In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 17:55
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Thursday, October 13, 2022 6:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Didn't get to too much house cleaning today. I'll probably get some done, but after being out in the cold and depressing wind most of the day I'm really not feeling it.

I finished cleaning up the garage, wrapped up the A/C unit for the year, turned off the spigots, and put the final light switch in the porch. I had to run to the store to get one since the only one I had was a damn 3 way switch I don't even know why I have. I think some idiot returned it in the regular box and only got $2 back for a $6 switch and I got stuck with it somehow.

Oh well...

I actually slept in until almost 9AM this morning. I can't even remember the last day I wasn't up before 7:30 or earlier.

I'm glad warmer weather is still making a comeback. I hate winter. :(

ETA: Wow. Glad I took the time to do the winterization today. I was just doing it out of convenience since I'm done painting and didn't need the hose after I finished using it today. I just checked the weather and there's a freeze warning tonight.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Freeze warning already???? I mean, we're still a long way from T-day!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, October 13, 2022 6:59 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Speaking of which... Belated happy T-day, BRENDA! One of my other Canadian friends sent me some pix from Algonquin Natl Park... apparently the fall colors are spectacular this year.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, October 13, 2022 10:23 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Freeze warning already???? I mean, we're still a long way from T-day!

Yeah... My once beautiful October forecast has looked worse and worse every single day I refresh the page.

We've gone from what was supposed to be about 10 more days in the 70's to zero days in the 70's and about 5 days in the 60's, with the rest of them in the 50's and 40's.

Bad news for me, but hopefully states like Wisconsin and Michigan are getting this BS early too so they can all be reminded about what Joe*'s policies are going to do to their wallets for 2 straight years before election day.

I told my dad to dress warm tomorrow. I don't care if half the nights for the rest of the month are going to be in the 30's, the heat doesn't come on until November 1st.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, October 13, 2022 11:17 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Speaking of which... Belated happy T-day, BRENDA! One of my other Canadian friends sent me some pix from Algonquin Natl Park... apparently the fall colors are spectacular this year.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Thanks SIG. I bet they are.


Friday, October 14, 2022 7:54 AM


It's supposed to be sunny at least today, so hopefully I get some of that radiant heat in my windows. I know that taking all the old blinds off and having that vinyl privacy film up really helps keep the house warmer.

My heat system is hugely inefficient, but at least the insulation seems to be pretty decent. Wind was howling all day yesterday into the night. It was 63 degrees around 3PM on my thermostat yesterday, and this morning it's 60 degrees even though it dropped to freezing last night.

60 today, 50's this weekend, 40's on Mon through Wed, then (hopefully) back up to 60's for 5 days straight.

The party is pretty much over after that though. :(


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 14, 2022 8:22 AM


My friend's dad still isn't out of the woods. I can't believe they haven't looked at his lung yet to see if the spots went away after the antibiotics. Still don't know if they're going to put in a stint or fullblown bypass surgery on his heart. Still walking around with a life vest on.

He's not going crazy doing work, but he's still out helping my friend on his house quite a bit. I really wish they'd work faster to get him where he needs to be so he doesn't hurt himself in the mean time. He's not the type to sit around all day long every day, so when they tell him he should be walking and doing mild exercise every day he translates that as he should be working on a house.

Even though what I still needed him for is very light work, I don't even want him to come out until he gets treatment, even if he offered it. I'm going to have to do the next part on my own.

I've got to help my friend this weekend and probably finally have my aunt and grandma over if they can make it, but next week I'm going to attempt to cut and install those window jambs on my own. It will take me forever to do, but I think it will be better if I do it alone on my own time so I'm allowed to let my perfectionism take over rather than get it done in half a day when my friend's dad is here.

Once that's done, I can finally get the window trim up.

But then the real tricky part is going to be fabricating the parting stops for the door. As many tools as I have on me, I don't think I really have the right tools to do that. They're not straight cuts and need to be thicker at the top of the door than at the bottom because of how the drywall sits on top of the uneven surface of the structure. It doesn't have to be perfect because caulk is king, but it's got to be at least workable.

I can't put the door trim up until that's done, and I can't put the baseboard up until the door trim is up. And I can't put the flooring down until all of that is done.

Usually, you'd put the baseboard a little high to put the flooring under it, but that's not going to happen out here. Things are too uneven for that given the massive amount of settling that's occurred. I have carpet tiles, but I'll need to get about 10 more to do the entire floor. The ones I got at the dollar store and have used as floor mats and to protect my back car seat when I put things on them are right width, but aren't thick enough to match them. I don't care about the colors of the center tiles if I can't match them because I decided that I am going to put my grandma's oriental rug down in the center of the room. I'm glad I didn't throw it out when I threw out a bunch of junk I had in my garage rafters in the spring.

It's all very exciting, but I have to admit it was nice taking a 1/4 day off yesterday and after cleaning today I'll just be able to relax and visit with my dad.

But I did obligate myself to helping my neighbor get their fridge and stove out to their garage tonight. Oy!


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 14, 2022 1:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

What's a "life vest"?

Stenting is relatively easy: they just thread what is basically a coiled spring up the femoral artery (up from the groin) and when it reaches its destination they (somehow) release the coiled stent and it springs open and opens up the blood vessel. Possibly the blocked area(s) are too numerous and/or too large and marginal for stenting, but then they have to go to open-heart surgery which is considerably riskier.

But they prolly wouldn't consider surgery until his lung issue is resolved. Some surgeries are a Big Deal and a huge stress on the body, and they like to see people as healthy and fit for surgery as possible before they begin.

I know what you mean about wishing someone would take it easier. Hubby keeps trying to do stuff that he shouldn't. I just hope he doesn't screw up the surgery nd need to have it re-done. Once was enough of an ordeal.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, October 14, 2022 1:23 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Still bright and sunny where I am. Need rain. Washington state is suppose to be getting some. Hope it drifts up my way.


Friday, October 14, 2022 4:48 PM


Back from my walk and soon I will be enjoying the ice cream that I got on sale.


Saturday, October 15, 2022 12:29 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What's a "life vest"?

That's what he calls it. I don't know what the official name is. I call it the device that insurance companies came up with so they can send people home that should still be in the hospital and not get sued as often.

It looks like one of those old tape decks you could sling over your shoulder. I guess it's got the ability to shock him if he goes into cardiac arrest, and it comes equipped with GPS tracking and the ability to automatically put a call out to an ambulance.


Stenting is relatively easy: they just thread what is basically a coiled spring up the femoral artery (up from the groin) and when it reaches its destination they (somehow) release the coiled stent and it springs open and opens up the blood vessel. Possibly the blocked area(s) are too numerous and/or too large and marginal for stenting, but then they have to go to open-heart surgery which is considerably riskier.

But they prolly wouldn't consider surgery until his lung issue is resolved. Some surgeries are a Big Deal and a huge stress on the body, and they like to see people as healthy and fit for surgery as possible before they begin.

Yeah. They're sure taking their time about everything. He's in good spirits though.


I know what you mean about wishing someone would take it easier. Hubby keeps trying to do stuff that he shouldn't. I just hope he doesn't screw up the surgery nd need to have it re-done. Once was enough of an ordeal.

Yeah. I'm sure I'll see him tomorrow and half my job is going to make sure he's not doing anything he shouldn't be doing.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, October 15, 2022 12:42 AM


Went over to my neighbor's house and to say he was not prepared to move the appliances was an understatement.

They lucked out... The water to the ice maker turned out not to be a standard copper line and was a rubber coated metal hose that was fed from a water softener unit under the sink through the basement and up to the fridge. I was able to turn of about 98% of the water pressure by turning off that softener that only fed the fridge and some "water stick" thing on the sink that they never use, and we were able to pull the hose through the floor and get make it dump the leaky water into the slop sink until his dad comes over and fixes that plumbing issue. Jack don't do plumbing.

The valve on the stove gas doesn't seem to shut fully either, and I could detect an ever so faint gas smell that was pretty strong if you stuck your nose down on it. I told him if it were just me I probably would have let it go for the night and see what it was like in the morning, but he's got a family to worry about and I went to the hardware store with him and got a cap so we could close it off with some teflon tape for some cheap insurance.

The move went pretty smooth, although that fridge was bigger and heavier than the two I helped my friend move a few weeks back. Nobody got hurt and nothing was damaged though.

They fed me dinner and I actually hung around a few hours to bullshit. We don't do that very often. It was a good time. It's hard to believe how long I've lived here. Their oldest daughter was just a baby when I moved in and she'll be going to high school next year. Both daughters were very proud to tell me about how they got all A's and B's.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, October 15, 2022 1:11 PM


Out soon to get my laundry done. I got messed up somewhere along the line and need to sort it out. Then my walk.


Saturday, October 15, 2022 5:43 PM


Laundry done and walk in. Sitting down now.


Saturday, October 15, 2022 9:08 PM


Crappy day today. Freezing cold with the wind on top of the roof doing repairs, then the road construction that is still going on (even though nobody is ever actually working on the roads) made sure it took me 3 times as long to get back home than it should have.

I was going to help my friend again tomorrow, but I think I'm done working outside in the cold until March comes along.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, October 15, 2022 11:13 PM


Went into my local library today looking for a horror film. Couldn't find it and when I didn't want it, it was of course staring me in the face. Film is titled, "Blood Quantum".


Sunday, October 16, 2022 11:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Went over to my neighbor's house and to say he was not prepared to move the appliances was an understatement.

They lucked out... The water to the ice maker turned out not to be a standard copper line and was a rubber coated metal hose that was fed from a water softener unit under the sink through the basement and up to the fridge. I was able to turn of about 98% of the water pressure by turning off that softener that only fed the fridge and some "water stick" thing on the sink that they never use, and we were able to pull the hose through the floor and get make it dump the leaky water into the slop sink until his dad comes over and fixes that plumbing issue. Jack don't do plumbing.

The valve on the stove gas doesn't seem to shut fully either, and I could detect an ever so faint gas smell that was pretty strong if you stuck your nose down on it. I told him if it were just me I probably would have let it go for the night and see what it was like in the morning, but he's got a family to worry about and I went to the hardware store with him and got a cap so we could close it off with some teflon tape for some cheap insurance.

The move went pretty smooth, although that fridge was bigger and heavier than the two I helped my friend move a few weeks back. Nobody got hurt and nothing was damaged though.

They fed me dinner and I actually hung around a few hours to bullshit. We don't do that very often. It was a good time. It's hard to believe how long I've lived here. Their oldest daughter was just a baby when I moved in and she'll be going to high school next year. Both daughters were very proud to tell me about how they got all A's and B's.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Seems like you're really an extrovert, SIX. Being alone in your house doesn't seem to suit you. On top of that, you're a neighborly neighbor. Going over and helping a neighbor and staying for dinner and shooting the breeze... well, word gets around, yanno?

"Hey, that guy SIX. You know the one that really started fixing up his house a few years back that we didn't see for a long time? He's a good guy! He knows how to do a lot of things and he helped me out."

From a purely mercenary POV, you're building up good karma and helping your neighborhood becoming real... yanno, a place where people get together for fun and help each other when something goes wrong. My sis lives in that kind of neighborhood. And it's real handy when the SHTF, either individally or collectively. Good on you, SIX! May your neighborhood blossom, and may you never have raccoons in your attic!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, October 16, 2022 12:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Crappy day today. Freezing cold with the wind on top of the roof doing repairs, then the road construction that is still going on (even though nobody is ever actually working on the roads) made sure it took me 3 times as long to get back home than it should have.

I was going to help my friend again tomorrow, but I think I'm done working outside in the cold until March comes along.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

They say there's an arctic blast heading your way... and my sis' way too. Button up, baby! It's gonna be cold outside!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, October 16, 2022 12:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What's a "life vest"?

That's what he calls it. I don't know what the official name is. I call it the device that insurance companies came up with so they can send people home that should still be in the hospital and not get sued as often.

It looks like one of those old tape decks you could sling over your shoulder. I guess it's got the ability to shock him if he goes into cardiac arrest, and it comes equipped with GPS tracking and the ability to automatically put a call out to an ambulance.

Never seen such a thing. But there's a good reason not to be in hospital (besides saving money): hospital-acquired infections tend to be nasty, since hospital germs are usually multi-drug resistant.



Stenting is relatively easy: they just thread what is basically a coiled spring up the femoral artery (up from the groin) and when it reaches its destination they (somehow) release the coiled stent and it springs open and opens up the blood vessel. Possibly the blocked area(s) are too numerous and/or too large and marginal for stenting, but then they have to go to open-heart surgery which is considerably riskier.

But they prolly wouldn't consider surgery until his lung issue is resolved. Some surgeries are a Big Deal and a huge stress on the body, and they like to see people as healthy and fit for surgery as possible before they begin.

Yeah. They're sure taking their time about everything. He's in good spirits though.

At least he's feeling chipper!



I know what you mean about wishing someone would take it easier. Hubby keeps trying to do stuff that he shouldn't. I just hope he doesn't screw up the surgery nd need to have it re-done. Once was enough of an ordeal.

Yeah. I'm sure I'll see him tomorrow and half my job is going to make sure he's not doing anything he shouldn't be doing.

I've given up on that. Nagging, wringing my hands, and hovering around like a mother hen fetching, carrying and picking things up wasn't working. I ran errands yesterday to give us both a break!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, October 16, 2022 1:43 PM


Just a lazy Sunday around me.


Sunday, October 16, 2022 1:45 PM


BC and Canada Fire Safety is retiring Smokey the Bear after 80 years on the job.

I grew up with Smokey the Bear and I am kinda sad to see him go but yeah it is time. The new mascot is called Ember the Fox.


Sunday, October 16, 2022 10:32 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Went over to my neighbor's house and to say he was not prepared to move the appliances was an understatement.

They lucked out... The water to the ice maker turned out not to be a standard copper line and was a rubber coated metal hose that was fed from a water softener unit under the sink through the basement and up to the fridge. I was able to turn of about 98% of the water pressure by turning off that softener that only fed the fridge and some "water stick" thing on the sink that they never use, and we were able to pull the hose through the floor and get make it dump the leaky water into the slop sink until his dad comes over and fixes that plumbing issue. Jack don't do plumbing.

The valve on the stove gas doesn't seem to shut fully either, and I could detect an ever so faint gas smell that was pretty strong if you stuck your nose down on it. I told him if it were just me I probably would have let it go for the night and see what it was like in the morning, but he's got a family to worry about and I went to the hardware store with him and got a cap so we could close it off with some teflon tape for some cheap insurance.

The move went pretty smooth, although that fridge was bigger and heavier than the two I helped my friend move a few weeks back. Nobody got hurt and nothing was damaged though.

They fed me dinner and I actually hung around a few hours to bullshit. We don't do that very often. It was a good time. It's hard to believe how long I've lived here. Their oldest daughter was just a baby when I moved in and she'll be going to high school next year. Both daughters were very proud to tell me about how they got all A's and B's.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Seems like you're really an extrovert, SIX. Being alone in your house doesn't seem to suit you. On top of that, you're a neighborly neighbor. Going over and helping a neighbor and staying for dinner and shooting the breeze... well, word gets around, yanno?

"Hey, that guy SIX. You know the one that really started fixing up his house a few years back that we didn't see for a long time? He's a good guy! He knows how to do a lot of things and he helped me out."

From a purely mercenary POV, you're building up good karma and helping your neighborhood becoming real... yanno, a place where people get together for fun and help each other when something goes wrong. My sis lives in that kind of neighborhood. And it's real handy when the SHTF, either individally or collectively. Good on you, SIX! May your neighborhood blossom, and may you never have raccoons in your attic!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I don't know about being an extrovert... but whenever I've told people that I prefer to be alone rather than be in the company of other people and that I am shy and not very talkative they don't agree with me. Maybe it's all just in my head.

I'm glad I know how to do things like I do though. Maybe I should stop being a jerk and looking at it like people owe me things all the time though. I mean, I should have asked one of my neighbors to give me a ride to pick up my car instead of walking two miles to get it from the mechanic when he took so long and my sure ride wasn't there anymore. I've actually never called in a favor from my next door neighbor and that didn't stop him from asking for help again... not that I'd want them not to ask me, but it seems rather foolish that I didn't ask for a ride in retrospect. I'm always doing things on my own unless it's absolutely necessary to get somebody else involved. Never been much of a team player.

I should have probably introduced myself to my new neighbors. Two houses on my block were sold in the last 3 months right by me. I've waved to the ones across the street a few times, but I've never seen the ones behind me yet. I know for sure I lucked out with the ones across the street because they seem friendly and they do a better job of keeping up their yard than even I do. Hoping the ones behind me are cool too. They're sure quiet. Quiet is a-okay in my book.

Maybe I'll still get a chance. I know about that cold front you're talking about. The next three days are in the 40's. :( But after that it's supposed to warm up for a while again. I should go introduce myself if I see them while I'm out working.

I ended up helping my friend again today even though I said I wasn't going to. It was only 3 degrees warmer, but the sun was out a lot more and the wind wasn't howling so it was a much better day. Construction on the way home was still AIDS though... on a Sunday night to boot.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, October 16, 2022 10:37 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
What's a "life vest"?

That's what he calls it. I don't know what the official name is. I call it the device that insurance companies came up with so they can send people home that should still be in the hospital and not get sued as often.

It looks like one of those old tape decks you could sling over your shoulder. I guess it's got the ability to shock him if he goes into cardiac arrest, and it comes equipped with GPS tracking and the ability to automatically put a call out to an ambulance.

Never seen such a thing. But there's a good reason not to be in hospital (besides saving money): hospital-acquired infections tend to be nasty, since hospital germs are usually multi-drug resistant.

I didn't consider that. I just assumed that it was insurance related. I forgot how nasty hospitals have become. I do my best to avoid them.




Stenting is relatively easy: they just thread what is basically a coiled spring up the femoral artery (up from the groin) and when it reaches its destination they (somehow) release the coiled stent and it springs open and opens up the blood vessel. Possibly the blocked area(s) are too numerous and/or too large and marginal for stenting, but then they have to go to open-heart surgery which is considerably riskier.

But they prolly wouldn't consider surgery until his lung issue is resolved. Some surgeries are a Big Deal and a huge stress on the body, and they like to see people as healthy and fit for surgery as possible before they begin.

Yeah. They're sure taking their time about everything. He's in good spirits though.

At least he's feeling chipper!

Yeah. He was up on a scaffold installing missing trim on the front of my friend's house for 4 hours today. He won't be stopped.




I know what you mean about wishing someone would take it easier. Hubby keeps trying to do stuff that he shouldn't. I just hope he doesn't screw up the surgery nd need to have it re-done. Once was enough of an ordeal.

Yeah. I'm sure I'll see him tomorrow and half my job is going to make sure he's not doing anything he shouldn't be doing.

I've given up on that. Nagging, wringing my hands, and hovering around like a mother hen fetching, carrying and picking things up wasn't working. I ran errands yesterday to give us both a break!

Yeah. He's not going to let me tell him no about coming over to help me finish the porch. He says he's coming this week and we're going to install the jambs and get thos parting stops fabricated so I can paint them and start putting casing up. So I guess we're doing that.

Me? I think I'm taking a break for a few days. Not much I want to be doing when it's 40 degrees out, and except for sleeping all day when I got sick, I haven't really had a day off of working in about 2 months.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, October 16, 2022 11:37 PM


Oh yeah... I did get my wall plates and my new light for the porch.

I'll be installing those tomorrow no matter how cold it is.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 17, 2022 1:38 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. There was so much smoke in the air last night that the moon was orange because of it.


Monday, October 17, 2022 2:32 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk in a bit. There was so much smoke in the air last night that the moon was orange because of it.

Wow, that's bad.
How's your fire season been overall so far this year?
I haven't heard of hundreds of fires burning in BC, so I hope better than average?

we've been lucky so far. Despite the longest, hottest hot spell in CA white-man recorded history, we haven't had any major fires, yet. And we got a spattering of rain about 5 days ago and another spattering a couple days ago, and except for the next two days around 90 the weather seems to have cooled down quite a bit. Still short of water, but cool/cloudy weather does help keep fires at bay.

I wonder if Canada has changed its fire suppression policies in addition to changing it's mascot. Smokey Bear was all about stopping each and every fire, which built up a huge fuel load. The under Reagan (IIRC) they switched to "let it burn" and clear-cutting, which were different kinds of catastrophes. One of these days, they'll settle on a reasonable management approach.

Ember the Fox hasn't been adopted in the USA, but it's really a cute mascot. with the orange-ish fur the name really fits. And most people (except chicken-ranchers) think foxes are kinda cute, so ... good choice!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, October 17, 2022 2:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, when I tell people I'm an introvert they don't believe me either. Having supervised a very large group (in a professional setting, the usual span of control is is 1 to 6 -8 staff, my group was as large as 14) I had to compensate, but it's not something I feel comfortable with.

I think what you really hate is feeling dependent. Because once you depend on someone for something - or even ask someone for something- they can always turn you down, and that generates all knds of negative feelings. and who wants to go thru that?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, October 17, 2022 3:56 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, when I tell people I'm an introvert they don't believe me either. Having supervised a very large group (in a professional setting, the usual span of control is is 1 to 6 -8 staff, my group was as large as 14) I had to compensate, but it's not something I feel comfortable with.

I hear you loud and clear there and can empathize. When I'm forced to be social I don't (at least outwardly) have any problems doing it. Maybe it's just out of my comfort zone and something I could work on though. My days of caring what other people think are almost entirely over. It would probably be a lot easier to adjust to that now than it would have in my 20's.


I think what you really hate is feeling dependent. Because once you depend on someone for something - or even ask someone for something- they can always turn you down, and that generates all knds of negative feelings. and who wants to go thru that?

You're not wrong.

On top of that, I have an aversion to obligations. I don't like owing. Not money and not favors. I prefer to build my credit up first and let other people pay it back later than vice versa. That probably goes back to what you were saying though. If somebody is obliged to you because you've done one or several favors for them first, they're much less likely to tell you no when you ask for something.

They've done studies on that. Hell... The Hare Krisna's whole ritual of giving away flowers at the airport before asking for donations is based entirely on that concept. Even by accepting a dumb little flower that you never wanted in the first place will make you feel like you owe that person something in return. At least most people feel that way, and then throw out the flower at the nearest trashcan after giving a few bucks (where the girls are sent to pick the flowers out of trash cans so they can re-gift them for new donations).


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 17, 2022 4:04 PM


I got my wall plates and the new porch lantern up, and I LOVE it all.

Unfortunately, the GFCI that my friend's dad gave me to save me a few bucks is going to have to be replaced with a new one. I can't believe I didn't think of that when I put it up there. I had to remove it from a metal cover (for garages or anywhere that finished walls aren't going to be put), and the only way you can get an outlet to fit in those is to break off 3 metal tabs off each side. Two of the tabs are meant to hug the wall so you don't push the outlet in the hole when plugging something in, and that could be remediated, but the third tab on each side is where the outlet covers screw into the outlet. I'm not going to glue the cover to the wall to save some cash after all the work that's gone into this. I need 2 more for my bathrooms whenever I get to them anyhow, so I'll just buy another 3-pack and hope the price hasn't doubled since I bought the last 3 pack over a year ago.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 17, 2022 5:20 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Out for my walk in a bit. There was so much smoke in the air last night that the moon was orange because of it.

Wow, that's bad.
How's your fire season been overall so far this year?
I haven't heard of hundreds of fires burning in BC, so I hope better than average?

we've been lucky so far. Despite the longest, hottest hot spell in CA white-man recorded history, we haven't had any major fires, yet. And we got a spattering of rain about 5 days ago and another spattering a couple days ago, and except for the next two days around 90 the weather seems to have cooled down quite a bit. Still short of water, but cool/cloudy weather does help keep fires at bay.

I wonder if Canada has changed its fire suppression policies in addition to changing it's mascot. Smokey Bear was all about stopping each and every fire, which built up a huge fuel load. The under Reagan (IIRC) they switched to "let it burn" and clear-cutting, which were different kinds of catastrophes. One of these days, they'll settle on a reasonable management approach.

Ember the Fox hasn't been adopted in the USA, but it's really a cute mascot. with the orange-ish fur the name really fits. And most people (except chicken-ranchers) think foxes are kinda cute, so ... good choice!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

It hasn't been as bad as last year but it is lasting longer than last year because it was a late start to fire season. We had a very wet Spring and start to Summer, so that has helped. We've had over 100 fires burning at one point but I think right now we are well below that number.

Cool weather definitely does keep the fires at bay and that is great for California.

Not sure but Fire Safety Canada has apparently changed their messaging to go along with the new mascot.

Not every province in Canada is ready to ditch Smokey. BC has and the others will over time. It is a cute mascot.


Monday, October 17, 2022 5:22 PM


Walk in for today and on my way back, I could smell some smoke in the air. *sigh* I hope the rain the forecasters see does come on Friday. We need it in BC.


Monday, October 17, 2022 9:20 PM


Good luck Brenda. It's not close to you, is it?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Monday, October 17, 2022 11:17 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Good luck Brenda. It's not close to you, is it?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

No, the fires aren't. It's just the direction of the winds blowing it to where I am. We've had some really bad air quality in BC, especially in the Fraser Valley. Warnings have been out for people with lung conditions.

Drought bad enough that up the Sunshine coast a little place like Sechelt has just put in serious water restrictions for its citizens.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 8:17 AM


35 degrees outside now. 56 degrees on the 2nd floor of my house. I lost 3 degrees since yesterday morning when I woke up.


Nevermind. As I was writing this, my furnace went off. I thought I had it set to something stupid like 43 degrees, but apparently it was at 56. So who knows how often it went off last night. I guess I'll monitor how often it goes off at this temp. It's cold, but as long as I'm bundled up I'm not uncomfortable since I've acclimated to it. If its going off more then once every 4 or 5 hours I'll turn it down a few degrees since I already broke my no heat until November rule on accident.

It's not THAT cold out right now. Just too cold to be doing any of my outside work, and since the outside work isn't complete and tons of stuff is staged all over the work area of my basement, I can't really start on any of the inside work right now either.

Warm days are coming one more time though. Thursday should be 58 degrees while Friday through Tuesday are supposed to be in the high 60's to mid 70's for highs. Two of those days I'll be helping my friend, but the other three (if my friend's dad actually does make it over) should be enough to get my jambs and casings up and free up my basement to start painting trim I still have to put up in the 1st floor and maybe attempt to make my own drawers for the kitchen and finally wrap up that project.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 1:19 PM


Out for my walk in a bit.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 1:55 PM


Slowly but surely I've begun a project that won't get completed before I go back outside to work Thursday, but it will be resumed and it will keep me busy and keep me from being bored when it is cold.

I got that really cool bamboo entryway table that my neighbor was throwing out. I've already removed some screw-in wood nuts from the back of it with an allen wrench and used wood putty to fill them in. Now I'm using a dental pick to remove a ton of melted candle wax of various colors off of the top surface which is thin woven wood similar to what you'd make a woven basket out of. That's actually quite a bit more time consuming than I thought it would be.

Right now it's a sickly shade of ivory that if I didn't know better would lead me to believe it was inside a house where the occupants regularly smoked, and there is quite a bit of flake off of the paint, particularly on the wooden bands that hold it together.

Once I get the wax off and I vacuum out all of the nooks and crannies I'll be giving it a light sand down, priming it and then painting it with the same white enamel paint that I've used on my kitchen cabinets and the window and door casings.

This table will be perfect for right under my large mirror (that I also sanded down the frame and painted white before re-installing last year). It has a very shallow profile from the wall compared to the table that is there now, and it won't feel like it's encroaching into the room so far that you have to walk around it if you came in the front door and went directly upstairs from the door.

I wonder what I'm going to do with the old table though. It's a really nice metal framed "BBQ Table" that my rich uncle was going to throw out when he moved. I'm sure it's good for other things, but as an entryway table it's been a disaster for years. Not only does it stick out about 3 feet for the wall, but it's top is made of wooden slats that require containers to be placed on top of it if you're going to store anything there because stuff just falls through the 1.5" gaps of the slats. I'll probably put it out in the porch for now until I figure out if I want to keep it or not.

I'm getting bored of picking out wax right now though. I think I might have lunch and take a nap.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 2:37 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I wish you guys had beenover for dinner. Last night I made Thai red curry with lotsa vegetbales and pork (toned down quite a bit for daughter's tatse) and the night before it was chicken Tikka Masala with chick peas and spinach.

But the weather will bit hot for three days starting today, so tonight its just gonna be burgers and salad. Good thing I put lettuce and cucumbers and red cabbage on last week's list!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 4:58 PM


Back from walk and done for today including getting the garbage out.


Tuesday, October 18, 2022 9:33 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I wish you guys had beenover for dinner. Last night I made Thai red curry with lotsa vegetbales and pork (toned down quite a bit for daughter's tatse) and the night before it was chicken Tikka Masala with chick peas and spinach.

But the weather will bit hot for three days starting today, so tonight its just gonna be burgers and salad. Good thing I put lettuce and cucumbers and red cabbage on last week's list!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

It certainly sounds more adventurous than my normal meals around here.

I did get a big bowl of stew from my friends wife to take home with me Sunday night and I ate that the last two nights. Tasty.

Just the usual here tonight though.

It stayed 56 all day without the heat going on again. I know for sure because I turned it down to 53 after I made the earlier post.

Two more cold nights before the temps get warmer. Now that I'm all set up my goal is to have that entryway table primed tomorrow. Probably not going to do much else.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 1:00 PM


Out for my walk in a bit.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 5:22 PM


Back from my walk and even got some cleaning in.


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 9:08 PM


Did not prime the table today. Not really feeling it. I did get all the candle wax and sand most of the front. I think I'm going to want to caulk some things here and there too before it gets primed. Oh well... now it will be pushed back for a while because the warmer weather returns for about a week.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, October 19, 2022 11:13 PM


Mah jong in the morning for me.


Thursday, October 20, 2022 2:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey BRENDA, we just watched what I believe is the last episode of the last season of Shetland. Without giving anything away, I think you'll like it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, October 20, 2022 9:31 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey BRENDA, we just watched what I believe is the last episode of the last season of Shetland. Without giving anything away, I think you'll like it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Speaking of that... Have you watched either Mrs. Scarlett or Jamestown yet, Brenda?

I'm interested to see if you like either of them.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, October 20, 2022 9:35 AM


Grosssssssss... It's still 30 degrees out right now. It won't start warming up for about another 2 hours. At least the high is 58 today.

I'm going to park my car outside the garage after running some errands and get my miter saw out of the basement and up on a table in there so I can start cutting the jambs down to size.

I don't think my friend's dad is going to make it today since I haven't heard from him all week. My intention was to work on these alone today anyhow, but I kind of wish he hadn't said 5 or 6 times he'd come over this week to help and get my hopes up about that. I really liked his idea about how we'd get them in there, but I don't think it's something that I could do on my own without 3 or 4 hands.

Oh well... Maybe he'll surprise me. I'm not going to call him and put any pressure on him about it.

One of the things I need to get is another 3-pack of GFCI outlets. Last time I bought them they were $31.00. Today they're $35.00. Stupid inflation.

I told my dad I'd pick some stuff up at the hardware store for him anyway, so I'll just buy those now so I can get that last wall plate finished in the porch and be done with it. The other two outlets will end up in my bathrooms when I work on them, and that should be the last GFCIs I ever need to buy for this house. (Which is nice, because I'm already about $100 into them after today).

The good news is that for some reason it seems that the price of insulation has come back down. The non-sale price for a 15ft bat of R-15 is only under $17 right now where it was something crazy like $23 or $24 just a few weeks ago.

I'm still not going to buy it yet and see what sales are going on into black friday weekend. I'm sure I wont' get them for $5 each like the last time, but maybe I get lucky and they have a really good deal on them next month. It just makes sense that they'd make insulation a black friday staple since most people who were going to insulate their homes have already done it before the end of November.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, October 20, 2022 12:53 PM


Still cold and it's almost noon.

Got all the shopping done. Going to drag my saw outside and get it set up. Probably install the GFCI first and get the last wall plate on before I start cutting anything.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, October 20, 2022 4:59 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey BRENDA, we just watched what I believe is the last episode of the last season of Shetland. Without giving anything away, I think you'll like it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Cool. I just managed to find episode 2 of Series 7 of Shetland on YouTube.


Thursday, October 20, 2022 5:01 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey BRENDA, we just watched what I believe is the last episode of the last season of Shetland. Without giving anything away, I think you'll like it.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Speaking of that... Have you watched either Mrs. Scarlett or Jamestown yet, Brenda?

I'm interested to see if you like either of them.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I just finished "Jamestown" last night and it was interesting. I found the characters that grew the most were Sharrow brothers. It also left me wondering if Alice Sharrow survived the crossing back to England with her young child.

Haven't watched "Miss Scarlett and the Duke" yet. Tonight I am going to wade my way through a horror film.


Thursday, October 20, 2022 5:03 PM


Had a good morning at mah jong. Managed to get 3rd place. I had all 4 flowers of one colour 3 different times. Don't think I've ever done that.


Thursday, October 20, 2022 5:10 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
I just finished "Jamestown" last night and it was interesting. I found the characters that grew the most were Sharrow brothers. It also left me wondering if Alice Sharrow survived the crossing back to England with her young child.

Was it just Season 1, or all 3 seasons?


Haven't watched "Miss Scarlett and the Duke" yet. Tonight I am going to wade my way through a horror film.

Miss Scarlet has 2 seasons so far and Season 3 is supposed to begin at the end of January.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus






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