In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Sunday, July 10, 2022 2:19 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
That was prodigious amount of work, SIX.
What an improvement!
And for so little $$!

You're an inspiration.

Been MIA for a few days. Went out with my dad and one of my brothers the other night then went to my grandma's to dehoard the entire 2nd floor except for my aunt's room.

She's got a full garage to throw away again. I couldn't believe there was more junk up there than there was in the basement.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Yes, I wa a bit worried when you didn't show up, like I would be worried if BRENDA didn't show up. I should have known you didn't need to be worried about, but my imagination sometimes runs away with me.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, July 10, 2022 2:21 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Thursday I was too pooped out to do much after working as hard as I could for four or five days. Friday was a treatment day; I don't know WHY it's so tiring bc all I do is lay down in a recliner chair and get infused, but ... it is. Today I STILL couldn't get my rear in gear and only managed some daily things, but I hope to be back on track tomorrow.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, July 10, 2022 11:07 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
That was prodigious amount of work, SIX.
What an improvement!
And for so little $$!

You're an inspiration.

Been MIA for a few days. Went out with my dad and one of my brothers the other night then went to my grandma's to dehoard the entire 2nd floor except for my aunt's room.

She's got a full garage to throw away again. I couldn't believe there was more junk up there than there was in the basement.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Yes, I wa a bit worried when you didn't show up, like I would be worried if BRENDA didn't show up. I should have known you didn't need to be worried about, but my imagination sometimes runs away with me.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah. Sorry. Sometimes I don't announce when I'm leaving the place unattended. I guess it depends on my mood the day of.

The good news is that there wasn't any mouse poop upstairs. I didn't think there would be, so hopefully we're as lucky on the 1st floor.

The plan seems to be to get my aunt down on the 1st floor before winter. That way they can shut off heat to the upstairs except for the bathroom for the shower up there. I still had to clear out that fruit cellar and that was just awful. Glad I got that out of the way first.

I also fixed the bad light over the washer and dryer and installed a new sweep on the external door since the old one had rusted away.

Lots done. My aunt is probably going to be throwing that trash out through the end of August though.

I was hoping to donate a lot of that stuff to Goodwill... especially the huge collection of books, but I just couldn't do it. It's been about 7 years since my aunt even bothered cleaning the two rooms and the closets that weren't hers, and that's a house that gets a lot of humidity and there used to be a lot of cats in there. Add to that the fact that until my aunt quit smoking it was a heavy smoking house. Nobody wants any of that stuff. My hands felt grimy just throwing the books away.


Hope you're feeling better. Don't press yourself too hard Sigs. I don't want to feel guilty if I'm making you feel guilty by doing so much stuff right now. I'm in one of my manic states where I'm really useful. I'm making up for 3 months wasted during the winter.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, July 10, 2022 11:56 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh, don't feel guilty, SIX! I have good old-fashioned Catholic guilt trained into me. If I slack off too much, my conscience starts bothering me.

Also, I get a charge out of "getting things done". I think I get my dopamine burst when I can dust my hands, look around and say There! That's done! I still get boost whenever I open my (recently defrosted and re-organized) meatlocker.

It sounds like you've really making big improvements in other people's lives. Good on you!

It's a huge relief to most people* to have their surrounding simplified bc every unnecessary item kind of tugs at attention. One of the happiest times of my left was in the few months before we moved to CA- I had to stay bck to sell our house, and sold off almost everything and packed up the rest. For a while I slept on a sleeping bag on the bedroom floor and ate out of one pot, one cup, one bowl, a spoon and a knife. No car: I walked to work. My life was really, really simple.

*Unless that person is a hoarder, which is it's own special pathology.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, July 10, 2022 12:43 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh, don't feel guilty, SIX! I have good old-fashioned Catholic guilt trained into me. If I slack off too much, my conscience starts bothering me.

I was never confirmed, but I grew up with a lot of it myself. I actually do have quite a lot to feel guilty about from my past, but there's no sense in dwelling on it. Onward and upward.

Thanks for taking that burden off of me though.


Also, I get a charge out of "getting things done". I think I get my dopamine burst when I can dust my hands, look around and say There! That's done! I still get boost whenever I open my (recently defrosted and re-organized) meatlocker.

Yeah. It's really a good feeling. It's just too bad I can't find enjoyment in the process when I'm doing the chore rituals as I do when I'm making something.


It sounds like you've really making big improvements in other people's lives. Good on you!

I'm trying to. It's certainly a better way to spend my free time than what I used to do with it.


It's a huge relief to most people* to have their surrounding simplified bc every unnecessary item kind of tugs at attention. One of the happiest times of my left was in the few months before we moved to CA- I had to stay bck to sell our house, and sold off almost everything and packed up the rest. For a while I slept on a sleeping bag on the bedroom floor and ate out of one pot, one cup, one bowl, a spoon and a knife. No car: I walked to work. My life was really, really simple.

Simplicity is nice. I still have way too much crap myself. I think it's one of the things that is really pushing me to get things done right now though. A lot of that "crap" is actually good things to use in my house, but as long as it's just sitting there on shelves in my garage or on platforms in my basement it's just crap.

My ultimate goal is to have this entire house restored and only have enough stuff filling it that would fit in any one of the 1 bedroom apartments I've ever rented.

I know that my aunt is THRILLED about this. She actually told me that she finds comfort in the empty rooms, and that she's never going to accumulate stuff in her new place. Noble goal, and definitely not the words of a hoarder. I wish her luck with that.


*Unless that person is a hoarder, which is it's own special pathology.

Yeah... My grandma is though. I would never have even attempted this even just 5 years ago when her short term memory was still sharp and she got around a lot easier. My aunt wasn't worried about her seeing us taking anything out, but I told her to just pack the junk that was hers in bags and just stay out of my way while bringing everything out to the garage except for the few times I needed her help with larger furniture. I didn't want my grandma seeing any of that making its way outside. She would have died if she saw that I dismantled an admittedly really nice dresser that was somehow still in good shape just to take it down without killing ourselves. Sure, my aunt is right... even if she saw it she would probably forget about it 5 minutes later, but I don't want any of this to bring any emotional pain to my grandma for even a split second.

Fortunately, I DID take the top of that dresser and three more slabs of wood from it back home with me. They're the nicest pieces of wood I've had in that garage so far. Even though I don't have current plans for them, I will throw out some of my other saved wood to make room for them. Like the small shelf I still had left that I said I could make a breadboard out of, the 3 slabs from the bottom of the dresser and in between the drawers are made the same, but much larger. I'll have to figure out something really nice to do with them. They're way too good to be making something like garage shelves out of.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, July 10, 2022 1:36 PM


Just a Sunday around me. Nothing happening. My one day to just sit down and not do much of anything.


Monday, July 11, 2022 1:35 AM


I hate climbing chairs to replace light bulbs.


Monday, July 11, 2022 2:58 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Just a Sunday around me. Nothing happening. My one day to just sit down and not do much of anything.

I think my "day' to do nothing was Thursday.
Oh, and Friday and Saturday!

Thursday I was pooped out from pushing myself.
But Friday and Saturday were due to infusion, I think. Fatigue is a side effect.
Also, I'm still anemic. I'll try taking iron, that might help.

A piece of GOOD news ... even tho I was busting ass outside and sweating like crazy, it didn't make my kidneys worse. So as long as I stay hydrated and make sure to get enough salt, I can tolerate outdoor work.

So today I managed an hour of "yard"work, even tho is was just raking up under pine trees and sweeping up the driveway and walkway. It hasn't been done in I don't know HOW long, months and months, but still I was surprised to fill up a whole big binful.

There! That's done!

Tomorrow I'll water the veggies, walk the dog, and tackle a bit more front-yard cleanup, altho I haven't decided exactly where. I'll pick a small spot that I can finish in an hour ... or less.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, July 11, 2022 3:01 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
I hate climbing chairs to replace light bulbs.

Me too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, July 11, 2022 1:16 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Just a Sunday around me. Nothing happening. My one day to just sit down and not do much of anything.

I think my "day' to do nothing was Thursday.
Oh, and Friday and Saturday!

Thursday I was pooped out from pushing myself.
But Friday and Saturday were due to infusion, I think. Fatigue is a side effect.
Also, I'm still anemic. I'll try taking iron, that might help.

A piece of GOOD news ... even tho I was busting ass outside and sweating like crazy, it didn't make my kidneys worse. So as long as I stay hydrated and make sure to get enough salt, I can tolerate outdoor work.

So today I managed an hour of "yard"work, even tho is was just raking up under pine trees and sweeping up the driveway and walkway. It hasn't been done in I don't know HOW long, months and months, but still I was surprised to fill up a whole big binful.

There! That's done!

Tomorrow I'll water the veggies, walk the dog, and tackle a bit more front-yard cleanup, altho I haven't decided exactly where. I'll pick a small spot that I can finish in an hour ... or less.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

A trio of days is good.

Some extra iron in your diet should help.

Yes, keep a water bottle handy at all times and make sure your diet has a little extra salt in it.

Slow and steady SIG. That's the way to go.


Monday, July 11, 2022 1:19 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I hate climbing chairs to replace light bulbs.

Me too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah and they always blow in the evening and it was a main light that I use.

Got a replacement bulb in and turned it on to find out the replacement bulb was dead. So I had to go fishing for another bulb. Climbed back up on the chair after having just climbed down, put the next bulb I found in and got back down. Turned on the light and it worked. Decided to check the other bulbs in that box and found that a couple of others could be dead too. So put them aside to go to recycling.


Monday, July 11, 2022 1:20 PM


Out for my walk soon and I've been invited to play mah jong this afternoon. So later peeps.


Monday, July 11, 2022 4:30 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, the weather today and the next three days should be cool enough for yardwork. (My limit is 85deg.)

So I managed to put two hours in this AM, filled another binful before the green waste truck came by, and it wasn't too bad! Almost everything in the front has been weed whacked. At this point, I start digging stuff up and moving dirt around.

But I plan on only an hour at a time. If I manage more, great! If not... OH WELL!

Also took some iron early this AM. I can't imagine it working this fast, but it already feels like I have more energy. I'll see what happens.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, July 11, 2022 4:31 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I hate climbing chairs to replace light bulbs.

Me too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah and they always blow in the evening and it was a main light that I use.

Got a replacement bulb in and turned it on to find out the replacement bulb was dead. So I had to go fishing for another bulb. Climbed back up on the chair after having just climbed down, put the next bulb I found in and got back down. Turned on the light and it worked. Decided to check the other bulbs in that box and found that a couple of others could be dead too. So put them aside to go to recycling.

Don't you hate it when that happens?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Monday, July 11, 2022 11:17 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I hate climbing chairs to replace light bulbs.

Me too.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah and they always blow in the evening and it was a main light that I use.

Got a replacement bulb in and turned it on to find out the replacement bulb was dead. So I had to go fishing for another bulb. Climbed back up on the chair after having just climbed down, put the next bulb I found in and got back down. Turned on the light and it worked. Decided to check the other bulbs in that box and found that a couple of others could be dead too. So put them aside to go to recycling.

Don't you hate it when that happens?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Yeah, I do.

The only good is that with it being summer, I don't have to turn that light on until after 9:30pm.


Monday, July 11, 2022 11:19 PM


Got back from my day out at about 4pm. Didn't win at mah jong but I managed to get all 4 flowers of one colour and for that hand I had 6 doubles. So, I finished the afternoon with over 4,000 points. Another lady had over 8,000points, so she was the winner. Oh, well. Maybe Thursday will be better.

Anyways turns out that rumour was right. My building did get new washers and dryers.


Monday, July 11, 2022 11:21 PM


New washers and driers though?

I think you were the big winner today.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Tuesday, July 12, 2022 1:46 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
New washers and driers though?

I think you were the big winner today.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

Yup. Someone told me that on Saturday and she thought it was just a rumour. But there were signs up in the elevators that the laundry room would be closed today because they were all being replaced. The guys were still working when I got home and I saw one of the new machines coming in.

That will be nice the next time I do laundry.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022 1:12 PM


Out for my walk soon. Couple of things to do.


Tuesday, July 12, 2022 4:24 PM


Back from my walk on a nice sunny day. Temp is around 76F. Not too hot for me.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022 10:36 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my walk on a nice sunny day. Temp is around 76F. Not too hot for me.

Oh, that sounded lovely!


For the first time in weeks, my bug bites didn't wake me up with itches. Mother Nature sometimes has a few tricks up her sleeve. It's not all bunnies and bluebirds.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Wednesday, July 13, 2022 12:57 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from my walk on a nice sunny day. Temp is around 76F. Not too hot for me.

Oh, that sounded lovely!


For the first time in weeks, my bug bites didn't wake me up with itches. Mother Nature sometimes has a few tricks up her sleeve. It's not all bunnies and bluebirds.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

It was lovely.

Glad your bug bites didn't bother you and I hope they heal soon.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022 12:58 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Couple of things to do.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022 4:26 PM


Do companies really hire drivers that can't read addresses?

I had just got back from my walk and found a large parcel at my door delivered by Fed Ex. It is not mine. It belongs in a building the next street over. Took it down to my manager and she will deal with it.

Stupid person.

Anyways as I said back and in. Also this gave me a chance to meet the temporary manager as the real one is out on sick leave again.


Wednesday, July 13, 2022 11:14 PM


I am off to mah jong tomorrow. Hope I have better luck than I have had.


Thursday, July 14, 2022 5:34 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
I am off to mah jong tomorrow. Hope I have better luck than I have had.

I'll hope with you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, July 14, 2022 5:48 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

All my transplants survived but one: a pepper plant whose roots were severely damaged. even then, it didn't die bc of root problems but bc some sort of pest at it up: It was a very small seedling.

Tomatoes, zucchini, and some peppers are already setting fruit. Pretty soon I won't have to buy any zucchini from the store. Watermelons have blossoms. The okra and muskmelons are still finding their roots, but I expect growth spurt by this time net week. My direct-sow beets are coming up too. And WEEDS everywhere I water. Need to get out the hoe and start hoeing. I have some unknown seeds sprouting - they're either sunflowers or borage (from last year's plants) If sunflowers, I'm going to let them grow bc they'll provide a little shade for the one patch where the sun beats down all day without getting in the way of anything at ground level.

Shifted from weed-whacking to digging, and dug up a half trash bin of succulents (green waste doesn't want succulents in their bins, I don't know why) and a half-bin of weeds and grasses. I'll be digging up most of the rock purslane bc it's overgrown but try and save some plants to put back down once soil is shifted to the other half of the yard.

This is rock purslane. Not my garden but a good representation. When it gets old it looks incredibly untidy.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Thursday, July 14, 2022 5:23 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
I am off to mah jong tomorrow. Hope I have better luck than I have had.

I'll hope with you!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Thanks but both our hopes didn't work. One of those mornings were getting anything started was rough. It happens.


Thursday, July 14, 2022 5:23 PM


Back from mah jong and all done for today. Just having a sit down right now.


Friday, July 15, 2022 1:27 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from mah jong and all done for today. Just having a sit down right now.

I don't know WHAT happened, but I couldn't fall asleep until 5AM! So I took the time to do much-needed paperwork, which didn't go very smoothly bc I was too sleepy to do a good job. Well, better luck with tonight's sleep!

I DID pick the first three zucchini today. I think I can remove that from my shopping list for the foreseeable future.

Well, early day tomorrow. I'll need to water the garden before I leave so the veggies don't croak.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Friday, July 15, 2022 11:19 AM


Haven't really felt myself for a few days, so I've stayed out of the Garden...

It's been a ROUGH week.

Pretty sure I swallowed myself some pretty toxic bacteria on Monday. I woke up to about 2% water pressure in my house and it took about 15 minutes to fill my coffee pot. I was going to get some tools out of the garage to detach a water meter that was recently installed that I thought might have had some blockage, but saw the whole city lined up on my street. The pipes busted in the street in about 6 places and my frontage looked like footage from the BP oil spill. All that reclaimed water just rushing out and right back down into the sewer system.

To my surprise, by the time I'd gotten back home that night the problem was fixed, but we had a "Don't drink the water until further notice" in place. It was only then that it occured to me that I'd drank an entire pot of coffee that was brewed from whatever Lovecraftian Horror that came out of the tap that morning. Oh well. I felt fine. No harm, no foul.

That was until I woke up very early Tuesday morning to go to the bathroom...

When I stood up I immediately had vertigo, and right before the throbbing head pain came on I was induced with the worst chills I'd ever experience in my life... in a house that was in the mid 70 degrees. I put on a hoodie and sweat pants and spent the next 24 hours under two blankets, writhing in misery from the pain that seemed to be everywhere all at once, but most notably the ceaseless throbbing pain in my head. I never knew what a headache was until that night. I finally knew the fever broke after I woke up early Wednesday morning and my clothes were saturated in sweat.

And that's when I remember the delusions. I was confident I had cancer. At one point, I was even convinced that somebody had purposefully poisoned the water and was trying to kill me. Obviously the latter is ridiculous. Hopefully the former is as well.

Wednesday wasn't great, but after what I went through on Tuesday anything felt amazing. Joint pain was still around, and my skin was super sensitive all over and mildy hurt to the touch. Especially on my head and my back. Even today, I still have slight sensitivity on the skin of my lower back.

There was never any coughing at all. Some mucus buildup from Wednesday onward, but nothing I'm concerned about. Appetite has been almost non existant for days, although I haven't had a problem forcing myself to eat.

Wednesday night through last night was almost a turn for the worse in a way though since I was seriously backed up. It was to the point that I had to take shallow breaths because it hurt to take deep ones with all that pressure in the abdomen. I barely got any sleep for about 36 hours because of the discomfort.

That's not a problem today though. More in line with what you would expect from a bacterial infection, I've had an appointment with Mr. John about a half dozen times so far this morning.

Let's just say that I'm not really finding much joy out of today either, but at least most of my strength seems to be back, the dizziness is gone, most of the pain is gone, and it seems like my body is finally ready to exorcise whatever is left of the unknown microscopic demons that possessed me through that foul batch of coffee.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Friday, July 15, 2022 12:38 PM


Out for my walk soon. Temp is around 76F which is good. Yes, I'm early because I want to get back and get a couple of other things done.

Someone must have tripped the fire alarm this morning. It went off at around 8:30.


Friday, July 15, 2022 12:39 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back from mah jong and all done for today. Just having a sit down right now.

I don't know WHAT happened, but I couldn't fall asleep until 5AM! So I took the time to do much-needed paperwork, which didn't go very smoothly bc I was too sleepy to do a good job. Well, better luck with tonight's sleep!

I DID pick the first three zucchini today. I think I can remove that from my shopping list for the foreseeable future.

Well, early day tomorrow. I'll need to water the garden before I leave so the veggies don't croak.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake

Sorry about the sleep but congrates on the zucchini.

Hope you have a better today.


Friday, July 15, 2022 4:45 PM


Back and in. All done even the garbage out.

It did rain today but I was undercover going to the grocery store and when I came out it had stopped. Still seeing lots of cloud cover so it could rain again.


Friday, July 15, 2022 5:19 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Up at 5 AM for appt. Been busy ever since, washing up three drain traysful of dishes, casseroles, little stuff, and pots and pans; fixing b'fast for hubby and tidying up. But still short of sleep so time for a short nap!!!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, July 16, 2022 1:25 AM


Just over 12 months ago a huge storm hit this area, with cyclonic speed winds. The winds came from a direction that was not usual and destroyed about 80 houses. Many residents were left without power or mobile phone access for weeks - in the dead of winter.

Climate disasters, supply issues due to COVID have meant that 12 months on, many houses have yet to be rebuilt and some residents will not be able to reinsure their homes.

Here is a short video on what happened if you are interested in my neck of the woods.


Saturday, July 16, 2022 7:55 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.



Originally posted by SignyM:

Our national emblem. A flowering tree that produces masses of yellow flowers late winter and early spring.


We're watching a mystery series called Dr Blake. It's kind of a whodunnit taking place in 1950s Ballarat. It looks lovely.

Craig Mclaughlin has been in the news lately - not coming off as a lovely chappie.


But every now and again they shoot a scene that makes me realize how ... different Australia is. A forest of eucalyptus. A night sky with NO familiar constellations!

It looks, at times, alien. But to you Australia is home, and maybe California or New York would seem strange.

It probably does seem strange when you first visit, the landscapes can be very different to North America and Europe. But it's also a big continent and lots of variety. For example, where I live there are enormous mountain ash forests, temperate rainforest in fact, that is probably more like where you live than someone who lives in Alice Springs (dead centre). At the moment there is high rainfall throughout lots of Australia, and catastrophic floods up north.

America, on the surface, doesn't seem so strange. we have been saturated with your media for many years. I think we sometimes forget how different America is to us because of it, and things like the stance on abortion and gun laws, and well Trump, seems so alien to us. Culturally we are very different countries. Australians also travel a lot out of country, a lot more than Americans it would appear. We get better holiday conditions and most of us are drawn to see other places outside of our far away Island.


I'm very attuned to the specifics of where I live: the sky,the weather, the plants,the architecture. It took me forever to see the beautiful in the LA area .. of course, Los Angeles is in many ways a remarkably ugly place. I wonder what you would think of California.

I actually went to California many years ago, and had a brief and fun stop over in LA. I did the touristy things and I enjoyed it. If I ever go to the States again, I would go to New York and then visit some of your famous national parks like Yosemite. I love hiking so I would pick a multi day hike. I am, however, quite terrified of your bears.


Lockdowns, ugh. Only very strict lockdowns actually work, and only a place like China could make them work. Fortunately the last few iterations of Covid have mutated in the direction that many viruses mutate: more infectious but less lethal. Family has escaped it so far, altho at this point the virus has mutated so far from it's original strain that the vaccine doesn't work anymore. When I was on chemo we all wore N95s to go anywhere. I'm seriously thinking of relaxing that to paper masks which, really, are just a fiction. Haven't quite decided yet

Well it kept the virus under control while the vaccines were developed and saved loads of lives. It was hard going at times, but I was lucky and still able to work, so part of me enjoyed the quieter life.


Maybe we should carry this on in another thread? I'm really curious what you think of us rattling China's cage over Taiwan bc if any happens over it, Australia would be involved for sure. Also, yanno,just what's been happening with you, your family and all. I'm sure a lot has happened over the past few years.

I am actually not keeping up with much in the US these days, Roe V Wade was all over the news here so hard to avoid, and the endless gun violence seems horrific, but apart from that - not so much. I'm working and studying and busy, getting older and not sure about wiser ;}

I stick my head in here every now and then, but it's not like the old days when some really good discussions were to be had. I like the Garden thread so will pop in there from time to time.



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Well, I'll copy this into the garden thread, then, and we can start from that.

Studying? Whatare you studying?

What kind of work do you do?

True, that: your death toll percent-wise was MUCH lower than ours. Was part of your strategy border control? Bc being in the middle of an ocean makes it easier to isolate incoming people. We have SO MANY flowing thru our borders, sampling shows that Covid was established here even b4 we knew it was a problem in China. I hear that Australia doesn't have rabies, and New Zealand doesn't even have scrapie or mad cow disease.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, July 16, 2022 8:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Just over 12 months ago a huge storm hit this area, with cyclonic speed winds. The winds came from a direction that was not usual and destroyed about 80 houses. Many residents were left without power or mobile phone access for weeks - in the dead of winter.

Climate disasters, supply issues due to COVID have meant that 12 months on, many houses have yet to be rebuilt and some residents will not be able to reinsure their homes.

Here is a short video on what happened if you are interested in my neck of the woods.

htt p://

Jeez, that's incredibly awful.

I can see that many trees were uprooted. But some were actually snapped. Must have been extremely powerful wind.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, July 16, 2022 1:16 PM



Originally posted by Magonsdaughter:
Just over 12 months ago a huge storm hit this area, with cyclonic speed winds. The winds came from a direction that was not usual and destroyed about 80 houses. Many residents were left without power or mobile phone access for weeks - in the dead of winter.

Climate disasters, supply issues due to COVID have meant that 12 months on, many houses have yet to be rebuilt and some residents will not be able to reinsure their homes.

Here is a short video on what happened if you are interested in my neck of the woods.

I've seen on the news about the flooding in and around Syndey. It was horrible.

Makes me think of the Lower Mainland where I am last November when we had massive flooding that tore up roads and everything.


Saturday, July 16, 2022 1:16 PM


And we are back to some rain. Got socks on, need jacket and my umbrella today for my walk.


Saturday, July 16, 2022 4:39 PM


Was soggy when I went out but dry now and the sun is out.


Saturday, July 16, 2022 5:00 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Haven't really felt myself for a few days, so I've stayed out of the Garden...

It's been a ROUGH week.

Pretty sure I swallowed myself some pretty toxic bacteria on Monday. I woke up to about 2% water pressure in my house and it took about 15 minutes to fill my coffee pot. I was going to get some tools out of the garage to detach a water meter that was recently installed that I thought might have had some blockage, but saw the whole city lined up on my street. The pipes busted in the street in about 6 places and my frontage looked like footage from the BP oil spill. All that reclaimed water just rushing out and right back down into the sewer system.

To my surprise, by the time I'd gotten back home that night the problem was fixed, but we had a "Don't drink the water until further notice" in place. It was only then that it occured to me that I'd drank an entire pot of coffee that was brewed from whatever Lovecraftian Horror that came out of the tap that morning. Oh well. I felt fine. No harm, no foul.

That was until I woke up very early Tuesday morning to go to the bathroom...

When I stood up I immediately had vertigo, and right before the throbbing head pain came on I was induced with the worst chills I'd ever experience in my life... in a house that was in the mid 70 degrees. I put on a hoodie and sweat pants and spent the next 24 hours under two blankets, writhing in misery from the pain that seemed to be everywhere all at once, but most notably the ceaseless throbbing pain in my head. I never knew what a headache was until that night. I finally knew the fever broke after I woke up early Wednesday morning and my clothes were saturated in sweat.

And that's when I remember the delusions. I was confident I had cancer. At one point, I was even convinced that somebody had purposefully poisoned the water and was trying to kill me. Obviously the latter is ridiculous. Hopefully the former is as well.

Wednesday wasn't great, but after what I went through on Tuesday anything felt amazing. Joint pain was still around, and my skin was super sensitive all over and mildy hurt to the touch. Especially on my head and my back. Even today, I still have slight sensitivity on the skin of my lower back.

There was never any coughing at all. Some mucus buildup from Wednesday onward, but nothing I'm concerned about. Appetite has been almost non existant for days, although I haven't had a problem forcing myself to eat.

Wednesday night through last night was almost a turn for the worse in a way though since I was seriously backed up. It was to the point that I had to take shallow breaths because it hurt to take deep ones with all that pressure in the abdomen. I barely got any sleep for about 36 hours because of the discomfort.

That's not a problem today though. More in line with what you would expect from a bacterial infection, I've had an appointment with Mr. John about a half dozen times so far this morning.

Let's just say that I'm not really finding much joy out of today either, but at least most of my strength seems to be back, the dizziness is gone, most of the pain is gone, and it seems like my body is finally ready to exorcise whatever is left of the unknown microscopic demons that possessed me through that foul batch of coffee.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

I haven't seen this until now. Sometimes I just don't scroll up.

Wow, you must have gotten one giant innoculation with some unfriendly organism! I would be on the lookout for parasites if you have continuing problems. But it does sound bacterial.

Fever headaches, ugh! They're the worst!

How are you now?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Saturday, July 16, 2022 10:52 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
I haven't seen this until now. Sometimes I just don't scroll up.

Wow, you must have gotten one giant innoculation with some unfriendly organism! I would be on the lookout for parasites if you have continuing problems. But it does sound bacterial.

Fever headaches, ugh! They're the worst!

How are you now?

I'm still getting better. All of the pain is gone, if you don't count whatever I'm going through from spending the large majority of the last 5 days laying down as related.

My appetite is still non-existent, but after that first or second day that the fever broke I haven't had any problems forcing myself to eat. It's weird going five whole days without ever feeling hungry at all though. But maybe it's not because of the illness anymore. I haven't actually DONE anything for days, so I probably don't even need to be eating as much as I have been.

I'm sleeping more than I should be. But I guess I still need it. I still feel a little weak, and if I do try to exert myself too much I feel as though my heart is pumping more than it should be. The worst thing is how my thighs feel all Charlie Horse like when I'm standing up, as if I'm dehydrated. I've drank more water this last week than any 3 weeks combined since I lost that overnight job back in 2019 and I'm still suffering from dehydration symptoms.

The scariest thing of the whole episode was the irrational thoughts that I was plagued with during the first 24 hours. I've never experienced anything like that. It was like a little window into what it's like to start losing your mind. I'm so glad that stopped the moment the fever broke.

The second scariest thing was the headache. When I get the flu I usually have some minor head discomfort, but this was the worst headache I'd ever had multiplied by 10. Just thinking about it now makes me remember that I was also convinced I was having a brain hemorrhage like my brother did and that the pain was from the blood pushing against my brain.

I wish this happened in the winter instead of the middle of summer. I've got so much to do, and after so much work being done the last 6 weeks in super hot temperatures, I just missed out on an entire week of low 70 to low 80 degrees. By the time I'm back to normal it's back up in the 90's again.



Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, July 17, 2022 2:18 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

SIX, in addition to losing water you probably lost a great deal of sodium and potassium.
Get more salt. Make sure that during the day for the next few days you have at least a half measuring teaspoon of salt.
Or you could do an oral rehydration solution

Additionally, sodium needs glucose in order to be properly absorbed. This is why ORS contains both glucose and sodium. 1 (one) Litre solution using Salt, Sugar and Water at Home Mix an oral rehydration solution using the following recipe. Ingredients:

Six (6) level teaspoons of Sugar
Half (1/2) level teaspoon of Salt
One Litre of clean drinking or boiled water and then cooled - 5 cupfuls (each cup about 200 ml.).

You'll also need to replace potassium. Orange juice, melons, raisins, dates etc are all high in potassium.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, July 17, 2022 8:59 AM


Thanks for the tips.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus


Sunday, July 17, 2022 12:45 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Thanks for the tips.


Falsus in unum, falsus in omnibus

There are a number of possible symptoms of dehydration (depending on age sex etc) but include

High heart rate. This is your heart trying to make up for low blood volume. There are a few other common causes for high heart rate including CURRENT fever, exertion, anxiety, pain, too much coffee ... but when I see someone with a high or unsteady heart rate who doesn''t have a current fever and none of the other possible causes apply, the first thing I think of is dehydration. It's a reliable indicator in adults.

Postural hypotension i.e wooziness when standing up. That's low blood volume, again. (You stand up, but your blood supply doesn't!)

Low grade headache. Not the monster headache you got from fever, tho.

Infrequent urination.

Feeling of fatigue, weakness. I've seen that more with low sodium (salt) but it also applies.

Sleepiness, drowsiness, confusion.

Flaccid skin on the back of the hand. Ususally, if you pinch up some skin lengthwise (in the direction from fingers to wrist, NOT parallel to the knuckles) and you let it go, it's quite elastic and immediately pulls back down. But if your skin has lost water the crease remains for more than a couple of seconds on the back of your hand. (That doesn't apply to old farts like me whose skin has lost collagen.)


When people present with dehydration in urgent care/ER they usually just stick a liter (or two) of normal saline (0.9% sodium chloride in water) in a vein. But finding a good vein on a dehydrated person can be difficult! Much easier to DIY and increase your salt along with water.

Keeping drinking and salting your food until you pee, and then ... drink and salt some more! If your symptoms persist ...


Call your family doctor if you or a loved one:
Has had diarrhea for 24 hours or more
Is irritable or disoriented and much sleepier or less active than usual
Can't keep down fluids
Has bloody or black stool

When people get an infection, the immune system ramps up and and starts creating a numbr of chemicals called cytokines. There are a lot of different cytokines, and they do different things.

Some of them give you a fever by messing with your internal thermostat, telling your thermostat you're too cold so your heat conservation/ production goes into overdrive. That's the weird thing about fevers- you feel COLDEST when your temperature is going UP. Cause (feeling cold) and effect (shutting down surface circulation, burrowing under covers, shivering and jacking up metabolism being activated).

Some cause inflammation at the site of infection- increased circulation and leaky capillaries. (There's actually a benefit to that- it allows your white blood cells out of your capillaries and into the infected tissue where they can fight the invader.) That's what causes localized redness, swelling, and pain. eg if you have a bladder infection your bladder will hurt and may leak blood. A cut will turn red, puffy and sore. Your intestines will do the same, only you can't see it.

Other cytokines give you joint aches and pains.

Others give you a fever headache.

Others mess with your mentation. People with high fever often hallucinate. BUT, people can hallucinate WITHOUT a fever. (For me, when I start to get sick things start looking unreal, like a stage production.)

About those changes in mental state: When you're old, often a sudden change in alertness and orientation (knowing who, where, and when you are) is the ONLY sign of infection bc old people sometimes don't develop pain at the site (eg toothache, bladder pain) and fever, they just suddenly decline mentally. You might want to keep that in mind for your gran and older relatives: If they suddenly get loopy and start asking about someone who's been dead for 25 years, take them to doctor nad have them look for an infection, anywhere. (Bladder infection and pneumonia are common but it could be a toothache or ear infection or infected cyst or toenail!)

All very normal. But you gotta know when to call 911. Unfortunately, a person in the grip of a serious illness is often the person least able to make that judgment call.

Tht's one of the reasons why I worry about you and BRENDA, and anyone living alone who isn't in DAILY, expected contact with someone. Things can go seriously, invisbly haywire. You might want to set up a buddy system with someone reliable.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, July 17, 2022 1:33 PM


Just a Sunday around me.


Sunday, July 17, 2022 2:09 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Just a Sunday around me.

Have a good one.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, July 17, 2022 10:13 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

I discovered a beehive in our wood hutch. Need to call a beekeeper for removal. Fortunately, they seem pretty mellow.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake


Sunday, July 17, 2022 10:14 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

How're you doing, SIX?

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE someone poor - William Blake






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