In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 17:55
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Monday, March 16, 2020 5:10 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Only 1,871 days remaining on the Impeachment Clock.

How exciting. 002780

Now that the Democraps blew their wad on the Fake Impeachment, maybe they will try for a real Impeachment.

Well, at least we know what the future holds for Corona Collusion Impeachapaooza 2020.

Question, what do you guys think?


Deep state describes dedicated, educated professionals.


Monday, March 16, 2020 7:07 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Glad to hear that Kiki. It's dry in my neck of the woods for a spell.

It looks like most of the rain tracked Washington and north. You really DID get our rain this year! No wonder it seemed extra soggy where you are.

Yup. I'm used to soggy just not extra, extra soggy.

I'm glad for the dry right now.


Monday, March 16, 2020 7:11 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd like a drought over here please. Could you send some of that West Coast weather my way when you get a chance?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Dry weather just got here and I want it to stay for a while.

Good luck.

I've had 5 years straight with heavy to record rainfall in my area.

I'd like my poor house to get a break from it until I know I've done all the work outside I need to do.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Suppose to be dry for this week where I am but that can change. Know that the weather people are worried about when the snow pack begins to melt. See how much flooding happens.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020 8:03 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I was running errands today, and everybody seems to be doing their best to comply with best practices, but they're all doing something different!

At AAA where I went to re-up my car registration, they were asking people at the door if they were healthy before they let you in. And the stanchions were set WAY back from the counter, but there was no 'social distancing' for people in line. But then there were hardly any lines.

Then I went shopping at Whole Foods. It's kind of a long drive, so I go maybe every 6 to 8 weeks and stock up on things I can't get anywhere else. There was someone standing at the door asking if you were healthy but people were wandering in anyway. Despite that, it was relatively empty. And BOY! were there a lot of empty shelves! But I was going for boneless pork shoulder, and they had stacks of it, so they let me buy 10lbs. And they DID tell me they have special early senior hours in the AM when everything is freshly stocked, so I'll probably go back in a week or two once I get all the pork and bean stew cooked up and frozen, and get a bunch of brisket for beef and bean stew, and beef, potato, and green chili stew.

Then I went to Trader Joe's. They had someone spritzing everybody's hands with sanitizer, and another person wiping the cart handles with sanitizing wipes before you went in. And they made sure of it! No spritz, no cart-handle wipe, no entry!! OTOH the spritz was really volatile and the handle wipe one perfunctory swipe. So while I appreciate their intentions and diligence, I'm not sure it does much good. Anyway, the store was empty as well, along with a crap-ton of empty shelves. But no social distancing in lines, and none between the cashier and patron. (They also had someone spritzing hands on the way out.) Anyway it's less than a mile drive so I have no issue with going back later for the rest of what I need from there.

All told, interesting times.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020 8:24 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

"5.7 earthquake shakes Utah, causing moderate damage and closing Salt Lake City airport"

Well that'll shake you outa' bed!

Utah, hunh. I wonder what fault runs through there.


Well, I didn't know that ...

”Utah is earthquake country,” he said, noting that fault lines crisscross throughout the Salt Lake Valley and along the Wasatch Front. Each year, the state sees hundreds of miniquakes.


Wednesday, March 18, 2020 11:05 PM


Not too many people out today when I went for a walk. Lots of distance between folks in stores and such.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 1:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I was running errands today, and everybody seems to be doing their best to comply with best practices, but they're all doing something different!

At AAA where I went to re-up my car registration, they were asking people at the door if they were healthy before they let you in. And the stanchions were set WAY back from the counter, but there was no 'social distancing' for people in line. But then there were hardly any lines.

Then I went shopping at Whole Foods. It's kind of a long drive, so I go maybe every 6 to 8 weeks and stock up on things I can't get anywhere else. There was someone standing at the door asking if you were healthy but people were wandering in anyway. Despite that, it was relatively empty. And BOY! were there a lot of empty shelves! But I was going for boneless pork shoulder, and they had stacks of it, so they let me buy 10lbs. And they DID tell me they have special early senior hours in the AM when everything is freshly stocked, so I'll probably go back in a week or two once I get all the pork and bean stew cooked up and frozen, and get a bunch of brisket for beef and bean stew, and beef, potato, and green chili stew.

Then I went to Trader Joe's. They had someone spritzing everybody's hands with sanitizer, and another person wiping the cart handles with sanitizing wipes before you went in. And they made sure of it! No spritz, no cart-handle wipe, no entry!! OTOH the spritz was really volatile and the handle wipe one perfunctory swipe. So while I appreciate their intentions and diligence, I'm not sure it does much good. Anyway, the store was empty as well, along with a crap-ton of empty shelves. But no social distancing in lines, and none between the cashier and patron. (They also had someone spritzing hands on the way out.) Anyway it's less than a mile drive so I have no issue with going back later for the rest of what I need from there.

All told, interesting times.

Have not yet gone shopping, that's for tomorrow. We're limting our shopping to once per week ... not running off to get this or that. Will prolly go to Ralph's and Stater Bros as usual. But I feel we have our sanitizing routine in-place for when we get home. I'll let you know how what the stores look like over here. One thing for sure: with schools closed, I see a lot more families walking with their kids when we walk the dog.

Been slogging thru the past few weeks, hubby finally got all of his four 8-foot shelves up, with our help. The last thing to do is oil the last two shelves so he can screw them into place. And I FINALLY scrubbed the shower stall with bleach spray and a scrubbing brush on a drill. God, I hate grout and tile! But it's sure a lot cleaner now! Been pushing dear daughter to finish her chores too, so we got the recycling totally cleared out, and she did some much-delayed tidying up.

In the meantime, glad to hear that IRS has delayed tax day by 3 months! I have not YET put that paperwork together! Now we need to find ONE MORE fiduciary so the legal and financial paperwork can be drafted.

I've been having a real hard time sleeping lately ... waking up at stupid o'clock, usually because I feel like I can't fully inflate my lungs. Treating it as acid reflux or stuffy nose doesn't seem to help (altho I have both). Come to think of it, I might be having a subtle asthma attack ... I think I'll try the rescue inhaler when it happens again.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to watching Contagion with the family; it's a great reminder that even if things seem a little tedious right now, things could always be worse!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Thursday, March 19, 2020 3:11 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I truly hope the inhaler works, Signy!

The next few months are going to be a long slog. Given how many at-risk people are in the family my biggest hope is that nobody gets sick or ends up with serious complications, or worse.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 9:53 AM


I know you don't have aversions to doctors like I do Sigs.

Don't treat that like I treat everything. GO SEE A DOCTOR.

As far as stores are concerned around me, I can only speak about two of them and report that it's pretty much just as bad as you hear on the news. Went to Aldi around 5 days back and couldn't get cans of chili with beans (there was chili without beans), couldn't get large containers of peanut butter (there were small containers), couldn't get milk. The paper towel/toilet paper/sanitizers and hand soap was all wiped out as well. Not that I eat it, but you couldn't buy any bread either. I was able to buy ground beef and frozen vegetables, although there was no chicken except for the extremely high priced small packages of it.

Yesterday I went back, first thing in the morning. Chili with beans was back in stock and full, but all the peanut butter was wiped out. The entire frozen food locker was empty (no beef, no vegetables). Milk was wiped out. No bread.

Went to the dollar store after that and although the store as a whole didn't look nearly as bad, toilet paper and towels were gone as well as any hand sanitizers. Surprisingly, the ingredients to make your own sanitizers were still in stock. I know that Amazon was sold out of all of that, so it looks like the DIYers haven't raided all the dollar stores yet.

I called up the elderly couple who lives across the street to see if they were OK and if they needed anything. They're doing well and they're all stocked up. I let them know if they needed anything I'm right across the street and he said the same to me.

He also gave me a tip on a gallon of milk. I'm on my way out the door to see if he was right.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 19, 2020 12:32 PM


Got my milk.

Very grateful to the helpful older lady who didn't work for the place going around letting people like me know that customer service was checking people out with 10 items or less so I didn't have to wait in line for an hour and a half to buy it.

Almost a ghost town on the streets otherwise. Kind of eerie driving around the hometown and seeing so little cars everywhere.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 19, 2020 1:41 PM


Out for a small walk.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 3:15 PM


Had walk. Brought lunch back with me. Most restaurants are open but for take out only.

Just picking up little things that I need and know I can get without too much trouble.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 3:17 PM


Oh, I can watch "Picard" tonight. It is running on my local science fiction channel. I didn't know that but then I am not usually home at 6pm on a Thursday. Thursday I am usually busy with mah jong then work.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 3:17 PM


I hate my allergies.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 4:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

I hate mine too. I know how that feels.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 4:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wow. I shopped at two stores, and since I shop with a list it's not like look for everything everywhere, but... First of all, way more crowded than I was hoping for, or expected.

But then, with schools and so many businesses closed, there are probably a lot more adults at home than usual, and they're shopping at normal working hours.

I saw more masks than just us. I saw one at Ralph's, but five at Stater Bros.

Ralph's had a sign posted that they were going to let in only 50 at opening, and 25 per 10 minutes thereafter. It didn't seem to change the crowding; I think this was "business as usual" for them (except maybe the morning of Super Bowl Sunday) but boy, were the shelves bare!!! Just thinking my way thru the store ... tender fresh vegetableshafl gone, berries all gone. Potatoes, fruits, oinions, yams still in stock.
Walking my way past the liquor - all vodka gone. (Other distilled spirits remain)
Water - all gone. (Why???)
Margarine and butter all gone, except a few boxes of very expensive imports.
Cooking oil - mostly gone. (I was looking for canola oil)]
Rice and beans - gone.
Meat mostly stocked but then they were limiting to two per customer per type.
Shirataki noodles and tofu- gone.
On-sale ground turkey- gone.
Pasta- gone.
Canned soups and boxed broths - gone.
I didn't even look at the TP section

I asked the cashier (whose tag said "sales manager") whether this was due to increased demand, or poor supply, and he said "increased demand".


Over at Stater Bros, the second store on my agenda ... the parking lot was full.
The fresh vegetables were much better stocked, but they too were out of things ... different things! ...
The meat case in front of their meat-cutting area was empty except for their on-sale items (flap meat, pork ribs)
Rice and beans - gone
Anything to do with canned tomato, whether crushed or sauce or pasta sauce - gone
Canned vegetables- gone
No canned tomatillos, and only a few cans of green enchilada sauce left
Lite coconut milk- gone.
Of course, water- gone (limit one)
Rubbing alcohol- gone
Sesame oil- gone.
Soups and boxed broths- also gone

I think all together I struck out on completely on ham, picnic roast, sesame oil, canola oil, on-sale ground turkey and shirataki noodles. I was hoping to get canned tomatillos to make enchilada sauce, but none was to be found, so I bought pre-made instead (for chicken enchiladas). They were ALMOST out of canned lite coconut milk (for Thai red curry) ... now they're all out, since I bought the last four cans. I was hoping to get four lo salt boxed chicken broth, but could only find two, not lo salt. Speaking of salt ... we have just few tablespoons of iodized salt left, but seeing as the store didn't have any, I had to buy kosher salt instead.


But, on a happier note, I made a b!thcin! beef stew a few days ago. It was just a regular recipe (beef, onion, potato, carrot, celery, white wine, lots of bay leaves, mushrooms and flour) but I browned the meat before I started, and browned the onions, then simmered the meat in white wine with a lot of bay leaves and some peppercorns for a loooong time because it was beef chuck, which has more flavor but also more gristle. It went over very well; hubby (who "hates beef") had three servings and daughter (who's not a fan of onions) had two servings... and of course scarfed up all of the potatoes because neither Frank nor I should eat them, altho for different reasons.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Happy New Year, WISHY. I edited out your psychopathic screed!


Thursday, March 19, 2020 5:46 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I hate mine too. I know how that feels.

Yup. Went out yesterday and got some more eye drops. Today it was just a box of cereal and an extra can of soup. I keep canned soup on hand in case I don't feel like cooking.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 5:48 PM


Grocery stores here limiting meat to 2 packages per customer.

Still fresh veg. Some canned goods gone and of course paper towels and toilet paper. Some cleaning products gone too.


Thursday, March 19, 2020 5:49 PM


Decided to watch part of wrestling program last night for fun. Interesting with no audience except the some of the other wrestlers in the seats.


Sunday, March 22, 2020 10:10 AM


lol... yeah. My buddy was telling me he was watching some MMA fights the other night and it was one of the strangest things he'd ever seen. With nobody cheering in the audience you heard every noise, every grunt, every punch and slam like you were right in the room with them.

How you doing up there, BTW Brenda? You got everything you need?

I know it's driving my little brother a bit nuts right now that his church shuttered their doors and ended all the social gatherings they did. After his sobriety, the church has become an important part of his life.

I told him that if he ever needs to talk to somebody just to give me a call.

I assume that your Mah Jong games and other social gatherings that you can't do right now are just as important to you. Just remember this isn't going to last forever and we'll all get back to normal soon.

It might not feel like it quite yet, but spring is here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 22, 2020 2:53 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
lol... yeah. My buddy was telling me he was watching some MMA fights the other night and it was one of the strangest things he'd ever seen. With nobody cheering in the audience you heard every noise, every grunt, every punch and slam like you were right in the room with them.

How you doing up there, BTW Brenda? You got everything you need?

I know it's driving my little brother a bit nuts right now that his church shuttered their doors and ended all the social gatherings they did. After his sobriety, the church has become an important part of his life.

I told him that if he ever needs to talk to somebody just to give me a call.

I assume that your Mah Jong games and other social gatherings that you can't do right now are just as important to you. Just remember this isn't going to last forever and we'll all get back to normal soon.

It might not feel like it quite yet, but spring is here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It was strange but they put on a fair show for the people watching at home. So, it wasn't too bad as I said. You could hear the grunting and stuff. And of course you had the "Heel" or "bad guy" wrestlers and the "baby faces" or "good guy" wrestlers in separate groups but they were still snipping at each other and of course when someone was thrown out of the ring and landed by them, there was the usual shouting and jeering. Antagonizing everyone all part of the show.

I think I'm in pretty good shape supply wise and if I do go out. I'm not out more than an hour and back. I keep my distance from people, mind I always do when I am out walking.

I can sympathize with your brother. If I didn't have this thing or internet, don't know what I would do. Hoping to hear from friends in Alberta next week.

My games do and even my work. My work was cancelled first as my boss who is a doctor was in contact with someone the day after I worked that had the virus. She did the right thing and had a test done then called me and asked me how I was. I'm fine just dealing with my allergies.

Got one game of mah jong in on Monday then got a call in the evening that the senior centre I got to was closed through all of this. The lady who runs the mah jong group was thinking about cancelling it anyways as a precaution.

I know that just reminds me of some odd books I've read over the years like through high school.

Sundays my one day at least that I don't go anywhere. Couple of things to do tomorrow but after that we shall see.


Sunday, March 22, 2020 2:54 PM


Weather calling for rain down in the US. And for rain where I am.


Sunday, March 22, 2020 4:20 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

YAY rain for here!

I myself am puttering. I *should* be doing more, but I've been mostly just cooking, cleaning up old computer files, and so on.


Sunday, March 22, 2020 4:33 PM


That is great news for you Kiki.

Myself it is just cards on the computer and some tv along with some music right now. Got a tape on that has different songs on it. Started with Elton John and "Crocodile Rock" then on to a couple of Bay City Roller songs now a little Bryan Adams "Straight from the Heart." A good Canadian guy.


Sunday, March 22, 2020 8:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Now that I'm retired "going out" was never high on my agenda. I walk the dog, sometimes with DD. Does that count?

I DO miss Friday lunches with dear daughter and our monthly "all girls" get-togethers with sis, dd and me, tho. It's good to get out of the house and go somplace else once in a while.

Seeing as we didn't go out a whole lot anyway, it's not like I suddenly have a whole lot of time freed up. We've been pushing forward on home projects ... hubby now has all of his (birch plywood) shelving oiled and installed; it looks quite useful and handsome, I must say.

I took about an hour-and-a-half today to use my flame thrower on the backyard weeds!

This was the first time I actually used it, aside from testing. I'll be interested to see how the weeds look tomorrow ... you have to give them time to wilt and die. Back to other stuff ... life is an undending treadmill, I think!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, March 23, 2020 10:11 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
It was strange but they put on a fair show for the people watching at home. So, it wasn't too bad as I said. You could hear the grunting and stuff. And of course you had the "Heel" or "bad guy" wrestlers and the "baby faces" or "good guy" wrestlers in separate groups but they were still snipping at each other and of course when someone was thrown out of the ring and landed by them, there was the usual shouting and jeering. Antagonizing everyone all part of the show.

I'm not a fan of real fighting (MMA/Boxing) or fake fighting (WWE and is WCW even still a thing anymore even???), but I really have to check on youtube to see if some of this footage is up. I have a pretty good imagination, but I don't know if it's doing the actual situation justice. This sounds bonkers.


I think I'm in pretty good shape supply wise and if I do go out. I'm not out more than an hour and back. I keep my distance from people, mind I always do when I am out walking.

That's good. I am, and I'm not at the same time. I've always had a reasonable supply of stuff on hand. But when it comes to food I'm not going to change up my eating habits and/or stock up on a bunch of canned goods that I'm never going to eat. Most of the stuff I buy is fresh or frozen and doesn't have a long shelf life, so I can't stock up on any of it if I don't want it to go bad. I've got enough food in here to last maybe a month, with another few months of rice if things ever really got bad (which I don't think is going to happen at all). 1 of the 2 gallons of milk I bought the other day is already gone, so I'll have to go back then.

I'm actually interested in seeing what the places look like when I do. I was actually really surprised how much stock of nearly everything the other store had when I got the milk, despite the lines being over an hour long to check out.


I can sympathize with your brother. If I didn't have this thing or internet, don't know what I would do. Hoping to hear from friends in Alberta next week.

My games do and even my work. My work was cancelled first as my boss who is a doctor was in contact with someone the day after I worked that had the virus. She did the right thing and had a test done then called me and asked me how I was. I'm fine just dealing with my allergies.

Got one game of mah jong in on Monday then got a call in the evening that the senior centre I got to was closed through all of this. The lady who runs the mah jong group was thinking about cancelling it anyways as a precaution.

I know that just reminds me of some odd books I've read over the years like through high school.

Sundays my one day at least that I don't go anywhere. Couple of things to do tomorrow but after that we shall see.

We really are quite lucky that something like this happened at the time it did, with all the cheap entertainment on the internet that makes it easier to stay inside.

To be honest, even though I chose to do it myself nearly all the time before this went on, I'm really starting to feel a bit clostrophobic, now that everybody else is being ordered to live like I already did.

So the timing as far as eras is excellent. As far as the time of year around here? Not so much...

It snowed a few inches yesterday here, and I woke up this morning to white covering everything. Gross.

I just want to get outside and start working out there again and keep my mind off of this stuff.

Sounds like you're okay up there. Good to hear.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 23, 2020 10:22 AM


I'm not even sure if the place I want to get my gutters made is open or not now, but I really need to call them for another quote.

The price of aluminum had gone up quite drastically in between the time I got my 2nd quote (Somewhere around 2014/2015) and summer of last year, but has been sharply falling since and is now lower than it was when I got that quote.

I don't think it will actually be any cheaper than the last quote I got, but I was surprised last time I got a quote that the price hadn't gone up since 2013 either and that's because the price of aluminum had gone down.

I think I know what I'm spending my stimulus money on... well... if the place is open anyhow. I'm not buying the piece of shit gutters they have at the big box stores with seams that are going to leak a few years later.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 23, 2020 4:16 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It was strange but they put on a fair show for the people watching at home. So, it wasn't too bad as I said. You could hear the grunting and stuff. And of course you had the "Heel" or "bad guy" wrestlers and the "baby faces" or "good guy" wrestlers in separate groups but they were still snipping at each other and of course when someone was thrown out of the ring and landed by them, there was the usual shouting and jeering. Antagonizing everyone all part of the show.


I'm not a fan of real fighting (MMA/Boxing) or fake fighting (WWE and is WCW even still a thing anymore even???), but I really have to check on youtube to see if some of this footage is up. I have a pretty good imagination, but I don't know if it's doing the actual situation justice. This sounds bonkers. [/b quote]

WWE is still around but WCW was bought up by the WWE a good number of years ago and was folded in to them. What I was watching is a new company on the block started by Cody Rhodes son of the late Dusty Rhodes and it called AEW.I get what you are saying Jack. But the company has a contract with the cable network to fill a 2 hour block of time. If they don't then AEW will be in breach of its contract and so on and so on and so on.


I think I'm in pretty good shape supply wise and if I do go out. I'm not out more than an hour and back. I keep my distance from people, mind I always do when I am out walking.


That's good. I am, and I'm not at the same time. I've always had a reasonable supply of stuff on hand. But when it comes to food I'm not going to change up my eating habits and/or stock up on a bunch of canned goods that I'm never going to eat. Most of the stuff I buy is fresh or frozen and doesn't have a long shelf life, so I can't stock up on any of it if I don't want it to go bad. I've got enough food in here to last maybe a month, with another few months of rice if things ever really got bad (which I don't think is going to happen at all). 1 of the 2 gallons of milk I bought the other day is already gone, so I'll have to go back then.[/b quote]

I'm sort of the same way. Keep enough on hand for a few days. I eat very little canned goods just because of the salt and sugar levels that used to be in them. Don't know about now. My problem is that I have a blood sugar problem which means that I must always have something around to be able to nibble on. Low blood sugar is my problem which is the other end of the scale from a diabetic.

I'm actually interested in seeing what the places look like when I do. I was actually really surprised how much stock of nearly everything the other store had when I got the milk, despite the lines being over an hour long to check out.[/b quote]

I'm guilty of that up here. Have to take a look around and see what is and isn't available. Local Walmart that I deal at had paper towels in for the first time in over a week. Lots of eggs there and at another grocery story that I deal with. Too bad I can't eat them. I am allergic to them. But I got the cous cous and pasta and frozen veg that I wanted. I dropped almost an entire container of cous cous last night on the kitchen floor. Vacuumed up what I could get at but the good thing was that I still had enough for my supper.


I can sympathize with your brother. If I didn't have this thing or internet, don't know what I would do. Hoping to hear from friends in Alberta next week.

My games do and even my work. My work was cancelled first as my boss who is a doctor was in contact with someone the day after I worked that had the virus. She did the right thing and had a test done then called me and asked me how I was. I'm fine just dealing with my allergies.

Got one game of mah jong in on Monday then got a call in the evening that the senior centre I got to was closed through all of this. The lady who runs the mah jong group was thinking about cancelling it anyways as a precaution.

I know that just reminds me of some odd books I've read over the years like through high school.

Sundays my one day at least that I don't go anywhere. Couple of things to do tomorrow but after that we shall see.

[/b quote]We really are quite lucky that something like this happened at the time it did, with all the cheap entertainment on the internet that makes it easier to stay inside.

To be honest, even though I chose to do it myself nearly all the time before this went on, I'm really starting to feel a bit clostrophobic, now that everybody else is being ordered to live like I already did.

So the timing as far as eras is excellent. As far as the time of year around here? Not so much...

It snowed a few inches yesterday here, and I woke up this morning to white covering everything. Gross.

I just want to get outside and start working out there again and keep my mind off of this stuff.

Sounds like you're okay up there. Good to hear.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

True enough.

I know what you mean about claustrophobic. That is why I go out at least once a day for an hour. Just to get some air and do something even if it is to pay a bill like today.

No snow here but it had been raining but not now.


Monday, March 23, 2020 4:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I'm in a bit of a different situation here: family keeps me alternately busy, irritated, and amused. The trick will be to get thru this without killing each other.

SIX, it will be good if the snow (snow??? In late March???) goes away for good so you can get back to working on your house. Also, with the sunnier days you may feel more positive.

BRENDA, you sound as if overall you fared this past winter a lot better than when you were living in that dank, dark room. Good for you! Do you have a hobby, or could you develop one? Work and mahjong played an important part of your life, and this lockdown may last for over a month.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, March 23, 2020 5:05 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I'm in a bit of a different situation here: family keeps me alternately busy, irritated, and amused. The trick will be to get thru this without killing each other.

Yeah... not me. Being alone before was a choice though. When it's forced on you it feels a lot more lonely. I was supposed to go down with the old man to visit my brother last week, but was told that there were no visitors.


SIX, it will be good if the snow (snow??? In late March???) goes away for good so you can get back to working on your house. Also, with the sunnier days you may feel more positive.

Yup. And a LOT of it. Maybe 5"?

That wasn't anywhere in the accuweather predictions. It wasn't even supposed to get cold enough again for this to happen.

I've got a theory that the shutdown of nearly all production in China for as long as it did created a temporary global cooling effect.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 23, 2020 5:06 PM


I think I'm going to go out to the grocery store in a while.

See what stock levels look like around evening time. It's been a while since I've been outside the house.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 23, 2020 7:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

BRENDA, you sound as if overall you fared this past winter a lot better than when you were living in that dank, dark room. Good for you! Do you have a hobby, or could you develop one? Work and mahjong played an important part of your life, and this lockdown may last for over a month.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


I have. I've got my writing and I am making a start on going through family photos. Got another frame that I want to do up and hang. I'll be alright. Friend here in BC checked in with on the phone for a bit. So that was good.

Might make me get on the phone to the one cousin I am in contact with in Alberta. She's in one of the high risk age groups being in her early 70s with underlying health issues. Nothing dramatic but arthritis runs in my family bad on my dad's side.


Monday, March 23, 2020 7:25 PM


I'd say my experience shopping today was an eye-opener, but I'd be lying.

But it would be an eye-opener for people who have been panicking.

I was able to buy at least one of every single thing I normally would buy when I made my normal trips there. Every single one. Including milk, which had been out of stock even first thing in the morning a week ago. Also, coffee of every variety was stocked on the shelf when I lucked out on the last container of it last week when I went.

5:00PM and they even had some paper towels, toilet paper and soap left on the shelves. They weren't full, but they weren't empty either.

It seems the hoarders have gotten their fill, and hopefully the opportunists get a real good buggering over this and get stuck with a bunch of inventory they have to spend the next 20 years using themselves when nobody is willing to pay their black market prices because stores are quickly going back to their normal levels of goods.

The end of the world is not coming. Once the panic dies down, life will eventually return to what we used to know. Maybe some things are changed a bit, but it will more or less be like it used to be and at least half the dummies will forget it even happened a few months later.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 23, 2020 8:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIGNY: BRENDA, you sound as if overall you fared this past winter a lot better than when you were living in that dank, dark room. Good for you! Do you have a hobby, or could you develop one? Work and mahjong played an important part of your life, and this lockdown may last for over a month.

BRENDA: I have. I've got my writing and I am making a start on going through family photos. Got another frame that I want to do up and hang. I'll be alright. Friend here in BC checked in with on the phone for a bit. So that was good.

Might make me get on the phone to the one cousin I am in contact with in Alberta. She's in one of the high risk age groups being in her early 70s with underlying health issues. Nothing dramatic but arthritis runs in my family bad on my dad's side.

Oh that's right, silly me! I forgot about your writing! That's a GREAT hobby to have! And family photos ... wow, for me they bring up a lot of memories.

Glad you're checking up on your relatives. I was just in touch with one of my sisters ... she lives in a much lower-risk area than I do, and yet it seems that her grocery stores (for example) are taking this MUCH more seriously than where I live, enforcing the 6 ft distance, even in the checkout line, and her county health dept is going to set up drive-thru testing today, if I got that right. LA County is such a fustercluck, they don't know if they're housing the homeless or providing for illegal immigrants or protecting health or fostering political correctness. Competing goals, lack of clarity. Oy.

Well, anyway, I think we should just keep tabs on each other too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, March 23, 2020 8:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I'd say my experience shopping today was an eye-opener, but I'd be lying.

But it would be an eye-opener for people who have been panicking.

I was able to buy at least one of every single thing I normally would buy when I made my normal trips there. Every single one. Including milk, which had been out of stock even first thing in the morning a week ago. Also, coffee of every variety was stocked on the shelf when I lucked out on the last container of it last week when I went.

5:00PM and they even had some paper towels, toilet paper and soap left on the shelves. They weren't full, but they weren't empty either.

It seems the hoarders have gotten their fill, and hopefully the opportunists get a real good buggering over this and get stuck with a bunch of inventory they have to spend the next 20 years using themselves when nobody is willing to pay their black market prices because stores are quickly going back to their normal levels of goods.

The end of the world is not coming. Once the panic dies down, life will eventually return to what we used to know. Maybe some things are changed a bit, but it will more or less be like it used to be and at least half the dummies will forget it even happened a few months later.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

People's pantries and fridges are full, and except for the fact that more people are cooking at home so there will be an overall increase in demand, I'm assuming that we will reach steady-state soon. I'm assuming the shelves will once again be restocked, if not by this Wednesday then by next.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, March 23, 2020 8:23 PM


They had signs up at the Aldi saying something along the lines of "adhere to social distancing" with a figure of a stick person like on (male) bathrooms with "6ft" under it and arrows pointing both ways.

You can tell that people have their hands full with real life stuff because a month ago the Twitter Mafia would have been RAGING!!!!! that the signs only showed the male stick figure and weren't inclusive.

Nobody was enforcing any of that though. There's only 2 or 3 employees there, and a rent-a-cop always on duty who's toughest duty every day is trying not to fall asleep standing up.

That's good too, because the day they militarize the cops on duty and have armed people actively pushing people away from each other and/or start ticketing people for standing too close to each other is the day I never shop at Aldi again.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 23, 2020 8:26 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
People's pantries and fridges are full, and except for the fact that more people are cooking at home so there will be an overall increase in demand, I'm assuming that we will reach steady-state soon. I'm assuming the shelves will once again be restocked, if not by this Wednesday then by next.

Yup. That's what I've been telling everyone I talk to. My friend was pushing me to buy up all the coffee I could since he knows I can't live without it. I told him that the supply will catch up with the demand once the hoarders have their fill.

They very well might be back to normal levels as early as Wednesday here, given how high the stock levels were as late as 5:00PM on Monday. More than half of the stuff was practically full, and a lot of it that was empty is probably just because they haven't gotten any of that particular item in a few days (keep in mind that most of these places receive their inventory based off of last years sales for items on the same day, usually with a 2-5% extra boost, so they probably don't have the ability to actually specifically order stuff they're short on since it's all computerized and automatic these days).

The cashier (the same one from last time) was having a much better day. You could see it on her face. I didn't have to cajole a smile out of her this time. :)

I might go back in a few days and pick up some random thing I could stand to have one more of just to scope it out again and see what levels were at.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, March 23, 2020 11:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIGNY: BRENDA, you sound as if overall you fared this past winter a lot better than when you were living in that dank, dark room. Good for you! Do you have a hobby, or could you develop one? Work and mahjong played an important part of your life, and this lockdown may last for over a month.

BRENDA: I have. I've got my writing and I am making a start on going through family photos. Got another frame that I want to do up and hang. I'll be alright. Friend here in BC checked in with on the phone for a bit. So that was good.

Might make me get on the phone to the one cousin I am in contact with in Alberta. She's in one of the high risk age groups being in her early 70s with underlying health issues. Nothing dramatic but arthritis runs in my family bad on my dad's side.

Oh that's right, silly me! I forgot about your writing! That's a GREAT hobby to have! And family photos ... wow, for me they bring up a lot of memories.

Glad you're checking up on your relatives. I was just in touch with one of my sisters ... she lives in a much lower-risk area than I do, and yet it seems that her grocery stores (for example) are taking this MUCH more seriously than where I live, enforcing the 6 ft distance, even in the checkout line, and her county health dept is going to set up drive-thru testing today, if I got that right. LA County is such a fustercluck, they don't know if they're housing the homeless or providing for illegal immigrants or protecting health or fostering political correctness. Competing goals, lack of clarity. Oy.

Well, anyway, I think we should just keep tabs on each other too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Yeah, I've got stuff all over the place around here writing wise that is.

When I say family photos it's not just pictures of me, my brother or my mom and dad. I am talking about picture of my grandparents meaning my dad's mom and dad. And those photos are from before the 1920s. Even found a couple of what would be classified as documents: one from 1906. An invitation to my grandad to a Robbie Burns dinner at a Gentlemen's club either in Medicine Hat or Calgary. Can't remember which. That's important because there were a lot of immigrants from Scotland in the area at that time. Also this was a time of "No Women Allowed" and secondly even if she had been allowed into the club being half-Indian, she wouldn't have been welcomed.
The second document is a thank you and welcome home notice from the mayor of Medicine Hat that was for my dad. Thanking him for his service to his country and community by fighting in WW II.
I've got a photo from my mom's side that is old and must be from Ireland. It's heavy so could have been tin-type. Have no idea who in the photo is related to me but it is a group of men by a stone wall. Maybe a couple of feet high. That would put that photograph into the 1800s.
So, I am talking old, old, stuff.

I said I'm thinking about it.

Alberta seems to be supply wise okay, I think. Here in my corner of BC, some stores are marking on the floor where to stand and such and people are obeying pretty well.

Ran into my old landlady today, she said there is some mail for me at the house. Have to go and pick it up then make sure to get a change of address to the place.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020 3:31 PM


Rain today.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020 7:58 PM


Went out today and got some laundry soap which I need and a small package of toilet paper. Though I saw people in Walmart with big packages but I couldn't find any in the store. Small was all that left on the shelf and even then not many.

But the fact that I saw some and such is a good sign.

Maybe things are going to slowly start settling down up here. And I mean supply wise. Couple of restaurants have closed and only doing things like "Skip the Dishes". That was the local Wendy's and Dairy Queen.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020 7:59 PM


Also bathroom sink is clearing out so manager got the plumbers in but they tackled problem from other end. So that is good.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020 8:55 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

When I went shopping last at Trader Joe's a LOT of stuff was out, especially the chicken, ground beef, and eggs - but other things too like mayo and sriracha. So this time around I went early and got what I needed. Phew!

As for rain - I think that last little spatter we had was it for the year. When they total it up at USC (where they do the rain graph I post) it'll be ~11.75" for the year. Normal is 15". Sigh.

And the vast majority of California is either 'abnormally dry' or 'moderate drought', according to the USDA drought monitor.

So we'll be going into summer already dry. That's going to make for a ~wonderful~ fire season, which will start early.

I was SO hoping for a better rainy season than we've been getting for so many years!


Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:35 PM


Well, the plumbers got the sink to drain but I can't use it as I tried to run a little water and it just wanted to fill up again. So the sink maybe empty but not usable.


Tuesday, March 24, 2020 11:46 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So it's now draining - very slowly?

If I understand it right, it wasn't draining, they got it to drain normally and emptied it, but now it's only barely draining, again?


Wednesday, March 25, 2020 1:05 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, the plumbers got the sink to drain but I can't use it as I tried to run a little water and it just wanted to fill up again. So the sink maybe empty but not usable.

Do you know what they tried?

They probably just need to rod it out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:25 AM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
So it's now draining - very slowly?

If I understand it right, it wasn't draining, they got it to drain normally and emptied it, but now it's only barely draining, again?

Yes, it drained slowly when I noticed it and it emptied. Then I had to use it to wash my hands when I noticed it starting to fill again. I shut the tap off and it did drain again completely but still slowly.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:27 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, the plumbers got the sink to drain but I can't use it as I tried to run a little water and it just wanted to fill up again. So the sink maybe empty but not usable.

Do you know what they tried?

They probably just need to rod it out.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Have no idea. I found it draining after I got home today from my walk. All I thought at the time is finally with relief.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:28 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BRENDA: Ran into my old landlady today, she said there is some mail for me at the house. Have to go and pick it up then make sure to get a change of address to the place.
I would have been tempted to give her some of my opinions about her. I wouldn't, of course, but I sure would have been tempted!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, March 25, 2020 3:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


BRENDA: Have no idea. I found it draining after I got home today from my walk. All I thought at the time is finally with relief.
BRENDA ... they didn't access your bathroom to unclog it, did they? If they DIDN'T, then they might have snaked it out from the cleanout located somewhere outside your apartment.

If that's the case, the problem might still be in the "u" shaped piece of pipe right under the sink ... possibly soap or hair or both. If you haven't already, you might want to try liquid Drano or Liquid Plumber.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, March 25, 2020 1:51 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

BRENDA: Ran into my old landlady today, she said there is some mail for me at the house. Have to go and pick it up then make sure to get a change of address to the place.

I would have been tempted to give her some of my opinions about her. I wouldn't, of course, but I sure would have been tempted!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Nah, she just surprised me is all. This is twice I've seen her grocery shopping at the local Walmart. I saw her but she called me and asked me how I was and I said fine then she told me about the mail. I have no intentions of saying anything much to her whenever I see her. She's not worth my time or effort.






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