In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 17:55
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Wednesday, January 6, 2021 5:03 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
After last spring if I never see rain again it will be too soon. :smile

It's not even brutally cold here yet. I don't want to jinx myself by saying any more about the current weather though.

I just really hate this time of year. Particularly January and February. Yeah... the short days are just the worst. Looks like it's 8:00PM at 4:00.

But it is times like these that really make us appreciate the nice weather when it's here.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

I can appreciate the not wanting to jinx yourself.

That's what I am saying about here. Rolls around 4pm and I feel like it after 7pm. Yuck!

That is true. I am looking forward to probably not a really dry Spring but like I said a warm Summer.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021 5:06 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

What the 2 of you have that we don't have here in SoCal, besides rain, are the long blue twilight summer evenings.

Evenings were nice in Northern California as I remember from the time I and my mom and brother went to visit one of my dad's sisters. She lived in Northern California.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021 9:07 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Yeah, it has to do with how close one is to either pole, where eventually, if you get close enough to either one, the sun never really sets in summer (or rises in winter for that matter).

I don't mind the short winter days or the cold as much as I mind the snow that makes getting out extremely difficult. I get SAD, but more than that I understand cabin fever very well.

I think short days and cold are a price one pays for those long blue summer eves, and I think it's worth it. But snow is just such an extra misery on top of everything else in winter, it just makes me wonder if the whole season is worth the summer evenings and all the lovely green.


Wednesday, January 6, 2021 9:10 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:
I think short days and cold are a price one pays for those long blue summer eves, and I think it's worth it. But snow is just such an extra misery on top of everything else in winter, it just makes me wonder if the whole season is worth the summer evenings and all the lovely green.

It's a matter of perspective.

From where I'm sitting now, deep in the middle of it during a plandemic where nobody is leaving their houses, no... it's not worth it.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Thursday, January 7, 2021 12:53 PM


Out for my walk soon. Not sure if I should take my umbrella or not.


Thursday, January 7, 2021 1:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

As I've posted many times before, I've been struggling with episodes of terrible aches and pains that lasst for a month or two (or three) and then remit.

Been struggling with that again, over the last few months. I thought the fix was SAMe, wich really helped but made my heart go haywire. So I adjusted the dose to something that I could live with (just afew heart flutters here and there) and it did help, but the pain just kept getting worse day by day.

It's not like it hurt badly, but anything that I put the littlest strain on would twinge. Just to give you an idea: standing at the sink washing dishes ... my hips and lower back hurt the whole time. Handle a plate to wash it, the base of both thumbs and wrists would hurt. Pick up a pot with my right arm, the shoulder, elbow, wrist, and thumb would hurt. Look to the left or pick up something with my left hand, my neck would hurt radiation down to my shoulder blade, AND my shoulder, elbow, and wrist would hurt. (All the while my hips and back hurt.) Walk the dog, my back, hips, kneesand feet would hurt.

I got so frustrated feeling like I couldn't manage just the daily responsibilities that I wound up crying (to myself).

Well, at the crescendo of these bodywide aches and pains, I also developed a painful sinus infection. (left maxillary). So I started aggressively decongesting and rinsing with specially-compounded mupirocin and saline and once I had rinsed out some pretty big gobs of deep-green goo not only did my sinus feel better but the aches and pains dialed back a whole lot. Literally, from one day to the next.

Is that possible? Can sinus infection cause such a cytokine reaction that people develop body wide aches and pains, like they do with a bad flu?



Sinusitis Patients Have Pain Similar To The Elderly And People With Arthritis

Could it be possible that much of this chronic pain is due to an underlying sinus infection? I'm definitely going to report this to my doctor.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, January 8, 2021 5:53 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Unbelievable. Since I started being able to aggressively rinse gobs of green goo from my sinus, I feel so much better.

It's like I was living under a dark cloud for months, that got really dark over the previous week or so. I didnt know how bad I was until I started to get better.

Finally, less pain and a lot more energy!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, January 8, 2021 6:02 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Is the difference between then and now 'positioning'?


Friday, January 8, 2021 6:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Is the difference between then and now 'positioning'?

A few things, I think. (If you don't want to be grossed out, stop here.)

In the past, I have had a bean- sized gob of solidified pus stuck in my sinus that needed to be removed. (I got to look at it. It was ... interesting.) I felt like the same may have happened because I had totally lost my sense of smell for 3-4 months, and that only happens with infection or residue.

So I was working on the assumption that what I was dealing with was solidified. Recently I switched to hypertonic rinsing (about 2x concentrated) with the idea that it would draw water into my sinuses.

That did seem to break up whatever was in there because I did rinse out some pretty big solid chunks that all together would be the size of a smallish bean, but it also seemed to reactivate the actual infection. So at that point I developed a complicated process, where I would do a light saline rinse first to clear the mucus, decongest (bc my left maxillary sinus passage was inflamed and swollen shut), rinse again, this time with mupirocin/ saline 2x conc, let it sit in my sinus for at least 20 minutes, bend over head down for a minute, then rinse again with mupirocin/ saline. Sometimes by the second rinse but always by the third a big gob of green goo would rinse out. It was quite the production! AM and PM.

Really seems to be helping. I had no idea how submerged I was by pain until a lot of it went away.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Saturday, January 9, 2021 1:26 PM


Nice to take a few days away from politics.

So nice, that I think I might wait a while before diving back into the cesspool that the rest of the RWED outside the garden is.

Got plenty to keep me busy, that's for sure.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Saturday, January 9, 2021 5:04 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SignyM:
So I was working on the assumption that what I was dealing with was solidified. Recently I switched to hypertonic rinsing (about 2x concentrated) with the idea that it would draw water into my sinuses. ... but it also seemed to reactivate the actual infection.

Well ... since it seemed to have reactivated the infection, I would talk with your doctor and mention that. A new infection would be concerning.


Saturday, January 9, 2021 5:09 PM


Out and in from my walk. Still dry but suppose to rain this evening and then tomorrow and for most of next week.

All I can do is hope Spring is a little drier.


Saturday, January 9, 2021 10:31 PM


Did you ever get yourself tested to see if you've had Covid, Sigs?

I don't recall ever hearing so on the news, but two people my Step-Mom knew had it and said that it took months until they were able to taste food normally again. That would lead me to believe that they had also lost quite a bit of their sense of smell for a while too, which while that could be dangerous in certain situations could also be quite a lot less noticeable than losing ones sense of taste.

That's not to say that your sinus issue didn't outright cause it, but it might have just contributed to it or not been the cause of it at all.

I'm just a guy who has done quite a lot of self-diagnosing over the years, coming to the wrong conclusions much more often than drawing the right ones.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Saturday, January 9, 2021 10:42 PM


So... um, yeah... I'm kind of a dummy sometimes.

Went down into my basement tonight when I noticed in the corner in the almost-completely dark that the grout between a few tiles on the far wall looked a bit darker than the rest and it didn't seem to be shadows cast...

Turned on the light, and sure enough there was water.

Great, I thought to myself... I know very early on that my foundation patch wasn't going to work come springtime. Not only that, but if water was getting in already I was in for a very maddening spring. After having a few inches of snow last week, we've just had a melting of the stuff on the ground and the rooftops, with a bit of the white still remaining on the ground. Hardly anything, to be honest.

But then I looked behind me at the steps I'd just descended... Shit.

My crawlspace was flooded. Water had already just begun to rise high enough to rise to the concrete slab of the living space and make its way outward.

Quick! I got to get out to the store to buy a new sump pump! I've only got 15 mintues until it closes!

Wait. No. Stay calm. I've already got a backup on the ready.

Strapped on my new watertight boots and headed down there. The visqueen was a waterbed. Peering into the corner by the well I could see the water was already 1 1/2 feet above the top of the well.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Not again.

Why can't my sump pumps ever fail during the warm weather so I can do this emergency replacement when it's 70+ degrees in the house!!!???

Then I pulled up the flap of the visqueen that I had laid over the well after messing around with it when I was clearing out the sink drain and immediately the pump started running. 10 minutes later, aside from the residual stuff that got above the visqueen in the crawl and a few mops worth of water in the living area, it was all out of the house and safely into the storm sewer.

It seems I had blocked the float from rising fully to engage the pump, and it hadn't gone off for over 3 days while the water was slowly accumulating.

I'm just glad I caught it tonight when I did. I certainly wouldn't have missed it tomorrow morning when every square inch of the living area was covered in water.

Dumb, dumb, dumb....

At least the pump is working and that water hadn't come in from the walls.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Sunday, January 10, 2021 1:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thank god you caught it in time!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, January 10, 2021 1:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Did you ever get yourself tested to see if you've had Covid, Sigs?

I don't recall ever hearing so on the news, but two people my Step-Mom knew had it and said that it took months until they were able to taste food normally again. That would lead me to believe that they had also lost quite a bit of their sense of smell for a while too, which while that could be dangerous in certain situations could also be quite a lot less noticeable than losing ones sense of taste.

That's not to say that your sinus issue didn't outright cause it, but it might have just contributed to it or not been the cause of it at all.

I'm just a guy who has done quite a lot of self-diagnosing over the years, coming to the wrong conclusions much more often than drawing the right ones.

Oh, I haven't been able to smell much for about four YEARS now, thanks to a chronic sinus infection that I didn't know that I had. At the time, my nose was always very stuffy (and interfering like crazy with my sleep) but I never had the pain and pressure of a hot sinus.

So... I'm used to my sense of smell coming and going. When it goes away for months at a time, it's always been an infection, and given the amount of green goo that I've been rinsing out of my sinuses my bet is that it's YET ANOTHER fucking infection. That's why I had the surgeries to begin with ... to end the endless infections. Doesn't seem to have worked, tho.

I used to have an extraordinary sense of smell. I could smell things that most other people couldn't. Did you know, for example, that knit silk has a very unique smell that you can detect three feet away?

It's very hard cooking dinners without being able to smell. I salt my food now because it's one of the few things I can taste (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, umami, spicy-hot) Anyway, no use crying over spilled milk. Over time, I've developed recipes that the family likes, altho on occasion I have to ask dear daughter to smell something and tell me if it's still good.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, January 10, 2021 2:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Originally posted by SignyM:
So I was working on the assumption that what I was dealing with was solidified. Recently I switched to hypertonic rinsing (about 2x concentrated) with the idea that it would draw water into my sinuses. ... but it also seemed to reactivate the actual infection.

Well ... since it seemed to have reactivated the infection, I would talk with your doctor and mention that. A new infection would be concerning.

I think I never REALLY get rid of it. If I rinse diligently with mupirocin for a couple of weeks it dies down, but if we have a number of dry days in a row - even tho I keep rinsing with saline - it seems to come back in subclincal form.

Anyway, enuf of my sinuses. For the moment I have the infection on the run and I can't tell you just HOW MUCH BETTER I feel overall compared to a week ago!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, January 10, 2021 8:30 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Thank god you caught it in time!

Yeah... well... It's not as if that basement isn't a stranger to water at this point. After the last de-hoarding I don't actually have anything down there except for a few shelving units I built for all of my paint, caulk and other DIY supplies.

It would have been a huge mess and ruined my day today for sure, but it wouldn't have been the end of the world since I wouldn't have been swimming in freezing cold water while I installed a new one.

Good reminder that I need to upgrade that system sooner than later though. I've got to get a battery backup 2nd unit down there. Now I can add operator error to the list of reasons why that is a good idea.

Glad you're feeling better. Hopefully you can figure out a permanent fix to the issue.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Sunday, January 10, 2021 4:36 PM


Just another Sunday. It's thinking about raining again.

Went to put on a CD and forgot that I had left a Billy Ray Cyrus CD from the last time I had the Victorla on. Once it's over, I'll get Michael Crawford out to listen to.


Sunday, January 10, 2021 6:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Just another Sunday. It's thinking about raining again.

Went to put on a CD and forgot that I had left a Billy Ray Cyrus CD from the last time I had the Victorla on. Once it's over, I'll get Michael Crawford out to listen to.

There's nothing quite like listening to music that you like.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, January 10, 2021 6:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, since most of RWE has turned into a shit show...

What are your plans for the upcoming two weeks, if any?

Now that I have my energy back, I can think about planning ahead and having a hope of accomplishing them.

So far, dd and I have managed to put a dent in yard maintenance, using flame thrower and shovel for the weeds, but we did manage to dig into (pun intended) some projects that mean actual progress, which is corrective pruning that hasn't been done ever.

Focusing on the feijoa, which our former gardener liked to poodle clip, but that led to a dense mass of dead twigs in the center of the shrub. DD and I are carefully pruning those out. Once the deadwood is removed I'll get a better view of the actual structure. These plants normally grow as dense shrubs but they can be pruned up into short trees, which is what I'm aiming at.

Also have to cut back some camellias for two reasons:
1) They make an excellent access point for v tree rats to get up into our roof because they're touching the eaves and
2) they block breezes from our neighbor's window, and since they don't have AC it's important that they be able to cross ventilate their home.

Also, a ginormous bird of paradise overgrown, needs to be cut in half, and a fern which has slowly taken over its garden spot and is smothering the access point and azalea bush.

So in addition to torching, digging and spraying weeds, I anticipate our green waste bins will be full, full, full for quite a while

Also, taking one car in for regular service, and then another for AC repair.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, January 10, 2021 6:52 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Signy - just out of curiosity about your sinuses -

Did they ever do a CBC and diff while you were harboring an indolent or acute infection? Since you were getting central body-wide reactions (cytokine?) I'd be curious if the infection ever showed up in regular bloodwork, or if it's too "exterior" to the body to show up that way.

Also, as I recall, your aches and pains REALLY seemed to show up after levaquin. Did you notice a break after levaquin before starting immune-mediated aches and pains, or was it a continuous slide from one to the other?

And CONGRATULATIONS on your renewed health and energy! And on your plans for your projects!

Myself, I'm still plodding along on catching up with the many things that I need to catch up on that were sliding while I was working. Nothing new on this end.


Sunday, January 10, 2021 8:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Definitely a break in between. Followed by another episode which I attributed to statins, and then this one which couldn't be pinned on medication. Also minor ones in between that I didn't track.

Had blood work done, trying to correlate to episodes ... I think it was in between ... showed elevated T cells, incr in C reactive protein, incr sed rate, and mild positive for rheumatoid arthritis. But all these results were only a little over.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, January 10, 2021 10:00 PM


Hey guys I thought you be interested in this. I'm sure you'll be enlightened and outraged as I was. You being proud Americans and all.


Gen. McCaffrey: A Coup Led By Trump Against The Constitution


Sunday, January 10, 2021 10:06 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, since most of RWE has turned into a shit show...

What are your plans for the upcoming two weeks, if any?

Working on the cabinets...

The job just keeps getting bigger the more I peel away.

It looks now as if there were at least 3 different cabinets installed at different points, as new things were added or taken away, they've kind of made a Frankenstein monster of the kitchen. It was hidden fairly well, although I could have noticed this before if I'd ever really given a good look at things.

Of the two small drawers that remain, both are completely different track systems. One of them was severely damaged towards the back under the paper, and I'll have to build a new bottom for that drawer. The two drawers that were removed and covered with mismatched plates are still a mystery to me. I can't think of any reason why anybody would have done that. Worse yet, some of the wood inside the cabinets that held tracks was removed completely, and I'll have to build new "cages" to install new drawer hardware when I get my hands on some.

The contact paper was hiding a LOT of sins too. There are brad nails that missed and chipped wood, as well as a large nail. I'm going to have to cut all of that out and use a nail punch to tamp the ends down before using the wood filler. There are a ridiculous amount of holes on the bottoms of some of the top cabinets too, again... I can't fathom why they're even there.

This is all going to look uniform when it's done, and I'll finally have two large drawers on either side of the sink instead of two horribly hodge-podged plates that look awful, but I've got a ton of work to do.

That's my next two weeks, plus another two months after that, probably.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Sunday, January 10, 2021 11:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Just another Sunday. It's thinking about raining again.

Went to put on a CD and forgot that I had left a Billy Ray Cyrus CD from the last time I had the Victorla on. Once it's over, I'll get Michael Crawford out to listen to.

There's nothing quite like listening to music that you like.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


No, there isn't. Music is good for the soul and the mind in my humble opinion.


Sunday, January 10, 2021 11:18 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
So, since most of RWE has turned into a shit show...

What are your plans for the upcoming two weeks, if any?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Me. Well for this week. Not too much have to go and get what is due for my seizure meds. Grocery shopping that is usually always on the schedule. Might work this Friday don't know for sure. Have to see if my boss calls me or I have to call her. Then next Saturday is laundry day. The week after I don't know.


Sunday, January 10, 2021 11:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just to continue the topic ... I HOPE in the next 2 months (possibly more) to get past the backlogged paperwork.

Once I clear that out I can work with good effort on the yard. Like you Signy, it's my favorite thing to do! Mostly it'll be cleanup and prep work. And I need to find a good fence installer, and someone who can trim and remove even larger trees, and has a chipper to mulch them.

One particular topic - in MY particular neighborhood, the coyotes seem to have disappeared. There was a pack northward over the top of the east-west ridge of the hill that I live on, and on the other side. The pack, as I've read, used to den near the top of the hill but range both down into the stables below that, and over the ridge into my neighborhood. They used to scout the neighborhood every day, and every few weeks I'd hear them yipping, barking, and howling on the hill.

The stable area has since been sold, razed, flattened, cleared out, and turned into a dense suburban development (as was the area east from the stables that were half-acre unkempt lots with small houses). So, I think that's the cause why, as time has gone on, over the years, I saw less and less of them ... and now I hear them not at all. Which I'm sorry for.

But other areas just a mile or 2 north and right at the base of the foothills seem to have had an explosion of coyote activity, including them scaling 6 foot block walls and attacking small dogs in backyards. (Either that or NextDoor has made it far, far easier for people to communicate what's been going on all the time.)

(As an aside, though these people live a mere 2 or 3 suburban BLOCKS, maximum, from completely open wildland and the foothills, they are up in arms over the coyotes and shocked- SHOCKED!, and OUTRAGED! I TELL YOU! that coyotes dare live in their area. And, despite the fact that literally every website I've looked at from across the country says that if you live in coyote-land you should never ever let a cat outdoors, and you should always accompany your small dog to the backyard with some kind of hazing device - like an airhorn - they're completely dumbfounded when they leave their little dogs in the backyard, or let their cats out, and something happens. What a bunch of noobs.
And a lot of them were all for carrying guns around until I pointed out to them - more than once, before it sank in with at least a few people - that most people are really bad shots, and if they missed the coyote for sure the bullet would hit something else - like maybe their neighbor's property, or their neighbor. And they'd be liable. Apparently it never occurred to them that they might miss. It's like they thought it happens like on TV - you point the gun in the general direction and the bullet knows the way.
So hopefully the human zombie pack has quieted down.)

Anyway, it got me to thinking about coyote exclusion fencing and devices.

And to that end I watched as many "coyote jumping fence" videos as I could find, about 60 in all. And what I found was that, no matter how short and open the fence - even a post-and-rail - coyotes never 'clear' a fence like a horse does a jump. They jump more or less vertically, always put their front paws at or near the top, then boost themselves up to the top, no matter how briefly, before continuing down the other side.
I think it's an instinct to give themselves a last second to bail on the jump if they see something concerning.

And I noticed that while coyotes might try to squeeze between the bars of a wrought-iron-like fence, they never jump over them. Maybe it's because that landing-pad at the top they use is often on the wrong side of the fence, it's a really narrow square steel tube, and there's usually 'spears' sticking up above it. And predator-fences like in wildlife centers that use wrought-iron-like fences additionally use verticals that bend in at the top toward the coyote-side.

So, since I was going to use that type of fence anyway, to replace the gnarly and short chain link, I'm happy that I already made that choice.


Monday, January 11, 2021 1:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIGNY: So, since most of RWE has turned into a shit show...

What are your plans for the upcoming two weeks, if any?

SIX: Working on the cabinets...

The job just keeps getting bigger the more I peel away.

It looks now as if there were at least 3 different cabinets installed at different points, as new things were added or taken away, they've kind of made a Frankenstein monster of the kitchen. It was hidden fairly well, although I could have noticed this before if I'd ever really given a good look at things.

Of the two small drawers that remain, both are completely different track systems. One of them was severely damaged towards the back under the paper, and I'll have to build a new bottom for that drawer. The two drawers that were removed and covered with mismatched plates are still a mystery to me. I can't think of any reason why anybody would have done that. Worse yet, some of the wood inside the cabinets that held tracks was removed completely, and I'll have to build new "cages" to install new drawer hardware when I get my hands on some.

The contact paper was hiding a LOT of sins too. There are brad nails that missed and chipped wood, as well as a large nail. I'm going to have to cut all of that out and use a nail punch to tamp the ends down before using the wood filler. There are a ridiculous amount of holes on the bottoms of some of the top cabinets too, again... I can't fathom why they're even there.

This is all going to look uniform when it's done, and I'll finally have two large drawers on either side of the sink instead of two horribly hodge-podged plates that look awful, but I've got a ton of work to do.

That's my next two weeks, plus another two months after that, probably.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

Well, I guess we know what you'll be doing for the next 2-3 months! That will take you into March, and the worst of winter will be over, fingers crossed!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 11, 2021 1:08 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


So, since most of RWE has turned into a shit show...

What are your plans for the upcoming two weeks, if any?

BRENDA: Me. Well for this week. Not too much have to go and get what is due for my seizure meds. Grocery shopping that is usually always on the schedule. Might work this Friday don't know for sure. Have to see if my boss calls me or I have to call her. Then next Saturday is laundry day. The week after I don't know.

Will you be working on any of your stories? They might carry you through the winter weather.

Hey! I have a idea! Write a story that takes place in a warm, sunny location. The power of imagination might distract from the bad weather.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 11, 2021 1:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Just to continue the topic ... I HOPE in the next 2 months (possibly more) to get past the backlogged paperwork.

Ugh, paperwork. I always feel like I've forgotten something, and usually I'm right...


Once I clear that out I can work with good effort on the yard. Like you Signy, it's my favorite thing to do! Mostly it'll be cleanup and prep work. And I need to find a good fence installer, and someone who can trim and remove even larger trees, and has a chipper to mulch them.

One particular topic - in MY particular neighborhood, the coyotes seem to have disappeared. There was a pack northward over the top of the east-west ridge of the hill that I live on, and on the other side. The pack, as I've read, used to den near the top of the hill but range both down into the stables below that, and over the ridge into my neighborhood. They used to scout the neighborhood every day, and every few weeks I'd hear them yipping, barking, and howling on the hill.

The stable area has since been sold, razed, flattened, cleared out, and turned into a dense suburban development (as was the area east from the stables that were half-acre unkempt lots with small houses). So, I think that's the cause why, as time has gone on, over the years, I saw less and less of them ... and now I hear them not at all. Which I'm sorry for.

But other areas just a mile or 2 north and right at the base of the foothills seem to have had an explosion of coyote activity, including them scaling 6 foot block walls and attacking small dogs in backyards. (Either that or NextDoor has made it far, far easier for people to communicate what's been going on all the time.)

(As an aside, though these people live a mere 2 or 3 suburban BLOCKS, maximum, from completely open wildland and the foothills, they are up in arms over the coyotes and shocked- SHOCKED!, and OUTRAGED! I TELL YOU! that coyotes dare live in their area. And, despite the fact that literally every website I've looked at from across the country says that if you live in coyote-land you should never ever let a cat outdoors, and you should always accompany your small dog to the backyard with some kind of hazing device - like an airhorn - they're completely dumbfounded when they leave their little dogs in the backyard, or let their cats out, and something happens. What a bunch of noobs.
And a lot of them were all for carrying guns around until I pointed out to them - more than once, before it sank in with at least a few people - that most people are really bad shots, and if they missed the coyote for sure the bullet would hit something else - like maybe their neighbor's property, or their neighbor. And they'd be liable. Apparently it never occurred to them that they might miss. It's like they thought it happens like on TV - you point the gun in the general direction and the bullet knows the way.
So hopefully the human zombie pack has quieted down.)

We had that reaction here too, when coyotes first came into our long-settled neighborhood. But they seem to be hiding, or not so many, because there haven't been many coyote sightings on NextDoor lately. One guy in our neighborhood had the idea of shooting at them with paintball guns. I wonder if you can get them filled with water ... would be cleaner that way if you missed. Might break a car window or dent a car, tho.


Anyway, it got me to thinking about coyote exclusion fencing and devices.

And to that end I watched as many "coyote jumping fence" videos as I could find, about 60 in all. And what I found was that, no matter how short and open the fence - even a post-and-rail - coyotes never 'clear' a fence like a horse does a jump. They jump more or less vertically, always put their front paws at or near the top, then boost themselves up to the top, no matter how briefly, before continuing down the other side.
I think it's an instinct to give themselves a last second to bail on the jump if they see something concerning.

And I noticed that while coyotes might try to squeeze between the bars of a wrought-iron-like fence, they never jump over them. Maybe it's because that landing-pad at the top they use is often on the wrong side of the fence, it's a really narrow square steel tube, and there's usually 'spears' sticking up above it. And predator-fences like in wildlife centers that use wrought-iron-like fences additionally use verticals that bend in at the top toward the coyote-side.

So, since I was going to use that type of fence anyway, to replace the gnarly and short chain link, I'm happy that I already made that choice.

Interesting. Too bad the original owners had settled on block walls... saw a coyote once, many years ago, clear our 5' wall with ease.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 11, 2021 4:51 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

What I admit irritates me about the people who're doing the most complaining - yes, they do seem to have the most problems. But they're in a really small development built literally right on the base of the foothills with wildland on 3 sides literally a couple hundred feet away at most ... or as close as on the other side of their block wall. They're the very definition of the urban/ wildland interface. Did they never look up at the landscape and think - wow, the critters are really close here! ?

Their obliviousness and lack of precaution is just banghead stupid imo. And they really have no right to complain about anything that happens if they haven't been taking precautions - which they haven't.

I was thinking of paintball guns too, with real paint, not just dye. Sure, if you miss a coyote you'll have a cleanup. But I've read that it's usually just one or maybe 2 problematic aggressive coyotes in an area that cause the problem. And if you put a big splotch on that coyote, others will be able to identify jawn later on.

There are all sorts of anti-coyote devices for block walls and fences. There's the "coyote roller" which is a very long tube that spins on its axis that you put either on the outside near the top of your block wall, or directly on top. When the coyote tries to get a toehold, the coyote roller spins and dumps them down. Some people have put electrified wire on top of their block walls, some people have used barbed wire, but both are pretty ugly imo. (Why don't they set up the guard towers while they're at it? Ya' know what I mean?) Some people go with roofed chain-link large outdoor enclosures for their dogs, with the caveat that they either need to be set on concrete or also have a floor to prevent a coyote from digging under the walls.

I think one could attach something like a wrought iron top to a block wall, or a lattice, or an outward curving wrought iron top. The idea behind the outward curve is when an animal looks up to jump, it sees an overhead obstruction.

BTW coyotes are adept at chain-link, since they provide a LOT of toeholds when going up and over.


Monday, January 11, 2021 5:10 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Interesting. Too bad the original owners had settled on block walls... saw a coyote once, many years ago, clear our 5' wall with ease.
Did it clear the fence the way a horse clears a jump - with the center of gravity launched in a semicircular arc starting a distance away from the wall (more or less) equal to the height of the wall?


Monday, January 11, 2021 7:29 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

What I admit irritates me about the people who're doing the most complaining - yes, they do seem to have the most problems. But they're in a really small development built literally right on the base of the foothills with wildland on 3 sides literally a couple hundred feet away at most ... or as close as on the other side of their block wall. They're the very definition of the urban/ wildland interface. Did they never look up at the landscape and think - wow, the critters are really close here! ?

Their obliviousness and lack of precaution is just banghead stupid imo. And they really have no right to complain about anything that happens if they haven't been taking precautions - which they haven't.

Have they even thought about fire?? It MUST have crossed their minds with the Bobcat fire!


I was thinking of paintball guns too, with real paint, not just dye. Sure, if you miss a coyote you'll have a cleanup. But I've read that it's usually just one or maybe 2 problematic aggressive coyotes in an area that cause the problem. And if you put a big splotch on that coyote, others will be able to identify jawn later on.

There are all sorts of anti-coyote devices for block walls and fences. There's the "coyote roller" which is a very long tube that spins on its axis that you put either on the outside near the top of your block wall, or directly on top. When the coyote tries to get a toehold, the coyote roller spins and dumps them down. Some people have put electrified wire on top of their block walls, some people have used barbed wire, but both are pretty ugly imo. (Why don't they set up the guard towers while they're at it? Ya' know what I mean?) Some people go with roofed chain-link large outdoor enclosures for their dogs, with the caveat that they either need to be set on concrete or also have a floor to prevent a coyote from digging under the walls.

I think one could attach something like a wrought iron top to a block wall, or a lattice, or an outward curving wrought iron top. The idea behind the outward curve is when an animal looks up to jump, it sees an overhead obstruction.

BTW coyotes are adept at chain-link, since they provide a LOT of toeholds when going up and over.

All good ideas. But I don't leave the dog out for the night ... poor thing, with her short fur she would freeze to death in a couple of hours ... and I never let her go out by herself. I don't know if this is sufficient or not, but I always flash a bright flashlight around the yard first. I hope that's enough to prevent surprise attacks.

And, cynically ... our neighbor leave their cocker spaniel out at night, (YES, I have warned them about coyotes) and he's still around, so I guess they haven't made it to our neighborhood yet.

Coyote was over the wall so quick, I didn't see the details.

But I was thinking ... it would be funny, in a perverse kind of way, if someone installed anticoyote devices around their backyard facing the WRONG way, and trapped it IN their backyard instead of excluding it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 11, 2021 9:35 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, I guess we know what you'll be doing for the next 2-3 months! That will take you into March, and the worst of winter will be over, fingers crossed!

Yeah... It shouldn't be too bad after I get some prep work done. I really enjoy painting and building things. It's unfortunate I hate prep work so much because I know how important it is and it's why these cabinets would hold up another 30 years after I'm done if the new owners don't replace them.

Drawers are going to wait until I find suitable existing drawers to re-size with good tracks, since it would be pretty expensive and very time consuming to do them all from scratch.

I'd like to think I get a lot more done than just the cabinets before the spring. If things go well, I'll have all of the prep work for the entire kitchen and living room except for the floors and have everything primed for paint by spring.

I just need more days like yesterday. I didn't do anything the first six hours of the day, but I was working until after midnight when I finally got rolling.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Monday, January 11, 2021 9:38 AM


In related news... Looks like my dishwasher still works even though I haven't fired it up for 8 years. I was pretty hesitant to do it because I was worried it might just dump water all over the floor, but it looks like all the seals are still working.

It was filthy in there. Even though it was clean the last time I closed it, things just show up over time I guess. I didn't have any legit cleaner, so I just ran it through a hot cycle and it practically looks brand new already. I'll have to investigate how to properly and safely give it a good deep clean.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)


Monday, January 11, 2021 3:56 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
In related news... Looks like my dishwasher still works even though I haven't fired it up for 8 years. I was pretty hesitant to do it because I was worried it might just dump water all over the floor, but it looks like all the seals are still working.

It was filthy in there. Even though it was clean the last time I closed it, things just show up over time I guess. I didn't have any legit cleaner, so I just ran it through a hot cycle and it practically looks brand new already. I'll have to investigate how to properly and safely give it a good deep clean.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

If you have hard water and scale, add a cup of vinegar first. If you're worried about biologicals, bleach and/ or TSP should do the trick.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, January 11, 2021 5:23 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Have they even thought about fire?? It MUST have crossed their minds with the Bobcat fire!

IDK. I've certainly mentioned it more than a few times, that it's one of the several particular risks of living in the urban-wildland interface. But they seem as oblivious to fire risk as they did to coyotes - until coyotes showed up in the backyards - so I'm not sure what's going on in their group minds.

But I don't leave the dog out for the night ...
Well, these people didn't either. They let their dog out for an unattended potty break. And the next thing they knew, there was a coyote in the yard with their dog by the back of the neck.

Coyotes almost never attack larger dogs or larger humans, though small packs (2 or 3) have been known to do that. (And coyote packs are small and usually temporary, generally a single family until the pups grow up and leave, or a pair.)

How large is larger? Their prey ranges from mice, rats, moles, voles, squirrels, and on up to possums and smaller raccoons. So prey is a size they can pick up in their mouths and carry. That does go along with a theory of wild animals I've heard - they don't randomly attack things large enough to cause them damage, because an injured wild animal is almost certainly a dead wild animal.

There may or may not be coyotes in your area - not all of SoCal is coyote territory. So precautions are for areas with a regular coyote presence. That said, as I've read, coyotes don't suddenly become problematic; they're naturally fearful of people. But leaving food and water out, not picking up fallen fruit, etc will eventually entice coyotes to close proximity to humans, and then they become acclimated to our presence. And once fearless, they can become a problem. It may not even be you, it may be your neighbor(s) drawing area coyotes in, and they can then become your problem.

But as I mentioned, it's generally just one (sometimes 2) hyper-aggressive coyotes that will be the problem in any area.

Generally coyotes make their way into deep suburbia along washes, or in your case riverbeds. Since coyotes can travel 40 miles a day, a random sighting here or there doesn't mean they've settled in.

I still miss the coyotes pack over the hill, though.


Monday, January 11, 2021 5:32 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

So, since most of RWE has turned into a shit show...

What are your plans for the upcoming two weeks, if any?

BRENDA: Me. Well for this week. Not too much have to go and get what is due for my seizure meds. Grocery shopping that is usually always on the schedule. Might work this Friday don't know for sure. Have to see if my boss calls me or I have to call her. Then next Saturday is laundry day. The week after I don't know.

Will you be working on any of your stories? They might carry you through the winter weather.

Hey! I have a idea! Write a story that takes place in a warm, sunny location. The power of imagination might distract from the bad weather.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Yes, I will be. I have a functioning typewriter and I want to see if I can get something into the mail to a publisher. But I know my files have to be tidied up and my book checked out for type-os and other errors before. I've got stray stuff all over the place that needs to be checked out.


Monday, January 11, 2021 5:37 PM


TO SIG AND KIKI, I haven't heard coyotes since I moved up into the shopping area of my city.

There's a park near where I used to live that had coyotes in it and they were all over that area before the different housing went in.

Kinda miss hearing them yip and yap and howl.


Monday, January 11, 2021 5:41 PM


Also at the end of summer I bought myself a mah jong game, a real one that I have to set up and everything. I bought it try and keep up my playing skills for when I get back to the group.


Monday, January 11, 2021 5:45 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
If you have hard water and scale, add a cup of vinegar first. If you're worried about biologicals, bleach and/ or TSP should do the trick.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


But not bleach and vinegar together!

See if you can get GENUINE TSP (trisodium phosphate) not the stuff that's labelled TSP from ACE that has no TSP at all, or TSP-substitute, but Savogran brand TSP. TSP not only removes minerals like calcium, magnesium - and lead, it's a superior disinfectant to either bleach or silver ions because it continues to work at sub-optimal concentrations. And you CAN mix it with bleach, and the bleach works even better and longer both as a disinfectant as well as a remover of organic-based stains.

Fwiw I always use either TSP by itself or the TSP-bleach combo in laundry, so I have experience with it.

*** THE CAVEAT *** - at elevated temperatures, TSP takes apart aluminum within minutes. And over time it can etch glassware and ceramic surfaces especially at higher temps. If you have aluminum parts in your dishwasher, do not use higher temps! But it's OK at warm temperatures. So use a lower temperature setting when using TSP. (In laundry, I've also found a lower temp setting works better than a higher temp, because higher temps can bake-in stains.)


Monday, January 11, 2021 5:54 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


I have a functioning typewriter and I want to see if I can get something into the mail to a publisher. But I know my files have to be tidied up and my book checked out for type-os and other errors before. I've got stray stuff all over the place that needs to be checked out.
Oh, so nice!

Do you need a proof-reader? Me!! Me me!! How about me!!


Monday, January 11, 2021 5:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
TO SIG AND KIKI, I haven't heard coyotes since I moved up into the shopping area of my city.

There's a park near where I used to live that had coyotes in it and they were all over that area before the different housing went in.

Kinda miss hearing them yip and yap and howl.

Yeah. I've liked hearing them ever since I moved here. It was nice to be reminded of their presence and hear them going about their daily lives and singing together. But to me nothing sounds more mournful or lonely than one coyote all by itself.


Monday, January 11, 2021 6:17 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
In related news... Looks like my dishwasher still works even though I haven't fired it up for 8 years. I was pretty hesitant to do it because I was worried it might just dump water all over the floor, but it looks like all the seals are still working.

It was filthy in there. Even though it was clean the last time I closed it, things just show up over time I guess. I didn't have any legit cleaner, so I just ran it through a hot cycle and it practically looks brand new already. I'll have to investigate how to properly and safely give it a good deep clean.

The first draft of anything is shit. :)

If you have hard water and scale, add a cup of vinegar first. If you're worried about biologicals, bleach and/ or TSP should do the trick.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


No hard water. Biologicals for sure though, looking at that brownish stuff that still remains on the bottom after a hot water rinse.

Bleach and TSP is safe in a dishwasher? Probably should run it a few more times to make sure it's all gone, right?


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Monday, January 11, 2021 6:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

You may not be reading my posts, but there's important info regarding TSP.

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

But not bleach and vinegar together!

See if you can get GENUINE TSP (trisodium phosphate) not the stuff that's labelled TSP from ACE that has no TSP at all, or TSP-substitute, but Savogran brand TSP. TSP not only removes minerals like calcium, magnesium - and lead, it's a superior disinfectant to either bleach or silver ions because it continues to work at sub-optimal concentrations. And you CAN mix it with bleach, and the bleach works even better and longer both as a disinfectant as well as a remover of organic-based stains.

Fwiw I always use either TSP by itself or the TSP-bleach combo in laundry, so I have experience with it.

*** THE CAVEAT *** - at elevated temperatures, TSP takes apart aluminum within minutes. And over time it can etch glassware and ceramic surfaces especially at higher temps. If you have aluminum parts in your dishwasher, do not use higher temps! But it's OK at warm temperatures. So use a lower temperature setting when using TSP. (In laundry, I've also found a lower temp setting works better than a higher temp, because higher temps can bake-in stains.)


Monday, January 11, 2021 7:08 PM


I'm not ignoring you, but I didn't see that post so thanks for reposting it.

I've got a full box of TSP I bought a few months back when I knew I had a lot of upcoming uses for it. It's the real deal. I had to pick it up at Home Depot when I was already there helping my bud out on his house since the store close to me only has the TS without the P.

Not sure what metal bits are inside of mine, and it would probably be hard to find a manual for the exact model since there's no model number on front and just the maker's name. Not sure if I can make it just "warm" either, but there are other options besides the one that specifically says "hot", so I'll make sure not to run the hot setting when I clean it out.

Bleach and vinegar together is dangerous too? I knew that about bleach and ammonia already.


It would be nice to know this thing still works right. It can be a selling point to a house, and I'd really hate to have to tear it out since I won't be buying a new one and it would mean I'd have to build and/or find a new cabinet to put under the countertop with the gaping hole it would leave behind.


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Monday, January 11, 2021 7:22 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey, I'm glad you read that! I did a lot of homework on TSP to learn how to use it safely so it would do the job without hurting anything!

You can use a very small amount of TSP in your dishwasher - a teaspoon - and combine it with a larger amount of bleach - maybe a cup - and if you have it, put in a very small amount of dishwasher soap like 2-3 drops or a pinch (which doesn't foam - important!) to reduce the surface tension of water (but if you don't have it, no problem).

It sounds like the brown stains are left over from mildew. So bleach would be the active ingredient here, and TSP would be the thing that makes it more effective longer.

(Oh, yeah - vinegar causes the bleach to release chlorine gas.)


Monday, January 11, 2021 11:10 PM


Cool. I'll definitely give it a shot soon. I didn't want to go out and buy stuff to actually clean dishes since I don't plan on doing that, but I've already got the TSP and plenty of bleach, so FREE!

Thanks again.

Got another late start working today after slacking. I'm happy with the results though.

Finally got every single bit of contact paper off of the cabinets. The two on the side of the sink are extremely deep and were a challenge since the dishwasher is in the side of the one corner and a small cabinet blocks the other one off. I think they were both late additions and the original cabinets in the house were only on the one wall, because otherwise those cabinets make no sense. It's going to be a real chore actually sanding and painting them inside for sure.

After that, I took off all the rubber baseboard on the bottom of the cabinets so I could get to tearing out the severly damaged vinyl flooring. Two layers of it, in fact. Got it out from under the fridge and about half of the rest of the floor before calling it a night.

I'm going to make a clean cut on one of the large pieces of vinyl I tore out and lay it in front of the sink until I get around to putting real tile down on the floor.

Side Note: It really sucks not having kitchen cabinets and having to go to various boxes laid out in my living room when I need something. Especially when I'm always stocked up with tons of stuff when it's on sale and I've got non perishables all over the damn house right now.

Really... who has 15 giant boxes of Cheerios?


A government is a body of people usually, notably, governed by Mark Zuckerborg and Slack Dorsey.


Monday, January 11, 2021 11:28 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Originally posted by Brenda:
TO SIG AND KIKI, I haven't heard coyotes since I moved up into the shopping area of my city.

There's a park near where I used to live that had coyotes in it and they were all over that area before the different housing went in.

Kinda miss hearing them yip and yap and howl.

Yeah. I've liked hearing them ever since I moved here. It was nice to be reminded of their presence and hear them going about their daily lives and singing together. But to me nothing sounds more mournful or lonely than one coyote all by itself.

Yeah, I've liked hearing them too. That is true enough. Makes me think of what my grandparents and dad and his siblings would have heard growing up in Southern Alberta.






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