In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Friday, May 7, 2021 6:43 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to find out about new hearing aides.

Bon chance!

I need hearing aides, but here in the states they're terribly expensive - $2000 each. And not covered by insurance.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 7, 2021 7:05 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Been reading with interest but spending too much time trying to make up that week or so where I couldn't do anything bc of neck and shoulder pain.

Had a couple of hot days, but since there is always indoor work ... Did the usual housecleaning (dusting, sweeping, vacuuming) with dear daughter.
Got my tax forms back, and found we owed the feds a small amount, but the state owed us something like five digits-worth. So, of course, I HAD to double check the math bc I have no idea how that happened ... turns out that my retirement plan super over-withheld the states taxes, so I'm going to have to get them correct that. Weekly grocery shopping and errand-running. Started some pepper plants and repotted my orchid, which is dying an ungraceful death. Helped hubby with another woodworking project, picking out the wood that he's going to need for making legs for a fixing broken dresser for dear daughter. Wood was out of a pile of silver maple from the tree we had cut down. And of course keeping up with watering the vegetable garden.

But the next ten days are predicted to be more seasonable, so back lawn string trim, raking and mowing. Shredding another 2 65-gal bins-worth of avocado leaves for mulching. Digging up some of flowers that have planted themeselves in the other veggiepatch to make room for cantaloupe, and going to the nursery for one more zucchini and some hoped-for sugar baby watermelons, and that is as far as I intend to plant veggies and fruits this year.

After that, we will still be raking for the next few weeks. The new avocado leaves still look pristine; this is the best they've looked in decades.We should get a bountiful avocado harvest this year. The feijoa which I've been working on corective-pruning to open up into a tree-form is also laden with flowers, so I'm going to have to think about what to do with about 20 lbs of feijoa fruit this year.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 7, 2021 10:21 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to find out about new hearing aides.

Bon chance!

I need hearing aides, but here in the states they're terribly expensive - $2000 each. And not covered by insurance.

Yeah... Funny that, huh?

Do they have the nerve to tell you that hearing aides are "cosmetic" like they do dentures?

Fairly sure that whoever makes those decisions has perfect hearing and never faced the possibility of eating their food through a straw.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 7, 2021 10:27 AM


5 figures back on state taxes!!!! Yeah. You need to fix that, pronto. I could probably live off of that return for 2 years.

How long is it taking for tax returns to come back in California? I hope you don't have to wait as long for that return as they're making people wait in Illinois now.

On the yard work front here, even though it's been cold and we haven't gotten a ton of rain, when I mowed the lawn 2 days ago it was the third time I'd mowed in about 9 days. I normally wouldn't have, but I went from extremely long grass/weeds while watering that new grass to a 2 level cut on the front and 3 on the back. On the last two mowings alone, I filled two entire large garbage bins to the brim except for a single bag of house trash at the bottom of one of them. They were so heavy I was worried the truck might have problems lifting them.

I had to cut down those dandelions. They're out of control this year. I'll be putting down some fertilizer soon. I just didn't want to damage the new grass before it had a chance to get established. There's still some bare spots, but I think I got about 2/3rds of the bare patches covered this time around.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 7, 2021 10:52 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Brenda and Signy! It's nice to hear from you.

Brenda, I hope your hearing aid search goes smoothly and quickly! Signy, it sounds like you're (completely?) recovered. YAY!!!

As for myself, my back's been cranky again/ still for the last few weeks. I'm not completely incapacitated like Signy was, but I'm moving very, very, and sometimes VERY slowly, with frequent back-breaks. I feel like a snail could go faster. So literally everything's taking a long time to do, from the humble getting out of bed to the more productive housecleaning and laundry.

On my list for today besides the daily stuff is a rather large load of laundry, with 2 others waiting in the wings for the next couple of rounds; recycling about 7 or 8 bags of glass bottle recycling which I give to the people at the recycling center (they tell me they buy donuts for everyone with the money)(I remember when 'recycling' was just a verb; it was Earth Day that helped turn it into a noun as well), and very heavy shop[ping, to buy the stuff that comes in those glass bottles. That'll give me the need to take a day's break to recover mobility, and then I can continue on. Like I said, I'm really slow at everything.


Friday, May 7, 2021 11:39 AM


Bad back Kiki? Wanna paint my deep cabinet that you have to sit inside and then move to laying down with your back inside of it to paint the back and side walls both above and underneath the shelf... where nobody is ever even going to notice that you did it?


I'm actually feeling a lot better today than I thought I would be. Going to push it and hopefully not regret it tomorrow after putting on the 2nd and thankfully final coat in there today.

I hope your back feels better. Slow and steady wins the race.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 7, 2021 11:46 AM


As bad as the internet has been for society over the last 20 years, it really is pretty awesome at the same time.

Easy peasy Google search there. I thought I might be able to get away without putting in the expensive GFCI outlets on one or two of my over the countertop outlets if they were far enough away. Looks like the "new" (Circa: 2002) official NEC codes say that all over the countertop need GFCI protection.

Who knew?

This means I won't have one left over from my 4 pack to do the bathroom in the basement whenever I get to it, although I did take one off a job a few years back that worked. I'd have to research how to test that it is up to the job before I went ahead and installed it just to save $18 bucks. They're quite a bit more expensive if you buy one at a time than they are in 3 or 4 packs.

Going to put another one of those in today, the one for the stove and whatever you want to plug in on the tiny cabinet that goes to the left of it, on the other side of the countertop past the stove. I'd already cleaned and used the grout marker on the tiles over that way. The last one will require a thorough scrubbing of the rest of the tiles and the marker, but will be a bit trickier because they did a crap job of cutting the tiles there and the outlet won't fit right. I'll have to grind them down and try not to crack anything. I also might just replace the two tiles since they were cut so poorly that you see part of the hole behind the outlet plate cover and I don't know if I can "fix" that with any of the stuff I have on had. They're only 14 cents a piece for the tiles, and I still have that almost full tub of mortar/grout for spot patching like this. Just a huge pain since I'd already caulked that side of the tiles and it's in a place that really is buried from view and any real amount of light behind the fridge.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 7, 2021 11:47 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Hey Brenda and Signy! It's nice to hear from you.

Brenda, I hope your hearing aid search goes smoothly and quickly! Signy, it sounds like you're (completely?) recovered. YAY!!!

As for myself, my back's been cranky again/ still for the last few weeks. I'm not completely incapacitated like Signy was, but I'm moving very, very, and sometimes VERY slowly, with frequent back-breaks. I feel like a snail could go faster. So literally everything's taking a long time to do, from the humble getting out of bed to the more productive housecleaning and laundry.

On my list for today besides the daily stuff is a rather large load of laundry, with 2 others waiting in the wings for the next couple of rounds; recycling about 7 or 8 bags of glass bottle recycling which I give to the people at the recycling center (they tell me they buy donuts for everyone with the money)(I remember when 'recycling' was just a verb; it was Earth Day that helped turn it into a noun as well), and very heavy shop[ping, to buy the stuff that comes in those glass bottles. That'll give me the need to take a day's break to recover mobility, and then I can continue on. Like I said, I'm really slow at everything.

Well, not entirely back to normal. Neck is still kinked. And "normal" for me still includes a lot of joint stiffness and some pain. Yesterday, in addition to a stillkinked neck, my wrists, thumbs, hips, knees and ankles were bothering me. I was NOT looking forward to shopping, and I was a little growly whenever someone asked meto do something. I DID forwarn the family that I felt achey, stiff, and tired and that it wasn't going to be sunshine and smiles around me that day.

But... sounds like you're in worse shape than me.

Also, my space bar seems to be giving up the ghost. Sorry if all of the paces aren't there, I've gone back and corrected most of the skips but not all.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 7, 2021 11:49 AM


Wow! lol

Good thing there's no call for rain tonight and a few days from now. It's May 7th and it's going to drop to only 34 degrees at night two days this week.

My heat might actually kick on again even though it's been turned down to 54 degrees.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 7, 2021 1:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Off to find out about new hearing aides.

Bon chance!

I need hearing aides, but here in the states they're terribly expensive - $2000 each. And not covered by insurance.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

I'm lucky that mine are covered. I'm getting rechargeable ones this time as I as now have space to do that. No more worrying if I have changed the batteries in them.


Friday, May 7, 2021 1:58 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Hey Brenda and Signy! It's nice to hear from you.

Brenda, I hope your hearing aid search goes smoothly and quickly! Signy, it sounds like you're (completely?) recovered. YAY!!!

As for myself, my back's been cranky again/ still for the last few weeks. I'm not completely incapacitated like Signy was, but I'm moving very, very, and sometimes VERY slowly, with frequent back-breaks. I feel like a snail could go faster. So literally everything's taking a long time to do, from the humble getting out of bed to the more productive housecleaning and laundry.

On my list for today besides the daily stuff is a rather large load of laundry, with 2 others waiting in the wings for the next couple of rounds; recycling about 7 or 8 bags of glass bottle recycling which I give to the people at the recycling center (they tell me they buy donuts for everyone with the money)(I remember when 'recycling' was just a verb; it was Earth Day that helped turn it into a noun as well), and very heavy shop[ping, to buy the stuff that comes in those glass bottles. That'll give me the need to take a day's break to recover mobility, and then I can continue on. Like I said, I'm really slow at everything.

2 weeks and I go back to get them. Just waiting on paperwork.

Sorry about your back. I know what that is like.

I got some grocery shopping to do as soon as I get off my butt and get out for my walk in the rain.


Friday, May 7, 2021 4:19 PM



I stopped at Home Depot today. WTF! The parking lot was packed, much more than the past many months. Not since the Lockdowns first started (and before the Chin Diaper mandates) have I seen the lot this full.

Anyhow, I saw the flexi spout which seems to be what you got. It seems to have fitted ends, so it can be used in between sections, like a splice. You could just put it between wherever you cut through, and aim your 50' extender wherever you feel like, and then move it during mowing. probably just put a brick or block under the flexi end, to maintain a downward slope of gravity flow.
Otherwise, I found Tiling (4"diam x 50') for $23, and then you could cut it in whatever lengths you want. It was called Corex Drain Pipe, was in the garden section. Just tuck the end of the downspout into that 4" diameter, I don't recall seeing folk screwing that one in. But screwing in that Flexi-spout seems reasonable.

Regarding the hinged downspout, I will try to make an image here.
The red dot is the functional hinge, which is actually 2 sheet metal screws, 1 on each outside.
The top side has a cutout, and the foldup piece also has a top cutout, and it's bottom jaws are on the outside of the bottom jaw of the upper piece. The downspout is just cut with tin snips/shears. If I were building it, I'd just put a long skinny machine bolt through the whole thing as the hinge, with 2 nuts jammed against each other at the other end.
It sounds like you already have some scrap pieces to practice on. I would give a couple extra inches, and cut through with a saw, and then trim pretty and fancy with the tin snips.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xx| l
water drainage patternxx\x|

Then that drainage pattern would not get to your wall until the bottom, where it meets your foundation, and your drainage tile takes in the water.
Imagine that is a 45 degree slope in the above image.

So one trick is to install a diversion/protector below the surface. Again, imagine this is a 45 degree slope of the diversion.

xx|,,,,,grass surface,,,,,,,
b |xx\
a |xxx\
s |xxxx\
e |xxxxx\ ---diversion material
m |xxxxxx\
e |xxxxxxx\
n |
t |
w |
a |
l |
l |
----- <-- foundation



Friday, May 7, 2021 4:40 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Signy

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before but I deeply, truly, sincerely suggest you try an elimination diet for 10 days.

I mention it because I quite accidentally found out that olive oil was causing a lot of my wandering pain, plus that fact that the pain was embedded in my brain and not 'out there' in my body. I can't really describe the difference except to say that there's pain 'out there' in your body which stays out there, and then there's pain that eats at your thoughts and emotions.

Anyway, my pain is all legitimate, physical, localized pain caused by physical problems I KNOW I have, like arthritis in my spine (shoulders, thumbs etc), and displaced vertebrae. And it's out there in my body.

As for your neck, didn't you have surgery recommended at one point? I'm not saying you should go and get surgery, just that you have physical problems you might need to address there.


Friday, May 7, 2021 4:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey Brenda!

Rechargeable! Woooeee!

You really do dislike the rain and getting wet, don't you? I mean really, deeply, truly dislike it. (I imagine most people find it a hassle, but not much more than that.) Of the things that you mention that bother you, that's the most consistent thing you mention.

I actually enjoy rain, so I find your reaction hard to comprehend. When I try to understand it, I compare it to my dislike of snow&cold. One is so much easier to deal with without the other, but usually they come together, in a nasty set of misery. Plus of course my phobia about walking on ice.

Anyway, without rain one has god-awful destructive drought&fire. If only it would just rain at night! Wouldn't THAT be something!


Friday, May 7, 2021 5:13 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Hey Brenda!

Rechargeable! Woooeee!

You really do dislike the rain and getting wet, don't you? I mean really, deeply, truly dislike it. (I imagine most people find it a hassle, but not much more than that.) Of the things that you mention that bother you, that's the most consistent thing you mention.

I actually enjoy rain, so I find your reaction hard to comprehend. When I try to understand it, I compare it to my dislike of snow&cold. One is so much easier to deal with without the other, but usually they come together, in a nasty set of misery. Plus of course my phobia about walking on ice.

Anyway, without rain one has god-awful destructive drought&fire. If only it would just rain at night! Wouldn't THAT be something!

Yup, I'm kinda looking forward to new and better hearing aides.

The rain is the most consistent thing because it seems to be getting wetter up here and the wetter and darker the days with so little to do plays into my moods. It can really make my depression feel a little deeper than it probably is. I mean I know BC is basically a temperate zone rain forest. My dad was from southern Alberta and a much drier climate, I still can't figure out how he adjusted to it out here on the coast.

Oh, I know. It would be nice if it only did that but it won't happen.


Friday, May 7, 2021 6:26 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Hey Signy

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before but I deeply, truly, sincerely suggest you try an elimination diet for 10 days.

I mention it because I quite accidentally found out that olive oil was causing a lot of my wandering pain, plus that fact that the pain was embedded in my brain and not 'out there' in my body. I can't really describe the difference except to say that there's pain 'out there' in your body which stays out there, and then there's pain that eats at your thoughts and emotions.

Anyway, my pain is all legitimate, physical, localized pain caused by physical problems I KNOW I have, like arthritis in my spine (shoulders, thumbs etc), and displaced vertebrae. And it's out there in my body.

As for your neck, didn't you have surgery recommended at one point? I'm not saying you should go and get surgery, just that you have physical problems you might need to address there.

Yes, I had a pinched nerve that was radiating pain down to my shoulder blade and arm, and causing my fingers to go numb.

Knowing that TWO people in the lab had developed rather rare spinal chord rumors (gangliomas) I had MRI with contrast and Dr was horrified by my neck vertebra and recommended that I go to the spine center right away! But most of my symptoms were caused by bad glasses= bad posture= disc bulges, and when I got better glasses and did PT the problem went away. But yes, I have arthritis, bone spurs, and osteoporosis.

I can't imagine what the rest of my spine looks like!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 7, 2021 9:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I have hinged downspouts. They work OK at directing water away from the foundation, but a splash box (that's what we used to call them, anyway) works, too.

Sis had a problem with a collapsing cellar wall. It was caving in right where the water from the downspout hit the driveway. (The driveway was right up against the cellar wall, there was enough of the wall above the driveway to allow for a 1' window). Problem solved with a splashbox.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, May 7, 2021 11:09 PM


2nd coat inside and out on the bottom cabs. I NEVER have to sit and lay inside of that damned deep cabinet again.

Did some touchups with the small brush while the paint was out, and that should be the last of that.

Had to clean out a bunch of mud/cement/garbage that was in the outlet box for the stove, as well as use a file to file down the tiles in a couple of places for the new GFCI to fit, but I finally got it in there safely. (Pro Tip: file with one hand and use a shop vac to immediately suck up that tile dust, because that stuff will literally kill you).

Managed to find time to mow the front lawn, again, and go to the grocery store to pick up a few things for my old man visiting again tomorrow.

Then one of my buddies came over and we chilled for a while. Haven't seen him for a while, so that was cool.

Good day.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, May 7, 2021 11:40 PM


Bought an all natural product that is a granola bar but I don't like them. They are far too sweet for my tastes. Think I have to switch back to the brand of granola bars I was buying before.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 12:07 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Did what I set out to do, which was rake and string trim the back lawn (edges and high spots, to make mowing easier) and sweep up.

Plus additional taking .... Always necessary this time of year!

We now have two bins of leaves to shred, which will collapse to about 1.5 -33 gal trash bags, which will finish up veggie garden #2 mulching.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 12:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
2nd coat inside and out on the bottom cabs. I NEVER have to sit and lay inside of that damned deep cabinet again.

Did some touchups with the small brush while the paint was out, and that should be the last of that.

Had to clean out a bunch of mud/cement/garbage that was in the outlet box for the stove, as well as use a file to file down the tiles in a couple of places for the new GFCI to fit, but I finally got it in there safely. (Pro Tip: file with one hand and use a shop vac to immediately suck up that tile dust, because that stuff will literally kill you).

Managed to find time to mow the front lawn, again, and go to the grocery store to pick up a few things for my old man visiting again tomorrow.

Then one of my buddies came over and we chilled for a while. Haven't seen him for a while, so that was cool.

Good day.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

Very nice, SIX.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 12:22 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Bought an all natural product that is a granola bar but I don't like them. They are far too sweet for my tastes. Think I have to switch back to the brand of granola bars I was buying before.

Well, at least you tried.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 1:29 PM


Off to do my laundry then a walk.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 1:31 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Bought an all natural product that is a granola bar but I don't like them. They are far too sweet for my tastes. Think I have to switch back to the brand of granola bars I was buying before.

Well, at least you tried.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

I try to buy all natural when I can and they are made by the same company that makes the cookies that I buy once in a while. The company is called Made Good and is based in Ontario. They use cane syrup for sweetening but just too much of it.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 1:46 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I stopped at Home Depot today. WTF! The parking lot was packed, much more than the past many months. Not since the Lockdowns first started (and before the Chin Diaper mandates) have I seen the lot this full.

Anyhow, I saw the flexi spout which seems to be what you got. It seems to have fitted ends, so it can be used in between sections, like a splice. You could just put it between wherever you cut through, and aim your 50' extender wherever you feel like, and then move it during mowing. probably just put a brick or block under the flexi end, to maintain a downward slope of gravity flow.
Otherwise, I found Tiling (4"diam x 50') for $23, and then you could cut it in whatever lengths you want. It was called Corex Drain Pipe, was in the garden section. Just tuck the end of the downspout into that 4" diameter, I don't recall seeing folk screwing that one in. But screwing in that Flexi-spout seems reasonable.

Regarding the hinged downspout, I will try to make an image here.
The red dot is the functional hinge, which is actually 2 sheet metal screws, 1 on each outside.
The top side has a cutout, and the foldup piece also has a top cutout, and it's bottom jaws are on the outside of the bottom jaw of the upper piece. The downspout is just cut with tin snips/shears. If I were building it, I'd just put a long skinny machine bolt through the whole thing as the hinge, with 2 nuts jammed against each other at the other end.
It sounds like you already have some scrap pieces to practice on. I would give a couple extra inches, and cut through with a saw, and then trim pretty and fancy with the tin snips.

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx\xx| l
water drainage patternxx\x|

Then that drainage pattern would not get to your wall until the bottom, where it meets your foundation, and your drainage tile takes in the water.
Imagine that is a 45 degree slope in the above image.

So one trick is to install a diversion/protector below the surface. Again, imagine this is a 45 degree slope of the diversion.

xx|,,,,,grass surface,,,,,,,
b |xx\
a |xxx\
s |xxxx\
e |xxxxx\ ---diversion material
m |xxxxxx\
e |xxxxxxx\
n |
t |
w |
a |
l |
l |
----- <-- foundation


That's a great idea... building one of my own. I have a lot of extra to work with. If memory serves I might have even kept some larger cutoffs that couldn't be returned, on top of the long extensions that aren't permanent.

I think those would work particularly well in two areas where I need to mow around.

I'm going to get the opportunity to see if the one I put on the garage works tonight. We're supposed to get 2 1/2" of rain over a 24 hour period.

Unfortunately, the one going right into the sand is still just going to go right into the pit for now.

I'm going to see if I can find that cheaper black corrugated plastic tubing for that one and snake it out toward the front of the porch where there already is a downspout feeding out that way. That area will be getting a lot of water then since it's the back of the porch PLUS around 75% of the front of the house roof too, but the water does go downhill once it hits that spot.

Any idea what the name of that plastic tubing is called? I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for. It's got to be far cheaper by the foot than those plastic gutter extenders that I bought, and it's way tougher material too.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 1:56 PM


Nevermind I found it.

I feel pretty stupid now. I bought the stupidly expensive garbage they had in the gutter section in the store. I'm guessing the black corrugated pipe with the longer lengths are stored outside by the lumber and pavers.

I don't think the Menards has them in 100ft lengths, but it looks like Lowes does for $45. That would be plenty for everything. It would cost me 3 times as much to put the amount I'd need down with the garbage I'd already bought. And since it's already gotten wet and dirty and I threw a few screws in one of them I'm doubting they'd let me return the ones I've wasted almost $20 on.

ETA: It looks like they make downspout adapters for this material, and they also make Y connectors so you could incorporate multiple downspouts into one outlet tube. Not the cheapest thing in the world by the pound, but I think with these options I can come up with a solution that would not only divert all of the water to where it's safe to do so, but in a location where I can mow around it and it won't look terrible. I should probably be able to do it for under $100, and who knows... maybe I can get my money back on those other ones. I give them a ton of business.

I might even remove the elbows off of two of the downspouts altogether and put the adapters on the bottom, tie them together with the Y connector and have them both dump the water past the hasta bed.

I wish I'd known more about this before I had the gutters installed. I was given the option to put the downspout from the gutter on the back of the house out to the side past the hasta bed instead of my back yard, but there is a lot of mole problems in the area between our houses and that's already the part of my neighbor's land that is low and takes in water (I've told him 3 times he needed to buy dirt and grade it away from their house after they got damage there last year, bu the still hasn't done it).

The problem is that there is a short length of chain link fence separating my front and back yard right there, so I can't use that plastic out to the front, and I don't want to have a huge length of it on my grass in the back yard. I might have to take that downspout down and re-install it out the front myself, and use about 30 feet of that tubing through the hasta bed out toward the front of the house...

Well... I guess we'll see what happens tonight. This will probably be my first outdoor project now before I clean and tar the foundation.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 1:58 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I have hinged downspouts. They work OK at directing water away from the foundation, but a splash box (that's what we used to call them, anyway) works, too.

Sis had a problem with a collapsing cellar wall. It was caving in right where the water from the downspout hit the driveway. (The driveway was right up against the cellar wall, there was enough of the wall above the driveway to allow for a 1' window). Problem solved with a splashbox.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

Yeah. My neighbors have one of those in a spot with nothing but weeds that they never mow and I'm always mowing for them. The only places I'd have use for that would be where the grass is located, and I'd rather find a solution there that wouldn't involve a permanent thing that would be rough to mow around.

Thanks for the suggestion though.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 10:52 PM


I know there's still a lot of time before anything could come of it, but I'd figure I'd give an update on the possible tetanus situation since for some reason I'd just thought about it after totally forgetting about it since a day or two after it happened.

No ill effects felt so far. The only evidence it even happened anymore is a pencil tipped sized scab that looks like it won't even leave any scarring.

So far, so good.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Saturday, May 8, 2021 11:33 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

I stopped at Home Depot today. WTF! The parking lot was packed, much more than the past many months. Not since the Lockdowns first started (and before the Chin Diaper mandates) have I seen the lot this full.

Anyhow, I saw the flexi spout which seems to be what you got. It seems to have fitted ends, so it can be used in between sections, like a splice. You could just put it between wherever you cut through, and aim your 50' extender wherever you feel like, and then move it during mowing. probably just put a brick or block under the flexi end, to maintain a downward slope of gravity flow.
Otherwise, I found Tiling (4"diam x 50') for $23, and then you could cut it in whatever lengths you want. It was called Corex Drain Pipe, was in the garden section. Just tuck the end of the downspout into that 4" diameter, I don't recall seeing folk screwing that one in. But screwing in that Flexi-spout seems reasonable.

Regarding the hinged downspout, I will try to make an image here.
The red dot is the functional hinge, which is actually 2 sheet metal screws, 1 on each outside.
The top side has a cutout, and the foldup piece also has a top cutout, and it's bottom jaws are on the outside of the bottom jaw of the upper piece. The downspout is just cut with tin snips/shears. If I were building it, I'd just put a long skinny machine bolt through the whole thing as the hinge, with 2 nuts jammed against each other at the other end.
It sounds like you already have some scrap pieces to practice on. I would give a couple extra inches, and cut through with a saw, and then trim pretty and fancy with the tin snips.

That's a great idea... building one of my own. I have a lot of extra to work with. If memory serves I might have even kept some larger cutoffs that couldn't be returned, on top of the long extensions that aren't permanent.

I think those would work particularly well in two areas where I need to mow around.

I'm going to get the opportunity to see if the one I put on the garage works tonight. We're supposed to get 2 1/2" of rain over a 24 hour period.

Unfortunately, the one going right into the sand is still just going to go right into the pit for now.

I'm going to see if I can find that cheaper black corrugated plastic tubing for that one and snake it out toward the front of the porch where there already is a downspout feeding out that way. That area will be getting a lot of water then since it's the back of the porch PLUS around 75% of the front of the house roof too, but the water does go downhill once it hits that spot.

Any idea what the name of that plastic tubing is called? I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for. It's got to be far cheaper by the foot than those plastic gutter extenders that I bought, and it's way tougher material too.

Maybe you missed part of what I said. You could use those pieces you already bought, to make a U-turn in your extenders.
Can you run an existing solid extender through/under your porch or steps? Like around your sand pit area?

Regardless, I would NOT cut the downspout above the elbow, no matter the plan - cut it only after the elbow, downstream from the elbow.

The drainage tile comes in both perforated and non-perf, so figure which you want. The 100' was practically the same price as 2x 50', and I wasn't certain you needed that much.
If you brought your extension to abutt the chain link fence, I would think you could slope/contour the opposite side of the fence to drain it all away - I'm assuming towards the street in front. We really should be able to make things work without having downspouts all over the place, spread across your entire lawn.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 12:00 AM


6ix, not sure I understand your layout.

The greatest dimension of your house is side-to-side, and front ius facing the street.
how many feet is this width?
how many feet deep is the house?

The side of your house with a neighbor's house has short distance - how many feet from your house to the property line?

the driveway comes from that front street to your garage? comes as close as 12' to the house?

Where is the garage? behind the house? facing front street, side street, alley? Straight out of the garage door follows the driveway all the way to the street?
dimensions of garage? how close to house/porch?

this sand pit is behind house? between house and garage? next to driveway?


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:07 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Brenda, I guess I understand to some degree about rain.

WNY where I'm originally from was almost always overcast with a very low cloud ceiling. There were many a day I went in to work and the top floors of the building were in the clouds. And it was tall, but not THAT tall! Then there were the really cheap tatty buildings that were put up in the early 1900's; the narrow, mingy potholed-streets with the signs all askew from being hit with snowplows and never strightened; the stubby miserable-looking trees because the soil depth was really low and the water table really high; and so on. So, overall the place was exceptionally dreary with a pale yellow-brown smothering sky, and grey and brown decrepit buildings. But I think if we'd had clear blue skies and bright sunshine all the physical dreariness might have looked picturesque, instead of beaten-down and ugly. When I was very young we went to Wasaga Beach in Ontario a couple of summers. And besides the beach !!! - I mean, who doesn't like a temperate beach with warm shallow water? - what I remember about it was the bright blue clear sky and the tall ceiling with scattered white puffy clouds that were WAAAAAAAAAaaay up there ... very different from what I was used to.

The weather can help set a mood, for sure.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:08 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Signy, I was just concerned that though your previous neck problems might have been situational, your current ones might be mechanical from all the problems you have.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:10 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Ah, indeed ... weather.

I used to like dreary landscapes, all dun and taupe and gray. I found it soothing. But now thatI've lived with sunshine in my life, I'm not sure I could go back to that anymore.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So, dear daughter mowed the back lawn today while I did more raking and weed-pulling. (Much easier to rake when weeds aren't snagging the rake tines all the time!) Backyard is looking better and better.

But somewhere along the way I got a bug bite- while I was indoors, of all places!- and it's swollen about as big as a silver dollar and somewhat itchy. I worry that a small recluse might have gotten into my Tshirt and bit me. Hubby drew a line around the swelling with a marker and another line around the red spot at the top ofthe swelling so we can see if it's getting better, worse, or staying the same. I hope it starts going down tomorrow: I hate doing medical stuff on weekends when it's hard to find good urgent care.

Can't decide if tomorrow is a leaf-shredding or a weed-pulling day. Prolly weed pulling: I'm going to start prepping the next veggie garden.

BTW KIKI, the corn gluten looks like it might be working. I'm going to try it on another spot, one that's better-watered, once I clear it. I think that will be a fairer test.

U of Iowa, the discoverer of corn gluten as a weed supressant, responded to the U orOregon paper by saying that you need to use corn gluten certified by U of Iowa.

In any case, I'll let you know how the experiment goes further.

If all else fails, I'll go for "total vegetation control" which is a mix of glyphosate and pendamethalin. Just don't use it if you want anything to grow there!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:20 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

As for myself, my back's been behaving better than the previous few weeks. Not normal - still stiff and I have to be careful how I move and what I do - but not nearly as limiting as before. So I've made some progress catching up on household tasks. I hope tomorrow to start doing yardwork, a bit at a time.

On tap - so to speak - is starting with watering the trees, which I hope to do monthly, considering how little rain we've had. I don't think there's any deep soil moisture at all, to carry the trees through the summer and fall. But the other thing that'll do is prepare my soil for clearing. I have heavy clay soil that's just about as hard as a brick when it's dry, and I discovered years ago that there's a pretty good grace period after I water it between it being sticky and gummy like modeling clay, and hard and dry like adobe brick. So if I time the watering right, I can have some days to weed (using a spading fork) and mulch.

I've settled on cedar to use as decking. A few days ago I checked back in with duckduck to see if Timbersil was making a comeback, but ... after a flurry of promising search results ... sadly ... no. So cedar it is. After Timbersil, ipe is the premium choice, but it's too expensive and hard (literally) to work with. And since it'll be a while as I'm clearing the yard, I have time to look into using helical screws as posts, which seems like a neat idea. So I hope they're available in this area.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 1KIKI:

As for myself, my back's been behaving better than the previous few weeks. Not normal - still stiff and I have to be careful how I move and what I do - but not nearly as limiting as before. So I've made some progress catching up on household tasks. I hope tomorrow to start doing yardwork, a bit at a time.

On tap - so to speak - is starting with watering the trees, which I hope to do monthly, considering how little rain we've had. I don't think there's any deep soil moisture at all, to carry the trees through the summer and fall. But the other thing that'll do is prepare my soil for clearing. I have heavy clay soil that's just about as hard as a brick when it's dry, and I discovered years ago that there's a pretty good grace period after I water it between it being sticky and gummy like modeling clay, and hard and dry like adobe brick. So if I time the watering right, I can have some days to weed (using a spading fork) and mulch.

I've settled on cedar to use as decking. A few days ago I checked back in with duckduck to see if Timbersil was making a comeback, but ... after a flurry of promising search results ... sadly ... no. So cedar it is. After Timbersil, ipe is the premium choice, but it's too expensive and hard (literally) to work with. And since it'll be a while as I'm clearing the yard, I have time to look into using helical screws as posts, which seems like a neat idea. So I hope they're available in this area.

What I found is ... don't do everything bassawkards, like I did.

Plan first.
Decide what you want your space to do. (Originally I just wanted it to shade the property and house, be drought tolerant, wildlife friendly, have a walkway from drive to front door, and be pretty, but as McMansions sprung up nearby I decided I wanted to screen out the ugly view. Also, it is very important for me to imagine walking thru a space, not just look at it.)
Pencil in adequate walkways for maintenance
Decide on the theme (I have an excellent book on that you can borrow) and a "look"
Hardscape and irrigation first, then sculpt your yard

THEN you can do "total vegetation control", plant the plants that you want, and mulch!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 9:05 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
6ix, not sure I understand your layout.

Trust me. I get you. I've lived here 10 years and I still don't understand my layout.

That's why I'd really like to get the picture to you. Wish I knew a good way to do it. It would probably clear up a lot of questions in your mind.


The greatest dimension of your house is side-to-side, and front ius facing the street.

Yup. On an angle though. One corner of my house is the closest to the street. The furthest from the street is probably the center of the house though since the house is on an angle.

It's a good thing my house is so far from the street too, because last year more than 50% of my front lawn was flooded when the city sewers were down for only around 6 hours.


how many feet is this width?

Without the porch included, I'd guess maybe 55'. With the porch and the attached shed on the end of it, more than 75' but less than 80'.


how many feet deep is the house?

The rooms on the 1st and second floors are more or less 15'. So 30' plus the width of the walls, lumber and siding. Call it 31' if you'd like.


The side of your house with a neighbor's house has short distance - how many feet from your house to the property line?

We don't exactly know where the property line is. If we go by the neighbor's fence in the back yard, the back corner of my house is about 6 feet from my neighbor's property line. Another 5 or 6' from their house. (and pulls further away the closer you get to the street)


the driveway comes from that front street to your garage? comes as close as 12' to the house?

Yup. Because of the angle of the house. That's the "Bermuda Triangle" sand pit. The corner of the other back half of my house and the corner of the porch form a right angle with where they join on the house, and the garage which isn't on an angle comes about 12" from the back corner of the porch. I doesn't get as close to the back corner of the house, but mostly because it isn't deep enough to do so. It's not a perfect triangle, but it's pretty bad news.


Where is the garage? behind the house? facing front street,

Behind the house AND facing the street. At the same time, not really behind the house and more on the side of the house, because of the angle.


side street,

The driveway goes out to one side street. The front walk way goes to the other side street.



No alley.


Straight out of the garage door follows the driveway all the way to the street?



dimensions of garage?

Don't know exactly. It's big though. It's a deep 2 1/2 car garage.


how close to house/porch?

About 12 feet from the back corner of the attached shed that is on the end of teh attached porch. Maybe 16' from the back corner of the house (the triangle).


this sand pit is behind house?

Behind the porch, next to the back half of the house


between house and garage?

Yes. Between the house/porch and garage.


next to driveway?

Yes. Next to the top part of the driveway. The driveway is wide enough to fit 5 cars. 3 cars wide it goes all the way up to the garage, the other 2 cars wide stops short about 8 to 12 feet. There used to be a gated chain link fence there, which was always in bad shape, but I had to tear out because the moles/ants/water/tree roots rounded it completely. It boxed out the patio pavers that are now just a huge sand pit.

The driveway is huge. I don't remember the exact dimensions after refinishing it last year, but I got a good laugh when I realized that I didn't buy nearly enough stuff to get the job done because I had more square footage of driveway than I have square footage inside the house.

The first 5 to 8 feet of the driveway immediately beyond the garage slopes back to the garage, which Is why I want to use tubing to get all roof water beyond that slope so it goes down to the street.

I assume none of this was a problem when it was all originally built, but quite a bit of settling has occurred over the decades, not at all helped by the insane amounts of water we get around these parts and the low land level.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 9:26 AM



I heard it go off maybe once or twice last night after the rain started.

Timed it (just by looking at the clock without knowing seconds) this morning and it's maybe about 5 minutes and 15 seconds in between cycles.

The 72 hour map says we've gotten 3.02 inches of rain in the last 72 hours.
2.97" in the last 48 hours.
2.97" in the last 24 hours.
2.97" in the last 12 hours.
0.64" in the last 3 hours.
0.16" in the last hour.

So yes... a big rain, but not to dissimilar to what we were getting twice per week last year in between some minor rains and the occasional 8" to 12" in 24 hour deluge that would see the city/county drains not working right.

The sand pit is soaked, but I'm not surprised since that downspout for the back porch/shed roof just dumps it right in the center of the sand.

It's hard to say if my pipe extender on the garage downspout is long enough. It was too dark to tell last night, and it's not raining hard enough to get a good feel now. In any event, I'm going to hose those things down and try to take them back for a refund and get the proper black corrugated tubing and put something together.

The hasta beds in the front and on the side of the house have at least 6" of what appears to be dry dirt up along the foundation... at least at surface level..

The back of the house only has about 1" that looks dry. Maybe the rain was blowing that way? But it's also probably because I'm not properly draining the back roof water, and with all that sand being wet back there it probably had a lot of diffusion action going on too.

I'll try to keep monitoring how the sump cycles go while I'm working today.

I'm not necessarily going to freak about 5 minute intervals while at the tail end of a 3" rain storm, but if its' still going every 5 minutes this afternoon when the rain has stopped that's probably indicative of problems.

(Unless you've got something to say about that, JSF)...

There's not a single drop in my basement, but there really shouldn't be with the lack of rain we've had this year compared to last year. So I still don't think this was really a good test. If we had another 3" downpour tonight and I didn't get an water in the basement I'd be feeling a lot better about the situation.

But for now it doesn't look like we've got much if any rain in the 10 day forecast after this one stops.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 9:42 AM


SUMP UPDATE 2: I did a proper time measurement with the stopwatch I forgot I have on my wristwatch.

Sump cycle: 22 seconds from start to finish.

Time in between cycle off and cycle on: 5:42

I'll try to remember to monitor this every hour or two.

We'll still be getting around 0.10" of an inch for the next 3 hours or so, but after that it should only be sporadic rain until it's done.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 1:32 PM


It stopped raining a while ago, except for some residuals. Total rainfall so far was just over 3.3 inches.

There was quite a bit of standing water by the downspout that poured straight in the center of the pit, which is expected. That snaked around the corner to the front of the house a few feet, where there wouldn't have been water otherwise because of the gutter there empting out past the hasta bed.

There was also quite a bit of standing water in the divot in front of the garage area. Most of that probably would have gone into the sand pit had it not already been saturated.

45 minutes after the rain stopped, all standing water was gone except for the worst part on the left side of the garage where it doesn't really have anywhere to drain off to except for the crack that returned after all of that snow.

The good news though, is that the amount of surface area covered in water in the sand pit was only half of what it usually would have been in a rain like this. There was hardly any in the "Berumda Triangle" itself (None pooled near the house proper), with most of it being past where the downspout dumps into the sand and around the side of the porch/shed by where the driveway is. There was none pooled along side of the garage either.

Usually, most of this sand was covered except for about a foot away from everything in a rain like this.

Even better news, not a drop of water in my basement, and the bucket I still have under the roof patches from last year was bone dry as well.

The worst sump time was 4:47 in between cycles. It's steadily rising again and around 5:15 in between cycles now.

It turns out the store closest to me has everything I need, and the prices are good, so I don't need to make trips all over the place. I think I'm going to clean off that cheap crap extension I put on and get it ready for a return attempt after I complete my inventory of what I'll need.

I'll also be buying a 20ft length of cheap plastic gutter guard. I'm going to cut out sections to fit inside the gutter above the downspouts (the downspout strainers themselves are freaking terrible at their job), and I'll also cut smaller pieces to fit inside the downspout to tube adaptors for a second catch before going into the corrugated tubes.

This might end up being even cheaper than I thought it would be. If I can get that return, and with the rebate, I might be looking at maybe about $80 or $90 bucks.

Once I get them installed, I'll have a lot of data to compare it to next time we get a rain this heavy.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 2:42 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Brenda, I guess I understand to some degree about rain.

WNY where I'm originally from was almost always overcast with a very low cloud ceiling. There were many a day I went in to work and the top floors of the building were in the clouds. And it was tall, but not THAT tall! Then there were the really cheap tatty buildings that were put up in the early 1900's; the narrow, mingy potholed-streets with the signs all askew from being hit with snowplows and never strightened; the stubby miserable-looking trees because the soil depth was really low and the water table really high; and so on. So, overall the place was exceptionally dreary with a pale yellow-brown smothering sky, and grey and brown decrepit buildings. But I think if we'd had clear blue skies and bright sunshine all the physical dreariness might have looked picturesque, instead of beaten-down and ugly. When I was very young we went to Wasaga Beach in Ontario a couple of summers. And besides the beach !!! - I mean, who doesn't like a temperate beach with warm shallow water? - what I remember about it was the bright blue clear sky and the tall ceiling with scattered white puffy clouds that were WAAAAAAAAAaaay up there ... very different from what I was used to.

The weather can help set a mood, for sure.

The trees around here are beautiful and when you get to a local mountain for hiking or to the beach it is gorgeous. And we do have some really nice beaches here in BC on the Lower Mainland. I used to go to one called Cresent Beach all the time when in the summer when I was a kid. Lovely there and if you can get out to Vancouver Island it is beautiful too.

Weather does set the mood that is true. Hopefully it will dry out more as May rolls on.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 4:57 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What I found is ... don't do everything bassakwards, like I did.

Plan first.
Decide what you want your space to do. (Originally I just wanted it to shade the property and house, be drought tolerant, wildlife friendly, have a walkway from drive to front door, and be pretty, but as McMansions sprung up nearby I decided I wanted to screen out the ugly view. Also, it is very important for me to imagine walking thru a space, not just look at it.)
Pencil in adequate walkways for maintenance
Decide on the theme (I have an excellent book on that you can borrow) and a "look"
Hardscape and irrigation first, then sculpt your yard

THEN you can do "total vegetation control", plant the plants that you want, and mulch!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

I actually have a plan! that I drew up.

Mostly I want the house to be shaded in the summer and sunny in the winter, so - mostly deciduous trees around the house. And because this is a narrow city lot, mostly smaller trees/ very large shrubs (to about 25'). These I'm confident will provide shade and still let any sea-breezes through underneath them that I usually get in the evening. Of course I want them to be reasonably drought tolerant (even natives are having problems with our serious extended drought, so in my mind drought tolerant is a relative term. To me it used to mean no watering (under normal circumstances), but now it means limited watering.)

I want it to be low-maintenance. I know you're having an epic battle with weeds, as did I when I had a very, very lovely wildflower front yard.

It was full of:
yellow oxalis
which is not native but is extremely drought tolerant, and the first thing that blooms in spring that seems to be a lifeline for the also non-native honey bees
followed by blue eyed grass

a native spring-bloomer
Mexican evening primrose

another native, but which blooms all summer
and other assorted flowers.

So I've decided mulch is my best friend, which I'm going to need to kill the Bermuda grass anyway. I'll be limiting my bare dirt for the native bees to more easily maintained spaces instead of large areas.

Another thing I want to use for its drought-tolerant, low maintenance qualities is a fair bit of decking and pavers.

Mostly I'll be using decking instead of concrete around the house. Decking is easier on old bones if you fall. It provides stable footing. AND it covers up the lead-contaminated soil and keeps it from blowing its lead-contaminated dust around. (That being said, I did have about 1' x 7' dug up and removed from around the house, to be capped by decomposed granite, then overlaid with decking, just to be extra-sure the lead-contaminated soil doesn't go anywhere in large amounts.)

And where I'll be using pavers is the 'lower 40' part of my back yard near the alley. By judicious use of slopes and drywells and decomposed granite underneath the pavers, I think I can keep water in the yard, and have it percolate through to the earth. Pavers will allow that, whereas a solid cover of concrete won't.

And I've decided ahead of time the little details like - do I want the decking boards to run lengthwise or cross wise? (crosswise, lengthwise looks too industrial) - do I want the curb under the fence to follow the slope or stairstep? (stairstep - there are too many different slopes and I think having it follow the varying slopes with their varying angles would look awkward, and it would also require a 100% custom-built fence) - how wide do I want the decking? (on the w side of the house w/ a 10' setback, nearly all the way to the fence, with a 2.5' gap for planting small deciduous shade trees, on the e side with a 15' setback, 7.5' with a 7.5' garden) - what trees do I want flanking the front walkway? (crape myrtle) ... and so on. OH! yeah - recently there's been A LOT of aggressive coyote activity in certain areas, like cats and small dogs being taken, and coyotes staring down homeowners in their backyards. Now, these areas abut directly to open wildland, so nobody there should be surprised by coyote presence, but the aggressiveness of particular individuals in concerning. One of the things I looked VERY deeply into was how coyotes manage fences. I probably looked at 40 videos of coyotes getting across varying kinds, from low post-and-rail to 6' block walls and 10' chain-link (around a park). And they always - !! ALWAYS !! - gain a toehold at the top before going over to the other side. So chain-link fences and block walls are particularly conducive to that behavior (which I think is instinctive - they need to have a last-minute bail-out moment in case something on the other side is dangerous). But wrought-iron fences don't provide a toe-hold, and if the bars are close enough together they can't squeeze through, and if there's a curb underneath, they can't dig under. So I'd already intended to have a 6' tall and plainer version of the wrought iron I had installed in the front installed elsewhere, which I like because it allows expansive views and lets the breezes through. But the coyote issue confirmed it as a better choice. (BTW there is more than 1 'fix' to coyote-proof block walls, if it becomes necessary.)

And I've gotten a confidence boost in my visualization abilities. Basically, I have none. It's so bad, I think if there was such as thing as anti-visualization, I'd have that. So I spent many many hours drawing to-scale perspective drawings to 'see' the end results of my various ideas. I'd considered, and drawn, what a dog-eared picket fence would look like on the west side (it would make the 10' narrow side yard very cramped and mingy-looking). But my neighbor recently installed one, and it looks about as bad a I thought. I'd say it looks exactly as I thought. The upside is, having 'visualized' it in many different permutations, I think I know how to turn it around into a nicer look.

I even have my 'plant pallet' figured out for the entire lot. There are just a few non-critical decisions left. And btw THANKS for the many ideas for native shrubs!! I've incorporated those ideas in many places. And since for the most part I have NO idea how these things will grow here (except for privet (garden thug, but useful for honeybees and birds), Catalina Island cherry and it's 40,000 year-ago parent hollyleaf cherry (I prefer hollyleaf, but both are very useful), and crape myrtle (a summer bloomer loved by honey bees, with beautiful fall color), and of course the many, many coast live oak trees that planted themselves in my yard (my area is either chaparral or southern oak woodland, depending on soil depth, I guess my particular lot is southern oak woodland) ... ... I even have alternates picked out in case my first choices don't thrive in my difficult extreme climate and clay soil. I fully intend to 'edit' my landscaping after the fact, depending on how things are doing.

But basically near the house will be shaded 'woodland' with decking patios. That's really not my favorite look, but seems to be the most useful in terms of heat-control, accessibility, low-maintenance, drought-tolerance, and wildlife-friendly checkboxes. And the rest will be open sunny space with pavers surrounded by v large evergreen shrubs.

I'll also have a couple of bird-bath 'water features' for the wild life. And I'll have a fair number of planters for some garden plants, herbs, and so forth. (The lead contamination makes for uncertain food-growing.)

If you can think of anything I should do to improve my planned habitats, or to alter my plan for any reason, I'd much appreciate it!


Sunday, May 9, 2021 8:02 PM


TOTAL RAINFALL: 3.49 inches in less than 12 hours.

Worst time between pump cycles: 4 minutes; 46 seconds. (around 10:AM while it was just finishing up raining)

Time between cycles as of 6:45PM: 9 minutes; 6 seconds.

Not a drop in the basement.

But it's not a cause for celebration yet. Even though only 3.5 inches would have seen me mopping in the basement last year, I'm lucky the ground wasn't already saturated. My existing setup would handle normal rain in normal rainfall areas, but I'm sure I'd still have problems if it were raining like last year.

I got me 100 feet of drain pipe, a downspout adapter for every spout should I choose to extend all of them this way, a T and a Y connector, depending on which one is going to work better where I want to join two of them, and some plastic gutter guard stuff I'm going to use to block off the downspouts at the top and inside the adapters for a 2nd layer of protection before the crap gets into the drain pipe.

I have a plan in mind, but it may be altered here and there as I'm outside working on it this week. But next time we get this much rain, if I do things right, there will be zero visible standing water in the sand pit, and my pump won't be going off so much.

P.S. If you ever buy 100 feet of 4" diameter pipe, don't try loading it into a car on your own. If somebody hadn't helped me out and given me an extra set of hands, I might have been there all day trying to do it on my own.

Driving home was fun. At least I think it was. I couldn't really see much.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, May 9, 2021 11:31 PM


Lazy Sunday and a slower week coming up for me.


Monday, May 10, 2021 1:01 AM


Up to over 11 minutes now.

I hate it when I get in this mode. There's no need to babysit it now. It's not supposed to rain much at all in the next 10 days, and it gets slightly better every hour. It's not like counting is going to make it work faster.

I'll probably be up until 4AM.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 10, 2021 6:41 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
TOTAL RAINFALL: 3.49 inches in less than 12 hours.

Worst time between pump cycles: 4 minutes; 46 seconds. (around 10:AM while it was just finishing up raining)

Time between cycles as of 6:45PM: 9 minutes; 6 seconds.

Not a drop in the basement.

But it's not a cause for celebration yet. Even though only 3.5 inches would have seen me mopping in the basement last year, I'm lucky the ground wasn't already saturated. My existing setup would handle normal rain in normal rainfall areas, but I'm sure I'd still have problems if it were raining like last year.

I got me 100 feet of drain pipe, a downspout adapter for every spout should I choose to extend all of them this way, a T and a Y connector, depending on which one is going to work better where I want to join two of them, and some plastic gutter guard stuff I'm going to use to block off the downspouts at the top and inside the adapters for a 2nd layer of protection before the crap gets into the drain pipe.

I have a plan in mind, but it may be altered here and there as I'm outside working on it this week. But next time we get this much rain, if I do things right, there will be zero visible standing water in the sand pit, and my pump won't be going off so much.

P.S. If you ever buy 100 feet of 4" diameter pipe, don't try loading it into a car on your own. If somebody hadn't helped me out and given me an extra set of hands, I might have been there all day trying to do it on my own.

Driving home was fun. At least I think it was. I couldn't really see much.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

Oh my!
By any measure, that WAS a lot of rain over a 12-hour period! Maybe not the 100-year deluge that you got last year,but definitely a test of your system! I think you're on the right track, SIX.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, May 10, 2021 6:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Lazy Sunday and a slower week coming up for me.

Me too. I DID eventually go out and weed, and over the course of the week filled up a 65-gal bin with weeds, and two 65-gal bins with leaves that need to be shredded. But mostly took it easy, didn;t cook much since for various reasons we were all doing something different with our meals, so that definitely made a lazy day for me!

I hope you enjoyed your lazy day. I know I did!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Monday, May 10, 2021 9:55 AM


Yeah. When I got home yesterday I realized when I was putting everything together for the next rebate batch I have to mail out on Saturday that I was double charged on the T. I used to check the receipt all the time, but that's pretty patronizing, and they'd never messed it up before.

Luckily, they've got a system in place for that, and somehow I managed to connect to the right manager at the right department with their dozen and a half phone options. She just had to check the security footage when I brought the receipt in. I hope the kid didn't get in any trouble for that. I didn't make a big deal out of it and just said "yeah, I don't know what happened" and said it wasn't a big deal when she apologized for it.

When she came back after checking the footage I let her know about the kid that helped me out with the snake and asked if there was any comment card I could fill out about. I said he should be employee of the month. Got the card and I'll drop it off next time I go back, which probably will be this week some time.

That was the hardest part of this rainfall this time. Getting that 100 foot tube home, and having to drive back for a $6 return.

Annoying, but sure beats mopping up 30 gallons in the basement.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 10, 2021 10:00 AM


We haven't had any rain since it stopped around the 10:00AM hour.

Checked the sump cycle when I got up, somewhere around 8:30AM and it's now 14 minutes and 34 seconds between cycles.

I was hoping for better than that, since that's still more than 4 times per hour. No problem now since our rainfall is quite limited for the rest of the week, but that thing will still be getting to every 2 minutes or less during the worst of times like it did the last few years when we were getting slammed.

Hopefully that's because of the back porch roof that was just being dumped into the sand and wrapped around to the front of the house. Otherwise I can't really explain it. Most parts of the house had at least an inch or two of dry ground at the foundation, with about half of the surface area being 5 or 6 inches or more that were dry.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, May 10, 2021 10:39 AM


Bummer... Not too much data here about the storms we had last year. It looks like I was mopping in the basement early on, back in April before my brother came in. says we had above average rainfall in April. But they say it was "Much Above Average" in May, when the bad stuff hit.

But it looks like I didn't post much in here around that time because Kiki and I were arguing, and I'm sure I didn't get on here too much for the couple of weeks my bro was here when the worst of it happened.

I'll have to see if I recorded data in my album when I was taking pictures of everything, because the data I had on a text document can't be found at the moment. I did a lot of re-org on hard drives after I got a new 5TB external, so it's probably floating around here somewhere.

It's too bad I can't find a website online that would tell you what the rainfall was on a specific day by zip code. claims to do it, but based off of a comment I made on April 30th about having to mop up in the basement 2 days prior, I would expect a ton of rain to have fallen on April 27th or 28th, but I'm only seeing .4" overnight from April 27th to April 28th.

So maybe that's right?

But then I see we got .33" again from the 29th into the 30th, and I wasn't complaining about mopping that morning.

So I'm not very confident their data is correct.

It would be nice to think that I was mopping last year when we got less than half an inch and now we just got 7 times that and I didn't see a drop of water in the basement.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.






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