In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 17:55
VIEWED: 731194
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Thursday, October 20, 2022 5:14 PM


Did not do the jambs today, but got my saw out there and the table set up.

Changing out that GFCI was a real pain because I left my wires shorter than I should have. The drywall was doubled up on that wall, so it was a lot easier to put the first outlet in there when I had an extra inch of wires to play with. On top of that, the new oulet had the LINE and LOAD sides reversed from the old one, so I didn't figure out I wired it up incorrectly until after I'd finished leveling the wallplate and installing it, forcing me to have to redo the entire installation.

Works great now tough.

Talked to my friend's dad and he's going to come over Tuesday to help with the jambs and casings. Maybe Wednesday too. I'm going to clean out the gap between the slab off the back of the porch again and get the self-leveling caulk down finally tomorrow, and probably do the same to the front porch slab. Then I'll mow the lawn. Then I'll probably be helping my friend out again this weekend.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, October 20, 2022 7:43 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I just finished "Jamestown" last night and it was interesting. I found the characters that grew the most were Sharrow brothers. It also left me wondering if Alice Sharrow survived the crossing back to England with her young child.

Was it just Season 1, or all 3 seasons?


Haven't watched "Miss Scarlett and the Duke" yet. Tonight I am going to wade my way through a horror film.

Miss Scarlet has 2 seasons so far and Season 3 is supposed to begin at the end of January.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I saw all 3 season of Jamestown. There were only 8 episodes per season.

For "Miss Scarlett", I've only got Season 1 out.


Thursday, October 20, 2022 8:59 PM


Wow you watched that fast. Must not have been too bad then, huh?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Thursday, October 20, 2022 11:44 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow you watched that fast. Must not have been too bad then, huh?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I guess it was a little fast. I used the Close Captioning for the show and reading what the English actors were saying was fine. I had to give up trying to read the English translation for the Algonquin which is what the Pamunkey spoke as it was so small on screen. I just listened to the Algonquin. And I could get the jist of it anyways.

As I said the two characters that changed the most were the Sharrow brothers, Silas and Henry. Silas started out just wanting to make a life for himself and being the good brother, while Henry was only out for money and no interest in anything really. It was almost dying in a fire when he had talked his brother into going trading and being saved and healed by the Pamunkey that changed his life. He became about building a life on the land and bringing honour to his family name. Then Henry became even more understanding when he was given a Pamunkey wife. Watching him learn how to reconcile the English culture with Pamunkey especially after their baby daughter died. He wanted to bury the baby on the land he was given but his wife's brother said the baby had to be buried on Pamunkey land. Henry finally gave in and grieved mightly for his child.

I got the feeling that the Govnenor was returned to Virginia to take more land than what they had gotten from the Pamunkey. By the end he was talking guns and destroying the Pamunkey. Course there was a war between the settlers of Jamestown and the Pamunkey. The Pamunkey lost and the settlers that survived were the ones that got to Jamestown and behind its walls.

Henry's wife went with him most likely out of fear. She wouldn't have been spared in the raids.

The Widow Castell, Jocelyn came from England to get away from her past and marry a rich man. The red head who was a thief and her passage was bought by the Tavern owner was adapting. Alice was suppose to marry Henry Sharrow but fell for his brother Silas. She was having a hard time adapting to life in the New World maybe it was best that she went back to England.

What drove me batty besides that the fact that in another 200 years when the colonizers would reach the now western states nothing in their behavior had changed. Convert, land, resources and destroy.

Also I prefer the word Indians to "the Naturals" as those early colonists called us.

So, it did get under my skin some.


Friday, October 21, 2022 1:01 PM


Well, my area got some rain last night and into this morning. It's suppose to hang around until next Tuesday. That's a start.


Friday, October 21, 2022 1:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow you watched that fast. Must not have been too bad then, huh?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I guess it was a little fast. I used the Close Captioning for the show and reading what the English actors were saying was fine. I had to give up trying to read the English translation for the Algonquin which is what the Pamunkey spoke as it was so small on screen. I just listened to the Algonquin. And I could get the jist of it anyways.

As I said the two characters that changed the most were the Sharrow brothers, Silas and Henry. Silas started out just wanting to make a life for himself and being the good brother, while Henry was only out for money and no interest in anything really. It was almost dying in a fire when he had talked his brother into going trading and being saved and healed by the Pamunkey that changed his life. He became about building a life on the land and bringing honour to his family name. Then Henry became even more understanding when he was given a Pamunkey wife. Watching him learn how to reconcile the English culture with Pamunkey especially after their baby daughter died. He wanted to bury the baby on the land he was given but his wife's brother said the baby had to be buried on Pamunkey land. Henry finally gave in and grieved mightly for his child.

I got the feeling that the Govnenor was returned to Virginia to take more land than what they had gotten from the Pamunkey. By the end he was talking guns and destroying the Pamunkey. Course there was a war between the settlers of Jamestown and the Pamunkey. The Pamunkey lost and the settlers that survived were the ones that got to Jamestown and behind its walls.

Henry's wife went with him most likely out of fear. She wouldn't have been spared in the raids.

The Widow Castell, Jocelyn came from England to get away from her past and marry a rich man. The red head who was a thief and her passage was bought by the Tavern owner was adapting. Alice was suppose to marry Henry Sharrow but fell for his brother Silas. She was having a hard time adapting to life in the New World maybe it was best that she went back to England.

What drove me batty besides that the fact that in another 200 years when the colonizers would reach the now western states nothing in their behavior had changed.

Excpet their armaments got better

Convert, land, resources and destroy.

Also I prefer the word Indians to "the Naturals" as those early colonists called us.

So, it did get under my skin some.

Sounds like an interesting story.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, October 21, 2022 5:26 PM


Back from my walk and it was raining when I went out. Dry now. Maybe that's the start of our wet season. Heaven knows we need it. Finally got a shelf put up that I bought months ago, so that's good.


Friday, October 21, 2022 5:33 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow you watched that fast. Must not have been too bad then, huh?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I guess it was a little fast. I used the Close Captioning for the show and reading what the English actors were saying was fine. I had to give up trying to read the English translation for the Algonquin which is what the Pamunkey spoke as it was so small on screen. I just listened to the Algonquin. And I could get the jist of it anyways.

As I said the two characters that changed the most were the Sharrow brothers, Silas and Henry. Silas started out just wanting to make a life for himself and being the good brother, while Henry was only out for money and no interest in anything really. It was almost dying in a fire when he had talked his brother into going trading and being saved and healed by the Pamunkey that changed his life. He became about building a life on the land and bringing honour to his family name. Then Henry became even more understanding when he was given a Pamunkey wife. Watching him learn how to reconcile the English culture with Pamunkey especially after their baby daughter died. He wanted to bury the baby on the land he was given but his wife's brother said the baby had to be buried on Pamunkey land. Henry finally gave in and grieved mightly for his child.

I got the feeling that the Govnenor was returned to Virginia to take more land than what they had gotten from the Pamunkey. By the end he was talking guns and destroying the Pamunkey. Course there was a war between the settlers of Jamestown and the Pamunkey. The Pamunkey lost and the settlers that survived were the ones that got to Jamestown and behind its walls.

Henry's wife went with him most likely out of fear. She wouldn't have been spared in the raids.

The Widow Castell, Jocelyn came from England to get away from her past and marry a rich man. The red head who was a thief and her passage was bought by the Tavern owner was adapting. Alice was suppose to marry Henry Sharrow but fell for his brother Silas. She was having a hard time adapting to life in the New World maybe it was best that she went back to England.

What drove me batty besides that the fact that in another 200 years when the colonizers would reach the now western states nothing in their behavior had changed.

Excpet their armaments got better

Convert, land, resources and destroy.

Also I prefer the word Indians to "the Naturals" as those early colonists called us.

So, it did get under my skin some.

Sounds like an interesting story.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Very good point about the weaponry getting better. It did.

It was interesting as all I knew about Jamestown was that it existed and that was it. Though they kept talking about this British company and I should look that up as I have no idea what they, the settlers were talking about.


Friday, October 21, 2022 6:21 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow you watched that fast. Must not have been too bad then, huh?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I guess it was a little fast. I used the Close Captioning for the show and reading what the English actors were saying was fine. I had to give up trying to read the English translation for the Algonquin which is what the Pamunkey spoke as it was so small on screen. I just listened to the Algonquin. And I could get the jist of it anyways.

Wow that's cool. I didn't know you were bilingual.


As I said the two characters that changed the most were the Sharrow brothers, Silas and Henry. Silas started out just wanting to make a life for himself and being the good brother, while Henry was only out for money and no interest in anything really. It was almost dying in a fire when he had talked his brother into going trading and being saved and healed by the Pamunkey that changed his life. He became about building a life on the land and bringing honour to his family name. Then Henry became even more understanding when he was given a Pamunkey wife. Watching him learn how to reconcile the English culture with Pamunkey especially after their baby daughter died. He wanted to bury the baby on the land he was given but his wife's brother said the baby had to be buried on Pamunkey land. Henry finally gave in and grieved mightly for his child.

I got the feeling that the Govnenor was returned to Virginia to take more land than what they had gotten from the Pamunkey. By the end he was talking guns and destroying the Pamunkey. Course there was a war between the settlers of Jamestown and the Pamunkey. The Pamunkey lost and the settlers that survived were the ones that got to Jamestown and behind its walls.

Henry's wife went with him most likely out of fear. She wouldn't have been spared in the raids.

The Widow Castell, Jocelyn came from England to get away from her past and marry a rich man. The red head who was a thief and her passage was bought by the Tavern owner was adapting. Alice was suppose to marry Henry Sharrow but fell for his brother Silas. She was having a hard time adapting to life in the New World maybe it was best that she went back to England.

I kind of had to gloss over this part. I only saw one episode, so I'm not familiar with the characters names yet, and I really don't want too many spoilers. I was sad to see that it got cancelled after 3 seasons and it sounds like they really rushed the ending to try to tie up loose ends when they realized there wasn't a 4th season. Shame on PBS for not ever mentioning that, I think.


What drove me batty besides that the fact that in another 200 years when the colonizers would reach the now western states nothing in their behavior had changed. Convert, land, resources and destroy.

Also I prefer the word Indians to "the Naturals" as those early colonists called us.

So, it did get under my skin some.

I'm sure it did. But wouldn't you rather see them make the show with the warts and all instead of pretending that this didn't happen? I'm surprised they did it in today's climate. Everybody gets so offended about everything so easily that we're just erasing the past completely to save the most sensitive of us from being offended.

That's how history ends up repeating itself. :(


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 21, 2022 6:24 PM


I cleaned and caulked both slabs.

Got the front lawn mowed and a full bin worth of other people's branches. We must have had some hell of a wind storm since I last did the front lawn. I haven't cleaned up that much lawn debris since before I got the two dying trees cut down.

It was gorgeous today. 72 degrees. It's getting up to the mid-to-high 70's this weekend too.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 21, 2022 7:47 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Wow you watched that fast. Must not have been too bad then, huh?


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I guess it was a little fast. I used the Close Captioning for the show and reading what the English actors were saying was fine. I had to give up trying to read the English translation for the Algonquin which is what the Pamunkey spoke as it was so small on screen. I just listened to the Algonquin. And I could get the jist of it anyways.

Wow that's cool. I didn't know you were bilingual.


As I said the two characters that changed the most were the Sharrow brothers, Silas and Henry. Silas started out just wanting to make a life for himself and being the good brother, while Henry was only out for money and no interest in anything really. It was almost dying in a fire when he had talked his brother into going trading and being saved and healed by the Pamunkey that changed his life. He became about building a life on the land and bringing honour to his family name. Then Henry became even more understanding when he was given a Pamunkey wife. Watching him learn how to reconcile the English culture with Pamunkey especially after their baby daughter died. He wanted to bury the baby on the land he was given but his wife's brother said the baby had to be buried on Pamunkey land. Henry finally gave in and grieved mightly for his child.

I got the feeling that the Govnenor was returned to Virginia to take more land than what they had gotten from the Pamunkey. By the end he was talking guns and destroying the Pamunkey. Course there was a war between the settlers of Jamestown and the Pamunkey. The Pamunkey lost and the settlers that survived were the ones that got to Jamestown and behind its walls.

Henry's wife went with him most likely out of fear. She wouldn't have been spared in the raids.

The Widow Castell, Jocelyn came from England to get away from her past and marry a rich man. The red head who was a thief and her passage was bought by the Tavern owner was adapting. Alice was suppose to marry Henry Sharrow but fell for his brother Silas. She was having a hard time adapting to life in the New World maybe it was best that she went back to England.

I kind of had to gloss over this part. I only saw one episode, so I'm not familiar with the characters names yet, and I really don't want too many spoilers. I was sad to see that it got cancelled after 3 seasons and it sounds like they really rushed the ending to try to tie up loose ends when they realized there wasn't a 4th season. Shame on PBS for not ever mentioning that, I think.


What drove me batty besides that the fact that in another 200 years when the colonizers would reach the now western states nothing in their behavior had changed. Convert, land, resources and destroy.

Also I prefer the word Indians to "the Naturals" as those early colonists called us.

So, it did get under my skin some.

I'm sure it did. But wouldn't you rather see them make the show with the warts and all instead of pretending that this didn't happen? I'm surprised they did it in today's climate. Everybody gets so offended about everything so easily that we're just erasing the past completely to save the most sensitive of us from being offended.

That's how history ends up repeating itself. :(


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Not bilingualism. I was just going by what I could read of the translations of the Pamunkey and what the settlers were saying in return in English. Also just body language of the actors.

Sorry about all of that. I was trying to figure out how to talk about the show without dropping too many spoilers. Guess I blew it. It did feel like they kind of left things hanging and it is too bad. PBS isn't usually that shoddy.

It did and I expected it too truthfully. I do want history any history represented as truthfully as possible. Erasing portions of what happened in the past serves no one. I would hazard that the reason it got made at all was because it wound up on PBS. If it was done and being funded by a regular network it would have been sanitized. PBS doesn't seem to really cater to the overly sensitive viewers.

That is also true. :(


Friday, October 21, 2022 10:39 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Not bilingualism. I was just going by what I could read of the translations of the Pamunkey and what the settlers were saying in return in English. Also just body language of the actors.

Oh. Okay. I thought you actually knew enough of the language to at least get the bits in pieces. It's a shame that the text was so small. I wonder if you would have enjoyed the show better if you got all that dialogue.


Sorry about all of that. I was trying to figure out how to talk about the show without dropping too many spoilers. Guess I blew it. It did feel like they kind of left things hanging and it is too bad. PBS isn't usually that shoddy.

Oh.... No worries. You only typed out a few paragraphs for a 3 season show. Like I said, I just kind of skimmed over it, but even if I took it all in I don't even remember any character names from the one episode I watched.


It did and I expected it too truthfully. I do want history any history represented as truthfully as possible. Erasing portions of what happened in the past serves no one. I would hazard that the reason it got made at all was because it wound up on PBS. If it was done and being funded by a regular network it would have been sanitized. PBS doesn't seem to really cater to the overly sensitive viewers.

Oh... Not only would it have been sanitized, but people would have had magical super powers and I'm sure the dialogue would be nonsense gibberish in between the epic battles that had no basis in reality.


That is also true. :(

The past needs to be preserved, for better or for worse. Not to shame anyone, but to learn from the mistakes so they aren't ever repeated again.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 21, 2022 11:47 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Not bilingualism. I was just going by what I could read of the translations of the Pamunkey and what the settlers were saying in return in English. Also just body language of the actors.

Oh. Okay. I thought you actually knew enough of the language to at least get the bits in pieces. It's a shame that the text was so small. I wonder if you would have enjoyed the show better if you got all that dialogue.


Sorry about all of that. I was trying to figure out how to talk about the show without dropping too many spoilers. Guess I blew it. It did feel like they kind of left things hanging and it is too bad. PBS isn't usually that shoddy.

Oh.... No worries. You only typed out a few paragraphs for a 3 season show. Like I said, I just kind of skimmed over it, but even if I took it all in I don't even remember any character names from the one episode I watched.


It did and I expected it too truthfully. I do want history any history represented as truthfully as possible. Erasing portions of what happened in the past serves no one. I would hazard that the reason it got made at all was because it wound up on PBS. If it was done and being funded by a regular network it would have been sanitized. PBS doesn't seem to really cater to the overly sensitive viewers.

Oh... Not only would it have been sanitized, but people would have had magical super powers and I'm sure the dialogue would be nonsense gibberish in between the epic battles that had no basis in reality.


That is also true. :(

The past needs to be preserved, for better or for worse. Not to shame anyone, but to learn from the mistakes so they aren't ever repeated again.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

My great grandmother's language wasn't and isn't related to Algonquin. Those clips you posted, I think the Native actors and for sure the English actors had to learn to speak Algonquin. I know that many Indigenous languages in the US and Canada are in danger of disappearing because they have so few speakers. Algonquin which is spoken in Eastern Canada is better protected up here. Also there was some sign language as well. It really was. I probably would have gotten more out of the show if the translating had been in bigger print.

Okay then. I did a reasonable job.

Or they would have left the Pamunkey out all together.

I agree with you as I think I have said around here. Any and all history needs to be preserved so we all can learn.


Saturday, October 22, 2022 1:17 PM


Out for my walk and taking umbrella.


Saturday, October 22, 2022 2:15 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Not bilingualism. I was just going by what I could read of the translations of the Pamunkey and what the settlers were saying in return in English. Also just body language of the actors.

Oh. Okay. I thought you actually knew enough of the language to at least get the bits in pieces. It's a shame that the text was so small. I wonder if you would have enjoyed the show better if you got all that dialogue.


Sorry about all of that. I was trying to figure out how to talk about the show without dropping too many spoilers. Guess I blew it. It did feel like they kind of left things hanging and it is too bad. PBS isn't usually that shoddy.

Oh.... No worries. You only typed out a few paragraphs for a 3 season show. Like I said, I just kind of skimmed over it, but even if I took it all in I don't even remember any character names from the one episode I watched.


It did and I expected it too truthfully. I do want history any history represented as truthfully as possible. Erasing portions of what happened in the past serves no one. I would hazard that the reason it got made at all was because it wound up on PBS. If it was done and being funded by a regular network it would have been sanitized. PBS doesn't seem to really cater to the overly sensitive viewers.

Oh... Not only would it have been sanitized, but people would have had magical super powers and I'm sure the dialogue would be nonsense gibberish in between the epic battles that had no basis in reality.


That is also true. :(

The past needs to be preserved, for better or for worse. Not to shame anyone, but to learn from the mistakes so they aren't ever repeated again.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

My great grandmother's language wasn't and isn't related to Algonquin. Those clips you posted, I think the Native actors and for sure the English actors had to learn to speak Algonquin. I know that many Indigenous languages in the US and Canada are in danger of disappearing because they have so few speakers. Algonquin which is spoken in Eastern Canada is better protected up here. Also there was some sign language as well. It really was. I probably would have gotten more out of the show if the translating had been in bigger print.

Okay then. I did a reasonable job.

Or they would have left the Pamunkey out all together.

I agree with you as I think I have said around here. Any and all history needs to be preserved so we all can learn.

Some say that the Innuit had a dozen (or more!) words for "snow". Maybe that's an exaggeration, but when you have to travel by dogsled or on foot, you would have wanted some way to describe how often your runners froze on the surface, or how deep they sank, or maybe whether it had frozen into hillocks or glare ice, or whether it was powder and free-running. (I guess kind of like skiers today: is it cornball snow? a groomed surface? slushy? powder?) Once you have a snowmobile a lot of those distinctions fade away. Unless you preserve the language. Maybe create a written form if none existed.

I imagine there are hundreds of lost languages across the Americas. It's a shame bc every culture had a way of looking at the world, expressed in its language.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, October 22, 2022 5:28 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Not bilingualism. I was just going by what I could read of the translations of the Pamunkey and what the settlers were saying in return in English. Also just body language of the actors.

Oh. Okay. I thought you actually knew enough of the language to at least get the bits in pieces. It's a shame that the text was so small. I wonder if you would have enjoyed the show better if you got all that dialogue.


Sorry about all of that. I was trying to figure out how to talk about the show without dropping too many spoilers. Guess I blew it. It did feel like they kind of left things hanging and it is too bad. PBS isn't usually that shoddy.

Oh.... No worries. You only typed out a few paragraphs for a 3 season show. Like I said, I just kind of skimmed over it, but even if I took it all in I don't even remember any character names from the one episode I watched.


It did and I expected it too truthfully. I do want history any history represented as truthfully as possible. Erasing portions of what happened in the past serves no one. I would hazard that the reason it got made at all was because it wound up on PBS. If it was done and being funded by a regular network it would have been sanitized. PBS doesn't seem to really cater to the overly sensitive viewers.

Oh... Not only would it have been sanitized, but people would have had magical super powers and I'm sure the dialogue would be nonsense gibberish in between the epic battles that had no basis in reality.


That is also true. :(

The past needs to be preserved, for better or for worse. Not to shame anyone, but to learn from the mistakes so they aren't ever repeated again.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

My great grandmother's language wasn't and isn't related to Algonquin. Those clips you posted, I think the Native actors and for sure the English actors had to learn to speak Algonquin. I know that many Indigenous languages in the US and Canada are in danger of disappearing because they have so few speakers. Algonquin which is spoken in Eastern Canada is better protected up here. Also there was some sign language as well. It really was. I probably would have gotten more out of the show if the translating had been in bigger print.

Okay then. I did a reasonable job.

Or they would have left the Pamunkey out all together.

I agree with you as I think I have said around here. Any and all history needs to be preserved so we all can learn.

Some say that the Innuit had a dozen (or more!) words for "snow". Maybe that's an exaggeration, but when you have to travel by dogsled or on foot, you would have wanted some way to describe how often your runners froze on the surface, or how deep they sank, or maybe whether it had frozen into hillocks or glare ice, or whether it was powder and free-running. (I guess kind of like skiers today: is it cornball snow? a groomed surface? slushy? powder?) Once you have a snowmobile a lot of those distinctions fade away. Unless you preserve the language. Maybe create a written form if none existed.

I imagine there are hundreds of lost languages across the Americas. It's a shame bc every culture had a way of looking at the world, expressed in its language.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I've heard that too and I'm not sure if it is true or not. I would have to do some research on it.

My opinion is that the distinction doesn't go away but probably adapts. Even with a snowmobile to replace a dogsled or snowshoes, you still need to describe what the snow conditions are like.

There are projects going on in places across Canada including the north where the languages are being recorded then translated into written. This makes them more teachable as a first or second language. That's the way to go just my opinion, using the modern technology.

Have to agree with you SIG. That's why preserving the ones that exist is so important.


Saturday, October 22, 2022 5:31 PM


Walk done and no rain. Also managed to cross a couple more things off my to do list.


Saturday, October 22, 2022 5:42 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well my schedule and the weather finally coincided and I got out to yardwork. I hope to be able to continue for the next ten days (longer, if the weather holds out) in between the various appointments on the calendar.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, October 23, 2022 1:29 PM


Just a slow Sunday around me.


Sunday, October 23, 2022 3:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Just a slow Sunday around me.

Do you like decaff coffee?

I discovered the thing that propels me out of bed in the AM: a nice cup of coffee (decaff will work!) with some canned milk and a bit of natural sweetener.

It sure gives me something to look forward to! Seems like it would be a nice Sunday AM treat

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, October 23, 2022 4:06 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Just a slow Sunday around me.

Do you like decaff coffee?

I discovered the thing that propels me out of bed in the AM: a nice cup of coffee (decaff will work!) with some canned milk and a bit of natural sweetener.

It sure gives me something to look forward to! Seems like it would be a nice Sunday AM treat

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I do. I usually start my day with a cup of decafe with no milk and just 1 tsp of sugar.

It is and was.


Monday, October 24, 2022 1:11 PM


Rain arrived last night and still raining this morning for my walk. Small dent in the drought in BC.


Monday, October 24, 2022 5:02 PM


Well, the rain has dried up for now and the sun is out. Walk in and groceries done, including finding some Christmas cards.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 9:00 AM


Dentist appointment went well yesterday. I finally inquired about how much a 3rd cleaning without an exam or Xrays would cost and when I found out it was only around $90 I'm kind of chiding myself for not doing that earlier. Whenever I walk out of there after getting that deep clean it feels as good as walking out of Great Clips with a fresh haircut, but multiplied by about 100 times. I'll be doing that every 4 months instead of every 6 months from now on. $90 is worth a lot less than it was 2 years ago, so the price is right. I've also scheduled my long-overdue denture reline. Most people get it after 6 months. I believe I've had them for around 3 years now. They've gone from minor annoyance to ill-fitting over the last year or so, so now it's time. Nothing seems to be adjusting on me anymore, so it's not something I should have to be doing every few years. It's quite expensive, but for about 2 years now I've had that subtracted from my available funds anyhow in my records, so let's just get it done.

My buddy's dad is supposed to come over today to help me cut and fit those window jambs and maybe get a start on the casings. Unfortunately, it looks like a LOT of rain. I'll have to see about maybe attaching one of my tarps from my porch gutter to my garage gutter so we have a dry path to continually walk between them otherwise we're getting wet, the wood floor is getting wet and my jambs and casings are getting wet. I really wish he was able to make it out last week when it was 75 degrees and dry. Oh well...


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 1:16 PM


Out for my walk in a bit and more rain heading my way.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 2:58 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Dentist appointment went well yesterday. I finally inquired about how much a 3rd cleaning without an exam or Xrays would cost and when I found out it was only around $90 I'm kind of chiding myself for not doing that earlier. Whenever I walk out of there after getting that deep clean it feels as good as walking out of Great Clips with a fresh haircut, but multiplied by about 100 times. I'll be doing that every 4 months instead of every 6 months from now on. $90 is worth a lot less than it was 2 years ago, so the price is right. I've also scheduled my long-overdue denture reline. Most people get it after 6 months. I believe I've had them for around 3 years now. They've gone from minor annoyance to ill-fitting over the last year or so, so now it's time. Nothing seems to be adjusting on me anymore, so it's not something I should have to be doing every few years. It's quite expensive, but for about 2 years now I've had that subtracted from my available funds anyhow in my records, so let's just get it done.

My buddy's dad is supposed to come over today to help me cut and fit those window jambs and maybe get a start on the casings. Unfortunately, it looks like a LOT of rain. I'll have to see about maybe attaching one of my tarps from my porch gutter to my garage gutter so we have a dry path to continually walk between them otherwise we're getting wet, the wood floor is getting wet and my jambs and casings are getting wet. I really wish he was able to make it out last week when it was 75 degrees and dry. Oh well...

Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Seems like your friend's dad is doing better?

I had some disturbing news about my heart last time: One of the treatments I've been on for a year (which just ended early this month) is cardiotoxic. It took this long, but now it's affecting my heart function. I can tell bc my heart's skipping more beats than normal lately.

So I looked it up ... there are effective treatments that can reverse the problem. That's when I rebelled against thinking of myself as a sick person and did yardwork for a couple of days so far. But I realize I need help, bc between taking care of hubby during his stormy recovery and my own chores, appointments and physical limitations, I'd be pecking away at landscaping and yardwork for the next year before I saw progress, so I'm going to look around for a helper for the digging-up part.

I also finally got in contact with some mfrs of custom solid shower bases. We desperately need to repair and renovate two bathrooms, but given our age and health it's not going to be a DIY project! So I'm going to get some comparative quotes for the two different versions I have in mind (one is a conservative shower replacement and the other is a reconfiguration) either tiled conventionally or with a solid-surface base and walls, and fly them past hubby.

I know how to do this bc I used to put out things for bid when I was working. I know hwo to drilldown on spec and details bc that's where the problems usually arise. That's how I got a great deal on our solar panels! And with house prices plunging and the upcoming holidays I expect contractors will be looking for work so this might be the best time for these projects.

So, onward thru the fog.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 4:26 PM


Wet when I went out but dry now. Got a bit of veg, returned something to the library and picked up a couple of other things.


Tuesday, October 25, 2022 7:47 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, I got my driver's license renewed today, woohoo! They allow two consecutive mail-in 5-year renewals, but then you need to go in person. New thumbprint (they had a hard time capturing that! Chemo made my prints indistinct, and yardwork put a lot of small cracks in my skin. In two years it probably won't look the same, heh.)

New eye test. One of my eyes passed, but I need new glasses!

New photo, with my post-chemo plush-toy hairdo, which also won't look the same in two years!

But renewal done, and a worry off my mind. Anyway, I think I'll splurge and celebrate with a pizza.

And now, to clean to dog's teeth and go over the ballot...

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 1:08 PM


Out for my walk in the dry soon. Rains have stopped for now.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 1:26 PM


Got the jambs up on 3 of the windows yesterday and ripped down the parting stops for the doors before my friend's dad had to leave. (I really should just be calling him my friend too at this point).

I just insulated the door with spray foam after sanding, breaking and priming the stops that will go over the insulation. Those door/window cans don't go nearly as far as the regular stuff though... There's no way I'm going to be able to do about 3 more windows worth of gaps with just one can.

I'm going to paint them soon and probably install them today, but it looks like I'm probably on my own today and it's cold and I'm not really feeling it anyhow. I'll probably vac/clean everything up in the porch and the garage before installing them and call it a day. We have warmish days coming... probably for the last time.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 4:56 PM


Dry for my walk but the dark clouds are rolling in for more rain at some point this afternoon or this evening into tomorrow morning.

Discovered that I can now lift my right arm over my head and I am not in pain. Even managed to get it behind my back. That should please the physio therapist tomorrow afternoon. I know I'm happy about it.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 11:13 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Seems like your friend's dad is doing better?

Every time I see him he looks good. He's eating a lot, and not that he was ever an unhealthy eater I can't believe how healthy his new diet is.

He did get that lung drained and he got the antibiotic. It looks like that helped. But he's still got to get that test done for his lung before they do anything about the heart. I believe that's the test he's having done tomorrow. He's hoping to make it here afterward but I let him know to take it easy and not worry if he can't. He's busy on Friday and the weekend won't work. It will be in the 60's next week for our last hurrah, but truth be told I might actually end up finishing the work without him. He probably won't be too happy about that since he's working off the rest of what he owes me, but I probably don't need his help anymore on this job.


I had some disturbing news about my heart last time: One of the treatments I've been on for a year (which just ended early this month) is cardiotoxic. It took this long, but now it's affecting my heart function. I can tell bc my heart's skipping more beats than normal lately.

So I looked it up ... there are effective treatments that can reverse the problem. That's when I rebelled against thinking of myself as a sick person and did yardwork for a couple of days so far. But I realize I need help, bc between taking care of hubby during his stormy recovery and my own chores, appointments and physical limitations, I'd be pecking away at landscaping and yardwork for the next year before I saw progress, so I'm going to look around for a helper for the digging-up part.

I also finally got in contact with some mfrs of custom solid shower bases. We desperately need to repair and renovate two bathrooms, but given our age and health it's not going to be a DIY project! So I'm going to get some comparative quotes for the two different versions I have in mind (one is a conservative shower replacement and the other is a reconfiguration) either tiled conventionally or with a solid-surface base and walls, and fly them past hubby.

You might consider removing the tub altogether and making a walk-in shower, at least for one of them. I've helped my friend's dad in the past on those many years back when he was younger and if done right they look beautiful and are very functional. PRO TIP: Either have a seat built into the wall opposite of the shower head and have it tiled if you have enough room, or have the people install one of the fold-down seats. They're a couple of hundred bucks, but everyone who had it installed was very happy they did after the fact.

You can't imagine how many rich old people retire and buy up these McMansions with a million rooms that they'll never use except when family comes over. They were all built with a gigantic bathroom off of the master bedroom that is bigger than my master bedroom and a huge closet off the side that is bigger than all of the closets in most normal houses combined. They all had a jacuzzi installed with tiled steps leading up to it. The old people never use it because they can't, and a lot of those bathrooms get converted to a huge walk-in shower. Sometimes with not one but two shower heads.


I know how to do this bc I used to put out things for bid when I was working. I know hwo to drilldown on spec and details bc that's where the problems usually arise. That's how I got a great deal on our solar panels! And with house prices plunging and the upcoming holidays I expect contractors will be looking for work so this might be the best time for these projects.

So, onward thru the fog.

Sounds like you've got enough to keep yourself out of trouble.

Don't push yourself too hard though. I think a helper for the digging parts is a great idea. I'm already not looking forward to doing the rest of the digging I need to do around my foundation next spring.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 11:15 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Dry for my walk but the dark clouds are rolling in for more rain at some point this afternoon or this evening into tomorrow morning.

Discovered that I can now lift my right arm over my head and I am not in pain. Even managed to get it behind my back. That should please the physio therapist tomorrow afternoon. I know I'm happy about it.

Wow. That's progress! Great to hear, Brenda.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 11:20 PM


Had a long nap today and what a weird sensation it is when you wake up and see the clock says 6:30 and you think it's morning and just about time to wake up. I didn't mean to sleep that long and it kind of threw me for a loop.

I put two coats of paint on the parting stops for the double reveal on the entry way door and I cut out all the overflow spray foam on the door and the one window. I was thinking I'd just use the 2nd can I have to do as much as I could on the windows tonight since after re-evaluating the situation there's no way I'm getting away without having to buy a 3rd can, but I remember the directions said the ideal temp is 75 degrees and you shouldn't use it unless it's at least 60 degrees. It was cold out there in the dark. It won't be 60 tomorrow either, but it will be close enough. The stuff I used today worked just like it should have and it was only 54 degrees.

If the cold doesn't get to me, I might start cutting down the trim to finish the three windows with the jambs and the door to the kitchen. We'll see how it goes. I kind of don't work outside when it's under 60 degrees anymore. I hate the cold.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 11:23 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Dry for my walk but the dark clouds are rolling in for more rain at some point this afternoon or this evening into tomorrow morning.

Discovered that I can now lift my right arm over my head and I am not in pain. Even managed to get it behind my back. That should please the physio therapist tomorrow afternoon. I know I'm happy about it.

Wow. That's progress! Great to hear, Brenda.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

It is a huge improvement and my right hand is stronger now. I can hold a pen and write for a lot longer than I could a couple of weeks ago. I still get a little twinge now and again but nothing like it was. Also the muscle in my upper arm is loosening up too.


Wednesday, October 26, 2022 11:26 PM


Got an atmospheric river moving over BC tonight and through tomorrow which means 50mm of rain or more depending on where you are. My area most likely will see the 50. It will also bring winds with it. Warnings about trees coming down and possible outages.

So, it will be a soggy walk for me tomorrow to mah jong and the physio in the afternoon.


Thursday, October 27, 2022 11:49 PM


Had a good morning at mah jong. Got second place today. Had all 4 flowers of one colour twice. First hand that happened I had 3,000 points with 6 doubles. Second time wasn't so good, only 800 points. Still finished the morning with over 4,000points.

Also the physio was very pleased with how my shoulder is healing. She did recommend a couple new shoulder exercises and some finger ones as well because my middle and fourth along with the pointer sometimes gets stiff.

Still a good day and even with the winds picking up a bit in the afternoon, I didn't get blown away. Though there was a fair amount of rain today.


Friday, October 28, 2022 12:51 PM


Heading out a little earlier for my walk. Hoping to beat the rain that I am sure will be back.


Friday, October 28, 2022 5:03 PM


Back from my walk and so far no rain. Sun is out and dry.


Friday, October 28, 2022 10:31 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Dry for my walk but the dark clouds are rolling in for more rain at some point this afternoon or this evening into tomorrow morning.

Discovered that I can now lift my right arm over my head and I am not in pain. Even managed to get it behind my back. That should please the physio therapist tomorrow afternoon. I know I'm happy about it.

Wow. That's progress! Great to hear, Brenda.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

It is a huge improvement and my right hand is stronger now. I can hold a pen and write for a lot longer than I could a couple of weeks ago. I still get a little twinge now and again but nothing like it was. Also the muscle in my upper arm is loosening up too.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 28, 2022 10:33 PM


The three windows are fully insulated as well as the door. Parting stops installed.

I was worried that my friend's dad might not be coming to finish the job after a message I got from him yesterday, but it was a misunderstanding. The PET scan really knocked the wind out of his sails was all. He's going to be coming on Monday to help me wrap everything up, so I just finished the insulation and cleaned up the porch and the garage and did a little house cleaning today.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, October 28, 2022 11:26 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Dry for my walk but the dark clouds are rolling in for more rain at some point this afternoon or this evening into tomorrow morning.

Discovered that I can now lift my right arm over my head and I am not in pain. Even managed to get it behind my back. That should please the physio therapist tomorrow afternoon. I know I'm happy about it.

Wow. That's progress! Great to hear, Brenda.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

It is a huge improvement and my right hand is stronger now. I can hold a pen and write for a lot longer than I could a couple of weeks ago. I still get a little twinge now and again but nothing like it was. Also the muscle in my upper arm is loosening up too.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I know. The exercises the physio recommended have really helped.


Saturday, October 29, 2022 9:28 AM


Well... It looks like neither god nor man has come up with a primer or paint that will cover candle wax. Bummer.

I got about 99% of it out of the basket woven top of that entryway table I want to paint. It's really just going to be in the nooks and crannies that aren't likely to get anything put on top of the table rubbing on them.

I bought myself a new toy from Harbor Freight of all places recently though, and since I was already paying for shipping I got myself a cheap little rotary tool/polishing kit. I don't expect this thing to last very long since I had a brand name Dremel years back that bit the dust only 2 years after I got it, but it should be enough to at least try to get deeper in the weave.

I still have half a bucket of the "snot" that I used to strip the kitchen cabinets, but I'm afraid that if I tried using that in the weave I'd never get the residue out and it would end up being worse to try to paint over that than the wax would be.

Since I'm going to be waiting until Monday for my friend's dad to get back to the windows and I'm going to have my aunt and Grandma over today or tomorrow, I think I'll spend my free time this weekend working on that table.

My living room floor is going to be my workshop for quite a bit this winter, most likely. I have some other things I need to restore like a medicine cabinet and that other cabinet that sits over the toilet for the bathroom, and after I build those two drawers for the kitchen they're going to be painted out there too. There's a few other things I have out on my work bench in the garage that need to be finished so I don't have to look at them anymore. I've got myself a nice little work table that I made that I can bring out to the living room so I'm not sitting on the floor while I'm working on them. It's nice not having a monster project like painting all those kitchen doors and shelves that will require me to be sitting on bare concrete while painting everything again. Even if I work on two or three pieces at a time I should be able to rotate them on the table without having to constantly clean brushes while waiting for things to dry.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, October 29, 2022 12:26 PM


Car's back in the shop. Fingers crossed that the next stop isn't the junk yard.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Saturday, October 29, 2022 12:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Dry for my walk but the dark clouds are rolling in for more rain at some point this afternoon or this evening into tomorrow morning.

Discovered that I can now lift my right arm over my head and I am not in pain. Even managed to get it behind my back. That should please the physio therapist tomorrow afternoon. I know I'm happy about it.

Wow. That's progress! Great to hear, Brenda.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

It is a huge improvement and my right hand is stronger now. I can hold a pen and write for a lot longer than I could a couple of weeks ago. I still get a little twinge now and again but nothing like it was. Also the muscle in my upper arm is loosening up too.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I know. The exercises the physio recommended have really helped.

Good deal, BRENDA!

Got derailed (again) the past few days. Had a three-month followup with my rheumatologist on Thursday, but when I showed up for it they told me it had been canceled back in September. Apparently all her afternoon clinics had been canceled due to some schedule change.

Gee, it would have been nice if someone had told ME! Fortunately, they found an appointment at 8AM Friday, but that was 1 1/2 hours wasted, right in the middle of the afternoon, and 2 hours yesterday.

Then while I was at clinic I had to make an urgent-care for hubby for a hospital-acquired infection (fortunately, not on an incision) and since he can't drive I had to take him there myself. Another 2 hours gone on Friday. In all of October, including 6 at-home visits by physical therapy, hubby's hospital stay-days, and various Dr office visits, there were almost 20 medical appointments/visits. Sometimes I feel like I'm tying to run thru a pond of glue.

The house is dusty and the yard is still a mess. But there are only 4 family medical appointments on the calendar in November, so I once again hope that my schedule clears up ... and STAYS clear ... and that I can gather my thoughts and figure out what I'm doing next.

One thing on my "list of things to do" is get regular exercise. Yes, I tkae the dog for a walk every day and it's better than nothing. And I manage the occasional hour r two of yardwork.

But like with you, BRENDA, I have assigned exercises (mine, for lymphedema and shoulder range of motion) plus I want to add some more rigorous exercises for the larger muscles like thighs etc. My dream is to get into shape for skiing this winter, which was tremendously fun when I tried it many years ago. And if I can't get into shape in time, I'll aim for sailboarding or some other water sport for summer. I dangle this in front of me to give me something to aim for.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, October 29, 2022 12:38 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Car's back in the shop. Fingers crossed that the next stop isn't the junk yard.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Oh, dear. I hope it's not too serious.

BTW, wax might be dissolvable with toluene, xylene or kerosene, and the nice thing is they evaporate. However, you run the risk of dissolving the wax only to spread a thin film through everything, which will make large portions unpaintable with water-based paint.

what about using a heat gun to melt the wax, and then some sort of absorbent material, like paper, to soak it up?

All else fails, you can wipe it down thoroughly with toluene/xylene and try painting it with oil-based paint. (But test a small portion first to see if the wipedown/oil-based paint approach will work. Preferably on the underside, if there is candle wax there too.)

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, October 29, 2022 1:09 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Dry for my walk but the dark clouds are rolling in for more rain at some point this afternoon or this evening into tomorrow morning.

Discovered that I can now lift my right arm over my head and I am not in pain. Even managed to get it behind my back. That should please the physio therapist tomorrow afternoon. I know I'm happy about it.

Wow. That's progress! Great to hear, Brenda.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

It is a huge improvement and my right hand is stronger now. I can hold a pen and write for a lot longer than I could a couple of weeks ago. I still get a little twinge now and again but nothing like it was. Also the muscle in my upper arm is loosening up too.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I know. The exercises the physio recommended have really helped.

Good deal, BRENDA!

Got derailed (again) the past few days. Had a three-month followup with my rheumatologist on Thursday, but when I showed up for it they told me it had been canceled back in September. Apparently all her afternoon clinics had been canceled due to some schedule change.

Gee, it would have been nice if someone had told ME! Fortunately, they found an appointment at 8AM Friday, but that was 1 1/2 hours wasted, right in the middle of the afternoon, and 2 hours yesterday.

Then while I was at clinic I had to make an urgent-care for hubby for a hospital-acquired infection (fortunately, not on an incision) and since he can't drive I had to take him there myself. Another 2 hours gone on Friday. In all of October, including 6 at-home visits by physical therapy, hubby's hospital stay-days, and various Dr office visits, there were almost 20 medical appointments/visits. Sometimes I feel like I'm tying to run thru a pond of glue.

The house is dusty and the yard is still a mess. But there are only 4 family medical appointments on the calendar in November, so I once again hope that my schedule clears up ... and STAYS clear ... and that I can gather my thoughts and figure out what I'm doing next.

One thing on my "list of things to do" is get regular exercise. Yes, I tkae the dog for a walk every day and it's better than nothing. And I manage the occasional hour r two of yardwork.

But like with you, BRENDA, I have assigned exercises (mine, for lymphedema and shoulder range of motion) plus I want to add some more rigorous exercises for the larger muscles like thighs etc. My dream is to get into shape for skiing this winter, which was tremendously fun when I tried it many years ago. And if I can't get into shape in time, I'll aim for sailboarding or some other water sport for summer. I dangle this in front of me to give me something to aim for.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

I hear ya SIG on the range of motion. Basically that is what these exercises are for on my shoulder and to help with the stiffness I feel in my hand, wrist and such. Have to see if I can get them printed out.


Saturday, October 29, 2022 1:09 PM


Laundry day for me then my walk.


Saturday, October 29, 2022 5:36 PM


Was dry when I went out for my walk but the rain arrived while I was in a local mall. But I'm in and done for the day.


Saturday, October 29, 2022 6:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Car's back in the shop. Fingers crossed that the next stop isn't the junk yard.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Oh, dear. I hope it's not too serious.

Who knows. I didn't learn my lesson last time and it's at the same guy who did my brakes. I didn't even know he worked on Saturday since he didn't pick up either Saturday he had my car before, so that makes me believe him when he says he got caught up.

I'm leaking gas though. I called him yesterday to see if he could think of any reason why my brakes would already be leaking since I saw a puddle on the ground when I came out of the store and he couldn't think of one. He told me to have somebody pump the brakes while I'm looking at it to see if the flow comes out quicker. I hadn't gotten around to that by this morning but I looked and there was a large fresh puddle where it had been leaking all night. I started the car up and it was leaking about 10 times as much. That's when I put my finger in the puddle to smell it and it was obviously gasoline.

The "it's not a matter of IF but WHEN" certainly came up on me a lot sooner than I hoped it would.

But now that we're in a position that the car is undrivable unless it's fixed, he confidently stated that he could come up with something to fix it if I could manage to get it over to him. He also knows how to take the seat out since they did it the last time to get a look at it (and if I didn't mention, he sent me pictures of what the fuel line looked like and it was terrifying).

This isn't going to be cheap. I know he has to drop the fuel tank to do the job too. I'm just hoping he can come up with a way to fix it since a crucial part isn't produced anymore. I reminded him of that and he said he's going to come up with something. I don't have an emissions test that I have to worry about failing for another 1.5 years, so as long as it's not too much over $500 it will be worth it. Hopefully I don't have to go another 3 weeks without my car this time.


BTW, wax might be dissolvable with toluene, xylene or kerosene, and the nice thing is they evaporate. However, you run the risk of dissolving the wax only to spread a thin film through everything, which will make large portions unpaintable with water-based paint.

what about using a heat gun to melt the wax, and then some sort of absorbent material, like paper, to soak it up?

All else fails, you can wipe it down thoroughly with toluene/xylene and try painting it with oil-based paint. (But test a small portion first to see if the wipedown/oil-based paint approach will work. Preferably on the underside, if there is candle wax there too.)

Imagine THIS surface, but on a much smaller scale (around 1/8" segments).

I've managed to pull and scrape most of it out, but it gets tricky in the valleys.

Fortunately, the surface was already painted, so I think my best bet is going to stay away from chemicals and see if my new rotary tool can get in there and chip away all the old paint... Assuming this cheap tool can be used in a way where it doesn't just rip the weaving to shreds. I don't even know if it has any way to vary the speed or if it's just full on 16,000 RPMs or nothing.

Also fortunately, I don't have to worry about painting the underside of the shelf with the wax on it. There's another weaved shelf just about 4 " under it, so nobody is ever going to be stooping down to look under it. The table isn't super high anyway, so I doubt that I'll even be painting the bottom of the lower shelf anyhow.

I'll know more when I get to it. The car thing kind of wrecked my mood and I've been doing some other stuff instead.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus






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