In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019 6:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

KIKI I have a whiteboard and a calendar, but the calendar is for scheduling family appointments/events, since I'm a scheduling moron, and the whiteboard is mainly for when family randomly asks me to get or do something and it's so random that I have them write it on the board.

But for my own personal list of things to do I have scrap paper that fits right into my red diary, and that scrap paper catches all those stray thoughts that come to mind. It's a pretty scattered list of long term goals (reorg house) and small tasks (sew on pants button) ... the big items generate their own subtasks as I get to them which I also write down, but when I cross enough of them off I will rewrite the list and scrap the old. I use my diary to plan what I'm doing THAT DAY and to document what I did, who I spoke to, what info I gathered etc

It's complicated but it works for me

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 8:14 PM


I may have twisted my knee. It's hard to tell though because both of them hurt today. I spent a large part of my time yesterday kneeling and crab-walking under the joists, so it might just be that I'm not used to more intense physical labor like that since it's been a while since I was working that job.

I didn't twist or break the arm. It hurts quite a bit, but there's really not even any bruising or swelling to speak of. I've got full mobility though. Maybe I bruised the bone?

Anyway, I stopped using that as an excuse to sit around doing nothing and got to work. Even though I only put in a few hours I did something that was bothering me for weeks and will need some drying time for a few days before I take the next step.

I finally did the outside tuck-pointing, and man, does it look professional.

I had a 5 gallon bucket of water with me and a rag this time. As I packed everything in solid, I went back over it very carefully and wiped the blocks down around the seams. Then I used my finger and ran it along the seems to give it that nice professional look. It's going to look amazing when I put the coat of tar over it.

Didn't get around to putting those joist anchors on everywhere like I wanted to though. I could still do it now, but I'm going to take it easy the rest of the night. Wrapping up this masonry work was a huge step for me, so I feel good about the day.

Whatever I do tomorrow, I'm going to wait on the joist anchors until after business hours. That's a lot of hammering, especially on the wall closest to the street. Right now would be the perfect time of day to do it, but the shop is closed for the day.

Thanks for worrying. I'm going to be fine.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 11:09 PM


Backgammon game to the thrift store and a bit of grocery shopping done.

Also some books reorganized as well.

Got a set of oven mitts from the Dollar store but they are good. My others all wore out.

So a good day today.

Work tomorrow.

Friday, I need to get a birthday card and a present for a friend in Alberta. Hopefully more stuff to the thrift store as well. Also for Saturday too.


Wednesday, September 18, 2019 11:09 PM


Someone I know has offered me a love seat which is just fine by me. Hopefully she can find someone to get it to me.


Thursday, September 19, 2019 9:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I may have twisted my knee. It's hard to tell though because both of them hurt today. I spent a large part of my time yesterday kneeling and crab-walking under the joists, so it might just be that I'm not used to more intense physical labor like that since it's been a while since I was working that job.

I didn't twist or break the arm. It hurts quite a bit, but there's really not even any bruising or swelling to speak of. I've got full mobility though. Maybe I bruised the bone?

Anyway, I stopped using that as an excuse to sit around doing nothing and got to work. Even though I only put in a few hours I did something that was bothering me for weeks and will need some drying time for a few days before I take the next step.

I finally did the outside tuck-pointing, and man, does it look professional.

I had a 5 gallon bucket of water with me and a rag this time. As I packed everything in solid, I went back over it very carefully and wiped the blocks down around the seams. Then I used my finger and ran it along the seems to give it that nice professional look. It's going to look amazing when I put the coat of tar over it.

Didn't get around to putting those joist anchors on everywhere like I wanted to though. I could still do it now, but I'm going to take it easy the rest of the night. Wrapping up this masonry work was a huge step for me, so I feel good about the day.

Whatever I do tomorrow, I'm going to wait on the joist anchors until after business hours. That's a lot of hammering, especially on the wall closest to the street. Right now would be the perfect time of day to do it, but the shop is closed for the day.

Thanks for worrying. I'm going to be fine.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

If you're like me, things hurt worst the third day. I hope you were able to sleep well, the best painkilling OTC combination is tylenol and ibuprofen, but since ibuprofen prevents blood clot formation just make sure that you don't have any giant bruises before you start taking it.

Also, joint rest, elevation, ice, and gentle motion will help squueze the swelling out feom around you joints, if you have any.

Congrats on the tuck-pointing! You've faced your fears and have overcome!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, September 19, 2019 11:48 AM


I actually feel quite good today. The arm pain is virtually gone unless I grab my arm and squeeze on it. We'll see of that's the case once I'm doing work again.

I think my knees are still pretty shot, but I'm not convinced that was because of the fall. I didn't hurt both of them when I fell, and I probably only tweaked the right one that was already overworked by that point in the day when I did.

I have to start doing some exercise again. I haven't put on any weight since I got laid off, but I can tell that my endurance has gone down since I'm a smoker and that I'm inflicting minor injuries on myself by doing tasks that wouldn't have been a problem 3 months ago (such as moving furniture and crab walking under the joists). My upper back/left shoulder is still tweaked from moving the big furniture set out of my house with my brother last Monday.

I think I'll start with mowing the lawn today. I noticed that my neighbor is throwing out a broadcast spreader. I'm going to go check it out or even better see him and ask before I do. Mine is better, but it's broken. I might just throw mine out if he is only tossing it because he doesn't use it or he got a better one. His lawn doesn't look like he ever fertilizes it, and I've never once seen him use it, so he might just be dumping it.

Hopefully I can get myself to sand those windows down. I have a power sander I'm hoping I can use on the plastic wood, otherwise that's going to be a real chore. Not sure if I can use it though because of the vibrations on those crap windows. I can get a nice coat of primer on it if I prep the windows today and then I can get the last beads of caulk and hopefully the three back windows on the south side will be watertight after that.

Looked at the 4 windows on the north side and that's going to be a monster of a project. I might just have to replace all of the windows. There's no way I could ever explain how they originally did them since they're entirely unique to me and I've never seen windows done like that on any other house I've ever been at in my entire life.

I'll just say that they were taking water in from day one, when it was installed 40 years ago. Probably fine during the warmer months, but when snow drifts blew up against it and it settled there is no way the entire front of the porch wasn't taking on water whenever it melted.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, September 19, 2019 7:12 PM


No work on the house today. Ended up running with the lawn maintenance after the mowing was done and got a bit carried away. I spent about 90 minutes with my saw-zall and a bore blade, trying to remove a tree stump that is close to the house (long story I'm not going to get into).

There's a lot of stump under there. A lot of roots too. It was the biggest one, but there are 4 others I need to remove. I'm going to have to find a smarter and more productive way to remedy this problem on my own. But I really have better things to be doing with my time right now, so that's going on the to-do list.

It's still somewhat early. I might do something else before I call it a night. Just needed a break though since I was out in the hot sun all day.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, September 19, 2019 11:39 PM


Left knee and hip bothering me now that I am home. Was at work and I walked back this early evening. So extra stress aside from going up and down the basement stairs at my boss's house.


Friday, September 20, 2019 7:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Dear dauhter is finally out of the guest bedroom and into her renovated bedroom!

For me, it was a monster day of work, since I started out by walking the dog, then spent 1 1/2 hours on yardwork ...

Did I mention that whoever said that native gardening was less work than a lawn lied their assess off? MY big problem is weeds and Bermuda grass, which I am everlastingly digging and pulling. My hope is that I can get enough of the weeds pulled before they set seed that next year won't be so bad. Also using corn gluten as a pre-emergent weed inhibitor and weed/grass killer for the stuff I can't dig up.

Then making dinner (it's a lengthy recipe for vegie lasagna) and then doing the final prep for DD's move, and finally appealing to hubby and dd to move the bed and dresser since at that point I was at about as far as I could go. But while they were doing to heavy lifting, I was doing a giant kitchen cleanup.

Knees hurt, ankles hurt, feet and hips hurt, which is why I'm up at stupid o'clock posting. I DEFINITELY plan on taking things easy today! We have our Friday lunch out, and maybe running to the recycling center to get rid of some stuff.

The next few days I hope to box things up and take them out of the house for giveaway. And then we're going to start on dear daughter's prized possessions.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Friday, September 20, 2019 8:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BRENDA, I feel your pain! (literally). You mentioned that your legs are getting better since you can now put them up, which implies that you have leg swelling. Is that true?

SIX, I hope you're still feeling better and haven't gone backwards with your recovery. There is such a thing as a stump grinder which can be rented, but it's a beast of a machine, dangerous and probably expensive. Aside from that, no magic solutions that I know of ... unless you want to hitch up a pair of oxen and have them pullit for you!

Sealing windows ... hmmm. We recently had to face that problem since the trim under one of our windows rotted and needed replacement. Normally there is tar paper or Tyvek tucked around the window underneath the stucco or siding. Do you see evidence of sheet waterproofing material around the window? In other words, is the fault with JUST the window, or was the siding put up without underlying waterproofing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Friday, September 20, 2019 11:54 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIX, I hope you're still feeling better and haven't gone backwards with your recovery. There is such a thing as a stump grinder which can be rented, but it's a beast of a machine, dangerous and probably expensive. Aside from that, no magic solutions that I know of ... unless you want to hitch up a pair of oxen and have them pullit for you!

Yeah. I'm feeling good. A little achey, but nothing bad.

I'm thinking about getting a spade and digging all around. I'm more worried about the roots than the stumps themselves. These things are very clearly alive under the surface although except for the "suckers" they try growing a few times in spring and summer you wouldn't know it. I'll bet they're harboring a lot of my ant problem. They seem to love it down there.

I'm a bit worried I might have contracted some sort of poison ivy or something yesterday. This will not be good if that's the case. I had it once and it spread all over my body within days. Late last night my right palm was severely itchy before I went to sleep. I woke up this morning and I have spots on it now. They don't seem to have spread anywhere else from my palm yet, and it's been about 25 years since I had a poison ivy reaction, so I'm not sure yet what I'm dealing with here. Hopefully it's nothing.


Sealing windows ... hmmm. We recently had to face that problem since the trim under one of our windows rotted and needed replacement. Normally there is tar paper or Tyvek tucked around the window underneath the stucco or siding. Do you see evidence of sheet waterproofing material around the window? In other words, is the fault with JUST the window, or was the siding put up without underlying waterproofing.

These things can hardly be classified as windows. I don't even really know how to go about explaining the hack job that was originally done without showing you pictures of it. They're aluminum tracks screwed into built out wood blocks that hold those old 70's style single pane glass garbage... yanno, the type you can easily swap out for screens (if you have them).

The front is even worse. Huge slats are put up in front of all 4 windows that look really ugly from the street (either for privacy or to keep the sun out???). So the sills on the front are very, very wide for a window. What's worse, is that they grade away from the house only for the front 80%, come to a peak about 1 1/2" in front of the shitty windows, and then grade into the windows on the back. (Yes... this is how the aluminum covering was designed and installed originally). No wonder I got about 1000 gallons in there when I power washed everything a few years back.

The roof overhangs are at least 18", so unless the rain is falling sideways, the walls and windows seem to keep dry. The problem would be the snow and snow drifts, followed by the melting once it accumulates up there. This thing was designed to take on water from day one.

Right now I need something that is reasonably pretty that keeps the water out 100%. I do think I'm going to replace the windows with something legitimate, maybe next year, but I need to have the floor installed before I even consider it. I'm sure the city is going to get in my business if I replace the windows since it's so obvious from the street and probably force me to get a permit. Annoying as that will be, it won't be a huge deal other than the cost of a stupid permit once the floor is solid and covered with something.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 20, 2019 1:18 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BRENDA, I feel your pain! (literally). You mentioned that your legs are getting better since you can now put them up, which implies that you have leg swelling. Is that true?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

I've had more feet swelling over the last couple of years then leg and knee pain. Had a case of varicose viens treated when I was in my late 30s through early 40s. Saline treatments.

Things have improved since I've moved as I am walking in a much flatter area now. But too much walking and I still get the pain. When I watch tv, I have an upside down trash can that I put my feet up on, which has helped a lot. I wasn't really able to put my feet up in that other place and with the hills. Not a good combo.

There was a lot of hurt on my legs and knee joints in the last two years that I was living there and so time will ease these aches and pains.


Friday, September 20, 2019 1:20 PM


Was going to take some stuff up to the thrift store but not going to today. Had to overdo it a bit at work yesterday, so that maybe a chore for tomorrow.

Anyways got to get out and get a birthday present and card for a friend in Alberta. His birthday is around Turkey Day up here and I usually hit his birthday or miss it. I am hoping this year to be early.

So later peeps.


Friday, September 20, 2019 1:21 PM


Centre that I go to his having a giant birthday party for everyone whos birthday is in September. Not sure if I am going to it or not.


Friday, September 20, 2019 1:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I've dug out a few large stumps in my time and it's arduous but doable. The trick I found is to either have a hand saw you don't mind trashing, or a sawzall blade you don't mind trashing, along with a spade and a large crow bar. Also, with my soil (clay) it helped to water the dirt a day or two ahead of time to be neither hard brick nor sticky goo.

Dig in the softened dirt some distance from the stump till you hit a root, and dig around it a bit so you get some clearance. Take out your saw and saw the root. Scraping through all the dirt is what damages the blade, which why you'll never again use it for anything else but removing stumps. Repeat till you have all the roots sawn off.

A large stump with dirt attached is very, very heavy, which is why you'll need a crow bar and maybe a friend to get it out of the hole.

I removed 2 large tree stumps and about 40' of boxwood stumps that way, but it was very arduous, and took multiple days per tree stump. (The jacaranda stump was the most problematic, since its roots didn't fan out near the surface in a regular pattern. They dove straight down, re-emerged twisted into its other roots etc. But the pine tree stump was relatively straightforward and uncomplicated.) So for the last (ash tree) stump I called in a company that did stump grinding.

A recent episode of Ask This Old House also recommends that procedure.

ETA: but I just checked and here anyway you can now rent a stump grinder and do it yourself.


Friday, September 20, 2019 3:02 PM


I've got everything but the spade. I broke a bore blade yesterday, but the other one lasted a lot longer when I just let the tool do the work instead of forcing stuff. They're really heavy duty and I have either 4 or 6 more (i can't remember if there were 2 or 3 in a pack).

Home Depot has a stump grinder for rent at nearly $200 for a day. Plus I'd need to pay for delivery and pickup. That's not an option for me.

So the roots will die if the stump is gone?

I'm not getting anything done today. Sat in the porch for about an hour just spinning the wheels. I have no idea what I'm going to do about the windows. My friend called and pissed me off too. Gave me shit that my brother still hasn't picked up the flooring, then when I said there was still a lot to do before the floor goes in he tells me what I need to do on the windows even though he has no idea how ghetto they are. I really need him to come and work with me on these things. I don't want to throw a ton of money at them for a temporary solution in the case that I end up ripping it all out and putting legit stuff in down the road, but I also want to make sure that they are water tight before the floor goes in, even if that means sealing them all in and making them unusable.

I'm glad he didn't ask me if I was coming to work for him this weekend, because I probably would have yelled at him. I'm obviously in a shitty mood today, but I'm really starting to feel like I'm being taken advantage of here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 20, 2019 10:05 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"So the roots will die if the stump is gone?"

It depends on the tree species! Crape myrtle* is notorious for resprouting as are willows*! legume trees (mimosa* and acacia* are vigorous, jacaranda isn't as persistent etc), populus trees (poplar*, cottonwood, aspen, etc), along with privet* (the 'lucidum' species can grow up to 30' tall and look like a multi-trunked tree), and ash* are ones I've either seen or had experience with. The ones with * can be god awful to get rid of.

But if you've had the stumps for a while, and nothing has resprouted either around the stump, off of the stump, or from a root further away. I think it should be OK.


Friday, September 20, 2019 10:25 PM


Time to come clean, I suppose, for Science.

They're maples. Planted very close to my house. By me.

I'd say that the neighbor that got foreclosed on two doors down behind me was trolling me when she told me they were "Rose of Sharon", but she had them planted all along her nice fence in the back yard. She also gave me most of the hastas in front of my house.

She was an idiot. I was an idiot.

So yeah, I willingly planted 5 maple trees right up along side my house, and another in the front of the porch. They were tiny and looked nice for about two years, then they (obviously) grew out of control and I cut them all down.

I'm constantly cutting away new growth around them. They've been stumps for at least 5 years now. Yesterday, I had cut down as much as I could of one of the three remaning ones through the fence of the same house that new neighbors are living there. I'd never met the guy before but later when I heard him mowing the lawn I flagged him down and let him know that he's got trees growing there and they're going to destroy his fence and his garage if he doesn't cut them down.

Somehow yesterday, I really screwed up again too. I'm probably going to have to go to the clinic. I got poison something-or-other. It was just on my right palm last night and into this morning. By mid afternoon I had a few bumps on the outside of my left hand. now I've got one on my neck and another on my bellybutton. The last time this happened I was still in my teens and I looked like I had measels. The first batch of steroids the doctor gave me did nothing and I ended up having to take horse tablets to get rid of it. It lasted two to three weeks.

I think I'm fucked. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, September 20, 2019 10:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Oh crap about the medical stuff. Please let us know how you're doing. I certainly can't help from here, but if it cheers you up at all I can root for you from the sidelines!

Here's how to get rid of maple resprouts: (hint - it's chemical warfare)


Friday, September 20, 2019 11:53 PM


Yeah. It's just poison oak or poison ivy. This time, just like the last time, I got it when I was scratched by something. The bumps first sprouted up around the cut on my back when I was a kid, and about a week later my entire body was a blochy mess. It ruined the last month of summer break for me.

I got some fairly superficial scratches on my palm while working yesterday and by night time I could feel the itching and slight bumps. Now they're blisters that are going to pop eventually. There's not a lot on my body yet, but if it gets me like it did last time it won't be long now.

Thanks for the stump info. Going to take care of that when time allows. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 21, 2019 12:22 AM


Well went to the September birthday party at the centre and was bored for 2hours. Not doing that again.


Saturday, September 21, 2019 1:06 AM


What is that?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 21, 2019 2:54 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh SIX, so sorry to hear about your poison ivy/oak reaction. I had a neighbor wgo fell into some while biking, it only touched his forearm but wound up blistering most of his arm. I never knew it could spread like that!

I've had very good experience with 5% lidocaine ointment. Unfortunately it's Rx not OTC I guess thye worry about people using too much and it being absorbed thru the skin, apparently it has pretty consequential effect on cardiac output, but maybe the clinic will Rx you some. They also make lidocaine cream, same 5% but not as effective (IMHO) but you can buy it from a drugstore. Dear daughter swears by benadryl gel.

I hope you don't go too crazy. Steroids can kinda pep you up and make you feel pretty good until you wean offa them. Let us know how you're doing day-to-day.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, September 21, 2019 2:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, does your friend have a smart phone? Do you?

I've found it very useful for those "You just have to see it" questions to take pictures and send them. Or maybe camera and email?

Another thing you could try is just going to youtube and checking out "window flashing" or "window waterproofing" or even window installation. I learned a lot from them, and even if your situation doesn't match entirely you might get some useful tips. The best tips that I got were from people who did stucco repair ... I know that might sound stupid but they had info on how to preserve whatever waterproofing envelope was there before and mate your repair to the old stuff.

or heck, just post photo links here, closeups, so we can't ID your house. I'd do my very best to come up with a good solution to your problem. But I believe that you can figure it out knowing that they're so ghetto to begin with and that you might be replacing them anyway, the only thing you need to worry about is coming up with something that works because they'll never be up to "code" anyway.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, September 21, 2019 8:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh SIX, so sorry to hear about your poison ivy/oak reaction. I had a neighbor wgo fell into some while biking, it only touched his forearm but wound up blistering most of his arm. I never knew it could spread like that!

I've had very good experience with 5% lidocaine ointment. Unfortunately it's Rx not OTC I guess thye worry about people using too much and it being absorbed thru the skin, apparently it has pretty consequential effect on cardiac output, but maybe the clinic will Rx you some. They also make lidocaine cream, same 5% but not as effective (IMHO) but you can buy it from a drugstore. Dear daughter swears by benadryl gel.

I hope you don't go too crazy. Steroids can kinda pep you up and make you feel pretty good until you wean offa them. Let us know how you're doing day-to-day.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

Well... reading online, they say it won't spread. That is, the rash and broken blisters are not contagious (wish I knew that when I self quarantined the last month of summer because I thought anybody I touched would get it).

However, I have read that having the oil under your fingernails will easily spread the oil. After I read that, I quickly clipped my nails real good and did another thorough wash of my hands last night (I was, after all, doing this yard work without gloves and did a lot of digging around that stump with my bare hands. Woke up this morning and so far so good (no more new bumps).

Now I did read on one website that if you get the oil in your bloodstream that your blood will work against you and carry it all over your body. I don't know how much credence to give that though because why don't all the websites say that?

But when I was a kid, I really couldn't tell you what happened. I was at a forest party and it was the third time I drank. Between having no actual recollection of that night other than the lie I told my parents about scratching my back while taking a tumble off the path in the forest preserve while rollerblading, I honestly couldn't tell you how I got a deep gouge on my back where the blisters originated before I got them literally everywhere. Maybe I was making out with a poisonous oak tree or something.

The welts I have right now are seriously bad itchy, but nothing I can't deal with if this is all I have to look forward to. I was really worried about it spreading to my face yesterday. When I was 16 or 17 it all healed nicely. Seems if I pop a zit these days I get a scar. I really didn't want to find out what the aftermath of a facefull of poison ivy was going to do to my good looks. :)

Fingers crossed. It's been over 12 hours since I noticed anything new pop up.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 21, 2019 1:13 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
What is that?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Who you talking to SIX?


Saturday, September 21, 2019 3:31 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

OH, btw Brenda. I don't know if you're a people-person. I'm not. I think if I as at that party - which I imagine as a get-together of mostly strangers trying to relate to each other - it would have been boring at best, but probably excruciating. I hope there were no speeches.


Saturday, September 21, 2019 4:55 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
OH, btw Brenda. I don't know if you're a people-person. I'm not. I think if I as at that party - which I imagine as a get-together of mostly strangers trying to relate to each other - it would have been boring at best, but probably excruciating. I hope there were no speeches.

No, I'm not a people-person. I went because I wanted something different to do. There was one table full of people who knew each other and few others who knew other people there. Me, I think I ran into 1 person I knew but she didn't speak to me all evening. The music was nothing interesting and there was just a bit of speechifying and I couldn't win any of the prizes being given away.

So, a complete waste of 2hours. Coulda stayed home and watched repeats of M*A*S*H.

Like I said not doing it again.

And on the subject of not people, I have a hard time dealing sometimes with the people I play mah jong with.


Saturday, September 21, 2019 10:22 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
What is that?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Who you talking to SIX?

I was talking to you. :)

But I see it was a music festival. Sorry you didn't have a good time. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 21, 2019 10:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, does your friend have a smart phone? Do you?

I've found it very useful for those "You just have to see it" questions to take pictures and send them. Or maybe camera and email?

I don't. But I have a tablet. He does.

Funny you should mention it. Not only did I use it today, but I took down the entire wall of fake windows and the paneling. There was another layer of plywood underneath it that I have yet to take off to expose the studs underneath and see if they have maintained their integrity.

My friend was shocked to see what I was talking about. They built the damned windows inside the room, and these shitty slats/louvers that keep the sunlight out are where windows should be framed out.

Now there's no guesswork. There's no fake windows. I'm going to seal that up with heavy plastic and make it watertight until it's time to frame out legit windows and have them installed. I can probably put real windows including a new screen door in for around $1,200 to $1,400 bucks and instantly raise the value of my home by $5,000 on curb appeal alone.


Another thing you could try is just going to youtube and checking out "window flashing" or "window waterproofing" or even window installation. I learned a lot from them, and even if your situation doesn't match entirely you might get some useful tips. The best tips that I got were from people who did stucco repair ... I know that might sound stupid but they had info on how to preserve whatever waterproofing envelope was there before and mate your repair to the old stuff.

There is no situation in the world that matches mine here lol. This porch was built by idiots for idiots. It becomes more and more obvious that somebody did some major "repair" work to all of it at some point and they just made the situation even worse.

I'm going to rip all the shit out at some point and it's going to be built right and watertight. I'm done dicking around and wasting time thinking. I know what I'm going to do now.


or heck, just post photo links here, closeups, so we can't ID your house. I'd do my very best to come up with a good solution to your problem. But I believe that you can figure it out knowing that they're so ghetto to begin with and that you might be replacing them anyway, the only thing you need to worry about is coming up with something that works because they'll never be up to "code" anyway.

I think I might try to start getting pictures up somewhere that I can't be doxxed tomorrow. It's supposed to thunderstorm all day long, so other than removing that plywood inside to reveal the wall framing under the louvers, all I'm really going to be doing is monitoring the work I've done for any leaks while the storms are going on.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, September 21, 2019 11:27 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
What is that?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Who you talking to SIX?

I was talking to you. :)

But I see it was a music festival. Sorry you didn't have a good time. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I thought maybe you were. :) Well, I'm not really a people person and especially when there was no one really there that I knew.

They always have entertainment at these things but usually there is some rock music being played. That might have helped some.


Sunday, September 22, 2019 3:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My friend was shocked to see what I was talking about. They built the damned windows inside the room, and these shitty slats/louvers that keep the sunlight out are where windows should be framed out.
Oh .... dear.

I think I see what you mean. If it is what I picture then you're right: There's no fixing that. The only thing I can imagine is doing what you plan to do: stretch heavy-duty plastic across the opening - maybe make a light wood frame - and attach it to the wall.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, September 22, 2019 3:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


My friend was shocked to see what I was talking about. They built the damned windows inside the room, and these shitty slats/louvers that keep the sunlight out are where windows should be framed out.
Oh .... dear.

I think I see what you mean. If it is what I picture then you're right: There's no fixing that. The only thing I can imagine is doing what you plan to do: stretch heavy-duty plastic across the opening - maybe make a light wood frame - and attach it to the wall.

Not sure about where you live but out here windows are EXPENSIVE. Try pricing them out first, I hope you don't get a big shock like I did.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, September 22, 2019 3:52 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey BRENDA, I know what you mean. Nothing is more dispriting than spending time with a bunch of random people trying to have fun. I'm not much of a people person either ... when occasions come up like retiree lunch, I'm always happy to have an excuse to stay home. ("I'm sorry I just had sinus surgery two weeks ago" or "I have to take dd to the doctor" or something.)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, September 22, 2019 4:12 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

My friend was shocked to see what I was talking about. They built the damned windows inside the room, and these shitty slats/louvers that keep the sunlight out are where windows should be framed out.
Oh .... dear.

I think I see what you mean. If it is what I picture then you're right: There's no fixing that. The only thing I can imagine is doing what you plan to do: stretch heavy-duty plastic across the opening - maybe make a light wood frame - and attach it to the wall.

Oh... the plastic is only a temporary solution until I get the floor in. Making that front water-tight, just temporary is going to be much easier now that I don't have fake leaky windows on the inside with a sill that grades back into them.

The louvers will be removed, but only after everything else is sealed up. The floor will be rock solid when it is put in. I just want to make sure that everything else is done and sealed and hidden before the windows are done. It will be obvious to anybody from the street that major work is being done once I take the louvers out, so if the city comes poking around I want everything else to look good and be solid. I'll probably do the back windows first and have that back wall perfect before I attempt the front.

I haven't yet removed the aluminum around a center casing, but I imagine there is quite a bit in the middle holding the wall up underneath the headers. Other than that, once the louvers are removed, there will be two very large openings in the front of the porch that are something like 88" wide by 55" tall. They're wider than I imagined they were when I finally measured them late last night.

At Menards, I found these windows:

They come in 60" wide by 48" tall for $184 when they're not on sale. So one of these new windows would replace two of the existing ones.

I'm going to shop around and see if I can find a better fit, but even if I built it out and put aluminum flashing around them it will look much better than those louvers and it will be water tight. I'd have to remove and frame out the fake louvers in front of the shed on the end too, and then put up plywood and Tyvek before re-siding that end of the house (Don't know why the hell they extended them all the way to the end when there is no window in the shed).

So between the lumber, aluminum and extra vinyl siding I'll have to buy, I imagine I could get the front looking great from the street for around $600.

The back side could also use one of them on one side of the new screen door, and the other side of the screen door would take one conventional up/down window. That side will be a bit more expensive because I need a new screen door, but I won't have to do any additional vinyl work there.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, September 22, 2019 2:23 PM


Yeah, SIG that is about the size of it. I just went for something to do that evening.


Sunday, September 22, 2019 4:05 PM


Something happened on the roof of a local mall last night. I saw at least 3 cop cars up there and someone with a flashlight walking around. Wonder what happened?


Sunday, September 22, 2019 5:01 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Teens messing around mistaken for an attempted break-in though a skylight?

It's one of those everyday mysteries.

A few months ago I heard what sounded like 2 shotgun blasts around 3AM. Next thing I knew there were red and blue flashing lights shining in through my window. The police were at the neighbor's house across the street and 2 down. They had arrived quietly, and left quietly without taking anyone in custody about 20 minutes later. I still casually wonder what that was all about. And it sure made my neighbors a mystery!

Decades ago and across the country I was strolling through my rather rough and scruffy neighborhood with my then boyfriend, early on a quiet spring Sunday. We passed a quonset hut that housed a small business and I heard (my hearing used to be phenomenal) a really, REALLY high-pitched continuous tone. My bf identified it as an ultrasonic security system. I don't remember now the reason why I hit the side of the hut with my hand, but within a couple of minutes a cop car came sliding around the street corner at some speed. (My hit must have triggered a silent alarm.) By then we'd walked a short block. They asked us if we saw anything suspicious and we said no, and they continued on I guess to check the perimeter, where they'd find nothing, of course. WE were they mystery at that point!

In my life I've only once been the mystery that I know of, but run across those everyday mysteries many times! They help make life interesting!


Sunday, September 22, 2019 6:31 PM


KIKI, could be. They find needles and used condoms up on that roof. So security could have found something and called the cops to double check it. I'll watch the news and see if anything is mentioned on it.

I was terrible last night while that was going on. My head partially on the tv and what I was watching and looking out the window to see if I could get a handle on what was happening.


Sunday, September 22, 2019 6:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I think the most disturbed I ever was by one of those daily mysteries ... I was watching TV and thought I heard something. So I muted the TV and thought what I heard was coming from outside. (It was winter, everything was closed up.) So I went to the door and opened it and heard the tail end of what was being broadcast by a police copter circling overhead with the spotlight on "... armed and dangerous. Stay inside and lock your windows and doors. Do not let anyone in your house."

Boy did that have me jumpy for a while!

And then ... they went away as they always do. Did they get the person? Was the person still around but hiding? Was it a false alarm? One never finds out.

Except the time when the police were circling over a neighbor's house one block down the hill on the corner. I saw them take a resident of the home into custody, but what for, and why the helicopter, I never found out ... And THOSE people became a mystery!


Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:05 PM


Nothing on the news but if I find a little community newspaper there might be something in it. I'll keep an eye out.

I remember police helicopters going over when my family and I were visiting some family in California. We were out in their pool and the helicopter started going over. We asked if that was normal and of course the cousins started making jokes.

This was something we never noticed at that time up here if any of the police had copters up here. This was in the late 70s.


Sunday, September 22, 2019 11:56 PM


Speaking of being jumpy, I was up around 4:45 AM and went to the kitchen for something. When I hear a car come by and I'm by the window I always look out for some reason. I see the public works truck rolling by my house and slowing down past my driveway and out of my line of sight. I got my clothes on and went outside. By that time, I saw them driving around my old neighbor's house that had been foreclosed on, and possibly turning around. I went into the garage service door, then kind of peeked out and saw them drive the other way past my house a minute or so later.

I had been working all day out there the previous day though while my neighbors had a party. My neighbors are totally cool, but who knows who was at that party. Talk about paranoid. Geesh... I couldn't sleep for about 4 hours after that. There's little chance they were scoping my work out. More likely, they were looking at something with the ditch, or possibly just seeing if the power was on in the foreclosed house since it would flood again if the sump pump wasn't on.

Just really found it strange somebody was driving around one of the city trucks before 5AM on a Sunday morning...

So... I didn't do anything but sleep all day, and I felt terribly guilty about it, even though it was wonderful. Perfect rainy weather and temperature to just sleep and sleep.

But then I realized I squandered an opportunity to truly see what was behind the scenes on the wall with the louvers, and if I truly was taking in any water. There was still a layer of plywood to remove under that cedar paneling.

So... I finally did it. I'm truly naked on all 4 walls on the inside of the porch now. It was bone dry and the stuff looks completely healthy. :)

This says to me that the only reason I took on water in the front was because of how it graded back to the shitty fake aluminum windows (as I suspected) and the water was all pouring in between the back of the cedar wall and the plywood directly on top of the framing.

One step closer... :)

Got to finish the back windows this week, painting and caulking and making them water tight, even if they're only going to be there temporarily. I've got some minor framing issues to fix around the rotten porch door. I'm also going to do some work buttressing up the 4 joists that are beneath the two sheets of plywood closest to the house that I have not and will not be ripping out, both in the center like I did with the new stuff, and I'm also going to make box-type supports by doubling up on the outside joists, sills and inside joists underneath the walls. I want that to be just as strong as I've made the rest of the floor. It will be dark and dirty and a pain in the ass, but well worth the money and work.

After that, I'm ready to put the floor in as soon as my brother can pick it all up.

Then I have to get my friend to help me with jacking up the front porch overhang, making that all level looking fancy. At that point, I'll have to decide if I want to tackle new windows and the gutters before winter or next spring.

I'm about $550 into the work now. Nothing so far is breaking me, financially. New gutters, windows, porch door and all of the framing and vinyl that will be needed are likely to run me around $2,200 or more though, and I've got the $3,600 or so for dentures coming up soon as well as my 2nd installment on the property taxes. I'll still be okay, but going to have to get some decent income before this stuff starts getting out of hand. If I do all of that before getting a new job, the work I've done on the house and getting my mouth fixed are going to be basically all the money I saved while working at the last job.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 23, 2019 1:33 AM


Found myself falling a sleep in front of my computer this afternoon and I didn't get up until 11am.

Last time I did do that I gave myself a sore neck. Very annoying as I don't sleep properly at night because of it.


Monday, September 23, 2019 1:52 AM


lol... wow Brenda. We must be on the same bad sleep schedule.

I've been cleaning up around the house. Finally vaccumed all the crap out of the basement that I had to stop doing before I fixed the shop vac. Doing things I can do inside that don't make much noise since it's too late to be doing any work on the porch that needs to be done.

I have no clue how I'm going to get any sleep after I slept about 24 out of 28 hours before finally getting my ass out of bed... And I know what you mean about the aches too. Didn't sleep sitting up, but my back never feels good after sleeping that long, even on a good bed.

Oh well... going to try to get at least 4 hours of sleep at some point tonight and force myself out of bed by around 8. Got a lot to do this week. Probably going to have to bail on going down to visit my brother again until next month.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 23, 2019 12:55 PM


Nah, Jack. It was just another Sunday up here and I don't normally do much on a Sunday. And it was raining again. Soggy end to September.

Out in a bit. Got some errands to run. Birthday card to mail then head over to where I play mah jong.


Monday, September 23, 2019 6:58 PM


Think I'm done for the day. Had a good one though.

Got my rebate forms out in the mail, picked up some more things I needed from Menards.

Put the tar over my tuck pointing. It looks professional. Did the stuff with dirt close last to keep as much clean as possible till the end. Requires spirits to clean the brush so I just used a dollar store brush and pitched it when I was done.

Washed the back 3 windows down and gave them 2 healthy coats of primer. If the weather holds, I'll probably paint them along with the two columns in front that I primered a few months ago all in one go. I like painting as much as I possibly can at once to avoid waste from cleanup.

Also drilled holes into the 5 tree stumps and put the poison granuals in there. Hopefully that kills them and keeps anything more from growing until I get around to digging them all out.

If I wake up early enough to have the painting done by around noon, I hope to do all of the structural support work that I plan on doing underneath the two boards of plywood that aren't coming out tomorrow.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, September 23, 2019 7:44 PM


Was out in the rain all day today. But card into the post and other things done. So a good day.


Monday, September 23, 2019 11:11 PM


Just watched some stuff on YouTube. Couple of Jeff Foxworthy videos and his buddy Bill Envgall. These dudes are funny.

My Blair never could understand my love of southern comics.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019 12:09 AM


I liked Ron White.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, September 24, 2019 10:14 PM


Oh god... I'm in pain.....

First half of the day went very smoothly. I got the first coat of the white finish paint on my columns in front and the windows in the back of the porch. They look fantastic. Used just about half of what I have, so should have plenty for a second coat when it's time. Instead of rushing both coats today, I saw the 4 hour required drying time between them necessary and decided that I'm going to do more caulking on those windows before putting on the final coat. Weather permitting, sometime by the weekend it should all be done.

But then, the under-floor work. I knew that the front area under the plywood wasn't great. My friend said it would be fine, but I was not convinced. I was shimming some joists on the compromised sill and the damn thing broke on me. Shit.

I kind of freaked out since I had never done this stuff without my friend around.

I thought it out, did quite a bit of prep work and then I jacked the front of the porch up on the 12 ton jack, making sure everything was jacking straight up and that I wouldn't have a malfunction since I only had the 1 jack this time.

Cut out 29" of bad sill and replaced it with good stuff, then I put in a few pieces for support to at least get me overnight without needing the jack up all night when I'm not there to monitor it.

Jack is down and the walls are still up.

It's even more solid than it was before.

Aside from the caulking on the windows, working under the remaining flooring will be my only focus tomorrow. I might have to buy some more lumber and materials. Hopefully that will all be done tomorrow and I can finally say that the structure is solid.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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