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Entries are sorted in chronological order with most recent entries at the bottom of the page.
Life is gettin teedeeuos on board...I guess being stuck in one place to long and under a watchful eye tends to be that way. Hopefully by sunday we will be underway again and I will have a bit more ...
It sure is. I have a dentist appointment today; unpleasant tooth-ache (is there any other kind, I wonder?). Eating hurts like, well, that special hell. :) Though it affords me a good -- albeit ostentatiously ...
Well, I'm here to make an announcement. Both Werzbowski and I have been absent from the world of Firefly fanfic for quite a while, despite our ongoing tales including the crew of Serenity, as well as ...
Oh, yes, my pretties I have purchased my tickets and will be meeting the wonderful actors of Firefly/Serenity... On 11 March 2006 at Grand Slam 2006... Nathan Fillion (yum!:blush: ), Summer Glau ...
The excitement, the sweaty palms, the insomnia!! And that’s all before you actually get to the convention… Once you get there however, it seems like everything will be ok, that the anticipation and the ...
OVER $1150.00 donated in Nathan's Name! Keep it coming the Community Food Bank was over joyed by the amount this project brought in and just as a little tidbit of information... 1150.00 dollars ...
I like watching Justice League and I came across something interesting. In Justice League, Season 5, Episode 7, Nathan Fillion is in it!!! He's the voice actor of a cowboy called "Vigilante'" and ...
And now for something completely different. As in my fourth Firefly music video, which focuses on Jayne. I was shooting for a look that matched the character - very abrupt, kind of goofy, lots of action. ...
Well, after countless attempts at contacting the cast/Joss by snail mail, I have nothing to show for it. All of it gets "returned to sender." So, I've pretty much given up on the postal system to talk ...
I finished the intro for the tango vid (amazing how you can work on a vid for 4 hours or so and end up with a 30 sec piece of it). Putting the audio bits in at exactly the right spot is a bit tricky. ...
During every semester this company, or group I'm not really sure what they are, tour around the universities selling posters and stuff so students can plaster their walls. I've walked through their rows ...
I've been reading some theories about Inara, and theories about Inara's relationship, and due to the fact I don't -wanna- click that link that says "Inara Stuffs", I'm just gonna post it here. So, ...
XD i'm only a noob on this site~ on deviant (
i *love* [i]battlestar galactica[/i] man! the new one, obviously. i have a hardcore crush on starbuck. we've been doing the series dvds straight through, since i didn't get into it until after someone ...
to any one reading this: three minutes before i go to class, I just want to say that it really was a shame that the SHOW was cancelled becuase, for one thing, its driving me nuts how no serious motive ...
Well, the Friday Firefly lunchtime series at my place of work is going quite well. I started it to create buzz for the Serenity DVD release, and I think I sold a few copies through demonstration of Joss/BDH ...
Well, in about two weeks, On the Drift, our album of music inspired by Firefly and Serenity, will be available online, but folks going to WonderCon in San Diego can pick up their copies at the Browncoat ...
*MOVIE SPOILER BELOW* I'm slightly nervous now. I recently lent my spare FF boxset to a work colleague. He watched the whole thing in two days, loved it, now he wants to see the BDM when it's released ...
River, in a good way, is totally off the chart. She can kill with her brain, yet melts me with a look! It's just... everything. The subtle things, like walking bare-foots, the right-after "Am I talking ...
never mind
I was off work today and spend a lot of time editing the tango vid again. It is now about 3/4 done, so I hope to finish it tomorrow. I had a hard time with the soundfiles. The video software cannot ...
Boy my feet are killin me... Follow this road to this street and look for the big brick building...get forms 940-oops/090/81 and G782-5A/L...fill out these and go to the 3rd widow of the buildin 9 ...
I went and bought some Silk Screening Textile Inks the other day and decided to give silk screening a try... I ended up buying a sheer curtain to use as the screen, and made the frame out of a 2x2 (snicker) ...
Most first blogs are abominable. I am going to try and avoid that here. I don't think it will be too hard, as another site I spend a great deal of time at chewed me up and spit me out for being...well... ...
So I was flipping through the satellite programming guide and, as usual not paying any attention to the pay per view options, when I see something that catches my eye. Could it be? Yep, Serenity ...
Its gonna be good to get back to normal life... The Cook should be back from where she went soon... Im healthy as a horse...Doctor said I didnt need ta have the lighted tube Stuck up me bum this ...
Huzzah! Got the remainder of my tax refund deposited into my account when I got home from work this morning. Now, I've promised to try and save a sizeable chunk of it this time so I won't be kicking myself ...
I HATE WAITING!!!!!!!! hurry up and respond, stupit universities!!!! i waited THREE WHOLE MONTHS already. i am going crazy... gah. i should be doing physics revision... *glances at books* *trash ...
... and then another two and a half months without a post or log entry because ... well, I guess everything's just going too well. I figured it out. I need things to complain about. I was posting ...
well, i sold three dvd's and five cd's to pay for gas in order to get to work today. YES!!!! What can i say, economic prosperity flows on. Oh. :biggrin: I'm happy. I'm at work. filling in ...
Here's a rather humourous (if I may say so myself)video that i made.
The tango vid is finished. If you are interested, you can check it out on my homepage (
Over on another board somewhere, members have been challenged to describe other members in a fun and entertaining fashion. So, courtesty of TheFarscapeLounge member Ian, I give you... The Ballad Of Rel. [i]Rel, ...
I feel so lonely, today. :( I check the board often; write the occasional post, too. But I feel so lost today. I try and be quasi-funny, crack a few chicken jokes, grab a few laughs here and there. But, ...
look in the General Discussion thread for all details... Shes floatin better than before and soon I hope to continue my Blogs for yalls enjoyment. Right Now Its Tequilla Time!!!! Heads will be ...
Firefly does for Science Fiction what Raiders of the Lost Ark did for archeology. Interest, and wonder, and hope... and all this while entertaining us. It brings different folks from all walks together ...
hello to any one who reads this! ok i am not sure about the rules on showing people art work that is not mine but i found a really great Mal Inara drawing on a persons page. i did not make the drawing, ...
Had to get a new computer to go with the scanner. I was using an HP pavillion media center which totally gave up the ghost thursday.Just now got my settings back to where they were this morning. Noticed ...
I Finally finished the thing. My series is up and posted, it's not as good as it goes along but it's so gorram done and I'm so happy!! :biggrin: HAVE A SHINY WEEK FOLKS!!
:biggrin: oh i love weekends!
Actually I did not want to spend an entire day in front of the computer again, so I had planned to do no video editing today. I wanted to go to the local library (yeah, you know, those places where they ...
I hope this works but the address is correct if it dont
Yes, it all started with my dad. My obsession was begun, fueled and fed by him. Come December of 2005, I was shopping for Christmas gifts. I had not yet purchased one for him and knew that Serenity ...
I love PHISHING cause I get ta tell them ta "Piss Off" or "Get Bent" or "Fu#K You" the list is end less ha ha ha Some Times the stupid twit writes back and gives me another chance...(Im havin a ...
Oh man! I just saw the "This is My Sister" Fan Vid (schmacky), and now I'm sobbing, and there's no power in the 'verse that can stop me. :( I am biting my lips in anguish; I shatter completely. I am ...
as a followup to my "who would win a fight, starbuck or jayne?" question, i have to say that all y'all who commented were right. (i am, of course, referring to the new [i]battlestar galactica[/i] and ...
This is my soap box, I just wanted advice/comments from the other firefly women. Here's the thing. I am 22, 23 next month and it's like Firefly/Serenity opened up this emotional well in me. Due ...
Had an especially shiny day today for my day off. Looks like some of my plans are coming to fruition rather nicely and infected a few more people with an obsession of all things Firefly. So if things ...
It was everything a surf carnival should be. The water was clear, the days were hot. Saturday was overcast so we only fried. Today the sun came out and we fried as well as boiled. I burnt my feet ...
I've made a descision to put my strip on hold for a while..This is due to the fact that the way the last few looked were awfull. I think what I have to do is draw it smaller or take them to Kinko's and ...
Heres the link
Im kinda inna pickle here...these peope aint to friendly here and Im havin a hard time findin the man who has my pay...This aint lookin to good for the populace here...I want me money and I want it now!... Ok ...
unlike really obsessed fans I've had a break from watching episodes of Firefly (I have got 2 more boxed sets of Alias to get through yet + about 200 films on dvd that I haven't watched!) but last night ...
Well, that was a long night last night, inlcuding some weed and all the funny talk that comes with that. Mostly on music. Music is a great topic once you are stoned. Well, music is a good topic almost ...
Hubby's birthday halfway through January saved me from ruining Dad's copies of Firefly. But I was still Serenity-less. Last week I went and spent cash I probably shouldn't have and picked it up. Shame ...
I'm beginning to suffer from fierce, self-induced sleep deprivation. :) I find I am spending almost all day here, on the board. Last night I only slept a good 4 hours. Then I got up again, and turned ...
Anonymous ( Sunday, February 05, 2006 - 16:50 Here is a name for your Scow Captian. !!Heqhlu'meh QaQ jajuam!! Do you not think so Captain? I await your Challenge. ------------------------------------------------ Why ...
There are large caliber weapons pointed in your only have 50 sec. before you die...come on people I realy dont wanna kill alla yall...43sec. to go...Maybe I'll just start with the uglyest ...
--Such an innocent diversion, making T-shirts. Better in every way than bumper stickers, except you can't keep your Subaru taped together with a T-shirt. We had a recent rash of silkscreen-making ...
I've decided to do The strip in a more conventional comic book manner..While I love the daily adventure strip..I also love comic books and in fact the self imposed restaints of a newspaper strip were ...
I was recently exposed to the show Firefly and was overjoyed finding it on your channel. After so many years of it being hidden away, the fact that your company has given it new life is greatly appreciated. ...
If you are in Scotland and want to Talk Serenity - call me!
Okay, after spending many days (and especially nights) playing around with the fan vids and screen saver stuff, I finally got back to do some serious writing. Makes me feel better and settles my conscience ...
I really think I want to make this a "Dear diary" item. It's SO me! Let's talk about the Tams. (uh-oh, there he goes again!) Is River real? Or, to put it in another way, am I insane? No, I'm ...
Heya! I've been lurking around the site for about a month. Been converted for a bit longer than that. Figured I finally needed to get myself a login and stuff, so I can stop doing the anonymous message ...
Rather then watch all the episodes at once I decided to restrain myself and watch just one episode a day..that way by the time I get to the bdm it'll seem fresher...Y'know I envy someone who hasn't seen ...
I know for a fact that my father's into Firefly and Serenity. But he never actually watches any of the DVDs we buy him. Although, he actually did watch Firefly when it was first out. That is something ...
Everyone ,but the old woman ,started makin like moles. That hag just stood there wavin that filthy rag at us and cryin...I could see the tears cuttin through the dirt and grime runnin down her wrinkled ...
My band, the Bedlam Bards, was recently named amongst the top ten renfaire bands of 2005, so we'll have one song played on the Renaissance Festival Podcast Special Awards Edition. I of course requested ...
Just needed to gush about some of stuff finally starting to arrive :P Actually, a couple days earlier than I expected. Tricky thing about working nights, actually, is that what I usually do is stay ...
Hey guys, just wanted to ask do you know if there is going to be any firefly related things going on like a convention near ATL? aswers would be appretiated:biggrin:
Posted over at the Chicago Tribune weblog by me: (gotta wait till they approve it for it to show)
How to tell you're a fan? You already have the American released Serenity on DVD... and the day it is released in Australia... You buy the Special Two Disc edition with the limited release Specially ...
the girls in the BDH whores thread are tryin' to convert me to the cult of Mal. nathan fillion is [i]so[/i] cute; "cute" like when i liked boys in high school, you know? they have a picture of him with ...
Made the mistake of walking into Real World Event Discussions today (I kinda replied to a thread, without realizing where it was posted). Let's not do that again. People were so nasty and mean. Not to ...
back up and transmiting. All systems on line..(Internet was down for a while)
Can't get enough of these soundtracks! Both of them really, I listen to the Firefly one mainly, but there's a number of tracks on the Serenity score that really move me, too. (Specifically, the Serenity ...
Yesterday and today I have been totally busy with building a website for my role-playing group in spe. I translated some of the rules to German, created a little forum where we can put the charcter descriptions, ...
This is my first entry and I was curious if there are any others out there in MD? I have a few questions about a costume I am building, etc.
We aint gonna be here all day doin this...Im shoutin to Booger to handle the dock...Lou's gonna bring us in harddockin style..Me an Booger go in grab the Money if theres any left there ...Maybe try ...
no matter how much the bdh whores try to convert me to the cult of Mal, i'm not givin' up my space in jayne's bunk! i fought long and hard for that space, battling my friendly jayne-philes in this corner ...
Some of us are making a fan film, well a fan series actually along the lines of Star Trek: New Voyages. It’s the story of six very different people thrown together on a battered old mid-bulk transport ... I've already made it obvious that I've hooked my roommate's ten year old son on to all things Firefly, but I have to share this. He was doing his homework earlier and (having already explained ...
I just posted my first firefly fan fic. It makes me nervous. Doing the Serenity Tarot cards was fun because I've never worked with photoshop before and it was just sort of relaxing, but writing is completely ...
hey all, I am a short time fan (only got on board mid september)but full time Alliance/Fox foe. have been reading the board for a few months now so decided it was time to say hey, so Hey! Have one question ...
To celebrate the arrival of my Serenity DVD in today's post (YAY! WOO HOO! :biggrin:) I've put up a new image in the Blue Sun Room. Predictably enough, I've gone back to my favourite subject (i.e. ...
Hey Friends~ I am overwhelmed by the number of Browncoats reading my stories. Thank you all. I really enjoyed writing this set and would like to embark on another erotica plotline but I am stuck. ...
This week, I have mostly been: i) sitting at my keyboard, trying to structure and write the last few chapters of New Prospects ii) slumped asleep on the keyboard, dreaming about same iii) at work - ...
I hope I've proven a point with my lastest few chapters of How I Soar - and that point is, sometimes I know what I'm doing! Sometimes. For the most part I have to admit... HIS has no defined end point ...
Okay, I wrote a small poem. I felt inspired, seeing a very touching piece of art here: a still of the River Tam sessions, with a beautiful, child-like poem on it. Mine is a bit childish, too. But I like ...
There were so many things I wanted to get done today (I definitly need to do a huge pile of dishes and wash some clothes tomorrow, I am running low on clean cups as well as underwear and my apartment ...
have fun satuday FEBUary 11 2006 about 2pm my time is dead line for voting. Heres the Link:
Thank your higher power that I finally have something I'm actually interested in to occupy my time during the worst class in the history of higher education. Firefly is just so much ...
But I am new to this particular spot in the verse. Read some mighty well done stories, and appreciate thoe who took the time to write them and write them well. Thanks is all im saying :) And kep up the ...
Picked up nametags for the Shindig Saturday night at the Bryn Mawr theater. Acme didn't have them but Office Depot did. I even picked up ones with gold trim that almost look brown. :) I found a guy ...
Driving around town today, which is probably a bad idea what with the snow and black ice and all. And of course, my mind turns to Firefly. Actually, it happens alot in my car, 'cause it's a little bit ...
Ok... so I went home a while ago and not wanting to be parted with Firefly for more than 24hours I decided to take all the disks home for the weekend. All was fine, shiny even, and then horror of horrors ...
I did watch War Stories with the audio commentary on today. Oh what fun! Alan and Nathan just do a wonderful job on it together. But still, it was not a new episode. There are no new episodes. I keep ...
Oh, Fox. I love and hate you. On one hand, if it were not for you I would have never known this show. On the other hand, you axed it. So thanks an all, but damn you. No, I am not talking about Firefly. ...
heres the link:
Dear diary, Today I was pompous and crazy. Today I made a person cower, never to be seen again. It was the worst day ever. :( Fell in with the "wrong" crowd there for a spell, arguing, yeah, spelling... ...
What are the "Suits" thinking, just look at the DVD sales, they've got a sure profit if they'd just bring back the show in some format... Must have their collective heads elsewhere, although I won't ...
Never done one of these before but I’ll give it a shot. I’ve been up to my ears in the English language lately, between working of Fairies the next part of Incubus and my book. So anyway Fairies ...
Well actually I think I might have reached the middle but that's not the point. All I know is that it's driving me crazy. The worst part about it is that there is nothing I can do about it. I am craving ...
What yall have chosen to name my ship... Drum roll please... BUDDHA's PLASTIC ROCKET Fanfair.Now Multicolored baloons go up... I'd like to thank each of you who participated in this election.Just ...
Just letting everyone know that the dive from clausen's pier with sean maher is coming on 9pm est time on lifetime!! Tune in!
Got a whole boatload of requests asking to buy my art.. and while I'm flattered, I don't know if I can..leagly anyway..without getting into a whole copyright infringement thing. I suppose I could trade ...
I just had to express my excitement about this because it's 11:30 and there is no one else who understands around... Today, I had another friend watch Firefly...which she said she liked...but we'll ...
Does any one every wonder why there is never any shadow from the front/nose section of the ship when the crew walk out of the cargo doors/ramp? I always wondered that. Sometimes the angle of the sun ...
So, in listening to the fireflytalk podcast, I thought it would be interesting experiment to listen to the episodes. Some scenes I've seen so many times I can tell you how the person's head is positioned ...
Thanks for all the input everyone..It seems the general consensus is ............ok. I'm leaning toward the limited signed print route....that guarantees that what you all see is what you get..I was ...
People really are sick! Always talking about River in a bad way. :( Very upsetting. Gorammit, I wish they would show her some respect! No, this is not a very literate entry; but guess what? I'm not in ...
Why have I become so Obsessed? I hate it when I love something...
i had this wicked dream last night... i can't tell you what it was. my dreams are always so involved, with plotlines and so on, character development and everything. most of the time they're crazy, post-apocalyptic ...
Well, the Bryn Mawr show had to be missed. I did all that work to promote it and sent out a bunch of e-mails (which for Ben's sake I hope it worked!), and *I* was the one who couldn't go! Hubby was ...
the fed from the first episode... he's on desperate housewives right now. playing a gay guy marrying one of the girls so the girl can get health insurance for getting 'wandering spleen ' looked at. gaw ...
I'm in the very beginnings of a move from Iowa to the Bay area (I'm hoping to get an apartment in the Bay area, in Pacifica: close to the ocean). I am not looking forward to selling the stuff I can't ...
My family and I celebrated V-day a little bit early, partly because we won't be together on Tuesday and partly because none of us have a decent place to hide the chocolate, lol. Since none of the men ...
its not very easy......but if you have read them at all oyu need to see this .LOOK AT ETHAN'S SHIRT!!!!! i really hope html works on these things lol [img]
the X-files used to be my fav series till Firefly came along. I always used to try and spot X-files characters in anything I watched - now I do it with Firefly characters. has anyone spotted any crossovers? ...
Thanks to technology every drawing every vid cap every scanned sketch.. gone. Blame it on the new computer..or the fact that My backs ups weren't up to date...but I turned the new computer on this morning ...
I'm so excited, my 2 disc special edition was dispatched today! Will be on my doorstep sometime in the next 7 days. This is gonna be a loooong 7 days...
It got to be my job there for awhile. Pouring very fresh wine and handing the cup to a new Browncoat who had ventured into this vine 'verse of ours. It tapered off in recent months - mainly because I've ...
*COUNTDOWN: 14 DAYS TO SERENITY DVD* So that's my first fanfic completed, and it seems to have gone down well. It's a new experience to be able to write 'THE END' on one of my stories! I left a few ...
So far ive purchased the following Firefly series dvd region1 Serenity widescreen dvd region1 Serenity australian dvd limited tin 2 disc set Serenity The Official Visual Companion Serenity Trade ...
I've been offline for a while now. Gotta say I've missed y'all. I've also not written a thing since Thanksgiving! No excuses, no reason, just haven't been on the computer. Maybe it's been winter blahs ...
Just finished my fifth Firefly/Serenity music video. This one's a look at all of the relationships from Shepherd Book's perspective, set to Depeche Mode's Personal Jesus. I tried to use everything ...
hm ... I am beginning to understand what some of my friends have tried to tell me years ago. This whole Buffy/Angel thing ... I have watched all 22 eps of the first Angel season now and I enjoyed them ...
:biggrin: I just finished up my first session of Serenity the RPG last night. I blew some stuff up, and punched a shepard....not bad for a days work hehe. I might just have to write a story about my character. ...
There's a high school directory online called where you can join and see other people from nearby high schools. I'm from The Bronx High School of Science (NY), and I created a group called ...
I was talking with one of my film profs about STAR WARS and George Lucas and all that, and it got me to thinking about fandom in general and what I like and don't like about it. I enjoy being a geek. ...
here's the question. if firefly / serenity as we know it never returns how open would ya'll be to a new show set in the same verse but with totally different characters? a few examples: - a series ...
Ok, look alive you male Browncoats! Tis V-day! Time to remind the women-folk of our lives that we care. There are daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, nieces, favorites aunts and close female friends, ...
A wise person once said: "If you want to have a friend, be a friend." Tried that today. Only thing is, my FireFly friends are not in; doing their Valentine's Day thingy, I guess. And I should be happy ...
So hey, just for V-Day, started a new little series:smile:Hope you guys like it and thanks to all the readers! It's a continuation of my series First through Gift Horse. Unfortunately it got bumped ...
This is going to be a rather long and personal log entry. I just have to get some things out of my system. You are really welcome to read (and comment, of course), but don't say I did not warn you :wink: Do ...
(There be spoilers, I'm sure) Finally got the trade paperback in the mail the other day, and of course I wasted no time in totally devouring it in one sitting. First off, I do have a small little ...
Hmm... I'm pretty depressed today - prolly cos I had to get up early [AGAIN] to go to work...:banghead: Don't get me wrong the money is good and I like what I do - it's just I'm in a mooooooooooooooood... ...
I was watching the deleted scenes on my Serenity DVD and, while in intense Adam-focus mode (wherein I watch only him during a scene) I noticed something. When Jayne hands Book the cigars, he snatches ...
I'm a happy Browncoat. I finally got Followmal and Malnourished to download YIM and chat with me. *hint hint* SURE WOULD BE NICE IF OTHERS DID THE SAME. ---- I am frustrated. I've only been ...
I'm stuck, stuck, stuck and frustrated. Where is "Thinking things through" going? Only Buddha knows. 'cause I don't. I think I've written one too many reports in RL and fried my brain. Unusually ...
I got a mini Jayne for V-day! :)
I'm an idiot!! I totally deleted my next installment of my new little series, so there is a repost!!! It's really early in the morning here!! Thanks to all those who read it!:) I f you want comment ...
Wow, thank you all who commented on my log entry yesterday. I am really feeling a lot better today, actually, I started feeling better last night already. Funny what two bottles of beer and four episodes ...
You should not be allowed to have kids if you can't operate a pregnancy test. I can't believe I screwed up "pee on a stick.":stupid: ETA: Yes, we're trying to get pregnant. And I'm just a ...
This is for all the newbies to fanfic out there. I'm not going to go into a big long history of slash fanfiction and why it's called slash. If you want to know that, you can find it lots of places on ...
Where can I find an image to put on a tshirt? Any from Firefly or Serenity. I want to make my own tshirt. Thanks!
So I have 10 more minutes before I start work (officially) - make that 9 minutes... Anyways I was sitting here thinking how great I smell (I have a brand spankin' new perfume - j'adore... v. nice!) and ...
As of today, the Bedlam Bards' newest album, On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity, is available online at
So here I am at work and wonders of all wonders there's nothing to do. And now here's a question. Does anyone else get so excited when they talk to people about firefly or serenity that they gesture all ...
Okay! So, I'm new here! Not to being a Browncoat, but to this site. I'm just running around and trying out things, so just felt like announcing my! Hahaha. Yay for Firefly and Serenity! ...
When I first heard of Serenity (I only saw FireFly afterwards), I saw this poster that went along with it:
Ok...not FF related but I don't care. Bones was awesome tonight! The last five minutes just ... WOW WOW WOW!!! Massive kudos to DB. That man can really act!....did I mention WOW
[b][u]The Fundamental Three[/u][/b] Customization... Exploration... Creation... These are a few of the aspects of life for which a “Gamer” lives. A game can never have too many choices, never be too ...
Now that I think about it, not really that big - I just thought I'd grab your attention 0:) [b] Oh you LOVE it! [/b] I have decided to give out my hotmail address as I have msn *GASPS* I know, I know... ...
Hiya it's me again second time today cause now I'm home and just waiting for my phone to ring. Why oh why am I such a slave to the pay check? Seriously can anyone tell me? Well I can. Cause cashey money ...
Yay for me!!! It has now been 3 months since I joined this site!!!!! Sad thing is tho, I have only just started using the blogs and actually talking to people (don't worry I've banned myself from eating ...
As you may have heard, SoulOfSerenity & I are attempting to write a new Fic together. As the movie changed the whole History of the 'Verse, we are starting fresh. So forget all that has come before, and ...
I woke up thinking about Kaylee this morning. I woke up at 6:45 am for no reason. I should have been wondering why in the sphincter of hell am I awake this early but no I was all glowey thinking about ...
Ok, I need help. Erlier today I was trying to play firefly disc 2 on my laptop. It's worked every other time and the other discs still work, but when i try to play disc 2 it says taht the disc is is not ...
First, ReBirth - Soul - 2 is up, finally. Okay, posting it 8 times, however, was not my fault. I feel really bad for burying other peoples stuff, so I'm writing this blog to apoligize. I've e-mailed ...
Well, I told people to get 'em while they're hot. And apparently they did, cuz they sold out in minutes. The good news is that more stock has already been shipped to CDBaby, and ordering will resume ...
Well... Good Morning!!! It is 8:30am & I have half an hour till I start work and I thought I should let you know that today will be my last day on the site for about a week - I know!!! It's ok, really ...
This was a really dumb question.
What would have happened if FOX had not cancelled the show so early? I mean, yeah, we would have all got more eps to see (something I really would have loved), we probably would not have seen teh BDM. ...
I'm still a bit shy so I am posting this here on my blog. Originally posted on wotmania. This has been stewing in my brain for days. Much has been made by fans, writers, cast and crew about ...
The good news: it's and unusually warm Febuary in New Hampshire. The bad news: it's and unusually warm Febuary in New Hampshire. We can all look forward to having our maple syrup early from Vermont, ...
Still workong on it and I'll post 'em as soon as they're presentable..I'm trying something different as to the look...I think I'll do several pages and take the whole shebang to Kinkos reduce 'em and ...
So I was procrastinating and realized that not only have I never fly-logged on this account, I haven't written about a peculiar bit of tv programming I recently came across. I was flipping though the ...
OK as everyone who talks to me or reads my blog should know by now I'm shifting to Vancouver- from Australia- to be with my sweetheart. Well I have been toying with the idea of going over to study- ...
Andreas Katsulas died just recently and he will be missed by everyone. I loved his character on B5 and of course the Fugitive.
Yes, that's right. Mercedes Lackey, the creator of the Valdemar books is a Firefly fan! My favorite author (Anne McCaffrey comes a very close second) is a fan of Firefly. What an awesome writer with ...
Starting silk screening a new shirt today... this one is "Canadian Browncoat" themed... three colour application... basic design is the silouette of Serenity, with the Independent's flag filling in the ...
Got my Serenity Visual Companion last nihgt. flipped through it for about 30 seconds, looks pretty cool. Still waiting for my Australian DVD Tin to arrive.
So today begins my very sad countdown. I am moving in eight days...and alas there will be no internet to the far recesses of the planet where I am going....grandmother's house. I have resigned myself ...
PSHT. Dear Buddha. Please bring me a pony and a plastic rocket and... Nathan Fillion on a platter in bondage clothes?? O_o Whee. Sorry about the huge delay with my fan fics and what ...
To offer all and any assistance needed to any other fellow Firefly lovers. I found out about the show after it was cancelled. Fox did such a crappy job of getting the word out :disappointed: I discovered ...
yay! firefly. i can't believe how many people found out about this show after it got cancelled. honestly, fox did an AWFUL job of promoting this show. then again..they do a pretty awful job with most ...
Tomorrow is letter day. I got rid of my little Jedi and am just stuck with the mini-munchkin. I've promised myself that I will handwrite four letters tomorrow before my uberbusy week next week starts. ...
Finally got a weekend off and it's like 5 below outside..Good day to get my computer back to life..Maybe watch some firefly.. Got hooked on "Lost" recently (that show's like Lays you can't watch just ...
COUNTDOWN: 9 DAYS TO SERENITY R2 DVD LAUNCH Woop! :biggrin: Thought I'd share my joy with the world, as I've just placed a double order for the 2-disc R2&4 version of Serenity. I spotted a post on ...
Much like love, creativity seems to be fickle mistress. You just never know when something's gonna come out of the blue and smack you upside the head with a pointy stick. Generally tends to be when you're ...
And I've begun maybe to make a few friends. :kiss: Seem to have made an enemy as well. :disappointed: I supose it evens out. I'm not quite sure exactly when I :censored: in his cornflakes but we seem ...
I found another player for the role playing group. I don't even really know the guy, I think we met once on a Mensarian meeting. But since then he is kind of tuned in on my website and now read that I ...
Well, After watching all of Firefly on DVD i wrote my new Ongoing Fan Fict for Firefly entitled Firefly: Continued Serenity! I guess you could say Continued Serenity is how i would continue the Firefly ...
Yay! Chapter three is up. I'm kind of impressed with myself, posting two days in a row. The writing is going faster than I anticipated (*knocks on wood*). Before I post any more, there are a few things ...
I was out checking out my local bookstores, and guess what I found? HotTopic is selling Serenity tshirts in their stores. Thank you to everyone for the welcome aboard :smile:
I wasn't going to use this feature because I already have a blog that I write in fairly regularly at another site. However, I can't say this in my other blog. I'm home. This last year has been hell. ...
So, I really only heard of Firefly in 2005. I am a new fan. I am really, really envious of long term browncoats who got to ride the excitement wave. Because this is depressing. I just read Joss's ...
A friend of mine sent me this email through the site that is selling my band's Firefly-tribute CD: "Thank you for making this album. Since you converted me to the browncoats Cedric, I went on to ...
Earlier today, sometime around noon, an odd feeling started creeping its way into my gut. I‘d been cleaning my bedroom, at the time, and was able to make use of my amygdala (mine happens to be intact) ...
I'm new here. Still feeling my way around the site. Be patient with me!!
Well it's sunday morning and I just got done reading everyons comments on my stuff...shiny. You all esp. liked the "My ride" too..Tell you what, I ever win the lottery, I swear I'm gonna ...
[b]COUNTDOWN: 8 DAYS TO SERENITY R2 DVD LAUNCH[/b] Where have all the ideas gone? I've been brainstorming my second fanfic for a week now, but I'm still not certain where it's going. I feel short ...
It was unusually cold yesterday so I was getting good reception on the UPN network. Low and behold "Roseanne" was on and I got to wondering if Joss had done some writing on that particular episode. ...
Okay, I've seen lot's of stuff on here about people being in love (or at least lust) with the verious actors from Firefly but I have a confession to make. Here goes. I am in love with Captain Malcolm ...
Ok so at the same time as my friends around the world are getting verse-shattering news to despair over I'm getting the best news of my LIFE. Hence the title of my blog but I'm focussing on the good- ...
So it is Sunday night and I have to be out by Saturday...however, it looks highly likely that I will be moving to Charleston, SC two weeks from now. So....calling all Browncoats in that area....lemme ...
I read a really disturbing blog.. All I can say to him is "it's just lines on paper". I might be good at capturing a certain likeness but that doesn't make me a better "artist" than anyone ...
I've had a bad day today...... I just started feeling well enough to go back to work today after having chest infection (I'm asthmatic - it hits me hard)..... I got to the school where I've been ...
I currently have Firefly playing in the lobby where I work. Not exactly the "type" of people who are usually fans... but I might catch a couple. Every little bit.
I post my story here and over at the live journal and I have to say, I like this one better. Over at the live journal I have no way of knowing how many people have read my fic unless they give feedback. ...
For those of you who know what I am talking about, and still care to see more SP comics… (If you have no clue what I am talking about go here:
Major video rental chain store never ceases to amaze me with their utter incapability to stock things I wish to see. I'm not sure why I even bother going in anymore. Well that's not true I go there because ...
I was re-watching Serenity for the 5,000th time and was struck with something curious. Y'know that guy on Lilac, the one who said something to the effect of, "Y'all are Browncoats, eh?" Well, being hyped ...
The other day I got severely bent out of shape over feeling inferior to another artist. And I got to think today that getting out of whack over that was really rather strange. Leaving the pernicious road ...
Yeah, I got a new job, see. It seems to take up alot of my time. So I have less time in the evenings than I'd like to cram things in, and, somehow, less time at the weekends too. No idea how that works. This ...
No, I am not in a morbid mood today :wink: I just finished a new fanvid (I will post the link as soon as Illuminix uploads it to his server) and it uses only material from "Out of Gas", so I did a lot ...
Just got in from work and read everyones' comments on my stuff ...Man, after a hard day of work dealing with nothing but complaints it's shiny to be complimented on something.. Gonna bask awhile 'till ...
Gah! This thing is taking over my life. Seriously. So, I've had a bit of a writer's block when it came to this series (I know what happens once Serenity gets there, but it's actually getting to ...
Serenity - What’s in a Name? By WHR,III When Captain Malcolm Reynolds named his Firefly Class ship “Serenity” he strayed from over 800 years of naval tradition. This departure from the conventional ...
It just amazes me every time I watch any Joss stuff how beautifully simple and poinant it is. I was just rewatching season 2 of Angel for the fifth time and this hit me in the right spot. Lorne: Now, ...
I've been lurking for a couple of weeks, but thought I'd finally make myself know. I've been a Firefly fan since the beginning. I missed several episodes because of real life things, but was hooked by ...
I'm considering offering a prize--maybe a free On the Drift tee-shirt once their done--for the person who creates the best fanvid to a song from On the Drift. I wonder if anyone would be interested.
A bit off topic, but I have to say this. My first novel is now available to download for free at
A girl in my Interpersonal Communications course mis-spoke(sp), she ment to say Twix, but instead said, Twix't, it reminded me so much of Kaylee I burst out laughing in the middle of the lecture!
I had a three day weekend that I thought would be a time of much progress on the Fish Job sequel, but nada! What with the olympics and visiting friends and home demolition (weee!) and many other distractions ...
Okay, the new vid is online. You can find it on my homepage:
Sometimes I forget that emotions don't come across very well in writing. There's been a few times on here where people have actually thought I was upset when I was merely commenting on something or joking ...
Well, here we are. I find myself a mere three stories away from finishing my insane little scheme of doing nine short, singular character studies of the BDHs. As of now, this project has topped out ...
...on Stargate Atlatis... I'm behind the times, only on episode 6 of season two, but there she was, playin' a wraith female... at first look I thought, there's no way I would've picked her out without ...
The computer isn't working right (it's very slow), I can't find my hmework for tomorrow and I have to find somewhere to find sheet music. It's not as easy as you might think and, to top it all off, I'm ...
Well..I just did my first non-computer painting in over twenty years..I'm not completely comfortable with color mediums..yet..I've colored some of my ink drawing..but that was pretty much like a coloring ...
I was passing Hot Topic at the mall the other day when something caught my eye: Serenity gear!!! They have 2 t-shirts: A Serenity logo on black and a brown tee with "Browncoat" across the chest!!! My ...
Wow, Chris Bridges is one darn clever dude. First he writes really great articles and columns about Serenifly at his newspaper job, and then he builds a website documenting all the shiny stuff that Browncoats ...
Never done a blog entry. Don't know what to make of them. Guess I will figure as I go. :smile: Having found the Browncoats I am amazed at the variety of them. Not what I would ever call consistant. ...
I liked this book, it gave me alot of info on characters, or rather the tools to gain the info. I think though only 'hard core' firefly fans, as my brother called it, will really like this book. But all ...
As in super-duper. Actually, that's not a very good name, at all. Uh...Operation:...hell, screw it, I'm no good at this. If you have a good Operation name for going right over the :censored: heads of ...
Just letting ya guys know about this really cool movie I'm currently watching. I know this isn't about firefly or serenity it's just a really funny musical/zombie movie. The title is Dead and Breakfast. ...
When is someone officially considered a Firefly fan? How much must someone love Firefly before they can call themselves a fan, or a Browncoat? A. Interest: You’ve started watching the series. You ...
I'm not going to get into the gory details here, but my life hasn't exactly been going super lately. Just figured out that I've wasted an academic year, so no graduate school next year for me. Don't ...
Actually, I think Tricia Helfer is #6. (Why are women named after numbers so sexy?) No, really, though, an album of music inspired by Firefly and Serenity just hit #6 on the CDBaby charts. Check it ...
Ah, yes. Today I go back to work at the rodeo. Boots, jeans, and way too many hats. Funny, I used to like cowboy hats, but now I look at the people wearing them kinda sideways. Of course it doesn't ...
Tired. No sleep last night. Head's fuzzy. Time to sleep and dream of Mal. (it took me 5 min. to type this properly) (thud) zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Ok as everyone in the verse now knows things are looking up a bit for me. But just because everything's shiny now doesn't mean that I am going to forget everyone's kindness of the last few months. I ...
Hi All, This will likely be of no interest to anyone but myself but with the latest chapter my ongoing FanFic story arc that started with [i]Death or Glory[/i], continued with [i]Wolfpack[/i] then ...
That's it. I've done it. No more whinging, no more moping. I'm gonna do something about it. If Joss could film a few minutes of something and get a movie advertised and doing as well as it is, ...
I recently realized that for a browncoat, I am very strange. My first experience with firefly was when it was on tv for the first time. I would sit down and watch it while doing my homework, at least ...
So, after supper my 18 year old son picks up my box set of Firefly and looks at it for a bit before we have this conversation (or something like it): Me: "What's up?" Him: "I don't know. Um. How long ...
I don't know if any of y'all's scanner does this but for no apparent reason that I can discern the blasted thing will attempt to straighten perfectly straight drawings..randomly sharpen or blur parts ...
Ok I’ve noticed three firefly related things at Aldi’s Stores (you know those discount supermarkets where you need to use a quarter to get a shopping cart). 1st [i]Ariel[/i] Cooking Spray. I’ve used ...
For those that don't know (yes, I know there's a lot of you, and I haven't exactly been around much) Someone says something to me, and propiety dictates that I don't say what I'm thinking. I just save ...
If you hadn't realized it yet, the nominations for this year's Strawberries are closed. What happens now (in case you haven't visited the website): The nominations are now before our panel of judges ...
COUNTDOWN: 3 DAYS TO SERENITY R2 DVD It's here! :biggrin: And yet, it's not. :crap: On a recommendation, I ordered a Region 2&4 edition of Serenity from cd-wow and it finally arrived yesterday. ...
I don't often get into this blogging stuff. I'm not very good at it and I usually look back and think I'm whinging. And we all know that accomplishes nothing. But I thought perhaps if I poured myself ...
Well, I am going offline until Monday. Yeah. I really need to get my own computer and access to the internet at home. I don't know how I will manage without this place until then. At least the rodeo ...
So, I'm off to my Granny's tomorrow and then mid-week I'll be on to it's been a wonderful time here with all you bc's....A & guys know you rock! Keep up all the wonderful work ...
If some of my favorite westerns were made into Firefly episodes how would they play out? Here are a few examples… # 1. Jeremiah Johnson I have added a fictionalized scene from this episode below. Original ...
Since Cedric from the Bedlam Bards asked if anyone would like to make a song vid for one of their Firefly related songs a few days ago: Here it comes. It is a tribute to our hero and mighty creator ...
Okay, so the past few weeks have seen some interesting news about possible returns of Firefly. Sure, they've been debunked, and the Whedon has posted and said that the rumours are untrue... But I go for ...
I'm new here, but not new to FireFly. Love it. I also love making digital images... If you have a request, as long as it can be done with existing photos, just ask and I'll do. My only request is ...
Adieu, adios, au have all been wonderful..and I think you're the shinyest lot of fans ever! Have tons of shiny endeavors and until I see y'all again. Paige
Okay so I've been reading a story called Bed and Wine by Kaynara, and if any of you are Mal/Inara shippers then this is a good story. It's not just about them though, and it's definetly not just romance. ...
Wow folks it's been an up and down, rough and tumble couple of months and finally it's all starting to take it's toll. A few things have happened: I found out that going to school over there will cost ...
The other day I posted about seeing a small girl dancing, reflected in River's helmet, in that space scene in Bushwhacked, where she's gazing at the stars. Got some... unexpected reactions. Someone ...
Well, fellow fans, it's has been a real tough day..My job requires me to be on call every third weekend..and this was about problems..I've had some of everything today. From installing waterheaters ...
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity has hit #3 on the CDBaby charts! Check it out:
So, I've finally written more Passenger. Does anyone even remember it? I'll try not to let so much time pass between this part and the next. I just was very, very blocked for awhile.
First off I'd like to thank everybody for their kind comments and advice. After a bit of hemming and hawwing I did decide to sign up for the Netflix. I signed up for the 1 disc at a time cheapo option ...
Yes folks, tomorrow is the 27th of February and all you UK browncoats know what that means... SERENITY IS RELEASED ON REGION 2 DVD! Having patiently waited so much longer than everyone else in the ...
Sorry, just had to let out a virtual scream. Pf is being a b:censored: right now. Can't seem to get my rdr rules to jive just so. And no errors to speak of to get any debugging info at all. Anyway, ...
A friend of mine just bought me the Serenity soundtrack. I almost kissed him. Shhh...he doesn't know that. I love music. I love FF/Serenity. Now I can combine two of my obsessions. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! ... ... This ...
Okay, so this is driving me a little crazy. What is that tattoo that Nathan Fillion has? On FF it just looks like a black blob. I saw a picture of it from when he was on another show, but the picture ...
Still waiting for my Serenity TPB from they are still claiming it's not published and won't be until March 31st!! in the future I'll just buy directly from the source. I did mail Dark Horse ...
Yesterday I blogged about choosing to see the beauty of things. I have since had several reactions to it, in private. One, of a friend of mine, was both very beautiful and, in a way, very sad. Beautiful, ...
Life has been the lowest level of suck-tastic for me for the past few months. There are a few errant rays of sun breaking through the black clouds, but not many. I've been absent because it's not ...
Well, I have officially fallen. Walking around the rodeo gounds singing "The Hero of Canton" certainly did not gain me any new boyfriends. But it did have people questioning my sobriety (and I was stone ...
I admit it. I lost it today. The frustration of the worlds longest job search got to me when Dice decided that my job search would be satisfied by a "Fire Protection Engineering" position. So, I responded ...
Going to update the list from time to time in here. So take a look and try to do at least one or more items on this list: In addition to the list here
So the time has finally dawned when I could reach out and grasp the greatest DVD ever in my mortal hands or blue. My excitement was immense this morning as I awoke and immediately thought 'Serenity' ...
[b][u]Hey everyone!!![/u][/b] Nice to see all the happy smiles again!!! My trip to Brisbane was as good as it could of been although I'm now suffering from some sort of sickness and I have no ide ...
Hey... Just wanted to say how much I love this site so far.. Have only been a member for a few days but have met so many nice friends. I love FF and Serenity and I wish we all had new episodes to ...
I'm so sorry I didn't mean to offend anyone. I accidentaly pressed the update button when I was dragged away from my computer to go buy stuff and spend "quality" time. I loved Don Knotts and thought he ...
Couple things about me you should know, I'm "Girly" in name only, and it's such a funny name. Also I'm from Detroit, not to be confused with "Girlyhell", that is a special place for my online opponents. ...
Hey all, finally gotten around to writing something. Today seemed a good a day as any, had a crippling hangover for most of the day, I find I just don't bounce back like I used to, kinda sucks. Try to ...
Don't you just love it when you're working on the plot of a story, and you're having trouble solving a couple plot holes or getting your favorite "visualized" moments in the story, but then... You ...
Thanks so much FollowMal for my new coat... It looks wonderful... :biggrin: I so appreciate the great welcoming committee.. Thank you so much and I hope to see you all here ever day.
Howdy. If there is anyone here from Leeds or the West Yorkshire area who would like to attend a monthly Shindig at a pub in Leeds (will be negotioted later) please send me a wave. It will be a casual ...
On the Drift: Music Inspired by Firefly and Serenity by the Bedlam Bards is currently at # 3 on the CDBaby charts, behind some soul singers and an album of "heavy-edge dark guitar pop," whatever that ...
All right. So I kinda finished my little baby fic with Simon and Kaylee but I do want to write more. I don't mind going back and writing in the past or going forward much later but I thought it would ...
I realized when I started my new job at a daycare that I have really matured and becoming a usefull young adult with a mind that thinks before it acts. It scared me at first how all the children were ...
Now I just want to start off, more for myself than for anyone reading this that I've never really been head o'er heels for something. People yes, certain foods (Banana shakes pop into mind), but never ...
Omigawd!! I was just checkiong the homepage of on of my favorite authors, Merecedes Lackey, and guess what I say! The first thing on the page is a huge fan add for Firefly/Serenity! Turns out she's ...
British people LOVE Serenity!!! Yea!!!! :wink: I just checked Serenity's ranking on the DVD hot 100 on - It's no 1!!!!! OK, yeah, it was only just released here on Monday, but ...
I just read the "Dead or Alive" script. Maybe I shouldn't have. :( Look what River sings, at the fair: "And the beautiful princess every night prayed for her handsome prince... ... to fight ...
As most of my friends will tell you, I am the Couch-Potato Incarnate. My life revolves around movies, television, and books...especially the television shows I love, some more than others. The "some" ...
Has anyone else seen Nathan in this months Premiere magazine? I know some other helpful browncoaty person gave me a heads up. The article was a really nice little blurb, but I was so dissapointed by ...
watching 24 i chuckled when one of the ctu people used a fake name to get a sevretary out of the way... she said she was jane espinson. "my husband was like who is that" i was like "a writer on ff!" usually ...
She made me do it. I promised her fanfic. Now I've gone and done it. It's begun. That deadly cycle of writing, being a slave to the typed word. Curse you and your wily ways woman! Curse you! ...
Let me just start off with... DAMN HICK UPS!!! I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!!! *ahem... Now that I have the outta my system - any suggestions on how to get rid of them? I've been holding my breath ...