In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:
What's with the supply chain over the last year? I can't just get my list together for groceries and sundries, and go shopping and get it all. Somebody - and often a few somebodies - are always out of at least one thing. So I have to go to different stores, or go back to the same store later, usually a lot more than once, just to get everything. Or bail on what I wanted and either get something sort-of-like, or give up on it altogether.

And it's been getting worse the last few weeks! Today for example, I struck out at 4 of 5 places where I went shopping! ... just looking for ordinary, everyday stuff.

Walgreens - Walgreens-branded sugar and dye-free cough syrup, and hand sanitizer, not a single one on the shelf. Albertsons - lite salt (discontinued entirely, even though I'd been buying it there for 10 years), it was the only reason I'd shop there.. Chevron - not pumping gas at all, open, but not for buying gas. Vitamin City - no paper towels or ground pork, at all. Target - no shampoo or paper towels. The only place that had what I wanted was Trader Joe's.

It's so time-consuming and frustrating!

I feel like there should be some geezer sitting behind the counter, picking his nails with a camp knife, saying ... nope, we don't have none of that here, neither. Not since the gas station burned down in oh-five.

Has anybody else noticed the same thing?

Seeing that here, too. Too many times lately I've come home and had to tell hubby (after he's asked for something specific) that they did't have it in the store, like sugar-free lozenges. Or had to change my menu because they didn't have picnic roast (pork) or full fat plain yogurt. I can understand not being able to find Thai red curry paste or shirataki noodles, but when you can't find reduced fat Swiss cheese or xfirm tofu or frozen peaches or frozen corn, something's fucked up.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Anybody think these "shortages" might be due to the fact that everybody has some local Amazon warehouses that are stockpiling things that normally would be dispersed among the local stores?

Not making any claims or anything. But I do happen to notice Amazon trucks in my area every single day when I'm working outside. We're kind of in a tucked away area of the city that doesn't have a lot of outlets and no thruways to major intersections too, so if I see that truck it is for somebody specifically within a 4 block radius. On about 6 occasions in the last year I was the guy they were delivering to.

Most stuff you can get on Amazon is priced lower than the local stores as long as you can weasel free shipping and don't let them take it back that way. I'd say my average savings on goods from Amazon, shipped to my door for free, is anywhere from 20% to 75% off of what I would pay for it in the store when it wasn't on sale.

If the shortages are somehow due to Amazon's local warehouses popping up all over the place, I expect that problem not to get any better, even if it doesn't get worse.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I'll keep my eye open for that.

Or, since Signy and I both live in SoCal, maybe it's a SoCal thing.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:27 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Just FYI, not going to be posting as much. Now that my energy is back (thanks to cetirizne, Advair and albuterol inhalers, mupirocin/saline nose rinse, and fluticasone, oxymetazoline, and cromolyn nose sprays, plus nose strips and the occasional lozenge, antacid, or cough syrup!) I'll be helping hubby with urgently-needed home repairs and catching up on the things that got dropped about 5 weeks ago.

Definitely will be checking in with you guys here, but don't expect to see me as much in the political threads.

As always tho, I enjoy your comments and info!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!

Me as well. Though I'm still coughing somewhat from the flu (hence the regular cough syrup purchases), it put a 6 week divot in my life that I need to make up for.

I'll be reading here with interest! but not posting as much.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:33 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I'll keep my eye open for that.

Or, since Signy and I both live in SoCal, maybe it's a SoCal thing.

Alright.... I got to say it. Didn't you just argue with me in the virus thread a few days ago that you don't live in California?

I'm not imagining that, am I?

Not aiming to kick up any drama with ya, but I seem to recall that being a thing.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:37 PM


Glad you're both feeling better.

Still kind of "bleh" here, but half of that is probably just the SAD that I usually suffer from this time of year but managed to power through before the denture process and all that ensued kind of derailed that train.

Bought some stuff I'll need to begin creating my closets while I was out for food last night. I was going to buy a stud finder, but even the cheapo ones are really pricey at the local store so I'm going to do some research and see if there are old man ways of doing it without tech do-dads first, and then I'll see what they've got on Amazon and if I have any other things to buy there to get me over the hump for free shipping.

Also got some barter work coming up with my friend, so even though it's not money it will help me get back on track and get me free assistance when I'm putting my gutters up and doing some other things around here in the spring/summer.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 2:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

You originally claimed that I'm FROM SoCal and that's how I got my 'SoCal' values. I'm not FROM SoCal. I lived the first half of my life in western NY, near or in Buffalo. That's where I acquired my heritage, Catholic, socially-responsible values.

I LIVE in SoCal now.

Yanno Jack, a lot of these issues could be avoided if you would just read more carefully.

Sigh. Just read more carefully - OK?


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 8:10 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Another bright sunny day here. Squeak one more out tomorrow according to the weather people then back to rain.

enjoy the weather, BRENDA!

Please send rain!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!

I am SIG. If I could send you what is heading my way for the weekend I would.


Wednesday, February 19, 2020 8:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BRENDA: Another bright sunny day here. Squeak one more out tomorrow according to the weather people then back to rain.

SIGNY: enjoy the weather, BRENDA!
Please send rain!

BRENDA: I am SIG. If I could send you what is heading my way for the weekend I would.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Thursday, February 20, 2020 11:28 PM


My boss's husband took me to a local Walmart after work and I bought a bookcase to repurpose as a DVD/Video holder.

Project for the weekend.


Friday, February 21, 2020 1:05 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
You originally claimed that I'm FROM SoCal and that's how I got my 'SoCal' values.

Did I? I don't know. That doesn't sound like something I'd say to you. I think you may have been making an inference that wasn't implied because we were being testy with each other.

If I made that implication, that means I was making it about Sigs too, which also doesn't sound like something I'd do.


I'm not FROM SoCal. I lived the first half of my life in western NY, near or in Buffalo. That's where I acquired my heritage, Catholic, socially-responsible values.

I LIVE in SoCal now.

Yanno Jack, a lot of these issues could be avoided if you would just read more carefully.

Sigh. Just read more carefully - OK?

I thought I had. I "knew" you were from California (now). I'm sure you've posted the history of where you grew up, but I either forgot it or never read it in the first place.

My bad.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 21, 2020 1:06 AM


No rash for two days.

Still a little itchy, but it is the middle of winter and the heat is on. It's probably just dry AF in my house right now.

I think I'm going to try the rice and vegetables tomorrow without the spice and see what happens.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 21, 2020 9:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
No rash for two days.

Still a little itchy, but it is the middle of winter and the heat is on. It's probably just dry AF in my house right now.

I think I'm going to try the rice and vegetables tomorrow without the spice and see what happens.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Good luck!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, February 21, 2020 10:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, one little fun project that popped up ... or should I say seeped up one of the toilets, which I noticed had crap seeping up over the floor. Eeeew. Hubby removed the toilet (I was his loyal helper) and we found an old rusted waste pipe under the floor.

I thought the waste line was supposed to have been replaced when they replaced the rest of the waste lines??? So I dug thru my big box of "to be filed" papers, found the original contract and change orders and it seems to be as if that was specified in one of the chnage orders, so the tech is coming out today to fix it, for free, I hope.

Fortunately we have more than one bathroom! But, if THIS waste line wasn't replaced ...what about the others?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, February 21, 2020 1:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hmmm. Do you think you could have the tech check the others for free?

Something I learned from watching This Old House ... I don't know if you've ever replaced a toilet. But the seal between the toilet and the flange is made by a literal wax ring. It can be tricky to set. If you accidentally squish it down a little tipped, and then straighten out the toilet, you'll have a gap because the wax ring got deformed too far down and, of course, it doesn't pop back up when you adjust the toilet. And then you have to get a new wax ring and start all over gain. Anyway, now they have a silicone thingy instead of a wax ring, and it's much more forgiving, and reusable!


Friday, February 21, 2020 1:36 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, one little fun project that popped up



I hope it works out. Sounds like they intentionally made a mistake on you.

Now that they're caught red-handed, let's hope they do you right.

Not only should the pipe they charged you to replace before be replaced now, free of charge, but you should make them check the other ones as well and show you they were replaced.

I'm sure you can manage to get them to do it, as well as be quite a bit more cordial about it than I would be. Don't let them push you around since they're the ones that got caught trying to con you, but you're not going to do the situation any favors if you fly off the handle at them either.

Maybe you should ask them if they used to work out of Indiana? Seems like maybe their crew built my entire house.

I'm only joking of course... Between DIY weekend warriors and unscrupulous contractors that cut corners to save on labor and materials, I think most people have stuff behind the scenes that would make their skin crawl if they were aware of the issues.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 21, 2020 7:53 PM


I am never buying another one of those bookcases you put together yourself. They used to be a one person job but now it seems they are a two person job.


Friday, February 21, 2020 8:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

BRENDA, I feel your pain! How do you hold two pieces in position and clip or screw then together? With your third (or fourth) hand?

One trick I discovered when I was assembling a shelving unit by my lonesome was to lay it out on the floor for the initial assy, then tip it up before adding shelves and tightening bolts. I have to admit, I was a lot younger then. Not sure I would try the same again.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, February 21, 2020 8:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

About the plumbing... with contract in hand I called the company that did the original work, and the butt-hole on the other end of the line started weaseling about what was and wasn't included and nitpicking whether the part was called a riser or a combi. He offered us such a deal! He would take $500 off the $2200 estimate in order to finish the job! I feel fair certain we would have won in small claims court... hey, I've been there and got a judgement. OTOH we kinda wanted to get the thing fixed sooner rather than later, so we called a local company that we've worked with before and they did the job for$200. It was a pleasure calling Mr. Butt-hole and telling him he could take his deal and stuff it.

Oh indeed, if people only knew what was behind the walls their skin would crawl!

While installing a light fixture hubby discovered that - with the switch off- of he touched the hot and neutral lines with one hand and the ground with the back of his hand he got a significant shock. The wiring in this place is atrocious, we fix it as we encounter it but hubby keeps asking if the place was built by monkeys.

Plus, it's an old house. It wasn't when we bought it, but we've been here a long time and during that time it transitioned from middle age to old. We were watching Love It Or List It when they were discussing the problems of working on a 100 year old house, and I realized that or house was only a couple decades younger! Well, it is what it is; and we just have to be prepared to deal with the effects of entropy!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, February 21, 2020 11:08 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Random electrical outages! Fun times!

The houses across the street are on a different circuit. OURS always go out. Theirs always stay on. At least it didn't last very long, but does SCE realize how brain dead it is to advise people to report an outage online? The circuits are dead. The computer is dead, and even if it wasn't the WIFI is dead. Hello?? WTF are they thinking?

(I reported via cellphone.)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Friday, February 21, 2020 11:33 PM


Yeah. My entire house was built on a Friday afternoon.

Glad you got your plumbing in order.

I've got the same problem with electric around here. Some of the houses on the end of my block are on the "old circuit". We tend to lose power more frequently than the rest of the block. Was great for about four years there, but that wind storm around 4 months back screwed something up. We've had two outages over 2 hours since, and three or four 15 second outages that knock out my computer and the clocks.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, February 21, 2020 11:40 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
BRENDA, I feel your pain! How do you hold two pieces in position and clip or screw then together? With your third (or fourth) hand?

One trick I discovered when I was assembling a shelving unit by my lonesome was to lay it out on the floor for the initial assy, then tip it up before adding shelves and tightening bolts. I have to admit, I was a lot younger then. Not sure I would try the same again.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!

Yup. Last time I did something like this I was younger too. Think in my 20s.

Realized that I should have put it together standing up. I got both pieces together but they are separated spots. Going to see if I can fix my mess-up tomorrow.


Friday, February 21, 2020 11:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"we called a local company that we've worked with before and they did the job for $200" I'm curious - did they check the other ones as well?

"Oh indeed, if people only knew what was behind the walls their skin would crawl!" I know what's behind mine! Mice and rats, thanks to balloon framing. And let's not forgot the (probably raccoon) that ripped off some of the siding and is now living in the attic. Not for long. The exterminator is coming out Monday.

"While installing a light fixture hubby discovered that - with the switch off- of he touched the hot and neutral lines with one hand and the ground with the back of his hand he got a significant shock. The wiring in this place is atrocious, we fix it as we encounter it but hubby keeps asking if the place was built by monkeys." I might have mentioned how I got juiced in the shower, since the hot and neutral were reversed in a lighting fixture, which somehow shifted onto the vent stack, putting voltage on the drain system.

Entropy - and critters!!! They're all such rascals.


Friday, February 21, 2020 11:59 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SignyM:
BRENDA, I feel your pain! How do you hold two pieces in position and clip or screw then together? With your third (or fourth) hand?

One trick I discovered when I was assembling a shelving unit by my lonesome was to lay it out on the floor for the initial assy, then tip it up before adding shelves and tightening bolts. I have to admit, I was a lot younger then. Not sure I would try the same again.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Originally posted by Brenda:

Yup. Last time I did something like this I was younger too. Think in my 20s.

Realized that I should have put it together standing up. I got both pieces together but they are separated spots. Going to see if I can fix my mess-up tomorrow.

Me three. It was a long time ago for me as well. I got nothing. No suggestions. I just kept struggling till I managed and I don't even remember what I did. And I think I'd be hard-pressed to manage it again.


Saturday, February 22, 2020 1:48 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
"we called a local company that we've worked with before and they did the job for $200" I'm curious - did they check the other ones as well?

"Oh indeed, if people only knew what was behind the walls their skin would crawl!" I know what's behind mine! Mice and rats, thanks to balloon framing. And let's not forgot the (probably raccoon) that ripped off some of the siding and is now living in the attic. Not for long. The exterminator is coming out Monday.

"While installing a light fixture hubby discovered that - with the switch off- of he touched the hot and neutral lines with one hand and the ground with the back of his hand he got a significant shock. The wiring in this place is atrocious, we fix it as we encounter it but hubby keeps asking if the place was built by monkeys." I might have mentioned how I got juiced in the shower, since the hot and neutral were reversed in a lighting fixture, which somehow shifted onto the vent stack, putting voltage on the drain system.

Entropy - and critters!!! They're all such rascals.

I've still got a weird "cave-in" situation happening on the drywall that was installed needlessly in the attic (for finished "rooms" that can't be added to the square footage of the house since there is no point of egress up there besides the tiny window I put the blower in, and there is no heat/or air conditioning up there).

It's bowed in a bit between the rafters. From the outside, everything looks fine. There is no water damage.

I'm eventually going to have to knock some of this down and see just what the hell is happening. I'd be more concerned right now if there was water.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 22, 2020 1:58 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I always wondered how the previous owners just turned a blind eye. Didn't they notice? Didn't they care?

Yours sounds like the same thing ...


Saturday, February 22, 2020 2:53 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Signy

You asked a couple of questions about emergency supplies in the coronavirus thread

Sunday, February 16, 2020 3:26 PM

Monday, February 17, 2020 10:16 AM

that I accidentally answered here

Monday, February 17, 2020 6:14 PM


Saturday, February 22, 2020 3:34 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by SignyM:
BRENDA, I feel your pain! How do you hold two pieces in position and clip or screw then together? With your third (or fourth) hand?

One trick I discovered when I was assembling a shelving unit by my lonesome was to lay it out on the floor for the initial assy, then tip it up before adding shelves and tightening bolts. I have to admit, I was a lot younger then. Not sure I would try the same again.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Originally posted by Brenda:

Yup. Last time I did something like this I was younger too. Think in my 20s.

Realized that I should have put it together standing up. I got both pieces together but they are separated spots. Going to see if I can fix my mess-up tomorrow.

Me three. It was a long time ago for me as well. I got nothing. No suggestions. I just kept struggling till I managed and I don't even remember what I did. And I think I'd be hard-pressed to manage it again.

The thing with this bookcase Kiki is the top half is heavier than the bottom. So I can't lift it into place. I am going to see if I can take apart the top half and then redo it and hopefully get it to fit on the bottom half. It's about all I can do.


Saturday, February 22, 2020 12:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

That seems awkward to me and not terribly stable. If I got it right, you're going to reconfigure it so the heavier part is on the bottom? That sounds promising! I hope it all goes easily, Brenda!


Saturday, February 22, 2020 12:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIGNY: BRENDA, I feel your pain! How do you hold two pieces in position and clip or screw then together? With your third (or fourth) hand? One trick I discovered when I was assembling a shelving unit by my lonesome was to lay it out on the floor for the initial assy, then tip it up before adding shelves and tightening bolts. I have to admit, I was a lot younger then. Not sure I would try the same again.

Originally posted by Brenda:

BRENDA: Yup. Last time I did something like this I was younger too. Think in my 20s.
Realized that I should have put it together standing up. I got both pieces together but they are separated spots. Going to see if I can fix my mess-up tomorrow.

KIKI: Me three. It was a long time ago for me as well. I got nothing. No suggestions. I just kept struggling till I managed and I don't even remember what I did. And I think I'd be hard-pressed to manage it again.

BRENDA: The thing with this bookcase Kiki is the top half is heavier than the bottom. So I can't lift it into place. I am going to see if I can take apart the top half and then redo it and hopefully get it to fit on the bottom half. It's about all I can do.

Gee, that sounds like a crappy design. As KIKI said, not terribly stable and also pretty hard to put together! Also, one of those design flaws that's hard to spot in the store. I also hope you can reconfigure it succssfully.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, February 22, 2020 1:10 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
That seems awkward to me and not terribly stable. If I got it right, you're going to reconfigure it so the heavier part is on the bottom? That sounds promising! I hope it all goes easily, Brenda!

No I'm not. I'm going to see if I can take the top half apart and then fit it to the bottom. The top has something that has to be screwed into the wall to hold it upright because it is so heavy and two possibly to keep it from falling incase of an earthquake. Will let you know what I did later today.


Saturday, February 22, 2020 1:12 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIGNY: BRENDA, I feel your pain! How do you hold two pieces in position and clip or screw then together? With your third (or fourth) hand? One trick I discovered when I was assembling a shelving unit by my lonesome was to lay it out on the floor for the initial assy, then tip it up before adding shelves and tightening bolts. I have to admit, I was a lot younger then. Not sure I would try the same again.

Originally posted by Brenda:

BRENDA: Yup. Last time I did something like this I was younger too. Think in my 20s.
Realized that I should have put it together standing up. I got both pieces together but they are separated spots. Going to see if I can fix my mess-up tomorrow.

KIKI: Me three. It was a long time ago for me as well. I got nothing. No suggestions. I just kept struggling till I managed and I don't even remember what I did. And I think I'd be hard-pressed to manage it again.

BRENDA: The thing with this bookcase Kiki is the top half is heavier than the bottom. So I can't lift it into place. I am going to see if I can take apart the top half and then redo it and hopefully get it to fit on the bottom half. It's about all I can do.

Gee, that sounds like a crappy design. As KIKI said, not terribly stable and also pretty hard to put together! Also, one of those design flaws that's hard to spot in the store. I also hope you can reconfigure it succssfully.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!

SIG it is a crappy design. I will let everyone know what happened later today.


Saturday, February 22, 2020 1:16 PM


Out in a bit. Got another problem to solve. Rice milk I am using changed its packaging and added something that doesn't seem to like me. Very annoying a frustrating. About the only left I can use is coconut milk.


Saturday, February 22, 2020 3:02 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I always wondered how the previous owners just turned a blind eye. Didn't they notice? Didn't they care?

Yours sounds like the same thing ...

Yeah... lucky me that I couldn't sleep at night if I passed all these problems on to somebody else. I might be here a little longer than I initially planned, but I could probably make a 250% profit if I do all the stuff I intend to do now before I sell it.

It sold for that much back before the housing market crashed and that's with all of these problems behind the scenes and none of the upgrades I have made and intend to make.

Once I get the gutters up this spring at least I should be at a point where nothing is getting worse while I work on making the rest of it better.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, February 22, 2020 4:39 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I've been thinking about your emergency food, Signy. How does your SO react to beans, blood-sugar-wise? And I'm asking about beans specifically, not beans+ ... grains, veges, etc. Because I took a class in diabetic nutrition, and if your food has more than 5g of fiber per serving, you're allowed to subtract the fiber from the total carbs. And some beans/ legumes have a phenomenal amount of fiber! (according to the USDA).

Here's my fiber list with top amounts of fiber, USDA reference, per 100g (food/ protein/ carbohydrate/ fat/ fiber):
Beans, cranberry (roman), mature seeds, raw 100g 23.03 60.05 1.23 24.7
Beans, french, mature seeds, raw 100g 18.81 64.11 2.02 25.2
Beans, kidney*, all types, mature seeds, raw 100g 23.58 60.01 0.83 24.9
*cook well to remove lectins
Beans, navy, mature seeds, raw 100g 22.33 60.75 1.5 24.4
Beans, small white, mature seeds, raw 100g 21.11 62.25 1.18 24.9
Beans, yellow, mature seeds, raw 100g 22 60.7 2.6 25.1
Lentils, raw 100g 25.8 60.08 1.06 30.5
Peas, split, mature seeds, raw 100g 24.55 60.37 1.16 25.5
All of these are about 40% fiber, except for lentils which are about 50% !!

So you and your SO might be OK with beans, no grains. BTW, beans have a standout amount of protein compared to grains. To make a balanced protein, iirc, I calculated out once that you'd need about 8x grains by weight to balance out the protein in beans. For additional protein, dry powdered milk would provide both calcium and protein; whey protein provides protein but no calcium or milk sugar. Oil could make up the balance of calories.

For DD perhaps canned meat - perhaps no-salt-added canned tuna, no-salt-added canned salmon, and other canned meat (chicken, beef, spam, but watch the sodium!) and as a relief from tedium and additional/ alternate protein source, dry powdered milk and/ or whey protein, and grains, plus oil to make up calories.

BTW - I was in Buffalo for the Blizzard of '77. It was a great way to empty the frig and cupboards. But we got down to eating oats and mustard, after we used up the mayo for oats and mayo. So as you suggested in your post - dried herbs and spices (Book's ticket onto the ship!), and dried or canned veges and maybe fruits.

ETA: If you're used to a daily dose of nicotine, caffeine, or alcohol, don't forget to include them in your hunker-down supply! Going through withdrawal could make you grumpy, give you headaches, and destroy your sleep!

that's the problem with beans, you need a lot of grains to make a complete protein. So what provides the missing methionine (iirc) that's NOT grains?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Saturday, February 22, 2020 5:06 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

It's not that beans don't have methionine, it's just that it's at lower levels than the other amino acids. So you could get enough methionine by eating more beans, with the understanding that the other excess amino acids would be wasted.

Apparently while vegetarians have a lower methionine intake than non-vegetarians, they have higher blood levels than non-vegetarians; but vegans have both very low intake AND low blood levels. And methionine seems to be double-edged sword - low levels can promote liver dysfunction, but high levels can be converted to homocysteine, which damages the cardiovascular system.

Anyway - looking it up, egg whites have high methionine levels. A 70kg person needs somewhat less than 1g methionine per day, a serving of egg whites has about 3g (according to one website). You can get powdered egg whites.

I hope this is helpful!


Saturday, February 22, 2020 5:31 PM


Anyway decided to not try and attach the top to the bottom part of the bookcase. So it is in two pieces. Doesn't look good but at least it is usable. So all DVD and VHS are on the two parts.


Saturday, February 22, 2020 6:29 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

That sounds perfectly fit for use! (and safer and more stable and all around better).


Saturday, February 22, 2020 11:30 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
That sounds perfectly fit for use! (and safer and more stable and all around better).

It is and suits me just fine.


Sunday, February 23, 2020 3:10 AM


Rookie's back on tomorrow night. Yay!!


Sunday, February 23, 2020 5:33 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Sometimes I think big companies need design input from regular people once in a while. What sounds good on paper and what looks good on the showroom floor just doesn't work well IRL. How about if you write them a letter??? No need to be nasty, just describe the problems you had and your suggestions for making it better. It might just help them improve their product.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Sunday, February 23, 2020 2:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Sometimes I think big companies need design input from regular people once in a while. What sounds good on paper and what looks good on the showroom floor just doesn't work well IRL. How about if you write them a letter??? No need to be nasty, just describe the problems you had and your suggestions for making it better. It might just help them improve their product.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!

That might be a good idea SIG. I've still got the instructions on how to put it together and it should have something on it I can use.


Monday, February 24, 2020 3:48 AM


The instructions for that bookcase gives the company name but no address. There is a phone number that is only good for the US. The case was designed in the US but made in China.


Monday, February 24, 2020 4:06 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

FWIW whenever a service tech came in to set up/ maintain/ repair an instrument I always asked them if their engineering departments ever asked the service people for suggestions ... and the answer was always no.

Why not have NO feedback for your what I'm sure you think is your perfectly perfect product!


Monday, February 24, 2020 11:31 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
FWIW whenever a service tech came in to set up/ maintain/ repair an instrument I always asked them if their engineering departments ever asked the service people for suggestions ... and the answer was always no.

Why not have NO feedback for your what I'm sure you think is your perfectly perfect product!

Because this is all cheap stuff made in China that sells well enough even though it's cheap stuff from China with instructions that can hardly be called English.

The entire plant is set up, and mostly automated, to make the products specifically as you get them in the box. Altering just one little thing would cause the need to alter the production process which requires shutting down a portion of the plant, re-configuring everything, then testing it before putting it back into production mode.

Given the fact that this stuff is manufactured, packaged and shipped halfway around the world and is still as cheap as it is, they are working on razor thin margins to turn profits.

The only time they're going to look into altering anything is if something is broken so bad that all of the units are getting returned, or (much worse) it ends up causing injuries or death.

I think about computers and computer parts and their history when I think of this. In the early days of building computers with a friend of mine, everything was made in the States and was SUPER expensive. But despite the fact that the processing power, storage and memory were just mere fractions of what we have at our disposal today, those old PCs were almost perfect when it came to stability compared to what we have today if you set them up right.

You'd be hard pressed to find any electronic parts now that are made in America. They're a boatload cheaper, for sure, and everything is so much more powerful after 20+ years of R&D. From the quality of anything from motherboards, CPUs and GPUs to the software you're running whether it be an office suite or video games, the coding is also quite lazy these days, relying on the processing power of today's technology rather than expert coding and intelligent decision making to really push the limits of today's hardware.

By all rights, the machines we use in our everyday lives should be capable of quite a bit more than they currently are. But everything from the Operating System to the software package for your Graphics Card/Chip is written so sloppily that countless cycles are lost every second executing redundant code.

But nobody is ever going to fix any of that. Nobody's life is at risk. Most of the time, even though it is thought of as an inconvenience, a simple power down of the system and reboot is all that is required to "right the ship".

That's arguably a small price to pay compared to the $4000.00 it would cost to build a new computer if all of the parts were made here in the states and the fact that the days of $600 Office Suites are long gone. Hell... you can just use Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets which are almost as good as Microsoft Office and offer more to most people then they're ever going to need to use and you don't have to pay a cent for it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, February 24, 2020 12:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
The instructions for that bookcase gives the company name but no address. There is a phone number that is only good for the US. The case was designed in the US but made in China.

Call the US number. Or maybe you can find the corporate office address online. I would be looking for "product development" or "design", or "customer feedback" or "complaints" but if you can't find those, ANY address will do!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Monday, February 24, 2020 12:33 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

And as I keep pointing out - that's THE essential internal contradiction of capitalism.

The person who makes a Mercedes can only afford a Kia ... yanno, the difference between the value their work creates and the sales prices is profit. They literally can't afford to buy their own work.

The person who makes a Kia buys a bicycle ...

The person who makes a bicycle buys shoes ...

The person who makes shoes goes barefoot ...

And I suppose that's OK. There are enough warm places on the planet where going barefoot will get you parasites, but at least your feet won't freeze off. But then you start considering the food production cycle ...

OF COURSE people can't afford to buy quality, or even buy American! That's a DUH! And OF COURSE business will only makes what they can sell! That's another DUH!


Monday, February 24, 2020 12:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


FWIW whenever a service tech came in to set up/ maintain/ repair an instrument I always asked them if their engineering departments ever asked the service people for suggestions ... and the answer was always no.
Why not have NO feedback for your what I'm sure you think is your perfectly perfect product!

SIX: Because this is all cheap stuff made in China that sells well enough even though it's cheap stuff from China with instructions that can hardly be called English.

The entire plant is set up, and mostly automated, to make the products specifically as you get them in the box. Altering just one little thing would cause the need to alter the production process which requires shutting down a portion of the plant, re-configuring everything, then testing it before putting it back into production mode.

Given the fact that this stuff is manufactured, packaged and shipped halfway around the world and is still as cheap as it is, they are working on razor thin margins to turn profits.

The only time they're going to look into altering anything is if something is broken so bad that all of the units are getting returned, or (much worse) it ends up causing injuries or death.

I think about computers and computer parts and their history when I think of this. In the early days of building computers with a friend of mine, everything was made in the States and was SUPER expensive. But despite the fact that the processing power, storage and memory were just mere fractions of what we have at our disposal today, those old PCs were almost perfect when it came to stability compared to what we have today if you set them up right.

You'd be hard pressed to find any electronic parts now that are made in America. They're a boatload cheaper, for sure, and everything is so much more powerful after 20+ years of R&D. From the quality of anything from motherboards, CPUs and GPUs to the software you're running whether it be an office suite or video games, the coding is also quite lazy these days, relying on the processing power of today's technology rather than expert coding and intelligent decision making to really push the limits of today's hardware.

By all rights, the machines we use in our everyday lives should be capable of quite a bit more than they currently are. But everything from the Operating System to the software package for your Graphics Card/Chip is written so sloppily that countless cycles are lost every second executing redundant code.

But nobody is ever going to fix any of that. Nobody's life is at risk. Most of the time, even though it is thought of as an inconvenience, a simple power down of the system and reboot is all that is required to "right the ship".

That's arguably a small price to pay compared to the $4000.00 it would cost to build a new computer if all of the parts were made here in the states and the fact that the days of $600 Office Suites are long gone. Hell... you can just use Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets which are almost as good as Microsoft Office and offer more to most people then they're ever going to need to use and you don't have to pay a cent for it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well! You know quite a bit more than you let on, SIX! Hubby (who programs in C and many other languages and is also a computer hardware expert) says the same thing.

But even I can see the sloppy (SLOPPY! SLOPPY!) programming. Our tablet, for example, has all the horsepower under the hood to be able to run several applications at once, and yet it can't manage to run more than one tab at a time. (eg play a video while you look at something else online.) Even my phone does better than that. Our DVR? Can't manage something as simple as "file management". What about "memory management"? Why do products need to be rebooted every once in a while? Doesn't the system do cleanup on powering down?

And that's just the stuff that I see. If someone (not me) were to look at how many clock cycles were wasted just waiting for something, or how many hundred of thousands of lines of code that could be eliminated, they would probably be aghast.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Monday, February 24, 2020 1:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
The instructions for that bookcase gives the company name but no address. There is a phone number that is only good for the US. The case was designed in the US but made in China.

Call the US number. Or maybe you can find the corporate office address online. I would be looking for "product development" or "design", or "customer feedback" or "complaints" but if you can't find those, ANY address will do!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!

I was thinking about trying to look up the company name on line and see what falls out.


Monday, February 24, 2020 1:06 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
And as I keep pointing out - that's THE essential internal contradiction of capitalism.

The person who makes a Mercedes can only afford a Kia ... yanno, the difference between the value their work creates and the sales prices is profit. They literally can't afford to buy their own work.

The person who makes a Kia buys a bicycle ...

The person who makes a bicycle buys shoes ...

The person who makes shoes goes barefoot ...

And I suppose that's OK. There are enough warm places on the planet where going barefoot will get you parasites, but at least your feet won't freeze off. But then you start considering the food production cycle ...

OF COURSE people can't afford to buy quality, or even buy American! That's a DUH! And OF COURSE business will only makes what they can sell! That's another DUH!

Also what happens when I have to depend on people with cars and they will only go so far i.e. the local Walmart.


Monday, February 24, 2020 1:07 PM


Out for the day. Later peeps.






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