In the garden, and RAIN!!!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, November 1, 2022 17:55
VIEWED: 736075
PAGE 206 of 231

Sunday, May 1, 2022 10:32 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You should check out this channel if you're interested in how things we take for granted work.

After watching this video, I remember thinking how dumb the reason I thought water towers existed was, and how childlike a mentality you'd have to have about them to even reason out that this was what their purpose was.

I wondered what was so confusing to you, so I watched the vid. I still wonder. What did you think was the purpose of water towers?


Sunday, May 1, 2022 11:02 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
I remember the sun.

It has been so long since I have seen it now though, that sometimes I think it's only something that I imagined. A wonderful dream, perhaps? Possibly something I once saw in an old Sci-Fi movie when I was but a small child?

Tell me about the sun, Brenda! I implore you!

I do not want to forget!


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"

It's this big, bright ball of light. High up in the sky. It's yellow in colour and when its rays fall on the earth they are warm.

Yes! That's it. That's exactly as I remembered it!

Oh somebody please take me there, so I can see it once more with my own eyes!


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"

I am sure that it will make an appearance in your area soon. Or if you have plane fare.



Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"

The sun will come out tomorrow. Bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow there will be sun.


Monday, May 2, 2022 1:32 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
lol wow...

I don't have any sort of filter. Wonder what would have happened to my already sketch water heater that probably should be replaced sooner than later.

You should check out this channel if you're interested in how things we take for granted work.

After watching this video, I remember thinking how dumb the reason I thought water towers existed was, and how childlike a mentality you'd have to have about them to even reason out that this was what their purpose was.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"

Thanks for the vid. When I was a kid I always thought they looked like giant mosquitoes sucking water out of the ground.

One day, as I was driving down the 605 fwy next to the San Gabriel River I started, REALLY started, to look at the high tension transmission lines along the river... thinking "These lines probably come from AES and DWP Haynes and those lines that join up probably come from El Segundo generating station... and all of that water infrastructure, the pumps all busy purifying wastewater to better-than drinking water standard and being pumped underground to make a water-bam against seawater incursion and it occurred to me how very .... VULNERABLE... we all are.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, May 2, 2022 7:42 AM


The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Originally posted by SignyM:
. . . water standard and being pumped underground to make a water-dam against seawater incursion and it occurred to me how very .... VULNERABLE... we all are.

Just before midnight on March 12, 1928, about 40 miles north of Los Angeles, one of the biggest dams in the country blew apart, releasing a wall of water 20 stories high. Ten thousand people lived downstream. Flood in the Desert tells the story of the St. Francis Dam disaster, which not only destroyed hundreds of lives and millions of dollars’ worth of property; it also washed away the reputation of William Mulholland, the father of modern Los Angeles, and jeopardized larger plans to transform the West. A self-taught engineer, the 72-year-old Mulholland had launched the city’s remarkable growth by building both an aqueduct to pipe water 233 miles from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the St. Francis Dam, to hold a full year’s supply of water for Los Angeles. Now Mulholland was promoting an immense new project: the Hoover Dam. The collapse of the St. Francis Dam was a colossal engineering and human disaster that might have slowed the national project to tame the West. But within days a concerted effort was underway to erase the dam’s failure from popular memory.

Premieres May 3, 2022
Flood in the Desert
They paid the ultimate price for water

Flood in the Desert: Chapter 1

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at


Monday, May 2, 2022 8:54 AM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Thanks for the vid. When I was a kid I always thought they looked like giant mosquitoes sucking water out of the ground.

That's a good one. I like that.

Me? At some point in my childhood my developing brain decided that water towers existed to be rain catchers that stored up all the rain as it fell and that's how we got our water. And if at any point I ever asked anybody, they knew about as much as I did and didn't give me any explanation for them that sounded any better. As the years went on and you grow up and just stop caring to figure out all the small ways the world around us works, I never really gave it all that much thought anymore.

I could see how living in California would make me think that there was no way this could possibly be what they were for, but I think the fact that somewhere in the back of my mind that memory of being a child still persisted until my eyes were open to the real purpose for them is a testament to just how much damn water we get here every year.

But seriously... We'd have to have like Noah's Ark level flooding going on all the time for my idea to have been reasonable.

It really was a "oh duh!" moment for me, and I was yet again impressed by the ingenuity that came before us that most of us take for granted every day.


One day, as I was driving down the 605 fwy next to the San Gabriel River I started, REALLY started, to look at the high tension transmission lines along the river... thinking "These lines probably come from AES and DWP Haynes and those lines that join up probably come from El Segundo generating station... and all of that water infrastructure, the pumps all busy purifying wastewater to better-than drinking water standard and being pumped underground to make a water-bam against seawater incursion and it occurred to me how very .... VULNERABLE... we all are.

Well... We do have safeguards in place. It's not as if those power lines breaking and falling down next to a weeping pipe would end up with thousands of people being electrocuted while taking a shower...



Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Monday, May 2, 2022 12:17 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by second:

Originally posted by SignyM:
. . . water standard and being pumped underground to make a water-dam against seawater incursion and it occurred to me how very .... VULNERABLE... we all are.

Just before midnight on March 12, 1928, about 40 miles north of Los Angeles, one of the biggest dams in the country blew apart, releasing a wall of water 20 stories high. Ten thousand people lived downstream. Flood in the Desert tells the story of the St. Francis Dam disaster, which not only destroyed hundreds of lives and millions of dollars’ worth of property; it also washed away the reputation of William Mulholland, the father of modern Los Angeles, and jeopardized larger plans to transform the West. A self-taught engineer, the 72-year-old Mulholland had launched the city’s remarkable growth by building both an aqueduct to pipe water 233 miles from the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and the St. Francis Dam, to hold a full year’s supply of water for Los Angeles. Now Mulholland was promoting an immense new project: the Hoover Dam. The collapse of the St. Francis Dam was a colossal engineering and human disaster that might have slowed the national project to tame the West. But within days a concerted effort was underway to erase the dam’s failure from popular memory.

Premieres May 3, 2022
Flood in the Desert
They paid the ultimate price for water

Flood in the Desert: Chapter 1

The Joss Whedon script for Serenity, where Wash lives, is Serenity-190pages.pdf at

There is a ginormous earthen dam called the Santa Fe Dam near the San Gabriel River (by the 605 and 210) which has never been filled. Behind that giant wall of boulders and rocks is a "recreation center" with a little puddle of a lake, trees and benches ... obviously not the intended use of that construction. I can't find it NOW, it seems to have been scrubbed from the inet, but my dim memory of why that dam was never filled is because someone re-calculated the risk of dam failure due to earthquake. Either it was an engineering recalculation or a re-estimation of seismic risk. In any case, someone had an appropriate butt-puckering moment when they thought of tens of thousands or so people living downstream along the San Gabriel River. I can't imagine who would have even thought it was a good idea to begin with, but I'm glad they never put it into use.

There ARE, however, some very clever engineering projects along the San Gabriel River to get water underground. I had the great fortune to call up .. out of sheer curiosity, simply as an interested resident ... the agency that manages our underground water and was put in touch with (I found out later) the hydrology manager, and he spent 15 minutes while I peppered him with questions. I learned about the dams and impoundments along the river, the strata underlying our water basin, the importance of the Newport Inglewood fault, why it is so difficult to un-concretize the LA River now, why there are no recharge basins or dams further downstream on any of the major LA Rivers (LA River, San Gabriel River, Rio Hondo ... because the farther you get away from the mountains the smaller the deposited particles. Too far downstream it's all clay, and doesn't allow water to be absorbed). Also, why it's so difficult to reclaim stormwater (Running off roofs, roadways etc it's contaminated with trash, animal shit, motor oil, air pollution that has been accumulating for 10 months including tire dust and diesel soot), fertilizers and pesticides etc etc.

Sorry for geeking out but I find this endlessly fascinating and I'm just plain nosy, so I ask.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, May 2, 2022 12:41 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oooooohhh... speaking of butt-puckering monents, SIX... what an accident! Thanks for the vid!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Monday, May 2, 2022 1:19 PM


Out in the rain on a Monday morning.


Monday, May 2, 2022 5:12 PM


Back and the rain that was around stopped after I got off the bus. I don't walk the hills in my city anymore and I was at a thrift store that was at the bottom of one. Took the bus down too. The sun is out now.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 1:15 PM


Out for my walk in a bit. Not dragging umbrella as it is dry out right now.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 4:31 PM


Back and in. It was spitting a bit ago but it's stopped now.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 7:02 PM


My aunt just told me today that in the last 40 days we've had one day of sunlight.

Today was not that day, I'm afraid.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 7:03 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oooooohhh... speaking of butt-puckering monents, SIX... what an accident! Thanks for the vid!

I know, right. It's amazing the dude lived through it.

Hopefully Russia does lockout-tagout now. But even that's going to not work out the right way some times...

Number 6, in particular. (Failed assembly line stoppage)


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 7:20 PM


Thought you might enjoy this SIG.


Tuesday, May 3, 2022 11:17 PM


raining again rest of the week.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 12:44 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My aunt just told me today that in the last 40 days we've had one day of sunlight.

Today was not that day, I'm afraid.

That's some seriously shitty weather, SIX! What's in the forecast? Something better, I hope??

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 12:45 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:

Thought you might enjoy this SIG.

Oooooh! Thanks for that BRENDA!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 12:57 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Those treatments are putting a serious dent into every day. But aside from that, I managed to come up with a menu for the next week, and a grocery list, which for some reason took me twice as long as usual.

And then hubby decided to finish fixing the vacuum cleaner by cutting out the old switch and installing the new one. ...

Back in our old lab, there was a sign in fake German on one of our more powerful instruments (wavelength dispersive X-ray analyzer) that had to do with keeping fingers off (gefingerpoken) and it ended with "mitt spitzen sparken". I think you can tell how the rewiring went. Three blown circuit breakers later... hubby figured out how it should have been wired and it works. In the meantime, I replaced the motor (sponge) filter with a cut-to-fit old green scrubbie (bc we didn't have any replacements for that), and cleaned out the old HEPA filter by banging out about a teaspoon of black dust, and then taking it outside and using compressed air to blow more dust out. In between holding stuff while hubby was soldering, I also did some internet sleuthing and found a replacement HEPA for the 30-year-old vacuum cleaner.

At some point, the plastic body is going to be so brittle that nothing can be done to resurrect it, but it now lives to clean another day.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 1:05 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:

Thought you might enjoy this SIG.

Oooooh! Thanks for that BRENDA!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

I hope you found it as funny as I did.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 1:07 PM


Out for my walk in the rain which is back for the rest of the week.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 4:17 PM


Back and in but at least the rain has held off.


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 5:42 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
My aunt just told me today that in the last 40 days we've had one day of sunlight.

Today was not that day, I'm afraid.

That's some seriously shitty weather, SIX! What's in the forecast? Something better, I hope??

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Two more days of rain after today. Still cold through the weekend, but next week is supposed to be nice... hopefully.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Wednesday, May 4, 2022 11:16 PM


Off to mah jong tomorrow. Hope I have better luck than last week.


Thursday, May 5, 2022 4:58 PM


Rain and no luck at mah jong. 1 decent hand then everything went down hill from there.


Thursday, May 5, 2022 8:53 PM


Bummer... :(

Luck wasn't too good here either.

My car problem wasn't a bad flex pipe. That wasn't exhaust I was seeing, but just char marks and smoke coming up from oil burning off the outside that dripped from the engine leak I already knew I had. There was a piece in the back of the old pipe that needed to be welded on though.

Live test showed a dead O2 sensor. The one on the rear half that I'd never have been able to get to on my own with my equipment. Parts and labor for everything were cheap, considering, but a drive cycle afterward still hasn't gotten my monitor to check out OK. The mechanic doesn't believe that I have a problem with my Catalytic Converter at all, but who knows what's up at this point.

It's still so cold around here I think I'm just wasting gas driving around without a purpose, so it won't be getting any more real road time until Sunday when I go to install the new wall A/C unit at my aunt's new apartment when it's finally going to be 60 degrees. Warm week next week, so if that doesn't do it I just might have to fill up the tank and spend an entire day driving around for no reason.

And just like two years ago, the idiots are making me drive 100 times more to try to clear this stupid code than I would have with normal driving. So much for the atmosphere.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, May 5, 2022 8:56 PM



Originally posted by JEWELSTAITEFAN:

Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
You should check out this channel if you're interested in how things we take for granted work.

After watching this video, I remember thinking how dumb the reason I thought water towers existed was, and how childlike a mentality you'd have to have about them to even reason out that this was what their purpose was.

I wondered what was so confusing to you, so I watched the vid. I still wonder. What did you think was the purpose of water towers?

We know dude. You're amazing.

I already answered your question somewhere in here when I was talking to Sigs.

I wouldn't have answered it with your shitty tone though.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Thursday, May 5, 2022 11:33 PM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:
Bummer... :(

Luck wasn't too good here either.

My car problem wasn't a bad flex pipe. That wasn't exhaust I was seeing, but just char marks and smoke coming up from oil burning off the outside that dripped from the engine leak I already knew I had. There was a piece in the back of the old pipe that needed to be welded on though.

Live test showed a dead O2 sensor. The one on the rear half that I'd never have been able to get to on my own with my equipment. Parts and labor for everything were cheap, considering, but a drive cycle afterward still hasn't gotten my monitor to check out OK. The mechanic doesn't believe that I have a problem with my Catalytic Converter at all, but who knows what's up at this point.

It's still so cold around here I think I'm just wasting gas driving around without a purpose, so it won't be getting any more real road time until Sunday when I go to install the new wall A/C unit at my aunt's new apartment when it's finally going to be 60 degrees. Warm week next week, so if that doesn't do it I just might have to fill up the tank and spend an entire day driving around for no reason.

And just like two years ago, the idiots are making me drive 100 times more to try to clear this stupid code than I would have with normal driving. So much for the atmosphere.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"

It happens. First hand I had 5 doubles on it which is how I started out with over 1,00points but after that I just couldn't get anything going. I managed to go out but I had to take a run or a "chow" which is 3 tiles with consecutive numbers on them like "1,2,3" and then my pair. Finished up with over 2,000 points but not enough to get anything.

Bummer that you still can't get your car right. What I know about cars you can fit on the head of a pin.

At least you will be dry next week. Suppose to be semi-dry here tomorrow then back to rain for the weekend and into next week. We've had such a soggy Spring up here it is not funny. Got another trough of cold area sitting over most of BC and going into Alberta and the rest of the prairies. Not fun.


Friday, May 6, 2022 12:34 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Yeah, SIX, what's with that "driving cycle"? It seems you have to drive a certain number of miles, I guess under varying conditions (freeway speed, tooling around etc) and it sets some sort of flag. Which gets reset when the battery dies or is disconnected. Clearly it's connected to an onboard computer. Which, I guess, all cars (even old ones) with pollution control equipment have. (I didn't realize until I had the same problem with my old car that onboard computers went back that far.)

Do you have more info than that? Like - what else might re-set that flag? What, exactly, constitutes a "driving cycle"?


I feel for you and your car issues. Wish I could help!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, May 6, 2022 12:46 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Five more days of radiation therapy. Only four, after today. Last one next Thursday and I will be done, done, done with that. Woo hoo!

Saw the nephrologist, and was I NOT impressed! I got more info and advice from my internist and a nutritionist! I waited a long time and he hadn't even read my chart. I had to relay everything that THEY told me past him, PLUS my recent history. And he seemed very inexperienced. No closer to finding out what went wrong and how to make it better/ not make it worse except avoid NSAIDS (which is going to be painful, literally, seeing as I have a pain syndrome.)

And poor hubby. He had a trigger point injection into his pirifomis muscle and it helped ... for a week. Now he's in excruciating pain, again. They have not found the other cause(s) of his nerve pain yet. I hope the MRI tells them something useful and that they have a permanent fix, bc right now he can't walk 20 ft w/o pain that feels worse than his broken collarbone did.

Oh, well. Onward thru the fog!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, May 6, 2022 12:49 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Oh BTW BRENDA, I think you're right! In looking thru the inet for other Shetland compilations, I ran across a few interviews that mention a Season 7. Supposedly due out later this year. Looking forward to that!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, May 6, 2022 1:17 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Oh BTW BRENDA, I think you're right! In looking thru the inet for other Shetland compilations, I ran across a few interviews that mention a Season 7. Supposedly due out later this year. Looking forward to that!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Good. Glad you found some more. Yeah, when I went looking a bit that's how I came with the info about Series 7. Me too.


Friday, May 6, 2022 1:18 PM


Out for a walk in the dry in a bit. Need to get a refill of my seizure meds.


Friday, May 6, 2022 5:00 PM


Back and done for today.


Friday, May 6, 2022 9:03 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and done for today.

And now for a well-deserved sit-down!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Friday, May 6, 2022 11:12 PM



Originally posted by Brenda:
It happens. First hand I had 5 doubles on it which is how I started out with over 1,00points but after that I just couldn't get anything going. I managed to go out but I had to take a run or a "chow" which is 3 tiles with consecutive numbers on them like "1,2,3" and then my pair. Finished up with over 2,000 points but not enough to get anything.

As long as you have fun playing either way, right?


Bummer that you still can't get your car right. What I know about cars you can fit on the head of a pin.

We'll add this to the ever-growing list of things I'd rather have never known... like how to remove raccoons from your attic.


At least you will be dry next week. Suppose to be semi-dry here tomorrow then back to rain for the weekend and into next week. We've had such a soggy Spring up here it is not funny. Got another trough of cold area sitting over most of BC and going into Alberta and the rest of the prairies. Not fun.

Yeah. Even though it's cold this weekend, it looks like 9 straight days of sunlight with some clouds in a row. I can't wait to see the sun again tomorrow.

We've had quite a lot of rain here too. Hopefully your dry spell is on the way soon too, Brenda.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, May 6, 2022 11:14 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Five more days of radiation therapy. Only four, after today. Last one next Thursday and I will be done, done, done with that. Woo hoo!

Saw the nephrologist, and was I NOT impressed! I got more info and advice from my internist and a nutritionist! I waited a long time and he hadn't even read my chart. I had to relay everything that THEY told me past him, PLUS my recent history. And he seemed very inexperienced. No closer to finding out what went wrong and how to make it better/ not make it worse except avoid NSAIDS (which is going to be painful, literally, seeing as I have a pain syndrome.)

And poor hubby. He had a trigger point injection into his pirifomis muscle and it helped ... for a week. Now he's in excruciating pain, again. They have not found the other cause(s) of his nerve pain yet. I hope the MRI tells them something useful and that they have a permanent fix, bc right now he can't walk 20 ft w/o pain that feels worse than his broken collarbone did.

Oh, well. Onward thru the fog!

Glad everything seems to be going well for your treatments, Sigs. Sorry to hear about your husband. Hopefully your doctors are better at troubleshooting a human body than my mechanic and I are at troubleshooting my car.

BTW... Have you ever heard anything from Kiki?


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, May 6, 2022 11:30 PM



Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Yeah, SIX, what's with that "driving cycle"? It seems you have to drive a certain number of miles, I guess under varying conditions (freeway speed, tooling around etc) and it sets some sort of flag. Which gets reset when the battery dies or is disconnected. Clearly it's connected to an onboard computer. Which, I guess, all cars (even old ones) with pollution control equipment have. (I didn't realize until I had the same problem with my old car that onboard computers went back that far.)

Do you have more info than that? Like - what else might re-set that flag? What, exactly, constitutes a "driving cycle"?


I feel for you and your car issues. Wish I could help!

I actually have the official Driving Cycle spec sheet for my make/model/year car, along with the entire mechanics manual for everything from the engine to the electrical system. Not exactly something that normies like me should be able to get their hands on without a hefty fee, but I've got my methods.

It seems that I'm also fortunate enough to own a make/model/year car where the driving cycles aren't anything too nutty or complex either. I hear that BMW's cycles are pretty stupid and annoying.

Honestly, if everything were working right, it shouldn't be much of a problem. Unless something has changed or gotten extremely dirty inside, or another sensor is broken that we haven't isolated yet, I shouldn't really even have to worry much about driving cycles. Two years ago after welding on the new pipe I had all the monitors in the OK state within less than 30 minutes of highway/street driving. Between that time and the point that my check engine light came back on last summer I had to disconnect the battery twice and all the monitors went back to an OK state without me babysitting it at all.

Temperature DOES play a roll though. I know for sure that the EVAP (gas tank evaporation) monitor won't even run unless the outside ambient temperature is at least in the 60's, so it's no surprise that I haven't been able to get that one to show OK with how cold it's been around here. The spec sheet doesn't indicate that the CAT monitor cares about ambient temperature, or that it requires the EVAP monitor to clear first, but there has never been a single occasion that I've ever got the CAT to show OK before the EVAP did. (But correlation isn't causation, and all of that...)

I was doing some more digging on the forums and the consensus seems to be that you SHOULD reset the MIL after replacing an O2 Sensor because your system is running off of erroneous data that the old/bad O2 sensor had stored in the computer. There actually isn't even a specific monitor for the Catalytic Converter itself, and the "CAT MON" shown on the OBD reader is actually a collection of various readings put off from a collection of sensors in the car including both of my O2 sensors.

This could possibly be the missing piece for me here. My mechanic didn't reset anything while he was working on it, and I didn't reset the computer before doing my single drive cycle in the cold.

So tonight, not only did I clear the codes with the OBD2 monitor, but I disconnected the battery, hit the break while turning the key to discharge the system, hooked it back up, put the key in the start position (right before firing up the ignition) for 2 minutes, then started the car and let it just sit there in idle for 10 minutes before shutting it down.

This is (supposedly) supposed to go a step further than just resetting the computer and also supposed to reset your idle air sensor control motor, so it can be re-calibrated from scratch. I was warned that you shouldn't do this unless you've recently cleaned the upper intake valve and throttle body because you could be left with an old dirty car that won't idle properly and will constantly sputter and die on you, but I DID just do that a week or two ago (which is what did the trick when I mentioned that it's running better now than it has in a long time). It seemed to idle just fine for the 10 minutes, and that is good since I lowered the idle position down from 1000RPM to about 750RPM or so after the cleaning, so if there was going to be any problems they'd be more pronounced now than they were when I was idling so high (and wasting a lot of gas for years).

So Sunday I'm going to wait until it hit's 60 degrees here then go out to my Gram's for Mother's Day. We're taking her with us to my aunt's new place and I'm going to install her wall A/C for her.

With any luck, I'll get all the monitors to clear by the trip back. Otherwise, I've got a date with a full gas tank, some snake-oil engine cleaning products, and a long drive on Monday.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Friday, May 6, 2022 11:58 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:

Originally posted by Brenda:
Back and done for today.

And now for a well-deserved sit-down!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

Yup, had nice long one too.


Saturday, May 7, 2022 12:03 AM



Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by Brenda:
It happens. First hand I had 5 doubles on it which is how I started out with over 1,00points but after that I just couldn't get anything going. I managed to go out but I had to take a run or a "chow" which is 3 tiles with consecutive numbers on them like "1,2,3" and then my pair. Finished up with over 2,000 points but not enough to get anything.

As long as you have fun playing either way, right?


Bummer that you still can't get your car right. What I know about cars you can fit on the head of a pin.

We'll add this to the ever-growing list of things I'd rather have never known... like how to remove raccoons from your attic.


At least you will be dry next week. Suppose to be semi-dry here tomorrow then back to rain for the weekend and into next week. We've had such a soggy Spring up here it is not funny. Got another trough of cold area sitting over most of BC and going into Alberta and the rest of the prairies. Not fun.

Yeah. Even though it's cold this weekend, it looks like 9 straight days of sunlight with some clouds in a row. I can't wait to see the sun again tomorrow.

We've had quite a lot of rain here too. Hopefully your dry spell is on the way soon too, Brenda.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"

I love playing. It's a great game to keep the brain going.

Part of the joys of life. I don't mind learning new things.

It was great in my area today but yeah slight chance of showers with a wee bit of sun and mostly clouds for tomorrow and the same for Sunday and the next week. I hope the dry comes soon as May is shaping up to look a lot like April.


Saturday, May 7, 2022 12:30 AM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.


Originally posted by 6IXSTRINGJACK:

Originally posted by SIGNYM:
Five more days of radiation therapy. Only four, after today. Last one next Thursday and I will be done, done, done with that. Woo hoo!

Saw the nephrologist, and was I NOT impressed! I got more info and advice from my internist and a nutritionist! I waited a long time and he hadn't even read my chart. I had to relay everything that THEY told me past him, PLUS my recent history. And he seemed very inexperienced. No closer to finding out what went wrong and how to make it better/ not make it worse except avoid NSAIDS (which is going to be painful, literally, seeing as I have a pain syndrome.)

And poor hubby. He had a trigger point injection into his pirifomis muscle and it helped ... for a week. Now he's in excruciating pain, again. They have not found the other cause(s) of his nerve pain yet. I hope the MRI tells them something useful and that they have a permanent fix, bc right now he can't walk 20 ft w/o pain that feels worse than his broken collarbone did.

Oh, well. Onward thru the fog!

Glad everything seems to be going well for your treatments, Sigs. Sorry to hear about your husband. Hopefully your doctors are better at troubleshooting a human body than my mechanic and I are at troubleshooting my car.

BTW... Have you ever heard anything from Kiki?


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"

I think KIKI is OK.

I hope clearing the computer does the trick. I was surprised to learn that the computer adjusts operating parameters away from the factory setting for optimum pollution control, and saves them on an ongoing basis.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, May 7, 2022 1:16 PM


Another laundry day is here as soon as I get up and going. Then it looks like it could be dry for my walk after.


Saturday, May 7, 2022 2:51 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Puppy-wuppy takes me for a walk nearly every day, whether I want to or not. Sometimes, if I'm pressed for time or when I was on serious chemo, it' s short (a few houses down, and back). But lately I've been doing the more usual appx 0.4-0.5 miles. Puppy picks the route, so it varies. In summer I try to go earlier b4 it gets too blastedly hot.

Do you go at the same time? How far/long do you walk? Different routes?

I used to love to walk until I developed a pain syndrome. Now sometimes I just grit my teeth.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, May 7, 2022 4:05 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
I think KIKI is OK.

I hope so. I know we had our differences, but it's weird not hearing anything from her for so long.


I hope clearing the computer does the trick. I was surprised to learn that the computer adjusts operating parameters away from the factory setting for optimum pollution control, and saves them on an ongoing basis.

Yeah. Me too.

It's kind of cool that the computer can adjust things like that based off of sensor output, especially when the car is getting pretty long in the tooth. As much as I rail on the state for putting only SOME people through this every two years, the exhaust system does play a pretty sizable role in how good your car performs.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Saturday, May 7, 2022 5:14 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Puppy-wuppy takes me for a walk nearly every day, whether I want to or not. Sometimes, if I'm pressed for time or when I was on serious chemo, it' s short (a few houses down, and back). But lately I've been doing the more usual appx 0.4-0.5 miles. Puppy picks the route, so it varies. In summer I try to go earlier b4 it gets too blastedly hot.

Do you go at the same time? How far/long do you walk? Different routes?

I used to love to walk until I developed a pain syndrome. Now sometimes I just grit my teeth.

A puppy!! How lovely and crazy making at the same time. My poor old dog is 15 and struggling with life - he’s still enjoying his food but the steps around the house are killers for him- poor sweet.

After a long rather lovely Summer and Autumn - the weather has taken a wintry turn. It would be mild for many of you - especially Brenda- frankly I can’t imagine living somewhere that cold. But I’m bunkered down with essays so it’s not much of an issue. I’m lucky enough to be close to forest where I can walk most days

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Saturday, May 7, 2022 5:24 PM



Originally posted by SignyM:
Puppy-wuppy takes me for a walk nearly every day, whether I want to or not. Sometimes, if I'm pressed for time or when I was on serious chemo, it' s short (a few houses down, and back). But lately I've been doing the more usual appx 0.4-0.5 miles. Puppy picks the route, so it varies. In summer I try to go earlier b4 it gets too blastedly hot.

Do you go at the same time? How far/long do you walk? Different routes?

I used to love to walk until I developed a pain syndrome. Now sometimes I just grit my teeth.

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

I try to go out the same time unless I have early appointments for the dentist like in a couple of weeks. Mostly I walk the same route unless I am really bored and decide I need to see something else.

I'm usually out a couple of hours but that also includes a stop for coffee and a bite to eat. *L*.


Saturday, May 7, 2022 5:28 PM



Originally posted by MAGONSDAUGHTER:

Originally posted by SignyM:
Puppy-wuppy takes me for a walk nearly every day, whether I want to or not. Sometimes, if I'm pressed for time or when I was on serious chemo, it' s short (a few houses down, and back). But lately I've been doing the more usual appx 0.4-0.5 miles. Puppy picks the route, so it varies. In summer I try to go earlier b4 it gets too blastedly hot.

Do you go at the same time? How far/long do you walk? Different routes?

I used to love to walk until I developed a pain syndrome. Now sometimes I just grit my teeth.

A puppy!! How lovely and crazy making at the same time. My poor old dog is 15 and struggling with life - he’s still enjoying his food but the steps around the house are killers for him- poor sweet.

After a long rather lovely Summer and Autumn - the weather has taken a wintry turn. It would be mild for many of you - especially Brenda- frankly I can’t imagine living somewhere that cold. But I’m bunkered down with essays so it’s not much of an issue. I’m lucky enough to be close to forest where I can walk most days

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake

The many splendors of North America. Different areas can get different degrees of cold Magnon.

I wouldn't mind a walk through a forest or a walk along the beach. Too awkward for me to get to such places without my own car.


Saturday, May 7, 2022 5:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

As long as your dog still enjoys food, s/he wants to live. When animals lose their interest in food, they're in the dying process.

Is the problem pain, or a combination of things? I have some dog-walking friends and they are SERIOUS dog-lovers, and they had an old dog that was born deaf and had, by 16, developed heart failure, a seizure disorder (that I think was more or less continuous bc the dog cocked it's head all the time, which may have come from a disturbance in an occipital lobe interfering with a field of vision .. more about that in a bit) and painful joints. So they kept him going on heart medication and anti-convulsants (which made the dog dopey but didn't correct the head-cocking) and pain pills. But someone ... it may have even been the vet ... put them on to CBD oil, and when I saw the dig afterwards he was moving more freely and his head was straight. Eventually they had to euthanize the dog bc heart failure but they made his life as enjoyable as they could while he was alive.

Anyway... CBD oil maybe?

Our dog isn't really a puppy but she acts like one: still very active and playful (after I adjusted her diet). Poor "puppy" is living with a couple of oldsters who can't keep up with her!

If you're that close to a forest that you can walk there, I can see why fire would be a big concern.

Altho grass fires can be devastating too. I once saw a picture of a car that got swept y a grass fire... there was literally a shiny puddle of molten metal underneath. All that from burning GRASS???

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, May 8, 2022 10:32 AM


Happy Mother's Day, ladies.

I'm out. Going to get my aunt's A/C installed and visiting Grams.


Me: "Remember Covid?"

Useless Idiots: "What's Covid, durr? Russia, Ukraine, Putin, NATO *drool*. DURRRR!!!!"


Sunday, May 8, 2022 1:43 PM


I believe in solving problems, not sharing them.

Those are the best Mother's Day gifts ever!

Pity would be no more,
If we did not MAKE men poor - William Blake


Sunday, May 8, 2022 1:46 PM


Looks like all the Mothers I know will be getting a dry day to enjoy.






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