In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Sunday, September 4, 2022 2:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I didn't end up going to grams to help either...

I'm trying to be more positive about things that usually would annoy me, so I told myself that I've been presented with a new opportunity today.

Had another issue with my car. This time it's been overheating. Of course, I didn't realize it at first, since all of my trips have been local for the last 4 or 5 weeks. But when I'd pull into the garage I'd smell "burning". I mean, the car leaks oil right on to the tailpipe from the top of the engine, so it's always got a scent to it. The other day I checked all my fluids and saw my coolant was low... I'd just filled that to the top about 2 months ago.

I'm glad I thought about it last night and watched some videos and did some research. I learned a lot about the wiring, the fuses, the relays and what not.

Long story short, I went from one Serious Problem to one (hopefully) inconsequential problem. Instead of both of my radiator fans NEVER coming on, now they're ALWAYS on. Fortunately, I've lucked into a well engineered model car that shuts them off when the car is turned off. Some cars will run the fans until the battery dies. I drive so infrequently and so few miles per year, I'm not worried about them. Most people with average driving will use their fans far more in a year than I do even though they're not on until the temp gets over 234 degrees.

In the process, my car codes were reset. Since a faulty temperature sensor is the likely culpret now, this could impact my next emissions, but that's not for another 1.5 years and I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

My aunt and grandma are going to come here for lunch tomorrow now. It was nearing the end of my aunt's vacation and she was kind of relieved that I wasn't coming to do the help this weekend because she's enjoying relaxing before going back anyhow.

So I took a break from pretty much everything else except for errands after that.

And tomorrow except for some extremely light cleaning before they get here, I don't intend to do anything tomorrow either. First full weekend I've had off it what seems like ages.

I did have a good score at Goodwill today with the sale. Got a new pair of Levis and 4 tee shirts for $21. Although black really isn't my color of choice for jeans, I'm not going to pass up a pair of Levis that fit me this well for $6.50. Especially not when it's so hard to luck into 30" length and I usually have to settle for 32".


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Sounds like a good time to take a break. I hope the weather is conducive for relaxing.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, September 4, 2022 2:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
If my area saw any rain it was over night and not much. Things do look a little damp out.

Just a Sunday and my shoulder right now is driving me nuts. Going to soak it under a hot shower. Maybe that will help.

Ibuprofen might help. I've also found those chemical heating pads work great; they release a slow gentle heat over 9_11 hours. Kind of pricey but worth it if you have a joint or muscle pain you'd like to be rid of.

Any of your exercises aggravating the problem?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, September 4, 2022 2:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I've had to emergency water my pines, avocados, and veggies nearly every day for the past few days. Took the dog out @1030 and it was already 96. Predicted to get up to 104. I can't wait for the big cool down on Saturday.

Altho I'm sure this is nothing compared to Texas.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, September 4, 2022 4:03 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
If my area saw any rain it was over night and not much. Things do look a little damp out.

Just a Sunday and my shoulder right now is driving me nuts. Going to soak it under a hot shower. Maybe that will help.

Ibuprofen might help. I've also found those chemical heating pads work great; they release a slow gentle heat over 9_11 hours. Kind of pricey but worth it if you have a joint or muscle pain you'd like to be rid of.

Any of your exercises aggravating the problem?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I've got some regular strength tylenol if I really feel the need for a pain killer.

Think I've seen those chemical things up here and they are pricey.

I think they are a bit. One I have to stretch across a table, which I did on Thursday playing mah jong, so that didn't help. And another one where I lay on the bed with a broom handle or umbrella and use it to push my right arm out. Did that one a few days ago and might have over done it. But then I just can't stop doing things that I have to do because of my shoulder. I'm just trying to be careful.


Sunday, September 4, 2022 4:03 PM


There is actual rain where I am.


Sunday, September 4, 2022 4:05 PM


OH, SIG. Forgot to mention I found a copy of "The Last Detective" at my local library and started watching it. Always liked Peter Davison back to when he was Tristan on "All Creatures Great and Small".


Sunday, September 4, 2022 7:38 PM


Had quite a bit of rain today though the sun is out now. Roof tops are all wet around my apartment building.


Sunday, September 4, 2022 7:39 PM


Strange dream this morning involving me visiting friends in Alberta and George Takei.


Sunday, September 4, 2022 8:11 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
OH, SIG. Forgot to mention I found a copy of "The Last Detective" at my local library and started watching it. Always liked Peter Davison back to when he was Tristan on "All Creatures Great and Small".

I hope you find it as entertaining as we did.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, September 4, 2022 10:09 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Sounds like a good time to take a break. I hope the weather is conducive for relaxing.

Yeah. It actually has been.

They didn't actually make it over here today though, so that was kind of a bummer. I'm glad my aunt isn't retiring for a few years because I don't think she does very well without something to do. She's had several nights on her time off that she didn't sleep well at all and last night was one of them. I know how easy it is to fall in that trap if I let the projects I need to do go for a while, and I'm assuming that we've got some of that same stray gene in both of us.

Physically, I haven't gotten anything but some minor cleanup done today, but I have spent a lot of time with the digital media re-org and backup. It's just such a daunting task though, and I feel like it's going to take forever for me to chip away at it. I've got to find a way to have background processes running in the background while I do the projects in the house and stop hyper-focusing on one thing at a time.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, September 5, 2022 1:17 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
OH, SIG. Forgot to mention I found a copy of "The Last Detective" at my local library and started watching it. Always liked Peter Davison back to when he was Tristan on "All Creatures Great and Small".

I hope you find it as entertaining as we did.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I am. As I said I just started watching it but I like his character.


Monday, September 5, 2022 1:19 PM


Out for my walk in a bit on a holiday Monday. Couple of things to do. Temp is down to 16C which is 52F. Need a jacket today.


Monday, September 5, 2022 4:07 PM


Back and in.


Monday, September 5, 2022 4:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Sounds like a good time to take a break. I hope the weather is conducive for relaxing.

Yeah. It actually has been.

They didn't actually make it over here today though, so that was kind of a bummer. I'm glad my aunt isn't retiring for a few years because I don't think she does very well without something to do. She's had several nights on her time off that she didn't sleep well at all and last night was one of them. I know how easy it is to fall in that trap if I let the projects I need to do go for a while, and I'm assuming that we've got some of that same stray gene in both of us.

Physically, I haven't gotten anything but some minor cleanup done today, but I have spent a lot of time with the digital media re-org and backup. It's just such a daunting task though, and I feel like it's going to take forever for me to chip away at it. I've got to find a way to have background processes running in the background while I do the projects in the house and stop hyper-focusing on one thing at a time.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I know what it feels like to have something "to do" weighing on your mind, but in my case it's general worry-wartism

Sometimes hyperfocusing on one thing at a time is the only way I get an onerous task done.
Well, whatever works best for you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, September 5, 2022 8:00 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I know what it feels like to have something "to do" weighing on your mind, but in my case it's general worry-wartism

Yeah. Well given all of the countless hours of work I've put into the project, this digital re-org and backup should have happened a LONG time ago. Although I did feel safe that it was backed up in several places, it was rather piecemeal because I didn't have large enough drives before. Now that I do, and because Windows 10 is cancer compared to WindowsXP, I've got to do a TON of hash verification to make sure every single thing transferred over without error before I do anything with the smaller drives. It will likely take WEEKS to do this verification with the tech I'm running.

Once I get things situated right though, there's a lot of downtime between getting that going before I have to move on to the next thing to verify, so I won't have to hyper focus on it as long as I check it once or twice a day and get the next part going whenever I find the last part is done.


Sometimes hyperfocusing on one thing at a time is the only way I get an onerous task done.
Well, whatever works best for you!

Well... that IS what I've been doing with the outside work with very little time off in between. I only put so much time into the digital stuff yesterday because it was a complete rain out.

Crappy SAD day outside today, but no rain. I did manage to excavate the slab that is up against my back porch and my house, clean it off with wire brush attachments on my drill, vac it and wash it down and make repairs to the cinder block wall where I needed it. I absolutely had to get that done today no matter what since I need 72 hours drying time before I can tar over that. Hopefully by this weekend I have both of the exterior slabs sealed in with the self-leveling caulk and I'll be one more step closer to a leak proof foundation.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 12:31 PM


Off to the dentist I go and a couple of other things to do before I get there.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 5:39 PM


Back from the dentist and this was a rough one. One root was in so deep that I had to ask for extra freezing. Also have some antibiotics to take. Just 5 days.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 10:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from the dentist and this was a rough one. One root was in so deep that I had to ask for extra freezing. Also have some antibiotics to take. Just 5 days.

Was this an extraction or a root canal?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 11:15 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from the dentist and this was a rough one. One root was in so deep that I had to ask for extra freezing. Also have some antibiotics to take. Just 5 days.

Was this an extraction or a root canal?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

It was extractions. Two broken teeth then a whole one that is breaking slowly. Dentist removed one root that belonged to a missing tooth then the other roots to the one that was breaking.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 12:00 AM


Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 12:06 AM


I got up on my gutters today to clean them out REALLY good so I could do a much better job of sealing them than the bozos I had installing them did a few years back. While it was drying I mowed the front and back lawn, which is something I wasn't intending on doing today but it needed it.

After it dried, I put in the foam style gutter guards my old man had left over from when he did his house. He had two extra boxes, which was plenty to get the front of my house down where most of the leaves and helicopters gather. I lucked out because he bought more than he needed since one part of the house he decided not to even use them on because nothing really gathers there.

I hope they work, because boy... it's a lot harder getting access to those gutters with the river rock down there. I used to just prop the back legs up on the cinder block pavers I had lined up along the wall with the front legs in the mud and go to town. Now I've got to put a 3ft x 4ft board down there which is barely enough to fit the legs of the ladder, and weave it in between the hoastas and the drain cleanout and my hose reel. The idea of cleaning out those gutters 4 times a year is a nightmare now.

I'll give these a shot until the helicoptors come down next spring and if I don't feel they're up to the task I'm going to have to spring for the expensive gutter guards.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 12:30 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 12:32 AM


As much as this dentist didn't want to hurt me, she was very good about getting special pillow for my neck. This though it was rough made it much easier on my neck. I have to explain about the brain surgery and how dental chairs are bad for my neck.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 2:14 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 1:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Well, I think most of the damage happened when I was looking after my mum when she was dying. I let a lot of stuff for me slide when I was doing that. I wasn't eating properly or sleeping. I was so stressed out that I didn't realize I was experiencing seizures again which is why a few months after she died and the neurologist ran an EEG, they found them again after I had been clear for around 5 years.

Think I was also grinding my teeth when I was getting any sleep. So between that and not looking after them, it happened.

And nope not finished just finished for now. Still two more to come out in the front and couple of broke ones on the left. Then I see about a partial plate for the top.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 1:14 PM


Out for my walk and a couple of things to do before I go and play an extra game of mah jong this afternoon at my seniors centre. So later peeps.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 3:28 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.

BRENDA: That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

SIGNY Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

BRENDA: Well, I think most of the damage happened when I was looking after my mum when she was dying. I let a lot of stuff for me slide when I was doing that. I wasn't eating properly or sleeping. I was so stressed out that I didn't realize I was experiencing seizures again which is why a few months after she died and the neurologist ran an EEG, they found them again after I had been clear for around 5 years.

Think I was also grinding my teeth when I was getting any sleep. So between that and not looking after them, it happened.

And nope not finished just finished for now. Still two more to come out in the front and couple of broke ones on the left. Then I see about a partial plate for the top.

Oh, I know the feeling. There were a few years there when our daughter was disappearing mentally, my MIL (who lived with us) was dying (she died at home w/ me at her bedside) and hubby was DXd at a young age with prostrate cancer. I was at my wit's end and not taking care of myself at all.

Anyway AFA teeth grinding, if you think you might still be, there are inserts you can use to cushion your teeth. Do you have enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet? I haven't drunk milk since I was maybe 6, but I just started drinking milk again bc of osteoporosis. I know you avoid milk but you should try to get calcium in your diet somehow. Humans can tolerate all kinds of malnutrition when young bc all of our conservation mechanisms are working full time, but once we get past reproduction years nature doesn't care what happens to us any more so we better take care of ourselves!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 9:44 PM


We did it....

We FINALLY got that new rolling shed door installed today. It's perfect.

It barely makes any noise at all, is able to be pulled up or down with a feather touch, and actually rolls up like it should so half the door isn't hanging down when it's open forcing you to duck through the entry.

My friend's dad came through for me BIG TIME once again. It's always pulling teeth getting him over here to square up on his debts, but can't deny the awesome results.

We also got electric run to the attic for the exhaust fans I'm going to put in the ceiling so it can still be a smoking room when it's finished, and we got an external outlet to the front of the porch and are halfway there getting the one out the back. We'll finish that off tomorrow and get the electric out to be ready for the outdoor porch light when I decide on one. They'll both be GFCI protected.

In between that time, most of the insulation is up on the front and back walls too, and we didn't even have to dip into any of the 15 bats that I bought back in 2019 yet. All of this was done with what was left of the insulation I took down from the wall in the garage after cutting off the pieces the mice ruined out there.

He's coming back tomorrow and probably Monday too. His plan is to have all the walls drywalled and mudded before he's done.

If you asked me yesterday, I never would have said that my back porch would be usable for anything before next spring.

That might not be the case anymore.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 11:39 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.

BRENDA: That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

SIGNY Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

BRENDA: Well, I think most of the damage happened when I was looking after my mum when she was dying. I let a lot of stuff for me slide when I was doing that. I wasn't eating properly or sleeping. I was so stressed out that I didn't realize I was experiencing seizures again which is why a few months after she died and the neurologist ran an EEG, they found them again after I had been clear for around 5 years.

Think I was also grinding my teeth when I was getting any sleep. So between that and not looking after them, it happened.

And nope not finished just finished for now. Still two more to come out in the front and couple of broke ones on the left. Then I see about a partial plate for the top.

Oh, I know the feeling. There were a few years there when our daughter was disappearing mentally, my MIL (who lived with us) was dying (she died at home w/ me at her bedside) and hubby was DXd at a young age with prostrate cancer. I was at my wit's end and not taking care of myself at all.

Anyway AFA teeth grinding, if you think you might still be, there are inserts you can use to cushion your teeth. Do you have enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet? I haven't drunk milk since I was maybe 6, but I just started drinking milk again bc of osteoporosis. I know you avoid milk but you should try to get calcium in your diet somehow. Humans can tolerate all kinds of malnutrition when young bc all of our conservation mechanisms are working full time, but once we get past reproduction years nature doesn't care what happens to us any more so we better take care of ourselves!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah, I was my mum's main care giver. By the time she died, I was wrung out. I almost yelled at one of the nurses one day and he just looked at me and said, "This isn't like you." I told him I was tired and wore out and that's when they decided to get her into hospice as fast as possible but she didn't live that long.

I think at times I might be and have been looking at cushions you can use at night in your mouth. Night guards they are called, I think. I don't drink milk anymore because of that additive that is in it. I take a vitamin D supplement every day. I also eat a lot of broccoli and brussel sprouts for calcium.

I am always on the look out for other foods with calcium in them. I eat more cheese now than I use to for the calcium.


Wednesday, September 7, 2022 11:40 PM


I won playing mah jong today. Wonder if I can do it tomorrow on my regular day.

Have to see because that is where I am off to tomorrow morning then I have a couple of errands to run.


Thursday, September 8, 2022 5:28 PM


Back and in. Hard morning at mah jong but I did get 3rd place.


Thursday, September 8, 2022 9:07 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and in. Hard morning at mah jong but I did get 3rd place.

Well, that sounds pretty good to me!

I'm pretty sure- but not 100%- that cottage cheese, ricotta, and yogurt don't have vitamin A palmitate added. Also, you can take up to 500 mg/ day of calcium -based antacids (Tums or equivalent) w/o causing excessive calcium in your bloodstream.

I used to think I got away with not drinking milk or eating much dairy bc I had a lot of magnesium in my diet (magnesium is calcium-spari g,). Not anymore! Don't wait until you get to be an old fart like me before taking positive steps for bone health. You're young enough to make a difference so it's a good time to start.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 8, 2022 9:25 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SignyM:

Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.

BRENDA: That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

SIGNY Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

BRENDA: Well, I think most of the damage happened when I was looking after my mum when she was dying. I let a lot of stuff for me slide when I was doing that. I wasn't eating properly or sleeping. I was so stressed out that I didn't realize I was experiencing seizures again which is why a few months after she died and the neurologist ran an EEG, they found them again after I had been clear for around 5 years.

Think I was also grinding my teeth when I was getting any sleep. So between that and not looking after them, it happened.

And nope not finished just finished for now. Still two more to come out in the front and couple of broke ones on the left. Then I see about a partial plate for the top.

Oh, I know the feeling. There were a few years there when our daughter was disappearing mentally, my MIL (who lived with us) was dying (she died at home w/ me at her bedside) and hubby was DXd at a young age with prostrate cancer. I was at my wit's end and not taking care of myself at all.

Anyway AFA teeth grinding, if you think you might still be, there are inserts you can use to cushion your teeth. Do you have enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet? I haven't drunk milk since I was maybe 6, but I just started drinking milk again bc of osteoporosis. I know you avoid milk but you should try to get calcium in your diet somehow. Humans can tolerate all kinds of malnutrition when young bc all of our conservation mechanisms are working full time, but once we get past reproduction years nature doesn't care what happens to us any more so we better take care of ourselves!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah, I was my mum's main care giver. By the time she died, I was wrung out. I almost yelled at one of the nurses one day and he just looked at me and said, "This isn't like you." I told him I was tired and wore out and that's when they decided to get her into hospice as fast as possible but she didn't live that long.

I think at times I might be and have been looking at cushions you can use at night in your mouth. Night guards they are called, I think. I don't drink milk anymore because of that additive that is in it. I take a vitamin D supplement every day. I also eat a lot of broccoli and brussel sprouts for calcium.

I am always on the look out for other foods with calcium in them. I eat more cheese now than I use to for the calcium.

How long was your mom ill? My MIL died of breast cancer. She was treated and did ok for 4 1/2 years (except she developed heart failure) but by then it had metastisized to her bones and brain, so she was in hospice - at home- for about six months b4 she passed away. Not a good way to go.

One of my sisters was my mom's primary care for 7 years. Mom was mostly pretty functional except her knee would give out and she fell quite frequently so eventually she was wheelchair-bound, but in her last year COPD caught up with her. She had been a former smoker but there was something else going on- fibrosis of unknown origin almost like cystic fibrosis. Also not a fun way to die.

It seems it falls to daughters to take care of elderly parents. I've only seen one family where the children discussed and integrated their mom's care: the one who made the most money paid for a carer to help out, the one who was a part time worker took care, and the in-between one would buy groceries and other stuff and come by every weekend to give primary carer a break. But usually most of the kids run away and the one that didn't run far enough takes on the responsibility.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 8, 2022 10:22 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

The zucchini have pooped out as they seem to do every late summer, but I e been harvesting fresh tomatoes, peppers, and okra and at some point will need to pick watermelon and pull beets.

It's still 100F and quite humid, we had a few rain spatters this AM. Tomorrow it's still predicted to be 100F or so, but a 15 degree cool down on Saturday with some unseasonal rain, and low to mid 80s in the 10-day. It'll be quite a relief!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, September 8, 2022 10:52 PM


Finished all of the electric except for picking out a light for outside the door and installing it.

Got a lot of drywall up and mudded too after finishing the insulation. I don't ever have to look at those bare dirty studs again.

I even tarred the area I was working on above the slab behind the porch before he got here.

I'm hoping that fixing my breaks on my car won't be a huge time sink. I had my friend's dad sit in the car and pump the breaks while I was down below looking and it looks like it's spraying right from under the driver's seat.

So I don't think it's the Master Break Cylinder, which is good for the wallet, but a break line is actually a lot harder to replace (with the tools at my disposal). I'm pretty sure it's the rear driver's side line I need to replace. Hope to figure that out for sure before my Dad comes tomorrow so we can go pick it up on the way to the grocery store for a few things. If not, my Aunt said she'd be happy to take me when she and my grandma stop by this weekend (for sure this time!).


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, September 8, 2022 11:22 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and in. Hard morning at mah jong but I did get 3rd place.

Well, that sounds pretty good to me!

I'm pretty sure- but not 100%- that cottage cheese, ricotta, and yogurt don't have vitamin A palmitate added. Also, you can take up to 500 mg/ day of calcium -based antacids (Tums or equivalent) w/o causing excessive calcium in your bloodstream.

I used to think I got away with not drinking milk or eating much dairy bc I had a lot of magnesium in my diet (magnesium is calcium-spari g,). Not anymore! Don't wait until you get to be an old fart like me before taking positive steps for bone health. You're young enough to make a difference so it's a good time to start.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

That was good as no one got really high scores. Top score was over 6,000 points and so I think 2nd was around 4,000points. My 3rd and I had over 2,000 points. There were enough of us for a booby prize and the lady who gave me my winnings got it.

I'll take a look at the yogurt situation when I am out tomorrow. Got to do some grocery shopping. I do try my level best to stay on top of things now, SIG.


Friday, September 9, 2022 9:58 AM



I don't think I've got the time and or desire to fix the brake issue on my own. I certainly don't have the tools.

Why couldn't it have been the Master Cylinder? That $150 part would have been in and out with the brakes bled in 15 minutes without me having to jack up the car. A dumb $45 brake line is probably going to cost me $300+ and whatever a tow costs.


Oh well. It's been a good week otherwise, and the fact that my radiator fan problem last weekend probably saved my life by keeping me from driving very far (and fast) with this problem isn't something I'm going to forget any time soon.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, September 9, 2022 1:14 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SignyM:

Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.

BRENDA: That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

SIGNY Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

BRENDA: Well, I think most of the damage happened when I was looking after my mum when she was dying. I let a lot of stuff for me slide when I was doing that. I wasn't eating properly or sleeping. I was so stressed out that I didn't realize I was experiencing seizures again which is why a few months after she died and the neurologist ran an EEG, they found them again after I had been clear for around 5 years.

Think I was also grinding my teeth when I was getting any sleep. So between that and not looking after them, it happened.

And nope not finished just finished for now. Still two more to come out in the front and couple of broke ones on the left. Then I see about a partial plate for the top.

Oh, I know the feeling. There were a few years there when our daughter was disappearing mentally, my MIL (who lived with us) was dying (she died at home w/ me at her bedside) and hubby was DXd at a young age with prostrate cancer. I was at my wit's end and not taking care of myself at all.

Anyway AFA teeth grinding, if you think you might still be, there are inserts you can use to cushion your teeth. Do you have enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet? I haven't drunk milk since I was maybe 6, but I just started drinking milk again bc of osteoporosis. I know you avoid milk but you should try to get calcium in your diet somehow. Humans can tolerate all kinds of malnutrition when young bc all of our conservation mechanisms are working full time, but once we get past reproduction years nature doesn't care what happens to us any more so we better take care of ourselves!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah, I was my mum's main care giver. By the time she died, I was wrung out. I almost yelled at one of the nurses one day and he just looked at me and said, "This isn't like you." I told him I was tired and wore out and that's when they decided to get her into hospice as fast as possible but she didn't live that long.

I think at times I might be and have been looking at cushions you can use at night in your mouth. Night guards they are called, I think. I don't drink milk anymore because of that additive that is in it. I take a vitamin D supplement every day. I also eat a lot of broccoli and brussel sprouts for calcium.

I am always on the look out for other foods with calcium in them. I eat more cheese now than I use to for the calcium.

How long was your mom ill? My MIL died of breast cancer. She was treated and did ok for 4 1/2 years (except she developed heart failure) but by then it had metastisized to her bones and brain, so she was in hospice - at home- for about six months b4 she passed away. Not a good way to go.

One of my sisters was my mom's primary care for 7 years. Mom was mostly pretty functional except her knee would give out and she fell quite frequently so eventually she was wheelchair-bound, but in her last year COPD caught up with her. She had been a former smoker but there was something else going on- fibrosis of unknown origin almost like cystic fibrosis. Also not a fun way to die.

It seems it falls to daughters to take care of elderly parents. I've only seen one family where the children discussed and integrated their mom's care: the one who made the most money paid for a carer to help out, the one who was a part time worker took care, and the in-between one would buy groceries and other stuff and come by every weekend to give primary carer a break. But usually most of the kids run away and the one that didn't run far enough takes on the responsibility.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Sorry, I missed this post SIG.

My mum's first bout of cancer was colon which included surgery and chemo. Once that was all done, she was declared cancer free and was for 5years. The second was lung as the surgeon told us that it could come back there. But in between there was the usual doctor's stuff for her, which I kept track of as well as helping run the apartment and other things.

The lung cancer I would say ran about a year along with her having a secondary blot clot in one of her legs that sent her to hospital for rehab. She expected me to be there every day and I was pretty well. Then when she got home there were chemo treatments and blood work as well as household chores I was doing too. So, I was pretty wore out.

The day my mum died, she fell out of bed and I called an ambulance to take to the hospital. I followed it down in a cab once I got myself together and was there talking to the nurses and such. She was almost gone as she barely acknowledged a nurse who said I was there. I couldn't stay all day and watch her slowly die, so I went home. Got a call from the hospital around midnight that day that she had died.

With my mum I think it was just one of those things. She didn't smoke except for sneaking them once in a while from my dad when he was alive but after never. She didn't drink.

In my case foolishly took up the mantle because I thought it was my responsiblity as the oldest. My brother did squat.

Everything medical done for my mum was covered under our medical system as none of us could pay from out of pocket.


Friday, September 9, 2022 1:16 PM


Out for my walk and to get things done.


Friday, September 9, 2022 2:20 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.

BRENDA: That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

SIGNY Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

BRENDA: Well, I think most of the damage happened when I was looking after my mum when she was dying. I let a lot of stuff for me slide when I was doing that. I wasn't eating properly or sleeping. I was so stressed out that I didn't realize I was experiencing seizures again which is why a few months after she died and the neurologist ran an EEG, they found them again after I had been clear for around 5 years.

Think I was also grinding my teeth when I was getting any sleep. So between that and not looking after them, it happened.

And nope not finished just finished for now. Still two more to come out in the front and couple of broke ones on the left. Then I see about a partial plate for the top.

SIGNY: Oh, I know the feeling. There were a few years there when our daughter was disappearing mentally, my MIL (who lived with us) was dying (she died at home w/ me at her bedside) and hubby was DXd at a young age with prostrate cancer. I was at my wit's end and not taking care of myself at all.

Anyway AFA teeth grinding, if you think you might still be, there are inserts you can use to cushion your teeth. Do you have enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet? I haven't drunk milk since I was maybe 6, but I just started drinking milk again bc of osteoporosis. I know you avoid milk but you should try to get calcium in your diet somehow. Humans can tolerate all kinds of malnutrition when young bc all of our conservation mechanisms are working full time, but once we get past reproduction years nature doesn't care what happens to us any more so we better take care of ourselves!

BRENDA: Yeah, I was my mum's main care giver. By the time she died, I was wrung out. I almost yelled at one of the nurses one day and he just looked at me and said, "This isn't like you." I told him I was tired and wore out and that's when they decided to get her into hospice as fast as possible but she didn't live that long.

I think at times I might be and have been looking at cushions you can use at night in your mouth. Night guards they are called, I think. I don't drink milk anymore because of that additive that is in it. I take a vitamin D supplement every day. I also eat a lot of broccoli and brussel sprouts for calcium.

I am always on the look out for other foods with calcium in them. I eat more cheese now than I use to for the calcium.

SIGNY: How long was your mom ill? My MIL died of breast cancer. She was treated and did ok for 4 1/2 years (except she developed heart failure) but by then it had metastisized to her bones and brain, so she was in hospice - at home- for about six months b4 she passed away. Not a good way to go.

One of my sisters was my mom's primary care for 7 years. Mom was mostly pretty functional except her knee would give out and she fell quite frequently so eventually she was wheelchair-bound, but in her last year COPD caught up with her. She had been a former smoker but there was something else going on- fibrosis of unknown origin almost like cystic fibrosis. Also not a fun way to die.

It seems it falls to daughters to take care of elderly parents. I've only seen one family where the children discussed and integrated their mom's care: the one who made the most money paid for a carer to help out, the one who was a part time worker took care, and the in-between one would buy groceries and other stuff and come by every weekend to give primary carer a break. But usually most of the kids run away and the one that didn't run far enough takes on the responsibility.

BRENDA: Sorry, I missed this post SIG.

My mum's first bout of cancer was colon which included surgery and chemo. Once that was all done, she was declared cancer free and was for 5years. The second was lung as the surgeon told us that it could come back there. But in between there was the usual doctor's stuff for her, which I kept track of as well as helping run the apartment and other things.

I'm highly aware that people can almost make it past the five-year mark and then get nailed.

Was she an apartment manager?


The lung cancer I would say ran about a year along with her having a secondary blot clot in one of her legs that sent her to hospital for rehab. She expected me to be there every day and I was pretty well. Then when she got home there were chemo treatments and blood work as well as household chores I was doing too. So, I was pretty wore out.

The day my mum died, she fell out of bed and I called an ambulance to take to the hospital. I followed it down in a cab once I got myself together and was there talking to the nurses and such. She was almost gone as she barely acknowledged a nurse who said I was there. I couldn't stay all day and watch her slowly die, so I went home. Got a call from the hospital around midnight that day that she had died.

With my mum I think it was just one of those things. She didn't smoke except for sneaking them once in a while from my dad when he was alive but after never. She didn't drink.

People have a mistaken notion that getting cancer means you "did something wrong". Not so.


In my case foolishly took up the mantle because I thought it was my responsiblity as the oldest. My brother did squat.
That sucks. It would have been nice if he had at least stepped in once in a while.


Everything medical done for my mum was covered under our medical system as none of us could pay from out of pocket.
Well, at the time I was working full time so we had to pay for a daytime career. Hubby and I split night duty. The thing that I feel worst about was that MIL was suffering from brain cancer and she lost English and then language altogether and she was terrified of dying. There was no comfort or medication that soothed her agitation. Holding her hand and giving her pain meds was the best I could do and I knew it wasn't enough. When someone you care for sinks so far, you kind of go down the rabbit hole with them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, September 9, 2022 2:23 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

One more day and this blasted heat wave will be over!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, September 9, 2022 5:29 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Sorry to hear that, Brenda. I imagine even though I got 13 out at one time and it was super quick and easy and nearly painless, a lot of that had to do with much of the jawbone missing. Yours were probably packed in there a lot tighter than mine were.

Are those your first removed teeth? I'm just wondering because if they are know that you'll get used to not having them in there fairly quickly and down the line you won't even really give it any thought anymore.

BRENDA: That was one thing the dentist told me after the x-rays were done was that my jawbones are very healthy.

No, this is a second set that had to be pulled. I know the gums will heal in time. Just have to be careful for a bit. I've got a list of instructions and the antibiotics. So, I'm fairly certain I'll be okay.

SIGNY Well, I hope these are the last teeth t be extracted. It seems kind of strange that your jawbones are healthy but your teeth broke. So, any idea what might have caused the damage? I would hope that whatever happened you could avoid in the future.

BRENDA: Well, I think most of the damage happened when I was looking after my mum when she was dying. I let a lot of stuff for me slide when I was doing that. I wasn't eating properly or sleeping. I was so stressed out that I didn't realize I was experiencing seizures again which is why a few months after she died and the neurologist ran an EEG, they found them again after I had been clear for around 5 years.

Think I was also grinding my teeth when I was getting any sleep. So between that and not looking after them, it happened.

And nope not finished just finished for now. Still two more to come out in the front and couple of broke ones on the left. Then I see about a partial plate for the top.

SIGNY: Oh, I know the feeling. There were a few years there when our daughter was disappearing mentally, my MIL (who lived with us) was dying (she died at home w/ me at her bedside) and hubby was DXd at a young age with prostrate cancer. I was at my wit's end and not taking care of myself at all.

Anyway AFA teeth grinding, if you think you might still be, there are inserts you can use to cushion your teeth. Do you have enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet? I haven't drunk milk since I was maybe 6, but I just started drinking milk again bc of osteoporosis. I know you avoid milk but you should try to get calcium in your diet somehow. Humans can tolerate all kinds of malnutrition when young bc all of our conservation mechanisms are working full time, but once we get past reproduction years nature doesn't care what happens to us any more so we better take care of ourselves!

BRENDA: Yeah, I was my mum's main care giver. By the time she died, I was wrung out. I almost yelled at one of the nurses one day and he just looked at me and said, "This isn't like you." I told him I was tired and wore out and that's when they decided to get her into hospice as fast as possible but she didn't live that long.

I think at times I might be and have been looking at cushions you can use at night in your mouth. Night guards they are called, I think. I don't drink milk anymore because of that additive that is in it. I take a vitamin D supplement every day. I also eat a lot of broccoli and brussel sprouts for calcium.

I am always on the look out for other foods with calcium in them. I eat more cheese now than I use to for the calcium.

SIGNY: How long was your mom ill? My MIL died of breast cancer. She was treated and did ok for 4 1/2 years (except she developed heart failure) but by then it had metastisized to her bones and brain, so she was in hospice - at home- for about six months b4 she passed away. Not a good way to go.

One of my sisters was my mom's primary care for 7 years. Mom was mostly pretty functional except her knee would give out and she fell quite frequently so eventually she was wheelchair-bound, but in her last year COPD caught up with her. She had been a former smoker but there was something else going on- fibrosis of unknown origin almost like cystic fibrosis. Also not a fun way to die.

It seems it falls to daughters to take care of elderly parents. I've only seen one family where the children discussed and integrated their mom's care: the one who made the most money paid for a carer to help out, the one who was a part time worker took care, and the in-between one would buy groceries and other stuff and come by every weekend to give primary carer a break. But usually most of the kids run away and the one that didn't run far enough takes on the responsibility.

BRENDA: Sorry, I missed this post SIG.

My mum's first bout of cancer was colon which included surgery and chemo. Once that was all done, she was declared cancer free and was for 5years. The second was lung as the surgeon told us that it could come back there. But in between there was the usual doctor's stuff for her, which I kept track of as well as helping run the apartment and other things.

I'm highly aware that people can almost make it past the five-year mark and then get nailed.

Was she an apartment manager?


The lung cancer I would say ran about a year along with her having a secondary blot clot in one of her legs that sent her to hospital for rehab. She expected me to be there every day and I was pretty well. Then when she got home there were chemo treatments and blood work as well as household chores I was doing too. So, I was pretty wore out.

The day my mum died, she fell out of bed and I called an ambulance to take to the hospital. I followed it down in a cab once I got myself together and was there talking to the nurses and such. She was almost gone as she barely acknowledged a nurse who said I was there. I couldn't stay all day and watch her slowly die, so I went home. Got a call from the hospital around midnight that day that she had died.

With my mum I think it was just one of those things. She didn't smoke except for sneaking them once in a while from my dad when he was alive but after never. She didn't drink.

People have a mistaken notion that getting cancer means you "did something wrong". Not so.


In my case foolishly took up the mantle because I thought it was my responsiblity as the oldest. My brother did squat.
That sucks. It would have been nice if he had at least stepped in once in a while.


Everything medical done for my mum was covered under our medical system as none of us could pay from out of pocket.

Well, at the time I was working full time so we had to pay for a daytime career. Hubby and I split night duty. The thing that I feel worst about was that MIL was suffering from brain cancer and she lost English and then language altogether and she was terrified of dying. There was no comfort or medication that soothed her agitation. Holding her hand and giving her pain meds was the best I could do and I knew it wasn't enough. When someone you care for sinks so far, you kind of go down the rabbit hole with them.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah, that is what happened to her. No, my bad. We were living in an apartment but I was handling the daily chores, like bill paying and grocery shopping. I was her power of attorney, so I could do that.

I ran into a lot of that from her friends in the apartment building. "Did she smoke?" And I had to explain no and they never saw her drinking when they had wine and such at birthday parties in the building. It drove me batty when I got those questions.

It would have but the one time I told him to stay and help, he spoke to our mother and she said, "Brenda will do it." So, she wasn't much help either and that was when she was still fairly mobile.

That is really rough SIG. The lady I work for and her retired minister husband came over one day to visit with a friend of my mum that they knew too. They started talking about death and then prayed for her. They absolutely terrified my mum, that when they left I had to tell my mum's friend not to bring them back and she never did. The flip side of that is he was the only minister I knew and I had to ask him to do the service for her funeral.
He then told me that I was very brave to ask him to do that.

Yeah, that is sort of what happened to me.


Friday, September 9, 2022 5:32 PM


Back from my walk and groceries done along with an appointment made for my eye doc in a couple of weeks. Every 2 years for that. Also had to make a stop at the hearing aide place and get some more of a little tiny piece that is the microphone. They gave me 3 packs of them, so that will last me quite a while.

And on top of that I bought an actual Christmas present for a friend.

So, not bad for a Friday.


Friday, September 9, 2022 6:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Good deal, BRENDA!

Weather here which we only see every several years: It's completely clouded over and gusty, but hot hot hot. A hot wind from the NE.

Last time I saw this we had a major hailstorm and the time before that there were mamnatus clouds and (I later found out) a tornado over Pomona.

This is what mamnatus clouds look like. It was so strange looking I stopped pumping gas just to check it out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, September 9, 2022 7:14 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Good deal, BRENDA!

Weather here which we only see every several years: It's completely clouded over and gusty, but hot hot hot. A hot wind from the NE.

Last time I saw this we had a major hailstorm and the time before that there were mamnatus clouds and (I later found out) a tornado over Pomona.

This is what mamnatus clouds look like. It was so strange looking I stopped pumping gas just to check it out.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Those are cool cloud formations SIG. They would make me stop and look up as well.

Weather here has been warm today. Right now it is 80F. There has apparently been some smoke from the wild fires burning in province but I haven't smelt or noticed anything in my area.

We should get a cooling trend starting late tomorrow and Sunday.


Friday, September 9, 2022 7:24 PM


Paying somebody else to work on the brakes. Hopefully I'll have my car back early next week.

Dad came over and saw all the awesome stuff that's being done. Good times.

Helping my buddy out tomorrow, and I don't even have to drive there... because I can't.

Aunt and Grandma coming over on Sunday, and then it's back to the projects with my friend's dad on Monday.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, September 9, 2022 10:21 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

It's a darn good thing you couldn't drive anywhere, SIX. All the king's horses and all the king's men... etc
Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, September 9, 2022 10:46 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
It's a darn good thing you couldn't drive anywhere, SIX. All the king's horses and all the king's men... etc

Mmmmm hmmmm...

By all rights, I probably shouldn't still be here several times over. Add that one to the heap, I guess.

When I was younger and dumber I used to think that it meant something. Now I think I just have an extreme amount of luck that is hyper-focused on only one thing...

I guess there could be worse things to be lucky with, but I'm still waiting for Ed McMahon to show up at my house with that big check in 2022.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, September 10, 2022 1:29 PM


Got smoke where I am today. Winds blowing it in from fires burning down in Washington state.

I am out for my walk in a bit. Couple of small things to do.


Saturday, September 10, 2022 3:35 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Got smoke where I am today. Winds blowing it in from fires burning down in Washington state.

I am out for my walk in a bit. Couple of small things to do.

we are fortunate not to have had any megafires during the longest hottest heat wave on record..I snarkily told sis maybe bc everything has burned up already.

Anyway, the heat wave has BROKEN! We got a negligible but unseasonal 1/4" of rain. This storm huffed and puffed and then fizzled! But at least it's 85 out, not 95 or 105.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake






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