In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Thursday, October 3, 2019 10:23 AM


Yesterday was another gross day, but I got a lot accomplished and it's starting to get less gross. Today will be the third day in a row I haven't even bothered to wash my work jeans because they're just going to immediately be covered in mud again.

I got a lot more of the crawlspace graded, and I pulled enough pavers from up top to make 3 1/2 rows of them along the wall on the south end.

I stopped that work momentarily to decide if I still needed to jack up the porch on the side I hadn't worked on yet. To my surprise, everything over there is more or less fine, and I was able to "persuade" four 4 foot lengths of 2x8 to double up on the joists on that end. They really don't need it, but since I have the wood and the floor is still open I figured why not. The sill isn't great, but it's not terrible either. If I can keep water from leaking on that end and keep the ants away, it shouldn't be a problem.


Glad I'm pulling those pavers up. I hope I can find some old pictures that would tell me the story of how low the siding was to them when I initially bought the house. They were only about 1/4 to 1/2 below the siding now, but because of the ants and the moles the dirt and sand have built up all along the ends of the shed and the garage and whenever it gets wet it's getting inside and making the plates on the floor wet too. Most of it is fine still and I'm catching it in time, but there are a few I'd like to figure out how to either replace or strengthen with additional boards.

I'm also going to do a bit more research and see if I can rent a tool from Home Depot that would allow me to do "mudjacking" (I believe that's the term for what I want to do). It involves drilling 2" holes into the concrete at strategic places so you can pump a mixture underneath that will actually raise the slab. If I could raise the slab of my shed at the end of the porch properly (but not too much!), it should mitigate a lot of potential problems in the porch and shed that I forsee down the road.

My initial plan was to put decorative rocks or at least gravel down for the patio between the garage and the porch. That's still the plan, but I wanted it all to be quite a bit lower than the height of the pavers are now. But when looking at everything yesterday that would be a problem. The patio would end up being a pool in heavy rains. Both the driveway on one end and the grass in the back yard would be higher than the patio. Even with gutters up that would be a problem if I can't get the gravel to more or less the same height as the pavers were now.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 3, 2019 12:09 PM


Rain here today. Mah jong then work. Boss and her husband suppose to be taking me out for a late birthday supper. We shall see.


Thursday, October 3, 2019 9:10 PM


Rain and a heavy hail storm that arrived around 4:30 or so.


Friday, October 4, 2019 11:46 AM


Didn't get anything done on the job yesterday. Needed to take a break from going down there again. The bruise from the fall is still pretty bad, and the cold weather setting in is not doing the general aches and pains from all that awkward positioning any favors either.

That being said... summer is officially over around here. I better get to it.

Really hoping I can get my friend back out for one day before the floor is in to look at things and give me his feedback about how to proceed. Because of the wonky design of this entire add-on, if I make the necessary changes to complete the floor now, that will preclude me from being able to jack up the foundation of the shed on the end at a later date because the construction will have been altered so much that it would ruin the floor of the porch to jack it up after the fact.

I hope I can at least finish re-grading the floor and getting a bulk of the patio pavers down below today. The visqueen came and is ready to rock when I am.

How was the dinner Brenda? Not too awkward, I hope.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 4, 2019 12:54 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How was the dinner Brenda? Not too awkward, I hope.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well, first they cancelled dinner because the other person couldn't make it and we were suppose to go out Sunday night. They drove me back home because we had a massive hail storm while I was working. I had just sat down to watch the news when I get a phone call saying that we could still go out last night or leave it till Sunday, my choice. I said might as well go out.

Anyways I walked up to the restaurant missing them coming by my apartment to pick me up. They got to the restaurant a few minutes after me. No big deal. We had a small laugh over that.

So not too awkward. Except the wife decided to give our server a religious pamphlet. I felt sorry for the kid but I couldn't say anything. They know how I feel about it. That just embarrassed me.

There was some other stuff that happened yesterday that just showed my boss' racist flag showing and a bit on her husband.

If I hadn't said it before I feel bad for their daughter-in-law.


Friday, October 4, 2019 12:55 PM


Soggy again but I got some stuff to do. So later peeps.


Friday, October 4, 2019 8:31 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How was the dinner Brenda? Not too awkward, I hope.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well, first they cancelled dinner because the other person couldn't make it and we were suppose to go out Sunday night. They drove me back home because we had a massive hail storm while I was working. I had just sat down to watch the news when I get a phone call saying that we could still go out last night or leave it till Sunday, my choice. I said might as well go out.

Anyways I walked up to the restaurant missing them coming by my apartment to pick me up. They got to the restaurant a few minutes after me. No big deal. We had a small laugh over that.

So not too awkward. Except the wife decided to give our server a religious pamphlet. I felt sorry for the kid but I couldn't say anything. They know how I feel about it. That just embarrassed me.

There was some other stuff that happened yesterday that just showed my boss' racist flag showing and a bit on her husband.

If I hadn't said it before I feel bad for their daughter-in-law.

I'm sure she's fine. Show me somebody who isn't regularly embarrassed by their parents and I'll show you a liar.

Glad the dinner went well outside of the religious shilling. Price for a free meal, I guess.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 4, 2019 8:37 PM


Got a late start today because it was so freakin' cold. Wasn't sure that I'd do anything today, but I pushed through the urge not to and ended up getting a ton done.

Crawl is completely graded now, and about 60% filled with the pavers. What a chore to crab walk from one side to the other with them over the mud, but so worth it when it's done. Was able to take a break after doing around 12 at a time by just sitting down on the dry pavers before going back up and getting more.

Taking longer than I expected because everything is more or less wet up top too with the rain we've had the last week or so. Would have definately been easier to clean them off when they were dry, but oh well. Need to make sure I'm not taking any ants down with me.

Had my awesome spray bottle with me and soaked any colonies I saw along the way, and at the end of the day dumped another full 2 gallons of poison around all of the stuff that's exposed now.

Now that I'm seeing how much is filled down below and what remains on top, I'm thinking I'll easily have enough to put a second layer of pavers down there. I may very well choose to do that before putting the visqueen down instead of spending the next 6 months slowly salting those heavy things out with the trash.

I think I'm going to skip putting up any pylons. That floor is rock solid right now. Easily supported me and my brother last week and I probably could put about 40 of the heavy pavers on it without it moving even though I chose to only do about a dozen at a time. The only reason a pylon would be needed is if everything starts rotting out again, and I think with the work I'm doing that's not going to happen for at least 20 years.

The weathermen say tomorrow and the following week are going to be nice and warm again. Going to eat early and hopefully get a good night's sleep and start earlier tomorrow. Maybe I can have all the pavers up tomorrow and finally be done with it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 4, 2019 11:59 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
How was the dinner Brenda? Not too awkward, I hope.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well, first they cancelled dinner because the other person couldn't make it and we were suppose to go out Sunday night. They drove me back home because we had a massive hail storm while I was working. I had just sat down to watch the news when I get a phone call saying that we could still go out last night or leave it till Sunday, my choice. I said might as well go out.

Anyways I walked up to the restaurant missing them coming by my apartment to pick me up. They got to the restaurant a few minutes after me. No big deal. We had a small laugh over that.

So not too awkward. Except the wife decided to give our server a religious pamphlet. I felt sorry for the kid but I couldn't say anything. They know how I feel about it. That just embarrassed me.

There was some other stuff that happened yesterday that just showed my boss' racist flag showing and a bit on her husband.

If I hadn't said it before I feel bad for their daughter-in-law.

I'm sure she's fine. Show me somebody who isn't regularly embarrassed by their parents and I'll show you a liar.

Glad the dinner went well outside of the religious shilling. Price for a free meal, I guess.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That's something they are not my parents. Just some people that I know.

Yeah and something I didn't know was going to happen.

Their daughter-in-law is Thai.


Saturday, October 5, 2019 1:13 PM


Off in a bit. Going to meet a friend and her mom for a late birthday lunch. :) So we will be switching things. I've got some books that I promised her for her mum and found some stuff that I am giving to my friend's daughter.


Saturday, October 5, 2019 1:58 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Have a nice time, Brenda. :)


Saturday, October 5, 2019 6:40 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Have a nice time, Brenda. :)

It was a good lunch then we went tooling around the mall we were in.

They bought some stuff and I kind of played conductor. Which was okay.


Saturday, October 5, 2019 6:41 PM



Further down the rabbit hole we go...

Yanno, if it was only my porch that needed fixing I would have been done a month ago.

As much damage as the ants and moles have done to the patio, and likely the concrete slabs under the attached shed and the front porch as well, I think the beginning of all of my problems were those gorram maple trees that I planted because that dipshit neighbor told me they were Rose of Sharons. I REALLY hope that she believed that. It's one thing to be pissed off that you're being foreclosed on and screwing the bank and/or future owners of that house by planting maples all along the fence and the garage of the house before you leave, but why would she have lied to me about it and have me plant them here too?

Anyhow, I never did anything about them after cutting them down. Huge mistake. They are, in fact, the reason why the crappy chain link fence came up. Just like the guy who gave me a fence quote said.

After starting the day by mowing the lawn, I figured I'd grade out all of the dirt that the exposed patio pavers had pushed up against the slabs of the garage and the shed. Garage went smooth. The shed... not so much.

There are roots everywhere. Some of them up to 1" thick... and that's only the ones I found. I ripped a lot of them out along the perimeter, then dug out the post of the fence closest to the house, re-set it deeper than it was, and buried it back and compacted the dirt down. That alone took hours to do by hand. Then the rain came.

I'm going to have to let that neighbor behind me know he better cut all the rest of those damn things down and obliterate the stumps. He's not just in danger of losing the soffits and gutters. Those roots are going to destroy the garage from underneath too as well as his really nice fence.

Oh well... I'll deal with it in the spring if I don't get to it before snowfall. I've got more pressing issues to deal with at the moment.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, October 6, 2019 3:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Damn SIX, but you're a machine. I can't imagine doing a fifth of the work that you do in one day!

Well dd and I have started clearing out her previous bedroom. Going thru all of her things and emptying out all of the furniture so we can move it over and put things in them in a more organized fashion. Put together a big giveaway box and a big recycling box. Tomorrow we'll finish emptying the room and I'll finish organizing her stuff. Hubby and dd and I also fixed a shelving unit that currently serves as a linen closet and we went over the bedding/ bthroom items and took out the extras so it's all organized now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, October 6, 2019 11:14 AM


It's out of necessity, really. Summer is over and the floor isn't even in yet.

I've already written off the windows and the interior of the porch until spring. That's probably not a bad thing since I can monitor things better for leaks for a half year before really sealing things up. We're going to screw the rest of the floor in, so as long as I'm careful I can pull it up if there is any need to (I really hope there is no need to). Actually, I just thought about it now and the last piece I put in the far corner could just be put down and maybe I just throw a single screw in it for now to have it tamped down for the season. That would allow me to easily go back under and monitor the situation in the spring before I proceed with the windows and the other work.

I have little faith that I'll have anything put down to replace the patio pavers this year either, outside of some tarps or visqueen with some pavers holding them down. Not sure how shoveling that is going to be until we get there.

I'm not even sure if the gutters are a possibility now. My friend has been flaking hard on me the last few weeks, and using the excuse that I'm not ready to put the floor down as a reason not to come over even though there are a ton of other pressing issues simultaneously, such as jacking up the front overhang and raising raising the columns supporting it. My brother will probably help me with the majority of them since they're low and we can do them on A-frame ladders, but just trying to get him over here to help buy and move the plywood took weeks. He's got so many obligations I really don't know how I'm going to get a full day out of him... assuming we can even get it done in a single day.

And I got to get a job soon too. All this work and my dental stuff at the end of the year isn't going to pay for itself.

Back down below today. Hopefully nothing else pops up and gets in the way of doing that. It's cold down there now, and I had the sniffles all day yesterday from working down there the day before when it was cold.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, October 6, 2019 12:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Using screws not nails? GOOD IDEA! If subject to possible moisture, does this mean brass screws? I like the idea of tacking oone piece in with one screw, that DOES make it a lot easier to see what's going on under the floor!

Eh, it sucks that your friend is so unreliable. Is he giving you any sort of cogent explanation as to why he can't come over? Is he still up to his ass in alligators at his end? Or what? It would be nice for you to know so you could at least get an idea of when/if he might be over before the snow flies and the ground freezes! At least your brother is helping as best he can. I know you're capable of a lot more than I am, but een with your energy and strength there are still jobs that can't be done alone.

Er ... one thing more to think about before the ground freezes ... Wondering WHY your front overhang is drooping, have the columns sunk because the underlying support has sunk? If so, might that be because the sump pump is dumping water right back near the foundation and washing dirt away? Seems like you do have an underground flow problem, and pumping water back into the ground upstream of your foundation could be causing underground erosion (it happens! Some prankster turned on our neighbor's "fill" line to their pool and left it running, next thing I knew I had a "spring" pop up in my front yard, and a hollow was created under our sidewalk. It sounds like drum when we walk on it now!)

Hard to believe you're thinking winter already and we're still thinking heat waves. Today is predicted to get up to 90 F. The heat waves are getting cooler and shorter but we're a long long way from "winter"! At what point do you have to call it quits on the home rebuilding? When there's too much rain? Or when th ground freezes?

Glad you're thinking about getting a job. Reading your posts I really do get a sense that you're much happier when you have a project/ goal. I know you've called yourself OCD ... maybe that's not exactly what's going on with you but OTOH I can't imagine you twiddling your thumbs all winter long either. Best of luck with the job hunt, SIX!


Back at this end, I messaged two doctors about all of the pain I've been in, and they both prescribed me some medicine - one Rx'd naproxen and the other Rx'd meloxicam. Can't take both at the same time, so I decided to start with meloxicam (once per day) and I'm FINALLY not hurting all day and all night! What a relief! shoulder pain ... mostly gone. Finger joint pain? Gone. Knee, ankle and foot pain? Gone. The only thing still bothering me is my left hip/sacroiliac, but I can deal with that. I can sleep, I can get out of bed or up from a chair without being stiff and hurting all over. yay!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Sunday, October 6, 2019 8:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Using screws not nails? GOOD IDEA! If subject to possible moisture, does this mean brass screws? I like the idea of tacking oone piece in with one screw, that DOES make it a lot easier to see what's going on under the floor!

Yeah. I'm using screws that are rated for moisture. Probably wouldn't hold up for decades on a porch that got rained on every day, but should be fine in this setting. A lot better than all the rusty nails with the old construction, to be sure. Yup. I'll be just taking down that last piece until spring so I can see how it holds up over winter. Fingers crossed.


Eh, it sucks that your friend is so unreliable. Is he giving you any sort of cogent explanation as to why he can't come over? Is he still up to his ass in alligators at his end? Or what? It would be nice for you to know so you could at least get an idea of when/if he might be over before the snow flies and the ground freezes! At least your brother is helping as best he can. I know you're capable of a lot more than I am, but een with your energy and strength there are still jobs that can't be done alone.

My friends house problems are probably 3 times as much as mine. He's also got the city breathing down his neck too, which fortunately I don't have to worry about yet since I'm careful and I caught this all before anything was becoming visible from the street. I know he'd be here more if he didn't have all of that crap to deal with on top of a full time job, fiencee, ex with child support, seeing his kid, etc. But then again, if he didn't need my help, I might not be getting his for free when he comes over either...

He's ready to come over whenever, but he just has a bug up his ass about doing anything until we put the floor down. That just kind of pissed me off since I could use his help with other things and there is going to be quite a bit of work on the existing joists as far as planing them down to make the floors fit. I really think he thinks we're going to get that done in a single night and there's absolutely no way it's happening in 3 hours with the prep work that needs being done (with a tool his dad owns, so I can't even do it myself now).

I should be able to tell him I'm ready for the floor to go in on Thursday. That won't be true, but at least none of the things that I wanted to do that he had no interest in doing will be holding it up anymore.


Er ... one thing more to think about before the ground freezes ... Wondering WHY your front overhang is drooping, have the columns sunk because the underlying support has sunk? If so, might that be because the sump pump is dumping water right back near the foundation and washing dirt away? Seems like you do have an underground flow problem, and pumping water back into the ground upstream of your foundation could be causing underground erosion (it happens! Some prankster turned on our neighbor's "fill" line to their pool and left it running, next thing I knew I had a "spring" pop up in my front yard, and a hollow was created under our sidewalk. It sounds like drum when we walk on it now!)

It's over a gigantic concrete slab front porch that has sunk. I'm not sure if the sump is the issue since it's so far down from the slab, but I could give you a pretty long list of things making it happen in tandem and the sump definately isn't doing it any favors. Let's see... I don't have gutters, so all of the rain falling hard down off the house displaces all of the dirt below since there was never any rocks or mulch thrown on top of the bare dirt around the hastas. Then there's the ants... and the moles... *groan*... this house is so depressing to think about.


Hard to believe you're thinking winter already and we're still thinking heat waves. Today is predicted to get up to 90 F. The heat waves are getting cooler and shorter but we're a long long way from "winter"! At what point do you have to call it quits on the home rebuilding? When there's too much rain? Or when th ground freezes?

Yeah... there's a night in the 2 week forecast that's in the 30's. Summer is over for sure around these parts. Wish it weren't the case.

I'll be able to work through the winter, as long as I bundle up in the cold house. There's plenty to do inside still like putting up the trim and window sills in the 2 bedrooms as well as building the closets. If I get that done I can start thinking about remodeling the basement after putting in a battery backed up sump pump too. Ideally, the home remodel stuff doesn't even need a break outside of the holidays. :)


Glad you're thinking about getting a job. Reading your posts I really do get a sense that you're much happier when you have a project/ goal. I know you've called yourself OCD ... maybe that's not exactly what's going on with you but OTOH I can't imagine you twiddling your thumbs all winter long either. Best of luck with the job hunt, SIX!

One day, I'll be able to immerse myself in my project again, but there's no time for that now. It truly scratches my OCD itch, where all of this house work doesn't really do it for me. But yeah, I've got to keep busy. The only way to shut that off is to drink, and I'm not ever doing that again.

Thanks. :)


Back at this end, I messaged two doctors about all of the pain I've been in, and they both prescribed me some medicine - one Rx'd naproxen and the other Rx'd meloxicam. Can't take both at the same time, so I decided to start with meloxicam (once per day) and I'm FINALLY not hurting all day and all night! What a relief! shoulder pain ... mostly gone. Finger joint pain? Gone. Knee, ankle and foot pain? Gone. The only thing still bothering me is my left hip/sacroiliac, but I can deal with that. I can sleep, I can get out of bed or up from a chair without being stiff and hurting all over. yay!

Great to hear. Also glad to hear that you're smart enough to do your doctor's jobs for them and not double up on meds that can be dangerous when mixed up. I thought we were past that in 2019, but apparently no.

Maybe I could get a script like you've got... speaking of pain.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, October 6, 2019 8:31 PM


Yes... I'm in quite a bit of pain right now. Nothing serious, mind, but since I'm not nearly as physically active as I was while working the old job, this kind of work I've been doing the last few days is really taking a toll on the joints and stuff, especially when I wake up and it's not 70 degrees in my house anymore.

The good news is that I was able to work on the patio pavers all day. The bad news is that they're still taking a lot longer than I would have thought. If I were just pulling all of them up and throwing them in a dumpster I would have been done a few days ago, but I have to meticulously remove all the dirt and sand from them, beat them on some other bricks to make sure I'm not willingly carrying any insects down with me, stack them a dozen at a time in the porch, then get down there and hoist them all down with me, then crab walk my happy as with each one to place them.

It's a monster job for one person.

I did finish the first layer today though, and I got a great start on the 2nd layer. I would probably have enough un-broken bricks to put 3 layers down there, but that would leave less room than I'm comfortable with under the joists, I'm afraid.

Stacking up the broken ones at the end of my driveway for now. I've already filled all 3 cans with more of them than I'm comfortable with because of how heavy they are. It will probably take me 3 more weeks of trash pickup to get all the broken blocks out of here.

In the mean time, I'm also grading the dirt as well as I can from the walls, and after seeing the divots the rain put in the dirt I had exposed yesterday by the garage (and the subsequent mess it made on the siding), I'm also putting a straight run of pavers on top of the dirt all along where gutters should be so the rain will bounce off of them instead of making a mess and screwing up the graded dirt until I figure out what I'm going to do.

As for the fill? I'm now considering just planting grass seed in the spring. It turns out rocks are really expensive, and gravel isn't cheap either. Not to mention I'd probably need about 20 tons at least of whatever material I went with. They'd have to drop it out on the street and I'd have to carry it all over with a wheel barrow about 200 feet a little at a time. I'm not sure if I want to invest that kind of time, money and labor when this is over.

I'd just have to make a walkway between the garage and the porch when it was done. I could probably just buy some lumber and concrete mix and make my own. That's what Youtube is for. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 7, 2019 2:56 AM


Strange dream this Sunday morning. Dreamt my Blair was still alive and people hit the fact from me. Not sure if I saw him in the dream. I saw my friend and her mom. I think that was what prompted the dream. There was a lot of things munched together.


Monday, October 7, 2019 8:38 PM


Finished the 2nd layer of pavers in the crawl.... FINALLY!

Nowhere near enough to put a 3rd layer down, even if I wanted to, and I don't want to.

Got about 60 left, and about half of them are broke, so they'll just be staged to throw out on garbage days. The rest of them will be used to make a temporary walkway to the porch until I figure out what I'm going to do back there.

Going to take a hiatus on that work for now though. Tomorrow will be all about finishing the structural reinforcement down below now that the crawl is dry and clean. After that's done, it's the visqueen. I'm hopeful that I'll get all of that done tomorrow with daylight to spare.

Weather changed on me, but seems to be in a good way. Got one extra day of no rain now, and 4 more days in the 70's. After that it's nearly a wekk in the 50's but then it seems to go back up to the 60's after that to wrap up the 2 week forecast.

I'll probably be putting the floor in with my friend in the 50's, but that's okay. At least I won't be down in the dank crawl when it gets that cold. :)

Strange dream, Brenda. Hope you're not too disturbed by it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, October 7, 2019 11:13 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Strange dream, Brenda. Hope you're not too disturbed by it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Yeah, it was. No not too disturbed. I was with Blair for 15 or 20 minutes after he died. So, I know.

As I said I was with a friend and her mom on Saturday and I think that is what prompted the dream. The friend's mom is in an assisted living home and she was a little worse than the last time I saw this lady. There was lots of talk of my mom and another lady that I knew. So. >>shrug<<


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 2:28 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Today is forecast to be 86F, but the next 9 days are supposed to be between 80F and 85F even if just BARELY below 85F on one day. Oh blessed heat relief!


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 5:50 PM


All the below deck structural repairs are done and the visqueen is down.

Unless something changes, my friend should be coming back Monday night to start putting the floor down.

Few hours left of daylight, and I should probably get more work done with the warm days almost behind us, but I'm absolutely wrecked. Going to do some grocery shopping and relax the rest of the night.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 9:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
All the below deck structural repairs are done and the visqueen is down.

Unless something changes, my friend should be coming back Monday night to start putting the floor down.

Few hours left of daylight, and I should probably get more work done with the warm days almost behind us, but I'm absolutely wrecked. Going to do some grocery shopping and relax the rest of the night.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I say again, mate: Crickey!

That's A LOT of work!!! Rest! Not only do you deserve it, you need it!


Meanwhile, at this end ... chipping away .... managed to fill three large and four medium-sized boxes of giveaway items. St Vincent de Paul is going to get those. Also filled a 30-gal bin with paper recycling and somewhat less of trash. Am keeping the Rotel turntable (to sell) and a complete china set (to sell). Am going thru the home office now, finding and giving away/recycling whatever needs to be recycled. Our fair city has a paper-shredding oppty soon so personal papers will be shredded there, I think. I'm of the opinion that unless things actually cross the perimeter outbound, the house will never be decluttered. If we don't get rid of stuff, we're just shuffling it around.

We just ordered a new faucet and drain for the sink. As I mentioned, hubby (with some help from me) managed to remove it and saw off the old fittings (corroded in place) without breaking the sink, so we can clean it up, replace the the fittings and put in back in place. ... we know it fits because that's where it came from.

Also sanded and refinished the top of a dresser that had been in the guest bedroom.

It's kinda scattershot, but things ARE getting done.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Tuesday, October 8, 2019 11:27 PM


Later this week going to see if I can find some lamb chops for my Turkey Day supper.


Wednesday, October 9, 2019 7:53 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
All the below deck structural repairs are done and the visqueen is down.

Unless something changes, my friend should be coming back Monday night to start putting the floor down.

Few hours left of daylight, and I should probably get more work done with the warm days almost behind us, but I'm absolutely wrecked. Going to do some grocery shopping and relax the rest of the night.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I say again, mate: Crickey!

That's A LOT of work!!! Rest! Not only do you deserve it, you need it!


Meanwhile, at this end ... chipping away .... managed to fill three large and four medium-sized boxes of giveaway items. St Vincent de Paul is going to get those. Also filled a 30-gal bin with paper recycling and somewhat less of trash. Am keeping the Rotel turntable (to sell) and a complete china set (to sell). Am going thru the home office now, finding and giving away/recycling whatever needs to be recycled. Our fair city has a paper-shredding oppty soon so personal papers will be shredded there, I think. I'm of the opinion that unless things actually cross the perimeter outbound, the house will never be decluttered. If we don't get rid of stuff, we're just shuffling it around.

We just ordered a new faucet and drain for the sink. As I mentioned, hubby (with some help from me) managed to remove it and saw off the old fittings (corroded in place) without breaking the sink, so we can clean it up, replace the the fittings and put in back in place. ... we know it fits because that's where it came from.

Also sanded and refinished the top of a dresser that had been in the guest bedroom.

It's kinda scattershot, but things ARE getting done.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

Nice work. Get all that shit you don't need out of there!

Just make sure that you actually do sell that Rotel turntable and the china set, otherwise it's just more junk holding you back. I kept heming and hawing about a lot of stuff that I know I could have made money on, but when I decided just to let it all go instead I feel so much better that it's just gone and out of my life. Just this week, I remembered the two totes of old records my mom and step dad gave me that half of them had mold on them from being in their basement. All of those are in the trash now and being picked up tomorrow. I even threw away the old turn table without even bothering with goodwill this time. Just junk getting in my way at this point.

On my end, I just had the most physically intense day yet. Using the 20lb sledgehammer my step dad gave me, I pulverized the 10" deep by 7" wide concrete border between the pavers and the grass so I could bury it all, and I had to spend quite a bit of time digging all of the mud around it so I had a place to bury it. I also got another 40 to 50 pavers up. Just got a little more than 70 of them left.

I'm in quite a bit of pain tonight from about 200 swings of the sledgehammer. But no time for relaxation tomorrow. It's going to start raining tomorrow night. I need to have the rest of the pavers up and everything properly graded before rainfall. The following day will rain all day, but I'm sure I can find something to do since it's the last warm day before the bottom falls out.

Saturday is a high of 52. I think I'm going to sleep all day on Saturday. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 10, 2019 2:30 AM


More snow for Calgary.


Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:25 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Dd scraped paint from one bathroom wall (for some reason it was peeling badly, but just on that one wall) and from one portion of the vanity. One of the layers looks like it might be lead paint so we were very careful to clean up with TSp and take showers afterwards. Tomorrow we'll clean the old sink and dry-fit the fixtures. I'll spackle the walls in prep for paint and chip off the thin-set and scrape the countertop tiles so they can be re-installed. (a dozen or so came up with the sink.) I think that'll be about as much as I'll be able to do in one day, considering dinner prep and all. After that, I need to take a day to sort thru all of the bills and make sure that hubby, dear daughter and I will have medical insurance next year! (open enrollment)

All of the giveaway stuff is out at the curb. The house is slowly looking less cluttered.

On a sad note, hubby's Tormek grinder motor gave up the ghost while he was re-grinding some plane blades that got beat up. He found a lead on a replacement motor and will call about delivery times tomorrow.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, October 10, 2019 3:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BRENDA, been having crazy dreams myself, about people I used to work with, days when I was a kid etc. Maybe it's the changing seasons bringing it on.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, October 10, 2019 8:02 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
In SECONDRATE's ever-sifting kaleidescope of thoughts, SECONDRATE jump tracks froHouse rules to Senate effectiveness, to death. SECONDRATE has no idea which of his ideas takes precedence and cannot control his own thoughts. SECONDRATE is

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

I think you meant to post this here.



Thursday, October 10, 2019 9:56 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Dd scraped paint from one bathroom wall (for some reason it was peeling badly, but just on that one wall) and from one portion of the vanity. One of the layers looks like it might be lead paint so we were very careful to clean up with TSp and take showers afterwards. Tomorrow we'll clean the old sink and dry-fit the fixtures. I'll spackle the walls in prep for paint and chip off the thin-set and scrape the countertop tiles so they can be re-installed. (a dozen or so came up with the sink.) I think that'll be about as much as I'll be able to do in one day, considering dinner prep and all. After that, I need to take a day to sort thru all of the bills and make sure that hubby, dear daughter and I will have medical insurance next year! (open enrollment)

All of the giveaway stuff is out at the curb. The house is slowly looking less cluttered.

On a sad note, hubby's Tormek grinder motor gave up the ghost while he was re-grinding some plane blades that got beat up. He found a lead on a replacement motor and will call about delivery times tomorrow.

Nice. Not a fan of anything having to do with bathroom work myself. I'm sure it will look great when it's done.

Plane blades?

I'm in rough shape today. Going to have to get it started though. There are thunderstorms coming tonight. I think I've got around 5 or 6 more hours of work to do on that patio before then.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 10, 2019 12:11 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BRENDA, been having crazy dreams myself, about people I used to work with, days when I was a kid etc. Maybe it's the changing seasons bringing it on.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

SIG, could be. And Blair did die in September. So, yeah. Lots of stuff to deal with around this time of the year.


Thursday, October 10, 2019 1:06 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Dd scraped paint from one bathroom wall (for some reason it was peeling badly, but just on that one wall) and from one portion of the vanity. One of the layers looks like it might be lead paint so we were very careful to clean up with TSp and take showers afterwards. Tomorrow we'll clean the old sink and dry-fit the fixtures. I'll spackle the walls in prep for paint and chip off the thin-set and scrape the countertop tiles so they can be re-installed. (a dozen or so came up with the sink.) I think that'll be about as much as I'll be able to do in one day, considering dinner prep and all. After that, I need to take a day to sort thru all of the bills and make sure that hubby, dear daughter and I will have medical insurance next year! (open enrollment)

All of the giveaway stuff is out at the curb. The house is slowly looking less cluttered.

On a sad note, hubby's Tormek grinder motor gave up the ghost while he was re-grinding some plane blades that got beat up. He found a lead on a replacement motor and will call about delivery times tomorrow.

Nice. Not a fan of anything having to do with bathroom work myself. I'm sure it will look great when it's done.

Plane blades?

Hmm.. that WAS acontext-free comment. wasn't it? The context is woodworking.




I'm in rough shape today. Going to have to get it started though. There are thunderstorms coming tonight. I think I've got around 5 or 6 more hours of work to do on that patio before then.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

May I recommend aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen?

I'm sure a medical professional will tell me the hundred ways that I'm wrong, but as I understand it, when you beat your tendons, ligaments, and joints up with heavy loads and stress positions, they respond by becoming inflamed: the small blood vessels get leaky in that area in order to flood the damaged area with white blood cells, the better to respond to any potential infection. It sets off a cascade of immune responses which cause swelling and pain and joint damage.

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are all good at short-circuiting that inflammatory response. Once the inflammatory response is stopped, the pain goes away (or reduces). I don't take aspirin because it isn't strong enough. I don't take ibuprofen because altho it works adequately it affects my kidneys pretty significantly and causes me to retain water/raise blood pressure. Naproxen (OTC) was one of the meds Rxed for me, but I chose the meloxicam bc my doctor told me it was better-tolerated by older people, but the few tablets that I tried did work quite well!

The downsides to all of these is that they can cause stomach and intestinal bleeding. They also increase the time it takes your blood to clot. Long-term use of all of these non=steroidal anti-inflammatories NSAIDS (except aspirin) also increase the risk of "cardiac events" ... but you won't be taking these long-term, just as-needed. (One of the upsides of ibuprofen is that people who use it regularly have a much lower risk of Alzheimer's.)

They work GREAT in combination with acetaminophen (tylenol). Tylenol, unlike the NSAIDS (read that carefully, NSAIDS reduce inflammation but they are not steroids) is an actual PAIN KILLER. Instead of working at the joint/site of inflammation it works IN YOUR BRAIN to reduce the perception of pain. These meds work synergistically ... if you reduce both the cause of pain and the perception of pain, you will have a multiplied effect of pain reduction. It may help you get thru all of the physical stresses with better sleep and less damage.

Just my $0.02

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, October 10, 2019 4:30 PM



I thought you had a personal airplane that you hadn't mentioned before.

I just powered through the pain and got done what I needed to get done today. If I thought I was wrecked the other day though, it's nothing compared to now. I'm moving pretty slow.

That's okay though. Until my friend comes (hopefully Monday night), there's really nothing I can do on the porch, and the patio is (hopefully) as "done" as it's going to get until spring. I'll be checking on everything through the rain the next 2 days and see if I have to regrade anything or make any adjustments to the temporary setup.

Tomorrow is still warm. If I'm feeling up to it, I might spend the day cleaning the visqueen in the main house crawl space since it's been many years since I did that and it's pretty filthy right now. If not, I'm sure I can find other things to do around here. There's a ton of stuff to do, and I haven't deep cleaned the basement yet either.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, October 10, 2019 4:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I thought you had a personal airplane that you hadn't mentioned before.

HAHAHA!! Wouldn't THAT be something!!


I just powered through the pain and got done what I needed to get done today. If I thought I was wrecked the other day though, it's nothing compared to now. I'm moving pretty slow.

That's okay though. Until my friend comes (hopefully Monday night), there's really nothing I can do on the porch, and the patio is (hopefully) as "done" as it's going to get until spring. I'll be checking on everything through the rain the next 2 days and see if I have to regrade anything or make any adjustments to the temporary setup.

Tomorrow is still warm. If I'm feeling up to it, I might spend the day cleaning the visqueen in the main house crawl space since it's been many years since I did that and it's pretty filthy right now. If not, I'm sure I can find other things to do around here. There's a ton of stuff to do, and I haven't deep cleaned the basement yet either.

when you're done over there how about coming over here? I promise to feed you good food, hibiscus tea, and all of the ibuprofen you need!

St Vincent de Paul came and picked up our stuff. That's seven boxes, three lawn chairs, and two boogies boards out of our hair.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Thursday, October 10, 2019 9:55 PM


Back from work and tired, tired, tired also tired and sore feet.


Friday, October 11, 2019 8:24 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I thought you had a personal airplane that you hadn't mentioned before.

HAHAHA!! Wouldn't THAT be something!!


I just powered through the pain and got done what I needed to get done today. If I thought I was wrecked the other day though, it's nothing compared to now. I'm moving pretty slow.

That's okay though. Until my friend comes (hopefully Monday night), there's really nothing I can do on the porch, and the patio is (hopefully) as "done" as it's going to get until spring. I'll be checking on everything through the rain the next 2 days and see if I have to regrade anything or make any adjustments to the temporary setup.

Tomorrow is still warm. If I'm feeling up to it, I might spend the day cleaning the visqueen in the main house crawl space since it's been many years since I did that and it's pretty filthy right now. If not, I'm sure I can find other things to do around here. There's a ton of stuff to do, and I haven't deep cleaned the basement yet either.

when you're done over there how about coming over here? I promise to feed you good food, hibiscus tea, and all of the ibuprofen you need!

St Vincent de Paul came and picked up our stuff. That's seven boxes, three lawn chairs, and two boogies boards out of our hair.

You'd have to pay for the airfare too, and figure out a way for me to get over my fear of flying while you're at it.

Great job on getting more stuff out.

BTW... do you know, or could you ask your husband what type of stuff I'd be looking for if I wanted to create a seal between a concrete slab and the foundation of my house?

I've got that large front porch slab that sits in front of about 2/3rds of my house, and I've got a slab next to the back porch that is large enough for a big grill. It's apparent that at some time these were "sealed", but it looks as though they might have just dumped concrete in there and it has long since just broken off.

I'd really love to get something in there to keep water from going behind them. I'm sure there is some sort of somewhat malleable material that is designed for the job, but my Google-fu is failing me right now and I'm not getting any relevant results.


Everything I did outside seems to have held up wonderfully through the heavy rain last night. No splashing and making a mess everywhere. I did notice a corner somewhat close to the main house that needs to be better graded though since it was pooling water while the rain was really heavy last night.

When it warms up again, I'm going to do the same in the front of the house around the hastas with the leftover pavers until I get the gutters up, but that's going to require some re-grading of the dirt first. I'll use that opportunity to finally fix that drain pipe too.

Rain all day today, and then it drops to 33 degrees here tonight!

Got about a week in the 50's after that, and then it goes back into the 60's for at least a few more days.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 11, 2019 8:54 AM


I think I found it.

Do you think this would work?

Used with a backing rod under it before I squeeze it in there...

I'll probably need about 30 bucks worth of it for the whole job.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, October 11, 2019 1:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BTW... do you know, or could you ask your husband what type of stuff I'd be looking for if I wanted to create a seal between a concrete slab and the foundation of my house?

I've got that large front porch slab that sits in front of about 2/3rds of my house, and I've got a slab next to the back porch that is large enough for a big grill. It's apparent that at some time these were "sealed", but it looks as though they might have just dumped concrete in there and it has long since just broken off.

I'd really love to get something in there to keep water from going behind them. I'm sure there is some sort of somewhat malleable material that is designed for the job, but my Google-fu is failing me right now and I'm not getting any relevant results.

I know they put stuff in bewteen concrete sidewalk slabs (it's almost like an asphalt-impregnated rope), but that's more like "expansion joint" stuff, not waterproofing stuff. Looks like you found what you need, but I'll ask anyway.


Everything I did outside seems to have held up wonderfully through the heavy rain last night. No splashing and making a mess everywhere. I did notice a corner somewhat close to the main house that needs to be better graded though since it was pooling water while the rain was really heavy last night.
So, the leftover pavers .... are you placing them under the drip-line of your eaves to keep the soil from being splashed away?


When it warms up again, I'm going to do the same in the front of the house around the hastas with the leftover pavers until I get the gutters up, but that's going to require some re-grading of the dirt first. I'll use that opportunity to finally fix that drain pipe too.

Rain all day today, and then it drops to 33 degrees here tonight!

Jeezus. In the 30's already???


Over at this end, I made like Michaelangelo with a cold chisel and then NOT like Michaelangelo with an oscillating saw (with a grinding tip)to remove the thinset while dd scraped the plumber's putty and corrosion from the sink. Alas, we discovered a very large chip-out and crack under the cold-water handle, and once we saw where the crack began we could trace it all the way through a large part of the sink. It must have been there for a long time because the part under the handle was deeply stained with rust. I thought about fixing the chipout with JB Weld but when I saw how far the crack had propagated I didn't want to use the sink, so I found a few online that look like they might fit the cutout that we have. Yanno, it seems kinda strange to me that they don't just specify the dimensions of the cutout that you need. They describe everything else, but not that. Looks like I'll be going to Lowes today to see which one fits and order it if they don't have it in stock.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Friday, October 11, 2019 7:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, dang.

This is what I posted about some weeks earlier. The fire season held off for a nice while, but now that the Santa Ana's are blowing (starting as a hot high pressure air mass inland over the desert, and blowing to offhsore and the ocean) the hot, dry wind is fueling fires.

I hope the fire season isn't too bad here; most especially, I hope it's not too bad up in the Sierra's and NoCal. And I really hope we get our normal winter rains.


Friday, October 11, 2019 11:35 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Well, dang.

This is what I posted about some weeks earlier. The fire season held off for a nice while, but now that the Santa Ana's are blowing (starting as a hot high pressure air mass inland over the desert, and blowing to offhsore and the ocean) the hot, dry wind is fueling fires.

I hope the fire season isn't too bad here; most especially, I hope it's not too bad up in the Sierra's and NoCal. And I really hope we get our normal winter rains.

Definitely made the news up here tonight. Not good and I know that is going to be an understatement this season.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 2:06 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, they used to use rope soaked with tar, but they prolly have something better now.


To get the lastest fire updates go to


just remove the space before " www";

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY


Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:23 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
BTW... do you know, or could you ask your husband what type of stuff I'd be looking for if I wanted to create a seal between a concrete slab and the foundation of my house?

I've got that large front porch slab that sits in front of about 2/3rds of my house, and I've got a slab next to the back porch that is large enough for a big grill. It's apparent that at some time these were "sealed", but it looks as though they might have just dumped concrete in there and it has long since just broken off.

I'd really love to get something in there to keep water from going behind them. I'm sure there is some sort of somewhat malleable material that is designed for the job, but my Google-fu is failing me right now and I'm not getting any relevant results.


I know they put stuff in bewteen concrete sidewalk slabs (it's almost like an asphalt-impregnated rope), but that's more like "expansion joint" stuff, not waterproofing stuff. Looks like you found what you need, but I'll ask anyway.

Yeah. I didn't even know that until I found it now. I thought I'd be pouring some rubber stuff all the way down the back of the concrete slabs.


Everything I did outside seems to have held up wonderfully through the heavy rain last night. No splashing and making a mess everywhere. I did notice a corner somewhat close to the main house that needs to be better graded though since it was pooling water while the rain was really heavy last night.


So, the leftover pavers .... are you placing them under the drip-line of your eaves to keep the soil from being splashed away?

Yeah. It worked great where I ripped everything up. Those pavers are so cheap I should have done it years ago in front in lieu of getting gutters. Still need to put gutters up there, but it would have at least helped the situation out.


When it warms up again, I'm going to do the same in the front of the house around the hastas with the leftover pavers until I get the gutters up, but that's going to require some re-grading of the dirt first. I'll use that opportunity to finally fix that drain pipe too.

Rain all day today, and then it drops to 33 degrees here tonight!


Jeezus. In the 30's already???

Yeah. :( 37 degrees right now as I'm writing this.


SIX, they used to use rope soaked with tar, but they prolly have something better now.

I don't know about "better", but it looks as though people are just using that foam backing rod (which is cheap at about $2.99 for a 20 ft length) and caulk tubes of various concrete friendly materials. Some of the people at Menards seem somewhat knowledgeable, so I'll ask them which they recommend. Wish I knew a concrete guy to tell me specifically which one they'd recommend. They can vary quite a bit in price. I don't want to spend double the money if I don't need to, but I also don't want to buy crap or something that isn't made specifically for that job. The one I linked looks right to me though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, October 12, 2019 9:12 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

1kiki, you are completely out of your mind. Trump gave Turkey the go ahead during a phone call on Sunday for a war on the Kurds, and you can't admit it
SECOND hears voices. They tell him what Trump says, what Trump thinks, and what Trump feels. They whisper in his ear and he believes them. SECOND is

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

You idiots have been oppressing the entire sexual spectrum as long as you have existed. I can't wait for the day your kind is dead - WISHIMAY

I think you meant to post this here.



Saturday, October 12, 2019 1:26 PM


Laundry day today then a couple of things to do outdoor in the cold.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:46 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Well, dang.

This is what I posted about some weeks earlier. The fire season held off for a nice while, but now that the Santa Ana's are blowing (starting as a hot high pressure air mass inland over the desert, and blowing to offhsore and the ocean) the hot, dry wind is fueling fires.


The title of this thread is in the garden and rain kiki. Your post is off topic and doesn't belong here. You say nothing about gardens at all. Your post is about forest fires. Maybe I'll go through and see if I can't find many more examples of you posting about things other than gardens. What do ya think?



Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:53 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Have a nice time, Brenda. :)

Oh, here's you responding to Brenda about birthdays. Nothing about gardens here. Oh well...ask me again about my middle east thread comrade.



Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I see you cut out the part where I posted about RAIN. "And I really hope we get our normal winter rains."

Why do you feel the need to constantly lie, THUGGER?

The insane never-Trumpers will be driven even more insane in the wash/rinse/spin/repeat/ cycle they mistake for reality.


Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:55 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I see you cut the part out where I posted about RAIN.

Why do you feel the need to constantly lie, THUGGER?

The insane never-Trumpers will be driven even more insane in the wash/rinse/spin/repeat/ cycle they mistake for reality.

Ok, lets look for more comrade.



Saturday, October 12, 2019 3:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by THG:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I see you cut the part out where I posted about RAIN.

Why do you feel the need to constantly lie, THUGGER?

The insane never-Trumpers will be driven even more insane in the wash/rinse/spin/repeat/ cycle they mistake for reality.

Ok, lets look for more comrade.


The insane never-Trumpers will be driven even more insane in the wash/rinse/spin/repeat/ cycle they mistake for reality.






In the garden, and RAIN!!! (2)
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