In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

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Monday, June 3, 2019 2:01 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey KIKI, already bought a root barrier.

Yesterday was a bust on any of the big/cleanup projects. Gardener couldn't show up for whatever reason and hubby really is sick, he had the exact same progression of symptoms ... ear congestion, ear pain, wickedly sore throat, cough, general stuffiness/ congestion leading to apnea and poor sleep ... no fever ...

Anyay. So for my part I just ran a lot of errands yesterday. Today is another day to get ajump start on all "the usual" so I can turn to all the "projects"


I don't know about you guys, but I kind of informally divide my work between daily/weekly chores and "projects".

To me, a project is something that, once done, doesn't have to be done again for a long time, or perhaps not ever again. A giant paperwork purge that doesn't have to be done for at least another year, for example; or FINALLY getting that tangle of computer wires sorted, wrapped up, and up off the floor; or painting a room (at the rate that I re-paint, not to be done for another 15 years!)

I LOVE doing projects, I HATE doing chores which are such an effing treadmill.

I too am an "organized thrower-outer".

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, June 3, 2019 2:49 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


OK about the root barrier. I'll continue to keep it till I need it!

"I don't know about you guys, but I kind of informally divide my work between daily/weekly chores and "projects"."

My divisions are similar: things that I call 'tasks' that are repeating daily / weekly actions one can easily complete in a day, and 'projects' that are rare or one-time multi-day (-week, or -month!) actions. It helps me with organizing my time. I usually bundle my 'tasks' into one or two days if I can (given the state of my energy level), which gives me larger chunks of time to plan projects around. But with you daily helping DD with medical care, and also cooking, and walking the dog I can see your time organization around chores is very different from mine!


Tuesday, June 4, 2019 2:30 AM


Well, so much for trying to donate to the church that the lady that I work for goes to. Just got an email from her saying that the church is trying to clear out stuff, so it isn't taking anything in right now.

Oh well.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019 2:31 AM


On the flip side "Bohemian Rhapsody" is waiting for me at my local library tomorrow. I will pick it up.


Tuesday, June 4, 2019 2:52 AM


Yes. I hate chores, but I love projects as well.

The worst for me would be the bathroom and kitchen cleanup. There's not much that I can do to aid in keeping up with the bathroom besides inviting people over more often since I always clean it good before people come over. But for the kitchen, that's why I got rid of 90% of my dishes, cups, pots and pans. If I want to eat, then I better damn well clean the dirty stuff since I can't let both basins overflow before finally getting around to it.

Outdoor chores aren't as bad for me, as long as I keep up with them and the lawn and weed situation is under control and everything looks good. But when I let stuff get out of control it's a real morale killer. So far so good this year. If it weren't for the prior damage done by moles and ants, I'd say that the outside appearance of my house looks better right now than it ever has. It does from the street for sure, but up close you can see the damage (future projects).

I've got a major computer project that I'm going to try doing a little bit everyday between work shifts in the upcoming weeks. I have about 40 hard drives now, both from old computers and a huge bundle of used ones I bought when I thought I was going to be making a bunch of emulation machines years ago. I've got to do 5 things with them in the "virtual world" before I make real world decisions on things.

1. Organize files.
2. Make several backups of projects that I've been working on, and make sure my notes on where I left off are up to date.
3. Run each hard drive through a thorough test to see which ones are good and which ones aren't.
4. Dismantle all bad hard drives, keep all platters and magnets.
5. Leave a box each of boards and aluminum cases for the light haulers, then wrap up and box up all of the good hard drives.

The platters take up very little space, and I want to eventually make a really cool looking piece of mirror artwork with them when I have enough of them. Hard drive magnets are insanely powerful, and while they don't make for good refrigerator magnets, are great to have all over the place in a workshop. Dropped a bolt while working on the engine? Just stick a few magnets to a screwdriver and you can pull it right back up from a spot you'd never be able to fit your hand down. :)

Scanning those hard drives for consistancy is going to take a very long time, especially with my old and slow computer. It's unfortunate I only have one kit for hooking up drives externally, or I could pull out my even older laptop and have two of them going at once.

So yeah... this is technically a "project", but seeing as how I've had a large pile of drives sitting around here for about 6 years and never once got to any of them, it's really only a project because I never bothered making it a chore.

Super tired now, but doing my best to stay up for at least a few more hours. It's been a while since I had to get up for work. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 4, 2019 5:56 PM


Another box and bin down. Few miscellaneous things and some glasses that I kept and washed. Also found a clock. Babylon 5 with Mr. Garibaldi on it with a drawn ppg ready to defend the station. Now, I just need some batteries to make sure it still works.

That corner is almost ready for a small kitchen table and chairs. Yippee!!!


Tuesday, June 4, 2019 7:53 PM


I can tell I've had too much time off of work again.

I'm not sluggish or anything, and it's not like I'm dreading going back either. I'm actually looking forward to the workout. I just know I have so much back home that still needs doing. Gonna have to figure out a balance with that going forward. Can't afford another either/or situation. Maybe if I can get that job down the street it won't be so bad. Even though I got the car running pretty smoothly now, I think just making a 40 mile round trip in it is like a rash on the subconscious or something. I could just walk to this other job.

Oh... a little tip I figured out today that I thought I'd share with anyone regarding those credit card rewards programs...

When they say "90 days to spend $1,000 or $500" to get a bonus payout, they MEAN it. It's not 90 days from the time you finally get the card, or at least it isn't with my current card I'm talking about. I actually like the higher level of security this company has compared to all of my other cards, but because of this, I didn't have the card for 10 days after I was approved for it. I made a pretty large purchase that first day, but found out today that I was approved 9 days earlier than that.

I still have 12 days to hit the mark, but that's why I called now about it. I didn't want to go based off the incorrect assumption that I had more time than I did.

Maybe all companies don't do it this way, but at least one of them does. Be smart about this type of thing so you don't leave money on the table.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 5, 2019 12:09 AM


Picked up "Bohemian Rhapsody" from my library today. Will watch over the weekend.


Wednesday, June 5, 2019 8:02 AM


Good first night back at work. I'm going to miss hearing how much people missed me while I was gone. Guess I'm going to have to get another job real quick so I don't go too long without hearing it.

All I have to say is that I feel really sorry for everybody who NEEDS the job and has to stay with all the changes being made. At least half of them don't even need to stay there and would probably make more money jumping ship and finding employment somewhere else, but like one guy I talked to tonight said "it's the devil you know".

I've seen this twice before at much better jobs. It's really sad that in 2019 shitty wage retail jobs are being six sigma'd to the point that they're going to treat everybody like robots too.

Oh well. Not going to worry about it. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 5, 2019 8:38 PM


Load of stuff of to electronic recycling and donation done today. Clock is hung and working.

Feeling pretty good right now.

Edited about clock. Mr. Garibaldi is using his link.

Flip side. Crap week playing mah jong.


Thursday, June 6, 2019 12:27 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just posting some daily things - I'm slowly, very slowly, chipping away dealing with the 'stuff'. But it seems like everything ends up taking at least an unanticipated extra step or two. For example, I live in an extremely dusty neighborhood and dust and junk ends up getting tracked all over the house. I'm helping mitigate the problem by putting entryway-mats in the doorway of every room (so all I have to clean off frequently is the mat, instead of he entire floor), starting with the office I'm working on cleaning out and setting up. But as I unrolled the mat I bought at Lowe's, the chemical fumes coming off of it were unbelievable. So I'm having to air it out at least overnight before I put it down. Or, in the office I wanted to reinstall an air cleaner to help keep dust out of the computer. But I had to get a power strip first because I need to plug multiple things into that outlet. And so on. Now, each one of these is no big deal. But it's an extra circle to run in which takes extra time, and when you have them at every step, it becomes kind of irritating.


Thursday, June 6, 2019 12:02 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Man, I am beat. This week- four doctor appointments. Three for family and one for me. This is the second round of antibiotics for me, the first was too short to kill all the little buggers. Previous week, no doctors appointments, but week before that three more.

I keep trying to push ahead but between being sick and running people back and forth to the doctor's plus all of the "chores" that keep piling up ... Painting has been stalled out at "just" the window and doorframes and some wall touch-up to go for about a week. Today - no doctor's appointments - I hope to finish the painting. Also help drag more crap down from the garage rafters. But right now I'm just taking it easy and working my way thru

SIX, BRENDA and KIKI ... keep on keeping on!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, June 6, 2019 12:10 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Good first night back at work. I'm going to miss hearing how much people missed me while I was gone. Guess I'm going to have to get another job real quick so I don't go too long without hearing it.

All I have to say is that I feel really sorry for everybody who NEEDS the job and has to stay with all the changes being made. At least half of them don't even need to stay there and would probably make more money jumping ship and finding employment somewhere else, but like one guy I talked to tonight said "it's the devil you know".

I've seen this twice before at much better jobs. It's really sad that in 2019 shitty wage retail jobs are being six sigma'd to the point that they're going to treat everybody like robots too.

Oh well. Not going to worry about it. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)

SIX, just some random questions: Do you feel best when you have a goal to work towards or a project to work on?

If so, what is the length/scope that you feel best with? One month? Six months? (In another words, when does it go from being exciting to being tedious?)

Do you feel best working by yourself, or with others? Or does it not matter as long as you see progress?

The reason why I'm wondering is because you have labelled yourself OCD more than once, and you also seem to be worried about getting stuck in a rut. Maybe the answer to both is to be enaged in projects which you can complete in a month (or two) and then move on o a different project. That way you can accomplish things without getting stuck.

I'm just being nosy, so feel free to tell me to buzz off.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Thursday, June 6, 2019 12:17 PM



Hope you and your family feel better soon.

I got more stuff to do over this weekend along with chores too like laundry.


Thursday, June 6, 2019 2:09 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Man, I am beat. This week- four doctor appointments. Two for dear daughter and one for me and one for hubby - we are sick with the same thing and both got azithromycin. This is the second round of antibiotics for me, the first was too short to kill all the little buggers. Previous week, no doctors appointments, but week before that three more. (Two for dear daughter and one for me.)

I keep trying to push ahead but between being sick and running people back and forth to the doctor's plus all of the "chores" that keep piling up ... Painting has been stalled out at "just" the window and doorframes and some wall touch-up to go for about a week. Today - no doctor's appointments - I hope to finish the painting. Also help hubby drag more crap down from the garage rafters. But right now I'm just taking it easy and working my way thru

SIX, BRENDA and KIKI ... keep on keeping on!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

You too Signy ... keep on keeping on! ... but don't forget to give yourself a break.


Thursday, June 6, 2019 8:34 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:

OK about the root barrier. I'll continue to keep it till I need it!

"I don't know about you guys, but I kind of informally divide my work between daily/weekly chores and "projects"."

My divisions are similar: things that I call 'tasks' that are repeating daily / weekly actions one can easily complete in a day, and 'projects' that are rare or one-time multi-day (-week, or -month!) actions. It helps me with organizing my time. I usually bundle my 'tasks' into one or two days if I can (given the state of my energy level), which gives me larger chunks of time to plan projects around. But with you daily helping DD with medical care, and also cooking, and walking the dog I can see your time organization around chores is very different from mine!

No, my login problems are not resolved.

What are your energy levels issues? Breathing labored? Just feel pooped? Ailments?

Have you tried Boost? Do you practice Breathing Workouts (for endurance/stamina, lung capacity)?


Thursday, June 6, 2019 9:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

DANG about the login issues! That's too bad. :( I thought that since you could log in from a generic library computer you could log in from anywhere.

Just very, very low in physical energy. Not sleepy, not depressed. I have all sorts of interests and mental energy, I just don't have the steam for anything physical. Thanks for asking.


Friday, June 7, 2019 7:54 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
SIX, just some random questions: Do you feel best when you have a goal to work towards or a project to work on?


When I look back on those lost years drinking, not only didn't I get anything but the absolute bare necessities done, but I didn't achieve a single goal, and I didn't accomplish anything. It was literally 3 years of Groundhog Day.


If so, what is the length/scope that you feel best with? One month? Six months? (In another words, when does it go from being exciting to being tedious?)

I never really thought about that much. I think it depends on the type of work it is. The "project" I've talked about here vaguely from time to time is something that I worked on for many years in the mid 2000's. It's also the crutch I used to pull myself out of my drinking to fill up the time and at least feel like I was accomplishing something. If I could ever find a way to monetize it, or if I didn't have any financial responsibility at all, I could probably work on that every day for the rest of my life knowing that I'd probably die before I ever finished it.


Do you feel best working by yourself, or with others? Or does it not matter as long as you see progress?

That depends on the work too. At my job job, I prefer to work alone. Working with people face to face is more of a distraction than anything else. I'm usually in my own head space at work... it's kind of a flow of consciousness from mapping out my work for the night, adjusting for new things that pop up along the way, to hearing lyrics of songs I like or what I'm going to do when I get home. It's not that I don't like talking to people... I have plenty to say on break. But I get annoyed when people try talking to me when I'm working unless they're one of the few that I'm fond of.

But working on the project I often got a lot of help from other people, some of them halfway across the world. Rather than learning how to do complex coding or graphic art skills, it was always much easier to enlist the help of others who had the know how already. The fact that it was online interactions that were usually forum based like here probably made that much easier for me to do. We could always reply to each other when we had the time and were in the right frame of mind to do it. Instant messaging was extremely annoying when I tried it for a brief stint.


The reason why I'm wondering is because you have labelled yourself OCD more than once, and you also seem to be worried about getting stuck in a rut. Maybe the answer to both is to be enaged in projects which you can complete in a month (or two) and then move on o a different project. That way you can accomplish things without getting stuck.

Yeah. I say I'm OCD all the time. I don't know if I really should say that though. I definitely have something eccentric going on in this head of mine, but my half-brother is like full fledged OCD and had had times where he did weird shit like taking 10 showers a day and freaking out that he got lead poisoning anytime he touched something that was metal. I've got compulsive behaviors for sure, but I've never had to circle my block 10 times to make sure I didn't run somebody over or something extremely weird. Nobody would ever know I have problems from the outside. At least up until this point my coping mechanisms cover well for me, except of course for the compulsive drinking I was doing...

I had to let people I interact with on my project know that I'm taking a hiatus for an indefinite amount of time and I hope they're still around whenever I get back to it. No time for that in my life right now.

For now, I have to look at this house as my entire project, and to find a way to make some acceptable level of cash to pay the bills in the mean time. I will have to break things up into more digestible goals on my to-do list so it's not so overwhelming. I want the house on the market by spring. I think that is an obtainable goal without being overwhelming. I just need to maintain my focus, and hopefully get a little help now and then.

I'm sure not going to be lacking for things to do in the forseeable future.


I'm just being nosy, so feel free to tell me to buzz off.

No worries. Thanks for asking.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 7, 2019 8:11 AM


Oh... and BTW, the job is officially over late this month. I've already accepted that in my head for a month or so now, so I actually had a little fun with the Six Sigma prick they've got running the store the last few days.

I avoided any eye contact with him and completely ignored his presence when he strolled in a half hour late yesterday. Instead of finally introducing himself to me and asking if I was on still on the clock to have a meeting, he had somebody else ask me while he was standing 20 feet away. I said "nope!" and grabbed a cart to do my shopping.

I had heard that all the other meetings he had, he would come in and do the entire walk through the store to point out everything my manager and our crew did wrong for the night and then he'd have his meetings. He told my manager he was coming in early for our meeting this morning. I wasn't going to hold my breath...

Lo and behold, I got a page from my manger to the office at 5 after 6:00. This was it.

I came into the office and he was standing there. He said "jack" and extended his hand. I shook it and said "and you are?" lol. I'm sure that had to piss him off.

He asked me if my manager had told me what the schedule was going to be going forward. I said "I've heard your terms, and I reject them".

He then started telling me about the severance process and I cut him off and said "I don't give a shit about that. I get it when I get it.".

Then I said "I've been through all of this Six Sigma bullshit at jobs making a lot more money than this before. It's unfortunate for you that you reject my terms because you're going to be losing the hardest working employee in your store".

He said "It's not my terms. It's corporate".

I said "It's all the same thing, isn't it? I'll tell you what... If corporate ever lets you off your leash and circumstances change, you've got my number and you can call me."

To which he replied "I appreciate that."

I then said, "In the mean time, I trust that corporate isn't going to fight me on unemployment?"

And he said "[The Company] never fights unemployment claims."

"Well alright then. I think we're done here", I said.

I then wished him and my manager luck and told them that I didn't envy the cluster fuck that was ahead of them.

I've never been so happy after losing a job before. I f'king love the freedom owning a house and not having outside obligations brings.

You have no idea how satisfying that meeting went.

There was that little bit of rage I had to push down into my gut through the whole thing though, although I maintained my cool and my grace through it. All the while that was going on I had to keep reminding myself this was just a human being being told by his own corporate masters what he had to do...

...because punching him in the face would have even been twice as satisfying.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 7, 2019 1:12 PM


LOL! I hear ya Jack about wanting to punch someone in the face.

I felt like that yesterday at work after my boss said something stupid. The comment was that 2 recipes should have gone together as one. Well that wasn't what she had written down then she got a little upset. My fist started to curl but I didn't say anything because she wouldn't have listened.


Friday, June 7, 2019 1:14 PM


Off to do some stuff in a minute. Later peeps. Looks like we could be in for a rain. Might have to lug an umbrella with me.


Friday, June 7, 2019 5:17 PM


It rained today.

But on the flipside the area I want a table and chairs in is now ready for that. Yay! me.


Friday, June 7, 2019 5:37 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

YAY Jack! for quitting peacefully!

And YAY Brenda! for moving forward on your better life!

And for hanging in there, YAY Signy!


Friday, June 7, 2019 8:20 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
LOL! I hear ya Jack about wanting to punch someone in the face.

I felt like that yesterday at work after my boss said something stupid. The comment was that 2 recipes should have gone together as one. Well that wasn't what she had written down then she got a little upset. My fist started to curl but I didn't say anything because she wouldn't have listened.

lol. Yeah. It's stupid people that get into management more often than not. :)

This guy was seriously a robot though. I've only ever met two people like this in my life before. Both of them were 10 years ago back when I got laid off from the last high paying job I had.

To his credit, there wasn't any signs that I had visibly flustered him with any of the stuff I said. Most of the people I've ever worked for would have at least got heated if not lost their shit at some point in that meeting. If I got under his skin at all at any point during this meeting, he's got the poker face of a Texas Hold 'Em champion.

Well... to my own credit, at least there weren't cops waiting out in the parking lot in case I got out of hand this time. When I got laid off from that good job there was an unmarked squad at the parking lot entrance and two cop cars facing each other at the back end as I made my way in. When I told my old boss that later in the week when we had our weekly poker game he laughed and said he heard about that and that as far as we knew our shift was the only one who had cops waiting in the parking lot. :)

It's hard to tell if I've grown at all as a person in that regard, or if I just didn't really give a shit because it's such a lousy paying job in the first place.

Anyhow, it should be a fun night at work. I can't wait to have a laugh about it with my manager at work on break. She's only 25 and been a manager for about 6 months and can't stand this new guy. I'm sure she's never seen anything like that meeting before and likely never will again.

Sadly I don't have a video of it, but at least somebody else got to witness it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, June 7, 2019 8:44 PM


Thanks kiki.

Though am paying for it. Back's a little sore.


Saturday, June 8, 2019 2:49 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, I don't know what's with management droids. It's not enuf that the job gets done quickly and well? They have to micromanage every single thing?

It seems like the problem has gotten a lot worse lately. Hubby has had many run-ins with the IT people (after the university contracted it out with a bunch of know-nothings) and HR. He was called in for a disciplinary hearing (in front of the department chair) because he had a serious disagreement with how the emailer was being run. So this stuffed-shirt pompous ass tried to put him in his place by saying "I'll have you know that all of the emails on our server belong to us". Without missing a beat hubby told him "Thanks for letting me know. I'll be sure to pull all of my emails off your server".

I hope you get unemployment! (That's me ... always looking for that cup of coffee to be snatched away!) But if not, I hope you get that other job.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Saturday, June 8, 2019 7:50 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yeah, I don't know what's with management droids. It's not enuf that the job gets done quickly and well? They have to micromanage every single thing?

Oh, he does that for sure, but it's a lot more than that.

After the individual meetings he needed to have with all of the employees regarding all of the changes and the new scheduling going forward, he absolutely refuses to speak directly to any employee who is below a team lead. He only converses with the management. I've been told by three different people that he will talk about what an employee is doing wrong right in front of them to a manager and tell them that they need to tell their employees how to do the job right.

Full time employees will get exactly 40 hours per week. Part time employees will get exactly 20 hours per week. There is a point system in place for any underage or overage from these numbers within 5 minutes every day. 1/2 points given out for each occurrence. Immediate termination at 5 points. No wiggle room. All computer controlled. No human interaction.

There will also be a schedule for every area with a strict time frame for everything to get done, aisle by aisle. No wiggle room. The exact same time every day. This is absolutely absurd since on a daily basis there can be instances where a new product comes in and things need to be moved around or split up to make them fit. This stuff takes quite a lot of time that would otherwise be spent stocking. (The fucking corporate idiots that never got their hands dirty once in their life have no clue how the real world actually works).

He regularly threatens to "take the keys" of the managers, meaning that he's going to either end their career in management there or outright fire them.

I'm actually looking forward to go there to shop for my staples in the next few months and see it all fail spectacularly. I can only hope that the karma of this whole thing is that somebody is just as deep in this jagoff's asshole as he is up everybody else's. I'd love nothing more right now then to see him get his.


It seems like the problem has gotten a lot worse lately. Hubby has had many run-ins with the IT people (after the university contracted it out with a bunch of know-nothings) and HR. He was called in for a disciplinary hearing (in front of the department chair) because he had a serious disagreement with how the emailer was being run. So this stuffed-shirt pompous ass tried to put him in his place by saying "I'll have you know that all of the emails on our server belong to us". Without missing a beat hubby told him "Thanks for letting me know. I'll be sure to pull all of my emails off your server".

Well. I'm assuming that your husband already knew that. On the off chance he didn't, that might not have been a bad piece of advice, even though it's a really shitty way to hear about it. One of the managers that worked at that last good job I had got fired for sending a "suggestive" email to one of the girls who worked on his shift. She was mortified after it happened and was even crying about the fact he got fired. She didn't report anything to anybody. The company has 100% access to any emails sent from a company email address and can look at them at any time.


I hope you get unemployment! (That's me ... always looking for that cup of coffee to be snatched away!) But if not, I hope you get that other job.

I'll get it. The only way you can be denied is if the company is successful in convincing the state that you don't have a claim, and the new store manager told me that the company doesn't fight unemployment claims (which is what number 2 had told me a month ago as well).

Even if they were going to fight me on this, I'd get it. The only reason I asked him was because I was really hoping not to have to deal with the hassle and the paperwork. The system is actually on the little guy's side here and would rather take the word of an employee than a multi-national corporation, believe it or not. I even got it when I was fired (not laid off) from K-Mart. That took a bit of work, but it ended up with a letter from the office of a Judge I was supposed to see in court letting me know that the third-party company handling the attempted denial backed out of the fight before it even went to court, after an email that I sent him personally.

In this case, it's a no brainer. The terms and conditions (actual legal speak for the issue) were completely changed. Simply changing overnights to days alone would be enough in this instance, but the fact that I was getting nearly 30 hours per week at only 3 days a week before and I'd only be getting 20 hours per week over 5 days makes it egregious.

The only problem is, it really won't be much. 47% of what my weekly average was before. It turns out that I can apply for food stamps as well, but it would only be good for 3 months and would be cut off unless I was working at least 20 hours per week after that. I figure I'll wait on that a few months before I apply if I haven't found anything by then. That way, even if I do find a minimum wage job making 4 bucks less an hour than I was getting before, at least I'd still have the food stamps to offset a lot of the difference.

I'll be fine. I've been living down in the muck for so long that I know a lot more about all of this than I should know.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Saturday, June 8, 2019 1:56 PM


Off to get my laundry done.


Saturday, June 8, 2019 9:39 PM


No more carrot cake unless I make sure that I dig out ALL of the raisins and don't eat any of them. *sigh*


Saturday, June 8, 2019 9:40 PM


Also cannot get my hd box to play with my dvd player. Oh, well. Guess I don't get to watch "Bohemian Rhapsody" then.


Sunday, June 9, 2019 5:48 PM


No rain here but had a nice walk. Got some grocery shopping done.

Also yesterday found some books that I didn't realize that I had. 2 Highlander and I forgot about my Serenity novel.


Sunday, June 9, 2019 8:13 PM


Last night scheduled at work for the week, but I think I'm going to work two more.

I was considering working 18 straight days to stick it to them with the overtime, but that would get my manager in trouble and I like her. She's cool with me getting around 8 hours of overtime, but didn't want me racking up 40 or more in the last two weeks. :)

Just one more week to go after a little break after that.

I guess it's about time to start saying my goodbyes to another work family.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 10, 2019 7:24 AM


Canker sores suck.

At least that's what I hope I've got. Mouth was hurting during the second half of my shift the night before last and when I looked at it when I got home I said "what the f#*k is that? cancer?!!".

Google search results showed pictures that look about identical to what I had. Always heard of canker sores but never had them before. It said they often come along with a fever, but I felt fine yesterday. Work was rough tonight though. I don't know if I've got a fever, but my body aches like I might.

Going to try to get to sleep early today and hopefully I can still go in the next two nights. I'll do it if it doesn't get worse than I feel right now, but if I wake up feeling miserable then I'm going to have to bail.

It's weird. It feels like it should hurt like strep throat when I swallow, but it doesn't. It's like having strep on your inner-lip.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 10, 2019 12:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh indeed, canker sores really do hurt! I'm surprised you made it this far into your life without having one already. When I got them it was usually because I was under stress ... not the worst stress (like family illness) but often something job-related, a medium-sized stress that I couldn't escape and couldn't resolve.

The family sore throat finally caught up with others. Meanwhile, mine has been hanging on for a month at a lower level with cough, but flares up when I'm exposed to dust or when I decongest my nose, despite the fact that I'm on antibiotics. Which means either its viral or the wrong antibiotic. Anyway, it's at the tolerable level, so I'll just keep on keeping on.

Decided to set my priorities aside to help clean up/organize the garage (workshop) for exercising (woodworking with hand tools) again, because that helps control blood sugar. Bunch of crap dragged out of the rafters, about half of it (conduit, random screens, what appear to be old electrostatic precipitators for the air system) will go for metal recycling and the rest (some old indoor-outdoor carpet and a bunch of other crap) will go into the trash; I have to call my waste hauler to request a large-item pickup. I feel 200 pounds lighter!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Monday, June 10, 2019 2:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

My canker sores would come after eating too much of something that seemed to irritate my mouth, like tomatoes. Not always, there seemed to be another factor, but eating an irritant seemed necessary as well.


Monday, June 10, 2019 8:44 PM



Originally posted by 1kiki:
My canker sores would come after eating too much of something that seemed to irritate my mouth, like tomatoes. Not always, there seemed to be another factor, but eating an irritant seemed necessary as well.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh indeed, canker sores really do hurt! I'm surprised you made it this far into your life without having one already. When I got them it was usually because I was under stress ... not the worst stress (like family illness) but often something job-related, a medium-sized stress that I couldn't escape and couldn't resolve.

I've had both of these recently in my life. :)

The stress has been going on for quite a while, but it didn't pop up until around 48 hours ago. I'm actually a lot more mellow and feeling good about things than I was a few weeks to a month ago. That meeting was a bit stressful, simply because I get "hot" fairly easily and I did have to force myself to maintain my cool while wrestling down the inner demons that wanted to punch the guy in the face. Truth be told, that was very much like an interview scenario which for some reason is one of the hardest things in life for me to do because of how my "insides" feel throughout it. It only lasted 5 to 10 minutes at max, but it was an intense 5 to 10 minutes.

The other thing was eating a lot of Slim Jims the two days prior. In a rare event these days, we were offered some free food at lunch. I took a big handful of the Slim Jim mini's, something I'd never buy because of the price and because I don't have any willpower not to eat them if they're lying around my house.

I suppose either one of these could have caused the Canker sores. I'm sure the overall situation of my mouth isn't helping things at all either.

At least it seems like it's not cancer I have to worry about yet. It doesn't seem to be spreading anymore, which is good. I can't really afford to start getting ulcers on my gums that are already highly compromised.

I do feel better right now. Not feverish, anyhow. I'm going to go into work. I'm sure I won't be 100% but I'd like to at least work the first of the 3 extra days I plan to before the job is gone.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, June 10, 2019 11:52 PM


Finding I have to wear my hearing aides now when I watch tv. I am missing words.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019 5:39 PM


Need to find someone with a set of bolt cutters or a set of lock picks. Seems that I have lost the keys to my trunk. On the flip side though. Another bin down.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019 8:24 PM


They've got youtube videos for that. :)

My brother knows how to break into a large list of lock types that he learned over the years on youtube.

Really, locks are nothing more than a mild deterrent meant to ease our own minds. Except in the case of ridiculously pricey setups, they rely on our own ability to trust that most other people are essentially good than actually stopping anybody from trying to get into whatever we've locked up.

I saw a great video on that topic years ago, but I don't remember what it was titled or who made it. Otherwise I'd post it here.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 11, 2019 8:34 PM


I was kind of freaking out this morning after work. It seemed as if the sores had been spreading, and they had become quite painful at that point. Looking online didn't come up with any other possibilities of what they could be given the symptoms. Canker sores don't spread either, at least from what I've read. So I don't think they were spreading, but the entire scope of them just hadn't manifested itself yet.

Then I get my second great night of sleep in two days and the pain is virtually gone. I can still feel them. They're still there and are going to take some time to heal up, but I bet by tomorrow I don't feel them anymore.

I can't really do much about my stress for the time being, but I'm not going to take any chances again and I'm going to have to take Slim Jims off of my diet for the rest of my life now too.

There's no way these were minor. They were either major or Herpetiform. Even though the Herpetiform variety is rare, I'm thinking that's probably what they were because none of them were very large. After a few days some seemed to be large, but I believe this was just additional ones popping up later that adjoined with the existing ones from the day before.

I don't imagine I'm going to see a dentist before they're all cleared up to get a ruling. Got an appointment next month for a cleaning again. I'll let them know when I see them.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, June 11, 2019 9:22 PM


Thanks for the info Jack. But I still need something smaller and thinner than what I have around here to pick the lock. Have to see if I have any small safety pins and give that a whirl. I used to be able to pick locks.
Friend of mine in high school was always loosing the keys to her locks and she finally broke down and asked me to try and pick. Bobby pin worked great for that lock.

This one the key hole is so small. Don't know why I bought a lock like that unless it was the only one I could find at the time.

ETA: The only reason why the trunk is locked is so that the lid wouldn't flap around when it was being moved. It's empty and now that I can, I want to put some family stuff back into it.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019 10:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Hey BRENDA, if the lock is that small that you need a safety pin to pick it, you might not even need bolt cutters to cut it, just wire cutters.

Anyway, just a suggestion ... unless you want to refresh your lock-picking skills!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 12:21 AM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Hey BRENDA, if the lock is that small that you need a safety pin to pick it, you might not even need bolt cutters to cut it, just wire cutters.

Anyway, just a suggestion ... unless you want to refresh your lock-picking skills!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

"The messy American environment, where most people don't agree, is perfect for people like me. I CAN DO AS I PLEASE." - SECOND

America is an oligarchy .

Hey SIG. Naw, wire cutters won't cut it on this lock. The hole is small but part that goes through the latch on the truck is thicker than that.

I'll see if I can scare up a safety pin or just a straight pin around here in the next couple of days. I have my mom's sewing box and there could be something in there.

I don't want to do any damage to my trunk. It was my grandfather's.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 7:21 AM


My grandma's got an old railroad safe in her basement that was her fathers, or possibly even her grandfathers. I've never seen it opened, and all the years when I lived down there in my early 20's it killed me not knowing what was inside of it.

We didn't have good old youtube back in those days though. I think I might see if there is something online about cracking that safe. Probably just need a stethoscope.

The last time I ever heard that it was opened, my uncle snagged a German Luger that my grandpa had gotten in WWII. Dummy got himself pulled over with it in his glove box. The cop, nice guy that he was, didn't even give my uncle a ticket... but of course he confiscated the gun. I'm sure he didn't want any paperwork. Probably knew what he was holding in his hands there and knew he had my uncle's balls to the wall.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 7:55 AM


Already picked up two extra days this week and going to grab one more tonight. That's the most my manager says she can get away with giving me. She probably shouldn't allow it, but they've got her doing so much extra crap these last few weeks before nights goes away that she'd rather take the heat for a little OT. She told me she wishes she could just let me work 18 days straight since I say that I'm willing, but they'll skin her alive if she let me do that. smokin:

Probably going to pick up two more before my next shift would have begun next week to finish off my last week.

Feeling pretty damn good going into my 9th day in a row tomorrow. Going to be weird only having 3 days off in between work shifts, but I'll power through it.

This is going to be the largest check I've seen in 10 years. :)

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 12:57 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My grandma's got an old railroad safe in her basement that was her fathers, or possibly even her grandfathers. I've never seen it opened, and all the years when I lived down there in my early 20's it killed me not knowing what was inside of it.

We didn't have good old youtube back in those days though. I think I might see if there is something online about cracking that safe. Probably just need a stethoscope.

The last time I ever heard that it was opened, my uncle snagged a German Luger that my grandpa had gotten in WWII. Dummy got himself pulled over with it in his glove box. The cop, nice guy that he was, didn't even give my uncle a ticket... but of course he confiscated the gun. I'm sure he didn't want any paperwork. Probably knew what he was holding in his hands there and knew he had my uncle's balls to the wall.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Cool about the Luger and your Uncle was very lucky that cop didn't want to do the paperwork.

This trunk is over 100years old. My grandfather(my dad's dad) brought it over with him from Scotland. He gave it to my grandmother when they got married and then my grandmother left it to my father. She used it for her fine china and other things like good dish towels and table cloths. By the time my father got it all it had in it was some family photos and my grandmother's cookbooks as well as some her sheet music. She played the piano.
So, it was open every so often but someone recommended to me to empty it pretty well and lock it.
It still has my dad's long saw in it and an old hunting knife.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 12:57 PM


Off to my chiropractor this morning.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 2:15 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Hey all - just saying hey. Nice to see you around.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 2:38 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

So, this is speculative, but I thought I'd post it here:

Sure, potato chips, cookies, and hot dogs are chock-full of salt, sugar, fat, and calories. They can cause us to gain weight and put us at a higher risk of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. But why? What if there’s something unique about ultraprocessed foods that primes us to overeat and leads to bad health?

A new, intriguing hypothesis offers a potential answer. Increasingly, scientists think processed foods, with all their additives and sugar and lack of fiber, may be formulated in ways that disturb the gut microbiome, the trillions of diverse bacteria lining our intestines and colon. Those disturbances, in turn, may heighten the risk of chronic disease and encourage overeating.

The idea sheds new light on why ultraprocessed foods seem to be so bad for us. But to understand the hypothesis, we need to first look at what ultraprocessed foods are, and how they shape the community of bacteria in our gut that’s so intimately linked to our health. ...

According to a widely used scientific definition, they’re:
industrial formulations made entirely or mostly from substances extracted from foods (oils, fats, sugar, starch, and proteins), derived from food constituents (hydrogenated fats and modified starch), or synthesized in laboratories from food substrates or other organic sources (flavor enhancers, colors, and several food additives used to make the product hyper-palatable).

In other words, ultraprocessed foods are created in factories. They’re pumped full of chemicals and other additives for color, flavor, texture, and shelf life. This processing generally increases the flavor and caloric density of the foods, while stripping away the fiber, vitamins, and nutrients. So these foods are distinct from whole foods (like apples and cucumbers) and processed foods (like vegetables pickled in brine, or canned fish in oil) that rely on only salt, sugar, and oil — rather than a range of complicated additives — to preserve them or make them tastier.

There's also this, which I saw when it came out that I thought was interesting:

For a study that was published in 2015, Gewirtz and his colleagues hypothesized that widely used emulsifiers — specifically carboxymethylcellulose and polysorbate-80 — might disturb the microbiome and increase inflammation.
I'd have to go back and re-check the study, but as I recall, of all the emulsifiers tested, only these 2 led to a loosening of the tight junctions between cells in the gut. And that allowed large molecules to pass directly into the blood stream. And that might lead to activating the immune system and inflammation.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019 7:54 PM


I FOUND THE KEYS TO MY TRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yipee! So need to do anything dramatic. It is now open and ready to be refilled.

That is such a relief.






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