In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Thursday, June 3, 2021 8:19 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX: you have water seeping thru your block walls?


Under the porch that Uncle Bob made. The house itself isn't made with cinder blocks, but the porch is.

I tried to repair what I could when we redid the flooring, but short of demolishing the room and starting from scratch or paying somebody huge money to do it right, that's where we're at.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 8:27 AM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
As an aside... any ideas for something I can wrap around the pipe where the 1/8" hole was drilled to prevent the pump from locking up because of the vacuum?

I was going to make that relief hole much lower and pointed downward in the new PVC pipe, but I had to re-use the old PVC coming out of the pump because my dumb ass glued the male-to-female PVC piece into the pump and it wasn't coming out. (I ended up adding a shorter length in between that and the new check valve with a rubber coupler.

So even though the thing is a lot quieter now, there is a ton of unnecessary splash back. It wasn't a problem when I could just cover immediately over the hole with a paver and then cover the whole thing up with visqueen, but now that I have a camera on there it is a problem. I still don't have full view of the well either since I still have to leave that paver on top otherwise water will get all over the place.

I'm sure there's something I can come up with. Maybe I can fabricate something out of a small piece of the sheet metal I used for roof repairs. Just something that the water would hit and go straight down into the well instead of hitting the side of it like a miniature fire hose.


JSF: Not completely sure what you are looking to do.

If trying to seal it, then that wet seal or Flex Seal stuff from TV and now in stores would likely work.

I don't want to seal it. It's a necessity. Without this hole the pump will fail due to "air lock", which happens because of the vacuum formed between the pump and the check-valve. The hole allows air to be sucked back into that length of pipe between the two, with the unfortunate side effect of spraying water back into the well as the pump is going off.

I didn't do this when I had a $300+ cast iron Zoeller pump down there and it failed after little more than a year of use.

My problem here is that I did it wrong during my emergency install. It should have been much lower, and I should have angled it down into the well instead of straight out the side of the pipe.


If just a splash diverter, then a few ideas.

Just a piece of plastic, with a hole on one side. Wedge it on one side of the pump, hole a few inches above the spout hole, the bottom against the well wall, and a zip tie around the pump casing and through the hole to keep it in place.

Another: take a plastic mayonaise jar, or similar. Empty of mayo. cut off the bottom of the jar. Cut through one side of the jar, from bottom to top. Maybe trim the top rim (the part that has threads, where the lid screws onto), to just barely less than the total circumference of the discharge pipe. slip the contraption around the pipe. Squeeze the top rim around the pipe, and hose clamp that in place, tight. The remaining loose-hanging shell of the jar hangs over the hole, effectively a hood.

Or a chunk of used rubber tire. wrap a piece around the discharge pipe. hose clamp the top of it, above the hole. The hole spurt will push the tire flap away, and be diverted down.

Do those make sense?

Yeah. That makes sense.

It also occurs to me that I saved the screw clamps from the old check valve which will make this easier.

I have a long length of thin rolled steel that I used for roof repair in the garage. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to cut whatever shape I want and have a thin, long length that I can use to form a "ring" which I can wrap around the pipe before clamping it down. I could then use some superglue to firmly affix a felt furniture pad inside the hood to dampen the noise.

I just want to do this now so I can remove that patio paver which keeps about 85% of the splash back in the well. It's literally in the worst possible place for the camera right now.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 8:33 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, over the past couple of days managed to drag dear daughter's dresser into her room, a rake up enuf leaves to fill both 65-gal bins and shred them today.

Those will be the last leaves I shred for this season. Any more leaves that I rakeup are going into greenwaste. Strictly cleanup, no recovery bc the closer I get to the dirt the more grasses and weeds (and their seeds) and sticks I pick up, and I don't want to be breaking my strings and spreading unwanted seeds around.

One of the things that was hanging me up on the front yard was bc there are SO MANY things to do I wasn't sure where to start, but I finally figured out my sequence and I can move forward with a plan where I won't be undoing or re-doing previous work.

I like the way you think. Double-work is one of my biggest pet peeves.

Speaking of weeds, I'm going to be spraying a weed and feed mix designed for hoses today on my lawn that has more weeds than it's ever had before. I got the bonus bottles at a really good price, and they're for 7,500 sq ft, so 3 bottles should do the trick if I do it right.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 9:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


SIGNYM: SIX: you have water seeping thru your block walls?

SIX: Yes.
Under the porch that Uncle Bob made. The house itself isn't made with cinder blocks, but the porch is.
I tried to repair what I could when we redid the flooring, but short of demolishing the room and starting from scratch or paying somebody huge money to do it right, that's where we're at.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

Oh. I have a similar problem: Our neighbor's sprinkler spray has apparently been hitting our block wall for years and the water has been seeping thru ar such a rate that the concrete is dissolving out and the affected blocks are getting crumnly.

Where I worked we got all kinds of specialty products for testing, as well as the usual Thompson's Water Seal and similar. Having used Thompson's in the past and knowing its formulation I can say I'm not a big fan. Been doing a casual internet search for a product that calls itself a "concrete consolident". I don't recall the exact chemistry but I DO remember being impressed (like nothing I've ever seen before; asI recall it uses a form of fluoride) so if I find it again I'll let you know. And if you find anythin useful, please let me know!

But if worse comes to worst, there's always water-based epoxy. (Need water-based so the water in the blocks doesn't poison the reaction.)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 9:16 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIGNYM: SIX: you have water seeping thru your block walls?

SIX: Yes.
Under the porch that Uncle Bob made. The house itself isn't made with cinder blocks, but the porch is.
I tried to repair what I could when we redid the flooring, but short of demolishing the room and starting from scratch or paying somebody huge money to do it right, that's where we're at.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

Oh. I have a similar problem: Our neighbor's sprinkler spray has apparently been hitting our block wall for years and the water has been seeping thru ar such a rate that the concrete is dissolving out and the affected blocks are getting crumnly.

Where I worked we got all kinds of specialty products for testing, as well as the usual Thompson's Water Seal and similar. Having used Thompson's in the past and knowing its formulation I can say I'm not a big fan. Been doing a casual internet search for a product that calls itself a "concrete consolident". I don't recall the exact chemistry but I DO remember being impressed (like nothing I've ever seen before; asI recall it uses a form of fluoride) so if I find it again I'll let you know. And if you find anythin useful, please let me know!

But if worse comes to worst, there's always water-based epoxy. (Need water-based so the water in the blocks doesn't poison the reaction.)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

Oooh... Your actual blocks themselves are crumbling???

Wow. With all the problems I've got here, that's not something I'm dealing with. My problem is whatever dollar store mortar they used and probably mixed wrong.

The worst part was under the door into the porch last year. It actually started to cave inward (I'm sure the moles constanly making tunnels there wasn't helping the situation at all).

I trenched out about 2 feet there and my buddy and I made a battering ram to get it all back in. I put new mortar inside and out wherever I could reach outside. Most of my patching was inside, but as long as I still have water coming up to the foundation this is always going to be a problem for me.

Where I repaired this wall I cleaned everything really good after the mortar dried and I painted it with that roof/foundation tar. 2 years later it looks just as good as when I first did it.

I plan on doing this all around the house soon. This will be the first step in my outside water remediation efforts going forward.

After I trench out the walls a bit, clean them off and tar them (and give the tar some time to bake, I'm going to fill the dirt back in and double my efforts to grade away from the house.

I also have quite a bit of length of chicken wire from when I blocked the holes under the front overhang that I jacked up last year so raccoons couldn't get in.

I plan on cutting 6" x 6" lengths of this and putting them every couple of feet, perpendicular to the house, before filling back in with dirt.

This should keep the moles from making their fast travel tunnels right up against the foundation. At least in theory.

I'm not sure what you would do about the cinder blocks actually crumbling. Maybe JSF has some thoughts on that?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 10:26 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yes, maybe JSF would have some suggestions. He seems to have a lot of practical experience with water intrusion.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 10:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Looks like I won't be buying zucchini for the foreseeable future. I just harvested my first three, with many more developing.

Anxiously waiting for tomatoes to start ripening so I can stop buying that crap from the store.

Cucumbers are developing too.

I planted narrow leaf milkweed in a bucket bc it is THE host plant for west coast monarch flyway. Not sure if the plants are big enough to support both, but I have two monarch caterpillars munching the milkweed now.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 1:45 PM


Another bright sunny day. Out soon to enjoy it.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 2:19 PM


Got my weed & feed down on the front and back yard, then I cleaned up the painting room in the basement, used rubberbands to get some paper towel tops for a few more old paint buckets and put the first coat of finish paint on one side of the 9 remaining shelves. Got a fan on it now. I should be able to at least get one full coat on today.

I'll probably work on making that hood for the pump in the mean time after cooling off a bit.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 5:25 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
As an aside... any ideas for something I can wrap around the pipe where the 1/8" hole was drilled to prevent the pump from locking up because of the vacuum?

I was going to make that relief hole much lower and pointed downward in the new PVC pipe, but I had to re-use the old PVC coming out of the pump because my dumb ass glued the male-to-female PVC piece into the pump and it wasn't coming out. (I ended up adding a shorter length in between that and the new check valve with a rubber coupler.

So even though the thing is a lot quieter now, there is a ton of unnecessary splash back. It wasn't a problem when I could just cover immediately over the hole with a paver and then cover the whole thing up with visqueen, but now that I have a camera on there it is a problem. I still don't have full view of the well either since I still have to leave that paver on top otherwise water will get all over the place.

I'm sure there's something I can come up with. Maybe I can fabricate something out of a small piece of the sheet metal I used for roof repairs. Just something that the water would hit and go straight down into the well instead of hitting the side of it like a miniature fire hose.


JSF: Not completely sure what you are looking to do.

If trying to seal it, then that wet seal or Flex Seal stuff from TV and now in stores would likely work.

I don't want to seal it. It's a necessity. Without this hole the pump will fail due to "air lock", which happens because of the vacuum formed between the pump and the check-valve. The hole allows air to be sucked back into that length of pipe between the two, with the unfortunate side effect of spraying water back into the well as the pump is going off.

I didn't do this when I had a $300+ cast iron Zoeller pump down there and it failed after little more than a year of use.

My problem here is that I did it wrong during my emergency install. It should have been much lower, and I should have angled it down into the well instead of straight out the side of the pipe.


If just a splash diverter, then a few ideas.

Just a piece of plastic, with a hole on one side. Wedge it on one side of the pump, hole a few inches above the spout hole, the bottom against the well wall, and a zip tie around the pump casing and through the hole to keep it in place.

Another: take a plastic mayonaise jar, or similar. Empty of mayo. cut off the bottom of the jar. Cut through one side of the jar, from bottom to top. Maybe trim the top rim (the part that has threads, where the lid screws onto), to just barely less than the total circumference of the discharge pipe. slip the contraption around the pipe. Squeeze the top rim around the pipe, and hose clamp that in place, tight. The remaining loose-hanging shell of the jar hangs over the hole, effectively a hood.

Or a chunk of used rubber tire. wrap a piece around the discharge pipe. hose clamp the top of it, above the hole. The hole spurt will push the tire flap away, and be diverted down.

Do those make sense?

Yeah. That makes sense.

It also occurs to me that I saved the screw clamps from the old check valve which will make this easier.

I have a long length of thin rolled steel that I used for roof repair in the garage. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to cut whatever shape I want and have a thin, long length that I can use to form a "ring" which I can wrap around the pipe before clamping it down. I could then use some superglue to firmly affix a felt furniture pad inside the hood to dampen the noise.

I just want to do this now so I can remove that patio paver which keeps about 85% of the splash back in the well. It's literally in the worst possible place for the camera right now.

Probably skip the furniture cushion. What happens when it falls down and gets sucked into the pump?


Thursday, June 3, 2021 5:30 PM


Yeah... that's why I thought superglue instead of relying on whatever adhesive comes on the back of it, but your mind went right where mine did.

Hopefully it's not too loud without it.

I could probably cut off a piece of a dish rag or something and clamp that under the sheet metal ring.

I'll see what it sounds like with nothing first though. It might be fine.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 5:36 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
OK, fine. So then DO IT. It doesn't help to hear your guesses or imaginings. That is why I asked to perform the test, now, without others factors confusing the results.

I say this because inadvertantly I'd already figured this out through experience.

Making those paint marks will certainly come in handy for this in the future.


If I let a laundry load go, it will be quite quick though. I can easily make that pump go of 2 times with a load and possibly 3 depending on how high it was before the laundry started emptying into it. That would all happen in a matter of 60 to 90 seconds or so.
Great. Start the test sequence after the laundry water is done pouring in.

I'm asking you what purpose this will serve.

This will prove to both of us exactly how much of your drainage tile water is coming from outside your property, and how much is coming from leaks in your sewer pipe system. With no rain coming down, and the pump cycling less than 8 times per day, once the laundry water is pumped out, there should be no more water coming back in from the tile. Then we can focus on certain things. If there suddenly is water coming in from the tile (within the next hour), then we can focus on other things. But this test should be done, and observed, as an isolation of potential problems. Your pump cycling over and over again for days after a rain has stopped is a problem.


Like I said, PAINT PEN. Yellow color, unless you prefer something else.
I've just never heard of a paint pen before. I have a grout marker, which I guess you could call a paint pen.

Grout markers are apparently chemical reaction products, either coloring or chemically cleaning grout.

Paint Pens issue paint. You normally need to shake them before each use, because they have a paint ball inside which needs to mix the paint well before application, where it come out in your own calligraphy.

I would say yellow for your application. Some places really like the silver and gold. Some like the Green and Red. I don't know what black would be for, unless touch-up.

This one says valve-activated tip and waterproof, but maybe it only comes in white.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 5:52 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Yeah... that's why I thought superglue instead of relying on whatever adhesive comes on the back of it, but your mind went right where mine did.

Hopefully it's not too loud without it.

I could probably cut off a piece of a dish rag or something and clamp that under the sheet metal ring.

I'll see what it sounds like with nothing first though. It might be fine.

Rag will disintegrate with water blasting. Maybe some ratty piece of plastic. Rubber - you got an old bike tire to cut up, old car tire to cut up? Make a strip of those, tuck under your metal piece, if you don't want to just make the whole thing rubber. You don't know a single person with an old tire? People pay to get rid of those. stop by a used tire store, see if they have some ratty old thing for you to take away for free. Weather checked is fine, doesn't matter.

It's not like this needs to be permanent, without the ability to change.

If you use Great Stuff as a sound dampener, that stuff holds up against water quite well, and if it breaks up, it might go though your pump without damage.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 5:54 PM


Been to my doc's today to get report on lab work. All is good. Bad cholesterol is down, liver function good. Thyroid stable. Been on a lower dosage of my seizure meds for a year worked.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 6:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Been to my doc's today to get report on lab work. All is good. Bad cholesterol is down, liver function good. Thyroid stable. Been on a lower dosage of my seizure meds for a year worked.

That's all good news!

You've been taking good care of yourself. Congrats!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 6:16 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Managed to spray pendimethalin on part of the front yard (where dog can't reach when she's tied up out front when I'm working there) and corn gluten on the closer part of the yard for a head-to-head comparison. Took photos of everything. Have to go shopping but tomorrow I'll water it in.

OH SIX, BTW, CHECK YOUR WEED N FEED PACKAGE. If it has a pre-emergent component to it, it may stunt any further grass seed sprouting, so I hope your grass is well established.

Also check to see if it needs to be watered in.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:47 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Been to my doc's today to get report on lab work. All is good. Bad cholesterol is down, liver function good. Thyroid stable. Been on a lower dosage of my seizure meds for a year worked.

Oh that's SO nice to hear! Congratulations, Brenda!


Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:48 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Been to my doc's today to get report on lab work. All is good. Bad cholesterol is down, liver function good. Thyroid stable. Been on a lower dosage of my seizure meds for a year worked.

That's all good news!

You've been taking good care of yourself. Congrats!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.

It is very good.

As I've said over the last couple of years. I work very hard on looking after myself.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:53 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

SIGNYM: SIX: you have water seeping thru your block walls?

SIX: Yes.
Under the porch that Uncle Bob made. The house itself isn't made with cinder blocks, but the porch is.

Oh. I have a similar problem: Our neighbor's sprinkler spray has apparently been hitting our block wall for years and the water has been seeping thru ar such a rate that the concrete is dissolving out and the affected blocks are getting crumnly.

Where I worked we got all kinds of specialty products for testing, as well as the usual Thompson's Water Seal and similar. Having used Thompson's in the past and knowing its formulation I can say I'm not a big fan. Been doing a casual internet search for a product that calls itself a "concrete consolident". I don't recall the exact chemistry but I DO remember being impressed (like nothing I've ever seen before; asI recall it uses a form of fluoride) so if I find it again I'll let you know. And if you find anythin useful, please let me know!

But if worse comes to worst, there's always water-based epoxy. (Need water-based so the water in the blocks doesn't poison the reaction.)

Not sure of your situation.

I thought I had seen mention of cinder block.

Are these cinder block, concrete block, brick, what?
Foundation wall, load-bearing wall, retaining wall, border wall, or wall open to outside air on both sides? Any higher structure being supported by the wall? Wall topped by flat stone, or covered/filled in? Decorative wall? What other function? joined by mortar, grout, reinforced?


Thursday, June 3, 2021 7:53 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Drought ...

... and its consequences ...


Study: California fire killed 10% of world’s thousands-of-years-old giant sequoias

Researchers used satellite imagery and modeling from previous fires to determine that between 7,500 and 10,000 of the towering species perished in the fire. That equates to 10% to 14% of the world’s mature giant sequoia population, the newspaper said.

“I cannot overemphasize how mind-blowing this is for all of us. These trees have lived for thousands of years. They’ve survived dozens of wildfires already.” said Christy Brigham, chief of resources management and science at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 11:27 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Yeah... that's why I thought superglue instead of relying on whatever adhesive comes on the back of it, but your mind went right where mine did.

Hopefully it's not too loud without it.

I could probably cut off a piece of a dish rag or something and clamp that under the sheet metal ring.

I'll see what it sounds like with nothing first though. It might be fine.

Rag will disintegrate with water blasting. Maybe some ratty piece of plastic. Rubber - you got an old bike tire to cut up, old car tire to cut up? Make a strip of those, tuck under your metal piece, if you don't want to just make the whole thing rubber. You don't know a single person with an old tire? People pay to get rid of those. stop by a used tire store, see if they have some ratty old thing for you to take away for free. Weather checked is fine, doesn't matter.

It's not like this needs to be permanent, without the ability to change.

If you use Great Stuff as a sound dampener, that stuff holds up against water quite well, and if it breaks up, it might go though your pump without damage.

I didn't even need a sound dampener after all.

I ended up using a 6" scrap piece of the 5" gutters I installed last year. Cut myself a great little hood with it, making sure to round down any and all sharp ends and sanding everything down smooth so I don't go cutting myself with it.

It's clamped down tight around the pipe just above the hole and it bends out at about a 15 degree angle after the clamped part. It's on there rock solid and muffles the hell out of the noise as well as keeping all the water in the well where it belongs.

Who needs a 3D printer?


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 11:28 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Originally posted by Brenda:
Been to my doc's today to get report on lab work. All is good. Bad cholesterol is down, liver function good. Thyroid stable. Been on a lower dosage of my seizure meds for a year worked.

Oh that's SO nice to hear! Congratulations, Brenda!

Thank you Kiki.

My hard work on behalf of myself does pay off when all numbers across the board are where they should be.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 11:29 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:


Drought ...

... and its consequences ...


Study: California fire killed 10% of world’s thousands-of-years-old giant sequoias

Researchers used satellite imagery and modeling from previous fires to determine that between 7,500 and 10,000 of the towering species perished in the fire. That equates to 10% to 14% of the world’s mature giant sequoia population, the newspaper said.

“I cannot overemphasize how mind-blowing this is for all of us. These trees have lived for thousands of years. They’ve survived dozens of wildfires already.” said Christy Brigham, chief of resources management and science at Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.

Weather people are starting to worry a little about our summer up here if June isn't wet enough.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 11:35 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:
Not sure of your situation.

I thought I had seen mention of cinder block.

Are these cinder block, concrete block, brick, what?

I don't know. I can only see the front of them from the outside and the back from the inside. I was able to see the two holes in them from above when the floor was out. I'd say they're just your standard cinder block you can get on sale for a buck at Home Depot.


Foundation wall, load-bearing wall, retaining wall, border wall, or wall open to outside air on both sides? Any higher structure being supported by the wall?

My 3 season room is a glorified tent with a shingled roof on it. Both the front and the back walls are more or less superficial. Above the door and where windows would be if they actually had installed real windows are a doubled up 2"x12" header both on the front and back walls of the porch. I'm assuming these are tied into the house, but I've never been able to verify that. On the other side is the attached shed at the end of the porch with the cracked concrete slab. Most of that weight is on the slab.

The only reason any weight at all is on the cinder blocks is from gravity and the fact that things have settled over the years.

There is a 3rd wall of these cinder blocks next to the shed slab and parallel with it. I would have to look at old pictures to verify whether or not they installed a fourth wall next to the legit house foundation or not.


Wall topped by flat stone, or covered/filled in?

Not filled in. Only topped by the outside joists and the inside joists that are tied into them.


Decorative wall? What other function? joined by mortar, grout, reinforced?

I would assume by mortar. Not reinforced at all. I patched what I could from the inside. The only stuff I patched from the outside were the two layers of really bad ones I had to straighten out. That held up well as the tar I put on afterward looks just as good as when I first put it on.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 11:36 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Been to my doc's today to get report on lab work. All is good. Bad cholesterol is down, liver function good. Thyroid stable. Been on a lower dosage of my seizure meds for a year worked.

Good to hear Brenda.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Thursday, June 3, 2021 11:41 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Managed to spray pendimethalin on part of the front yard (where dog can't reach when she's tied up out front when I'm working there) and corn gluten on the closer part of the yard for a head-to-head comparison. Took photos of everything. Have to go shopping but tomorrow I'll water it in.

What is pendimethalin and corn gluten?


OH SIX, BTW, CHECK YOUR WEED N FEED PACKAGE. If it has a pre-emergent component to it, it may stunt any further grass seed sprouting, so I hope your grass is well established.

Also check to see if it needs to be watered in.

It's not preemergent and wouldn't work on things like crabgrass. It's meant to be put down after weeds like dandelions and clover sprout... and I've got plenty of those.

It says you don't have to water it in, but I'm going to go out and do that in a few days anyhow. It also says that it only needs 6 hours before rain to be good on the weeds, but then it says 24 to 48 hours is best.

It's going to be in the high 80's and mid 90's with a small chance of rain for the next 7 or 8 days. I imagine I'll be out watering a few times. I should have really gotten that stuff and put it down a month ago, but I'll just make sure to water everything now that I've got a hose long enough to do so.

So I got the weed and feed down today, made the hood to keep the water in the sump well that also did a great job dampening the sound it makes, and I managed to put two coats of paint on one side of all 9 shelves with 1 coat on the other side.

Good day.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 4, 2021 12:07 AM


Figured a picture is worth a thousand words and video perhaps a million...

Here's the work for the hood out in the garage. I made a whoopsie and tested it on a 2" diameter pipe because I forgot it's only a 1.5" diameter pipe in the basement, so I only needed one of the clamps instead of daisy chaining two of them together.

And here it is in action, as filmed on SUMP PUMP TV.

ETA: Sorry you have to click on that link to see the vid. I tried about 50 different ways to brute force it with HTML code, but I can't figure out how to do it. It might not even be possible here anymore.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 4, 2021 1:45 AM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:
Figured a picture is worth a thousand words and video perhaps a million...

Here's the work for the hood out in the garage. I made a whoopsie and tested it on a 2" diameter pipe because I forgot it's only a 1.5" diameter pipe in the basement, so I only needed one of the clamps instead of daisy chaining two of them together.

And here it is in action, as filmed on SUMP PUMP TV.

ETA: Sorry you have to click on that link to see the vid. I tried about 50 different ways to brute force it with HTML code, but I can't figure out how to do it. It might not even be possible here anymore.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.

Can you move the lamp so that the inlet tube is illuminated, like above the camera? And move the camera closer or zoom in, so the well rim fills out to the borders of the screen? The light should illuminate a part of the well wall that can clearly bee seen by the camera.


Friday, June 4, 2021 3:39 AM


I can't really move the light. It's already on an outlet to socket adapter and taking up a slot in a 3 way splitter that's plugged right onto the outlet for the sump. I could swap the light and the camera plug to get it a little closer to the center of the well.

I can zoom the camera in no problem, but the problem is that it's just a grainier version of what you see there. You'd essentially get the same effect if you took that video and cropped it.

I'm not sure if the problem is with the camera or my tablet and firestick. I can watch in HD on my TV with about half of the choppiness that I can on the tablet. Trying to film in 1080 though ends up being about 5 frames per second if I'm lucky. It's very possible that if I had a better computer, TV or tablet that the camera is fully capable of 1080 recordings. I'm working with a lot of old tech around here, and it looks as though one of the reasons that this camera was so cheap is because it relies on your existing tech to do most of the heavy lifting. The camera is pretty dumb by itself.

Do keep in mind that in normal operation that entire area left of the inlet won't have a waterfall in front of it. That's only because I had the laundry dumping into it.

ETA: Also, the picture on my TV screen is much more clear, and quite a bit larger, since it's in 1080. I just have no way to control the zoom or direction on the TV or even record video or take pictures.

One of these days I'm going to upgrade my computer. Hopefully I can record in full HD without choppiness when I do.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 4, 2021 12:31 PM


Late start today. I usually do this when I get amped up like yesterday and don't finish with wrapping up my work until after 10PM.

Oh well...

Going to paint the other side of all of those shelves and then at least cut the contact paper for the tops of them. I think I'll give it a full day to cure before I put any of that on. Then I'll paint the lasy susan discs and finally move on to the doors and get these freakin' cabinets done after 5 months of work.

Hoping I see some dying weeds outside in the lawn today too.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 4, 2021 1:17 PM



Originally posted by 6ixStringJack:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Been to my doc's today to get report on lab work. All is good. Bad cholesterol is down, liver function good. Thyroid stable. Been on a lower dosage of my seizure meds for a year worked.

Good to hear Brenda.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.



Friday, June 4, 2021 1:19 PM


Out in a bit for my walk on what the weather people say is the last of the sun for a bit. Heading for a rain tonight into tomorrow and the beginning of next week.

Have an appointment to get my hearing aides checked. I have to tell the person that when I took them off yesterday the right one was blinking yellow at me.


Friday, June 4, 2021 5:07 PM


Painted the final coat on the 2nd side of all the shelves. Then I watered my hastas and a few spots of grass I burned with the granual fertilizer a while ago. I'm hoping that came back.

I forgot that I'd never used the wood putty to repair the damaged lazy susan disc, so I did that. Fortunately it looks as though I've cracked the code and figured out how to keep wood putty good for a long time since I haven't opened that thing in at least 45 to 60 days and it was still good.

Then I had to take my shop vac up and clean out the gutters. Those evil little disc seeds from that evil tree on my neighbor's lawn had them so clogged up I can't believe they even worked with the last big storm (mayhap they didn't, actually...) These things were even sprouting and growing in the gutters before I vacced them all out.

Now I'm going to probably go out to the garage and hit the two drawers and the two lazy susan discs I haven't primed yet since there's no more room to do that in the basement and I really want to be able to start painting those things ASAP.

And if things go right, I should be able to get the contact paper on the shelves tomorrow and have them all installed finally.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 4, 2021 5:38 PM


Having a bit of trouble with my rechargable hearing aides. I hope this doesn't mean that I have to go back to the battery operated ones. I go back to the hearing aide place next week, so we shall see.


Friday, June 4, 2021 6:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Managed to spray pendimethalin on part of the front yard (where dog can't reach when she's tied up out front when I'm working there) and corn gluten on the closer part of the yard for a head-to-head comparison. Took photos of everything. Have to go shopping but tomorrow I'll water it in.

SIX: What is pendimethalin and corn gluten?

They both kill seeds just as they're sprouting by blocking root formation and elongation. BUT THEY DO NOT KILL ESTABLISHED PLANTS. So if you have weed seeds in your soil, as I do, if you disturb the soil and bring them up to the surface and water them and they start to sprout, they never develop.
Pendimethalin is factory-made, corn gluten is corn protein which is a byproduct of corn starch manufacturing. Pendimethalin is somewhat toxic to birds and very toxic to aquatic animals (fish, etc) but corn gluten isn't toxic to anything except (I hope) weed seeds. The problem is that pendimethalin is a proven weed preventer but corn gluten is a question.

Anyway, they both need to be watered in, which I just did.

On to the next task.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Friday, June 4, 2021 6:58 PM


I see. Something maybe for the future for me, but my weeds are quite established at this point.

I thought it was hot today. 90. Wasn't supposed to be that hot for 2 or 3 more days when I looked last night, but now it's 90+ for three straight days with all the rest of them in the 10 day in the mid 80s. Not much if any rain.

I finally got that drought I've been wanting for 6 years.

Anyhow, I made room in the basement and primed 1 side of the two remaining discs and everything on the 2 drawers but the bottoms. No way I wanted to do that in the hot garage. I've already been outside more than I want to today anyhow.

I think that's it for the day. Maybe I'll unwind and get to sleep at a reasonable hour instead of being up until 4AM tonight.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 4, 2021 10:15 PM


I lied... Wasn't ready to stop working I guess...

Hit the back side of the 2 discs and put the 2nd coat on the drawers before going out one last time to water the burned areas of grass and the hastas.

I also discovered that my sump cam stopped working and was "offline".

I'm hoping that's because that little 9 watt LED bulb burns HOT when it's upside down and whatever cheap USB plug the camera came with didn't like it. After I got the bulb out of there I unplugged the camera and plugged it back in and it worked fine.

I ended up digging out one of those metal cone light thingies with the clamp that I knew I had in my garage somewhere.

So to answer your question if I could move the light before, JSF. Yes. I can and I have. It's hung from a joist and pointing right at the inlet now.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Friday, June 4, 2021 10:20 PM


Geez. No more than a 50% chance of rain in the next 10 days with most of them in the single digits, but the days where there is a chance it's predicted "STRONG THUNDERSTORM".

Crap. I'd better test my genny out tomorrow.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Saturday, June 5, 2021 9:34 AM


Today's itenerary:

Sand wood putty off disc.

Prime damaged disc and finish priming other 2 discs and drawers.

Water grass.

Sand and clean shelf holders that fit into the brackets. (I realized last night these were in a box and I'd never done this.)

Cut and paste contact paper on all 9 shelves.

Get those shelves installed finally.

If I'm still feeling like working after that, I might start putting final paint coats on the discs as well.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Saturday, June 5, 2021 1:44 PM


Laundry day as soon as I get a move on. Later. Also will do a walk.


Saturday, June 5, 2021 6:10 PM


It is trying to rain. Dark clouds around but some sun.


Saturday, June 5, 2021 9:27 PM


The two drawers and 3 discs are ready to paint tomorrow.

I've already staged the other 3 discs down there, so I'm going to be painting all 8 pieces tomorrow. I hope to get 2 coats on one side and 1 coat on the 2nd side at least.

Contact paper is on all 9 shelves. The three on the bottom that didn't need brackets are already in the cabinets. I will be putting the other 6 up tomorrow.

I ended up using the copper wheel on all 24 shelf holders that go into the brackets that are already installed. after that, I used the oil rubbed bronze spray paint on them from all angles.

The only reason the shelves aren't going in tonight is because I want to give the shelf holders 24 hours drying time before doing it.

I didn't water the grass, except for the few spots I burned with the granular fertilizer a while back. Half of it seems to be growing back in green after a few days of that. Hopefully it all does, but the spots where it is still really brown have a lot of bare dirt from the moles and need to be reseeded anyhow.

Hit the hastas a few times while I was hitting the burned grass.

Good day.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 3:27 PM


Shelves are installed and they look AMAZING!

Got the first coat of paint on the first side of the discs and drawers a few hours ago. I should be able to at least get 2 more treatments in today before I sleep without risking damaging the paint job. Then I can put the final coat on early tomorrow and let it all cure for a day before I put the contact paper and get the drawers in and the lazy susans put together.

After that, it's time to paint the cabinet doors.

Should have the upper cabs all finished by the weekend.

There's still work that needs to be done trimming out the bottom ones before I put a final coat on the outsides and I'm ready to put those doors in. In the mean time, the doors should be painted when that's finished and ready to install too.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 7:50 PM


Big headache knocked me out for the day. Think it's related to the dentures and how ill-fitting they have grown over time. :(

I was going to do a lot more painting and go shopping for some other home improvement things I need, but I'm not feeling up to anything right now. I'm cooking dinner very early for me, but I'm not even sure I will be able to eat it tonight and might be going to bed hungry.

Oh well....

Hey JSF... I'm buying a huge roll of that braided PVC pipe for the pump. like huge, huge.

The local stores only have it in 10 or 100 ft lenghts. Even your favorite Home Depot. 10ft is not going to cut it. I don't want to have to be down next to the well with a drill while doing this.

I can find 100ft lengths cheaper on Amazon than any of them by quite a bit. It's still far more than I wanted to pay for this.

But maybe I can help my old man install one. He has much less issues, but there have been times where he'd have to use a bucket in the well during extremely heavy rains when the power was knocked out. He's getting too old for that. I'm sure a 20ft or so length would be plenty for him to at least get it outside in bad situations if he had a drill pump too.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 8:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hope your headache relents, SIX. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. And make sure you get enuf salt

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

THUGR posts about Putin so much, he must be in love.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 9:08 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

So, you started this right near the end of 2014 Signy, after a really hard 2013 where you used a lot of water but still lost a lot of plants.

In all that time since 2013 I think last year was the only year we got (near) normal rainfall. And this year we got essentially no rain at all.

This drought - this megadrought - brings me a lot of grief when I think about the trees and other plants lost, the animals dying, and the awful, awful fires.

Oregon fall firestorms cautionary tale in worsening drought

OTIS, Ore. (AP) — Wildfire smoke was thick when Tye and Melynda Small went to bed on Labor Day, but they weren’t too concerned. After all, they live in a part of Oregon where ferns grow from tree trunks and rainfall averages more than six feet (1.8 meters) a year.

But just after midnight, a neighbor awakened them as towering flames, pushed by gusting winds, bore down. The Smalls and their four children fled, leaving behind 26 pet chickens, two goldfish and a duck named Gerard as wind whipped the blaze into a fiery tornado and trees exploded around them.

When it was over, they were left homeless by a peril they had never imagined. Only two houses on their street in Otis survived a fire they expected to be tamped out long before it reached their door less than six miles (9.6 kilometers) from the Pacific.

“Nobody ever thought that on the Oregon coast we would have a fire like this. Here ... it rains. It rains three-quarters of the year,” Melynda Small said. “It was one of the scariest things I’ve ever gone through.”

And as the U.S. West enters yet another year of drought, Oregon is now starting fire season amid some of the worst conditions in memory.

The state weathered its driest April in 80 years, and in the normally wet months of March and April, it had the lightest rainfall since 1924. (And) the warming climate means snow on Oregon’s famous peaks melts earlier, leaving soil and vegetation parched by late summer even if it does rain, said Erica Fleishman.

The Cascade Mountains run north-south and separate the notoriously rainy part of the state to the west and the drier climate to the east, where fires usually burn in less populated areas. Last year multiple blazes raged in the western Cascades where “you think of it being a rainforest with ferns” and closer to population centers, O’Neill said.

(But) one fire in southwest Oregon obliterated thousands of homes in two towns along Interstate 5, and was unique for Oregon because it was fueled by houses, gas stations and fast-food restaurants — not forest, said Doug Grafe, head of the Oregon Department of Forestry.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 10:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

If it's any comfort, Oregon has seen much worse droughts in the past 125 years or so, especially from about 1927-1937. [click on 1895-present(monthly). Not sure that Oregon is part of the megadrought, which seems to be centered on the southwest, not the northwest.

But better forest management would lessen the impact of both drought (fire) AND floods (mudslides) by selectively thinning forests and not fipping back and forth between clear-cutting, fire suppression, and (not so) benign neglect. I expect the drought to end in a year or so, based on climate models.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 11:41 PM


A do nothing Sunday for me today. Bit busy next week, grocery shopping, hearing aides triple checked and work on Friday. Also have get new prescription to pharmacy.


Sunday, June 6, 2021 11:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hope your headache relents, SIX. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. And make sure you get enuf salt

Yeah... as I feared, it's not a headache. Or, it's a headache brought on by something that might be a lot worse.

I can rock the top denture and have been able to do so for well over a year. I've never gotten it relined. I have what I'll call a nervous tick where I'm constantly making the suction go back and forth with it. If I'm listening to music, I'm doing it to the beat. If I'm not listening to music, I'm doing it to the beat of whatever song is stuck in my head. I do it constantly, without even realizing I do it.

This has happened once before, but not nearly this bad. I've got what I assume to be some sort of nasty blister on the roof of my mouth right now. I managed to just deal with it and eat, but that probably only made things worse. Last time it only lasted for less than 24 hours, but I wasn't able to wear it all day today and I've taken it out immediately after eating a miserable dinner.

It probably wouldn't be bothering me right now if my damned tongue would stop playing with it.

Hopefully I can get to sleep eventually and it's better in the morning. I've been trying to sleep for hours now, but I'm not even tired.


Give me liberty or just come shoot me in my house. I'm so over this ridiculous reality.


Monday, June 7, 2021 12:55 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


If it's any comfort, Oregon has seen much worse droughts in the past 125 years or so, especially from about 1927-1937.
But I don't think they've seen fire like that on the western Cascades. So something is very different now compared to before, because the results are very different now compared to before. The full article in part attributes the fires to an extreme offshore event, with very dry air, very high temperatures, and extreme winds. That sounds like it might be a one-off. The next few years will tell if it was an unusual confluence of rare events that shouldn't happen again any time soon. Or it might be like the 500 year floods that happen in 2 times in 3 years, that indicate historical conditions are broken.

But better forest management would lessen the impact of both drought (fire) AND floods (mudslides) by selectively thinning forests and not flipping back and forth between clear-cutting, fire suppression, and (not so) benign neglect.
Yeah, we need a LOT better forest management, and at least 1,000X more of it than is being done now, overall (considering the entire western US).

Another element is that the winter snow is melting and running off earlier, which means the landscape is extremely parched by the end of summer. (Hey, how about reintroducing beavers to help retain water in the watershed longer?)

Temperatures are higher, too.

A new element is cheatgrass

which is a highly invasive introduced species, that establishes itself very quickly after a fire, and burns very, very hot when it dries - which as an annual, it inevitably does. Fire => cheatgrass => fire => cheatgrass ... From what I've read here and there, that single thing has changed the entire fire equation from once every few years that native plants are adapted to, to annual events that, with repeated fires, eradicate everything in their way.

So better forest management is a must. But it needs to be managed for the new conditions, not the old ones. And one hopes there are biological controls in the works for cheatgrass and other pests.


I expect the drought to end in a year or so, based on climate models.
I really do hope so!






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