In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Monday, March 5, 2018 11:30 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That's cool. I'm not saying that people shouldn't gamble and you're totally being smart about it and only gambling with money you can afford to lose. We all have to have our fun.

I've got a little history with addiction though, and my reaction to "winning" was very similar to my one experience on a prescription opioid that somebody had given me after I was injured pretty badly once, which was "This feels WAY too good and I'm never doing it again".

Congrats on your win. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Exactly. I know what I can do and that is all I do. I took a friend with me once and all she did was complain. Never did that again. So I go by myself and it is just a couple of hours of harmless fun.

You are also very smart. If you don't feel like you can handle it then it is best you stay away.

Thanks. As I said,I have never won that much in a casino before.


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 8:25 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Exactly. I know what I can do and that is all I do. I took a friend with me once and all she did was complain. Never did that again. So I go by myself and it is just a couple of hours of harmless fun.

You are also very smart. If you don't feel like you can handle it then it is best you stay away.

Thanks. As I said,I have never won that much in a casino before.

I've known some drug addicts and alcoholics in my life, but strangely I've never experienced knowing somebody with a crippling gambling addiction. I've only heard stories or seen it happen in movies or TV shows.

The funny thing is that the feeling I got from gambling and being up the entire time for a few hours was just like the few times I had done cocaine in my life. My pleasure centers must have been soaked. I was "in the zone" where all of my senses were heightened.

Who knows what would have happened if there was a quick turn around and I lost all the winnings? I may have just dug a deep hole for myself back when I probably had no business being there in the first place. I actually really made good use out of those winnings because money was really tight back then. I think that's why I was able to snap out of it and quit when I did. I was up over $250 at one point, but once I hit that losing streak I was able to break away and cash out while I was still up.

Some people laugh when they hear stories like when Charles Barkley lost 30 million on gambling and call him an idiot. I just feel sorry for him because I completely understand how something like that could happen.

Gambling is a strange thing indeed. I think a majority of people can just go and have some fun with money they don't need and have a real healthy attitude about it from the start. Then there's people like me who could very easily let it consume them like a drug or alcohol addiction.

I wonder if it's genetic?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, March 6, 2018 5:22 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Exactly. I know what I can do and that is all I do. I took a friend with me once and all she did was complain. Never did that again. So I go by myself and it is just a couple of hours of harmless fun.

You are also very smart. If you don't feel like you can handle it then it is best you stay away.

Thanks. As I said,I have never won that much in a casino before.

I've known some drug addicts and alcoholics in my life, but strangely I've never experienced knowing somebody with a crippling gambling addiction. I've only heard stories or seen it happen in movies or TV shows.

The funny thing is that the feeling I got from gambling and being up the entire time for a few hours was just like the few times I had done cocaine in my life. My pleasure centers must have been soaked. I was "in the zone" where all of my senses were heightened.

Who knows what would have happened if there was a quick turn around and I lost all the winnings? I may have just dug a deep hole for myself back when I probably had no business being there in the first place. I actually really made good use out of those winnings because money was really tight back then. I think that's why I was able to snap out of it and quit when I did. I was up over $250 at one point, but once I hit that losing streak I was able to break away and cash out while I was still up.

Some people laugh when they hear stories like when Charles Barkley lost 30 million on gambling and call him an idiot. I just feel sorry for him because I completely understand how something like that could happen.

Gambling is a strange thing indeed. I think a majority of people can just go and have some fun with money they don't need and have a real healthy attitude about it from the start. Then there's people like me who could very easily let it consume them like a drug or alcohol addiction.

I wonder if it's genetic?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

I've seen over the years doctors talk about "addictive personalities" and have wondered that myself.

I've too have never seen a gambling addition but to alcohol, I have.

As I've said in a past thread my family has had a running battle with the bottle off and on for years. My mother's family being mostly Irish has lost members to alcoholism. My father's and we all know how well Native Americans react to alcohol. My dad lost a brother to it. My own brother almost fell into the trap.

Friends, I have watched battle with addictions and win which is good.

My parents could have a drink and then leave it. Same thing with gambling.

Me, I've tried wine once. Just a sip numbed my upper palette and I took that as a bad sign and never tried alcohol again.

Well, my feeling is if someone rich gambles a few thousand or millions and expects to win. With that kind of money on the line the odds are usually in the House's favour and you are going to loose. But that is there choice just like winning and not leaving the game. That is as the old saying goes, "Throwing good money after bad".

That is why after I won that $200 on that one slot, I walked away from it. Didn't want to risk loosing my winnings.


Thursday, March 8, 2018 9:54 PM


It's raining.


Friday, March 9, 2018 7:46 AM


Well congrats again on the win, and I hope you take your time giving it back to the house. :)

I got really lucky in the stock market. Some of that (I tell myself) was good decision making, but really... how much if any at all? Had you asked me before I made any of the purchases that I did, I would have told you that it was a great idea and told you why.

I doubled the money I had put into Google at one point, and I tripled the money I put into a company that mined Gold that I don't even recall the name anymore. Around the same time, I watched the money I put into GE get cut to about 25% of its initial value.

The only reason I sold any of it was to buy the house. I would have made a lot more on Google had I stayed in longer, but I wouldn't have the house. I haven't followed any other stocks that I used to own, so I couldn't tell you where they'd be.

The biggest win for me though was my 401k that was in the most aggressive fund available and was pulling in yearly returns of 24-29% right before the bottom fell out. Had I stayed in just a little while longer I would have lost about half of what was in there in the following 6 months and I would not be living in my home now. The only reason I was spared from that was because my company had been bought out and all of our 401k funds were moved to a different provider and put in a no-risk fund and frozen for 90 days.

Had that one thing that was completely out of my control not happened, my entire life would be completely different.

I don't gamble anymore. Even in the stock market. I don't worry when people call me foolish for not "investing". Opinions being like assholes and all of that.

Do what makes you happy as long as you're not hurting anybody else. That includes hurting yourself if it becomes something that gets out of your control because somebody else you care about will be hurt by either having to try to help clean up the mess or standing back and watching you destroy yourself.

That's my biggest regret from my past behavior. Just because I pushed everybody away and didn't let anyone help me I was still hurting them by making them watch me do it all to myself.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 9, 2018 6:31 PM


6Six, Sounds like you did okay for a while there. And as long as you are happy now that is what matters.

I will take my time giving my money back to the House. Don't know when I will go again.


Friday, March 9, 2018 6:34 PM


Nice sunny day here and I was off to BC Housing. I swear if one more person asks if there is just me about anything I am liable to smack them one.


Saturday, March 10, 2018 2:39 AM


Yeah... there were some "good times" financially in my past. I'm really only doing alright because I learned my lessons from the first time I had a great job.

I was only 19 when I got a job through a temp agency for 11 bucks/hr and in 2 years I was pulling in around $55k before the place was shuttered. I'd stopped going to college while I was working there. I didn't see the point of it.

Unfortunately, with no references worth anything and no college education, I had to move in my Grandma's basement. I had paid off my car while working that job, but other than that I only had a few thousand bucks to my name. I spent it all partying. I'd get more calls on a Friday night back then that I do in almost an entire year these days.

5 years of working menial jobs for little pay and living in a basement with the 2 of 7 cats my Grandma had that peed everywhere will really make you learn to appreciate money a lot more. I swore that if I ever got into a position like that again I'd be saving it.

I ended up getting a job in customer service over the phone for a financial company and got top raises every year with a large promotion when I went into IBM Mainframe management. I doubled my salary in 5 years. Between saving and getting really lucky in the market (like I posted about last time), I had about $100k in savings when they laid me off. I managed to save about another $15k between my severance and unemployment checks in the next year.

After that, I knew I needed to get into a house. With my track record for finding real work, I knew it would only be a matter of time before most of that disappeared if I was paying apartment rent. Fortunately for me, timing and luck were on my side yet again because this was still when the housing market was at the bottom. There were a lot of great deals to be had out there if you were willing to put in the time and research. I eventually hooked up with an amazing Real Estate agent who didn't bullshit me at all and went above and beyond for her 5% of what ended up to be not much more than about $1,200 in her pocket at signing.

I told her that low Property Taxes were my absolute #1 priority, and she told me we had to stop looking in Illinois and instead look in Indiana. I won't go into the details of it because it's extremely complex (intentionally), but when she was finally able to explain to me how the homeowners exemption worked in Illinois and that every online listing (including by her own company) told you what your estimated tax payments would be based off the previous owners was a lie, it literally blew my mind.

I thought that I had it pretty much figured out, but long story short you could take any assumed property tax number in Illinois and add anywhere between $2000 and $3000 per year to that number once the house was in your name!

Most of my money is gone now, but TBH, I've only worked about half the time since I bought the house and all of that was part time, near minimum wage work. The house has now basically paid for itself because if I had been renting for as long as I'd been living here then I would have paid that value in rent checks every month and had nothing. Since the market has stabalized somewhat and I have done some work to the house, I could easily get back what I bought it for plus around $15-20k if I wanted to sell.

It turns out there are some really nice little houses very close to my brother in downstate Illinois near the section 8 housing that my old man set him up in for his disabilities. I REALLY like the area down there. Property taxes would be about double what I'm paying even though they're smaller homes, but I am considering it. Some of my step-mom's family lives fairly close to there and my Dad is always talking about how he'd like to move down there someday too.

Once I get some of my more pressing financial concerns taken care of, I'm going to start working on the house again bit by bit and get it to a point where I could make a decent buck off of it. At that point, I'm going to look at my options. It would be nice to live down by my brother to be able to help him out when my Dad is no longer able to.

They say everything happens for a reason. I did make some pretty good financial decisions a while back, but had some major market forces not played in my favor and had some ridiculously good luck and well timed events not slant in my favor, everything else could be wildly different for me right now.

Maybe somebody out there is looking out for me. I don't know why anybody would. Maybe they were actually looking out for my brother through me though?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, March 10, 2018 7:39 PM


Yeah, if you decide to move fixing the house up for a good price is an idea. Being closer to your brother could be good for you.

I don't think we can truly know what the Universe has in mind for us.


Sunday, March 11, 2018 10:40 PM


Suppose to be over 60F tomorrow then rain on Tuesday and Wednesday. Hope the sun decides to stay.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 12:17 AM


Rain today and rain tomorrow.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 5:27 AM


Been snowing around here the last few days and it's absolutely frigid in my house since I refuse to put it up over 58 degrees this late in the year. Warmer weather supposedly on its way though.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 12:35 PM


Mix of rain and sun here over the next bit.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 9:06 PM


Rain stopped this afternoon and I had to throw out another trashed umbrella. Suppose to be dry here tomorrow. I hope so.


Wednesday, March 14, 2018 9:21 PM


Good luck Brenda. :)

Going to have a warm one tomorrow. Time to see if my ant traps killed the pests. They have been dormant for months, but I noticed them coming back about 10 days ago. Right after I laid the traps it got cold for 3 days. I can't tell if the zero ant activity is because it got cold again or if they already wiped out their queen.

I was a little concerned when I saw about 20 of them dead in the trap, but maybe enough made it back to the hive. Fingers crossed.

I've also read some great reviews on Amazon for some outdoor bait traps that I'm going to buy to get rid of anything around the perimeter of the house. I think I was going about it all wrong last year with the spray. I was spending an hour and a half every week or two with a super saturated dose of poison in a pump sprayer and they just kept coming back.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, March 15, 2018 1:25 AM


I hope so Jack.

Traps I think are better for pests and better for the environment as well as you and other critters that maybe around.


Thursday, March 15, 2018 7:43 AM


You're telling me. I don't think anything would have survived crossing that stone patio that the ants basically ruined last year with their anthills for about a week after I sprayed the poison. I wouldn't even let my brother bring my niece over when I was doing that. But damned if they didn't come right back a few weeks later, tearing up the patio even more with those damned ant hills.

This review is very exciting to me. Sadly, these aren't the bait traps that I bought. I bought the indoor ones that were a few bucks more expensive by another company, so I hope they work just as well. I will be buying the Terro outdoor traps next weekend though.


Not in the habit of leaving reviews of any kind so my posting one is testimony to how good this product is. We live on a brownstone block in Brooklyn which has had ant infestation problems for years. Walk down the block on a hot summer day and there are little mounds in the cracks between sidewalk sections with ants pouring in and out of them. This summers infestation has been particularly bad and after trying several nationally advertised products we were going to call an exterminator. Fortunately for us we're having our facade restored and the exterminator wouldn't show until the work was done. In a last ditch, I'll try anything short of radiation moment, I ordered the Terro Baits from Amazon.

Saying these work and ending the review would be neither helpful to prospective purchasers nor giving enough credit to the product. It was quite simply the strangest process I've ever witnessed. I placed a couple of the Baits in areas of our basement that act as ant superhighways with a dozen or so ants transiting at any given moment. Being curious as to how attracted the ants would be to the Baits I waited to see a couple enter the opening I had made in the side of the Bait. A few ants walked in and didn't come back out so I left not expecting much efficacy out of the Terro products.

Two hours later my wife calls me down to the basement where I witnessed what must of been several thousand ants transiting to and swarming over the Baits. The next morning we awoke to nothing except a few dead ants on the basement floor. It's been two days now and we've not seen a single ant. Freakiest thing I've ever seen. Nothing in life is this effective! We also installed a couple of outdoor Baits in the front and rear of the house and both yards are completely devoid of ants.

Now if they could make a product for mosquito that was just as effective....

I mean... how often do you hear somebody rave about something like this, especially when it's something that costs less than a buck a piece?

My poor patio...

I could have saved it if I'd only done a bit of research. Glad I got my head clear now. Can't cry over spilled milk.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, March 16, 2018 10:40 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You're telling me. I don't think anything would have survived crossing that stone patio that the ants basically ruined last year with their anthills for about a week after I sprayed the poison. I wouldn't even let my brother bring my niece over when I was doing that. But damned if they didn't come right back a few weeks later, tearing up the patio even more with those damned ant hills.

This review is very exciting to me. Sadly, these aren't the bait traps that I bought. I bought the indoor ones that were a few bucks more expensive by another company, so I hope they work just as well. I will be buying the Terro outdoor traps next weekend though.


Not in the habit of leaving reviews of any kind so my posting one is testimony to how good this product is. We live on a brownstone block in Brooklyn which has had ant infestation problems for years. Walk down the block on a hot summer day and there are little mounds in the cracks between sidewalk sections with ants pouring in and out of them. This summers infestation has been particularly bad and after trying several nationally advertised products we were going to call an exterminator. Fortunately for us we're having our facade restored and the exterminator wouldn't show until the work was done. In a last ditch, I'll try anything short of radiation moment, I ordered the Terro Baits from Amazon.

Saying these work and ending the review would be neither helpful to prospective purchasers nor giving enough credit to the product. It was quite simply the strangest process I've ever witnessed. I placed a couple of the Baits in areas of our basement that act as ant superhighways with a dozen or so ants transiting at any given moment. Being curious as to how attracted the ants would be to the Baits I waited to see a couple enter the opening I had made in the side of the Bait. A few ants walked in and didn't come back out so I left not expecting much efficacy out of the Terro products.

Two hours later my wife calls me down to the basement where I witnessed what must of been several thousand ants transiting to and swarming over the Baits. The next morning we awoke to nothing except a few dead ants on the basement floor. It's been two days now and we've not seen a single ant. Freakiest thing I've ever seen. Nothing in life is this effective! We also installed a couple of outdoor Baits in the front and rear of the house and both yards are completely devoid of ants.

Now if they could make a product for mosquito that was just as effective....

I mean... how often do you hear somebody rave about something like this, especially when it's something that costs less than a buck a piece?

My poor patio...

I could have saved it if I'd only done a bit of research. Glad I got my head clear now. Can't cry over spilled milk.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

When you bug spray they usually that is the makers say keep kids and animals away.
I know that even the non-toxic bug spray I use around this place gets too me if I use to much of it.

Never seen anyone rave about bait traps like that. Glad they worked for him.

Well hindsight is 20/20. Maybe you can see about repairing your patio that won't cost you too much?


Saturday, March 17, 2018 8:26 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

When you bug spray they usually that is the makers say keep kids and animals away.
I know that even the non-toxic bug spray I use around this place gets too me if I use to much of it.

Never seen anyone rave about bait traps like that. Glad they worked for him.

Well hindsight is 20/20. Maybe you can see about repairing your patio that won't cost you too much?

Well... Today is going to break 40, and tomorrow is going to be in the 50's. I should know by then if it worked or not. I've purposefully left a plate that has some ketchup on it about 3 feet past where the bait trap is, and I haven't seen an ant come to it in a few days. Even when it's in the 30's I would usually see about a dozen or so on it. They seem to LOVE ketchup. Fingers crossed.

The patio is pretty low on my priority list, but it probably wouldn't cost too much to fix it. It's just about 300-400 cheap stone pavers that were probably put on a flattened bed of dirt that had sand put over it before they were put down. The problem is that the ants pulled up what might quite literally be a ton of sand last year to make their hills, and instead of a relatively flat surface it is jagged all over and at least 30 of the pavers are busted.

It will be a pretty big job to fix on my own, but I'm up to it. Have to see how funds are after I get a few other much more important things done this spring like finally getting gutters on my house.

Sadly, I waited until Aluminum prices were no longer in their low point. The last quote I got on them was 3 years ago. It's been on the rise since then, and I'm sure the tarrifs aren't going to help things either. I probably will have to pay about $200-$250 more than I would have if I had done them earlier. Oh well...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 18, 2018 8:00 AM


Nope... still got ants. Not a ton of them, but today is going to be pretty warm so we'll see how it goes. I don't get the feeling I'll really be able to test the potency of these traps until we really get back into the warmer weather and their feeding habits become regular.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, March 18, 2018 10:18 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

When you bug spray they usually that is the makers say keep kids and animals away.
I know that even the non-toxic bug spray I use around this place gets too me if I use to much of it.

Never seen anyone rave about bait traps like that. Glad they worked for him.

Well hindsight is 20/20. Maybe you can see about repairing your patio that won't cost you too much?

Well... Today is going to break 40, and tomorrow is going to be in the 50's. I should know by then if it worked or not. I've purposefully left a plate that has some ketchup on it about 3 feet past where the bait trap is, and I haven't seen an ant come to it in a few days. Even when it's in the 30's I would usually see about a dozen or so on it. They seem to LOVE ketchup. Fingers crossed.

The patio is pretty low on my priority list, but it probably wouldn't cost too much to fix it. It's just about 300-400 cheap stone pavers that were probably put on a flattened bed of dirt that had sand put over it before they were put down. The problem is that the ants pulled up what might quite literally be a ton of sand last year to make their hills, and instead of a relatively flat surface it is jagged all over and at least 30 of the pavers are busted.

It will be a pretty big job to fix on my own, but I'm up to it. Have to see how funds are after I get a few other much more important things done this spring like finally getting gutters on my house.

Sadly, I waited until Aluminum prices were no longer in their low point. The last quote I got on them was 3 years ago. It's been on the rise since then, and I'm sure the tarrifs aren't going to help things either. I probably will have to pay about $200-$250 more than I would have if I had done them earlier. Oh well...

Do Right, Be Right. :)

The ants are probably attracted to the sugar in the ketchup.

Glad you haven't seen any ants around your place and hopefully the traps will keep working.

That's what they did. Still sounds like an easy enough job to do.

Sometimes you have to fix things when prices are good for the item needed. Hope the tariffs don't add too much to the cost of the gutters for you.


Sunday, March 18, 2018 10:18 PM


Dry for today and tomorrow and Tuesday by the look of the things. Yay!


Monday, March 26, 2018 9:43 PM


Rain, rain and more rain today. And probably tomorrow. Have to toss another umbrella out.


Tuesday, March 27, 2018 10:08 AM


Stupid fog....

Had a pretty decent scare today. I've been so focused on this newish problem with my car that I forgot about how bad the old one could be when the day starts out with hours of rainy fog and my car has been outside all night.

My car wouldn't start. The battery and starter are fine, but it just wouldn't turn over. The car was kind of rocking back and forth when it finally got to the point of trying.

Being the car novice that I am, I really thought that this was it and the pistons were welded to the block. Stuck at work with 100 bucks of groceries in the car that is dead. Shit.

Called the insurance tow company and it was going to cost me 20 bucks for excessive miles to get it home. 1 to 3 hour wait. Finished my smoke and tried again. This time, I was pumping the gas quite a bit, not really caring if I flooded the engine since the tow was on its way.

Son of a bitch started.

Called up and cancelled the tow, went back out to my car, drove 3 feet and it died again. Shit.

Managed to start it pretty quickly a second time by giving it a lot of gas. Then it occurred to me that this was the old problem. I had to constantly keep my foot on the gas pedal when breaking until it "fixed" itself. Once I got it on the expressway I didn't have any more problems on the way home.

I'm so freakin done with this car. I need to find a cheap shit box that runs.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, March 27, 2018 6:20 PM


I like fog Jack. But then I don't drive and walking you have to be careful. We get some pretty heavy fogs on the Lower Mainland since we have a river and the Pacific ocean on our doorstep.

I will admit that I know pretty well nothing about cars and what little I do know you could probably fit on the head of a pin.

Was pouring with rain this morning but dry right now at 3:20 in the afternoon.


Thursday, March 29, 2018 10:22 PM


More rain.


Monday, April 2, 2018 2:24 AM


I hate my seizure meds. Specially when one tries to get stuck in my throat. Takes some coughing, hitting my chest and lots of water to get it to move properly.


Monday, April 2, 2018 3:23 AM


That sucks. :(

I've started taking vitamins again for the first time in years. I forgot to take it with what I was eating and drinking, so I tried to dry swallow it last night. By the time I finally got it down I had that bitter taste because the thin coating had already melted away and I had to get a drink regardless.

I can't believe that back in my power lifting days I used to take these Amino Acid horse pills. They were about 6 times the size of a standard multi vitamin. I'm so not used to swallowing pills now that I can barely get a vitamin down.

I tried to find a picture so you could see what I'm talking about, but all I could find online was pictures of the bottles. I don't even know if they're that big anymore. They probably corrected that issue after 15 years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 2, 2018 6:05 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
That sucks. :(

I've started taking vitamins again for the first time in years. I forgot to take it with what I was eating and drinking, so I tried to dry swallow it last night. By the time I finally got it down I had that bitter taste because the thin coating had already melted away and I had to get a drink regardless.

I can't believe that back in my power lifting days I used to take these Amino Acid horse pills. They were about 6 times the size of a standard multi vitamin. I'm so not used to swallowing pills now that I can barely get a vitamin down.

I tried to find a picture so you could see what I'm talking about, but all I could find online was pictures of the bottles. I don't even know if they're that big anymore. They probably corrected that issue after 15 years.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

It does suck as I have never been able to swallow pills. I take them with instant oatmeal as I have to take them with food. I must have had too much on the spoon and went to swallow with some water and stuck it got.

I've had some of coating come off my seizure meds and they taste gawdawful. So I try to be careful not to let them get wet.

These things I take are around the size of a multi-vitamin and 500mg. I take 3 in the morning and 3 at night.

I can't post any pictures of my seizure meds either for you. It's generic name is Keppra and if you look that up it will lead you to pictures of what I am taking.


Thursday, April 5, 2018 11:50 PM


more rain


Sunday, April 8, 2018 11:52 PM


Gotta check something out at my doctor's office this week.


Monday, April 9, 2018 7:55 AM


Good luck Brenda. Hope it's nothing serious.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 9, 2018 8:08 PM


It isn't. I just got a notice in the mail to make an appointment for a mammogram when I have an appointment from my local hospital for a mammogram in September. I just need to know if I have to book one for this month or not. Just a mite confused is all.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018 8:35 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
It isn't. I just got a notice in the mail to make an appointment for a mammogram when I have an appointment from my local hospital for a mammogram in September. I just need to know if I have to book one for this month or not. Just a mite confused is all.

Just a routine thing then?

That's good.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 10, 2018 12:05 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Can you believe that we were at 94 deg F yesterday??? Meanwhile my poor sis in WNY sent me a picture of about 2" of wet-looking heavy snow.

Crazy weather.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, April 10, 2018 12:22 PM


We had a think blanket of snow near Chicago until about 10AM yesterday.

It's 60 degrees today and it will hit 70 on Friday.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 10, 2018 3:12 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Well, since weather generally travels from west southwest to east northeast, there's hope for western NY yet! It sounds like they'll get their spring in about three... two ... one ...

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

America is an oligarchy


Tuesday, April 10, 2018 6:50 PM


My bad... I thought it was Wednesday when I wrote that. Nights can play tricks on the mind sometimes.

It only hit 50 today. Two days of 60 after this and 70 on Friday.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, April 10, 2018 8:18 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It isn't. I just got a notice in the mail to make an appointment for a mammogram when I have an appointment from my local hospital for a mammogram in September. I just need to know if I have to book one for this month or not. Just a mite confused is all.

Just a routine thing then?

That's good.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

More or less. Since the docs were okay about my last biopsy, they told my doctor that I needed to get another mammogram done in September. This notice I got in the mail the other day came from the BC Cancer Society as they handle mammograms. Which is why I need to check it out.


Tuesday, April 10, 2018 8:20 PM


We had a massive downpour of rain here this morning at around 11:30am and lasted about 10minutes. Talk about yuck!


Friday, April 13, 2018 12:05 AM


rain and hail this morning at around 10am. Oh what fun.


Saturday, April 14, 2018 1:20 PM


Dry right now and laundry day.


Saturday, April 14, 2018 6:47 PM


The ants are gone!!!!

Well... at least inside the house on the 1st floor they are. Once the weather turns and their activity picks up again, the perimeter around the basement and the porch are going to be the bigger battle, but at least I've driven them back from my living space.

I left out an open and almost empty jar of peanut butter last night to test it and there wasn't a single ant on it. It would have been swarming with ants a few months ago.

I only used half the bait traps too, so it only cost me about $2.50. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, April 14, 2018 11:38 PM


Yay! on getting the ants out of your living areas Jack.

Cool. I hope you can keep them from bothering you for the hot months that are hopefully coming.


Sunday, April 15, 2018 12:06 AM


Thanks. :)

I have some house perimeter powder that is supposed to take care of any more ants getting in the basement. I'm glad I read the instructions before putting it out and wasting 7 bucks though. I don't know why I had it in my mind that it worked for a couple of months with one application, but that's not how it works at all.

You're not supposed to put it down when either A) it's going to rain in the next 24 hours, or B) it's not going to be at least 50 degrees for the next 24 hours. Had I put it down on Thursday I would have wasted it twice over.

This is basically "food" poison like the traps were, but it's quite a bit stronger since it's meant for the outdoors. Plenty of warnings about keeping pets and children away from it. You're not supposed to put it down until they're visibly active, and then they'll basically be swimming in it and taking it back into the nests to destroy the queens. Fingers crossed.

I'm also going to have to do some research on some outdoor bait traps too for the stone patio. There's no way it can survive another summer like last year.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, April 15, 2018 2:21 PM


Good you read the instructions on that powder. Always, always do that. Last thing you want is a lost cat or dog wandering onto your property and eating and dying. The owners could sue you. Or you little niece. Toddlers love putting rocks, dirt and other such stuff in their mouths.

Traps seem like the best way for you to go.

It is actually dry here right now but of course it is Sunday. My 1 day to stay in a really not do a whole lot.


Monday, April 16, 2018 7:53 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Good you read the instructions on that powder. Always, always do that. Last thing you want is a lost cat or dog wandering onto your property and eating and dying. The owners could sue you. Or you little niece. Toddlers love putting rocks, dirt and other such stuff in their mouths.

Traps seem like the best way for you to go.

It is actually dry here right now but of course it is Sunday. My 1 day to stay in a really not do a whole lot.

I knew it was pretty powerful stuff. It didn't have any skull and crossbones on it or anything, but I'd have been careful with it. I was just glad I read it to find out that I would have completely wasted it if I had put it down right before it rained and then got real cold again. Instead of the bait traps that are to be put out for 3 months, this is like a one-and-done solution that's meant to be used during high ant traffic.

No way would my niece ever be in harm's way here. Whenever I get together with my bro's family, she's attached at the hip with me. lol... I've got to go find her mom or dad to keep her busy for a few minutes when I have to go to the bathroom because she wants to follow me in there too.

Man, there's nothing in life that makes me happier than the excitement on her face and the way she runs up to give me a hug when I first see her. Maybe one day when she's old enough to understand I'll tell her that she's the main reason I turned myself around.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, April 16, 2018 12:37 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Good you read the instructions on that powder. Always, always do that. Last thing you want is a lost cat or dog wandering onto your property and eating and dying. The owners could sue you. Or you little niece. Toddlers love putting rocks, dirt and other such stuff in their mouths.

Traps seem like the best way for you to go.

It is actually dry here right now but of course it is Sunday. My 1 day to stay in a really not do a whole lot.

I knew it was pretty powerful stuff. It didn't have any skull and crossbones on it or anything, but I'd have been careful with it. I was just glad I read it to find out that I would have completely wasted it if I had put it down right before it rained and then got real cold again. Instead of the bait traps that are to be put out for 3 months, this is like a one-and-done solution that's meant to be used during high ant traffic.

No way would my niece ever be in harm's way here. Whenever I get together with my bro's family, she's attached at the hip with me. lol... I've got to go find her mom or dad to keep her busy for a few minutes when I have to go to the bathroom because she wants to follow me in there too.

Man, there's nothing in life that makes me happier than the excitement on her face and the way she runs up to give me a hug when I first see her. Maybe one day when she's old enough to understand I'll tell her that she's the main reason I turned myself around.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

You are a good Uncle Jack. And that is the important thing. You never know what questions she may have for you when she is older and then you can explain things to her. Kids are pretty smart.


Monday, April 16, 2018 12:38 PM


More rain and I hate this ruttin' place.


Friday, April 20, 2018 4:08 PM


Yippeee!!!! NOT! Next 3 or 4 weeks I will be getting hearing aids.






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