In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Wednesday, February 5, 2020 2:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, after a couple days of treating myself at home with non-scrip medicines and therapies: cough syrup(cold), postural drainage(pneumonia), deep-breathing(asthma), pursed-lip exhaling(COPD), and cupped-hand percussion(cystic fibrosis), 1hour each, 2x/day, my symptoms are 80% improved.

But I still intend to not catch anything else this year if I can at all help it. Having 'just' a flu took nearly a month out of my life. And this whole coronavirus thing is a good opportunity to perfect my anti-viral practices.


Wednesday, February 5, 2020 3:13 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It was 50 degrees here yesterday. Finally had some sun around these parts. Back to gloomy February weather now though. :(

It's been warm though, and not much snow. I can't complain about this winter at all.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Don't tell me stuff like that Jack. That hurts.

Somewhere along the lines tonight it is suppose to shift to rain then rain the rest of the week.

Sorry about that, Brenda.

If it makes you feel any better, it's back in the 30's and gloomy as shit out here by me again, and I haven't gotten back to 100% so I was barely able to enjoy the nice days while they were here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 6, 2020 3:30 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
It was 50 degrees here yesterday. Finally had some sun around these parts. Back to gloomy February weather now though. :(

It's been warm though, and not much snow. I can't complain about this winter at all.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Don't tell me stuff like that Jack. That hurts.

Somewhere along the lines tonight it is suppose to shift to rain then rain the rest of the week.

Sorry about that, Brenda.

If it makes you feel any better, it's back in the 30's and gloomy as shit out here by me again, and I haven't gotten back to 100% so I was barely able to enjoy the nice days while they were here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It did rain last night and some of today. So a lot of the snow is gone. Just hope that is the end of the snow for this winter.


Thursday, February 6, 2020 3:40 AM



I slept for most of the day and when I woke up there was a few inches of snow out. I think that's the most solid snow cover I've seen so far this winter. :(

Hope yours is gone for good, but it's still only the beginning of February. Good luck!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, February 6, 2020 11:20 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

I slept for most of the day and when I woke up there was a few inches of snow out. I think that's the most solid snow cover I've seen so far this winter. :(

Hope yours is gone for good, but it's still only the beginning of February. Good luck!

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Clumps of dirty snow around and a bit more rain today. Suppose to be nice and sunny on Saturday.

I know what you mean. Even for my corner of British Columbia the weather is getting strange.


Thursday, February 6, 2020 11:43 PM


Yup. More snow by me too today. I guess I jinxed myself by talking about the good weather.

But like they say about Chicago... If you don't like the weather, just wait 15 minutes.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 7, 2020 11:18 PM


More wind heading for Vancouver Island and the Mainland. So more ferry sailings are going to disrupted over night and into tomorrow morning.


Friday, February 7, 2020 11:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just saying hey all. I've been absent because I had somewhat more energy and needed to get a least SOMEthing done - which pooped me out!

Well, January was pretty much a bust for rain, and so far February has been as well. I really hope we get a reasonable amount this month, but time's running out and we have a lot of making up to do.

Brenda, wouldn't it be nice if you could send oh about 4" (~10cm) of rain our way over the next 3 weeks? I think that would make us both really happy!

Anyway, there's not much going on at this end, other than I'm slowly crawling my way out of the hole the flu put me in.

I hope everyone is well - or at least greatly improved!

Good night all.


Saturday, February 8, 2020 1:31 AM


Getting there.

Glad you're feeling better.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 8, 2020 1:37 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Just saying hey all. I've been absent because I had somewhat more energy and needed to get a least SOMEthing done - which pooped me out!

Well, January was pretty much a bust for rain, and so far February has been as well. I really hope we get a reasonable amount this month, but time's running out and we have a lot of making up to do.

Brenda, wouldn't it be nice if you could send oh about 4" (~10cm) of rain our way over the next 3 weeks? I think that would make us both really happy!

Anyway, there's not much going on at this end, other than I'm slowly crawling my way out of the hole the flu put me in.

I hope everyone is well - or at least greatly improved!

Good night all.

If I could I gladly would Kiki. More rain in my area over night and quite heavy too as I hear it hitting my windows.


Saturday, February 8, 2020 1:38 PM


More snow and ice hitting the east. Another big storm blew through on Friday this time hitting Quebec and Nova Scotia. Massive amounts of snow and another one suppose to hit them today or tomorrow.


Saturday, February 8, 2020 1:40 PM


Flipside replaced old kettle and now taking it in to be recycled today. Part of video cabinet is apart and will get taken down to the garbage in the next few days.


Saturday, February 8, 2020 11:42 PM


Saw a beautiful moonrise this evening. Big, bright and full.


Saturday, February 8, 2020 11:44 PM


Still haven't taken that video cabinet apart!!!

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 10, 2020 1:04 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Still haven't taken that video cabinet apart!!!

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I have one door off that is going down into the garbage tomorrow then probably the rest of it this week.


Monday, February 10, 2020 1:05 PM


Bright sunny day today.


Monday, February 10, 2020 2:12 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:

I have one door off that is going down into the garbage tomorrow then probably the rest of it this week.

It's nice to see you making progress Brenda! in your Brenda way - steadily, day by day.

And I hope everyone else is at least continuing to improve to good health!


Monday, February 10, 2020 3:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Crawling out of a hole here too. It's amazing how many chores and tasks pile up when you just drop everything for a couple of weeks!

In the interim the weeds have taken over the garden. But I finally got my weed torch and now just need to get the propane an someone other stuff. The house is dusty and all of the repairs and improvements are still on hold, altho hubby is making great progress on building a platform for her mattress (I think over all he was less sick). I did finally call a contractor to get estimates of what we need, and hubby and I walked him thru the projects so it will be interesting to see what he comes up with.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Monday, February 10, 2020 3:41 PM


Seems like Brenda throwing out part of her cabinet this week is more work done than the rest of us combined.

Maybe I'll get back to work tomorrow.


Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 10, 2020 3:52 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'm glad that people are improving!

I have to say, if I could figure out how to make progress like Brenda, I'd be happy about it!


Monday, February 10, 2020 9:12 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by Brenda:

I have one door off that is going down into the garbage tomorrow then probably the rest of it this week.

It's nice to see you making progress Brenda! in your Brenda way - steadily, day by day.

And I hope everyone else is at least continuing to improve to good health!

I've got a small metal grocery cart that I will be using as it is full of paper recycling. So it will be killing two birds with one stone. Then I will use the grocery cart again to take the rest of it down once it is broken down more.

The brackets and screws will be donated to a thrift shop so someone else can get some use out of them.

Have to do it a bit at a time as I can't move it while it is in one piece and since I am doing it by myself. If I want it done that is what I have to do.


Monday, February 10, 2020 9:14 PM


Got another dresser drawer cleared out and found some shirts to donate. Have to try on the pants to see if they still fit me.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 12:03 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, it looks like including the forecast, the first 3 weeks of February are going to be a bust for rain.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 3:23 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Well, it looks like including the forecast, the first 3 weeks of February are going to be a bust for rain.

Wish I could help as we are heading into more rain up here.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 6:12 PM


One door and another piece of the video cabinet in the garbage as well as the paper recycling done. Also took off the other door as well.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Well, here's a couple of things I completed!

I have a hallway where things get tracked through a lot, and end up around the house. I did put down one of those cheap entry mats you can buy at Lowe's that was 5' long and covered the hallway edge to edge, but oddly enough, it wasn't long enough, and stuff got tracked right off the end ... and still ended up around the house. So I went to Lowe's and bought similar stuff except it was a runner that they cut to length (12' in my case), and I installed it. So I THINK it'll work!

I had saved a lot of heavy duty cardboard for use as a Bermuda grass killer. That grass has so little green on it, it doesn't really have any surface for Roundup to penetrate, so I've been looking for alternate ways to do it in. And using cardboard to kill off weeds and grass is common i-net advice. But a while ago I did some research and found out that cardboard is a great! home and tempting meal both for termites! In fact, one of the ways they monitor for termites it to put heavy cardboard pieces out and check them from time to time for new infestation. So I prepared and recycled all of that cardboard. I also read that really deep sawdust is a great way to kill Bermuda grass, so that's what I'll be doing next when I work on my yard.

And I'm ALMOST dug out of the hole the flu put me in for nearly 4 weeks, in terms of regular household doings. Two or 3 days should do it.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Well, it looks like including the forecast, the first 3 weeks of February are going to be a bust for rain.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Wish I could help as we are heading into more rain up here.

Do you have any pull with any of the gods/ spirits/ whatevers that might arrange a transfer of your rain to here? I seem to be persona non grata with it/ them at the moment.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:08 PM


Good to hear, both of you.

But... you're willingly housing and feeding termites, Kiki? Not sure I understand the plan here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:13 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

No, I actually had no termites in the cardboard. I was saving it to kill grass. The idea is you lay the cardboard down in a thick layer on whatever plants you want to kill (grass, weeds ...), and let the darkness starve the plants of their food (sunlight). That's what I was GOING to do, until I read cardboard's a wonderful termite hotel with room service!

So I got rid of the cardboard and found a plan B.

What termite-killing businesses sometimes do is use cardboard pieces as bait, to check on whether or not there's termites in the area. Apparently it is that attractive to them, like Krispy Kreme is to us, that they'll be there before they'll be anywhere else.


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:17 PM


Oh... Okay. I misread what you said then. I got the part where you figured that out, but then I thought you were eagerly going forward with the cardboard solution and couldn't figure out exactly why that was.

Glad to hear that you don't have them. I've got enough of a problem dealing with carpenter ants and the damage they caused. If I had termites around here instead I don't think I'd even have a house anymore.


But wait... I did read that right....

You're going to use sawdust instead???? Termites love that shit, don't they?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Not at all! They need something solid to munch through as they create their tunnel-homes. Wood (or heavy-duty cardboard) is both food and home to them (with the cardboard being soft and pre-digested).


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 8:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX: Termites don't love sawdust, they love WOOD. Sawdust (and shavings) are an entirely different thing, as they are very light and fluffy and leaves them exposed to air, letting them dry out ....


Not entirely unproductive at this end. I spent some quality-time with our sometime gardener, pulling weeds. Then hearing that he had a bead on a temporary job IF he had a stand-up forklift cert, I drove him to the company that does the certs (which he got) and can only hope that it isn't just one more company with its hand out asking for a fee, and actually gets him a job driving a forklift!

Got the weed torch today, am going to have to get the propane and a few other sprinkler system items tomorrow. The weed-pulling was to remove the weeds from around my permanent plants so the torch doesn't burn them, too!

I had a strainer full of crap that I couldn't scrub out so I decided to put it in my oven (which also needed cleaning) and start the self-cleaning mode. It's amazing what heat can do! Have a lot of legal stuff to attend to, plus I STILL have to fully put away the Xmas decorations! (At least they're in a box!)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Tuesday, February 11, 2020 11:44 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
Well, it looks like including the forecast, the first 3 weeks of February are going to be a bust for rain.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Wish I could help as we are heading into more rain up here.

Do you have any pull with any of the gods/ spirits/ whatevers that might arrange a transfer of your rain to here? I seem to be persona non grata with it/ them at the moment.

I would have to do a look up at what gods or spirits were responsible for rain around here.

Think my own ancestors knew how to call for it aka rain dance. That was just generally directed at the universe.


Wednesday, February 12, 2020 12:04 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX: Termites don't love sawdust, they love WOOD. Sawdust (and shavings) are an entirely different thing, as they are very light and fluffy and leaves them exposed to air, letting them dry out ....

Yeah. That makes sense.

Unlike carpenter ants who only burrow their tunnels in compromised and/or wet wood, termites will eat any wood. But yeah... I forgot that they don't like the sun.

Not all varieties are subterranean though, at least that's what I think I read when I was researching what was doing the damage to my house. As long as you've done your research, don't listen to me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 14, 2020 7:38 AM



I think I may have developed an allergy to Amoxicillin in my old age.

I had just about finished off my prescription last night, and not 5 minutes after taking a pill I started having a very uncomfortable itch. Mostly concentrated around my waistband at the time, but on my arms as well. An hour later, I had bumps everywhere. I took a shower and lotioned everything up afterward. I got about 5 hours sleep and woke up to find that they're basically out of control at this point. The ones on my lower stomach and along my waistband are so bad they've basically all melded together into a giant blob.

I'm not experiencing any other symptoms that are considered something to worry about, so here's hoping they clear up in a day or two and that they don't start taking over my face in the mean time. They're up around my neck and under my chin too, but at least at the time of writing this I still haven't seen any evidence of it on my face yet.

I'd love to just sleep it off, but man do they itch something fierce right now. I feel like I did when I had chickenpox as a kid. :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 14, 2020 1:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Been there, done that!

I'm wondering if you've ever had hives before, and if these are exactly like them.

My hives were due to skin contact with something I was allergic to (orange juice - long story) and they appeared immediately. They later spread out from areas of contact to everywhere. After a couple of days of them getting worse, I eventually took benadryl (diphenhydramine) to quell the itching so I could sleep, but 4 hours later when its blood levels dropped too low my tongue swelled up. That was the trigger for me getting allergy tested. Anyway, it sounds like it's hives ... and brought on by the antibiotic ... but maybe not.

Here's a link about amoxicillin rash ... there are 2 different kinds!

And here's a link about drug-induced rashes in general ...

... and a picture.

I've also had a major photosensitivity reaction to the sap of a plant I was removing + sunlight that seemed like hives, but it wasn't. That required oral steroids to clear.

I've also had weird skin reactions to various antibiotics and the zovirax (that would have helped with the shingles) that weren't hives - that didn't show up until after a few days. The doctors went ???! and told me to not take those medicines again

They were
a weird puffy purple rash
a rash of very fine red spots on my forearm, stomach, and inner legs only
a rash of petechiae which are red or purple small dots (like made by a fine sharpie marker) made by broken capillaries


Friday, February 14, 2020 2:29 PM


4 days... eech. :(

Mine don't sound like yours do. I was almost done with my prescription and only had a few pills left so I'm not going to take them after the reaction last night.

I made that post after getting about 5 hours of sleep. It took me a while, and I really don't know how I managed it, but I was able to get back to sleep after a few hours and by the time I woke up the situation is a lot better. There's no itching on the scalp at all anymore. I still have some pretty bad itchy areas on my forearms and calves, although most of the raised areas are gone and a lot of the discoloration has gone away. The waistband area still looks pretty bad though, but I guess that's to be expected since it looked absolutely horrifying when I first saw it and it wasn't until I was sure that it was hives that I wasn't freaking out. It's still very large down there and now it's very red.. but the raised surfaces seem to have more or less evened out.

Contrary to popular belief, at least from the research that I did on hives, not only aren't they contagious, but nothing you can do can make them "spread". It just seems that way because a lot of people who get them can have them for up to 4 to 6 weeks, and since hives usually resolve themselves withint 24 hours if they're popping up elsewhere it gives the illusion that you're spreading them by contact.

Hopefully I don't get any new ones. I know that for the first 12 hours new stuff was popping up, but it now appears that while the old ones are going away they're not being replaced with many new ones to speak of.

And they haven't gotten on my face yet. *knock on wood*

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 14, 2020 11:13 PM


Yeah... well it's definitely hives from the behavior. Unfortunately, it either isn't the Amox that caused it and I'm getting them for some other reason, or I'm still reacting to it 24 hours after I took my last one.

Ate early and went to sleep, hoping that it would be a memory when I woke up, but they're back with a bit of a vengeance right now. They're not as bad overall as they were last night around this time where they've popped up anew, at least in the looks department, but boy... they seem to itch about 10 times as bad as the ones I had yesterday.

They seem to have hit almost entirely different areas of my body this time. The initial monster around my waistband is mostly gone now except for a reddish residue where it was, and if it still itches I can't feel it at all over the itchiness of the new batch. Except for some new ones on my forearms by the wrists, my arms, armpits and calves are basically free of them this time. They're almost gone on my back now too. But my thighs are terrible, and it's quite bad between my shoulder blades, neck and chin area. I can tell I have a bit under my beard as well, although it still hasn't gone to any part of my face where hair doesn't grow.

I hope I was right and it was the Amox and it's not a symptom of something larger. I'm still no showing any other symptoms that would require me to seek immediate attention like fever, nausea, loss of appetite or swelling in the mouth.

God help me if it's an allergic reaction to the dentures themselves. Especially after the money I spent on them.... :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 14, 2020 11:30 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Yeah... well it's definitely hives from the behavior. Unfortunately, it either isn't the Amox that caused it and I'm getting them for some other reason, or I'm still reacting to it 24 hours after I took my last one.

Ate early and went to sleep, hoping that it would be a memory when I woke up, but they're back with a bit of a vengeance right now. They're not as bad overall as they were last night around this time where they've popped up anew, at least in the looks department, but boy... they seem to itch about 10 times as bad as the ones I had yesterday.

They seem to have hit almost entirely different areas of my body this time. The initial monster around my waistband is mostly gone now except for a reddish residue where it was, and if it still itches I can't feel it at all over the itchiness of the new batch. Except for some new ones on my forearms by the wrists, my arms, armpits and calves are basically free of them this time. They're almost gone on my back now too. But my thighs are terrible, and it's quite bad between my shoulder blades, neck and chin area. I can tell I have a bit under my beard as well, although it still hasn't gone to any part of my face where hair doesn't grow.

I hope I was right and it was the Amox and it's not a symptom of something larger. I'm still no showing any other symptoms that would require me to seek immediate attention like fever, nausea, loss of appetite or swelling in the mouth.

God help me if it's an allergic reaction to the dentures themselves. Especially after the money I spent on them.... :(

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You might need an allergy test.

My brother went through a full poke test after his face swelled up from eating peanuts over 10years ago. They discovered that he is allergic to corn, garlic, onions, peanuts of course. Fish oils that I can tolerate are bad for him.


Saturday, February 15, 2020 3:34 AM


Got a picture of my grandmother hung up today.


Saturday, February 15, 2020 1:07 PM


Rain again today and also laundry day.


Saturday, February 15, 2020 1:40 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

After plentiful rain in late November and all of December, we've had no rainfall in January, and none so far (and none predicted for the next 10 days) in February. Which means that our rainy season will likely be a bust, since heavy rainfall in March is so rare that the last time it happened (and saved our rainy season) it was called "Miracle March".

I hope for another miracle, but sure not expecting it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, February 15, 2020 3:24 PM


Looks like I got that one where they just show up wherever you scratch. It always looks better after I've been sleepging because I'm not scratching myself in my sleep. It feels like chickenpox all over again. Fun times.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 15, 2020 6:02 PM


Pants can be donated. Too small for me.


Saturday, February 15, 2020 6:17 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
After plentiful rain in late November and all of December, we've had no rainfall in January, and none so far (and none predicted for the next 10 days) in February. Which means that our rainy season will likely be a bust, since heavy rainfall in March is so rare that the last time it happened (and saved our rainy season) it was called "Miracle March".

I hope for another miracle, but sure not expecting it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!



Saturday, February 15, 2020 6:21 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Looks like I got that one where they just show up wherever you scratch. It always looks better after I've been sleepging because I'm not scratching myself in my sleep. It feels like chickenpox all over again. Fun times.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

One way to figure out if it's hives or something else is to take Bendaryl (diphenhydramine). It should reduce them and the itching. I've been given by a doctor and also taken myself more than 1 benadryl at a time.


I didn't realize it but there's something called chronic hives:


Saturday, February 15, 2020 11:16 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Looks like I got that one where they just show up wherever you scratch. It always looks better after I've been sleepging because I'm not scratching myself in my sleep. It feels like chickenpox all over again. Fun times.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

One way to figure out if it's hives or something else is to take Bendaryl (diphenhydramine). It should reduce them and the itching. I've been given by a doctor and also taken myself more than 1 benadryl at a time.


I didn't realize it but there's something called chronic hives:

Yeah... I've read that. I was actually considering ordering it on Amazon to have it delivered, since my driveway is snowed in until it gets warm on Monday (I didn't plan on having any reason to leave the house until then, and quite frankly I'd rather deal with the itching than go out in the cold and clear a driveway that will be completely melted this week). But I've got nothing else to order and don't feel like paying double the price for shipping.

It looks like I've got a form of hives they call dermatographia. (Cool name).

Mine wasn't so bad that I could literally write the name of the condition in my skin and it would pop up like I've seen pictures of, but just any general area I would scratch would result in the welts showing up within about five minutes that would subside anywhere from 30 minutes to 12 hours later, seemingly depending where on my body I made them.

Jury will be out until I wake up tomorrow to see if my unorthodox ideas here have truly worked or not, but without anybody giving these pieces of advice, I did two things on my own that seem to have worked. (Well... either that, or I may just be getting over it on my own sooner than expected).

1. I swallowed a fistful of Vitamin C at once about 5 hours ago.

2. I've decided to make the most of the situation and immerse myself completely in the heavenly experience of scratching the itch. One thing they probably don't mention much with hives is that while the itch is the most terrible itch you'll probably ever experience, the reverse is also true and you'll never feel that good scratching yourself at any other point in your life.

Who's to say if #1 did anything, but it couldn't hurt.

But number 2...

Of course, I know full well that scratching like this will result in welts almost immediately. But what I've found is that areas that had welted up heavily earlier on seem to do so a lot less the 2nd time around. Without having any scientific or medical knowledge about it other than what I've read on WebMD, I'm going to make a guess that the mast cells that go a bit haywire when you suffer from this only have a finite supply of histamine to leak.

So I figured, rather than wait this out, why not just dive in and "bleed" it out instead?

Now, if I were fearful that I'd be risking permanent scarring by doing this, I wouldn't have attempted it, but of all the welts I've had up until this point none of them have left any permanent marks and its as if they were never there 24 hours later.

The one place I'm not willing to risk trying this on though is my face. I don't think my face is actually suffering from it, but I do avoid scratching any itches on my face just in case.

It seems to be working pretty well so far. If this does the trick I might be over it in a day or two. I might actually miss how nice it felt to scratch it by the time it's over.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, February 16, 2020 2:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX do you have a digital camera or smart phone? I suggest taking several pictures of your skin ... close up, real close up, and medium distance (to indicate the spread) and take them to your dentist since he was the one who rx'd the amox. I think a second pair of eyes on this would give you assurance that your self-dx was correct. Also, at your earliest oppty get some Benadryl for possible emergencies.

You may need to be alert for any future rxs since all penicillins will prolly create the same reaction. There are 15 different 'cillins. Allergies are nothing to fool with because the next one could be critical.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Sunday, February 16, 2020 2:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Put three new light fixtures in today. They are my second favorite but at least hubby and I could agree on them!

Have to say they look pretty good. Altho my top pick would have looked a lot better

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Sunday, February 16, 2020 3:48 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
SIX do you have a digital camera or smart phone? I suggest taking several pictures of your skin ... close up, real close up, and medium distance (to indicate the spread) and take them to your dentist since he was the one who rx'd the amox. I think a second pair of eyes on this would give you assurance that your self-dx was correct. Also, at your earliest oppty get some Benadryl for possible emergencies.

You may need to be alert for any future rxs since all penicillins will prolly create the same reaction. There are 15 different 'cillins. Allergies are nothing to fool with because the next one could be critical.

I really should have taken some pics or a video of what it looked like that first night. It was awful. Yesterday was better, but some spots still got pretty bad. Today was less eventful. At this point the itching is still there, but it hardly welts up anymore. I could snap a few pics now, but it really wouldn't do the initial problem justice.

I don't imagine my dentist would tell me anything except that I need to see my doctor about it. I didn't even talk to him and just talked to his girl at the front desk who relayed everything and called in the scrip. She asked if I had any penicillin allergies and since I never had before I said no.

You're right about emergencies though. I hate taking anything, but now that I'm getting older I should probably have a few things on hand just in case something happens.

It's nice to know there are 15 cillins. I've taken Amox probably a half dozen or more times in my life before this with no ill effects. I know that I have no plans on ever taking it again after this happened though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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