In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 17:55
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Tuesday, November 3, 2020 5:22 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Lazy Sunday around me.

My lazy-ish day was yesterday. I went out bright and early to pick up plants from a nursery that sells natives and walked the dog, but anything else I was planning on doing got derailed bc hubby got a bee in his bonnet about what we were paying for Spectrum cable service, so I helped him (in a minor way) getting Amazon Prime movies going, and then got stuck watching a movie I didn't really care to in order to "test it out". So ...phffft! There went the rest of the day!

Today was a LITTLE better, tho. Dear daughter and I blitzed the house tidying, dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming ... everything was VERY dusty... so now the house feels livable again!

Tomorrow the weather will cool off again, so more outdoor work. So much to do, I think I'll start with picking up the spoiled avocados and feijoa so that we can start picking them up every day after that and have a reasonably good chance of getting good ones. Also... start leveling the front yard, I guess, now that the weeds and grass are gone. I'll try not to get the monitor too sweaty bc I don't want it to come off too early ... it's supposed to be on until Friday. We'll see what happens. Also, dear daughter and I need to sort the mail ... I'm trying to train her how to do that for herself and (potentially) for us, if we get too addled.

I always overschedule every day, and rarely accomplish everything I planned. But off to bed for me; we have a busy day ahead of us.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Doesn't sound too lazy to me Sig. But sometimes a movie is needed.

I was out and about on a dry Monday. Had to run something to the post office and a couple of other things.


Tuesday, November 3, 2020 5:23 PM


Super wet Tuesday out but I had a couple of things to do and I need to get out even if I am not doing much. Can't sit in all day.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 7:23 PM


My new tire guys are AMAZING. I couldn't be happier with the service.

They put in the order and two days later they had the tires. Brought the flat car tire and the mangled snowblower tire that I seriously screwed up in there and watched them do it and had a good laugh thinking there was any way I was going to ever be able to do either of those tires with a few crowbars, screw drivers and elbow grease when it looked like they had a $20,000 hydraulic machine to do the job. Sometimes you just have to cave and let the pros deal with it.

Great group of guys there. I said I'd take the tires with me initially because I didn't want to pay $5.00 per on disposal. After the tire was done the kid said I should have it balanced. I had already paid and was just expecting to take the car home and switch out the spare with my new tire. The head guy I had been bullshitting with earlier checked my reciept to see if the balancing was on there and when it wasn't he just told the kid to go ahead and do it anyway. Then the kid told me to bring my car in and 3 minutes later he had already changed the tire for me and had it properly torqued. When I was done I asked him where the tires were because I didn't pay for disposal. He asked me if I really wanted them and I said no, but I didn't pay for disposal and he laughed and said "don't worry about it".

All that, and I got both of them done for 2/3rds of what I thought I'd be paying for just one new car tire and they're only about a mile from my house.

Came home and popped that tire on my snowblower and then I fired up both my blower and my generator which hadn't been used for a while and they both fired right up without issue.

Then after doing an inventory on what I'd need this week to re-caulk my windows before painting them, I headed out to the store and saw a large truck on the driveway of the foreclosed house behind me. It's foreclosed no more. Dude had a truck half full of various home improvement stuff with him and it looks like my neighborhood isn't going to have to worry about that house dragging down our property values for much longer. Maybe he could use some help and I could walk next door and make some cash this winter doing stuff I love doing.

And I've got everything I need to repair the bad caulk job that Uncle Bob did in the windows with just enough warm weather left to safely paint them.

Today was a good day...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 11:36 PM


You had a really good day there Jack. That's excellent you got the work done on your tires.

You should be about set for the winter then.


Wednesday, November 4, 2020 11:36 PM


I missed the rain today and hopefully I will again tomorrow. Just some errands to run.


Thursday, November 5, 2020 10:34 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:
You had a really good day there Jack. That's excellent you got the work done on your tires.

You should be about set for the winter then.

Yeah. Here's hoping.

I am so happy I found that shop. I already wrote all their names down so I remember the next time I go there. Sometimes when I go out I don't talk much, but for whatever reason I had the gift of gab yesterday and they seemed like a really good group that liked me too. I can't believe all the stuff they just did for free for me by the time I walked out of there.

It makes me not feel bad that I spent $23 on a 4 pack of inner-tubes on Amazon to try to fix the tubeless snowblower tire on my own (because I'm a dummy and didn't read the "tubeless" printed right on the tire I took photos of before I placed the order). Even if the tube wasn't damaged when they took it out of the tire, I doubt very much that I could have sent it back to Amazon anyhow. I will have to probably put that on Craigslist and see if anybody wants them though. Might even give them away for free. I can't bring myself to just throw 3 good tubes away, but they have absolutely no use to me now and holding on to them is how I got into that hoarding trouble in the first place.

I actually have the pieces coming in the mail for a cell phone. I haven't had one of those in about 8 years. The prices are so cheap now, I figured I'd give it a shot with a no contract service and a cheap flip phone. No more worrying about being stuck on the road at night in the snow without any way of calling somebody. And no more annoying people when they want to text me an address and I have no way of receiving texts in 2020.

Going to do some dreadful work today, but it's got to be done and it can't be put off. Weather forecast around here changed for the better. Looks like we're hitting 70 degrees for the next 4 days, with the 60's holding until Tuesday. It will be raining all day on Tuesday though, so that won't help, and I've obligated myself to help my friend all weekend. So I've got 3 whole days to scrape off all the brittle dollar-store caulk from the windows, re-caulk them with my $8.00/tube stuff, prime the windows and put the nice semi-gloss Rustoleum over it. You can tell the caulk they used was just garbage because it didn't adhere to the vinyl of the windows at all and easily comes off with just a screwdriver. I wish it was going to be that easy getting the crap off the aluminum, but it's a chore. I'm thinking a good 90 minutes per window is the time I'll need to get the scraping job done.

What's nice about this caulk though is that it can be applied even wet, unlike the $6.50 per tube stuff. So if the windows aren't completely dry after I wash them with TSP and the sun is going down, I can still get it applied and ready to paint tomorrow. If things go faster than I'm expecting them to, it's possible I could have them primered today too, since the caulk is ready to paint 30 minutes after application.

The Rustoleum is probably overkill and unnecessary since this is aluminum flashing I'm painting over and that doesn't rust, but it looks great on my garage service door I de-rusted and repaired earlier this year. And what was left over I had painted on aluminum I was reusing before the gutters went up and I'll be using that for the rest of the aluminum on the house when I do that next spring. It's pretty expensive at nearly $10 per quart after taxes, but I'm not painting walls with it. It goes pretty far. It's also a serious mess to cleanup since it's oil based, but that's better to use for external applications than the water based stuff, and the dollar store brushes are perfect for doing that type of work. I can just put it in a small cup with a little mineral spirits between the 1st and 2nd coat and then just throw it away when I'm done.

There's probably zero chance I could do every window on my house in this time, but I should be able to get the 6 basement windows by the ground without too much trouble. Then there's just a few other minor things I wanted to get done in that time that I'll be able to take care of during drying times.

And my garage is all ready for my car when the snow falls. I'm sure that it's safe to drive on after I had that fire department truck parked on it when the power line went down and they didn't damage it, but no reason to not give it until the snow forces me in.

Hope the rain keeps missing you and you get to enjoy what's left of the warm weather.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 5, 2020 5:46 PM


I got lucky on the no rain again today. Not sure how much longer that will last as November is the wettest if not one of the wettest months of the year where I am.

But I got my seizure meds refilled then bought myself a treat today. I found a Baby Yoda Christmas tree ornament in my local Walmart and bought that. It will be the only ornament I buy this year as I bought a bunch last year in a local Dollar store for my tree. So, I am okay with that.

Got a bit of vacuuming done when I got home before I did the dishes, so that was good as well.

My wrists and hands have pretty well completely healed from all the hand sanitizer that is around. So that is also a good thing.

Fingers crossed that you can get your windows and everything done today for you Jack.


Thursday, November 5, 2020 8:52 PM


Finished removing all the bad caulk and doing repairs. Moved the work in the garage where I had light so I could repair the aluminum for the sills and remove that caulk. I managed to beat the hail damage out of them as well as bend everything back into proper shape. Cleaned them all off and put a coat of primer on them so they hold the caulk tomorrow. All that's left is to wash the rest of the windows tomorrow before caulk can go on.

Caulk will be ready to paint 30 minutes after I put it down, so by the time I'm finished caulking the last window I can go right to the primer. 4 hours after primer I can put the first coat of Rustoleum on. That will be as much as I get done with the windows until Monday though, since I'll be helping my bud out all weekend and I have to give 24 hours before coats on the actual paint.

Hopefully I have a few hours left to spare when the paint is done so I can address the foundation cracks, otherwise I'll be putting that off until Monday too.

I'm getting a few bi-fold doors from my friends old man this weekend, so I'll be able to paint them and finally have doors on the 2nd bedroom closet soon too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Thursday, November 5, 2020 11:41 PM


Well, I am back to work tomorrow. Gotta make a stop first and see about getting some lunch.


Thursday, November 5, 2020 11:54 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My new tire guys are AMAZING. I couldn't be happier with the service.

They put in the order and two days later they had the tires. Brought the flat car tire and the mangled snowblower tire that I seriously screwed up in there and watched them do it and had a good laugh thinking there was any way I was going to ever be able to do either of those tires with a few crowbars, screw drivers and elbow grease when it looked like they had a $20,000 hydraulic machine to do the job. Sometimes you just have to cave and let the pros deal with it.

Great group of guys there. I said I'd take the tires with me initially because I didn't want to pay $5.00 per on disposal. After the tire was done the kid said I should have it balanced. I had already paid and was just expecting to take the car home and switch out the spare with my new tire. The head guy I had been bullshitting with earlier checked my reciept to see if the balancing was on there and when it wasn't he just told the kid to go ahead and do it anyway. Then the kid told me to bring my car in and 3 minutes later he had already changed the tire for me and had it properly torqued. When I was done I asked him where the tires were because I didn't pay for disposal. He asked me if I really wanted them and I said no, but I didn't pay for disposal and he laughed and said "don't worry about it".

All that, and I got both of them done for 2/3rds of what I thought I'd be paying for just one new car tire and they're only about a mile from my house.

Came home and popped that tire on my snowblower and then I fired up both my blower and my generator which hadn't been used for a while and they both fired right up without issue.

Then after doing an inventory on what I'd need this week to re-caulk my windows before painting them, I headed out to the store and saw a large truck on the driveway of the foreclosed house behind me. It's foreclosed no more. Dude had a truck half full of various home improvement stuff with him and it looks like my neighborhood isn't going to have to worry about that house dragging down our property values for much longer. Maybe he could use some help and I could walk next door and make some cash this winter doing stuff I love doing.

And I've got everything I need to repair the bad caulk job that Uncle Bob did in the windows with just enough warm weather left to safely paint them.

Today was a good day...

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Oh, that sounds awesome!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Thursday, November 5, 2020 11:57 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Finished removing all the bad caulk and doing repairs. Moved the work in the garage where I had light so I could repair the aluminum for the sills and remove that caulk. I managed to beat the hail damage out of them as well as bend everything back into proper shape. Cleaned them all off and put a coat of primer on them so they hold the caulk tomorrow. All that's left is to wash the rest of the windows tomorrow before caulk can go on.

Caulk will be ready to paint 30 minutes after I put it down, so by the time I'm finished caulking the last window I can go right to the primer. 4 hours after primer I can put the first coat of Rustoleum on. That will be as much as I get done with the windows until Monday though, since I'll be helping my bud out all weekend and I have to give 24 hours before coats on the actual paint.

Hopefully I have a few hours left to spare when the paint is done so I can address the foundation cracks, otherwise I'll be putting that off until Monday too.

I'm getting a few bi-fold doors from my friends old man this weekend, so I'll be able to paint them and finally have doors on the 2nd bedroom closet soon too.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Even more good work! You're on a roll!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, November 6, 2020 12:02 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Wish I could say the same for myself. As I mentioned, I have a heart monitor on. It was put on Friday and was supposed to stay on for a week. So I thought I'd give my heart - and the monitor- a workout by doing some pruning. (Turns out I had to prune a rosebush way back in order to dig veggie garden #1 because every time I stood up I got tangled in extremely thorny wands.)

But I sweated too much, and the monitor fell off. So after some thought I reattached it with surgical tape but then I had to stay away from doing anything outdoors because I didn't want it coming off again. Tomorrow AM I'm going to go and do more yardwork, give my heart and monitor another workout, and if the damn thing comes off that's Ok bc I'm supposed to take it off anyway.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Friday, November 6, 2020 10:07 AM


I missed that about the heart monitor Sigs... You don't seem particularly worried about anything. Why is your doctor putting you on that test?

Take it easy for once. Your warm weather isn't going anywhere.

I guess I "forgot" that I'm going to have to use backer rod too before I caulk anything. Hopefully that can be done while the stuff is drying, but if history is any indicator with the shower and the garage floor, doing the backer rod is not going to go quickly.

On top of that, the aluminum that Uncle Bob put up to cover old rotted wooden window frames on the bad windows (see: 4 out of 6 of them at the bottom of the house) were so amateurishly installed that the only thing really holding them together except for nails at the top was the caulk itself (and tons upon tons of it at that, to fill the gaps caused by the amateurishly cut aluminum). Before I caulk anything, I'm going to squirt a whole lot of Great Stuff on the wood behind the vertical lengths. I may even do that before the wash itself.

And now I've figured out why a rather benign bump of the aluminum sill dented the hell out of it a few years back too. It's just superficial shell, and I'll have to be extra careful around them after I fix it until I sell the house.

I'll have about a good 9 hours to work. I do have a halogen lamp I can take out with me if necessary, but hopefully it doesn't come to that. I absolutely have to have the first layer of paint up by tonight. And looking at a chance of rain creeping into Monday I may have to let my friend know that I can't come out on Sunday until I put the 2nd coat of paint up.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 6, 2020 6:46 PM


Looks like my work is up in the air again. Her work has been cut down, so she's not sure if I am going in once every week or once every other week. Have to see what happens next week.


Friday, November 6, 2020 6:58 PM


Hope it works out for you Brenda.

I didn't get around to painting. Washing and rinsing alone took around an hour, and caulking was about an hour a piece for the four worst windows, with about a half hour for the one that wasn't too bad. I always underestimate how long that backer rod takes to properly place. I ran out of caulk before I could get to the one window on the first floor that I was going to do, so I'll have to pick up a tube either tonight or tomorrow night.

I'll end up caulking the garage window as well as that window so I'm not wasting much of the tube, otherwise it would be a waste of an $8 tube since there is no way it would keep until spring once opened and I'd only end up using 1/4 to 2/3 of it. I've made up my mind that I won't be painting that 1st floor window this year. No biggie. But I do want it properly caulked I can do that last thing Monday if need be since it's ready for rain 30 minutes after application.

It only took me 90 minutes to prime all 5 windows. I'm going to find out what day my bud wants to start later (usually Sunday) and I'll just get up at the crack of dawn and get the first coat on so it's ready for the final coat on Monday.

It looks great so far, and that caulk job should outlive me.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Friday, November 6, 2020 11:35 PM


I just have to wait and see Jack.

In the meanwhile there is a slim chance of snow where I am starting Monday night into Tuesday.


Saturday, November 7, 2020 5:17 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I missed that about the heart monitor Sigs... You don't seem particularly worried about anything. Why is your doctor putting you on that test?

Take it easy for once.

Actually, my heart is worrying me quite a bit. It suddenly decided to start doing the rhumba instead of the foxtrot a few weeks ago. It's disconcerting to feel your throat pounding after mild exertion. In addition to the Zio patch (which I will be mailing back tomorrow) I have an upcoming stress echocardiogram which is a test for heart failure (ejection fraction). Sigh. I hope it's just an uncomplicated irritable atrium.

But I did manage to get half of the veggie garden #1 prepped for planting today and now that the patch is off I can continue with yardwork, weather (and health) permitting.


Your warm weather isn't going anywhere.
I suppose compared to YOUR weather ours - no matter how cold!- is still quite warm. But actually we had a 20 degree drop in temperature from yesterday to today (91 to 72... yeah, I know... you wish you had it so tough!) and the infamous "they" are predicting a quarter inch of rainfall tomorrow around ten. It's not a lot, but it's been eight months since the last measurable rainfall, and we've had such a big ashfall pretty much everywhere, it's be great to wash the dust and ash down.

I also finally managed to square away my sis's Xmas gifts. They both need somewhat "high ticket" items ... one needs a compact reciprocating saw and possibly an oscillating saw (multi tool), the other a smart phone and either a Roku or a smart TV, ... so we did a lot of research at our end and came up with some gift ideas that we ran past them and they're OK with. Plus, I found a DVD for dear daughter that she has been looking for for a LONG time, so I think I scored on that one!

Hubby has some tools he wants, too, so my two sisters can put their shekels together and get him a nice brace (drill).


I guess I "forgot" that I'm going to have to use backer rod too before I caulk anything. Hopefully that can be done while the stuff is drying, but if history is any indicator with the shower and the garage floor, doing the backer rod is not going to go quickly.
Reading your following post, I think you were right about that!


On top of that, the aluminum that Uncle Bob put up to cover old rotted wooden window frames on the bad windows (see: 4 out of 6 of them at the bottom of the house) were so amateurishly installed that the only thing really holding them together except for nails at the top was the caulk itself (and tons upon tons of it at that, to fill the gaps caused by the amateurishly cut aluminum). Before I caulk anything, I'm going to squirt a whole lot of Great Stuff on the wood behind the vertical lengths. I may even do that before the wash itself.
I'll have to look into that Great Stuff. We have an old house, too, and altho water damage isn't an isse, termite damage is.


And now I've figured out why a rather benign bump of the aluminum sill dented the hell out of it a few years back too. It's just superficial shell, and I'll have to be extra careful around them after I fix it until I sell the house.

I'll have about a good 9 hours to work. I do have a halogen lamp I can take out with me if necessary, but hopefully it doesn't come to that. I absolutely have to have the first layer of paint up by tonight. And looking at a chance of rain creeping into Monday I may have to let my friend know that I can't come out on Sunday until I put the 2nd coat of paint up.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Well, reading your following post, it looks like you got the primer on, so I think you're good to go!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Saturday, November 7, 2020 5:23 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Looks like my work is up in the air again. Her work has been cut down, so she's not sure if I am going in once every week or once every other week. Have to see what happens next week.

It's so hard being on call like that. Mkaes it hard to plan anything!

But at least your unpredictable schedule is caused by someone else's unpredictable schedule, not just flightinesson your boss' part. Because if it was just your boss being chaotic, THAT would be irritating!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Saturday, November 7, 2020 6:00 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Looks like my work is up in the air again. Her work has been cut down, so she's not sure if I am going in once every week or once every other week. Have to see what happens next week.

It's so hard being on call like that. Mkaes it hard to plan anything!

But at least your unpredictable schedule is caused by someone else's unpredictable schedule, not just flightinesson your boss' part. Because if it was just your boss being chaotic, THAT would be irritating!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


True enough. But she feels caught because she likes having the ability to pay other people to do the jobs that she doesn't want to do. Such as her medical paperwork, cleaning the house and her cooking. If she has other people doing what she is suppose to be doing then she is free to do whatever she wants.


Saturday, November 7, 2020 6:01 PM


Got all of my chores done for today. Now I can take it easy for the rest of the day.


Saturday, November 7, 2020 6:14 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Great Stuff

GREAT STUFF 16 oz. Big Gap Filler Insulating Foam Sealant


Saturday, November 7, 2020 9:44 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Actually, my heart is worrying me quite a bit. It suddenly decided to start doing the rhumba instead of the foxtrot a few weeks ago. It's disconcerting to feel your throat pounding after mild exertion. In addition to the Zio patch (which I will be mailing back tomorrow) I have an upcoming stress echocardiogram which is a test for heart failure (ejection fraction). Sigh. I hope it's just an uncomplicated irritable atrium.

But I did manage to get half of the veggie garden #1 prepped for planting today and now that the patch is off I can continue with yardwork, weather (and health) permitting.

Jeez... yes. Please. Take it easy until you know what's going on.

Sounds like it's not slowing you down in the meantime though.


I suppose compared to YOUR weather ours - no matter how cold!- is still quite warm. But actually we had a 20 degree drop in temperature from yesterday to today (91 to 72... yeah, I know... you wish you had it so tough!) and the infamous "they" are predicting a quarter inch of rainfall tomorrow around ten. It's not a lot, but it's been eight months since the last measurable rainfall, and we've had such a big ashfall pretty much everywhere, it's be great to wash the dust and ash down.

Looks like you gave us 20 degrees and took our rain. We've been blessed with a really light amount of rain this fall, but even more stunning is that it was 75 degrees today and it will be even warmer tomorrow! I really hate that I had obligated myself to my friend when I could be doing a lot back home, but at least it will still be in the 50's when it cools off after Monday, so there's still time.

Ashfall just seems crazy to me. Definitely an event I've never witnessed firsthand.


I also finally managed to square away my sis's Xmas gifts. They both need somewhat "high ticket" items ... one needs a compact reciprocating saw and possibly an oscillating saw (multi tool), the other a smart phone and either a Roku or a smart TV, ... so we did a lot of research at our end and came up with some gift ideas that we ran past them and they're OK with. Plus, I found a DVD for dear daughter that she has been looking for for a LONG time, so I think I scored on that one!

I'd like a compact reciprocating saw and a multi tool while you're shopping too please.

Which DVD? I managed to find a few very elusive ones myself over the years and that's always a reason to celebrate.


Hubby has some tools he wants, too, so my two sisters can put their shekels together and get him a nice brace (drill).

I've never heard it called a brace before.


I'll have to look into that Great Stuff. We have an old house, too, and altho water damage isn't an isse, termite damage is.

Great stuff is truly great stuff. Definately wear gloves when using it, and protect anything that you don't want ruined underneath though. A little goes a long way. If you're anything like I was when I first used it, you're going to end up wasting half the can and cutting it away when it's done expanding.

Last year my bud used great stuff on a horribly rotted out window on his rental. It kept the rain out, but it looked like hell. (The outside of it makes a hard shell, but if you cut it away it's basically a hard sponge and would no longer keep water out). Last weekend I was out there I cut it all away flush with the windows and stucco walls and primered it, then I threw another coat of primer on it today and he came around and caulked whatever still needed to be caulked. I'm going to paint it tomorrow. I can already tell you that it looks like a solid and completely legit window even without the paint on it. I can't believe that we fabricated several feet of missing and rotted out wood with Great Stuff, and I thought he was crazy for trying it. But using a metal cutting sawzall blade by hand (taping up the end with electrical tape) as well as a sharp taping knife, you can really form it into the exact shape you need, and it takes primer extremely well. I didn't even know that before.


Well, reading your following post, it looks like you got the primer on, so I think you're good to go!

Yup. Even got up real early this morning to get the first coat of paint on the windows and got to my buds with 20 minutes to spare.

Still have to get up early to blow the leaves to the curb tomorrow so I don't' have to get up at 5AM on Monday to do it, but then Monday I can wrap up the rest of the outside work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 8, 2020 6:33 AM


Up even earlier today. About 1 1/2 before my alarm. But I'm awake now and if I fell back to sleep and waited for the alarm I'll just be in a lousy mood.

Just have to wait for the sun to come up so I can blow the leaves.

Maybe I'll go pick up that caulk first since my neighbors probably wouldn't appreciate the blower at 6AM on Sunday. Only one part would be close to them, but if the wind is blowing at all, it's the part I'm going to want to do first to avoid double work.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Sunday, November 8, 2020 2:51 PM


Just a lazy, clear Sunday by me. I'll dig out something to listen to later.


Sunday, November 8, 2020 4:29 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

So we secured stuff ahead of the rain (put away tools, power cords, made sure all the bins had their lids on, put the downspout diverters down etc).

Today, after the rain came the WIND!

Gusts up to 40 mph, I think. It's not a lot compared to other parts of the USA, but here in the flatlands of LA it's almost unheard-of.

Since this only happens once very few years, many things which were only lightly attached are now being blown down, and that's a LOT! Palm fronds, tree branches, palm flower stalks (Did I mention that I hate palm trees?), leaves, roof shingles etc. Nature's pruning job.

Unfortunately, an avocado branch landed on a (plastic) hose bib and broke it clean off. I looked out to see a fountain of water arcing over the garden. And a palm frond landed on the raincap of our chimney and knocked it askew. Plus, there are now palm flower stalks scattered across the roof.

I checked the solar panels, everything looks OK there. But I have a cleanup job to do, so I better get to it!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Sunday, November 8, 2020 9:40 PM


40 miles per hour? That's any given day that ends in "day" in Chicago.

I'm surprised things aren't already bolted down for you with all the earthquakes though? Sorry to hear about the mess. You still feeling OK after that?

Got my leaves all blown and my gutters cleaned out. MY NEIGHBOR'S TREE IS EVIL PERSONIFIED. Tiny little leaves that clogged up my gutters from end to end on my entire front house, meaning some 150 away from where the tree stands was still somehow clogged to the brim. The poor downspouts are probably all jammed up too.

We finally tackled the front steps at my bud's house. I don't know how, but I finally got through to him about how important it was to shore that up otherwise all that tuckpointing time and money he's spent would just be wasted after winter falls and the ice blew it all back out and made it even worse on him.

So after three months of telling him and his old man that he needs 15 to 20 bags bags of concrete easy to fill that gap we go to the store today to get what we need. I come out from the bathroom and see he's at the register. How many bags does he have?


OK. I'm done telling him what to do. Eight it is.

First bag mixed up and poured down... I said "There it goes. It's halfway to China".

A half hour later and 8 bags into it and it seems as if we didn't even put a dent into it.

That's when I got assertive. "I told you that we'd need at least 15 to 20 bags".

"Did you tell me that today".

"No. I've been telling you and your old man that for 3 months and how important it was that you do this. When I saw you with 8 bags I figured it was time for you to learn a lesson. So here's what's going to happen now. I'm going to go paint those two windows I came here to paint today, and you're going to go back to the store and get 20 more bags of concrete."

And that's what we did. And he came back with lunch, which in all the day's I've helped him he's never done before.

And after we ate, we poured 11 more bags of concrete down the hole.

He actually thought we were done with only 5 more. Then I went back with a paint stir stick and started jamming it down the cracks on the side that were not as bad as in the middle where it just poured right in and I ended up getting another 6 bags down there the hard way. Now it's full. Now it's not hollow like a chocolate Easter Bunny. Now it's not going to collapse and ruin the 40 hours he put into masonry work and take his entire freaking house down with it when it finally collapsed.

Sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 9, 2020 3:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
40 miles per hour? That's any given day that ends in "day" in Chicago.

I'm surprised things aren't already bolted down for you with all the earthquakes though? Sorry to hear about the mess. You still feeling OK after that?

Got my leaves all blown and my gutters cleaned out. MY NEIGHBOR'S TREE IS EVIL PERSONIFIED. Tiny little leaves that clogged up my gutters from end to end on my entire front house, meaning some 150 away from where the tree stands was still somehow clogged to the brim. The poor downspouts are probably all jammed up too.

We finally tackled the front steps at my bud's house. I don't know how, but I finally got through to him about how important it was to shore that up otherwise all that tuckpointing time and money he's spent would just be wasted after winter falls and the ice blew it all back out and made it even worse on him.

So after three months of telling him and his old man that he needs 15 to 20 bags bags of concrete easy to fill that gap we go to the store today to get what we need. I come out from the bathroom and see he's at the register. How many bags does he have?


OK. I'm done telling him what to do. Eight it is.

First bag mixed up and poured down... I said "There it goes. It's halfway to China".

A half hour later and 8 bags into it and it seems as if we didn't even put a dent into it.

That's when I got assertive. "I told you that we'd need at least 15 to 20 bags".

"Did you tell me that today".

"No. I've been telling you and your old man that for 3 months and how important it was that you do this. When I saw you with 8 bags I figured it was time for you to learn a lesson. So here's what's going to happen now. I'm going to go paint those two windows I came here to paint today, and you're going to go back to the store and get 20 more bags of concrete."

And that's what we did. And he came back with lunch, which in all the day's I've helped him he's never done before.

And after we ate, we poured 11 more bags of concrete down the hole.

He actually thought we were done with only 5 more. Then I went back with a paint stir stick and started jamming it down the cracks on the side that were not as bad as in the middle where it just poured right in and I ended up getting another 6 bags down there the hard way. Now it's full. Now it's not hollow like a chocolate Easter Bunny. Now it's not going to collapse and ruin the 40 hours he put into masonry work and take his entire freaking house down with it when it finally collapsed.

Sometimes you've got to be cruel to be kind

Did I total that up right? 24 bags of concrete??!!?
Do you have ANY idea what could have made such a massive hole?
All I can think of is either a sinkhole or an underground stream. Either way, I think you got the problem solved! The porch steps are now sitting on top of what is essentially a giant boulder!


Oh the kind of earthquake bolting down isn't the same for wind. For earthquakes you need the sill plate bolted to the foundation, the water heater bolted to the wall, Ihopefully some plywood built into your walls... no unreinforced masonry (many ppl were killed in the Long Beach earthquake when chimneys fell thru the roof), stuff like that.

But shingles, tree limbs, lawn furniture... that kind of stuff can get windblown.

Dear daughter and I did most of the cleanup, just palm fronds and branches, but our bins were full so we had to stop. The hose bib and chimney rain cap still need repair and the gutters need cleaning.

I do quite well in cool weather so I feel great. I'm looking forward to putting in a steady hour a day of yardwork. There's still a lot of repair, clean up, leveling, planting and pruning in my future, and if I keep at a steady pace I can get ahead on that and not short all off the other things I need to get done.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Monday, November 9, 2020 4:22 AM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Just please watch your health, Signy.

Yeah, we get far windier here more often, so things get 'pruned' and 'tested' quite a bit more consistently. Earlier this year we got significant wind from S to WSW which it NEVER does! so there was more things down and blown about than usual then, but otherwise winds have to be really extreme to cause anything noticeable here.

I looked up your temps compared to here ... in general your nighttime temps are a degreeF or 2F colder, and your daytime temps are 3F to 5F warmer over the next 10 days. And that seems like a mild offshore breeze except for the few hours of cloudiness near the middle. But man, I find those temps FAR too chilly for me!


Monday, November 9, 2020 4:26 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Did I total that up right? 24 bags of concrete??!!?

Nah... My writing makes sense in my own head, but I've been told that sometimes I don't write as clearly as I think I do.

It was the 8 original bags, and 11 more of the 20 I made him get the 2nd time.

He said something about taking back what he didn't need, and I said "why would you do that now?". He's got two other minor staircases that could use the same treatment, although on a much smaller scale, and I'm sure he can eventually find use for whatever is left of the 9 bags that we don't use. They're only $2.50 a piece. It's not even worth loading back into his car from the garage to get that money back.


Do you have ANY idea what could have made such a massive hole?

It's bad drainage, and what I have to assume has been years of neglect and a blind eye to it. Not only does water pool up in front of both staircases to the side of it where you can tell the water has just been eroding the dirt from the bottom of those steps, but the two slabs that finish the walkway to the front stairs bowed together in the middle creating an almost funnel right into the massive hole on the bottom step. The house is on a big hill, and all that water going directly to (and under) the steps from all sides I think has just washed everything away.

At least, that's my unprofessional opinion. The house has stood there for almost 100 years. But he needs to take care of the obvious and get the water going away from all sides of that foundation before doing anything else. In fact, I think I had better stress to him the importance of taking care of that sooner than later. The gears are turning in his head now, but I need to make sure he realizes that he's not done yet. It's great that we did what we did yesterday, but it won't hold up to the elements very long if it's not properly graded and sealed.

I'm somewhat sensitive to this type of thing having lived through it myself. Sure, his house isn't on a flood plane and from the street you wouldn't think it would ever have any water issues because of the hill that it's on, but the last 5 to 6 years has been crazy with the spring rainfall around these parts, and who needs an underground river when you've got one above ground and everything is sloped toward your house?


All I can think of is either a sinkhole or an underground stream. Either way, I think you got the problem solved! The porch steps are now sitting on top of what is essentially a giant boulder!

I think it's more like a giant iceberg than a boulder right now.



Oh the kind of earthquake bolting down isn't the same for wind. For earthquakes you need the sill plate bolted to the foundation, the water heater bolted to the wall, Ihopefully some plywood built into your walls... no unreinforced masonry (many ppl were killed in the Long Beach earthquake when chimneys fell thru the roof), stuff like that.

But shingles, tree limbs, lawn furniture... that kind of stuff can get windblown.

Heh... Well, that's just seasonal weather every year here. I think it's like when my parents first moved down to Arizona and they'd laugh about how everybody freaked out and the entire place shut down when they had a day or two of standing snow that first winter. I'd imagine we'd get the same reaction here if we witnessed ashfall.

I spent 40 hours the week after the Deracho a few months back cleaning up the mess. Now that one was pretty out of the ordinary, with winds exceeding 110MPH.


Dear daughter and I did most of the cleanup, just palm fronds and branches, but our bins were full so we had to stop. The hose bib and chimney rain cap still need repair and the gutters need cleaning.

I do quite well in cool weather so I feel great. I'm looking forward to putting in a steady hour a day of yardwork. There's still a lot of repair, clean up, leveling, planting and pruning in my future, and if I keep at a steady pace I can get ahead on that and not short all off the other things I need to get done.

Glad to hear that it finally cooled off for you and you're doing well in it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 9, 2020 5:25 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.

Speaking of weather, here is my 10 day: Mon (today) through Sat - highs from 60F-65F Mon (today) through Sat, and lows 38F-49F; with onshore light breezes during the day and the gentlest offshore zephyrs at night.

Then we get to a different weather system starting Sun through Wed - where the highs start out with a bang at Sun 72F then Mon 75F, but then drop to 65 on Wed, the lows are a steady moderate 54F-56F, and the wind switches around from mostly gently offshore Sun through mostly onshore Wed. I was guessing a low pressure will be passing though, and looking at the predicted barometric pressure, that's what I see.


Monday, November 9, 2020 6:37 PM


Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.


Monday, November 9, 2020 7:01 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Speaking of weather, here is my 10 day: Mon (today) through Sat - highs from 60F-65F Mon (today) through Sat, and lows 38F-49F; with onshore light breezes during the day and the gentlest offshore zephyrs at night.

Then we get to a different weather system starting Sun through Wed - where the highs start out with a bang at Sun 72F then Mon 75F, but then drop to 65 on Wed, the lows are a steady moderate 54F-56F, and the wind switches around from mostly gently offshore Sun through mostly onshore Wed. I was guessing a low pressure will be passing though, and looking at the predicted barometric pressure, that's what I see.

Damn... that's pretty cold for where you're at, innit?

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 9, 2020 7:02 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Snow.... :(

We've got one more nice day, and then the bottom drops out. It's still going to be slightly warmer than the average for another week, but Summer is officially over here tomorrow night after a very appreciated late comeback.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 9, 2020 7:06 PM


I drilled out the crap seal that they did on my foundation before. I can't believe they actually mortared it with junk that I had to drill and chisel out... Guh....

At least they never touched the 2nd crack and I could do it without having to remove amateur work.

The cracks are obviously down to the floor, but I only went down about 8 to 12 inches below grade for now. Something is better than nothing, and I'm hoping that as long as we maintain a reasonable amount of rain that between my gutters and this temporary fix I won't be mopping up any water in the spring. Time will tell.

Put the 2nd coat of paint on the windows after that, then I emptied my gutters for the 2nd time in two days (it really needed it), and then I blew whatever I could on my lawn to mow it again. Now I have two full giant trash bins full of mulched leaves and very little grass.

Going out with my friend's dad to do some more work on his house while my friend's at work tomorrow.

Busy, busy, busy...

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Monday, November 9, 2020 11:25 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Snow.... :(

We've got one more nice day, and then the bottom drops out. It's still going to be slightly warmer than the average for another week, but Summer is officially over here tomorrow night after a very appreciated late comeback.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

News weather was talking snow again for tonight and into tomorrow morning for my city and Vancouver as well as a couple of other areas. Have to see if I wake up to white. Right now it is raining though.

My area is expecting dry on Wednesday then rain for Thursday and Friday.


Monday, November 9, 2020 11:56 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Hey there Brenda! A gift of early Christmas rain sent down this way would be much appreciated!

And, I'm thinking about how damp and cold your old place was ... and now you have a warm dry place. I'm still smiling for you!


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 7:57 AM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Snow.... :(

We've got one more nice day, and then the bottom drops out. It's still going to be slightly warmer than the average for another week, but Summer is officially over here tomorrow night after a very appreciated late comeback.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

News weather was talking snow again for tonight and into tomorrow morning for my city and Vancouver as well as a couple of other areas. Have to see if I wake up to white. Right now it is raining though.

My area is expecting dry on Wednesday then rain for Thursday and Friday.

Good luck.

They're talking 55% chance of thunderstorms today now. Just yesterday, it was a 15% chance of rain with no mention of thunderstorms.

I guess I'd better go out and protect the two most vulnerable windows. That paint I put up is oil based, but it doesn't exactly set quick. If the rain is constant and hard enough it might not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 1:18 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Speaking of weather, here is my 10 day: Mon (today) through Sat - highs from 60F-65F Mon (today) through Sat, and lows 38F-49F; with onshore light breezes during the day and the gentlest offshore zephyrs at night.

Then we get to a different weather system starting Sun through Wed - where the highs start out with a bang at Sun 72F then Mon 75F, but then drop to 65 on Wed, the lows are a steady moderate 54F-56F, and the wind switches around from mostly gently offshore Sun through mostly onshore Wed. I was guessing a low pressure will be passing though, and looking at the predicted barometric pressure, that's what I see.

Damn... that's pretty cold for where you're at, innit?

Do Right, Be Right. :)

Here too.

After waking up to 59F in the house a couple of mornings in a row, we broke down and turned on the heat.

We already set up a heating pad under puppy-wuppy's kitchen bed, because she's one of those dogs with only one layer of fur ... none of that fluffy stuff that keeps most dogs warm. Must be the chihuahua in her.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:03 PM



Originally posted by 1KIKI:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Hey there Brenda! A gift of early Christmas rain sent down this way would be much appreciated!

And, I'm thinking about how damp and cold your old place was ... and now you have a warm dry place. I'm still smiling for you!

Hi Kiki.

I would love the send the rain your way but it only seems to travel up. Which is my direction. *L*

Yup, even if I get wet while out. I come home and dry out just fine.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:05 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Snow.... :(

We've got one more nice day, and then the bottom drops out. It's still going to be slightly warmer than the average for another week, but Summer is officially over here tomorrow night after a very appreciated late comeback.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

News weather was talking snow again for tonight and into tomorrow morning for my city and Vancouver as well as a couple of other areas. Have to see if I wake up to white. Right now it is raining though.

My area is expecting dry on Wednesday then rain for Thursday and Friday.

Good luck.

They're talking 55% chance of thunderstorms today now. Just yesterday, it was a 15% chance of rain with no mention of thunderstorms.

I guess I'd better go out and protect the two most vulnerable windows. That paint I put up is oil based, but it doesn't exactly set quick. If the rain is constant and hard enough it might not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

No white this morning Jack. Just dry and a little warmer than yesterday. Now, I see what happens the rest of the week, weather wise that is.

Yikes! Sounds like. You don't need the weather ruining all your hard work.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:09 PM


Dry day out and I had a nice long chat with a lady who works as a support worker. She used to come in a couple of times a week and help me when I was looking after my mom.

We just went to the local mall for a coffee and it was so nice to have someone to talk to for a spell.

As to other things my post for Remembrance Day is written, I just need to post it later. I found my Hogan's Heroes album, so I will play that a bit tomorrow.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 6:15 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Snow.... :(

We've got one more nice day, and then the bottom drops out. It's still going to be slightly warmer than the average for another week, but Summer is officially over here tomorrow night after a very appreciated late comeback.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

News weather was talking snow again for tonight and into tomorrow morning for my city and Vancouver as well as a couple of other areas. Have to see if I wake up to white. Right now it is raining though.

My area is expecting dry on Wednesday then rain for Thursday and Friday.

Good luck.

They're talking 55% chance of thunderstorms today now. Just yesterday, it was a 15% chance of rain with no mention of thunderstorms.

I guess I'd better go out and protect the two most vulnerable windows. That paint I put up is oil based, but it doesn't exactly set quick. If the rain is constant and hard enough it might not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

No white this morning Jack. Just dry and a little warmer than yesterday. Now, I see what happens the rest of the week, weather wise that is.

Yikes! Sounds like. You don't need the weather ruining all your hard work.

I was out all day, but I came back with some light left and things look okay. I don't think we got much rain yet. Hopefully it stays that way. It was just a minor drizzle when I got home. But the clouds are dark.

I'm looking forward to a day off. Tomorrow won't be it, but hopefully soon. Should know more tonight before I go to sleep.

Hope when it snows it's not a big problem for you with your new place. Eventually we're bound to get slammed with it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 9:36 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Today I conquered the mysteries of irrigation system PVC pipe cutting (the old cutter left behind neede repair), pipe gluing and, especially, pipe repair (inserting new pipe into an established line).

In addition to extending the pipe that got nailed by the avocado tree with a coupler and more pipe (I still need another PVC fitting, but that's another story) I had an underground pipe were I literally need to move the sprinkler head over by about 3 ft and inside by about a foot and a half.

So in digging thru the parts left behind, I found a threaded cap for the old sprinkler head fitting ("riser") - no problem there. But I needed to insert a "T" into an existing line. I had the "T", I had the elbow and 1/2" threaded riser fitting to the end of that, what I needed was an extensible insert, which I found online, to allow me to cut out a portion of the old pipe and fit in the rest of the stuff. I also found "purple primer" and "red hot blue glue" and they were both thankfully still liquid, so I made as much of the repair as I could, absent one fitting.

I'm no longer timid about making PVC irrigation system repairs. Yeee haw!

And today, my heart behaved itself.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Tuesday, November 10, 2020 9:55 PM



My only experience with PVC was two emergency sump pump repairs while naked and waist deep in freezing cold water.

I envy the conditions you had while being able to learn the new skill.

Glad you're feeling better. Seems the cold weather couldn't have come at a better time for you.

Got a new thermos today that will hold a pot of coffee and keep it hot all day.

Freakin' McDonalds thinks that it's acceptable to up the price of coffee to over $2.00.

Joke's on them. They just lost a customer for life.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 10:51 PM


Goodbye, kind world (George Monbiot) - In common with all those generations which have contemplated catastrophe, we appear to be incapable of understanding what confronts us.


Damn... that's pretty cold for where you're at, innit?
I missed that scrolling around.

Nope - not where I am, which is inland and away from the moderating ocean, and at the foothills where all the desert air blows into when the winds go offshore.

In fact, Signy can grow lots of things I can't for a mere 40 miles between us.

I found out that the distinguishing factor for tropical plants isn't lots of rain, or lots of heat, it's lack of cold. They can't take anything less than 40-50F (depending on duration). No matter how protected a spot and beneficial a microclimate I might find on my property, the weather here just gets too cold for many of the plants I'd like to grow. Signy otoh has those choices available.


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 11:33 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Well, it made an attempt to snow where I am. Just a bit as I was starting to leave this morning. So I hightailed back in to put on my boots and grab my umbrella. Umbrella I needed as it did start to rain, boots not so much. But better safe than sorry. Quite cold today for around here. See what the news weather has to say.

Sorry to hear that Brenda. Snow.... :(

We've got one more nice day, and then the bottom drops out. It's still going to be slightly warmer than the average for another week, but Summer is officially over here tomorrow night after a very appreciated late comeback.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

News weather was talking snow again for tonight and into tomorrow morning for my city and Vancouver as well as a couple of other areas. Have to see if I wake up to white. Right now it is raining though.

My area is expecting dry on Wednesday then rain for Thursday and Friday.

Good luck.

They're talking 55% chance of thunderstorms today now. Just yesterday, it was a 15% chance of rain with no mention of thunderstorms.

I guess I'd better go out and protect the two most vulnerable windows. That paint I put up is oil based, but it doesn't exactly set quick. If the rain is constant and hard enough it might not end well.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

No white this morning Jack. Just dry and a little warmer than yesterday. Now, I see what happens the rest of the week, weather wise that is.

Yikes! Sounds like. You don't need the weather ruining all your hard work.

I was out all day, but I came back with some light left and things look okay. I don't think we got much rain yet. Hopefully it stays that way. It was just a minor drizzle when I got home. But the clouds are dark.

I'm looking forward to a day off. Tomorrow won't be it, but hopefully soon. Should know more tonight before I go to sleep.

Hope when it snows it's not a big problem for you with your new place. Eventually we're bound to get slammed with it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

That's good Jack. Drizzle doesn't damage it is hard rain and wind that damages things.

Hope you get your break soon.

It shouldn't be as I am up in the main shopping area, so most sidewalks are kept clear for shoppers. But I do still have my cane and boots and other winter gear for the cold outside. So I am prepared.

Yup, the snow will arrive here too. Just a matter of when .


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 7:51 AM


Heh... We got the wind.

Cold front came in and told the warm weather to GTFO last night. Once the rain and colder air set it in calmed down, but I was half expecting the air raid sirens to go off for a while there.

Leaves from 2 cities over are on my formerly pristine lawn now. I'm starting to remember why I'm usually not very proactive on the leaf cleanup.

Do Right, Be Right. :)


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 2:24 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Heh... We got the wind.

Cold front came in and told the warm weather to GTFO last night. Once the rain and colder air set it in calmed down, but I was half expecting the air raid sirens to go off for a while there.

Leaves from 2 cities over are on my formerly pristine lawn now. I'm starting to remember why I'm usually not very proactive on the leaf cleanup.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

One weird thing I noticed about LA weather... but not sure it holds for anywhere else... is that it always seems to be the BACK end of the cold front that does the most damage.

As I understand it, air moves in masses, and altho there is some diffusion and mixing between two air masses it's not enough to overcome the speed with which they move. Cold air, being heavier (warm air rises) tends to slide in under warmer air, lifting it up. As the warm air is lifted, it cools, water vapor precipitates out and forms rain.

But for some reason, the cold fronts here come in perhaps a little more slowly... clouds form, it gets a little breezy (downdrafts, because what goes up must come down) and drizzly, or rainy ... but it isn't until the front is on its way OUT that we get hail, downpours, lightning and thunder, and strong winds.

What about where you are? Next couple of storm fronts, I'd be interested if you kept track and let me know. Just as a point of curiosity, bc I never paid attention to that in WNY.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake



Wednesday, November 11, 2020 5:17 PM


Well, tried out the record player on the Victrola 7 in 1 piece I bought last Christmas and it plays beautifully.

Dug out "Hogan's Heroes" and it has really held up after all these years. Never thought Richard Dawson could make me cry but he did. He attempts to sing "A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square" talking to Larry Hovis character of Carter. Then on "This is Worth Fighting For."

Have to be careful with that part of the machine as it won't be easy to get replacement needles for it.

But it was definitely well worth the money.


Wednesday, November 11, 2020 10:04 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Heh... We got the wind.

Cold front came in and told the warm weather to GTFO last night. Once the rain and colder air set it in calmed down, but I was half expecting the air raid sirens to go off for a while there.

Leaves from 2 cities over are on my formerly pristine lawn now. I'm starting to remember why I'm usually not very proactive on the leaf cleanup.

Do Right, Be Right. :)

One weird thing I noticed about LA weather... but not sure it holds for anywhere else... is that it always seems to be the BACK end of the cold front that does the most damage.

As I understand it, air moves in masses, and altho there is some diffusion and mixing between two air masses it's not enough to overcome the speed with which they move. Cold air, being heavier (warm air rises) tends to slide in under warmer air, lifting it up. As the warm air is lifted, it cools, water vapor precipitates out and forms rain.

But for some reason, the cold fronts here come in perhaps a little more slowly... clouds form, it gets a little breezy (downdrafts, because what goes up must come down) and drizzly, or rainy ... but it isn't until the front is on its way OUT that we get hail, downpours, lightning and thunder, and strong winds.

What about where you are? Next couple of storm fronts, I'd be interested if you kept track and let me know. Just as a point of curiosity, bc I never paid attention to that in WNY.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


I'll try to remember to pay attention. I don't think I ever really looked out for it before, but it was just so obvious last night since we went from record warm weather to a cold front sweeping in and bringing a hell of a storm with it.

Glad we didn't get the worst of it. It wasn't another deracho, but my old man said that north of him there were 75MPH winds and videos of trees uprooted from it.

Do Right, Be Right. :)






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