand and caliber I was looking at around $150 after taxes. Not only that, but I'd just sprung $15 for a brand new filter for that one, and if I went with a cheaper model this time that filter would likely go to waste.

But today, without any youtube videos, I took the entire thing apart down to the bare motor.

The housing for the motor was filthy. Not with dirt and standard dust, but everything was coated with white. It was the super-fine white powder you create when sanding drywall. Every square inch of the motor and the housing inside was coated in it.

So I pulled all of the plastic I could safely pull away from it and washed all of that in the sink. I took a new bottle of canned air I had when I repaired my computer last year and sprayed the motor and wiring down as best as I could, and the rest of the plastic housing that I couldn't safely remove from the wiring and motor I cleaned by hand with some Clorox spray and paper towels.

Grabbed some 3-in-1 oil I had in the garage and oiled up the parts that needed oiling. I could already tell just by hand at this point that everything was running much smoother.

Then I went out to the garage to get the Yellow weatherproof gasket sealer tube I had leftover from the car repairs last summer. There's a gasket in the vac that has seen better days which I had pulled out carefully. Loaded up with the sealer, placed the gasket back in, then loaded another bead on top of it all around, fitted it back together and used the screws to bond it all tight.

Screwed all of the various parts back into place, put on my new filter.

Fingers crossed, I plugged it back in, turned it on and it works like brand new!

No weird sounds or wheezing, and I'd forgot just how powerful this beast was when it was brand new.

Not going to celebrate until I've got a few weeks of hard use on it, but it looks like I may have just saved myself $150 for about 45 minutes of my time and a bunch of stuff I already had lying around my garage.

Even cooler that I knew where everything that I needed was and didn't have to spend 3 hours looking for it all.

Now I'm kind of glad that I haven't thrown out the broken gas weed wacker, gas backpack-style leaf blower and the industrial strength power washer that only puts out about garden hose pressure water (but should be like a sandblaster when working right).

Once I get more done around the house that really needs it, I might be able to get those things working with minimal expenses on parts and have some really nice upgrades to my current tool set when I do.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 7, 2019 9:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Congrats on the box.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Thanks Jack. It feels good to get that done.

It's so satisfying when things like that get finished!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, September 7, 2019 11:34 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Congrats on the box.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Thanks Jack. It feels good to get that done.

It's so satisfying when things like that get finished!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

It is. Now, I can take my time transferring things into it.


Sunday, September 8, 2019 2:44 PM


Rain last night at about 1am. Heavy. Silly seagull on the roof of the apartment building next door enjoying the water that collected there.

Flipside Environment Canada is predicting a warmer fall for BC.


Sunday, September 8, 2019 9:42 PM


Found my note book with 3 Firefly stories in it yesterday evening. It was under my recipe book which I dug out to make my birthday cake in 3weeks.

Anniversary today. My Blair's been gone 8years today. Didn't really hit me until around suppertime. Guess that is time softening the day.


Sunday, September 8, 2019 10:07 PM


Dropped off one small bag of video games to Goodwill (I know I said I was done with that, but my step brother didn't want old sports games I was going to have my dad give back to him and instead of just throwing them out I wanted to give them away). Picked up the right masonry concrete this time. 80lb bag with a 90 minute work time for 7 bucks and change. WHAT WAS I THINKING BUYING A 10 LB BAG WITH 5 MINUTES SET TIME FOR 9 BUCKS!!!!

If that works out well, I plan on pulling up all of those patio pavers before the floor gets put down and building a 2nd wall on the south side to buttress up the cinderblock wall I need to finish repairing before sealing everything up. Then I'm going to put all of the sand in the hole too and put a ton of ant poison down. Might as well use that hole to get rid of everything instead of renting a dumpster or spending 6 months salting it out with my trash, right?

Rainy and overcast all day long. Didn't feel like doing much, but didn't mind the break from real life. Just got all my monthly paperwork and bills sorted out. Taking a break now before I go and try to figure out the 11% Menards rebate stuff and get that ready to mail out tomorrow.

BTW... Just got another credit card with a $200 bonus if you spend $1k in 3 months. Should be quite easy to do with the work coming down the pipe. Even if I don't think I'll hit it, I can always just pay my internet bill for the next 10 months or something if I run out of time.

Between that (20% off), the 11% menards rebate and the 2-3% cash back on the card, I'll get nearly 35% off the next $1k of materials and tools I need for the upcoming jobs. Even more if I catch stuff on sale.

Just found out Aldi takes cards now? They've been doing it for 3 years and I didn't even know it. My dumb ass was paying with cash like I used to do and missing out on rewards points. Can use that to get to the $1k too now.

Bro is coming over tomorrow to get the rest of the big furniture I'm not keeping out to the garage, then my neighbor is going to have the Christian outfit she volunteers for come pick it up with the two bed frames. Somebody is going to be thrilled when they get that nice furniture for free.

Didn't give my newly restored shop vac the workout I was planning on giving it today. I really want to put that thing through its paces and make sure it's going to give me more years of great service. I'm hoping that a replacement gasket isn't too costly if I need to open it up again. I will destroy it completely if and when I ever need to get back to the motor.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 9, 2019 12:11 AM



Menards rebates are simple as could be. Can even stuff as many in a single envelope as you get too, so since I have until the 21st to mail in the first batch, I'm just going to hold on to all of them that I acquire until that point and then start a new batch after that one.

So far, I'm looking at nearly $32 bucks coming back my way. And once you get them, anything you buy with the in-store credit they give you doesn't get sales tax put on it (double bonus).

I'm going to have to start paying attention to Menards mailers too. From what I read online, not only do you get the 11% rebate on everything, but certain things from week to week get additional rebates, and some items you can just get for free after the rebate. I might have already missed out on some cool free stuff these last two weeks.


Might have to decide quickly if I want to start buying stuff for other things that need doing in the house.

Got some pre-fabbed shelving units that have a good rebate on them that I could use when I get to finally finishing the closets in the bedrooms. You don't realize how nice it is to have a few shelves in closets in your home until you've lived 8 years without any.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 9, 2019 9:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Between that (20% off), the 11% menards rebate and the 2-3% cash back on the card, I'll get nearly 35% off the next $1k of materials and tools I need for the upcoming jobs. Even more if I catch stuff on sale.
That's some serious savings, SIX. Heck, I'm happy to get a decent grocery coupon!

Sounds like you had a rain delay and took it easy. Good for you! Everyone needs a mental and physical recovery period once in a while.

As for me, I took an unplanned 5 day vacation. I just couldn't get my rear in gear! But we finally got the big cooldown that was predicted ... it'll be pleasant for four days or so ... and that triggered a restart on that VERY long list of "things to do" so the bedroom floor is now cleaned up 100% of paint (Yes I know, I said I wouldn't get involved, but I did) and I helped out in the garage modifying the woodworking bench, plus puppy-wuppy finally got a decent walk in.

Today I have a service tech coming in to do a top-to-bottom cleanout of the AC system. I know we have a less-usual refrigerant so I had to dig out the file to show them DON'T put in the "usual stuff" if the system needs a top-up! Fortuitously, today is one of those cooler days, so we won't mind the AC being turned off.

Also we are finally going to stucco the holes that the plumbers left. Since the mesh is already in place they've been critter=proof for a while.

Just OOC ... what do you all do for fun? What do you do in your spare time?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Monday, September 9, 2019 11:40 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Between that (20% off), the 11% menards rebate and the 2-3% cash back on the card, I'll get nearly 35% off the next $1k of materials and tools I need for the upcoming jobs. Even more if I catch stuff on sale.
That's some serious savings, SIX. Heck, I'm happy to get a decent grocery coupon!

Yeah... It's a little experiment I've been doing over the last 2 years or so. See how long they'll keep throwing free money at me, and how much I can get away with without killing my credit score. Once I collect on this $200, that will be $1k in rewards for getting new cards, not including the cash back you get on them. (2 cards at $150 for $500 in 3 months and 2 at $200 for $1k in 3 months) It hasn't negatively impacted my score. I recently found out from a bank my FICO score is 806. That's typically the one that is used when you're queried for things like home loans, although that's not the score you get on websites who usually use the Vantage score from both Experian and Transunion, which have me at 819 and 814 respectively.

My thought, at least right now, is that any negative impact that the inquiries have (which are considered low impact anyhow and age off after a year) have been negated simply by having more credit at my disposal.

Part of me thinks I should have just gotten this card before I was already $300-$400 in repair expenses, but I really don't want to go too crazy with it. Not only are there a limited number of cards and banks offering them, but I've heard that if you get several cards from the same bank they tend to catch on to what you're doing and they don't pay out the reward (I'm sure it's in the fine print somewhere).

I've got my eyes on one more that would be doable for sure without further strategizing. I might wait until 2020 to get it though. I can't remember if I've done only 1 last year and 3 this year now, or 2 last year and this would by my second this year. I don't want to push my luck and I want to keep it at 2 per year until they stop offering it to me.

Anyhow, it's a cool little experiment and who am I to turn down tax free money?


Sounds like you had a rain delay and took it easy. Good for you! Everyone needs a mental and physical recovery period once in a while.

Yeah. Being lazy by nature, it's kind of hard on me to be working so much without breaks. I go crazy when I do work, but I love my days off. Trying not to get too vested in any recreational activities that I used to though, because I don't want them pulling me away from what needs to be done. Not going to start binge watching Game of Thrones yet, or start playing a RPG that I could easily lose 500 hours to. Don't have time for that stuff in my life right now. :)


As for me, I took an unplanned 5 day vacation. I just couldn't get my rear in gear! But we finally got the big cooldown that was predicted ... it'll be pleasant for four days or so ... and that triggered a restart on that VERY long list of "things to do" so the bedroom floor is now cleaned up 100% of paint (Yes I know, I said I wouldn't get involved, but I did) and I helped out in the garage modifying the woodworking bench, plus puppy-wuppy finally got a decent walk in.

Today I have a service tech coming in to do a top-to-bottom cleanout of the AC system. I know we have a less-usual refrigerant so I had to dig out the file to show them DON'T put in the "usual stuff" if the system needs a top-up! Fortuitously, today is one of those cooler days, so we won't mind the AC being turned off.

Also we are finally going to stucco the holes that the plumbers left. Since the mesh is already in place they've been critter=proof for a while.

Sometimes you need a break... an extended one. Especially when it's hot. No shame in that. Don't beat yourself up too much over it.

I can't believe I've been out of work for 10 weeks now. Time goes by so much slower when you're getting so many things done. But I'd be lying if I hadn't wasted a good chunk of that time with things I really don't have time for. Some days I have a hard time getting my own ass into gear.

This site, and this thread in particular, have really helped me stay on point and stay honest. Can't credit with getting me sober and making the changes alone, but just being able to write out a journal of sorts here has been very theraputic for me and helped a great deal. Not exactly A/A, but it's helped out a lot. I think it's good to be able to put all of your stuff out there, especially being a male, where you're expected to just kind of bottle everything up. You've all seen me at my worst. My best might be behind me simply because of age, but I'm trying my damndest to make that a false statement. I'm glad we're all here to share this stuff, even if we don't break bread together.


Just OOC ... what do you all do for fun? What do you do in your spare time?

Nothing too exciting, really. I work a lot on video game emulation software and I've been putting together something really amazing. I don't have the help with it that I used to have about a decade ago before I took a long hiatus from the work simply because everybody else grew up and got married and have kids now and just don't really have the time to work with me. It was pretty cool back in the day working on such a great project with people all over the world.

My only problem with it is that when I start working on it I do it to the exclusion of almost everything else. That's why I knew I had to get back into it when I wanted to finally stop drinking. And get back into it, I did...

It worked, but aside from working my job it's just about the only thing I did and I was still letting my house fall apart and wasn't fixing relationships I had burned. I'd like to get back into it someday, but I have a long way to go before I can. Hopefully when I get myself squared away I can find a balance in my life and continue working on what I love without letting it consume me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 9, 2019 12:46 PM


Looks like I need to get my left ear flushed again. Will make an appointment about that. Rainy day here. Need an umbrella.


Monday, September 9, 2019 3:03 PM


The last of the big furnature I'm not keeping is out of the house now. :)

Staged in the garage until they hopefully pick all of it up tomorrow morning.

A bit unfortunate since it's now in the way of the work space and lumber. Was kind of hoping in light of that my friend wasn't going to call me today about doing work, but he did, and I'm not going to say no when he wants to come out to work. We'll just have to work around it and I'll have to get up extra early to make sure everything is clean again before they pick it all up tomorrow. Hopefully she'll call me a bit ahead of time and I could just stage everything outside of my garage before they get here.

Getting so close to having the hoard completely out of here. Just some minor things still to go through in the house and I've got to do a deep clean everywhere before I decide what home improvident projects I want to start as soon as the porch issue is wrapped up. I'll be able to clean up the garage now soon too that the furniture and the bed frames will be gone tomorrow. As soon as we get the porch complete and it's not stuffed with lumber I'll be able to organize everything. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 9, 2019 11:23 PM


Rain today and just some errands ran. Might rain again tomorrow.


Monday, September 9, 2019 11:25 PM


Had to undo a little of our previous work. Marrying joists is a lot easier on paper than it is in real life on an existing structure. Funny thing about brand new solid pieces of wood is that they don't like to bend like play doh to fit where you want them to go.

Learning process for both of us here...

Good news is that we did get a few brand spankin' new joists in tonight, they fit nice and tight and are level. Only two of them though. But at least I didn't have to convince my friend to remove the bad stuff altogether instead of marrying them. There was no way around removing them. It would be impossible to fit the new ones in without taking the bad ones out completely first. Pesky existing walls keep getting in the way...

I'm sure this is all much easier when building from the floor up.

We seem to be developing a system though, and I think things will go a lot smoother from here on out. The only problem is that we won't be able to marry joists on the other end where everything was much better and the floor hadn't caved in, but I'm a still a bit iffy on the structural integrity. I think I'm going to have to bite the bullet and end up doing a lot more work than I initially wanted to. There are youtube videos on how to do what I think needs to be done. It involves putting two half joists next to existing joists, sandwitching the bad joist with them, fitting them in tight along the walls and then drilling large holes through all 3 of them and bolting them together in the middle. My friend will probably think that this is overkill, but when we seal this up I want to know that it's going to stand for another 30 or 40 years.

This is probably going to end up being twice or even three times as expensive as I was hoping, but it sure beats knocking it down. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 1:58 PM


2nd bedroom set is finally out of my garage and out of my life forever.

I'd have my garage back now completely if I didn't have all of that lumber out there and the three pallets that I had used to span the crevasse of the bad porch floor the last year or two. Those won't be coming with me, but with all the upcoming work they might still prove useful, whether for their intended use or repurposed for another task.

Well... I still have one of the bed frames that I'm not keeping. They didn't take both of them. Got it out on my street now. Somebody should take it by the end of the night, but it is the one that I never glued, so somebody might not take it when they try to lift it and see that it's going to need some work. Supposed to thunderstorm tonight, so I might have to move that back in and just keep taking it out on the nice days until somebody takes it.

Unless my friend calls me today, I'm not planning on doing any rehab work. It's hot AF today. I think I might vacuum and clean the floors behind all the old furniture in the master bedroom so I can move the antique set I'm keeping all in place and get the nice bed in there too. It's going to be a huge upgrade for my bro when he comes in for the holiday season this year, going from a claustrophobic mess of a small bedroom to a huge room with plenty of leftover space when all the furniture is in there.

Now I just have to decide if I'm going to keep the 2nd futon or not. If I get rid of it, the small bedroom is now added to the list of completely empty rooms in my house (3 total now). I think I might keep it though. When the porch is finally done, it would be nice to have out there. If we get it sealed watertight and do it all right it should also keep the bugs out which was always a problem before. It would actually be a nice place to lounge and even sleep on cool nights, so the futon is something I should probably keep until I move.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 10, 2019 6:30 PM


No rain today but two bags of books with little puzzles taken in to the local thrift shop.

Looks like the stuff I've been storing in my dad's old dresser maybe useful. Some of it. Had to throw out two sheets that were just too holey to be useful anymore. But other stuff may just need a wash to be useful. Will have to see.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 12:47 PM


Rainy weekend and rainy next week expected here.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 12:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey guys, I'm going to be less present for the while. The weather is turning, and more needs to be done. I'll be reading and taking encouragment from your progress, it's awesome to see how everyone is making progress and will be chiming in from time to time but not as often as before. Carry on!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:13 PM


Good on you Brenda. :)

Make sure not to throw out any sentimental stuff till the end (of course linens with holes are acceptable). Just keep plowing through the easy stuff first. Once you've done that you can re-evaluate where you're at with the clutter and where you want to be before you go more in-depth during the next round.

It's one thing to kick yourself at a later date because you threw out something useful that you would absolutely have made use of now if you hadn't thrown it out, but it's another thing entirely to be sitting there looking at stuff that you decided to save during round one and chide yourself for choosing that junk over a box full of precious memories.

I think you're already doing that, but just wanted to offer that reminder based off of my experience. I'm already dealing with a twinge of regret on a few smaller items that are gone now. I think if I had to do it all over I wouldn't have started boxing up things for a future move while I had been doing this. There's definately pros to that method, but when I consider the two boxes of Christmas junk I still haven't gone back through to remove all non-sentimental items, I wish I had kept a few things I got rid of to fill in those boxes instead.

No real regrets though. In a year or two I'll probably never give it another thought, and I did keep most of the stuff with sentimental value.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey guys, I'm going to be less present for the while. The weather is turning, and more needs to be done. I'll be reading and taking encouragment from your progress, it's awesome to see how everyone is making progress and will be chiming in from time to time but not as often as before. Carry on!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

Good luck!

Weather "turned" here too, but extremely and unseasonably hot. Even with my blower on all night I woke up and it was already 75 and humid as hell in my house. One more day of this before it cools back down for the weekend. I don't think I'm doing much the next few days, so I hope it's nice and dry this weekend to help my friend on his house.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 1:18 PM


So I had put the last bed frame out on the curb yesterday after they didn't take it. I thought I heard somebody knocking on my door while taking a nap, but by the time I got there nobody was outside. Later, I looked back at the street and the bed frame was gone. Since my neighbor told me before that she had knocked to ask permission for the dresser I put out on the curb, I wondered if that was her and she went and took the frame after her Christian outfit turned it down. She had given me numbers to a few other organizations, but I didn't want to deal with that anymore and just wanted it out.

Happy to see it was gone and I wasn't going to have to retrieve it for the night of rain, I wasn't going to give it any more thought.

I was making a pot of coffee this morning though and saw my neighbor across the street loading it into his car. lol

Going to have to ask him what they did with it when I see him walking his dog next time. Not that I don't appreciate the trouble they went to there, but I wasn't going to let it get ruined and I told them that.

It's a beautiful bed frame. Hope it finds a good home.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 4:58 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Good on you Brenda. :)

Make sure not to throw out any sentimental stuff till the end (of course linens with holes are acceptable). Just keep plowing through the easy stuff first. Once you've done that you can re-evaluate where you're at with the clutter and where you want to be before you go more in-depth during the next round.

It's one thing to kick yourself at a later date because you threw out something useful that you would absolutely have made use of now if you hadn't thrown it out, but it's another thing entirely to be sitting there looking at stuff that you decided to save during round one and chide yourself for choosing that junk over a box full of precious memories.

I think you're already doing that, but just wanted to offer that reminder based off of my experience. I'm already dealing with a twinge of regret on a few smaller items that are gone now. I think if I had to do it all over I wouldn't have started boxing up things for a future move while I had been doing this. There's definately pros to that method, but when I consider the two boxes of Christmas junk I still haven't gone back through to remove all non-sentimental items, I wish I had kept a few things I got rid of to fill in those boxes instead.

No real regrets though. In a year or two I'll probably never give it another thought, and I did keep most of the stuff with sentimental value.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Nah, I think I am okay on sentimental stuff. I'm keeping things that my dad bought me and I've had them for years. My dad's dresser while a little dinged up now once I've gone through the linens and dishtowels in it, I can still use for storage space. Of course my trunk which was my grandad's has family photos back in it and I still have 1 of my grandmother's cookbooks(my dad's mom). My grandmother's music books. I've got my dad's hammer and his old nail can if I find anything else I want to hang up.

Still taking little bits that I can carry over to the local thrift shop but they aren't anything important. Got some small dead electronics that I can take down to a store that takes that stuff in to be recycled. I'll do that a little bit at a time.

Still have some papers to sort through but I am almost finished with stuff from my mom and dad. Their important stuff is in an old metal box that my dad kept for such stuff, so I can lay my hands on it easily if I need it.

So, for now I think Jack, I am in pretty good shape.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 7:09 PM


Sounds good, Brenda. It also sounds like you might be getting to the end of your own de-cluttering, am I right?

Today turned out to be pretty productive afterall. Still pretty miserably hot around these parts, and I didn't really get my ass in gear until nearly 3PM, but I spent about an hour picking up all of the sticks and debris from the last few storms before mowing everything. What a workout that was. I really need to get another physical job when I start working again. Office work isn't going to cut it. The lawn looks phenomenal though. The work so far this summer on curb appeal has paid dividends so far. I bet my neighbors are thrilled.

I'm hoping I can keep it up for a few more hours tonight and clean the floors and stage all of the furniture where I want it to go. I'm not going to put anything right up against the walls though. Might as well not do that until I buy all the trim I need for the bedrooms and finally put it up after my 6 year DIY hiatus.

The master bedroom is huge though, so even though it might look a little odd in the mean time, there will still be enough room to have a small dance floor with only a full size bed in there.

My buddy had to go to the chiropractor yesterday after he hurt his back hoisting the joist all by himself. I'm hoping he has a speedy recovery. My shoulder issue is already fine after a few days of taking it easy.

So the lawn is out of the way, with one more hot day to go. If my friend is feeling better, tomorrow night was the last night he said he'd be available to work on my house this week. Fingers crossed. I'll be helping out at his rental at least one day this weekend. Hopefully I get crackin' again around here in the mean time and do the outside tuck pointing so I can finally put that tar on the foundation and fill in the trench. I've really got to finish all the windows too so I can make sure everything is water tight before putting a new floor down.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 8:50 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sounds good, Brenda. It also sounds like you might be getting to the end of your own de-cluttering, am I right?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I think I am. Feels good to get through all that stuff that was in boxes for years.

Sounds like you are doing good too.


Wednesday, September 11, 2019 8:50 PM


Flip side, I do not like September right now.


Friday, September 13, 2019 12:03 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I think I am. Feels good to get through all that stuff that was in boxes for years.

Great to hear. Tell me about it.


Sounds like you are doing good too.

Yup. Just when I thought I was going to have another lazy day because of the weather, my friend came out of nowhere late in the day and we kicked so much ass.

The structural work on the back porch is done! We finished all the sills, outside joists and inside joists that needed to be replaced. These babies are solid!

More homework for me. I still have to tuck point the outside of the cinder blocks and finish the windows and make sure nothing leaks in before I even think of putting the new flooring in. Now I have to also use remaining lumber and possibly buy some more if I run out to tie all the joists to each other. None of this rinky-dink metal cris-cross straps they used last time. This thing is going to be built like a tank. I have some old Green 4"x4"s that I'm also considering making pylons out of by using a post hole digger, filling with concrete and using the 4x4's to further support the floor in the middle of the room.

I'm also going to see if my brother would mind picking up the plywood using his truck-like vehicle. My bud says there's no way that his car would support the weight. If my bro can't do it I'll have to rent a truck from Mendards to get all of that.

But for the bad news.... :(

The 11% rebate thing is over right now. I just thought it was all the time and you needed a new slip every week. When I bought 50 bucks worth of stuff today though there was no rebate receipt. It looks like I missed out for the rest of the stuff. No way I'm buying any more stuff now until that new credit card comes in so I can at least get the 20% off plus the rewards points.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Flip side, I do not like September right now.

No? How come?

Not sure why for you, but I haven't been enjoying it much this week either. Way too hot for this time of year.

Three miserably hot days in a row and to add insult to injury even though the high isn't much above 80 tomorrow, the low tonight isn't much cooler so I can't even really cool off the house until tomorrow night when the low is 59 degrees. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 13, 2019 12:07 AM


Oh... I will eventually have before and after pics of all of this stuff. I just need to do some research and figure out the best way to do it. I'm not going to share my google albums, which would be the easiest way by far to do it, because of the hostility around these parts these days. I've shared them with family and friends who have made comments and I'm not looking to needlessly doxx myself or anyone else for that matter.

TinyPic used to be a great way to share images virtually anonymously without needing to sign up for an account, but they just shut down. I'll have to see if there are any other free image hosting services that don't require an account, or figure out which one that requires an account that I want to use for this purpose before posting.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 13, 2019 2:27 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I think I am. Feels good to get through all that stuff that was in boxes for years.

Great to hear. Tell me about it.


Sounds like you are doing good too.

Yup. Just when I thought I was going to have another lazy day because of the weather, my friend came out of nowhere late in the day and we kicked so much ass.

The structural work on the back porch is done! We finished all the sills, outside joists and inside joists that needed to be replaced. These babies are solid!

More homework for me. I still have to tuck point the outside of the cinder blocks and finish the windows and make sure nothing leaks in before I even think of putting the new flooring in. Now I have to also use remaining lumber and possibly buy some more if I run out to tie all the joists to each other. None of this rinky-dink metal cris-cross straps they used last time. This thing is going to be built like a tank. I have some old Green 4"x4"s that I'm also considering making pylons out of by using a post hole digger, filling with concrete and using the 4x4's to further support the floor in the middle of the room.

I'm also going to see if my brother would mind picking up the plywood using his truck-like vehicle. My bud says there's no way that his car would support the weight. If my bro can't do it I'll have to rent a truck from Mendards to get all of that.

But for the bad news.... :(

The 11% rebate thing is over right now. I just thought it was all the time and you needed a new slip every week. When I bought 50 bucks worth of stuff today though there was no rebate receipt. It looks like I missed out for the rest of the stuff. No way I'm buying any more stuff now until that new credit card comes in so I can at least get the 20% off plus the rewards points.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Flip side, I do not like September right now.

No? How come?

Not sure why for you, but I haven't been enjoying it much this week either. Way too hot for this time of year.

Three miserably hot days in a row and to add insult to injury even though the high isn't much above 80 tomorrow, the low tonight isn't much cooler so I can't even really cool off the house until tomorrow night when the low is 59 degrees. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Sorry about the rebates Jack. That's always a drag when those things are timed.

My reasons not liking September for they are plural are all emotional.

As I said I just marked the 8th anniversary of my Blair's death on Sunday.
He went three weeks before my birthday which is fast approaching.

And there is a good chance that I will be spending the day alone.

People have family and by that I mean grown children and grandchildren that they talk about and all of that is pretty hard for me to listen too.

I always wanted children but a "normal" life wasn't meant for me. And as I get a little older its a bitter pill to try and swallow.

So, yeah. I just feel in small ways that people don't always want me around. My boss and her husband have their son and daughter -in-law staying with them and so they don't invite me to stay for supper when I'm done working.

I also feel that people who have children don't appreciate that fact.

Don't mind me. I can get a little maudlin at this time of the year. Weather is changing, summer is making room for fall.


Friday, September 13, 2019 3:09 AM


No worries, Brenda.

I can empathize. :(

My mom is pretty excited that I've rekindled the friendship I have, but there's one friend in particular that she's known since we were both in Kindergarten that she hopes I will get back with.

I told her that it's hard. Most of my friends are married with a few kids and he's one of them. The last time we all partied together was a New Years eve maybe 6 or so years ago. Most depressing night of my life. All the married couples and soon to be married couples, even some of the kids there. I was the only single one there. Awkward as hell. They made me feel welcome for sure, but I'd never been so self conscious around people who were my friends in my entire life. I've spent every New Years Eve alone since then.

I love being single 99% of the time, but that 1% of the time really sucks.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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